1、 将全蛋和砂糖放入钢盆内,以隔水加热的方式,搅拌至砂糖融化(加热至40℃即可移开钢盆)。
3、 筛入低筋面粉拌匀,拌到看不到白色的面粉。
4、 把牛奶和融化的无盐奶油混匀后,再倒在橡皮刮刀上,轻柔地拌匀面糊。
5、 倒入已铺有烘焙纸的烤盘内,再用刮板把表面抹平,轻轻地将烤盘摔两下,使内部空气挤出来,然后放入已预热180℃的烤箱中,烤15-17分钟。
7、 撕掉底部的烘焙纸,将蛋糕四边修平整,再切成适当大小的正方块。
Part of the Scenic Rim, most of the park is situated 900 m above sea level only 30 km from the Pacific's ocean shores. The plateaus and cliffs in Lamington and Springbrook National Parks are the Northern and North Western remnants of the huge 23 million year old Wollumbin/Tweed volcano, centered around Mount Warning. Some of the mountains located in the park include Mount Toolona, Mount Cominan, Mount Roberts and Mount Bithongabel.。
The Nerang River, Albert River and Coomera River all have their source in Lamington National Park.[1]。
[edit] History
View north to Beechmont from Binna Burra.For at least 6000 years, Aboriginal people lived in and visited these mountains.[2] The vanished Wangerriburras and Nerangballum tribes claimed home to the plateau territory.[1] Roughly 900 years ago the indigenous population began to decline.。
Captain Patrick Logan and Allan Cunningham were the first European explorers in the area. The timber cutters soon followed, including the Lahey family who owned one of Queensland's largest timber mills at the time.[3]。
Exposed volcanic rocksRobert Martin Collins campaigned heavily for the protection of the area from logging from the 1890s.[3] Later it was another local, Romeo Lahey who recognised the value of preserving the forests. He campaigned to make it one of the first protected areas in Queensland.[4] The O’Reilly family established a guesthouse near the park in 1926, now named O'Reilly's Rainforest Guest House, and founding members of the National Parks Association of Queensland built Binna Burra Lodge next to the park in the 1930s (Note: Accommodation/External Links).。
The park was named after Lord Lamington, Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1902.[1]。
Bernard O’Reilly became a hero when he rescued the survivors from a crashed Stinson plane from the remote Lamington wilderness. In typical Aussie Bushman Fashion he embarked on his rescue mission taking only onions to eat. Only a small portion of the original wreck remains today, 10 km south from the Oreilly's guesthouse.。
[edit] Natural heritage。
The buttressed roots of an Antarctic Beech, a tree that only grows above 1000 metres.Rugged mountain scenery, tumbling waterfalls, caves, rainforest, wildflower heaths, tall open forests, picturesque creeks, varied wildlife and some of the best bushwalking in Queensland are protected in Lamington National Park. One of Queensland’s best-loved parks, Lamington is the core of the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves Australia World Heritage Area along the adjoining Border Ranges National Park in New South Wales. 。
[edit] Flora
The park’s beautiful rainforests include one of the largest upland subtropical rainforest remnants in the world and the most northern southern beech cool temperate rainforests in Australia. The roots of the oldest Antarctic beech trees are over 5000 years old.[4] The park protects one of the country's largest remaining forests of hoop pine.[5]。
Many of Lamington's plants are found nowhere else on earth, such as O’Reilly's Pittosporum (Pittosporum oreillyanum), the Lamington Peach Myrtle (Uromyrtus lamingtonensis), and the Mt Merino Eyebright and Everlasting Daisy which are subalpine relics from the last ice age. In 2006 it was realised that an old collection of the Eastern Underground Orchid (Rhizanthella slateri) from Lamington was actually a separate species and has been described as the Lamington Underground Orchid (Rhizanthella omissa). This Orchid like the two other related species has no chlorophyll and depends entirely upon a symbiotic fungus for survival. It is also one of only four flowering plants on Earth to complete its life cycle entirely underground. Sadly one of Lamington's more than 100 fern species is now presumed extinct, Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum was known from only a single plant which has since died and no other plants have been found.。
Lamington is also home to a large number of threatened plant species such as the Ravine and Blotched Sarchochilus orchids.。
A Regent bowerbird, an example of the diverse range of birds in the park, renowned to birdwatchers.。
[edit] Fauna
The area is an important refuge for the region. Lamington is home to an incredible variety of wildlife including rare and threatened animals such as the Coxen’s fig-parrot, Eastern Bristlebird, Albert's Lyrebird, Richmond Birdwing butterfly. The blue Lamington Crayfish is found only on the Lamington plateau in pools and streams above an altitude of 450 metres.[6] The vulnerable Large-eared Pied Bat is found in the park.。
[edit] Geology
The Lamington National Park is located on the northern side of the Tweed volcano. This large shield volcano is over 100 km in diameter, and extends from Mount Tamborine in the north to Lismore in the south. The volcanic plug of Mount Warning marks the centre of the volcano. This volcano was active around 23 million years ago [7] when this part of Australia was above a hotspot in the mantle. Both basaltic and rhyolitic lavas were erupted, and erosion of these lavas has formed the many spectacular landforms now observed in the park.。
[edit] Waterfalls。
Elabana FallsThe park contains numerous waterfalls such as Elabana Falls and Running Creek Falls in the south of the park which falls into a box canyon. Yarrbilgong Falls and Coomera Falls both flow into Coomera Gorge.。
Morans Falls is another cascade that is passed on the 6 km long Morans Falls Track. Upper Ballanjui Falls, Lower Ballanjui Falls, Stairway Falls and Nagarigoon Falls are also located in the national park.。
[edit] Bushwalking。
The park is covered by a series of clearly marked walks that were constructed during the Great Depression. Some are short and others are steep and take up to seven hours to complete. The well maintained and signed Border Track, follows the border between New South Wales and Queensland along the top of the McPherson Range. This track links Binna Burra to the O'Reilly guesthouse at Green Mountains, a distance of some 21 kilometres which can be completed one way in a day or 7 to 8 hours.。
The view from a lookout on the 19 km long Ships Stern Circuit.A number of other well marked and varied walks connect with this Border Track creating a network which can be easily negotiated by relatively inexperienced bushwalkers. These include the Box Forest Circuit (10.9 km or 4 hours return from O'Reilly's), Toolona Creek Circuit (17.4 km or 6 hours return), and the Albert River Circuit (20.6 km or 7 hours return to O'Reilly's) to name some of the best known. While the Border Track remains reasonably level for most of its length, many of the other tracks descend to lower altitudes of 750 metres or less and provide access to some of the incredible variety of flora, fauna and geography to be found in the park.。
Another attraction is the Rainforest Canopy Walk, suspended 15 metres above the ground. This walk provides the opportunity to safely walk through the canopy of the forest.。
For experienced walkers there are also numerous trails traversing the park. These trails do not have clear tracks; in many cases there are only occasional markers in the natural forest and it is inadvisable to use them without the company of an experienced bushwalker who knows the area.。
The walk to the Stinson wreck is long and steep in places. Map reading and good navigation skills are a necessity and National Park Rangers should be notified before commencing. Camping overnight is not permitted without a permit.。
There are a number of natural hazards such as leeches, snakes and stinging trees that bushwalkers should be aware of.。
[edit] Accommodation。
Lamington National Park is serviced by two equally renowned Guest Houses/Lodges, Binna Burra Mountain Lodge and O'Reilly's Rainforest Guest House.。
1、 亚马逊热带雨林
红杉树国家公园(Redwood National Park)位于美国西部加利福尼亚州西北的太平洋沿岸,隶属于美国国家公园管理局管辖,1980年联合国教科文组织将红杉树国家公园作为世界自然遗产,列入《世界遗产名录》。
莱明顿国家公园(Lamington National Park)是澳大利亚黄金海岸地区最大的国家原始森林公园,总面积5万多英亩(200平方公里),坐落在昆士兰州和新南威尔士州的交界处。
9、 泰国,伊拉旺国家公园
弯曲森林(The Crooked Forest)在波兰西部,位于诺威Czarnowo村外,这些树木大多是1930年代种植的,其位置当年属于德国波美拉尼亚省这片树林约有400松树,在当地被称作“弯曲森林”。
对于初到澳洲来又是第一次品尝的中国游客来说,想吃一顿美味可口的袋鼠肉真需要一些"技巧"才行。当地人喜欢吃烧得很老的袋鼠肉,大多数国人对此都不太适应 ,因而你需要事先告诉侍者把肉烤得嫩一些,否则初尝此物你会觉得难以下咽。
沿布里斯班河(Brisbane River)顺流而下,观赏鹈鹕;在南岸(South Bank)的河滨花园悠闲散步, 感受现代文明与自然风光和谐共处。前往昆士兰艺术馆及博物馆,感受浓郁的人文气息。若是热衷于刺激与探险,可以从袋鼠角悬崖(Kangaroo Point Cliffs)攀绳而下,或者乘坐热气球鸟瞰全城。当然选择在附近的摩顿湾和摩顿岛(Moreton Bay and Islands)垂钓、驾船、与野生海豚嬉戏,也别有一番悠哉。
来到布里斯班,自然要乘坐其特有的木制明轮蒸汽船顺河而下,平时难得一见的鹈鹕与东部浅水蜥蜴,在这旖旎蜿蜒的河道间,随时都可能闯入你的镜头。占地17公顷的南岸河滨花园,是人们露天野餐的不二之选。在这里,你可以前往保罗•布瑞卡海滩(Paul Breka Beach)的淡水湖嬉水纳凉,或者前往夏日露天电影院邂逅浪漫;然后沿原住民艺术路径穿越库萨山保护区(Mount Coot-Tha Reserve),那里是观赏本土野生动物和饱览城市全景的绝佳去处。山脚下是布里斯班植物园(Brisbane Botanic Gardens)的热带雨林区和日式花园,漫步其中,自能感受一种久违的幽静。在植物园中兜兜转转,遇见有人骑自行车穿梭于坚果树和红树林间,不妨友好的说声“Hello”,或者对迎面而来踏着旱冰鞋从浮桥走道上溜过的少年,报以腼腆的微笑,这些无疑都是旅行中甜蜜的收获。
喜爱小动物的你,还可以前去离市中心不远的龙柏考拉保护区(Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary)抱抱考拉,观赏袋鼠、袋熊、负鼠、鸸鹋和琴鸟等澳大利亚特有的物种。
无论你是不是地道的文艺青年,前往昆士兰博物馆(Queensland Museum)观看昆士兰恐龙骨架,置身于昆士兰艺术馆(Queensland Art Gallery)中欣赏悉尼•诺兰爵士(Sir Sidney Nolan)和查尔斯•布莱克曼(Charles Blackman)等澳大利亚著名艺术家的作品,绝对令你不虚此行。等到华灯初上,昆士兰表演艺术中心(Queensland Performing Arts Centre)都会定期上演芭蕾舞、管弦乐、歌剧等丰富多彩的文艺演出。
在布里斯班, 现代建筑设计都充分体现了对传统的尊重。砂岩教堂与钢筋玻璃建成的摩天大楼天衣无缝地融为一体。此外,布里斯班许多文化机构都设在雅致的老式政府大楼里,如海关大楼、财政大楼、布里斯班市政厅、军需部库房和老铸币厂。 其中最著名的是经过改造的工业大楼发电屋,高耸矗立在宽阔的河岸边,你可以在这里观看演出,欣赏艺术展,或者享受美食。
摩顿湾水域及其附近众多岛屿,可谓是一处包罗万象的水上乐园。如果你的水性够好,那位于考恩(Cowan)的人工暗礁、弗林德斯暗礁(Flinders Reef)和天阁露玛(Tangalooma)沉船点,将让你潜入水晶宫般的海底世界。如果恰好你的行程赶在七月到十月间,将有幸观看到座头鲸。而海豚和懦艮则会全年恭候你的造访。
至于深海钓鱼、海上皮划艇、风帆冲浪、水上自行车等常规水上活动,都是这里众多岛屿的必备项目。而诸如摩顿岛、北斯特布鲁克岛(North Stradbroke Island)等处还为游客提供四驱越野车,沙滩越野车、山地自行车,以满足你驰骋纵横的欲望。特别是这里有世界上最高的沙丘,如果你有胆量可以乘坐沙撬自上呼啸滑下。
此外,克利夫兰角(Cleveland Point)还拥有整个昆士兰最古老的孟加拉榕树,圣海伦娜岛(St Helena Island)有一处著名且古老的囚犯定居点,这些另类景点,则对那些猎奇心重的人们有着难以抗拒的诱惑。
在布里斯班的文化中心毅力谷(Fortitude Valley)随着现场音乐会的节奏尽情释放。在新农庄(New Farm)的咖啡馆里看人来人往,到著名的熟食店品尝美味。 游览漂亮的帕丁顿区(Paddington),穿梭于各色流行酒吧、时尚餐馆之间。布里斯班的夜生活,让你的旅行不分白天与夜晚,一样丰富多彩。
布里斯班的精彩绝不仅仅是悠哉从容的享受自然风光,也同样充满各种刺激与冒险。在袋鼠角悬崖(Kangaroo Point Cliffs)沿绳速降或攀岩,心惊肉跳的体验必将让你刻骨难忘。随后爬上故事桥(Story Bridge)欣赏360度美丽全景或是搭乘热气球鸟瞰全城;甚至来一次双人特技跳伞或者乘坐电动滑翔机划过阳光海岸(Sunshine Coast)上空。那一浪高过一浪的惊声尖叫,是对布里斯班最倾力的呐喊与赞美。你还可以参加到春溪国家公园(Springbrook National Park)和雷明顿国家公园(Lamington National Park)的生态之旅,进行丛林徒步、观察野生动物以及探寻萤火虫洞穴等活动。