以下为本人翻译并组织, 奉两点暨望楼主珍重:
1. 所有的前苏联/俄罗斯武器装备拥有两套通用名称,分别由前苏联/俄罗斯官方和北约所命名。每一套里包含一个数字字母混合编号(暂且称之为序列号)和一个代号,前苏联/俄罗斯方面的代号没有问题,由于本人对前苏联的武器装备的命名方式颇感生疏,不敢胡说,有失全面,请见谅。
K-5 (前苏联官方命名的序列号)
“加里宁格勒” (前苏联官方的俗称)
2. 以下的中文代号中有一小部分我并不熟悉,没有中文资料作为前期参考,在前面已用“#”标出,请慎重参考..其余的部分,由于本人拥军已有将近10年的时间,并且自以为对前苏联的武器有较为客观兼系统的认识,楼主可以大胆地作为准确的资料。
AA-1 碱 (K-5)
长度: 2500 mm (8 ft 2 in)。
翼展: 654 mm (2 ft 2 in)。
半径: 200 mm (7⅞ in)。
发射空重: 82.7 kg (183.3 lb)。
速度: 800 m/s (2,880 km/h, 1,790 mph)。
射程: 2-6 km (1.25-3.33 mi)。
导引雷达: beam riding (激光驾束)
弹头炸药量: 13.0 kg (28.7 lb)。
AA-2 环礁 (K-13)
长度: (R-13M) 2830 mm (9 ft 3.4 in); (R-3R) 3420 mm (11 ft 5 in)。
翼展: 530 mm (21 in)。
半径: 127 mm (5 in)。
发射空重: (R-13M) 75 kg (166 lb); (R-3R) 93 kg (205 lb)。
速度: Mach 2.5
射程: 8 km (5 mi)。
导引雷达: (R-13M) infrared homing (红外定位); (R-3R) SARH。
弹头炸药量: 11.3 kg (24.9 lb) blast-fragmentation with proximity fuze. (近距离爆炸引信+碎片)
#AA-3 Anab (K-8)。
长度: (R-98MT) 4 m (13 ft 1 in); (R-98MR) 4.27 m (14 ft)。
翼展: 1300 mm (4 ft 3 in)。
半径: 280 mm (11 in)。
发射空重: (R-98MT) 272 kg (600 lb); (R-98MR) 292 kg (642 lb)。
速度: Mach 2
射程: 23 km (14.4 mi)。
导引雷达: (R-98MT) infrared homing; (R-98MR) semi-active radar homing(半主动雷达导引)
弹头炸药量: 40 kg (88 lb) blast fragmentation。
AA-4 改锥 (Raduga K-9)。
AA-5 灰烬 (Raduga K-80)。
长度: (R-4T) 5.2 m (17 ft 1 in); (R-4R) 5.45 m ( ft in)。
翼展: 1300 mm (4 ft 3 in)。
半径: 310 mm (12.2 in)。
发射空重: (R-4T) 480 kg ( lb); (R-4R) 492.5 kg ( lb)。
速度: Mach 1.6
射程: (R-4T) 2-15 km (9.35 mi); (R-4R) 2-25 km。
导引雷达: (R-4T) infrared homing; (R-4R) semi-active radar homing。
弹头炸药量: 53 kg ( lb) high explosive。
#AA-6 辛 (Kaliningrad K-40)。
长度: (R-40TD) 5.98 m (19 ft 7.5 in); (R-40RD) 6.22 m (20 ft 5 in)。
翼展: 1450 mm (4 ft 9 in)。
半径: 310 mm (12.2 in)。
发射空重: (R-40TD) 450 kg (990 lb); (R-40RD) 461 kg (1,015 lb)。
速度: Mach 4.5
射程: 30 km (19 mi); 60 km (37 mi)。
导引雷达: (R-40TD) infrared homing; (R-40RD) semi-active radar homing。
弹头TNT当重: 70 kg (154 lb) blast fragmentation。
AA-7 顶点 (Kaliningrad K-23)。
长度: (R-23R, R-24R) 4.5 m (14 ft 9 in); (R-23T, R-24T) 4.2 m (13 ft 9 in)。
翼展: 1 m (3 ft 5 in)。
半径: 223 mm (8.8 in)。
发射空重: (R-23R, R-24R) 222 kg (489 lb), 243 kg (536 lb); (R-23T, R-24T) 215 kg (474 lb), 235 kg (518 lb)。
速度: Mach 3
射程: (R-23R) 35 km (22 mi); (R-24R) 50 km (31 mi); (R-23T, R-24T) 15 km (9.4 mi)。
导引雷达: (R-23R, R-24R) SARH; (R-23T, R-24T), infrared-homing。
弹头炸药量: 25 kg
AA-8 (Kaliningrad K-60)。
质量: 43.5 kg (96 lb)。
长度: 2090 mm (6 ft 10 in)。
半径: 120 mm (4¾ in)。
弹头: 3 kg (6.6 lb)。
Detonation mechanism proximity。
Engine solid-fuel rocket engine。
Wingspan 390 mm (15¼ in)。
Operational range 8 km (5 mi)。
飞行高度:20,000 m (65,615 ft)。
速度:Speed Mach 2.7。
导引雷达: infrared homing。
AA-9 阿莫斯 (Vympel R-33)。
质量: 490 kg (1,080 lb)。
长度: 4.15 m (13 ft 7 in)。
半径: 380 mm (15 in)。
弹头: 47.5 kg (104 lb)。
翼展: 1.16 m (3 ft 8 in。
射程: 160 km (R-33), 130 km (R-33E) 228 km (R-33S)。
速度: Mach 3.5
导引雷达:m inertial and semi-active radar homing。
AA-10 阿拉莫 (vympel R-27)。
质量:Weight 253 kg。
长度: 4.08 m
半径: 230mm
弹头炸药量: 39 kg
翼展: 0.772 m
射程: R-27R/T: 0.2 km to 80 km。
R-27ER/ET: 0.2 km to 130 km。
Flight altitude N/A。
速度: Mach 4
导引雷达: Semi-active radar homing。
AA-11 弓箭手 (Vympel R-73)。
质量:105 kg (231 lb)。
长度: 2900 mm (9 ft 6 in)。
半径: 170 mm (6.7 in)。
弹头炸药量: 7.4 kg (16.3 lb)。
翼展 510 mm (20 in)。
射程 30 km (18.75 mi)。
速度 Mach 2.5
导引雷达: infrared homing。
AA-12 蝰蛇 (Vympel R-77)。
质量:175 kg (R-77), 226 kg (R-77M1)。
长度:3.6 m (R-77)。
半径:200 mm
弹头炸药量:30 kg
翼展: 350 mm
射程: R-77: 90 km (55.92MI)。
R-77M1: 175 km (108.7MI)。
Flight altitude 5m-25 km (16.5-82,000 ft)。
速度: Mach 4 (R-77)。
导引雷达: Inertial with mid-course update and terminal active radar homing(中/末端导引雷达)
AA-13 箭 (Vympel R-37)。
质量: 600 kg (1,320 lb)。
长度: 4.20 m (13 ft 9 inches)。
半径: 380 mm (15 in)。
弹头炸药量: 60 kg (135 lb) HE, fragmenting。
翼展 0.7 m (2 ft 4 in)。
射程: 300 km (186 mi)。
速度: Mach 6
导引雷达: Inertial with mid-course update, semi-active and active radar homing。
AS-1 狗窝
Weight 3,000 kg (6,614 lb)。
Length 8.29 m (27 ft 2 in)。
Diameter 1.20 m (3 ft 11 in)。
Warhead 600 kg (1300 lb) High Explosive。
Engine RD-500K turbojet。
Wingspan 4.77 m (15 ft 7 in)。
range 90 km (56 miles)。
Speed Mach 0.9。
system initial - inertial, terminal - active radar homing。
AS-2 咸鱼
* Length: 9.75 m。
* Wing span: 4.18 m。
* Diameter: 1 m。
* Launch weight: 4,533 kg。
* Warhead weight: 940 kg。
* Range: 110 km to 325 km。
* Launch altitude: 1,500 to 11,000 m。
* Cruise speed: 2,030 km/h。
* Engine: Mikulin M-9FK。
AS-3 袋鼠
* Wingspan: 9.15 m。
* Length: 14.95 m。
* Diameter: 1.81 m。
* Height: 3.02 m。
* Empty weight: 5,878 kg。
* Launch weight: 12,000 kg。
* Engine: 1x Lyulka AL-7FK turbojet。
* Cruise speed: Mach 2.0。
* Cruise ceiling: Target-dependent, up to 20,000 m。
* Range: 380-600 km。
* Guidance: Inertial with remote correction over radio。
* Warhead: 2,300 kg thermonuclear, 0.8-3.0 mt。
AS-4 厨房
* Length: 11.3 m (37 ft)。
* Wingspan: 3.35 m (11 ft)。
* Diameter: 0.9 m (2.95 ft)。
* Launch weight: 5,900 kg (13,000 lb)。
* Speed: Mach 4。
* Range: 440 km (270 mi)。
* Guidance: Inertial and active radar。
* Warhead: 1,000 kg (2,204 lb) high explosive or 350-1000 kT nuclear。
AS-5 凯尔特人
Weight 4,077 kg。
Length 8.647 m。
Width 4.522 m (wingspan)。
Diameter 1.0 m。
Warhead High explosive or nuclear。
Warhead weight 750 kg。
Blast yield 1 MT (nuclear)。
Engine S2.721V two mode rocket motor。
1,200 kgp / 700 gbp。
range 160 km
Speed 1,250 km/h。
system Inertial followed by active radar homing。
AS-6 石首鱼
Weight 4,077 kg。
Length 8.647 m。
Width 4.522 m (wingspan)。
Diameter 1.0 m。
Warhead High explosive or nuclear。
Warhead weight 750 kg。
Blast yield 1 MT (nuclear)。
Engine S2.721V two mode rocket motor。
1,200 kgp / 700 gbp。
range 160 km
Speed 1,250 km/h。
system Inertial followed by active radar homing。
AS-7 乳牛
Weight 286 kg (630 lb)。
Length 2490 mm (8 ft 2 in)。
Diameter 275 mm (11 in)。
Warhead 111 kg (245 lb)。
Engine Single-stage solid propellant rocket。
Wingspan 785 mm (31 in)。
range 10 km (6 mi)。
Speed 2900 km/h (1,800 mph)。
system Beam-riding。
AS-9 海峡
720 kg (630 lb)。
Length 5970 mm (8 ft 2 in)。
Diameter 430 mm (11 in)。
Warhead 160 kg (245 lb)。
Engine Two-stage liquid-fuel rocket。
Wingspan 1930 mm (31 in)。
range 120 km (75 mi)。
Speed 3500 km/h (1,800 mph)。
#AS-10 卡伦
Weight MP: 320kg。
MR/ML: 300 kg
Length MP: 4.19 m。
MR: 3.69 m
ML: 3.71 m
Diameter 275 mm。
Warhead 90 kg TNT equivalent。
mechanism Impact。
range MP: 25 km。
MR: 10 km
ML: 20 km
Speed Mach 0.7。
system MP: inertial and passive radar。
MR: radio-command。
ML: semi-active laser。
MTP: thermal-imaging。
AS-11 平衡
Weight 640 kg
Length 4.80 m
Diameter 380 mm。
Warhead 150 kg TNT equivalent。
mechanism Impact。
Wingspan 1.17 m。
range 70 km, up to 120 km when launched from altitude。
Speed Mach 3.6 (1195 m/s)。
system Inertial with active radar。
#AS-12 保龄球
Weight MP: 320kg。
MR/ML: 300 kg
Length MP: 4.19 m。
MR: 3.69 m
ML: 3.71 m
Diameter 275 mm。
Warhead 90 kg TNT equivalent。
mechanism Impact。
range MP: 25 km。
MR: 10 km
ML: 20 km
Speed Mach 0.7。
system MP: inertial and passive radar。
MR: radio-command。
ML: semi-active laser。
MTP: thermal-imaging。
Weight (Kh-29L) 657kg。
(Kh-29T) 680kg
Length 3.875m
Width 1.10m
Diameter 0.38m。
Flight altitude 200 m to 10,000m。
Speed 408.3 metres per second (1,470 km/h, 913 mph)[1]。
AS-15 肯特
* Length: 6.04 m (19 ft 7 in)。
* Width: 0.77 m。
* Diameter: 514 mm (20.24 in)。
* Wingspan: 3.10 m (10 ft 1 in)。
* Launch weight: 1185 kg。
* Warhead: 200 kt nuclear。
* Guidance: inertial with Doppler radar/terrain map updates。
* Maximum speed: 720..830 km/h, approximately Mach 0.77。
* Range: 3,000 km (1,860 mi) (Kh-55: 2500 km)。
* Accuracy (CEP): unknown。
* Launch altitude: 200 m .. 10 km。
#AS-16 回扣
# Length: 4.78 m (15 ft 8 in)。
# Diameter: 455 mm (19 in)。
# Wingspan: 0.92 m (3.01 ft)。
# Launch weight: 1,200 kg (2,645 lb)。
# Warhead: 150 kg (330 lb)。
# Guidance: inertial, active radar, or anti-radiation。
# Maximum speed: approximately Mach 5。
# Range: 300 km (185 mi)。
AS-17 氪
Weight 600 kg
Length 4.70 m
Diameter 360 mm。
Warhead 90 kg TNT equivalent。
mechanism Impact。
Engine Solid fuel rocket in initial stage, ramjet for rest of trajectory。
Wingspan 780 mm。
range Kh-31A: 70 km。
Kh-31P: 110 km
Speed 3.04 Mach。
system Kh-31A: inertial with active radar。
Kh-31P: inertial with passive radar。
SA-1 行会
SA-2 指导
SA-3 果阿
SA-4 扒手
#SA-5 火腿
#SA-6 利益
SA-7 圣杯
SA-8 蛤
SA-9 束船带
SA-10 抱怨
SA-11 牛虻
SA-12 角斗士
SA-13 戈弗
SA-14 小鬼
SA-15 手套
SA-16 钻头
SA-17 灰熊
SA-18 松鸡
SA-19 灰鼬
SA-20 滴水嘴
SA-21 鲈鱼
SA-22 灰狗
SA-23 角斗士
#SA-24 Grinch
#SS-1c 疾驰 (R-300 Elbrus)。
SS-2 姐妹 (R-2)
SS-3 律师 (R-5)
SS-4 凉鞋 (R-12 Dvina)。
SS-5 双刃剑 (R-14 Skean)。
SS-6 桦树 (R-7 Semyorka)。
SS-7 鞍工 (R-16 rocket)。
#SS-8 沙辛 (R-9 Desna)。
SS-9 悬崖 (R-36)
SS-11 美莲草 (UR-100)。
SS-12 衬板 (TR-1 Temp)。
#SS-13 萨维奇 (RT-2)。
SS-14 流氓 (RT-15)。
SS-15 守财奴 (RT-20)。
SS-16 罪人 (RT-21 Temp 2S)。
SS-17 桅杆 (MR-UR-100)。
SS-18 撒旦 (R-36M)。
SS-19 高跟鞋 (UR-100N)。
#SS-20马刀 (RT-21M)。
SS-21 圣甲虫 (OTR-21)。
SS-22 衬板B (RT-1 Temp modified versions)。
SS-23 支柱 (R-400 Oka)
SS-24 解剖刀 (RT-23 Molodets)。
SS-25 镰刀 (RT-2PM Topol)。
#SS-27斯大林 (RT-2UTTH Topol M)。
陆基 反坦克导弹
AT-1 甲鱼
Weight 600 kg
Length 4.70 m
Diameter 360 mm。
Warhead 90 kg TNT equivalent。
mechanism Impact。
Engine Solid fuel rocket in initial stage, ramjet for rest of trajectory。
Wingspan 780 mm。
range Kh-31A: 70 km。
Kh-31P: 110 km
Speed 3.04 Mach。
system Kh-31A: inertial with active radar。
Kh-31P: inertial with passive radar。
#AT-2 重击
* Length: 1160 mm。
* Wingspan:
* Diameter: 148 mm。
* Launch weight: 27.0 kg。
* Speed: 150-170 m/s。
* Range: 500 m - 2.5 km。
* Time to maximum range: 17 seconds。
* Guidance: Radio command MCLOS。
* Warhead: 5.4 kg HEAT 500 mm vs RHA。
AT-3 土箱
Weight 10.9 kg (9M14M)。
11.4 kg (9M14P1)。
12.5 kg (Malyutka-2)。
~12 kg (Malyutka-2F)。
Length 860 mm
1005 mm combat ready (Malyutka-2)。
Width 393 mm (wingspan)。
Diameter 125 mm。
Effective range 500-3000 m。
Warhead weight 2.6 kg (9M14M, 9M14P1)。
3.5 kg (Malyutka-2, Malyutka-2F)。
Speed 115 m/s (9M14M, 9M14P1)。
130 m/s (Malyutka-2, Malyutka-2F) [1]。
system MCLOS
AT-4 龙头
Weight 11.5 kg。
Length 1030 mm。
Barrel length 875mm without gas generator。
Diameter 120 mm。
Muzzle velocity 80 m/s at launch。
186 m/s in flight。
Effective range 70 m - 2.5 km。
system SACLOS
AT-5 拱肩
Weight 11.5 kg。
Length 1030 mm。
Barrel length 875mm without gas generator。
Diameter 120 mm。
Muzzle velocity 80 m/s at launch。
186 m/s in flight。
Effective range 70 m - 2.5 km。
system SACLOS
AT-6 螺旋
* Length: 1625 mm。
* Wingspan: 360 mm。
* Diameter: 130 mm。
* Launch weight: 31.4 kg。
* Speed: 345 m/s。
* Range: 400 m to 5 km。
* Guidance: Radio command link SACLOS。
* Warhead: 5.3 kg HEAT 560 mm vs RHA[2]。
AT-7 萨克斯
* Length: 740 mm。
* Wingspan: 300 mm。
* Diameter: 94 mm。
* Launch weight: 5.5 kg。
* Launch weight (including container): 6.3 kg。
* Speed: 223 m/s。
* Range: 40 m - 1 km。
* Guidance: Wire-guided SACLOS。
* Warhead: 2.5 kg HEAT 460 mm vs RHA。
AT-8 歌唱家
AT-9 螺旋-2
AT-10 刺客
AT-11 狙击手
AT-12 摇摆者
AT-13 萨克斯-2
АТ-14 顿巴斯
АТ-15 弹跳者
AT-16 韭菜
SS-N-1 洗刷者
SS-N-2 冥河
SS-N-4 衬衣
#SS-N-5 塞尔维亚
#SS-N-6 塞尔维亚
SS-N-7 星光
SS-N-8 据蝇
SS-N-9 警笛
SS-N-12 沙箱
SS-N-13 硅石
SS-N-14 硅石-2
SS-N-15 海星
SS-N-16 牡马
SS-N-17 狙击
SS-N-18 电鱼
SS-N-19 海难
SS-N-20 圆锤
SS-N-22 日炙
SS-N-23 轻舟
SS-N-25 瑞士军刀
SS-N-27 天王星
SA-N-1 行会
SA-N-2 指导
SA-N-3 高脚杯
SA-N-4 蛤
SA-N-5 圣杯
SA-N-6 抱怨
SA-N-7 牛虻
SA-N-8 小鬼
SA-N-9 手套
一、创建Azure Key Vault。
创建Key Vault和Linux安装SSL之前,大家需要先使用az group create来创建资源。比如创建名为“myResourceGroupSecureWeb”的资源组,需要先复制Azure CLI到对应文件夹中,然后再使用az keyvault create创建Key Vault,并在部署VM时启用该Key Vault。
每一个Key Vault都需要具备唯一的名称,而且全部都是小写字母,然后将名称替换为自己唯一的Key Vault名称,生成证书并存储在Key Vault中。为了让网站SSL安全使用使用,大家需要在Linux安装SSL导入时由受信任的程序提供签名才算是有效证书。
若要在VM创建过程中使用上述证书,大家需要使用az keyvault secret list-versions获取证书的唯一ID,然后再通过az vm format-secret转换该证书。具体操作为创建cloud-init配置以保护NGINX,在首次启动VM时对其进行自定义,再通过cloud-init来安装程序包和写入文件,或者配置用户和安全性。
Synopsis : The "80-day round-the Earth" is based on the famous French novelist, Science fantasy father Jules Verne's novel adaptation of the film, which we regard as a theme of the film class. Convert his other novels adapted film "balloon on the five weeks", "geocentric Travels," "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" "Mysterious Island" as an optional film class, More versions of the movie-based curriculum as a "buffet. "80 days of round-the Earth" has many versions, This is Pierce. Bulushina star before CCTV broadcast over Zheng Da theater version. 1872 London. Mingjiaofuge of a gentleman with friends in Club threatened when chatting own in 80 days to travel around the world, and 30,000 pounds bet. Fogh hastily with followers Basipa map, a balloon ride to the southern French ship, originally wanted to catch the train, he saw the train was packed not open up, gas vessel arrived by Spain. Coincidentally met Bull performances, They would rather delay, but also about being a palate. While they may Switzerland, Unexpectedly by Scotland Yard (London police) informer locked. Fogh original left London soon there occurred a bank robbery case, the two suspects were involved, undercover agents tracking them all the way. Fogh they had fled to India. 14:31 prepared Love Princess Oda died and three have become crew mates. They crossed the ocean, all the way to San Francisco. After the North American continent has finally arrived in New York. Which information to the British ships scheduled just leaving the port, They are one step too late. Only a few days left of the period, Fogh dumping capsule bought an airship, across the choppy Atlantic, landed in the territory of the United Kingdom. However, to meet their joy is lost; have long to wait for the police to the three of them were imprisoned. bet the 80 days will soon be here. Fogh spent a lot of efforts, wasted a lot of words. to the police to prove his innocence before being released to go home. Oda Princess touch on his bravery and resourcefulness, the two decided to get married, before the wedding ceremony, which is 80 days of the last day, Fogh triumphantly to the club, Friends of the public was shocked Fogh bet wins, also married a beautiful wife. But he was exactly the travel 30,000 pounds. to win the money did not take.。
# This is the Pod-Bot Config File (for HL Counter-Strike)。
# Any line begining with '#' in the first column is a comment line。
# Make sure no Line exceeds 80 Characters !!!。
# The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file:。
# All arguments in square Brackets are optional if you don't。
# specify them a random value will be chosen。
# pause <timeout> - pause for the specified number of seconds before。
# continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file.。
# min_bots <value> - configure the minimum number of bots that will run。
# on this dedicated server.。
# max_bots <value> - configure the maximum number of bots that will run。
# on this dedicated server.。
# minbotskill <value> - Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without。
# specifying the Skill (0-100)。
# maxbotskill <value> - Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without。
# specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill。
# of course !。
# botchat <on|off> - Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed。
# someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead。
# and bored. NOTICE: BotChat.txt must be there even if。
# Botchat is turned off !。
# addbot [skill] [team] [name] - Adds a Bot using a Skill from 0-100,。
# team is 1 for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to。
# use auto-assign, name is of course the name for this Bot。
# If you don't specify the arguments, a random skill will be。
# chosen and the Bot will be auto-assigned with a Name he chooses。
# randomly from "Botnames.txt". You can edit this File to add some。
# names you like better ! NOTICE: Don't delete BotChat.txt ! It will。
# be used !。
# jasonmode <on|off> - Turns on/off Jason Mode ! Meaning Bots don't buy。
# weapons and only use the knife for combat ! Greets。
# to Auxois ! (Thanks for hosting btw.) Use this for。
# much fun with e.a. cs_estate or cs_office。
# wptfolder <folder> - Sets the default Folder for loading/saving Waypoint。
# Files. This folder HAS to be inside the POD-Bot。
# Directory ! Don't put it into quotation marks and。
# don't use spaces or a trailing backslash !。
# detailnames <on|off> - Turns on/off the Skilldisplay behind names and the。
# [POD] before the name。
# inhumanturns <on|off> - If you think that a Skill 100 Bot is too weak for。
# you, you can turn this on to have that unfair。
# turning from previous versions again. Note that。
# this overrides the turn amounts in botskill.cfg。
# botsfollowuser <number> - Sets the maximum number of Bots in the team to。
# follow the same user (when Radio Command。
# "Follow Me" is used). Default is 3。
# maxweaponpickup <number> - Sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are。
# allowed to pickup during a round。
# collectexperience <on|off> - Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting。
# experience about the map they're playing。
# (turning this off also prevents saving the。
# .exp Files)。
# shootthruwalls <on|off> - This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to。
# shoot through Walls if they saw an enemy or if。
# they heard someone on the other Side of a Wall。
# usespeech <on|off> - Turns on/off usage of HL Engine Speech Synthesis 。
# Any other commands in the bot.cfg file will be treated as server。
# commands. For example, you can use "map mapname" (without the quotes)。
# to select a specific map, or you can use "mp_forcerespawn 1" to turn。
# on force respawn, or "kick # 1" to automatically kick player number 1.。
# This sets the Waypoint Folder (in the POD-Bot Directory)。
# for loading/saving waypoints. Don't use a trailing backslash or spaces.。
# This doesn't work for the first game you create (default is wptdefault).。
# But when creating for the second time (or loading with newmap) this。
# directory will be used. 。
wptfolder wptdefault。
#wptfolder wptcs71。
# Set the below option to off to turn off the Skilldisplay and。
# the [POD] before the name。
detailnames on
# wait for 3 seconds。
pause 3
# Remove the comments on the 2 lines below to support a minimum and maximum。
# number of bots running on a dedicated server. Bots will be added to the。
# server until the total number of players (bots and humans) reaches the。
# max_bots value. Each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be。
# kicked from the server unless there are only min_bots number of bots。
# currently on the server. After players disconnect from the server, bots。
# will be automatically added back to the server until the total number。
# of players reaches max_bots again. You should make max_bots be AT LEAST。
# one less than the maxplayers value (otherwise no one will be able to join。
# your server).。
#min_bots 0
#max_bots 31
# Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn off Botchatting。
#botchat off
# Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn on Jason Mode !。
#jasonmode on
# Remove the Comments on the Line below to add Bots that have at least。
# a Skill of 60 。
minbotskill 60
# Remove the Comments on the Line below to limit Bots to the specified。
# skill
maxbotskill 100。
# Set the below option to on if you want the old combat behaviour。
# of instantly turning around to the enemy。
inhumanturns off。
# This value sets the maximum number of Bots to follow a。
# User
botsfollowuser 3。
# This value sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are allowed to。
# pickup during one round。
maxweaponpickup 1。
# Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting experience。
# about the map they're playing (turning this off also prevents。
# saving the .pxp Files and gives back some CPU performance)。
collectexperience on。
# This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to shoot through Walls。
# if they saw an enemy or if they heard someone on the other Side of。
# a Wall (additional Settings are specified in "botskill.cfg")。
shootthruwalls on。
# These Settings below specify the Rate (in Seconds) of updating。
# some of the Bot Checks. If you've got a slow computer you could。
# try changing these to higher values to get some performance back.。
# NOTE: This seriously affects the Bots Perception. If you have a。
# fast computer you might try lowering them to get better even。
# better playing results。
timer_sound 0.5。
timer_pickup 0.3。
timer_grenade 0.5。
# Use this to turn on/off the Speech Synthesis。
usespeech on
# This option turns on/off Bots voting against。
# Team Killers (Humans only)。
botvotekick on
// Set this to off to disallow Bot Logo Spraying。
botspray on
# Remove the comments on the lines below to have 7 Bots。
# join automatically if you start a new map。
# The line below binds the User Menu to the "=" key. Of course you。
# can bind this to any key you like. 。
bind "=" "podbotmenu"。
Today I would like to share one Orphean/nice song --"you raise me up" with you. This is a song singing the praises of motherhood. It is revised from the traditional Irish folk music song "Danny Boy". Secret Garden's Rolf Lovland wrote the music and made it be the most classical melody played by piano and violin. The lyrics was came from Irish novelist Brendan Graham. In 2001 it was prolonged for the 1st time and then went to and remained on the top of various charts for tens of weeks. Only in 2004, "you raise me up" was played more than 500,000 times on American radio, and it has become nominated for Gospel Music Awards four times, including "Song of the Year". This inspirational song has now been recorded more than 125 times around the world in different languages. The version I will show you soon is one of the best ten versions accepted by the world. No matter considering from fair-sounding hand or from moving hand, it is valuable to be listen respectfully by those with love. Next, let's appreciate together.。
"You Raise Me Up" is a popular song in the inspirational mold. The music was written by Secret Garden's Rolf Løvland; the lyrics by Brendan Graham. The song has now been recorded more than 125 times around the world in different languages.。
The song, which is very similar in melody to the traditional Irish folk music song "Danny Boy"--if not a liberal "borrowing" from the melody of "Wind Beneath My Wings" and "When A Child is born"[citation needed]--was originally written as an instrumental piece and entitled "Silent Story". Løvland approached Irish novelist and songwriter Graham to write the lyrics to his melody after reading Graham's epic first novel - The Whitest Flower (Harper Collins). It was originally released on the 2001 Secret Garden album "Once in a Red Moon", with the vocals sung by Irish singer Brian Kennedy, and sold well in both Ireland and Norway. The song was used for commemorations of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks despite not having been released in America yet. Originally, Brian Kennedy was supposed to follow Secret Garden on their Asian tour in 2002, but fell ill, and could not attend. He was replaced by Norwegian singer Jan Werner Danielsen, who also later recorded the song together with Secret Garden, but it was never released.。
It was subsequently recorded by Daniel O'Donnell in 2003 and was a hit throughout Ireland and the UK.。
Later in 2003, David Foster decided to produce the song. He chose the up and coming Josh Groban to record the song, which proved very popular in the US. His version made it to the top of the Billboard AC Charts and remained there for 6 weeks. Josh Groban also performed it at Super Bowl XXXVIII, in a special NASA commemoration for the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. A special surprise performance by Groban, for Oprah Winfrey's 50th birthday, also gave "You Raise Me Up" massive international prominence. The Josh Groban recording also was nominated for a 2005 Grammy award.。
Shizuka Arakawa, the 2006 Olympic gold medalist in figure skating, used the piece as an exhibition number for many shows and professional competitions from 2005-2006. Michelle Kwan skated to the song during the 2004 Champion On Ice Tour and other competitions in 2005.。
In 2004, Australian Idol Top 12 contestant Daniel Belle sang the song for his "Pop" song selection, and it has become one of the most performed songs on similar shows across the world.。
In 2004, the song was played more than 500,000 times on American radio. In late 2005, there were over 80 versions available in USA alone, and it has become nominated for Gospel Music Awards four times, including "Song of the Year". This version by Christian group Selah (with both verses included, as originally written) also went to No. 1 on Billboard's Christian Charts.。
The song returned to glory back in Ireland when Irish vocal pop group Westlife became the 100th artist to record the song. Westlife brought the song around the world and brought it to number 1 in the United Kingdom and the band's and song's home of Ireland. Westlife won "Record of the year 2005" in the UK, and are tipped to do well at the Meteors in Ireland, it's their 15th Irish #1. Westlife, together with Secret Garden, also performed the song at the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize concert.。
Australian Idol runner up 2004 Anthony Callea has apparently co-written a song with the writer, Brendan Graham.。
Brian Kennedy has re-released the single after performing it at legendary Northern Irish football player George Best's funeral, the song again climbing the UK Charts to No. 4 in January 2006 (named "George Best - A Tribute"). Brian has returned to the spotlight in Ireland once again after being named Ireland's 2006 entrant in the Eurovision Song Contest.。
The song was also released by Daniel O'Donnell, Ronan Tynan, Sissel Kyrkjebø, Russell Watson, Selah, Celtic Woman, Tommy Fleming, Michael Ball, and the Celtic Tenors with Samantha Mumba, this time with an R&B flow to it. Åsa Jinder has written lyrics in Swedish, "Rör vid min själ", and that version has been recorded by Sanna Nielsen. The most recent recording is a Spanish version by Il Divo entitled "Por Ti Seré".。
The Japanese animation Romeo x Juliet, airing from April 2007, uses the song as its opening theme with Japanese lyrics, sung by Korean singer Lena Park.。
RTE (Ireland's national television station) screened a Roy Esmonde produced documentary titled You Raise Me Up on New Year's Day 2006. First screened a year earlier, this updated edition included the most recent successes for the song, as well as the story of how the song first came to be written by Løvland and Graham.。
I.K. Start, a Norwegian football club, uses this song as a club anthem.。
On May 8, 2007, the song was played at the historic opening of the Northern Ireland Assembly.。