
问题描述:健身的英文单词 本篇文章给大家谈谈一个有趣的事情,以及一个有趣的事情,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。




读音:英 ['bɒdibɪldɪŋ] 美 ['bɑːdibɪldɪŋ]。


1、Classic Bodybuilding 古典健美。

2、natural bodybuilding 自然健美。

3、bodybuilding methods 健身措施。



1、Important Natural Bodybuilding Canons, Tips &Myths.。


2、 bodybuilding community itself was a great experimental group.。


3、Will, Michael remembers, chose bodybuilding.。


4、Female bodybuilding is the female component of competitive bodybuilding.。


5、It began in the late 1970s when women began to take part in bodybuilding competitions.。





踏步 March:两腿原地依次抬起,依次落地。

走步 Walk:迈步向前走时,脚跟先落地,过渡到全脚掌;向后走时则相反。

一字步 Easy walk:一脚向前一步,另一脚并于前脚,然后在依次还原。

V字步 V-step:一脚向前侧方迈一步,另一脚随之向另一方迈一步,成两脚开立,屈膝,然后在依次退回原位。

漫步 Mambo:一脚向前迈出,屈膝,重心随之前移,另一脚稍抬起,然后原地落下;或向后撤一步,重心后移,另一脚稍抬起,然后原地落下。

跑步 Jog:两腿经过腾空,依次落地缓冲,两臂屈肘摆臂。


脚尖前点地 Tap forward:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向前点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。

脚尖侧点地 Tap side:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向侧点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。

脚尖后点地 Tap back:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向后点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。

脚跟前点地 Heel:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚跟点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。只可做向前和向侧的脚跟点地。


并步 Step touch:一脚迈出,另一脚随之并拢屈膝点地;再向反方向迈步。

迈步点地 Step tap:一脚向侧迈一步,两脚经屈膝移重心,另一腿在前、侧或后用脚尖或脚跟点地。

迈步屈腿 Step curl:一脚迈出一步,另一腿后屈,然后向相反方向迈步。

迈步吸腿 Step knee:一脚迈出一步,另一腿屈膝抬起,然后向反方向迈步。

侧交叉步 Grapevine:一脚向侧迈一步,另一脚在其后交叉,随之再向侧迈一步,另一脚并拢,屈膝点地。


吸腿 Knee lift(up):一腿屈膝抬起,落下还原。

摆腿 Leg lift:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿做摆动。

踢腿 Kick:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿抬起,然后还原。

弹腿 Flick:一腿站立(跳起),另一腿先向后屈,再向前下方弹踢,还原。

后屈腿 Leg curl:一腿站立(跳起),另一腿向后屈膝,放下腿还原。


并腿跳 Jump:两腿并拢跳起。

分腿跳 Squat jump:分腿站立屈膝半蹲,向上跳起,分腿落地屈膝缓冲。

开合跳 Jumping jack:由并腿跳起,分腿落地,再由分腿跳起,并腿落地。

半蹲 Squat:两腿有控制的屈和伸。可分为并腿半蹲和分腿半蹲。

弓步 Lung:两脚前后分开,平行站立,下蹲。

提踵 Calf raise:两腿脚跟抬起,落下脚跟稍屈膝。

aerobics 增氧健身法 。

gym; gymnasium 健身房 。

setting-up exercise 健身操 。

健身实心球 medicine ball 。

全民健身计划纲要 outline of the nationwide body-building plan 。

磁健身球 magnetic health ball 。

健身垫子 gymnasium mats 。

健身室 gymnasium

健身跑 jog;jogging 。

健身的 corroborant 。

健身器 body builder 。

健身活动 physical fitness activities 。

健身体操 physical jerks 。

健身者 body builder。

abdominal curl 收腹 。

abdominal pose 正展腹肌造型 。

alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举 。

alternate dumbell press 交替哑铃推举 。

arm workout 臂肌训练 。

back arch 背桥

back double biceps 背展双肱二头肌(男子规定动作之四)

back hyperextension 山羊挺身 。

back lat spread 背展背阔肌(男子规定动作之五)

back shot 背面造型 。

back workout 背肌训练 。

bantam weight 最轻量级(男子65公斤以下)

bar dip 双杠臂曲伸

barbell reverse curl 正握杠铃弯举 。

barbell wrist curl 杠铃卷腕 。

bench press 卧推 。

behind-the-neck press 颈后推举 。

bent-knee sit-up 屈膝仰卧起坐 。

bent-over lateral raise 俯身哑铃侧平举 。

bent-over row 俯身杠铃划船 。

bent-over twist 俯身转体 。

bicycle 对侧元宝收腹 。

chest workout 胸肌训练 。

compulsory pose 规定动作(男子7个,女子5个)

concentration curl 单臂哑铃弯举 。

class1=tall class 高个组(1.75米以上)

class2=medium class 中个组(1.68-1.75米)

class3=short class 低个组(1.68米以下)

couple 男女混合双人

crab lift 俯撑蹲起 。

curl-up 屈膝两头起

double biceps from back 背展双肱二头肌(男子规定动作之四) 。

double front biceps 正展双肱二头肌(男女规定动作之一)

dumbell fiyes 哑铃扩胸 。

elevated leg raise 侧卧举双腿 。

entire front pose 正展全身造型 。

front abdominal pose with one leg extended = front abdominal pose with legs正展腹肌和大腿(男子规定动作之七,女子规定动作之五)

front double biceps 正展肱二头肌(男女规定动作之一)

double dumbell raise 哑铃前平举 。

front lat spread 正展背阔肌(男女规定动作之二)

front pose 正面造型 。

front squat颈前深蹲 。

free pose 自选动作 。

free-posing 自由造型 。

first round 第一轮比赛 。

first two rounds 前两轮比赛 。

good-morning exercise 负重屈练习 。

hack squat 哈克机深蹲 。

heavyweight 重量级(男子90公斤以上,女子57公斤以上级)

incline press 斜板推举 。

incline raise 斜板前举 。

incline sit-up 斜板仰卧起坐 。

initial two rounds 前两轮比赛 。

juniors class 少年组 。

knee curl 屈腿收腹 。

knee lift 腿举

lateral cable raise 滑轮侧平举 。

leg curl 俯卧腿弯举 。

leg extension 坐姿腿屈伸 。

leg press 哈克机倒深蹲 。

leg workout 腿肌训练 。

lightweight 轻量级(男子65.01-70公斤,女子52公斤以下)

lunge 箭步蹲

lying curl 直膝屈髋 。

lying triceps extension 仰卧臂屈伸 。

middleweight 中量级(男子70.01-80公斤,女子52.01-57公斤)

most inspiration 最佳表现 。

miss figure 最佳形体小姐 。

novice 新手

one-arm dumbell row 单臂哑铃划船 。

overall 全场冠军

overall Mr. 全场冠军得主=overall winner 。

pair 男女混双的一对

partial curl屈腿仰卧起坐 。

physique show 体格展示 。

pile 宽蹲

“preacher” incline curl 牧师椅臂弯举 。

pull over 颈后推/仰卧屈臂上拉 。

push up 俯卧撑

rank 评分

rear leg pull 跪撑后摆腿 。

round 比赛的轮次

round-one/two/three 第一/二/三轮比赛 。

seated cable row 坐姿划船 。

seated lateral raise 坐姿哑铃侧平举 。

seated military press 坐姿颈前推 。

seated twist 坐姿转体 。

seniors class 老年组 。

shape-up exercise 形态训练,健美练习 。

shoulder workout 肩肌训练 。

side-bend 体侧屈

side chest 侧展胸大肌(男子规定动作之三,女子规定动作之二)

side chest 侧展胸大肌造型 。

side-leg lift 侧抬腿 。

side-leg 侧举腿

side-knee twist 屈膝绕环/仰卧屈膝扭髋 。

side pose/shot 侧面造型 。

side triceps 侧展肱三头肌(男子规定动作之六,女子规定动作之四) squat 深蹲 。

stomach workout 腹肌训练 。

teenage class 青少年组 。

teenage Mr.青少年健美先生 。

third round 第三轮比赛/决赛 。

three height class 冠军组(各组冠军进行全场决赛)

toe-raise 提踵

torso-twist 负重转体 。

triceps extension 颈后臂屈伸 。

triceps press-down 肱三头肌下压 。

up-right row 杠铃直立上拉 。

V-up 两头起

WABBA = The World Amateur Bodybuilders’ Association 世界业余健美联合会 。

Wide-grip chin-up 宽卧引体向上 。

wide-grip pull-down 宽卧下拉 。

workout 训练



1. gymnasium sports field 运动场, 体育场(sports 各种各样的运动)...gymnasium n. 健身房,体育馆;体育...篮球场 gym ;足球场 stadium。 - 相关搜索 2. gym gym...gym [ d?im] n.体育馆,健身房...gym =gymnasium [d?im'neizi?m] n. 体操; 体育馆; 健身房。 - 相关搜索 3. gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium 体育场 stadium; sports field/ground...体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium...比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums。 - 相关搜索 4. stadium facilities [n.]装置,设备;设施...stadium [n.]体育馆...accommodation [n.]食宿,住宿;住处,住所。 - 相关搜索。



gym / gymnasium 体育馆; 健身房。

我们经常听到别人说去做gym, 就是去健身房、健美室健身、健美呀!


BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhuanet) 。

-- To the surprise of all, Beijing unveiled a set of five doll mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games 小狗 evening, exactly 1,000 days before the event’s opening ceremony. 。

The long-anticipated mascots, which embody the natural characteristics of four of China’s popular animals -- the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow -- and the Olympic Flame, were presented at a televised grand ceremony inside the Workers’ Gymnasium. 。

It is the first time that more than three images share Summer Olympic mascot duty. The 2000 Sydney Games featured three animal mascots --Olly the Kookaburra, Syd the Platypus and Millie the Spiny Anteater. 。

"We decided to produce five mascots instead of one, because we think no single figure can embody China’s profound and diversified culture," said Han Meilin, chief of the mascto designers’ group. 。

Each of the Beijing Olympic mascots has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China. Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is theOlympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan antelope and Nini is the Swallow. 。

When their names are put together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni --they say "Welcome to Beijing". 。

The five elements of nature -- the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky -- can be found in their origins and headpieces, all stylistically rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences of Chinese folk art and ornamentation. 。

Each of the mascots also symbolizes a different blessing --prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. 。

International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge sent a letter of congratulation to the BOCOG. 。

"China is lucky to have so many beautiful animals to represent the Olympic spirit," said Rogge in the letter. 。

"I love them all. And I am delighted that they will carry traditional Chinese blessings all over the world. 。

"I believe that this little group of friends -- the carp, the panda, the flame, the antelope and the swallow -- will be extremely popular and will help to spread Olympic messages throughout the world," he added. 。

Many ordinary citizens expressed their surprise at the number of the mascots. 。

"I didn’t expect that there will five mascots. It’s a big surprise," said Henry Mok, a Candian-Chinese who works in Beijing. 。

"It’s a bit surprising (to have five mascots), but if you lookat them as a whole, they are more complete than any single image," said Li Xiang, a public servant. 。

The unveiling of the Beijing Olympic mascots also ended a year-long race of hundreds of candidates. 。

Since the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG) launched a worldwide solicitation in August last year,competition was hot as a handful of areas were vying to have their local symbols picked. 。

The country’s western Qinghai province was pushing the endangered Tibetan antelope. Fujian province presented the South Chinatiger. Gansu favored the mythical dragon and Jiangsu promoted the legendary Monkey King. 。

Dozens of artists and designers were called to cut the initial list of mascot entrants from 662 to 56 and finally to six, with the final choice selected by the BOCOG. The IOC approved the choice in August. 。

The first mascot to appear at an Olympics was in the 1968 Winter Games in Grenoble, France. But Schuss the skier was not official. The first official mascot was Waldi the Dachshund, who appeared at the Munich Summer Games in 1972. 。

Mascots are the most marketable symbols in the Olympics business.The choice is important as sales of licensed products and helps organizers defray costs. 。

More than 300 kinds of licensed products bearing the mascot will go on sale at 188 authorized shops across China the day after the announcement, with prices ranging from one US dollar for a pen to thousands of dollars for a medal. 。

"The launch of the mascot will push sales of Olympic products to new heights," said Lai Ming, deputy director of BOCOG’s marketing department. 。

"We believe the sales volume will be bigger than the previous Olympic Games." 。

Phevos and Athena, the big-footed sibling mascots of last year’s Athens Olympics, generated profits of over 200 million US dollars.。
















hanging,hanging upside down

hanging,hanging upside down



