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<英文版> Talling building and Steel construction 。

Although there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general. Spectacular archievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings. 。

The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing.Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes.The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the United States are the result of innovations and development of new structual systems. 。

Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit.Excessive lateral sway may cause serious recurring damage to partitions,ceilings.and other architectural details. In addition,excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because their perception of such motion.Structural systems of reinforced concrete,as well as steel,take full advantage of inherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore require additional stiffening to limit the sway. 。

In a steel structure,for example,the economy can be defined in terms of the total average quantity of steel per square foot of floor area of the building.Curve A in Fig .1 represents the average unit weight of a conventional frame with increasing numbers of stories. Curve B represents the average steel weight if the frame is protected from all lateral loads. The gap between the upper boundary and the lower boundary represents the premium for height for the traditional column-and-beam frame.Structural engineers have developed structural systems with a view to eliminating this premium. 。

Systems in steel. Tall buildings in steel developed as a result of several types of structural innovations. The innovations have been applied to the construction of both office and apartment buildings. 。

Frame with rigid belt trusses. In order to tie the exterior columns of a frame structure to the interior vertical trusses,a system of rigid belt trusses at mid-height and at the top of the building may be used. A good example of this system is the First Wisconsin Bank Building(1974) in Milwaukee. 。

Framed tube. The maximum efficiency of the total structure of a tall building, for both strength and stiffness,to resist wind load can be achieved only if all column element can be connected to each other in such a way that the entire building acts as a hollow tube or rigid box in projecting out of the ground. This particular structural system was probably used for the first time in the 43-story reinforced concrete DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building in Chicago. The most significant use of this system is in the twin structural steel towers of the 110-story World Trade Center building in New York 。

Column-diagonal truss tube. The exterior columns of a building can be spaced reasonably far apart and yet be made to work together as a tube by connecting them with diagonal members interesting at the centre line of the columns and beams. This simple yet extremely efficient system was used for the first time on the John Hancock Centre in Chicago, using as much steel as is normally needed for a traditional 40-story building. 。

Bundled tube. With the continuing need for larger and taller buildings, the framed tube or the column-diagonal truss tube may be used in a bundled form to create larger tube envelopes while maintaining high efficiency. The 110-story Sears Roebuck Headquarters Building in Chicago has nine tube, bundled at the base of the building in three rows. Some of these individual tubes terminate at different heights of the building, demonstrating the unlimited architectural possibilities of this latest structural concept. The Sears tower, at a height of 1450 ft(442m), is the world’s tallest building. 。

Stressed-skin tube system. The tube structural system was developed for improving the resistance to lateral forces (wind and earthquake) and the control of drift (lateral building movement ) in high-rise building. The stressed-skin tube takes the tube system a step further. The development of the stressed-skin tube utilizes the façade of the building as a structural element which acts with the framed tube, thus providing an efficient way of resisting lateral loads in high-rise buildings, and resulting in cost-effective column-free interior space with a high ratio of net to gross floor area. 。

Because of the contribution of the stressed-skin façade, the framed members of the tube require less mass, and are thus lighter and less expensive. All the typical columns andspandrel beams are standard rolled shapes,minimizing the use and cost of special built-up members. The depth requirement for the perimeter spandrel beams is also reduced, and the need for upset beams above floors, which would encroach on valuable space, is minimized. The structural system has been used on the 54-story One Mellon Bank Center in Pittburgh. 。

Systems in concrete. While tall buildings constructed of steel had an early start, development of tall buildings of reinforced concrete progressed at a fast enough rate to provide a competitive chanllenge to structural steel systems for both office and apartment buildings. 。

Framed tube. As discussed above, the first framed tube concept for tall buildings was used for the 43-story DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building. In this building ,exterior columns were spaced at 5.5ft (1.68m) centers, and interior columns were used as needed to support the 8-in . -thick (20-m) flat-plate concrete slabs. 。

Tube in tube. Another system in reinforced concrete for office buildings combines the traditional shear wall construction with an exterior framed tube. The system consists of an outer framed tube of very closely spaced columns and an interior rigid shear wall tube enclosing the central service area. The system (Fig .2), known as the tube-in-tube system , made it possible to design the world’s present tallest (714ft or 218m)lightweight concrete building ( the 52-story One Shell Plaza Building in Houston) for the unit price of a traditional shear wall structure of only 35 stories. 。

Systems combining both concrete and steel have also been developed, an examle of which is the composite system developed by skidmore, Owings &Merril in which an exterior closely spaced framed tube in concrete envelops an interior steel framing, thereby combining the advantages of both reinforced concrete and structural steel systems. The 52-story One Shell Square Building in New Orleans is based on this system. 。

Steel construction refers to a broad range of building construction in which steel plays the leading role. Most steel construction consists of large-scale buildings or engineering works, with the steel generally in the form of beams, girders, bars, plates, and other members shaped through the hot-rolled process. Despite the increased use of other materials, steel construction remained a major outlet for the steel industries of the U.S, U.K, U.S.S.R, Japan, West German, France, and other steel producers in the 1970s 。

Early history. The history of steel construction begins paradoxically several decades before the introduction of the Bessemer and the Siemens-Martin (openj-hearth) processes made it possible to produce steel in quantities sufficient for structure use. Many of problems of steel construction were studied earlier in connection with iron construction, which began with the Coalbrookdale Bridge, built in cast iron over the Severn River in England in 1777. This and subsequent iron bridge work, in addition to the construction of steam boilers and iron ship hulls , spurred the development of techniques for fabricating, designing, and jioning. The advantages of iron over masonry lay in the much smaller amounts of material required. The truss form, based on the resistance of the triangle to deformation, long used in timber, was translated effectively into iron, with cast iron being used for compression members-i.e, those bearing the weight of direct loading-and wrought iron being used for tension members-i.e, those bearing the pull of suspended loading. 。

The technique for passing iron, heated to the plastic state, between rolls to form flat and rounded bars, was developed as early as 1800;by 1819 angle irons were rolled; and in 1849 the first I beams, 17.7 feet (5.4m) long , were fabricated as roof girders for a Paris railroad station. 。

Two years later Joseph Paxton of England built the Crystal Palace for the London Exposition of 1851. He is said to have conceived the idea of cage construction-using relatively slender iron beams as a skeleton for the glass walls of a large, open structure. Resistance to wind forces in the Crystal palace was provided by diagonal iron rods. Two feature are particularly important in the history of metal construction; first, the use of latticed girder, which are small trusses, a form first developed in timber bridges and other structures and translated into metal by Paxton ; and second, the joining of wrought-iron tension members and cast-iron compression members by means of rivets inserted while hot. 。

In 1853 the first metal floor beams were rolled for the Cooper Union Building in New York. In the light of the principal market demand for iron beams at the time, it is not surprising that the Cooper Union beams closely resembled railroad rails. 。

The development of the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin processes in the 1850s and 1860s suddenly open the way to the use of steel for structural purpose. Stronger than iron in both tension and compression ,the newly available metal was seized on by imaginative engineers, notably by those involved in building the great number of heavy railroad bridges then in demand in Britain, Europe, and the U.S. 。

A notable example was the Eads Bridge, also known as the St. Louis Bridge, in St. Louis (1867-1874), in which tubular steel ribs were used to form arches with a span of more than 500ft (152.5m). In Britain, the Firth of Forth cantilever bridge (1883-90) employed tubular struts, some 12 ft (3.66m) in diameter and 350 ft (107m) long. Such bridges and other structures were important in leading to the development and enforcement of standards and codification of permissible design stresses. The lack of adequate theoretical knowledge, and even of an adequate basis for theoretical studies, limited the value of stress analysis during the early years of the 20th century,as iccasionally failures,such as that of a cantilever bridge in Quebec in 1907,revealed.But failures were rare in the metal-skeleton office buildings;the simplicity of their design proved highly practical even in the absence of sophisticated analysis techniques. Throughout the first third of the century, ordinary carbon steel, without any special alloy strengthening or hardening, was universally used. 。

The possibilities inherent in metal construction for high-rise building was demonstrated to the world by the Paris Exposition of 1889.for which Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, a leading French bridge engineer, erected an openwork metal tower 300m (984 ft) high. Not only was the height-more than double that of the Great Pyramid-remarkable, but the speed of erection and low cost were even more so, a small crew completed the work in a few months. 。

The first skyscrapers. Meantime, in the United States another important development was taking place. In 1884-85 Maj. William Le Baron Jenney, a Chicago engineer , had designed the Home Insurance Building, ten stories high, with a metal skeleton. Jenney’s beams were of Bessemer steel, though his columns were cast iron. Cast iron lintels supporting masonry over window openings were, in turn, supported on the cast iron columns. Soild masonry court and party walls provided lateral support against wind loading. Within a decade the same type of construction had been used in more than 30 office buildings in Chicago and New York. Steel played a larger and larger role in these , with riveted connections for beams and columns, sometimes strengthened for wind bracing by overlaying gusset plates at the junction of vertical and horizontal members. Light masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level, replaced the old heavy masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level , replaced the oldheavy masonry. 。

Though the new construction form was to remain centred almost entirely in America for several decade, its impact on the steel industry was worldwide. By the last years of the 19th century, the basic structural shapes-I beams up to 20 in. ( 0.508m) in depth and Z and T shapes of lesser proportions were readily available, to combine with plates of several widths and thicknesses to make efficient members of any required size and strength. In 1885 the heaviest structural shape produced through hot-rolling weighed less than 100 pounds (45 kilograms) per foot; decade by decade this figure rose until in the 1960s it exceeded 700 pounds (320 kilograms) per foot. 。

Coincident with the introduction of structural steel came the introduction of the Otis electric elevator in 1889. The demonstration of a safe passenger elevator, together with that of a safe and economical steel construction method, sent building heights soaring. In New York the 286-ft (87.2-m) Flatiron Building of 1902 was surpassed in 1904 by the 375-ft (115-m) Times Building ( renamed the Allied Chemical Building) , the 468-ft (143-m) City Investing Company Building in Wall Street, the 612-ft (187-m) Singer Building (1908), the 700-ft (214-m) Metropolitan Tower (1909) and, in 1913, the 780-ft (232-m) Woolworth Building. 。

The rapid increase in height and the height-to-width ratio brought problems. To limit street congestion, building setback design was prescribed. On the technical side, the problem of lateral support was studied. A diagonal bracing system, such as that used in the Eiffel Tower, was not architecturally desirable in offices relying on sunlight for illumination. The answer was found in greater reliance on the bending resistance of certain individual beams and columns strategically designed into the skeletn frame, together with a high degree of rigidity sought at the junction of the beams and columns. With today’s modern interior lighting systems, however, diagonal bracing against wind loads has returned; one notable example is the John Hancock Center in Chicago, where the external X-braces form a dramatic part of the structure’s façade. 。

World War I brought an interruption to the boom in what had come to be called skyscrapers (the origin of the word is uncertain), but in the 1920s New York saw a resumption of the height race, culminating in the Empire State Building in the 1931. The Empire State’s 102 stories (1,250ft. [381m]) were to keep it established as the hightest building in the world for the next 40 years. Its speed of the erection demonstrated how thoroughly the new construction technique had been mastered. A depot across the bay at Bayonne, N.J., supplied the girders by lighter and truck on a schedule operated with millitary precision; nine derricks powerde by electric hoists lifted the girders to position; an industrial-railway setup moved steel and other material on each floor. Initial connections were made by bolting , closely followed by riveting, followed by masonry and finishing. The entire job was completed in one year and 45 days. 。

The worldwide depression of the 1930s and World War II provided another interruption to steel construction development, but at the same time the introduction of welding to replace riveting provided an important advance. 。

Joining of steel parts by metal are welding had been successfully achieved by the end of the 19th century and was used in emergency ship repairs during World War I, but its application to construction was limited until after World War II. Another advance in the same area had been the introduction of high-strength bolts to replace rivets in field connections. 。

Since the close of World War II, research in Europe, the U.S., and Japan has greatly extended knowledge of the behavior of different types of structural steel under varying stresses, including those exceeding the yield point, making possible more refined and systematic analysis. This in turn has led to the adoption of more liberal design codes in most countries, more imaginative design made possible by so-called plastic design ?The introduction of the computer by short-cutting tedious paperwork, made further advances and savings possible.。









The role of women in China has changed dramatically, from one of servitude and repression in ancient China, to one of equality in modern communist China.。

For two thousand years in ancient China women lived under the rules set by Confucius in his analects. Confucius doctrine said women weren’t equal to men, because women were unworthy or incapable of a literary education. Other than this Confucius says little about women, which perhaps shows better than anything else how a standing they had in ancient Chinese society. The author of the books that set social standards in China for two thousand years barely mentions them. This was probably because most Confucians accepted the subservience of women to men as so natural that it wasn’t really needed to write it down in the first place (Andrea and Overfield, pg.82-90).。

Throughout ancient Chinese women were in a position of servitude from birth till death. They were actually considered a man’s private property (Heng) This was justified because it was said, “disorder is not sent down by heaven, it is produced by women” ( pg.3). Women were subject from birth to their fathers and brothers. They had to obey them without question. Women were often despised by their fathers, so much so that many Chinese women had no name. They were simply called daughter No. 1, Daughter No. 2 and so on.。

After women got married conditions remained much the same, only instead of being subject to a father they were subject to their husbands. Like they had to with their brothers and fathers they had to obey their husbands absolutely and without question. Their husbands often had two or three wives. A major change though when a woman got married was that she was also subject to her mother in law, a relationship that was often very nasty (Zhou). When a woman’s husband died she couldn’t remarry, that would be disloyal to her husband. Even if she had no food it was better for a woman to die of hunger than remarry. If a woman did remarry she had her skin peeled of the bones to death. Some women even committed suicide when their husbands died (Wudunn, pg. 1). A woman could rarely hold a job outside the house. They were supposed to spend their time cleaning the home for their husbands, indeed it was said, “the woman with no talent is the one who has merit” ( A woman’s main job in ancient China was to produce sons.。

A somewhat trivial, yet disturbing aspect of aristocratic Chinese marriages was the tradition of foot binding. It is said that foot binding was started around 1000 because an Emperor that his concubines small feet were beautiful. What happened is when a girl was between three and eleven years old, her toes were turned under and pressed against the bottom of her foot. The arches were broken as the foot was pulled straight with the leg, a long narrow cotton bandage would then be tightly wound around the foot from the toes to the ankle to hold the toes in place. After two or three years, the girl's feet shrank to about three inches long. Her feet where then called lily feet. Lily feet were deformed and very painful to walk on. Sometimes the toes even fell off, because blood could no longer reach them. This identified women of the aristocracy, because in the in China, a good marriage would be impossible to arrange if the girl had big ugly feet. Lily feet also prevented women from wandering, because a woman with bound feet wasn’t able to walk unassisted. Going even a short distance was very painful. Women had to walk with very short steps and could stand only with difficulty (。

Perhaps nothing shows the low status of women in ancient China than a custom that was done girls three days after their birth. On that day a girl baby was placed under the bed and given her a piece of broken pottery to play with. Then her birth was announced to her an offering. Lying the baby below the bed meant that she was lowly and weak, a second-class human, that her parents would have preferred a child. It also signified that it was her duty to humble herself before others. Giving her a piece of broken pottery signified that she should practice labor and consider it her duty to be productive. Announcing her birth in front of her ancestors meant that she should to consider it as a duty to continue the observance of worship in the home (Zhou).。

In China as I have discussed above for thousands of years were considered inferior in every way to a man. They had almost no rights and little freedom. Then suddenly in the twentieth century, everything changed. Women went almost overnight (in terms of the history of China) from second-class humans, men’s property, to equals.。

This was probably because at the start of the 20th century, western ideas began filtering into China. A women’s movement began to spread, reformers demanded greater literacy for women and an end to foot binding (which was finally outlawed when the communist came to power,) (Wuddun).。

Another main factor that helped women’s rights was communism. Communist believed that women were equal to men; Mao Zedong (the communist leader) even said that that women held up half the sky. The communist government thought that the liberation of women, who make half the population of China, was necessary for China to have complete freedom (Heng). Child weddings were banned, concubines were outlawed and brothels were closed. Women were allowed to hold real jobs. Some went to night school, or worked at the factory (Wudden). Laws were passed that equalized women under the law. The major ones were, The Chinese constitution of the early which 1950s. Which stated that Chinese women enjoyed equal rights with men in political, economic, social, cultural, and family life. The state protected women's rights and interests, practiced equal pay for equal work, and provided equal opportunity for women's training and promotion (Heng). The Marriage Law, which eliminated arranged marriages, saying that both women and men were free to choose their marriage partners, and widows were allowed to remarry (Heng). The Inheritance Law, which recognized the equal right of women to inherit family property (Heng). The Labor Insurance Regulations Law of 1951 guaranteed women 56 days of maternity leave with full pay (Heng). The Land Reform Law of the early 1950s provided rural women with an equal share of land under their own name, protecting their economic independence (Heng).。

These laws and other have worked dramatically. Today 35 million, 40% of agricultural workers are women. 6 million businesswomen are employed in Chinese cities (Heng). In large cities, 80-90% of working age women are employed in factories and businesses (Heng). Women are now mayors or vice mayors in 250 of the 514 cities in China (Heng). In Beijing, 345,453 women are government official, 44.26% of the total (Heng). 275,415 women are technical workers in business enterprises they make up 51% of the total. 200,000 women are university graduates 33.3%. Women make up over one-third of workers in the fields of trade, industry, finance, and communication, and almost half of those in education, culture, and health (Heng).。

Despite the rapid success of recent years women still face many challenges in China. While they are equal under the law, not all Chinese sees them as so. Because of China’s recent moves towards capitalism (meaning that businesses have to efficient) women have found it harder to find well paying jobs. Factories and businesses prefer to recruit men more because of women's traditional responsibilities of having kids and maintaining households. Women are not seen as efficient as men are; so many women have gone into low-paying jobs or are receiving lower pay for the same work (Heng). Another more starting fact is that China currently has a one-child policy, which with a 1.3 billion people that’s understandable. This though has had unfortunate side effect. Families, especially those in the country, want to have a boy to do heavy farm work and to continue the family line. If they get a girl it isn’t uncommon for her to be killed (Heng) Fewer girls than boys are enrolled education in China today, especially in poor areas. More than 70% of school dropouts are girls, some because many fathers want them to take a traditional role and look after the house. This has led to more than 70% of China's 220 million semiliterate or illiterate people being women (Heng)。

In conclusion, as I have shown above women in China have made phenomenal progress in the past fifty years and there is still quite along way to go. But considering that the changes I have described above only took fifty years in China, they took hundreds in the West, it won’t be long until we see a woman President in China, probably before we get one in America.。



凯旋门(Triumphal Arch)是欧洲纪念战争胜利的一种建筑。始建于古罗马时期,当时统治者以此炫耀自己的功绩。后为欧洲其他国家所效仿。常建在城市主要街道中或广场上。用石块砌筑,形似门楼,有一个或三个拱券门洞,上刻宣扬统治者战绩的浮雕。






位于斗兽场旁边,有三个拱门。公元315年,为纪念君士坦丁大帝在312年打败一起执政的马森奇奥(Massenzio) 而建造的。这个凯旋门装饰繁多,饰物多数来自以前罗马皇帝凯旋门或其它建筑物。



A triumphal arch is a structure in the shape of a monumental archway, usually built to celebrate a victory in war. The arch is invariably a free-standing structure, quite separate from city gates or walls. In its simplest form a triumphal arch consists of two pillars connected by an arch, crowned with a superstructure or attic on which a statue might be mounted or which bears commemorative inscriptions. More elaborate triumphal arches have flanking subsidiary archways, typically a pair.。











我奔向的第一个出口,是耸立在奥朗日市从阿尔市(Arles)到里昂的古阿格里帕(Agrippa)道路上的凯旋门(L’Arc de triomphe),这个凯旋门当然没有巴黎纪念拿破仑战功的那个凯旋门声名煊赫,但它的历史可以一直上溯到巴黎凯旋门无法望其项背的公元前30年(30 avant J.C)。


早在公元前2世纪开始,罗马人就开始入侵高卢[注1]。公元前154年,Massalie(马西里亚,即今天的马赛)的希腊商团请求罗马派兵帮助他们驱逐抢劫部落,前125年,罗马军队应马赛的要求卷土重来,而此时的高卢居民主要是在政治和经济上结盟的一些小部族,史料记载这样的小部族约有六十来个。第一个罗马行省就建立在高卢南部,定名为Narbon(纳尔榜行省),位置相当于今天的普罗旺斯-朗格多克(Provence-Languedoc)。前58年至前52年,恺撒征服高卢,前25年到前14年,奥古斯都收服了威胁道路安全的阿尔卑斯各部族,并且建立阿尔卑斯—马里蒂姆(Alpes-Maritimes)省,奥古斯都称之为PAX ROMANA,这一名称一直延用了几个世纪。


18世纪末凯旋门部分被毁,1825年——1829年经过整修,成为我们今天看到的模样。 [编辑本段]巴黎凯旋门巴黎著名建筑物。位于巴黎夏尔·戴高乐广场(原名星形广场,1970年改今名)中心。为纪念拿破仑在奥斯特里茨战役中打败俄、奥联军,于1806年始建, 1836年落成。高49.54米,宽44.82米,厚22.21米。四面有门,中心拱门宽14.6米。外墙上有巨型雕像,以刻在右侧石柱上的《出征》浮雕最著名,是雕刻大师弗朗索瓦·吕德的不朽杰作。门内侧刻有曾跟随拿破仑出征的386名将军的名字。门下有无名战士墓,并设有“长明火炬”,以资纪念。12条林荫大道从广场辐射延伸,使凯旋门更加雄伟壮观。






1806年,拿破仑一世(拿破仑·波拿巴,Napoléon Bonaparte)下令修建一个纪念帝国军队在奥斯特利茨(Austerlitz)战役中所取得胜利的标志性建筑。这个建筑最终被定为凯旋拱门,它代表了拿破仑军队的战无不胜坚不可摧。这个重要建筑的设计建造被委托给著名建筑师夏尔格兰(Chalgrin)、汝斯特(Joust)和布鲁艾(Blouet)及雕塑师科特 (Cortot),瑞德(Rude)、艾戴克斯(Etex)和帕雷第耶(Pradier)。在建造过程中工程曾一度受拿破仑帝国的灭亡及旧君主制的恢复的影响而暂时停工,工程在1825年重新开工,最后由路易-菲利甫(路易十八)于1836年7月30日为 凯旋门举行了落成典礼。



在它面向香榭丽舍田园大道(Champs Elysées)的门楣上有两个著名的花饰浮雕:右侧门柱上的那个展翅的自由女神后跟随着朝气蓬勃前去出战的战士的雕塑是“志愿军出发远征(le Départ des Volontaires)”即著名的“马赛曲(La Marseillaise)”;另一个“拿破仑凯旋归来(Le Triomphe de Napoléon)” (1810年由 让-皮埃尔 科特(Jean-Pierre Cortot)雕造),表现了拿破仑大捷归来后举行庆祝胜利仪式的欢腾场面。这两个不朽艺术杰作在世界美术史上都占有重要的一席之地。

面向万军林荫大道(Avenue de la Grande Armée )的门楣上是由昂图瓦纳 艾戴克斯(Antoine Etex)雕塑的“共和国(La République)”(又称“抵抗运动(La résistance)”)和“和平之歌(La Paix)”大型浮雕。


门楣上还刻有由拿破仑波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte)指挥的所有大型战役的名字及法国革命战争的名字。




1840年12月15日, 法国七月王朝儒安维尔亲王率军舰前去圣赫勒拿(SAINT HELENE)岛,将拿破仑的遗体接回祖国。90万巴黎市民冒着严寒,满怀深情地参加了隆重的葬礼。拿破仑的遗体由仪仗队护送,穿过这个他生前曾经无数次经过的凯旋门,最后被重新安葬在巴黎老残军人退休院的园顶大堂。

1885年,法国著名作家维克多 雨果(VICTOR HUGO)逝世,法国人民为了缅怀这位伟大的作家决定为他举行隆重的国葬。他的遗体于5月22日在凯旋门下停灵一夜,随后被安葬在专门安葬伟人的先贤祠(PANTHEON)。


1920年11月11日,一名在第一次世界大战中牺牲的无名烈士的遗体在凯旋门下被安葬。随后的1923年,一团纪念所有为他们的祖国捐躯的法国士兵的焰火在这位无名烈士的墓旁燃起,从此这团火焰每晚都在18点30分被点燃,彻夜长明,经夜不灭。每年的11月11日也成了一战停战节纪念日,纪念1918年法国从德国手里收回阿尔萨斯(ALSACE)和洛林( LA LORAINE)地区。



在英文诗中's 'st 'd o'分别有什么意义啊?


[建筑] arch; archway; arched door。

◇拱门侧塔 buttress tower; 拱门落水洞 arch ponor; 拱门饰 archivolt。

矮拱门 flying arch。

拱廊;拱门 arch

拱门饰 decorated archivolt。

拱门桅 arch mast。

双拱门 double archway。

铁拱门 small iron arch fixed in the ground through which balls are hit。

月拱门 moongate。

半圆形拱门 roman arch。

拱;弓形;拱门 arch。

拱门侧塔 buttress tower。

拱门落水洞 arch ponor。

拱门式冲床 arch press。

拱门之舞 arch dances。

哈德良拱门 hadrians arch。

荷兰式拱门 dutch arch。

尖端拱门。 gothic arch。

交叉拱门 interlacing arch。

景观拱门 landscape arch。

科罗布拱门 kolob arch。

绿色拱门 green arch。

树精拱门 treant arches。

塔斯曼拱门 tasman arch。

泰西半拱门 arch of tesiphon。

提图斯拱门 arch of titus。

拱路 arch

拱门窗上的葱形线饰 accolade; accollee。


There is a beautiful arch there .。


Vanamee, hidden in the deep shadow of the archway, did not move .。


Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill .。


He remembered wandering through dimly lit street, past ghast, black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses .。


Miss ingram returned to us through the arch。


Arches , canyon land and lake powell 4 days。


Moab - arches national park - salt lake city - hometown。


Arches , canyonland 4d arches - canyon land - lake powell。


Marble arch is a famous london landmark。


Here is another picture of setting sun shining on the arch。





















