Jiangsu Provincial Industry Association of Overseas Development and planning are about to speed up our country in order to implement the "going out" strategy requires set up, yes, Jiangsu Province Development and Reform Commission director and accept the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission Industry Association of Overseas Development and planning supervision services, are outside the government and enterprises at the development of public welfare agency. 协会成立的宗旨是协调组织有关企业积极开展境外投融资活动,发挥政府与企业在境外(含台港澳地区)发展的桥梁、纽带作用;贯彻国家的宏观调控政策,维护投融资主体的合法权益,严格实行行业自律;促进发展投融资决策与管理的科学化、规范化、法制化,为企业在境外发展提供优质服务。 Association was founded to coordinate the organization of the relevant enterprises to actively carry out foreign investment and financing activities, play outside the government and enterprises (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions) to develop a bridge link; implement the country's macro-control policy to safeguard the principal of the investment and financing legitimate rights and interests of the strict application of industry self-regulation; for development and management of investment and financing decision-making more scientific and standardized, the rule of law, and for enterprises to provide quality services at offshore development. 。
协会的主要工作是协助省有关部门做好境外投融资的指导、监督,促进江苏省有关产业在境外投融资的健康发展;积极开展境外投融资的理论研究、市场调查和经验交流、研讨各类投融资主体的发展战略、经营模式、科学决策、统筹规划和管理等问题;为各类境外投融资主体提供当地的投融资环境、市场信息,以及法律、会计、审计、工程咨询、工程监理、资产评估、上市、投资、融资、维权等咨询服务;为各类投融资主体推荐境外投融资项目,介绍合作伙伴,拓展投融资渠道,提供市场预测、分析;组织各类投融资主体高级管理人员和有关人员进行境内外专业培训和项目考察;加强与国外及台港澳地区相关投融资促进机构的合作与交往;建立电子信息网络,编辑出版协会刊物,编印业务指导材料,加强信息交流,为各类投融资主体提供广泛的信息服务。 Association's main job is to assist provincial departments to do a good job of guiding foreign investment and financing, supervision, and promote related industries in Jiangsu Province, outside the healthy development of investment and financing; actively carry out foreign investment and financing of the theoretical research, market research and exchange of experiences, discussion of various investment and financing the main development strategy, business model, scientific decision-making, overall planning and management issues; for all types of offshore investment and financing to provide the main local investment and financing environment, market information, as well as legal, accounting, auditing, engineering consulting , Project Management, assets evaluation, listing, investment, financing, human rights, such as advisory services; the main investment and financing for all types of offshore investment and financing recommend projects, introduce partners to expand the investment and financing channels and providing market forecasts, analysis; organize vote senior management of the main financing and related personnel inside and outside professional training and project visits; strengthen ties with foreign countries and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao areas related to investment and financing institutions to promote cooperation and exchanges; set up the electronic information network, editing and publishing association publications, produced operational guidance material to strengthen information exchange, investment and financing for all types of the main body provides a wide range of information services. 。
协会的成立得到了省委省政府的重视与大力支持,各级政府部门与省内企业积极参与,目前各项筹备工作已经基本结束,协会理事单位、会员单位包括各级政府主管部门、各行业企业近百家,基本覆盖了江苏省企业境外投融资的所有领域。 Association set up by the Provincial government attention and strong support from all levels of government departments and enterprises to actively participate in the province, at present the preparatory work has basically come to an end, the Association governing units, including units of Members at all levels of government in charge of departments, industries and enterprises Nearly home, basic coverage outside enterprises in Jiangsu province in all areas of investment and financing. 。
协会坚持筹备与开展工作同步进行,已参与组织了省内外多个重要活动,如2005年江苏省海外融资论坛会议、墨西哥江苏工业园设立工作等。 Association insist the preparatory work carried out simultaneously and has been involved in organizing a number of important activities inside and outside the province, such as in 2005, Jiangsu Province, overseas financing forum, Mexico to set up industrial park in Jiangsu and so on. 本次会议以及即将举行的中俄投资促进会议都将为促进中俄的经贸往来与经济发展发挥重要作用,也为我们加强合作提供了很好的契机。 This meeting as well as the upcoming Sino-Russian investment promotion meetings will contribute to promoting China-Russia economic and trade exchanges and economic development play an important role, but also for us to strengthen the cooperation provided a good opportunity. 我们希望能借此机会与贵方建立紧密的合作关系,加强协作,共同为双方的经济发展与交流作出贡献。 We hope to be able to take this opportunity to work with your set up close cooperative relations, strengthen cooperation, and common for both economic development and to contribute to communicate. 。
最近我也再玩这个,也 想进国外的房间玩玩.可弄 了 好几天,也没解决. 屏蔽了 !!!!进去了 ,也看不了视频. 本以为用VPN代理弄个外国的IP后就可以解决.可用VPN后那CF就登不进去了.。
山寨手机及一般国产非智能手机使用的解决方案以台湾联发科(MTK)解决方案为主,其他平台也有出现,而山寨智能手机主要采用windows mobile操作系统的解决方案。
1.机型特点为大多基于 MTK 手机平台,屏幕下方有五个图标,手写,铃音声音超大,电池标称(注意,这里是标称,黑手机的电池实际容量一般为标称的1/4)不低于1800毫安,更有出过3500毫安的电池。
4.貌似有着很高的性能价格比,山寨机往往有模仿品牌机的嫌疑,但往往功能更强大,价格更便宜 。
由于MTK方案所带来的便利,使得一些生产规模较小,生产工艺也较为粗糙小厂也具备了直接生产手机的能力,这就直接导致质量问题成为了山寨机最大的不确定因素,虽然这并非MTK本身的问题,但毕竟还要归属到手机本身。 山寨机的维修一直是最让人担心的,不过由于成本较低,销售商一般会采取直接换机的解决方式。另外,很多销售商和手机维修商形成合作关系,售出手机一般都提供一年保修服务,这有效地解决了山寨机的售后问题,使得消费者敢于购买。
山寨机普遍电池容量在4800毫安 3500毫安 比比皆是,而正规厂家生产很少见如此大容量电池,电池过大有一定的安全隐患。
"Cottage machine" to the literal interpretation: cottage in the cottage, managed to evade the Government. Or by their own admission, the producer of brand names or mimic the functions of mobile phone brands and styles; due to the government to avoid, they do not pay value-added tax, sales tax, at the same time do not have to spend money on R & D products, and there was no advertising, promotions and other expenses, plus On the success of cost control and flexibility in the means of distribution, leading to the end retail price often is the only brand of mobile phones 1 / 2-1 / 3. 。
Is a cottage before interpretation of the machine can be called wild mobile phones, mobile phones and fake mobile phone or high, and as the mobile phone licenses canceled, most of the cottage appears to be the legalization of mobile phones. 。
Assembly of these cell phone manufacturers is not on the ground floor processing plant, not a regular army. 。
Some low-cost, full-featured brand name and a variety of non-brand-name mobile phones are also "cottage phone." General admission cottage very good machine, usually at the bottom of the screen there is a row of four function keys, black and white icon, followed by home page menu, text messages, phone. Some high-brand mobile phones like the mountain fastness of these features are not machines. 。
Phone cottage and the general non-domestic use of the smart phone solutions to Taiwan's MediaTek (MTK)-based solutions, there are other platforms, and the mountain fastness of the main smartphone operating systems using windows mobile solutions. 。
More cottage machine known as the "3 yards machine." The so-called 3 yards, is the phone's internal string IMEI code, cell phone battery on the back of the string of code on the packaging and the string of code, "3 yards-in-one." Of course, these code strings are forged. Even combined with network cards, three packs of cards and invoices on the IMEI code of the so-called "5 yards Machine", although the formal appears to be licensed as well as the formal channel for sales, but their source is very suspicious. "Some of the larger mobile operators, will be taken through the proper channels to obtain access permits and 3C certification, and then sell hand 'card'. As long as their money will be able to let mobile phone OEM and after testing 'positive'." 。
3 yards and 5 yards, cottage and domestic mobile phone importers, the difference between them is not there to spend money testing network, but perhaps from design to mass factory, which is on the phone from the same plant. In this reality, some of the cottage machine manufacturers are trying to "bleach." "Who is willing to say that they are thieves?" However, the positive time and cost of capital appear to some, at the same time they do not believe that the so-called regular phone number of technical content. "Most of Shenzhen's mobile phone manufacturers entered the capital from the accumulation of capital to plunder the cycle.'s So-called capital accumulation, the cottage is to Machine manufacturers to operate through the accumulation of the end reach a certain size, there are detected through the capital to have the right to operate regular phone. Since then, they will not be transferred to their own brand of mobile phone brand manufacturers, is a collection of transfer fees. "Virtually equal to net sales marked, that is, they have to pay, the money should come back plunder. "In this way the official document has been approved and was known as" OEM brand "of the head. 。
Editing features of this paragraph 。
1. Characteristics of the model for most of MTK-based platform for mobile phones, there are five icon at the bottom of the screen, handwriting, voice tones large, the nominal battery (note that this is nominal, and the actual capacity of the cell phone battery is generally the nominal 1 / 4) of not less than 1800 mA, and more over the 3500 mA battery. 。
2. Dugan box on what China and India, in addition to their true location. 。
3. Not to pay value-added tax. Sales tax, do not have to spend money on R & D products, and no ads., And other promotional costs; testing evading network. Certification at the cost of inspection, at the expense of the many quality standards and therefore can not guarantee that the level of quality, there is no guarantee after sale. 。
4. Seemingly has a very high cost, small and labor-brand machines often imitate the suspect plane, but often more powerful, cheaper prices. 。
5. Good and the bad work, no brand mark, the fuselage or the back of a positive common BLUETOOTH.TOUCHSCREEN.MP4 big words. 。
6. These feature rich mobile phones, the price is extremely low, the appearance of extremely innovative, quality is extremely unreliable. 。
7. In recent years, active in all major TV shopping had never heard of the vast majority are small and labor-brand mobile phones, TV shopping was a big moneymaker 。
8. Cottage plane due to low development costs, the price is generally in 1000 or so, above all, what reads MP3, MP4, Bluetooth, dual-card to be double-, ultra-long standby to how many cattle cattle. 。
Edit this paragraph development 。
Mountain fastness began in the first domestic machine marked CECT brand of non-brand-name mobile phones, using only the actual CECT brand, or pay a cash CECT to get the right to use. The subsequent emergence of a variety of brands. In any case, "cottage mobile phone" can always beat the wisdom of our most helpless that nerve, but also lack some of the innovative spirit of the shame of domestic brands. Over the years, the cottage appeared in a number of mobile phones in the world the only technological innovation, the appearance of innovation, technological innovation, a lot of strange technology and design to be together, the combination may be infringing, but it has a variety of functions. Now, the cottage has become a local non-mainstream mobile phone culture, the wolf, and innovation to meet the spirit of the local small and labor-market impact of an increasing number of people. 。
Initially the market was full of parallel machines and renovation; because of the existence of this market, MediaTek was made by the MTK chip so that the big phone companies in the past to master the core technology into some civilian technology; then "intelligent Chinese people" The phone began to create R & D, over the past few years to the day represented by the words we used to drive into the mountain fastness of domestic mobile phone manufacturers are rising and the beginning of a big brand mobile phone manufacturers and the competition. 。
The cottage is now more mobile phone manufacturers already have their own brand, which is the best day of language. Today, 8,000,000 pixels, cottage smart phone is more for us to the emergence of domestic brands thinking big. 。
Machine cottage industry of China's mobile phone to play an important role in promoting, it makes perfect become the industry chain, China has made mobile phone market is a price competitive market, price wars become the largest features. 。
Now cottage machine is not just limited to mobile phones, on the one hand, PSP, laptop ... ... more and more goods into the mountain fastness of the new market. 。
In July 2008, it was reported that there are "cottage machine, the father of" China Taiwan, said the United Nations Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as MediaTek), the mainland will soon be shipping a large-scale TD-chip, from this mountain fastness 3G era is about to drive When to come. 。
Edit the merits of this paragraph 。
1, features all-round super - 。
Almost all the cottage machine can function in a comprehensive and well-known for, what large screen, the camera to take photographs, Mp3/MP4 multimedia player, and even the most high-end GPS navigation function, as long as a MTK not to mention all of these. This configuration features a comprehensive Although some well-known big-name manufacturers can easily achieve, but it is a cost can not be avoided. Although not too long development time, but now the functions of local cottage can be said to have been the only you can not think of, there is no point where they can not do, like what built-in dry-cell batteries, built-in Bluetooth headset, such as the powerful speaker of the eight Configuration is no longer a function of what the new, unheard of, we believe that more functionality will continue to emerge out of. 。
2, stand-by capability 。
Cottage machine capable of stand-by has known many things, its battery capacity is more than a big, long ago in a section called ZJ268 cell phone is more of the 32,800 mA battery capacity setting a record high, and can stand The two-year gimmicks more staggering. In fact, cottage standby machine capable of advantages worth of domestic and international brand manufacturers to learn. Of course, should note that the battery capacity of the local cottage there is a great element of exaggeration. 。
3, low price
At present, the price factor is small and labor-machine vendors compete with the big strongest trump card may only be available in a low-end Nokia phones money to buy enough to turn a full-featured machine cottage. This is a very ordinary people's understanding of the mobile phone is definitely a huge attraction. Cottage machines to such low prices, thanks to cheap and comprehensive program of MTK, according to industry sources with a fully functional product configuration of the cottage, it generally cost a few hundred dollars or so. This is what all the big international companies can not be achieved by the. Believe that the proper types of aircraft that will maintain the advantage for a long period of time. 。
Editor of the shortcomings of the above 。
1, can not guarantee the quality of 。
MTK because of the convenience brought about by the program, making some of the smaller scale of production and production technology are also more rough small factories have also had the ability to direct the production of mobile phones, which as a direct result of quality problems has become the largest cottage machine uncertainty, although this MTK is not the problem itself, but also to the ownership of mobile phone itself. Cottage aircraft maintenance has been the most worrying, however, due to lower costs, vendors usually take a direct replacement solution. In addition, many vendors and mobile phone repair business to form partnership to sell mobile phone is generally a year to provide warranty service, which has effectively solved the problem after the plane cottage, consumers have the courage to buy. 。
2, serious plagiarism 。
Copying well-known international brand of product design can be said that the cottage is the most common machine, like what Apple's iPhone, Nokia N95, N82, and other high-end products are all able to escape the robbery, these products can be widely sold achieved good results. Of course, there are a lot of cottage in the copying machine on the basis of further innovation and improvement, and some even feature brand machines with shame, 8,000,000 pixels, such as mobile phones, cigarettes cell phone, cell phone Yan Chao, these are creative. 。
3, but not the entire 。