mixly编写stm32单片机 :Mixly是一款面向初学者、硬件编程爱好者的图形化编程软件,支持20CoreBoard_STM32单片机的图形化编程,支持STM32F1、Arduino、ESP32、ESP8266、MicroPython、Python等语言的图形化编程。提供了图形化界面和代码界面对比显示的支持。
stm32 t7温度范围为-40°C到105°C。
扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning Tunneling Microscope, 缩写为STM)是一种扫描探针显微术工具,扫描隧道显微镜可以让科学家观察和定位单个原子,它具有比它的同类原子力显微镜更加高的分辨率。STM使人类第一次能够实时地观察单个原子在物质表面的排列状态和与表面电子行为有关的物化性质,在表面科学、材料科学、生命科学等领域的研究中有着重大的意义和广泛的应用前景,被国际科学界公认为20世纪106年代世界十大科技成就之一。隧道针尖的结构是扫描隧道显微技术要解决的主要问题之一。针尖的大小、形状和化学同一性不仅影响着扫描隧道显微镜图像的分辨率和图像的形状,而且也影响着测定的电子态。针尖的宏观结构应使得针尖具有高的弯曲共振频率,从而可以减少相位滞后,提高采集速度。如果针尖的尖端只有一个稳定的原子而不是有多重针尖,那么隧道电流就会很稳定,而且能够获得原子级分辨的图像。针尖的化学纯度高,就不会涉及系列势垒。例如,针尖表面若有氧化层,则其电阻可能会高于隧道间隙的阻值,从而导致针尖和样品间产生隧道电流之前,二者就发生碰撞。制备针尖的材料主要有金属钨丝、铂-铱合金丝等。钨针尖的制备常用电化学腐蚀法。而铂- 铱合金针尖则多用机械成型法,一般 直接用剪刀剪切 而成。不论哪一种针尖,其表面往往覆盖着一层氧化层,或吸附一定的杂质,这经常是造成隧道电流不稳、噪音大和扫描隧道显微镜图象的不可预期性的原因。因此,每次实验前,都要对针尖进行处理,一般用化学法清洗,去除表面的氧化层及杂质,保证针尖具有良好的导电性。
Mainstream ARM Cortex-M0 Value line MCU with 16 Kbytes Flash, 48 MHz CPU。
The STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC microcontrollers incorporate the high-performance ARM®Cortex®-M0 32-bit RISC core operating at a 48 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (up to 256 Kbytes of Flash memory and up to 32 Kbytes of SRAM), and an extensive range of enhanced peripherals and I/Os. All devices offer standard communication interfaces (up to two I2Cs, up to two SPIs and up to six USARTs), one 12-bit ADC, seven general-purpose 16-bit timers and an advanced-control PWM timer.。
The STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC microcontrollers operate in the -40 to +85 °C temperature range from a 2.4 to 3.6V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows the design of low-power applications.。
The STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC microcontrollers include devices in four different packages ranging from 20 pins to 64 pins. Depending on the device chosen, different sets of peripherals are included. The description below provides an overview of the complete range of STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC peripherals proposed.。
These features make the STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC microcontrollers suitable for a wide range of applications such as application control and user interfaces, handheld equipment, A/V receivers and digital TV, PC peripherals, gaming and GPS platforms, industrial applications, PLCs, inverters, printers, scanners, alarm systems, video intercoms, and HVACs.。
Key Features
Core: ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M0 CPU, frequency up to 48 MHz。
16 to 256 Kbytes of Flash memory。
4 to 32 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity。
CRC calculation unit。
Reset and power management。
Digital & I/Os supply: VDD= 2.4 V to 3.6 V。
Analog supply: VDDA= VDDto 3.6 V。
Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR)。
Low power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby。
Clock management。
4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator。
32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration。
Internal 8 MHz RC with x6 PLL option。
Internal 40 kHz RC oscillator。
Up to 55 fast I/Os。
All mappable on external interrupt vectors。
Up to 55 I/Os with 5V tolerant capability。
5-channel DMA controller。
One 12-bit, 1.0 μs ADC (up to 16 channels)。
Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V。
Separate analog supply: 2.4 V to 3.6 V。
Calendar RTC with alarm and periodic wakeup from Stop/Standby。
11 timers
One 16-bit advanced-control timer for six-channel PWM output。
Up to seven 16-bit timers, with up to four IC/OC, OCN, usable for IR control decoding。
Independent and system watchdog timers。
SysTick timer
Communication interfaces。
Up to two I2C interfaces。
Up to six USARTs supporting master synchronous SPI and modem control; one with auto baud rate detection。
Up to two SPIs (18 Mbit/s) with 4 to 16 programmable bit frames。
Serial wire debug (SWD)。
All packages ECOPACK®2。