
问题描述:用英文怎么介绍留守儿童?? 本篇文章给大家谈谈一个有趣的事情,以及一个有趣的事情,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。



Topic Left-behind Children in the Countryside在农村的留守儿童(无译文)。

Every year, millions of people from rural areas pour into cities to find jobs. And the henomenon of left-behind children is prevalent.。

Left-behind children are suffering a series of problems. They are not taken good care of by their parents because of the distance. Therefore, many of them are rather weak physically and psychologically. Besides, they are easily led astray due to the absence of parental love and guidance.。

In my opinion, measures should be taken to solve the problem. Firstly, both people in the cities and countryside should endeavor to offer love and concern to these children. The parents in particular should not make money at the sacrifice of ignorance of their children. Secondly, policies should be implemented so that children from countryside can also have access to educational opportunities, medical care and other services in the city. Finally, it is urgent to develop economy in the rural areas, so that people can get well-paid jobs near their homes.。


留守儿童: Stay-at-Home children。

Twelve-year-old Luo Xiaofeng refused to have dinner with his parents 。

on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the last day of the Chinese lunar new year. Instead, he sat on the doorstep sobbing. "They are leaving for Xiamen tomorrow, and I don't want to let them go," he cried.It was the first Spring Festival in three years in which his parents had managed to come back to their Hometown in the eastern part of Ningde, Fujian Province, to spend the holiday with him.。

Luo is not alone. Government statistics show that more than 20 million children in rural areas whose parents have left Home to search for work in the city.The problem has reached a national scale as more and more migrant workers from across China answer the call of employers in the country's booming cities.The splitting up of families poses a challenge to traditional household structures and approaches to child-rearing, said Xie Guangxiang, deputy secretary-general of Anhui Provincial Government.In a proposal to the ongoing ational Committee of the CPPCC, Xie urged the whole country to think seriously about the situation.Among the potential problems stay-at-Home children face are the absence of any sort of family education, degraded school records and other psychological problems.。

A survey of people in Jingmen, Hubei Province, showed that stay-at-Home local children suffer from poor living conditions, lagging educational attainment, insecurity and difficultly in communication.The survey, conducted by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) in May last year, involved 181 children, 95 boys and 86 girls. The results were published last week on the federation's website.Some 87.9 percent of the children surveyed said they were willing to stay with their parents. About 90 percent said they felt insecure when they were left 。


The five most pressing concerns for such children are tutoring, psychological help, security, financial support and communications. To deal with the issue, a dozen government-related bodies, including the Office of the Rural Workers United Conference under the State Council and ACWF, set up a working panel in October last year. The panel is to cooperate with other government bodies, including the Education, Public Security and finance ministries, to gradually put in place laws and regulations to safeguard the rights of stay-at-Home children.。

译文(China Daily)。





Vocabulary: 。

stay-at-Home children : 留守儿童。



虚拟语气是一种动词形式,表示说话人的一种愿望,假设,怀疑,猜测, 建议等含义,虚拟语气所表示的含义不是客观存在的事实。

If I were you, I'd take them away. 。


If I had met Li Hua, I could had told him. 。


If I had time. I could come to help you. 。


He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 。


He speaks to us as if he had been there. 。



1) 虚拟语气用在简单句中,表示祝愿,命令。

May you be happy. 。


May you have a good time. 。


May the friendship between us last long. 。


Have a good journey! 。


You go out!


2) 虚拟语气用在宾语从句中。动词 wish, suggest,order,insist, propose,等词后面的宾语从句表示的是一种虚拟语气, 宾语从句中的动词动作表示的只是一种愿望,要求。

I wish she would be on my side. 。


I wish I could help him. 。


He insisted that all of us should be there on time by any means. 。


动词 demand, suggest, order, insist, propose 后面的从句中,"should" 可以省略。

The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class. 。


He ordered that the students wash the clothes every week by themselves. 。


3) 虚拟语气用在主语从句中。

在句型 "It is important (necessary, strange, natural) that .... " 中,that 后面的从句中的谓语动词用: should + 动词原形 。

It's necessary that we should have a walk now. 。


It's natural that she should do so. 。


It's important that we should take good care of the patient. 。


4) 虚拟语气用在状语从句中。



条件从句 结果从句 。

If I (we,you,he,they)+ 动词过去式.. if I (he,she) were... I (we) should + 动词原形。 He (you,they) would + 动词原形。


条件从句 结果从句 。

If I(we,you,he,they)+ had + 过去分词 I(we)should + have+ 过去分词。He (you,they) would + have + 过去分词。

If I were you, I should buy it. 。


If I had time, I would study French. 。


If she knew English,she would not ask me for help. 。


If you had got up earlier, you could have caught the train. 。


If it were fine tomorrow,I would go shopping. 。



1) 有时if引导的状语从句可以省略 if,而把从句中的动词 were, had 或 should 移到主语前面。

Were she younger, she would do it . 。

如果她年青点, 她就会干的。

Had he known her address, he would had gone to visite her. 。


2) 有时表示虚拟语气的条件从句或者主句都可以省略,而只剩下一个主句或者一个条件从句。

I could help you. 。


If I had time. 。


She should have come to the party. 。


If he had much more money. 。


3) 虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词动作可以和主句的动词动作时态不一致。

If they had studied hard, they could do it easily now. 。


If he had not taken my advice, he wouldn't do it much better like this. 。


1``At last the meeting suggested all the sidespresent___to develop the area together. 。

A.allowed B.should allow C.were allowed allowed```````D 。

suggest表建议时其后的宾丛要用虚拟语气!!!!即 。


2``--It`s many years since Isaw youlast time.I___you at all. 。

--I wouldn`thave,either,if someone___you bythe name. 。

A.didn`t recognize;hadn`tcalled 。

B.didn`t recognize;didn`tcall 。

C.haven`t recognized;didn`tcall 。

D.recognized;had called 。

A对!(我很累!!)此句考察喊条件句的虚拟语气,由主句可制从句中谓语要用hadn`t called! 。

由语意:如果没人叫你的名子,我也不会认出你来!与过去事实相反。所以用A 。


1.Were it not for the snowy weather, we __________all right. 。

A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be 。

2. ________more careful, his ship would not have sunk. 。

A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been 。

C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been 。

3. If he _________ me tomorrow, I would let him know. 。

A. should call B. should not have been able 。

C. were not able D. are not able 。

4. If you asked your father, you ______________ permission. 。

A. may get B. might get C. should have called D. maybe get 。

5. _____________today, he would get there by 小狗. 。

A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving 。

C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves 。

6. ______I you, I would go with him to the party. 。

A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were 。

7. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ____________our chairman now. 。

A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be 。

8. ____________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday 。

A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 。

9. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _____________your advice 。

A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed 。

10. If the horse won today, it _____________ thirty races in five years. 。

A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won 。

11. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise. 。

A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been 。

12. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d______________ there by now. 。

A. be B. circles C. is circling D. be circling 。

13. I wish I ___________ with her. 。

A. would be B. am C. was D. were 。

14. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_______________ to it. 。

A. had not gone B. have not gone C. did not go D. can not have gone 。

15. George would certainly have attended the meeting, ____________________ . 。

A. if he didn’t get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadn’t happened 。

C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself 。

16. The teacher suggested that her students _____________ experiences with ESP. 。

A. write a composition on their B. to write composition about the 。

C. wrote some compositions of his or her D. had written any compositions for his 。

17. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ______________a Chinese. 。

A. were B. had been C. is D. has been 。

18. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______________ away for ages. 。

A. has been B. was C. is D. had been 。

19. Most insurance agents would rather you ___________ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation. 。

A. do B. don’t C. didn’t D. didn’t do 。

20. It is important that the TOEFL office ________ your registration. 。

A. will confirm B. confirm C. confirms D. must confirm 。

21. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology __________. 。

A. will not have been achieved B. have not been achieved 。

C. would not have been achieved D. had not been achieved 。

22. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ____________a Chinese. 。

A. were B. had been C. is D. has been 。

23. It is time that the government ______________measures to protect the rare birds and animals. 。

A. takes B. took C. has taken D. taking 。

24. Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant ________ all diplomas from elementary school to university. 。

A. has B. will have C. should have D. must have 。

25. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _____ to the meeting. 。

A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come 。

26. If I had seen the movie, I ______________ you all about it now. 。

A. would tell B. will tell C. have told D. would have told 。

27. I had hoped that John _______ a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months. 。

A. spends B. spent C. would spend D. will spend 。

28. It’s high time they____________ this road. 。

A. mend B. mended C. must have mended D. will mend 。

29. It’s about time people______ notice of what women did during the war. 。

A. take B. took C. have taken D. will take 。

30. He’s working hard for fear that he_____________ . 。

A. should fall behind B. fell behind 。

C. may fall behind D. would fall behind 。

31. In the past men generally preferred that their wives_______________ in the home. 。

A. worked B. would work C. work D. were working 。

32. For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically ready for the new idea. 。

A. is B. were C. be D. would be 。

33. Your advice that_____________ till next week is reasonable. 。

A. she waits B. she wait C. wait she D. she waited 。

34. It was essential that we lease before the end of the month. 。

A. sing B. singed C. had signed D. were signing 。

35. I advised that the sick child ________ a hospital as soon as possible. 。

A. should send to B. should be sent 。

C. be went to D. must be sent to 。

36. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay ________ be 20 percent. 。

A. be raised B. would be raised C. raised D. raise 。

37. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ________ the rules. 。

A. obeys B. obey C. will obey D. would obey 。

38. My suggestion is that she ________ more exercise, which will do a lot of 。

good to her.

A. takes B. must take C. take D. took 。

39. If only I ________ driving before. 。

A. learn B. learned C. had learned D. would learn 。

40. ________ she ________ yesterday, she would meet the famous singer today. 。

A. If, didn’t leave B. Had not, left C. Hadn’t, left D. Didn’t, leave 。





现在完成时:主语 + have / has + 过去分词 (肯定式)

主语 + have / has + not + 过去分词 (否定式)

Have / Has + 主语 + 过去分词 (疑问式)

过去完成时:主语 + had + 过去分词 (肯定式)

主语 +had + not + 过去分词 (否定式)

Had + 主语 + 过去分词 (疑问式)


现在完成时: 常用的时间状语包括 “now, today, tonight, this week, this year, already, yet, just, recently…etc”。

过去完成时: 常用的时间状语包括 “by, at, before等构成的短语”。

注意:当表示一段时间,现在完成时和过去完成时都可以用for 或since引导的状语。

例如:Have you had your lunch yet? 你吃午饭了吗?

Yes, I have . I’ve just had it. 是的,我刚吃完。

I have had a clock now. 我现在有一个闹钟了。

Have you already posted the photos? 你把照片寄走了吗?

The meeting had begun when we got there. 我们到那儿时,会议已经开始了。

We had learned about 5000English words by the end of last term. 。


They had done the work at five o’clock. 在五点钟的时候他们已经完成了那项工作。

I’ve known Li Lei for three years. 我认识李蕾已经三年了。

I have worked here since ten years ago. 自从十年前我就在这工作。

We had not heard from him since we left here. 自从我们离开以来一直没有收到他的来信。

They had then been without sleep for twenty-four hours.这时他们已经有24个小时没有合眼了。



1.“ have/ has got ”形式上是一种完成时,但和have/ has 为同一意义,即 “有”。

例如:Have you got a pen-friend? 你有笔友吗?

Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

Has he got a lot of work to do? 他有许多工作要做吗?

No, he hasn’t. 不,他没有。

2. have/ has gone to 与 have/has been to 的区别 。

have/ has gone to 强调“去而未归”; have/ has been to 强调“去而归还”。 have/ has 。

been to常和once, twice, never, ever连用; have/ has gone to则不可。例如:

— Have Jack ever been to Beijing? 杰克去过北京吗?

— Yes, he’s been there several times. 是的,他去过好几次了。

— Where have Mary and Tom gone? 玛丽和汤姆去哪里了?

— They’ve gone to London. 他们去伦敦了。

3.非延续性动词不能用于“现在完成时 + 表示一段时间的状语”的句型中。

这类动词有:come, go, start, leave, die, buy, finish, join, borrow, stop等。但它们能够 。


arrive, come → be here, be in 。

begin, start → be on 。

buy → have

die → be dead

fall asleep(ill) → be asleep (ill) 。

finish, end → be over 。

get to know → know 。

get up → be up 。

go out → be out 。

join → be in , be a + 名词 。

leave, move → be away, be out of 。



When she came into the room, she found them sitting together singing. 。


After we said good-bye to our friends, we left the village. 。





Nine Benefits for Men to do Laundry。

(Nine Reasons Why Men Should do Laundry 更好点吧)。



1. Improves relationship between the couple, thus creating a harmonius family. According to statistical analysis: The probability of a woman divorcing her husband because he likes to do laundry is less than 1/100000.。



2. Good for the mental health of men。

Being frequently praised by his wife for doing her laundry will make a man unbelievably happy and will give him a strange sense of confidence and satisfaction (sometimes even better than sexually-oriented ones), thus raising his Mental Health Index (MHI)。



3. Improves men's class and taste。

The sound of flowing water often reminds men of the beauty of nature and creates a poetic atmosphere. Laundry eventually will make a gentleman out of a common man.。



4. Good for the physical well-being of man。

While doing laundry (especially manually), a man's muscles will be heavily exercised by various streneous manouvres such as twisting, pulling, lifting, rubbing, etc. If done correctly, it could be as healthy, if not better, than Taichi (which might have been created based on body movements of ancient clothe-washers). According to Pavlov's theory of Conditional Reflex, working with water helps maintaining men's fluid balance. Certain medical studies have shown that men who does laundry often are less prone to prostate diseases.。



5. Laundry makes a man more rational, organized and responsible。

According to studies, men who does laundry often is much more organized and efficient comparing to those who leaves dirty laundry to their wives. It's quite obvious that this vital skill was gained while doing laundry (most men don't know that you shouldn't wash your socks and cloth respirator together prior to doing laundry).。



6. Money money money。

It's not uncommon to discover spare change while clearing out clothe pockets before laundry. If a man decides to selfishly keep all of it, eventually, dimes and nickels will accumulate into a considerable sum. This is perhaps the most important source of income for men with "persuasive" wives.。



7. Cuts cost, and environmentally friendly。

Well, if the men are doing all the laundry, your washing machine won't be using any power (or, even better, you won't have to spend money on one!), thus saving considerable amount of money on the family's electricity bill. Besides, when the wife doesn't have to do the laundry and let her hands be damaged by those unhealthy chemicals, it's likely that she'll spend less on manicures and skincare... now that's a lot of money.。



8. Learning an important life skill。

Doing laundry frequently teaches a man how to wash clothes (duh!), and smarter men might even learn how to repair (if not build) washing machines. In case of another great recession, men who does laundry often could open his very own laundromat (or become a handyman or professional washing machine fixers) to earn a living.。



9. Makes a man hardworking, conscientious and cultivates a positive working attitude.。

Attitude decides everything, if a man wants to achieve something in life, a positive attitude towards life is an absolute necessity. A man's life might have a limit, but the amount of dirty laundry his family (especially female members) can produce is virtually limitless. There's always dirty clothes so long as one wants to wash them. Under this kind of daunting working atmosphere, only the toughest and most hardworking man could survive. So when your husband is done with this week's laundry and he's passed out in the sink, you know that he is one step closer to greatness.。





















