
问题描述:十来岁孩子流鼻血喝什么去火茶好? 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!






中医治疗流鼻血 经验小方 秘方 民间偏方。



本方适用于由肺热上火引起的鼻出血。 >>>。




治疗冠心病国际公认的三大原则是: 1. 扩张冠状动脉,改善血流供应,缓解心肌缺血 2. 保护内皮功能,稳定动脉粥样硬化斑块 3. 促进建立和健全冠脉侧枝循环的形成;采用冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)或选用有治疗性血管新生(Therapeutic angiogenesis)的药物等。 图1 HMP可减轻血管壁超微结构的损害 资料来源于《中国中西医结合杂志》〔1998:18(8)〕 改善血管内皮功能对冠心病心绞痛治疗有积极意义 这里我们着重谈谈改善血管内皮细胞功能对治疗冠心病心绞痛的积极意义。大家都知道,血管内皮细胞具有调节血管张力、抗血小板聚集、抗血栓形成、调节血管壁通透性的生理功能。改善血管内皮功能就是通过抑制血小板聚集、抑制平滑肌细胞增生、清除氧自由基、改善内皮舒张功能、拮抗TXA2,提高PGI2、改善NO分泌与活性起到稳定冠脉粥样硬化斑块的作用。麝香保心丸(HMP)能有效抑制动脉内膜的增生,减轻高胆固醇对动脉壁NO代谢造成的紊乱,从而减轻高胆固醇对动脉内皮细胞的损伤。 麝香保心丸(HMP)早期的药理及毒理实验在江文德等教授的主持下,由复旦大学医学院药理系完成。基础研究证明:苏合香脂、冰片有减慢心率、解除冠脉痉挛的作用;麝香提取物有扩张血管、强心的功效;人参皂甙有抗氧化、正性肌力、降低血脂的作用;蟾酥则有强心的效果〔1,2〕。急性毒理试验证明:在治疗剂量500倍的范围内,HMP对动物心律、心率及平均动脉压无明显影响;给予500倍以上的剂量,动物表现为平均动脉压的降低及心率的减慢。〔1~4〕。在临床已经证明HMP明显疗效的基础上,开始了HMP对血管壁作用机制的探讨。为了解HMP的作用部位,采用离体鼠动脉环进行研究〔5〕。将一组大鼠的动脉环剥离内皮细胞,另一组保留内皮细胞,然后将动脉环浸入克氏液中,先加入去甲肾上腺素诱发其收缩,然后加入不同浓度的HMP水浸液,观察其舒张反应,并且与乙酰胆碱进行比较。结果显示:HMP对保留内皮细胞组和剥离内皮细胞组动脉环均有舒张作用,其效应呈剂量依赖性,保留内皮细胞组的舒张作用明显高于剥离内皮细胞组。结果提示,HMP扩张血管的机制主要是内皮依赖性血管舒张作用,该作用通过一氧化氮途径得以实现,同时它也可直接舒张血管平滑肌。 研究已经证明,高脂血症可损害动脉壁的内皮细胞。为进一步了解HMP对在体血管内皮细胞形态及功能的作用,以及对动脉壁内一氧化氮系统的影响,研究者采用实验性高脂血症兔模型进行了研究〔6,7〕,应用光镜、电镜观察兔动脉壁的内皮细胞形态、内膜/中膜比值等形态学变化。光镜研究表明:HMP有抗实验性动脉粥样硬化的趋势,可明显降低内膜/中膜比值。电镜镜检发现:正常组主动脉内皮细胞等结构正常;HC组未见内皮及基底膜,血管腔面为大量胶原纤维覆盖,内含成纤维母细胞、平滑肌细胞及脂滴;HMP组部分内皮细胞脱落,残存内皮细胞肿胀、变性,但基底膜完整。以上提示,高脂血症可从形态上造成动脉内皮细胞的损害和脱落;而HMP可减轻血管壁超微结构的损害(图1)。 为准确地反映在体血管功能的改变,研究者采用敏感的血管内超声评价在体血管舒缩功能〔8〕。他们分别测量受试动物第十胸锥水平主动脉基础状态,以及注射乙酰胆碱(50μg/5mk,2min)及硝酸甘油(200μg/5mk,3min)后血管的腔径和截面积。结果提示:高脂血症可损害内皮依赖性血管舒张功能;与高胆固醇组比较使用HMP2周后 内皮依赖性血管舒张功能异常的程度明显减轻,而各组动物血管对硝酸甘油的舒张反应无明显差异。提示HMP改善了内皮依赖性血管舒张功能。 内皮依赖性血管舒张功能异常与一氧化氮代谢异常密切相关 内皮依赖性血管舒张功能异常与一氧化氮的代谢异常密切相关。用高脂血症兔的动脉标本,分别采用半定量RT-PCR技术,测量动脉壁内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)-mRNA的表达水平,用比色法测定动脉壁的酶活力及血清一氧化氮代谢产物的浓度;围绕一氧化氮的代谢过程,从一氧化氮合酶的基因表达、酶活力测定,到一氧化氮代谢产物测定等环节系统,探讨了HMP对血管内皮一氧化氮代谢的影响。同时用放免法测量血清SOD和血浆内皮素的水平。结果提示:高脂饮食造成了动脉一氧化氮代谢的紊乱,抑制了eNOS-mRNA基因的表达,降低了一氧化氮合酶的活力,减少了动脉壁一氧化氮的水平。加用HMP可部分逆转这种损害,增强动脉壁eNOS-mRNA的表达,提高动脉壁一氧化氮合酶的活力,增加动脉组织一氧化氮代谢产物的浓度。提示HMP通过减轻高脂血症对一氧化氮系统的损害,来保护内皮依赖性舒张功能〔6~9〕。(图2、3) 图2 图3 HMP可增强动脉壁eNOS-mRNA的表达,提高动脉壁一氧化氮合酶的活力,增加动脉组织一氧化氮代谢产物的浓度,总之HMP可通过减轻高脂血症对一氧化氮系统的损害,从而改善内皮依赖性舒张功能。 资料来源来《中国急救医学》〔1999;19(8):451~453〕 据文献报道,血管壁一氧化氮系统的异常主要是氧自由基损害的结果;HMP保护血管壁一氧化氮系统可能与减少氧自由基有关。动物实验研究表明〔6〕:HMP增加了血浆SOD的浓度,而临床研究也证明〔8〕:HMP降低了冠心病患者血中氧自由基的水平,提高了SOD的活力。以上材料提示:HMP通过扩张血管、改善内皮功能等途径发挥作用。其扩张血管的机制有直接舒张血管平滑肌和内皮依赖性血管舒张两条途径,其中主要的是内皮依赖性血管舒张作用。改善血管内皮依赖性舒张功能的机制是:通过升高SOD水平,降低氧自由基产生,减少血管壁一氧化氮的失活,同时增加了eNOS-mRNA的表达及酶活力,最终达到增加血管内皮一氧化氮释放、血管扩张的疗效。 长期服用麝香保心丸保护血管内皮功能 这里必须指出的是,麝香保心丸应该长期服用,才能起到保护血管内皮功能的作用。在最初的研究中发现,麝香保心丸起效速度非常快,最短30秒钟即起效,疗效与目前全球销量领先的日本救心丹相当,80年代许多媒体对此做了大量的宣传,给人们留下了深刻的印象。经过近二十年的研究发现,长期(3个月以上的疗程)服用麝香保心丸不仅能扩张冠状动脉,而且可以保护内皮细胞,更能促进缺血区域的血管新生,完全符合国际目前最新的治疗冠心病三大原则,实现"药物搭桥" 的作用,进而全面改善心功能,从根本上治疗冠心病。 【参考文献】: 1. 王浴生 主编。《中药药理与临床》人民卫生出版社,北京,(1983年8月第一版 1258~1276) 2 .江文德。冠心苏合丸的药理研究及苏冰滴丸的理论基础。 《药学学报》(1979;14:611~613) 3. 国家中医药管理局。麝香保心丸临床研究课题鉴定资料。1983年(内部资料) 4 .吕国庆,王受益,戴瑞鸿。麝香保心丸临床药理学初步探讨。 《临床心血管病杂志》(1986;2:161~164) 5. 张高峰,王受益、戴瑞鸿。麝香保心丸对大鼠离体主动脉环的药理作用。 《中国新药与临床杂志》( 1998;17:339-34) 6. 罗心平,范维琥,李勇等, 麝香保心丸减少高脂血症对动脉壁损害作用的实验研究。 《中国中西医结合杂志》( 1998;18:486~489) 7. 罗心平,李勇,范维琥等,麝香保心丸对高脂血症兔动脉壁一氧化氮代谢影响的研究。 《中国中西医结合杂志》1998;18(Suppk):36~38 8. 郝玉明,王风飞,刘素云。麝香保心丸对急性心肌梗塞患者的心肌保护作用。 《上海医药 》(19961221~22) 9 .罗心平等,血管内超声评价麝香保心丸对血管内皮功能的保护作用。 《中华物理医学与康复杂志》 1999;21(2):119~120(文章出处:中国医学论坛报)。




具体如:口腔卫生/牙医Dental Hygiene/Dentistry 、康复治疗Rehabilitation Therapy 、运动训练学/运动医学Athletic Training/Sports Medicine 、听力学与言语病理学Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology 、医学实验室技术Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technology 、药剂学Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Science 、物理疗法Physical Therapy/Physiotherapy 、娱乐治疗Therapeutic Recreation等专业。


具体如:会计学Accounting、管理学/工商管理Business Management and Administration 、商业Business/Commerce 、商业与广告艺术Commercial and Advertising Art 、企业创业学/中小企业管理Entrepreneurship 、财务金融学/银行Finance/Banking 、人力资源管理Human Resources Management等专业。



Any anti obesity drugs have certain side effects, improper application, not only lose weight is not into, and will make you sick. We will make a brief introduction of the commonly used medicine reducing weight:。

A, an appetite suppressant, these drugs are mainly by inhibiting CNS norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake in 5, excitatory central satiation, satiety, thereby suppressing appetite, increase metabolism, reduce weight. The most widely used first by fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, in recent years as a result of taking the drug after continuous appear serious side effect of valvular heartdisease and pulmonary hypertension and related deaths,have been in the global disable. Replace sb. is the sametype of new drug sibutramine, due to the effect of significant weight loss and in the global promotion, our part of the city is in the trial. Using the object as a BMIgreater than or equal to 28, no other risk factors, ordiabetes risk factors, body mass index greater than or equal to 27 of obese patients. Therapeutic doses of 5 - 15 mg / day. General treatment for 6 months, the weightcan be reduced by 5%. Disable the uncontrolled hypertension, coronary heart disease, Nao Zuzhong, liverand renal damage, pregnant and lactating women, etc..Recently the drug because of deaths and concern. Thirdthis kind of medicine is fluoxetine (Prozac). Theantidepressants can effectively alleviate depressionpatient's weight. Doses of 20 - 40 mg / day, morning service. Side effects include headache, insomnia,dizziness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea etc.. Pregnant and lactating women, and liver, kidney disorders with caution.。

Two, the absorption of fat blocker commonly used is OllieXi he. This is a new type of endogenous lipase inhibitorsand nutrient absorption of medicine to reduce. By combining with the lipase in the intestinal lumen, prevent food fat is hydrolyzed into free fatty acids can be absorbed and monoacylglycerol play a role, it can from the faeces of 1 / 3 the intake of fat, suitable for variousage groups (including the elderly) weight loss, and for the long-term control, weight maintenance, reduce weight rebound. In the diet at the same time also can significantly reduce the fasting blood glucose and blood fat. The usual dose is 60 to 120 mg, daily 1 - 3 times, meal service. Theagent is almost not be absorbed in the intestine, so there is no systemic adverse reactions. The main side effects were abdominal pain, steatorrhea, fecal incontinence.Long term use can lead to fat soluble vitamin deficiency.。

Three, biguanides can cause loss of appetite, for the treatment of obesity with diabetes mellitus. Commonly used with metformin. The starting dose of 250 mg, 2 times a day, after meals. Then according to the condition of the patient, the maximum dose of 2000 mg / day. The liver,kidney function is not complete person with caution, may have abdominal discomfort, diarrhea gastrointestinal disorders, such as side effect.。

Four, the market popular weight loss health medicine orfood is a part of composition is unknown, the mechanism of action is not clear, without formal clinical trials, the effect reducing weight is not credible. Some even adddrug ingredients in the following some harmful to human body of contraband.。

Thyroxine is this drug in the treatment of hypothyroidism.Normal people after taking, in addition to physical ease,will appear hyperthyroidism symptoms, such as palpitations, Dohan, fast pulse, insomnia, vomiting,diarrhea, fever, etc..。

Diuretics such as furosemide, although through a lot ofurination after taking the lead to weight loss, but easy to cause the water and electrolyte disturbance, such as low blood potassium, low blood sodium and nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, dry mouth, fatigue, arrhythmia and other side reactions.。

Ephedrine by exciting the central nervous system,accelerate metabolism, reach the effect reducing weight,but often insomnia, fever, sweating, thirst, anxiety,headache, palpitation and other side effects.。

Various types of laxatives by diarrhea weight loss, oftenresulting in water and electrolyte disturbance, increase the heart load. Besides weight rebound, but also causeadverse reaction of collapse, hypoglycemia etc..。

In addition, have joined the disabled by fenfluramine etc..。

In view of the above situation, recommend medication to lose weight to pay attention:。

1, any weight loss drugs have side effects, do not take.When necessary (not for beauty) should be under the guidance of a doctor, starting from a small doseadministration;。

2, the vast majority of overweight and obese people, firstthrough the control diet (especially fat and carbohydrates)and forced exercise to lose weight. Keep half the invalid or serious complications, only add weight loss drugs.。

3, do not buy without the approval of the Department of health in any weight loss and health products.。

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