
问题描述:初中英语课堂常用口语 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!




初中英语课堂常用口语1 一、做练习 。

1. 试着做练习12. Try exercise 12.。

2. 我们做第1题到第5题。 Let’s do numbers 1 to 5.。

3. 第二部分不用做。 Leave out the second part.。

4. 做第3页上的练习六。 Do Exercise 3 on Page 6.。

5. 让我们分组练习。 Let's practice in groups.。

6. 我想让你们做练习三。 I want you to do Exercise 3 as well.。

7. 你们可以把它视为热身练习。You can use it as warming—up exercise.。

8. 让我们做一些替换练习。 Let’s do some substitution drills.。

9. 回答前五个问题。 Answer the first five questions.。

10.把练习三全部完成。 Do the whole of Exercise 3.。

11. 一题隔一题回答。Answer every other question.。

12. 让我们从头到尾把练习做完。Let’s go through the exercise.。

13. 让我们把全班分成四组,以便有充分的练习机会。

Let’s divide our class into four groups in order to have sufficient practice.。

14. 在下一页找答案。 Find the exercise on the next page.。


1. 大家现在注意了。Everyone, attention please.。

2. 先做到这,都回到座位上。Stop where you are and come back to your seats.。

3. 你必须用钢笔写。You must use your pen to write.。

4. 在练习本上做练习六。 Write Exercise 6 in your exercise books.。

5.要写得整齐。 Write it neatly.。

6.写出的字迹要清楚。.Write it out legibly.。

7.做练习前把铅笔削好。Sharpen your pencil before you do your exercises。

8.如果你的字迹不清楚,就得重写。If your writing is illegible,you will have t0 rewrite it。

9.标出正确的答案。Mark the right answer.。

10.请勾出你所听到的句子。Circle the appropriate answer.。

11.圈出合适的答案。Tick the sentences you hear.。

12. 正确的答案在括号里打勾,而错误的答案划叉。

Give a tick for an affirmative response and a cross for the negative in the brackets.。

13. 请做练习题。Do the exercise.。


1. 我们会有一个简单的测验。 We’ll have a simple test.。

2. 这是一个检验你们对课文理解程度的测验。

It’s a quiz to check how much you have understood the lesson.。

3. 我们做个小考吧。 Let’s take a quiz.。

4. 小测是圆满结束一篇课文的好方法。 A quiz is a good way of rounding off a text.。

5. 考试的目的是确保你们理解所学的知识。

The purpose of the examination is to make sure you can understand what you have learned.。

6. 下节课我们要进行小测。 We will have a quiz next period.。

7. 下周有一个考试。 There will be a test next week.。

8. 明天你们将参加一个英语笔/口试。

You will take a written/an oral examination in English tomorrow.。

9. 我们现在听写。 We will have a dictation,now.。

10. 考试时要特别注意拼写和标点。

Pay special attention to your handwriting and punctuation in the exam.。

11. 合上书,拿出一张纸,我们进行小测。

Close your books and take out a piece of paper, we will have a quiz.。


Don't be nervous. We reviewed everything we learned last period in the paper.。



All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil on the desk.。

2. 在所发的题单上回答问题。 Answer the questions on the handout.。

3. 考试前不要临时抱佛脚。浪费时间。

Don’t cram the night before the examination.It’s a waste of time.。

4. 先答会做的题目,然后返回来再答其他各题。

Work on the questions you know first,and then come back and try to answer the others.。

5. 划掉错误选项,这会使你避免重复考虑已排除的选项。

Cross out incorrect choices,this will keep you from reconsidering a choice that you have already eliminated.。

6. 字典和拼写检查器不得带进考场。

The use of dictionaries and spell—checkers is not permitted.。

7. 任何违规行为都可能导致你被取消考试资格。

Any infringement of the regulations may lead you to a disqualification.。

8. 答案必须写在指定的地方。

Only write in the area designed for the answers.。

9. 请把你们的答题纸和试卷分开交。

Please hand in your answer sheets and question papers separately.。

10. 记住带好必要材料:身份证和准考证。

Remember to bring the necessary materials:identification card and admission ticket.。

11. 请清理桌面。 Please clear your desks.。


Being careful is the key to getting the questions right that you should get right--resulting in a good score on the enhance exam.。


1. 我会公布答案。I’ll call out the answers.。

2. 和同桌交换试卷,然后互评。 Exchange your test papers with your partners and mark them.。

3. 我们核对答案。Let’s check the answers.。

4. 让我们快速浏览一下答案。Let’s run through the answers quickly.。

5. 我来看看你们做得怎么样。I will see how well you did.。

6. 第一题的答案是什么? What is the answer to Number 1 ?。

7. 第二题你们的答案是什么? What answer have you got for Question 2 ?。

8. 在第三十页上检查答案。Check your answer on Page 30.。

初中英语课堂常用口语2 1. Let's start class. =It's time for class. 上课。

2.Let's begin a new lesson. 我们开始学新课.。

3. Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.。

4. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?。

5. Read all together now.大家一起读.。

6. Be quiet, please.请安静。

7. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。

8. Quickly, /Be quick, please. 请迅速点。

9. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?

10. Is that clear? 听清楚了吗?

11. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音。

12. Look /Listen carefully, please.请仔细看/听。

13. Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide/screen.请看黑板/图片/幻灯片/大屏幕。

14. Please answer my questions.请回答我的问题。

15. Can you spell the word....? 你能拼读这个单词吗?

16. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音。

17. Read after me, please.请跟我读。

18. Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.请再作一次。

19. Who’d like to.. ?谁愿意.........?。

20. Please come to the front.请到前面来。

21. In pairs, please.请两人一组练习。

22. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.请按小组练习。

23. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗?

24. Let's do it. One by one ,please.请一个接一个地做。

25. Now you, please. =Would you, please? = It’s your turn now! = you want to try? 请你来。

26. Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.请举手。

27. Put down your hands, please. / Hands down, please.请放下手。

28. Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它们译成汉语。/英语。

29. In English, please.请用英语。

30. What's this in English/ Chinese? 这个用英语/汉语怎么说?

31. Please take out your books.请拿出你们的书。

32. Please open your books and turn to page4.请打开书,翻到4页。

33. Close your books ,please.请把书合上。

34. Who can pronounce this correctly? 谁能发这个音?

35. How do you read this sound / letter/ word? 你怎么读这个字母/单词的音?

36. Pardon? I can't hear you clearly. Louder, please.请原谅.我没能听清你的话请大点声。

37. Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。

38. Who can help him/her? 谁能帮助他?39. Don't be afraid.别害怕。

40. Think it over and try again.仔细想一下,再试。

41. Try your best. / Do your best.尽力/尽你最大努力。

42. Let's have a dictation.咱们听写吧。

43. Is this right or wrong? / Is this correct? 这个是对还是错?这个正确吗?

44. Stop here. / Now stop.到此为止。

45. Go on, please.请继续。

46. Let's sing an English song.咱们唱一首英文歌。

47. Let's act. /Let's act the dialogue. 咱们表演/表演对话。

48. Who ‘d like to be A? 谁想演A?

49. Now Tom will be A and I will be B.现在汤姆演A,我演B。

50. It's your turn.轮到你了。

51. Whose turn is it? 该轮到谁了?

52. Stand in line.站成一排。

53. Ask each other questions.互相问问题。

54. Think it over.仔细想。

55. This half of the class will be/read/act/play A and the other half will be B.。


56. That's right/ wrong.对/错了。

57. Excellent. / Great. / Well done.优秀/太好了/做得好。

58. Next time we’ll have a dictation/ spelling test. 我们下次将举行听写/拼写测验。

59. That's all for today.今天就到这。

60. Come to ask me if you have questions.如果你有问题,就来问我。

9. 与同桌交换卷子,改错。

Change your papers with your desk-mates and correct mistakes.。


Who would like to read out the key to Question 3 ?。

11. 还有一个错误,你丢了句中一个词。

One more mistake.You left one word in the sentence.。

12. 有人都答对了吗? Did anyone get all the answers correct?。

13.明白了吗? Do you understand?。

14.有问题吗? Do you have any questions?。

15. 大家还需要我的帮助吗? Do you still need my help?。


1. 你们的成绩出来了。 Your exam results have come out.。

2. 得了90分以上的同学举手。 People who have got over 90 points, raise your hands.。

3. 有10个同学得了100分。 There are ten people who got 100 points.。

4. 你这次考试考得很好。 You really did a good job in this test.。

5. 对一个得一分。 One point is for every one right.。

6. 答错一个扣一分。 Take off a point for every one wrong.。

7. 答对一个给自己加一分。 Give yourself one point for every correct answer.。

8. 数一数得多少分。 Count up your points.。

9. 你得了多少分? How many points did you score?。

10. 如果你答错了,要丢一分。 If your answer is wrong,you will lose a point.。

11. 如果开头字母没大写,我要扣一分。

I will take one point off if you forget to capitalize the first letter.。

12. 如果忘记标点,这次我不扣分。

If you forget punctuation.I won’t take off any point this time.。

13. 你这次进步很大。 You have improved a lot this time.。


1. 你们想玩哪个游戏? Which game do you want to play?。

2. 你们必须严格遵守规则。 You have to follow the rules well.。

3. 获胜队将会得到一份礼物。 The winning team will get a present.。

4. 让我们做个游戏。 Let’s play a game.。

5. 现在让我们玩个猜谜/拼写/计算游戏。

Now we will play a guessing/spelling/counting game.。

6. 你们现在想做个游戏吗? Do you want to play a game now?。

7. 猜我手里攥的是什么? Guess what I am holding.。

8. 你们可以猜两次,猜出我包里装的是什么。

I will give you two guesses to find out what is in my bag.。

9. 这是一个字母游戏。 This is a game of letters.。

10. 这个游戏我们得把某个人的眼睛蒙上。 For this game we have to blindfold somebody.。

11. 正面还是背面? Heads or tails?。

12. 猜猜我在画什么? Guess what I am drawing.。

13. 我先来示范一下。 Let me demonstrate first.。

14. 请闭上眼睛。Close your eyes.。

15. 请安静。Please be quiet.。


1. 我们需要一个裁判在这个游戏中。 We need a referee for this game.。

2. 被警告的小组会被罚去一分。 The team that gets a warning will get a penalty point.。

3. 这一组得三分。 Three points for this team.。

4. 我当裁判。I will be the referee.。

5. 我们将分成四组。We will form four groups.。

6. 你来记分。 You Can keep the score.。

7. 这三排一组。These three rows are one team.。

8. 你们可以挑选哪一队。You can pick your own team.。

9. 分成三组,每组六至八人。Get into three teams of six to eight.。

10. 让我们决定哪组先开始。Let’s decide which team play first.。

11. 准备好了吗?开始。 Are you ready? Go.。

12. 我给每一组加2分。 I’ll give you two points each.。

13.让我们为获胜队鼓掌。 Let’s give a big hand to the winning team.。


1.这个队得一分。One point is for this team.。

2.你们的答案是错误的。 You lose a point for your answer is wrong·。

3.现在我将累计总分。Now I will add up your points.。

4.二队得一分。Team 2 got a point·。

5.胜利者是一组。Group 1 is the winner.。

6.女生得四分。Three points for the girls.。

7.你们总共得多少分? How many points have you got altogether?。

8.比赛打成平局。The game ended in a tie.。

9.平局。It is a draw/tie.。

10.比分接近。 It was a close finish.。

11. 女生获胜。 Girls are the winners.。


1. 我们今天要唱一首歌。We are going to sing a song today.。

2. 你们有什么歌曲推荐吗? Do you have any songs to recommend?。

3. 你们记住歌词了吗? Have you memorized the words?。

4. 我让大家听一曲激动人心的旋律。 I’ll let you hear an exciting chant.。

5. 跟着我唱这首歌。Sing with me.。

6. 跟着磁带一起唱。Sing along with the singer on the tape.。

7.让我们先听一下曲调。 Let’s listen to the tune first.。

8.如果你不知道歌词,就跟着哼哼。 If you don’t know the words,just hum.。

9.你跑调了。You are out of tune.。

10. 你们记住歌词了吗? Do you keep the words in mind?。

11. 我给大家解释一下歌词。 I’ll explain the words for you.。

12. 跟我重复歌词。 Repeat the words after me.。


1. 把我所说的画出来。 Draw what I say.。

2. 请把画笔准备好。 Please have your brushes ready.。

3. 谁还没调出紫色? Who hasn’t got a purple color?。

4. 拿出你们的彩笔。 Take out your crayons.。

5. 把绘画东西准备好。 Get your drawing things ready.。

6. 你们都带彩笔了吗? Have you all got your colored pencils with you?。

7. 让我们画一些画。 Let’s draw some pictures.。

8. 让我们把画涂色。 Let’s color the pictures.。

9. 将大海涂成蓝色。 Color the sea blue.。

10. 把两道三种颜色调在一起。Mix two or three colors together.。

11. 请把画板拿出来。 Please take out your drawing boards.。


1. 先看我做。 Watch me first.。

2. 谁愿意第一个开始? Who would like to go first?。

3. 让我们把这篇课文表演出来。Let’s act out this text。

4. 你能做旁白吗? Can you be the narrator?。

5.谁愿意演白雪公主? Who would like to play the part of Snow White?。

6. 谁愿意把这段情节表演出来? Who would like to act this scene for us?。

7. 我做导演。 I will be the director.。

8. 她可以做提词员。 She can be the prompter.。

9. 其余的同学做观众。 The rest of the students are the audience.。

10. 我们先排练一下。 Let’s rehearse first.。

11. 努力克服你的怯场。 Try to overcome your stage fright.。


Your performance is quite a success.Let’s applause all the actors and actresses.。



box 包厢

exit 出口

cinema 电影院

gallery 顶层楼座

opera house 歌剧院。

audience, spectators 观众。

aisle (座位中的)走道。

programme 节目单。

theatre 剧院

opera glasses 看戏望远镜。

house full, full house 客满,满座。

auditorium 礼堂。

upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座。

dress circle 楼厅(二楼)前座。

open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天剧场。

puppet show theatre 木偶剧场。

usher 男引座员

usherette 女引座员。

row 排

day show matinée 日场。

entrance 入口

balcony 三层楼座

box-office, ticket office 售票处。

refreshments room 小吃部。

lobby, foyer 休息室。

evening show 夜场。

cloakroom 衣帽间。

concert hall 音乐厅。

morning show 早场。

pit 正厅后座

stalls 正厅前座

seat 座位

to book seats, to book tickets 订票 。

to queue up for tickets 排队买票。

tragedy 悲剧

one-act play 独幕剧。

opera 歌剧

farce 滑稽戏,趣剧

(stage) play 话剧。

Beijing opera 京剧。

historical play 历史剧。

puppet show 木偶戏。

(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧)

comedy 喜剧

operetta 小歌剧

pantomime 哑剧

playwright 编剧,剧作家。

dress rehearsal 彩排。

traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目。

director 导演

climax 高潮

libretto 歌剧脚本。

intermezzo 间奏曲。

part, role 角色。

title role 剧名角色。

rehearsal 排演

plot 情节

episode 情节中的插曲。

character 人物

stage version 上演本。

(one's) lines 台词。

prologue 序幕

leading role (character) 主角。

chief actress 女主角。

chief actor 男主角。

to present on the stage 搬上舞台。

to rehearse 排演。

to play the role of... 扮演(某一角色)

to put on a play 演出,上演。

announcer, master of ceremonies 报幕员。

repertoire 保留节目(总称)

scenery, decor 布景。

scene-painter 布景画家。

setting designer 布景设计人。

scene-man 布景员。

properties, props 道具。

property man 道具管理员。

top light 顶灯

costume 服装

farewell performance 告别演出。

back stage 后台。

applause 喝采

make-up 化装

make-up man 化装师。

dressing room 化装室。

foot light 脚灯。

synopsis 剧情简介。

company, troupe 剧团。

spotlight 聚光灯。

curtain 幕

first performance, premiere 首次演出。

prompter 提词人

prompters' box 提词厢。

stage 舞台

stage manager 舞台监督。

stage effect 舞台效果。

stage illumination, lighting 舞台照明。

interval, intermission 休息。

revolving stage 旋转舞台。

mobile troupe 巡回演出队。

art director 艺术指导。

sound effect 音响效果。

possible encore 预备节目。

orchestra pit 乐池。

to applaud 喝彩。

The curtain falls. 幕落。

The curtain rises. 幕启。

to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to... 献花 。

to answer a curtain call; to respond to a curtain call 谢幕。

Encore! 再来一次。

to give an encore 再唱(演奏)一次。



呵呵~~~~~是不是天使艾米丽啊? 中文片名。

天使爱美丽 天使艾美丽


Amelie from Montmartre。







全美首映票房:$136,470.00 (单位:美元) 。

全美累计票房:$32,680,816.00 (单位:美元) 。

海外累计票房:$120,300,000.00 (单位:美元)。


Victoires Production - Tapioca Films - France 3 Cinéma。



让-皮埃尔·热内 Jean-Pierre Jeunet。


Guillaume Laurant .....story &。

让-皮埃尔·热内 Jean-Pierre Jeunet .....scenario。

Guillaume Laurant .....(screenplay)。


奥黛丽·塔图 Audrey Tautou .....Amélie Poulain。

马修·卡索维茨 Mathieu Kassovitz .....Nino Quincampoix。

Rufus .....Raphaël Poulain。

Lorella Cravotta .....Amandine Poulain。

Serge Merlin .....Raymond Dufayel。

加梅勒·杜布兹 Jamel Debbouze .....Lucien。

Clotilde Mollet .....Gina。

Claire Maurier .....Suzanne。

Isabelle Nanty .....Georgette。

多米尼克·皮诺 Dominique Pinon .....Joseph。

Artus de Penguern .....Hipolito。

友兰达·梦露 Yolande Moreau .....Madeleine Wallace。

Urbain Cancelier .....Collignon。

Maurice Bénichou .....Dominique Bretodeau。

米切尔·罗宾 Michel Robin .....Mr. Collignon。

Andrée Damant .....Mrs. Collignon。

Claude Perron .....Eva。

Armelle .....Philomène。

Ticky Holgado .....Man in photo (who describes Amelie to Nino)。

Kevin Fernandes .....Bretodeau as a Child。

Flora Guiet .....Amélie (6 Years Old)。

Amaury Babault .....Nino (As a Child)。

安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier .....Narrator/Récitant (voice)。

Eugène Berthier .....Eugène Koler。

Marion Pressburger .....Credits Helper。

Charles-Roger Bour .....The Urinal Man。

Luc Palun .....Amandine's Grocer。

Fabienne Chaudat .....Woman in Coma。

Dominique Bettenfeld .....The Screaming Neighbor。

Jacques Viala .....The Customer Who Humiliates His Friend。

Fabien Béhar .....The Humiliated Customer。

Jonathan Joss .....The Humiliated Customer's Son。

Jean-Pierre Becker .....The Bum。

Jean Darie .....The Blind Man。

Thierry Gibault .....The Endive Client。

François Bercovici .....His Buddy。

Franck Monier .....Dominique Bredoteau Kid。

Guillaume Viry .....The Vagrant。

Valérie Zarrouk .....Dominique Bredoteau Woman。

Marie-Laure Descoureaux .....The Dead Man's Concierge。

Sophie Tellier .....Aunt Josette。

Gérald Weingand .....The Teacher。

François Viaur .....The Bar Owner。

Paule Daré .....His Employee。

Marc Amyot .....The Stranger。

Myriam Labbé .....The Tobacco Buyer。

Jean Rupert .....Nasal operation man。

Frankie Pain .....The Newsstand Woman (as Franckie Pain)。

Julianna Kovacs .....Grocer's Client。

Philippe Paimblanc .....Train Ticket Taker。

Mady Malroux .....One of the Twins。

Monette Malroux .....One of the Twins。

Robert Gendreu .....Cafe Patron。

Valériane de Villeneuve .....The Laughing Woman。

Isis Peyrade .....Samantha。

Raymonde Heudeline .....Phantom Train Customer。

Christiane Bopp .....Woman by the Merry-Go-Round。

Thierry Arfeuillères .....Statue Man。

Jerry Lucas .....The Sacré-Coeur Boy。

Patrick Paroux .....The Street Prompter。

François Aubineau .....The Concierge's Postman。

Philippe Beautier .....Poulain's Postman。

Karine Asure .....Pretty Girl at Appointment。

Régis Iacono .....Félix L'Herbier。

Franck-Olivier Bonnet .....Palace Video (voice)。

Alain Floret .....The Concierge's Husband (voice)。

Jean-Pol Brissart .....The Postman (voice)。

Frédéric Mitterrand .....Himself (voice)。

Dean Baykan .....(uncredited)。

Clément Chebli .....(uncredited)。

Rudy Galindo .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)。

Sam 'Peg Leg' Jackson .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)。

Valérie Labro .....(uncredited)。

Jean-Michel Larqué .....Himself (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)。

Manoush .....Nymphomaniac woman (uncredited)。

Thierry Roland .....Himself (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)。

Sister Rosetta Tharpe .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)。

Jacques Thébault .....Voice-Over (voice) (uncredited)。


Helmut Breuer。

Jean-Marc Deschamps .....producer。

Arne Meerkamp van Embden .....producer: Germany。

Claudie Ossard .....executive producer。

Claudie Ossard .....producer。



Technovision Cameras, Zeiss Ultra Prime Lenses。


Laboratoires éclair, Paris, France。


35 mm (Kodak Vision 320T 5277 and Vision 250D 5246)。


Digital Intermediate (master format)。

Super 35 (source format)。


35 mm (anamorphic)。


3455 m (Spain)。




Victoires Productions [法国]。

Tapioca Films [法国]。

France 3 Cinéma [法国]。

MMC Independent GmbH [德国]。


UGC-Fox Distribution (UFD) [法国] ..... (2001) (France) (theatrical)。

TF1 Vidéo [法国] ..... (2002) (France) (DVD)。

Albatros Film [日本] ..... (2001) (Japan) (theatrical)。

BIM Distribuzione [意大利] ..... (2001) (Italy) (theatrical)。

博伟国际 Buena Vista International [阿根廷] ..... (2002) (Argentina) (theatrical)。

Dendy Films [澳大利亚] ..... (Australia)。

Filmcoopi Zürich [瑞士] ..... (2001) (Switzerland) (theatrical)。

Filmladen [奥地利] ..... (2001) (Austria) (theatrical)。

Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (DVD)。

Imagem Filmes [巴西] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (DVD)。

Lumière [巴西] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (theatrical)。

米拉麦克斯影业公司 Miramax Films [美国] ..... (2001) (USA) (all media) (subtitled)。

Miramax Zoë [美国] ..... (2001) (USA) (theatrical) (subtitled)。

Momentum Pictures [英国] ..... (2001) (UK) (all media)。

Paradiso Home Entertainment [荷兰] ..... (Netherlands)。

Prokino Filmverleih [德国] ..... (2001) (Germany) (theatrical)。

TVA International [加拿大] ..... (2001) (Canada) (theatrical)。

Triangelfilm [瑞典] ..... (2001) (Sweden) (theatrical)。

Universal Pictures Germany [德国] ..... (2006) (Germany) (DVD)。

Vértigo Films S.L. [西班牙] ..... (2001) (Spain) (theatrical)。


Duboi [法国]


Onkel Tuca FilmDecor [德国] ..... set construction: Cologne。

Virgin France [法国] ..... soundtrack。










2001年4月25日 ..... (French speaking region) 。


Czech Republic。

2001年7月6日 ..... (Karlovy Vary Film Festival) 。



2001年7月26日 ..... (German speaking region) 。



2001年8月12日 ..... (Edinburgh Film Festival) 。









2001年9月7日 ..... (Québec) 。



2001年9月10日 ..... (Toronto Film Festival) 。



2001年9月13日 ..... (Film by the Sea Film Festival) 。


Czech Republic。



法国女孩爱美丽·布兰从来就没有享受过家庭的温暖,她的童年是在孤单与寂寞中度过的。父亲是一名医生,他几乎不拥抱爱美丽,除了给她做医疗检查之外,这样难得的接触让爱美丽心跳加速,于是父亲认定她有心脏病,不适合去学校,只能在家中学习。孤独的她只能任由想象力无拘无束地驰骋来打发日子,自己去发掘生活的趣味,比如到河边扔漂石块,把草莓套在十个指头上慢慢地嘬等等。唯一的朋友是一条金鱼,而连它都郁闷到想要自杀——不停跳出鱼缸 。母亲受不了她的尖声惊叫,决定把鱼放归到河中。一次爱美丽被邻居捉弄,她在他看足球赛时报复他——用个收音机听着,每到进球的关键时刻拔掉天线,如此反复。八岁时,母亲被跳楼的游客砸死,神经质的父亲更加自闭,沉醉在自己的世界里。


1997年夏天的一个事件改变了艾米莉的人生。那天新闻播报戴安娜王妃在一场车祸中身亡,而爱美丽手中的瓶盖掉到地上,撞上一块墙砖。爱美丽从里面掏出一只铁盒,装满了小男孩所钟爱的小玩物和许多照片。爱美丽于是决定要是能找到盒子的主人——半个世纪前这个公寓的房客,她就开始帮助所有的人。爱美丽开始寻找曾经的小男孩,她拜访并见识了各种各样的邻居,几乎走访了巴黎城中所有的“白度图”,最终在玻璃人老头的帮助下将盒子还回了主人。从此她开始了惩恶助善的天使生涯 。路上的盲人,二十年不出门的玻璃人老头,遭到丈夫背叛的女房东,悭吝凶恶的果蔬摊主,善良木讷的伙计, 咖啡店古怪的客人和卖烟女,还有自己的父亲。



·She'll change your life.。

·Shiawase ni naru[Japan]。











1990年,他们合作编导的《黑店狂想曲》(Delicatessen)赢得了巨大的成功,奇谲诡异的想象力和黑色幽默、童话般的情节以及新颖独特的视觉效果获得了叫好声一片。影片得奖无数,并成为了文化潮流和时尚话题。他们也因此成为法国影坛最亮眼的新星。虽然被寄予很高期待的《失婴城》(The City of Lost Children)让评论界大失所望,但观众仍然给以极大的热情。

这两部电影的成功引起了好莱坞的注意,于是这对金牌搭档分头出击,儒内接受好莱坞的邀请,拍摄了《异形4》(Alien 4)。尽管影片是由儒内单独执导,但卡罗仍然以指导的身份参与了制作。可是这部作品并没有取得预期的效果,实在只算是一部十分平庸的科幻片。在好莱坞的电影工业机制中,儒内的才华难以得到充分发挥和体现。



女主演奥德丽·多杜是法国电影界的一颗新星。1999年她出演的《维纳斯美容院》(Venus Beaute Institut)是法国当年极受好评的一部轻喜剧,获得了当年恺撒奖最佳影片。而多杜在其中扮演年轻的美容师玛丽,和一位六十岁的前任飞行员堕入了爱河,她的表演赢来了恺撒最有前途新人奖。而后2000年,她又与樊尚·佩雷、芳妮·阿尔丹(Fanny Ardant)两位大明星共同主演了喜剧片《浪荡儿》(Le Libertin),进一步得到关注。

影片男主演马修·卡索维茨来头也不小。他当导演的名气恐怕比当演员更大。他执导的《怒火青春》(La Haine)摘取了戛纳电影节最佳导演奖,而去年法国的本土卖座大片《赤色追辑令》(Les Rivières pourpres)也是他的手笔。作为演员,我们则可以在《善意的谎言》(Jakob the Liar)、《第五元素》等影片中看到他的身影。


·爱美丽的角色原定是给爱米莉·沃森。她很想扮演这个角色但还是拒绝了,因为她不会说法语,而且已经答应了出演高斯福特庄园Gosford Park (2001)。



·照相亭的相片来自一本真实的相片集子,由导演让-皮埃尔·热内的一个朋友提供。他的名字出现在片尾字幕上,即马歇尔·弗尔科(Michel Folco)。




·爱美丽在电影院时有两部电影。当她回头看后面的脸时,我们可以看到《朱尔和吉姆》Jules et Jim(1962)中的两个场景。当她对电影中那些开车的同时不看路的人发表评论的时候,放映的是一部更老的电影,是《父亲的微薄红利》Father's Little Dividend(1951)。

·影片的主色调(绿、蓝、红),是从巴西画家Juarez Machado的油画中得到的灵感。






[first lines] (第一段台词)

Narrator: On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amélie Poulain was born. 。

画外音:在1973年9月3日下午6点28分32秒,一只青蝇以每分钟能够扇动14,670次的频率降落到蒙马特的Rue St-Vincent。与此同时,在一家餐馆楼梯的旁边,风神奇般的让两个杯子在一块桌布上跳舞。就在这时,28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9的一栋五层公寓内,刚从最好的朋友的葬礼回来,尤吉尼·柯里热从自己的地址簿上把他的名字擦去。还是在这个时候,属于拉斐尔·波兰的一个精子,带着一个X染色体,一头扎进了她的妻子阿曼迪妮的一个卵子。九个月之后,爱美丽·波兰出世了。

[last lines] (最后的台词)

Narrator: September 28th, 1997. It is exactly 11am. At the funfair, near the ghost train, the marshmallow twister is twisting. Meanwhile, on a bench in Villette Square, Félix Lerbier learns there are more links in his brain than atoms in the universe. Meanwhile, at the Sacré Coeur, the nuns are practising their backhand. The temperature is 24°C, humidity 70%, atmospheric pressure 990 millibars.。


Amélie: [whispering in theater] I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies. 。


Hipolito, The Writer: Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's. 。


Narrator: Amélie still seeks solitude. She amuses herself with silly questions about the world below, such as "How many people are having an orgasm right now?" 。


Amélie: Fifteen. 。


Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal. 。

[Pet fish leaps out of fish bowl in an attempt at suicide] 。



Amélie Poulain: At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts. 。


Amélie: [to her father, who is not paying attention] I had two heart attacks, an abortion, did crack... while I was pregnant. Other than that, I'm fine. 。


[Amélie hands a begger some money] (爱美丽给一个乞丐一些钱)

Beggar: Sorry madam, I don't work on Sundays. 。






·事实错误:当尼诺还是个小孩在学校的时候,黑板上显示的是“vendredi 7 April 1980”。1980年4月7日是星期一,而不是星期五。







《 以下是这部电影原声碟的曲目列表。

1. J 'y Suis Jamais Alle 。

2. Les Jours Tristes (instrumental) 。

3. La Valse D 'Amelie 。

4. Comtine D 'un Autre Ete: L 'apres Midi 。

5. La Noyee

6. L 'autre Valse D 'Amelie 。

7. Guilty

8. A Quai

9. Le Moulin 。

10. Pas Si Simple 。

11. La Valse D 'Amelie (orchestra version) 。

12. La Valse Des Vieux Os 。

13. La Dispute 。

14. Si Tu N 'etais Pas La 。

15. Soir De Fete 。

16. La Redecouverte 。

17. Sur Le Fil 。

18. Le Banquet 。

19. La Valse D 'Amelie (piano version) 。

20. LaValse Des Monstres。



;     1.用英语写一篇离别老师的作文“一定要翻译”

      Teacher, hello! Time flies, Riyuerusuo, blink of an eye and we will work with you room to say goodbye! Remember when we were walking in the campus, a breath of fresh air; remember when we were in the light, listening to you inculcate. And now, you must tears and waved to us, we said goodbye to. Teachers, we can not forget you, forget the romantic time we spent together, the teacher, you are assured that we will be good!。



      I found a few for you. Now I have to say fareware. “Welcome ever smiles, And farewell goes out sighing.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) Similar Quotes. “That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow.” George Eliot quotes (English Victorian Novelist. Pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880) “Sweets to the sweet: farewell!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', 。

      “Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” “The play is done; the curtain drops, Slow falling to the prompter's bell A moment yet the actor stops And looks around to say farewell. It is an irksome word and task: And when he's laughed and said his say, He shows, as he removes the mask, A face that's anything but gay.” William Makepeace Thackeray quotes (Indian born English Author and Novelist of 'Vanity Fair', 1811-1863) “Never say goodbye, say farewell.” “Every day I shall put my papers in order and every day I shall say farewell. And the real farewell, when it comes, will only be a small outward confirmation of what has been accomplished within me from day to day.” Etty Hilsum quotes “Farewell -- farewell, For I am weary of the weight of time.” William Butler Yeats quotes (Irish prose Writer, Dramatist and Poet. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 1865-1939)。


      Genial , clear spring is in general sweet like your love , sun like kindness , spring breeze. Your love , ratio father love are austere , exquisite , purer than friendly affection than mother love. Your-- teacher's love , land under heaven are great , the noblest and purest. 您的爱,太阳一般温暖,春风一般和煦,清泉一般甘甜。


      Spring silkworm lifetime had not said the words praising self as , the silver wire that spits out is the rule measuring life value. Teacher esteemed and beloved , you have been never before others florid , the peaches and plums that is in full bloom, is maximal valuation but to you. 春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,那吐出的银丝就是丈量生命价值的尺子。敬爱的老师,您从未在别人面前炫耀过,但那盛开的桃李,就是对您最高的评价。


      Dear teacher。


      Thank you so much for teaching me all these years. Without you it would have been impossible for me to graduate from junior middle school so will never forget your teachings, not only the English language, but also the wisdom of life. They are a great treasure which I shall always cherish for the rest of my life. Three years are just a short chapter of my life, but you have made it a really important and unforgettable is no word powerful enough to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. I just hope that after my graduation, you could still remember me and continue to give me guidance and advice when I need your good care of yourself, miss you truly,



      我永远不会忘记您的教导,不仅是英语,但也是人生的智慧。他们是一个伟大的宝库,我将永远珍惜在我的余生。 3年只是一个简短的一章我的生活,但你已作出了一个非常重要的和令人难忘的篇章。





      serval days have passed ,we have got on well with we knew you will leave us ,we feel so happy memory will have forever in each other's heart!。

      In the sea saves the friend, the horizon, if neighbor .。

one person change the world。

Throughout history, numerous attempts have been made by rulers, scientists, mathematicians, and inventors to change their world, and make a lasting mark in history. Unfortunately, not every one succeeds in changing the world, even with their greatest efforts. Galileo, for example, worked for years to prove that the Copernican theory was correct, but he was stopped by the church. On the other hand, some people can change the world, such as John Locke. His thoughts and ideas of government have been used throughout history, and still are today. Hitler, also changed his world during his time, but his influence has faded over time. He was able to bring down the population of Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies, and today there is still some racism against these ethnic groups, just not as severe.。

As an English philosopher, John Locke was one who based his theories on natural law, a universal moral law that could be understood with reason. Locke agreed with Thomas Hobbes, another English philosopher, that the government was based on a social contract, and that order needed to be established. However, unlike Hobbes, John Locke believed that people, in their nature, are reasonable and moral, and have natural rights. In his writing, Two Treatises of Government, Locke declared that the purpose of government was to protect people’s natural rights, the rights to life, liberty, and property, and that governments functioned best with limited powers, with the ability to overthrow it in the hands of the citizens if it did not protect their natural rights. Throughout Europe and across the globe, his writings were read, and early American colonists used many of his ideas. In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson included many of Locke’s ideas and beliefs about government. Having such a lasting impact, this proves how someone can change the world. 。

Sometimes a person may have everything that is needed to change the world, but the people around them stop them dead in their tracks. In 1609, Galileo Galilei built his own telescope, and discovered moons circling around the planet Jupiter. Figuring that not everything revolves around the Earth, he viewed it possible that some planets revolved around the sun, proving that the Copernican Theory was correct. In 1632, Galileo published his ideas, which were shortly followed by severe opposition by the church. Believing that it contradicted the church, Pope Urban VIII demanded Galileo to go to Rome for a trial. Using death and torture threats against Galileo, the Pope soon forced him to abandon his statements, by publicly stating that he “went too far” in some of his writings. Today, Galileo’s discoveries are known, but he was unable to change the world during his time. 。

Not only philosophers and scientists can change the world, but rulers can as well. Hitler for example was the dictator of Germany, who strived to make changes in Europe, and throughout the world. During Hitler’s rule, he believed that the growing population of Germany needed more living space, so he began his policy of expansion. Starting with Rhineland, Hitler realized that the Versailles Treaty would not be able to be enforced, allowing him to conquer much land. Wanting to create a “New Order” in Europe, Hitler imagined enslaving all conquered people, taking advantage of the land’s resources, and getting rid of anything that was undesired, such as Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies. Beginning in 1941 was the Holocaust, which was Hitler’s way to get rid of those people. Murdering more than 6 million Jews and millions more Slavs and Gypsies, Hitler definitely changed the world in his time. However, his impact on today has faded, with the amount of hate crimes decreasing yearly, stated a press release on Anti-Jewish hate-crimes in the Los Angeles County. Unfortunately, stated the press release, the amount of religion related crimes is still at an alarming level.。

Many people in history have made great attempts to change their world, but in the end, not everyone can succeed. People like John Locke, Galileo Galilei, and Adolph Hitler all wanted to make changes to the world based on their own view, and opinion of what it they think the world should be like. John Locke, for example, has made a change in the world because many people agree with his ideas, and beliefs. Galileo Galilei could have changed the world, but he was prevented from doing that because the church disagreed with him. Adolph Hitler was another person who made an enormous attempt to change the world. Yes, most people didn’t agree with him about killing people just because they are worth nothing to you, but that was his opinion, and how he viewed the world should be. Anyone can try and change the world, but someone will always be there to oppose your beliefs and ideas. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for anyone to change the world forever, but some ideas and beliefs may be more widely accepted, allowing them to prevail for hundreds of years. 。


4. it's not too late to stop global warming。

(1)nowadays the global warming has arosed people's attention。

(2)concequnce:the rise sea level。


destroy the forest。

(3)method:planting trees。

using environmental friendly fuel。

we do our part。

7.(1)what is the society like 30 years ago。

(2)nowdays the crime rate keeps on rising。

reason:we are living a better life。

people only care about their own benefit。

the lie make people less warm-hearted。



open our heart。










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