Usually known as the mushroom fungus is in a class, that is, the fruiting bodies of fungi burden. The burden is the fruiting bodies of fungi growing on the ground floor, looks very much like to play in the Village of an umbrella. On the ground floor there is albicans filamentous, spread all over the mycelium, which is the burden of nutrition-related bacteria, that is, non-reproductive organs. To a certain temperature and humidity conditions, to obtain mycelial enough nutrients on the fruit began to take shape. In the early fruiting body as eggs exposed on the ground, rapidly developed into a fruiting body, Jungai, stipe, up bacteria, fungi such as the ring. Mature fruit body shape, size, height, color, texture, and so very different. The large-diameter up to about 40 cm high up to about 50 cm; little less than half centimeters in diameter, 1 cm high, however. It will now be part of the description of the characters are as follows: Jungai fruiting body is the most obvious, like a hat. Wide variety of shapes, there are common bell-shaped, hats shaped, hemispherical, flat-shaped, funnel-shaped, and so on. Jungai color complex, although basically can identify white, yellow, brown, gray, red, green, purple color, and so on, but there are all kinds of deep color, light, light, strong differences are more common Mixed color. Young and old when they cooked the color can be different from the edge of the central government and the color is often the difference. Surface dry, wet, sticky, smooth, rough, and with a variety of adjunct: cilia, the ring pattern, and so on a variety of scales. These appendage of the shape, size, color and have all kinds of changes. Jungai the edge of the shape is not the same, with young ripe can be completely different shape. After the maturity period can be divided into the general volume, roll back, Shangqiao, such as the extension. There are all-around edge and tidy, while others are not neat or Chengbo Lang-torn. Jungai surface of the cortex. Mycelium in the cortex, with different colors, so Jungai a different color. The following is the cortex bacteria of meat, usually long-filamentous mycelium, and some expansion of the bubble by the cystic component of mycelium. Strain meat color, as well as injured after the color change as a result of the type often vary. General bacteria mostly white meat or white pollution, and some were yellow or red, and so on. Boletus bacteria such as meat and more injured after a blue, black mushrooms thin fold into the red after the first change in black, crimping net fold after injury bacteria become brown, and black wax into a black umbrella after injury. 。
Hymenium body is in the long Jungai have the following part of the hymenium, and some were leafy, Miller called the fold. Some were tube, called the control bacteria. Chengfangshezhuang Junzhe order to connect the central stipe at the top of the outside cover to reach the edge of Miller, hymenium arranged on both sides of the fold in the vaccine, or in the presence of the bacteria around inside the tube.。
叶绿体是含有绿色色素(主要为叶绿素 a 、b)的质体,为绿色植物进行光合作用的场所,存在于高等植物叶肉、幼茎的一些细胞内,藻类细胞中也含有。叶绿体的形状、数目和大小随不同植物和不同细胞而异。
叶绿体由叶绿体外被(chloroplast envelope)、类囊体(thylakoid)和基质(stroma)三部分组成,它是一种含有叶绿素能进行光合作用的细胞器。叶绿体含有3种不同的膜:外膜、内膜、类囊体膜和3种彼此分开的腔:膜间隙、基质和类囊体腔。
叶绿体的周围被有两层光滑的单位膜。两层膜间被一个电子密度低的较亮的空间隔开。这两层单位膜称为叶绿体膜(Chloro-plast membrane)或外被(outer envelope)。叶绿体膜内充满流动状态的基质(stroma),基质中有许多片层(lamella)结构。
类囊体内是水溶液。小类囊体互相堆叠在一起形成基粒,这样的类囊体称为基粒类囊体。 组成基粒的片层称为基粒片层。 大的类囊体横贯在基质中,贯穿于两个或两个以上的基粒之间。这样的片层称为基质片层,这样的类囊体称基质类囊体。
光合作用是叶绿素吸收光能,使之转变为化学能,同时利用二氧化碳和水制造有机物并释放氧的过程。这一过程可用下列化学方程式表示:6CO2+6H2O( 光照、酶、 叶绿体)→C6H12O6(CH2O)+6O2。其中包括很多复杂的步骤,一般分为光反应和暗反应两大阶段。