问题描述:谁有应急疏散演习专业词汇的英语翻译阿 大家好,本文将围绕一个有趣的事情展开说明,一个有趣的事情是一个很多人都想弄明白的事情,想搞清楚一个有趣的事情需要先了解以下几个事情。



EMERG = emergency 紧急情况。

emergency beacon 紧急救援无线电信标。

emergency door 紧急出口门。

emergency frequency 应急频率。

emergency action team 紧急行动队。

emergency airdrome equipment 机场抢救设备。

emergency alarm bell 紧急报警警铃。

emergency alarm communication equipment 紧急报警通讯设备。

emergency alarm signal 应急警报信号。

emergency alarm 警报装置。

emergency alert 紧急警戒。

emergency ambulance service 急救车服务。

emergency ambulance 急救车。

emergency analysis 应急情况分析。

emergency and rescue equipment 应急救援设备。

emergency apparatus 应急设备。

emergency application valve 紧急作用阀。

emergency application 紧急应用。

emergency area 事故区。

emergency auxiliary power 事故备用电源。

emergency battery 应急电池。

emergency bilge pump 紧急舱底污水泵。

emergency boat 应急救生艇。

emergency brake gear 紧急闸装置。

emergency brake switch 紧急闸开关。

emergency brake system 备用制动系统。

emergency brake 紧急制动器。

emergency braking 紧急制动。

emergency bridge 备用桥。

emergency broadcasting system 紧急广播系统。

emergency button 备用按钮。

emergency call box system 紧急呼叫系统。

emergency call 紧急情况报警。

emergency car 救急车。

emergency case 紧急情况。

emergency chute (飞机发生事故时。

emergency closing device 应急关闭装置。

emergency closure 应急关闭装置。

emergency cock 应急开关。

emergency command center 事故指挥中心。

emergency communication net 事故通信网。

emergency communication 事故通信。

emergency condition 应急状态。

emergency construction 防险建筑物。

emergency control measure 紧急防治措施。

emergency control station 应急控制站。

emergency control 紧急控制。

emergency coolant pump 紧急冷却液泵。

emergency cooling 紧急冷却。

emergency crash work 飞机失事救援作业。

emergency dam 防险坝。

emergency decree 安全技术规程。

emergency detection system 应急检测系统。

emergency device 应急装置。

emergency diesel-electric generator set 备用柴油发电机组。

emergency disconnection 应急断开。

emergency disengage switch 应急断开电门。

emergency district 禁伐林区。

emergency door handle 太平门门把手。

emergency door 太平门。

emergency drain 紧急排放。

emergency drill 应急演习。

emergency dwelling 临时住处。

emergency egress opening 应急出口孔洞。

emergency egress window 紧急出口窗户。

emergency egress 紧急出口。

emergency ejection 应急弹射。

emergency ejector seat 应急弹射座椅。

emergency electric power source 备用电源。

emergency engine 备用发动机。

emergency entrance marking 紧急入口标志。

emergency entrance 紧急入口。

emergency equipment 应急设备。

emergency escape cable 应急脱离索。

emergency escape capsule 应急脱离舱。

emergency escape control 应急离机操纵。

emergency escape equipment 应急离机设备。

emergency escape ladder 应急梯。

emergency escape procedure 应急离机程序。

emergency escape provision 应急离机设备。

emergency escape system 应急离机系统。

emergency escape 紧急避难。

emergency evacuation kit 紧急疏散器具箱。

emergency evacuation plan 紧急撤离计划。

emergency evacuation procedure 应急撤离程序。

emergency evacuation route 紧急疏散路线。

emergency evacuation smoke hood 紧急疏散防烟头罩。

emergency evacuation 紧急疏散。

emergency exchange 应急交换。

emergency exit hatch 应急出口舱盖。

emergency exit ladder 应急出口梯。

emergency exit lighting 紧急出口照明。

emergency exit marking system 安全出口标志系统。

emergency exit placard 应急出口标牌。

emergency exit sign 紧急出口标志。

emergency exit spoiler 应急出口挡板。

emergency exit window 紧急出口窗户。

emergency exit 太平门。

emergency extension lever 应急放起落架手柄。

emergency extension system 应急放下系统。

emergency extension 应急放下。

emergency fan 事故风扇。

emergency feature 应急用装置。

emergency feed line 事故电源线。

emergency fire notification procedure 火灾紧急通知程序。

emergency fuel cutoff switch 应急燃料切断开关。

emergency gate 应急闸门。

emergency gear 应急设备。

emergency generating set 备用发动机组。

emergency generator 备用发动机。

emergency handle 紧急手柄。

emergency hatch 应急出口。

emergency illuminance 应急照明。

emergency illumination 应急照明。

emergency incident 紧急事件。

emergency information 紧急通告。

emergency instruction 紧急指令。

emergency interconnection 应急互接。

emergency key 应急电键。

emergency keyer panel 遇险信号控制板。

emergency kit 应急包。

emergency ladder 应急梯。

emergency lamp 事故备用灯。

emergency landing field 迫降场。

emergency landing flare 紧急着陆照明弹。

emergency landing gear 应急起落架。

emergency landing ground 应急着陆场。

emergency landing procedure 应急着陆程序。

emergency landing signal 紧急着陆信号。

emergency landing sit 迫降场。

emergency landing strip 应急着陆地带。

emergency landing survival accident 紧急着陆救生事故。

emergency landing 紧急着陆。

emergency life support system 应急生命保障系统。

emergency lift 事故电梯。

emergency light switch 应急照明电门。

emergency light 应急灯。

emergency lighting battery 应急照明电池。

emergency lighting distribution equipment 事故照明配电设备。

emergency lighting 事故照明<当正常照明中断时。

emergency locator transmitter 紧急定位信标。

emergency lock 事故闸。

emergency luminaire 应急灯具。

emergency maintenance 应急维修。

emergency material 应急备料。

emergency measure 紧急措施。

emergency medical service communication 紧急医疗服务通信。

Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Services Program 急救医务和技术援助服务计划。

emergency medical technician 急救医务人员。

emergency message 紧急呼救信号。

emergency network 事故供电网。

emergency number 紧急电话号码。

emergency oil storage installation 事故贮油设施。

emergency opening 安全出口。

emergency operating order 紧急操作规程。

emergency operation center 紧急行动中心。

emergency operation 应急工作。

emergency organization 应急组织。

emergency outlet 安全出口。

emergency overflow 应急溢流。

emergency override switch 应急超控电门。

emergency oxygen apparatus 应急氧气设备。

emergency oxygen equipment 应急供氧设备。

emergency oxygen 应急氧气。

emergency panel lights switch 仪表板应急照明电门。

emergency panel 备用配电盘。

emergency period 非常时期。

emergency phase 紧急阶段<警戒阶段。

emergency plan 应急方案。

emergency planning 应急计划。

emergency plant 应急备用设备。

emergency point-to-point communication facility 点间备用通信设备。

emergency power control 应急电源控制台。

emergency power cut off 紧急能源截断器。

emergency power handle 应急电源手柄。

emergency power load 紧急电力荷载。

emergency power package 应急电源组。

emergency power shutoff 应急停电。

emergency power source 事故电源。

emergency power supply 事故电源。

emergency power 应急电源。

emergency preparedness 应急准备状态。

emergency procedure N.。

emergency program 紧急计划。

emergency protection 故障防护。

emergency pump 备用泵。

emergency push-button switch 备用按钮开关。

emergency radio channel 呼救信号波道。

emergency recall 紧急召回<将电梯召回到指定楼层。

emergency release notification 紧急释放通知书。

emergency repair truck 事故修理车。

emergency requirement 紧急要求。

emergency rescue mission 紧急救援任务。

emergency rescue operation 应急救援操作。

emergency rescue service 紧急救援。

emergency response management 紧急响应的组织管理。

emergency response procedure 紧急响应程序。

emergency response 紧急响应。

emergency restart 紧急再起动。

emergency retreat 紧急躲避处。

emergency road 备用道路。

emergency route 备用迂回路线。

emergency safe switch 应急保险电门。

emergency safing circuit 应急保险电路。

emergency scene 事故现场。

emergency seat 安全座。

emergency security operation 紧急保卫活动。

emergency service elevator 消防专用电梯。

emergency service vehicle 抢救车。

emergency service 应急供电。

emergency set 应急电台。

emergency shaft 备用井。

emergency shelter 应急掩蔽部。

emergency shower 急救莲蓬头。

emergency shutdown switch 紧急停车开关。

emergency shutdown 紧急停运。

emergency shutoff valve 紧急断流阀。

emergency signal transmitter 事故信号发送器。

emergency signal 遇险信号。

emergency signaling 事故信号装置。

emergency situation 紧急情况。

emergency source unit 事故电源装置。

emergency staircase 疏散楼梯。

emergency standby power 应急备用电源。

emergency stock 紧急储备。

emergency stop cock 应急关断开关。

emergency stop valve 防火开关。

emergency stop 安全掣。

emergency stopping 应急隔墙。

emergency stretcher 应急担架。

emergency supply 紧急备用电源。

emergency survival 紧急救生。

emergency switch 紧急保险开关。

emergency switchboard 应急配电盘。

emergency switching-off 事故切断。

emergency system 应急系统。

emergency team 抢救队。

emergency telephone number 紧急电话号码。

emergency telephone selector 应急电话选择器。

emergency telephone station 紧急电话台。

emergency telephone system 紧急电话系统。

emergency tender with crane 带起重机的抢险救援车。

emergency tender 抢险救援消防车。

emergency throw-over equipment 事故转换设备。

emergency transmitter 应急发射机。

emergency trip magnet valve 紧急脱钩电磁阀。

emergency trip switch 紧急脱钩开关。

emergency trip 紧急断开机构。

emergency trubogenerator 应急涡轮发电机。

emergency truck = emergency tender 抢险救援消防车。

emergency unit 备用设备。

emergency usage 紧急使用。

emergency valve 安全阀。

emergency vehicle 应急车辆。

emergency vent 安全排气口。

emergency ventilation shaft 事故通风井。

emergency ventilation 应急通风。

emergency voice communication system 应急话音通信系统。

emergency voicealarm communication system 应急话音报警通信系统。

emergency warning circuit 应急报警电路。

emergency water supply 紧急供水。

emergency work 急救工作。

Struts 2 namespace问题的相关图片

Struts 2 namespace问题

Many organizations have the need for action teams that are designed to handle a variety of complex, time sensitive, intensive tasks.。


Examples of action teams include surgical teams and military teams, which must be adaptable and able to handle a wide variety of situations (expected and unexpected) with speed and competence. 。


It has been shown, however, that although team members might have a high level of functional expertise, 。

their teamwork skills and knowledge are often lacking. 。


This, in turn, may lead to unsuccessful outcomes.。


Ellis, Bell, Ployhart, Hollenbeck, and Ilgen (2005) examined whether providing generic 。

teamwork skills training would boost action team effectiveness. 。

艾丽斯,贝尔,Ployhart, Hollenbeck, and Ilgen (2005) 检查了是否可以提供一般的团队技巧训练,可以提高团队效力。

The results of the study showed that team-generic training is beneficial for action team performance. 。


There was evidence that declarative knowledge increases and gains were made in the 。

team’s ability to plan, coordinate tasks, collaboratively problem solve, and communicate. 。

很明显陈述性知识增加了,而且获得了在团队计划中的能力,协作任务,合作解决问题 以及交流方面的经验与能力。

The researchers suggest that their results also give some indication as to how the training has its effects。







求英语作文my view about team player的相关图片

求英语作文my view about team player


当你调用 default* 时 返回的结果为 success 时 才会跳转到team.jsp页面。



my view about team player。

There is a prevelent idea that the whole culture system is based on humans'teamwork.So we have to accept a truth that more and more work in our daily life need to be done by team work.Setting this conclusion as clue, we can easily know, the team player or your team member has been playing a more and more essential role in the modern scoiety.。

However, we cannot ignore the contributions of individuals, especially the team leader. In my opinion, team learder is the soul of a team. Actually, the team leader will give the team players or team members the direction when the team player or team members feel puzzled,and give them courage when they lose their heart. Therefore,we can get to know the power of team leader and the power of individual.。

Of cause, team work has some useful skills.At first, every team player should find their position according to your work,finishing your work efficiently.Secondly, try to know your team members, even their characters, advantages and disadvantages, preparing for anyting out of control.。

Teamwork is aonther kinds of art,we cannot leave it, so we should learn to appreciate it.。

The United States Navy Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) forces are the elite Special Operations Forces (or Special forces) of the U.S. Navy, employed in unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, direct action, counter-terrorism, and special reconnaissance operations.。

Navy SEAL teams and structure。

SEALs carrying MP5 submachine guns。

SEALs carrying MP5 submachine guns。

SEAL teams are organized into two groups: Naval Special Warfare Group One (West Coast), and Naval Special Warfare Group Two (East Coast), which come under the command of Naval Special Warfare Command, stationed at NAB Coronado, California. As of 2006, there are eight confirmed Navy SEAL Teams. The original SEAL Teams in the Vietnam War were separated between West Coast (Group ONE) and East Coast (Group TWO) SEALs. The current SEAL Team deployments include Teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10. The Teams deploy as Naval Special Warfare Squadrons and can deploy anywhere in the world. Squadrons will normally be deployed and fall under a Joint Task Force (JTF) or a Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF) as a Special Operations Task Force (SOTF)。

A SEAL Team has a Staff Headquarters element and three 40-man Task Units. Each Task Unit consist of a Headquarters element consisting of a Task Unit Commander (O-5), a Task Unit Senior Enlisted (E-8), a Targeting/Operations Officer (O-2/3) and a Targeting/Operations Leading/Chief Petty Officer (E-6/7). Under the HQ element are two SEAL platoons of 16 men (2 officers, 14 enlisted SEALs and sometimes 2 enlisted EOD Operators making a platoon of 18); a company-sized combat support staff (CSS) consisting of staff N-codes (the Army uses S-codes and the Marine Corps uses J-Codes); N1 Administrative support, N2 Intelligence, N3 Operations, N4 Logistics, N5 Plans and Targeting, and N8 Air/Medical. Each Task Unit can be easily split into 4 squads or eight 4-man fire teams for operational purposes. The size of each SEAL “Team” with Task Units and support staff is approx. 300 personnel. The typical SEAL platoon of 16 men has an OIC (Officer in Charge, usually an O-3), an AOIC (Assistant Officer in Charge, usually an O-2), a platoon chief (E-7), an LPO (Leading Petty Officer, E-6) and others ranging from E-6 to E-4 (most are E-5). Occasionally there is a "third O". Usually the third O is an O-1 on his first operational deployment. This makes the platoon consist of 3 officers and 13 enlisted personnel. The core leadership in the Task Unit/Troop and Platoon are the Commander/OIC and the Senior Enlisted NCO (Senior Chief/Chief).。

Task Unit core skills consist of: Sniper, Breacher, Communicator, Maritime/Engineering, Close Air Support, Corpsman, Point-man/Navigator, Primary Driver/Navigator (Rural/Urban/Protective Security), Heavy Weapons Operator, Sensitive Site Exploitation, Air Operations Master, Lead Climber, Lead Diver/Navigator, Interrogator, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Technical Surveillance, and Advanced Special Operations.[citation needed]。

Each team is commanded by a Navy Commander (O-5), and has a number of operational SEAL platoons and a headquarters element. In 1987, SEAL Team 6 was renamed to the United States Navy Special Warfare Development Group, although members are still frequently referred to informally as "SEAL Team 6". Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, a naval base in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is home to SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8 and 10.。

There are also two SDV units, SDVT-1 located in Pearl Harbor, HI, and SDVT-2 in Virginia. SDV Teams are SEAL teams with an added underwater delivery capability.。

[edit] Training。

Entering training to become a Navy SEAL is voluntary. Anyone can volunteer, and officers and enlisted men train side by side. In order to enter SEAL training, however, they do have to meet certain requirements. Those wishing to volunteer for SEAL training have to:。

* be an active-duty member of the United States Navy。

* be 28 or younger (although waivers for 29- and 30-year-olds are possible)。

* possess uncorrected vision no worse than 20/40 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye correctable to 20/20 through contacts or glasses (corrective surgery PRK is also possible), there are waivers for colorblindness。

* be a U.S. citizen。

* pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test。

Underwater Demolition Team jumps over the side from boat.。

Underwater Demolition Team jumps over the side from boat.。

SEALs in woodlands operation.。

SEALs in woodlands operation.。

SEAL recruit training has these components, lasting 48 weeks (or 11 months):。

* 25 weeks Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training at the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California near San Diego.。

* 1 week of static line jump training, followed by 3 weeks of Military Free Fall (MFF) Qualification training at Tactical Air Operations in Otay, CA.。

* At Coronado, 19-week SEAL Qualification Training (SQT).。

After this, the trainee is officially named a SEAL.[1]。

[edit] Screening。

Assignment to BUD/S is conditional on passing the PST, which requires the following minima:。

* 500-yard (457 m) swim using breast or side stroke in under 12:30。

* At least 42 push-ups in 2 minutes。

* At least 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes。

* At least 6 pull-ups from a dead hang (no time limit)。

* Run 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in running shoes and shorts in under 11:00。

* Members’ vision must be no worse than 20/200 in both eyes. Vision must be correctable to 20/20. SEAL candidates may qualify for PRK surgery to correct their vision。

Again, the above are the minimum requirements necessary to qualify for BUD/S. Prospective trainees are expected to far exceed these minimums. Competitive scores are as follows:。

* 500-yard swim using breast or combat side stroke in 10:00 minutes。

* 79 push-ups in 2 minutes。

* 79 sit-ups in 2 minutes。

* 11 pull-ups from a dead hang (no time limit)。

* Run 1.5 miles in boots and long pants in 10:20。

[edit] Selection (BUD/S)。

Upon arrival at Naval Special Warfare Command, check-ins for BUD/S are immediately placed into a pre-indoctrination phase of training known as 'PTRR', or Physical Training Rest and Recuperation. PTRR is also where all of the 'roll-backs' are placed while waiting to be put into a class. Once additional medical screening is given, and after enough BUD/S candidates arrive for the same class, organized physical training begins.。

BUD/S consists of a five-week 'Indoctrination Course', known as INDOC, followed by three phases, covering physical conditioning (eight weeks), diving (eight weeks), and land warfare (nine weeks) respectively. Officer and enlisted personnel go through the same training program, and it is designed to develop and test their stamina, leadership and ability to work as a team.。

In the first phase BUD/S students are divided into 'Boat Crews' which can consist of six to eight men. However, although some exercises will be undertaken as boat crews (such as 'log PT', which requires boats crews to exercise with logs that weigh 150 pounds (68 kg) each, and 'Surf Passage', where boat crews must navigate the Pacific surf in inflatable boats), the first phase of BUD/S also consists of a series of demanding individual physical tests including frequent sets of push-ups and sit-ups, ocean swims and timed four mile (6.4 km) runs in boots and long trousers, in soft sand (to be completed in 32 minutes). The first phase is most well known for 'Hell Week', which usually occurs duritly drop on request (DOR), from the course. The tradition of DOR consists of dropping one's helmet liner next to a pole with a brass ship’s bell attached to it, and ringing the bell three times (the bell was taken away for a few years in the 1990's...then later brought back). Classes typically lose around 70–80% of their trainees — either due to DORs or injuries sustained during training, but it is not always easy to predict which of the trainees will DOR during BUD/S. Winter class dropout rates are usually higher due to the cold. SEAL instructors say that in every class, approximately 10 percent of the students simply do not have the physical ability to complete the training. Another 10–15 percent will definitely make it through unless they sustain a serious physical injury. The other 75–80 percent is 'up for grabs' depending on their motivation. There has been at least one BUD/S class where no one has completed the program. Most trainees are eliminated prior to completion of Hell Week, but trainees will continue to DOR in the second phase or be forced to leave because of injuries, or failing either the diving tests or the timed runs and swims. In fact, the instructors tell the students at the very start of BUD/S that the vast majority of them will not successfully complete the course and that they are free at any time to drop out (via the bell) if they do not believe they can complete the course. A trainee who DOR's from First Phase before the completion of Hell Week and reapplies to the BUD/S program must start from the beginning of INDOC (if they are accepted). Any BUD/S trainee who drops on request after Hell Week goes through the same out-processing as a trainee who quits before or during Hell Week. If they reapply to BUD/S they would stand a very good chance of being accepted, but they must complete Hell Week again. However, those who have completed Hell Week, but cannot continue training due to injury are usually rolled back into the next BUD/S class after Hell Week, or the respective phase in which they were rolled. There are many SEALs who have attempted BUD/S two or even perhaps three or more times before successfully completing training. There is only one person who has successfully completed Hell Week three times. He completed training after his third application to BUD/S[citation needed].。

[edit] Qualification。

After BUD/S Selection students attend SEAL Qualification Training (SQT) which is the NEC 5326 awarding schoolhouse of NSW. SQT is an arduous 6-month program consisting of the basic skillsets required to join a SEAL Team. The operators attend a sequential course consisting of: TACAIR (static line and Freefall), SERE, Tactical Medicine, Communications, Cold Weather/Mountaineering, Maritime Operations, Combat Swimmer, Land Warfare (small unit tactics, light and heavy weapons, demolitions), and Close Quarters Combat.。

Upon completion of SQT the students are awarded the Navy SEAL Trident, assigned to a SEAL Team and are deployable.。

[edit] Sustainment (PRODEV/ULT/SIT)。

Upon assignment to a team, the new SEALs will be assigned to a Platoon as an Operator. Once in a Task Unit/Platoon, the Operator will train for an 18-month period (work-up) before a six month active deployment which is followed by six month 'stand down' period. After this has been completed, they are officially considered SEALs.。

Phase One of a work-up is called the Professional Development Phase (PRODEV). PRODEV is a 6-month block where Operators gain critical skills required by the Task Units/Platoons for deployment. Operators can expect to acquire the following core skills:。

* Sniper

* Breacher

* Surreptitious Entry。

* Electronic and Media Exploitation。

* Technical Surveillance。

* High Threat Protective Security (PSD)。

* Advanced Weapons Training。

* Advanced Driving Skills (Urban/Rural/Security)。

* Advanced Climbing/Rope Skills。

* Advanced Air Operations: HALO/Jumpmaster/Parachute Rigger and Packer。

* Diving Supervisor。

* Range Safety Officer。

* Instructor School。

* Leadership School。

* Foreign Weapons。

* UAV Operator。

* Language School。

* Advanced Special Operations。

Phase Two of a work-up is called Unit Level Training (ULT). ULT is a 6-month block where the Task Units train in their core mission areas (Land Warfare, Close Quarters Combat, Urban Warfare, Maritime Interdiction, Combat Swimmer, Long Range Interdiction, Air Operations, Special Reconnaissance and Maritime Operations, Advanced Marksmanship/Heavy Weapons).。

Phase Three of a work-up is called Squadron Integration Training (SIT). SIT is the last 6-month block where the Task Unit conducts advanced training as well as integrates all supporting attachments (N-codes (N1-N8), Special Boat Squadrons, Medical Teams, EOD, Interpreters, Intelligence/HUMINT Teams, Cryptological Support Teams, etc). A final Certification Exercise is conducted with the entire SEAL Team to synchronize Task Unit operations under the Task Group umbrella. Following CERTEX, a SEAL Team becomes a SEAL Squadron and deploys to the area of operations for 6-10 months. The Task Units will be assigned an area of operations and work under a Squadron Headquarters Unit called a Task Group.。

[edit] Area of operations。

Navy SEAL team member fires an M60E3 from the shoulder during a field training exercise in 1987.。

Navy SEAL team member fires an M60E3 from the shoulder during a field training exercise in 1987.。

[edit] Deserts

SEAL operators must be ready for desert deployment especially with the current Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Long distances in the desert environment are travelled in Humvees or Desert Patrol Vehicles. The harsh desert environment provides little to no concealment, so blending in is more difficult.。

[edit] Arctic

Arctic missions can call for a lot of equipment and skill. The SEALs layer their clothes, travel by night, sleep in snow caves and carry 3 lines of gear and often pull a sled. The First Line gear includes: survival gear, including signaling device, emergency rations, spare parts, E & E kit, map & compass, flashlight and the side arm. Second Line gear includes equipment carried on the operator's web gear, including primary weapon and ammo, short-term supplies (should the rucksack be ditched), grenades, water, med kit, smokes, flares, carabiners and other miscellaneous gear. Finally, the operator's Third Line of gear includes that equipment stored in the rucksack, including sleeping bag, ground pad, tent, food for the duration of the operation, gas stove & utensils, dry socks, clothing layers and a water container. Mountaineering gear will also be divided among the squad and carried with the third line, and each member will carry his personal ice ax and snowshoes attached to his rucksack. Other Arctic operations include extreme cold water diving, kayaking, skiing, and snowmobiling.。

[edit] Woodland/jungle。

The woods and jungles are difficult to maneuver in. In the jungles SEALs will typically carry a machete to clear foliage quickly and easily and a shotgun for close combat. Patrols in the jungle will normally take longer than usual because of the difficulties in maneuvering.。

[edit] Mountaineering/climbing。

An operator will carry his climbing gear in the third line rucksack for use if and when needed. The common gear, such as ropes and carabineers, are split among the squad to distribute the weight among the Team. Each individual will carry his own sit harness.The lead or point climber is the most experienced climber in the squad. He will climb the face free of any protection (i.e.: chalks, pitons, top rope etc.) and set the route. Once at the top he will anchor a top rope and let it down to the squad below. He will then set security while the climbers ascend the rope. A belay man will assist from below or above depending on the type of climb. The gear will be hauled up on a Jumar along with the climber. This is dangerous work and emphasis is on speed and stealth. The lead relies on his strength and free climb training and experience to find the best route in the darkness.。

[edit] Sea

SEALs can insert, extract, and perform underwater attacks; this is what distinguishes them from other Special Operations Forces. The SEALs have a variety of equipment and water crafts that help them perform water missions. (see: SEAL Delivery Vehicle, Advanced SEAL Delivery System)。

[edit] Air

SEALs utilize several different forms of insertion from the air. Static Line and Free Fall Parachuting, Fast-Rope and Rappel Operations, or simply jumping out of a helicopter into the ocean with a Zodiac inflatable raft. SEALs are also extracted by air transportation on occasions. Also SEALs are inserted into missions through a free-fall technique known as HALO (High Altitude Low Open) where they jump from as high as 35,000 feet and open their parachutes at about 3,000 feet. In most clandestine missions requiring air insertion, however, they arrive by way of HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) drops, normally opening at 10,000 feet. This helps the drop plane to evade detection by releasing the team as far as 30 miles before the target area. This form of insertion is also undetected by enemy radar.。








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