5. Robots are revolutionizing the way we work, live, and explore the world around us, and are poisedto play an increasingly important role in our lives in the coming years....
2023-12-20 07:59
夜之战士们,集结起来! - We arepoisedto strike! 我们随时准备战斗! - We must act! 我们得行动了! - I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着! - Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧! - Leading the way! 领路! - Onward! 前...
2023-12-20 07:59
- We arepoisedto strike! 我们随时准备战斗!- We must act! 我们得行动了!- I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着!- Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧!=行动/执行动作音效=- [月光] Godess, grant me sight! 女神啊,赐予我...