
问题描述:英语作文《如何学好英语》100词 大家好,小编为大家解答一个有趣的事情的问题。很多人还不知道一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

外文翻译 翻译好追加50-100,别完全依靠在线翻译,请通顺点


How to study English well is a very complicated question, especially for students. 。

In china, as students we have not enough opportunities to communicate with native speaker. Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case? I have some ideas though I am not a good student. 。

Firstly we should try our best to grasp a great amount of new words ,which is the most important thing. Just like beginning our own language, we should have the words tool to build up the sentences and articles. There are many approaches to recite new words, while my advice is to find an excellent dictionary: English-English dictionary. From it you will learn and understand how to use these words well according to English habits. 。

Secondly today we have many ways to get multi-media dates from TV show, movies, internet and radio. All of them will help us just our pronunciation and accent and make us speak more like a native speakers. Because these dates are the latest, we can learn and touch the most popular and local English. 。

Last but not least class is still a important mean for us to study English. We have professional teachers to teach us not only how to speak, but also how to write, read and listen. These skills are so essential for us.。



瘦素和胰岛素的影响FertilityInsulin流传。中央控制的繁殖需要下丘脑接收信息对于能源地位一动物,例如通过遥感荷尔蒙分泌进入血液循环的信号成比例的身体脂肪存储。森林和门最初建议的角色在中央调控胰岛素的能量动态平衡基于这样的观察:胰岛素水平流通比例脂肪组织在多数哺乳动物(97)。他们展示了thatintracerebroventricular胰岛素管理结果在一个dosedependentreduction食物摄入量和体重。出现后的基因打靶技术,特异性神经元缺失的胰岛素受体(NIRKO老鼠)被发现会增加体内脂肪沉积和下丘脑的性腺机能减退(不育由于减少了GnRH释放)(13),证实胰岛素感应大脑中的正常繁殖所需。这些行动可能是介导的胰岛素作用onGnRH神经元直接或通过改变输入从二次胰岛素敏感的神经元。一个关键,不安的问题是whetherGnRH神经元表达胰岛素受体(IRs)体内。到目前为止,唯一的证据支持这种说法来自于有条件地永生化细胞系gnrh表达,有报道称胰岛素响应(78)。考虑到固有的局限性推断数据从细胞系动物体内数据必须得到解决这个问题。而这个问题的标准方法是可用的,基因技术现在允许目标删除从特定的神经元亚型受体。希望表型小鼠缺乏红外表达在神经元GnRH不久将公布。瘦素。克隆的ob基因在1994年由弗里德曼和同事发现了另一个重要的生理信号由脂肪组织分泌的肥胖:瘦素(100)。老鼠和人类缺乏瘦素(ob / ob老鼠)或leptinreceptor(db / db老鼠)开发贪食的病态肥胖和胰岛素抵抗糖尿病(22)。此外,足够水平的瘦素是一种成功的繁殖的先决条件。瘦素管理弱化了禁食诱导抑制LH分泌和生育(44、58、69、70)。在exerciseoranorexia-induced女性闭经,瘦素治疗增加脉冲频率和级别的LH、卵巢体积、数量优势卵泡,雌二醇水平(64,95)。此外,ob / ob老鼠低LH水平和不育,瘦素管理,但不减肥,恢复他们的生育能力独自(5、19、68、101)。瘦素受体的表达(LepR)在大脑的db / db老鼠或老鼠否则为空LepRs恢复生育能力完全在男性和女性的部分(26、60)。



唤宠物|Call Pet

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Summons your pet to you.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 召唤宠物到身边。

复活宠物|Revive Pet。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:10s, 冷却时间:0s。

Revive your pet, returning it to life with 15% of its health.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 复活宠物,获得自身15%的生命值。

解散宠物|Dismiss Pet。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:10 yards, 施法时间:5s, 冷却时间:0s。

Dismiss your pet. Dismissing your pet will reduce its happiness by 50.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 解散宠物,将降低50点快乐度。

野兽驯服|Beast Taming。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:30 yards, 施法时间:20s, 冷却时间:0s。

Begins taming a beast to be your companion. Your armor is greatly reduced while you focus on taming the beast for 20 seconds. If you lose the beast's attention for any reason, the taming process will fail. Once tamed, the beast will be very unhappy and disloyal. Try feeding the pet immediately to make it happy.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 驯服野兽成为你的宠物,在这20秒期间将大幅度降低你的护甲。如果宠物转移了对你的注意力,那么驯服过程将失败。一旦驯服一个宠物,它将变得很不快乐和不忠诚。该马上给你的宠物喂食增加快乐度。

喂食宠物|Feed Pet

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:10 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Feed your pet the selected item. Feeding your pet increases happiness. Using food close to the pet's level will have a better result.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 选择食物来喂食你的宠物,可增加快乐度。用与宠物等级相近的食物将获得更好的效果。

训练宠物|Beast Training。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Lets the Hunter train his pet with various abilities that he has learned.。

Lv 10, mana:0, 让猎人可以把自己学会的多种技能教给自己的宠物。

治疗宠物|Mend Pet

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:20 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:5s。

Heals your pet 20 health every second while you focus. Lasts 5 seconds.。

Rank 1, Lv 12, mana:50, 每秒治疗宠物20点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 2, Lv 20, mana:90, 每秒治疗宠物38点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 3, Lv 28, mana:155, 每秒治疗宠物60点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 4, Lv 36, mana:225, 每秒治疗宠物103点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 5, Lv 44, mana:300, 每秒治疗宠物142点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 6, Lv 52, mana:385, 每秒治疗宠物189点生命值,持续5秒。

Rank 7, Lv 60, mana:480, 每秒治疗宠物245点生命值,持续5秒。


猴之守护|Aspect of the Monkey。

种类:野兽掌握|Beast Mastery, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

The hunter takes on the aspects of a monkey, increasing chance to dodge by 8%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.。

Lv 4, mana:20, 猎人获得猴之守护,增加8%躲避几率。同一时间只能激活一种形态的守护。

鹰之形态|Aspect of the Hawk。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

The hunter takes on the aspects of a hawk, increasing Ranged Attack Power by 20. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.。

Rank 1, Lv 10, mana:20, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加20点远程攻击力。同一时间只能激活一种形态的守护。

Rank 2, Lv 18, mana:35, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加35点远程攻击力。

Rank 3, Lv 28, mana:50, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加50点远程攻击力。

Rank 4, Lv 38, mana:70, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加70点远程攻击力。

Rank 5, Lv 48, mana:90, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加90点远程攻击力。

Rank 6, Lv 58, mana:110, 猎人获得鹰之守护,增加110点远程攻击力。

豹之守护|Aspect of the Cheetah。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

The hunter takes on the aspects of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 20%. If the hunter takes damage, he will be dazed for 4 seconds. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.。

Lv 20, mana:40, 猎人获得豹之守护,增加20%移动速度。如果猎人受到伤害,将晕眩4秒。同一时间只能激活一种形态的守护。

野兽守护|Aspect of the Beast。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

The hunter takes on the aspects of a beast, sharing any detection abilities with her pet, becoming untrackable and able to track beasts.。

Lv 30, mana:50, 猎人获得野兽守护,与宠物分享所有侦测能力,自身变为不可追踪,可以追踪野兽。同一时间只能激活一种形态的守护。

群队守护|Aspect of the Pack。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

The hunter and her group take on the aspects of a pack of cheetahs, increasing movement speed by 20%. If a pack member takes damage, they will be dazed for 4 seconds. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.。

Lv 40, mana:100, 猎人及其团队获得群队守护,增加20%移动速度,如果有队员受到伤害,队员将晕眩4秒。同一时间只能激活一种形态的守护。


惊吓野兽|Scare Beast。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:30 yards, 施法时间:1.5s, 冷却时间:30s。

Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to 10 seconds. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be feared at a time.。

Rank 1, Lv 14, mana:35, 持续时间:10s, 惊吓野兽,吓跑它10秒。任何伤害可能会中断效果。同时只能惊吓一个野兽。

Rank 2, Lv 30, mana:50, 持续时间:15s, 惊吓野兽,吓跑它15秒。

Rank 3, Lv 46, mana:75, 持续时间:20s, 惊吓野兽,吓跑它20秒。

野兽之眼|Eyes of the Beast。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:40 yards, 施法时间:3s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:60s。

Take direct control of your pet and see through its eyes for 60 seconds.。

Lv 14, mana:20, 60秒内可看见你的宠物所看见的。

鹰之眼|Eagle Eye

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:无限, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:60s。

Zooms in the hunter's vision.。

Lv 14, mana:25, 放大猎人的视野。

本能视觉|Glimpse of Instincts。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:30s。

Share your pet's senses, gaining any detection or tracking abilities for 30 seconds.。

Lv 24, mana:50, 共享你的宠物的感官,获得其侦测能力或者跟踪能力,持续30秒。

野兽知识|Beast Lore。

种类:野兽掌握, 范围:40 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:30s。

Gather information about the target beast. The tooltip will display damage, health, armor, any special resistances, and diet.。

Lv 24, mana:40, 收集目标宠物的资料。在tooltip上显示其伤害值,生命值,护甲值,任何特殊抗性以及所吃的食物。


迅猛一击|Raptor Strike。

种类:野外技能|Outdoorsmanship, 范围:5 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:6s。

A strong attack that increases melee damage by X.。

Rank 1, Lv 1, mana:15, 近战攻击伤害+5的一击。

Rank 2, Lv 8, mana:25, 近战攻击伤害+11的一击。

Rank 3, Lv 16, mana:35, 近战攻击伤害+21的一击。

Rank 4, Lv 24, mana:45, 近战攻击伤害+34的一击。

Rank 5, Lv 32, mana:55, 近战攻击伤害+50的一击。

Rank 6, Lv 40, mana:70, 近战攻击伤害+80的一击。

Rank 7, Lv 48, mana:85, 近战攻击伤害+110的一击。

Rank 8, Lv 56, mana:100, 近战攻击伤害+140的一击。

翼击|Wing Clip

种类:野外技能, 范围:5 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:10s。

Inflicts 5 damage and reduces the enemy target's movement speed to 50% of normal for 10 seconds.。

Rank 1, Lv 12, mana:40, 造成5点伤害以及降低目标敌人50%的移动速度,持续10秒。

Rank 2, Lv 38, mana:60, 造成25点伤害以及降低目标敌人50%的移动速度,持续10秒。

猫鼬撕咬|Mongoose Bite。

种类:野外技能, 范围:5 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:5s。

Counterattack the enemy for 20 damage. Can only be performed after you dodge.。

Rank 1, Lv 16, mana:25,在躲避对手攻击后施放,反击对手造成20点伤害。

Rank 2, Lv 30, mana:35,在躲避对手攻击后施放,反击对手造成40点伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 44, mana:45,在躲避对手攻击后施放,反击对手造成65点伤害。

Rank 4, Lv 58, mana:60,在躲避对手攻击后施放,反击对手造成95点伤害。


献祭陷阱|Immolation Trap。

种类:野外技能, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:15s, 持续时间:60s。

Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for 105 Fire damage over 15 seconds. Trap will exist for 60 seconds. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.。

Rank 1, Lv 16, mana:50, 放置一个火焰陷阱,造成第一个靠近的敌人15秒内105点火系伤害,陷阱存在60秒。陷阱只能在非战斗时候放置,同一时间只能放置一个陷阱。

Rank 2, Lv 26, mana:90, 放置一个火焰陷阱,造成第一个靠近的敌人15秒内215点火系伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 36, mana:130, 放置一个火焰陷阱,造成第一个靠近的敌人15秒内340点火系伤害。

Rank 4, Lv 46, mana:190, 放置一个火焰陷阱,造成第一个靠近的敌人15秒内510点火系伤害。

Rank 5, Lv 56, mana:245, 放置一个火焰陷阱,造成第一个靠近的敌人15秒内690点火系伤害。

寒冰陷阱|Freezing Trap。

种类:野外技能, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:15s, 持续时间:60s。

Place a frost trap that freezes the first enemy that approaches, preventing all action for up to 10 seconds. Any damage caused will break the ice. Trap will exist for 60 seconds. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.。

Rank 1, Lv 20, mana:50, 放置一个寒冰陷阱,第一个靠近的敌人10秒内冻止一切动作,任何攻击都有可能打破冰块。陷阱存在60秒。陷阱只能在非战斗时候放置,同一时间只能放置一个陷阱。

Rank 2, Lv 40, mana:75, 放置一个寒冰陷阱,第一个靠近的敌人15秒内冻止一切动作。

Rank 3, Lv 60, mana:100, 放置一个寒冰陷阱,第一个靠近的敌人20秒内冻止一切动作。

寒霜陷阱|Frost Trap。

种类:野外技能, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:15s, 持续时间:60s。

Place a frost trap that creates an ice slick around itself when the first enemy approaches it. All enemies within 10 yards will be slowed to 40% of their normal movement speed. Trap will exist for 60 seconds. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.。

Lv 28, mana:60, 放置一个寒霜陷阱,当首个怪物到达时在周围造成一块范围的冰面,在10码范围内的敌人移动速度减慢为正常速度的40%。陷阱存在60秒。陷阱只能在非战斗时候放置,同一时间只能放置一个陷阱。

爆炸陷阱|Explosive Trap。

种类:野外技能, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:15s, 持续时间:60s。

Place a fire trap that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing 100 to 130 Fire damage and burning all enemies for 150 additional Fire damage over 20 seconds to all within 10 yards. Trap will exist for 60 seconds. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.。

Rank 1, Lv 34, mana:275, 放置一个火焰陷阱,当有敌人靠近的时候,10码内所有敌人受到100到130点火焰伤害以及在20秒内受到150点的火焰持续伤害。陷阱存在60秒。陷阱只能在非战斗时候放置,同一时间只能放置一个陷阱。

Rank 2, Lv 44, mana:275, 放置一个火焰陷阱,当有敌人靠近的时候,10码内所有敌人受到139到187点火焰伤害以及在20秒内受到240点的火焰持续伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 54, mana:520, 放置一个火焰陷阱,当有敌人靠近的时候,10码内所有敌人受到201到257点火焰伤害以及在20秒内受到330点的火焰持续伤害。


自动射击|Auto Shot

种类:远程战斗|Ranged Combat, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Automatically shoots the target until cancelled.。

Lv 1, 自动射击目标,直到被取消。


种类:投掷|Thrown, 范围:8 - 30 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Hurl a thrown weapon at the target.。

Lv 1, 用投掷武器投掷掷目标。

弩射|Shoot Crossbow。

种类:弩弓|Crossbows, 范围:8 - 30 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, Lv1。

巨蟒之刺|Serpent Sting。

种类:远程战斗|Ranged Combat, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Stings the target, causing 20 Nature damage over 15 seconds. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.。

Rank 1, Lv 4, mana:15, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成20点自然伤害。同时只能对一个目标使用一种刺击技能。

Rank 2, Lv 10, mana:30, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成40点自然伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 18, mana:50, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成80点自然伤害。

Rank 4, Lv 26, mana:80, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成140点自然伤害。

Rank 5, Lv 34, mana:115, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成210点自然伤害。

Rank 6, Lv 42, mana:150, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成290点自然伤害。

Rank 7, Lv 50, mana:190, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成385点自然伤害。

Rank 8, Lv 58, mana:230, 刺击目标,在15秒内造成490点自然伤害。

毒蝎之刺|Scorpid Sting。

种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Stings the target, reducing Strength and Agility by -20 for 20 seconds. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.。

Rank 1, Lv 22, mana:70, 刺击目标,在20秒内降低目标20点力量和敏捷。同时只能对一个目标使用一种刺击技能。

Rank 2, Lv 32, mana:90, 刺击目标,在20秒内降低目标29点力量和敏捷。

Rank 3, Lv 42, mana:125, 刺击目标,在20秒内降低目标45点力量和敏捷。

Rank 4, Lv 52, mana:165, 刺击目标,在20秒内降低目标68点力量和敏捷。

毒蛇之刺|Viper Sting。

种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Stings the target, draining 468 mana over 8 seconds. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.。

Rank 1, Lv 36, mana:125, 刺击目标,在8秒内汲取目标468点法力。同时只能对一个目标使用一种刺击技能。

Rank 2, Lv 46, mana:165, 刺击目标,在8秒内汲取目标656点法力。

Rank 3, Lv 56, mana:210, 刺击目标,在8秒内汲取目标888点法力。

猎人标记|Hunter's Mark。

种类:远程战斗, 范围:100 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:10min。

Places the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the Ranged Attack Power of all attackers against that target by 20. In addition, the target of this ability can always be seen by the hunter whether it stealths or turns invisible. The target also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for 10 minutes.。

Rank 1, Lv 6, mana:15, 将猎人标记放在目标上,增加所有攻击该目标的攻击者的远程攻击力20点。此外,目标无论潜行还是隐形都可以被猎人看见。目标还显示在小地图上。持续10分钟。

Rank 2, Lv 22, mana:30, 将猎人标记放在目标上,增加所有攻击该目标的攻击者的远程攻击力45点。

Rank 3, Lv 40, mana:45, 将猎人标记放在目标上,增加所有攻击该目标的攻击者的远程攻击力75点。

Rank 4, Lv 58, mana:60, 将猎人标记放在目标上,增加所有攻击该目标的攻击者的远程攻击力110点。

奥术射击|Arcane Shot。

种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:6s。

An instant shot that causes 13 Arcane damage.。

Rank 1, Lv 6, mana:25, 瞬时射击目标造成13点奥术伤害。

Rank 2, Lv 12, mana:35, 瞬时射击目标造成21点奥术伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 20, mana:50, 瞬时射击目标造成33点奥术伤害。

Rank 4, Lv 28, mana:80, 瞬时射击目标造成59点奥术伤害。

Rank 5, Lv 36, mana:105, 瞬时射击目标造成83点奥术伤害。

Rank 6, Lv 44, mana:135, 瞬时射击目标造成115点奥术伤害。

Rank 7, Lv 52, mana:160, 瞬时射击目标造成145点奥术伤害。

Rank 8, Lv 60, mana:190, 瞬时射击目标造成183点奥术伤害。

震荡射击|Concussive Shot。

种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:10s。

Dazes the target, slowing movement speed to 50% of normal for 2 seconds and causes addtional threat.。

Rank 1, Lv 8, mana:25, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。

Rank 2, Lv 20, mana:40, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。

Rank 3, Lv 30, mana:60, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。

Rank 4, Lv 40, mana:80, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。

Rank 5, Lv 50, mana:105, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。

Rank 6, Lv 60, mana:130, 令目标晕眩,2秒内降低50%移动速度,会引起更多的仇恨。



种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:10s。

Fires several missiles, hitting 3 targets for an additional X damage.。

Rank 1, Lv 18, mana:100, 发射数个飞矢,攻击3个目标。

Rank 2, Lv 30, mana:140, 发射数个飞矢,攻击3个目标,增加40点伤害。

Rank 3, Lv 42, mana:175, 发射数个飞矢,攻击3个目标,增加80点伤害。

Rank 4, Lv 54, mana:210, 发射数个飞矢,攻击3个目标,增加120点伤害。

急射|Rapid Fire

种类:远程战斗, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:5 min。

Decreases shot time by -40% for 15 seconds.。

Lv 26, mana:100, 15秒内远程射击频率加快40%。


种类:远程战斗, 范围:8 - 35 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:60s。

Continuously fires a volley of ammo at the target area, causing 40 Arcane damage to enemy targets within 8 yards every second for 6 seconds.。

Rank 1, Lv 40, mana:350, 接连向目标区域射击,每秒对8码范围内的敌人造成40点奥术伤害,持续6秒。

Rank 2, Lv 50, mana:420, 接连向目标区域射击,每秒对8码范围内的敌人造成50点奥术伤害,持续6秒。

Rank 2, Lv 58, mana:490, 接连向目标区域射击,每秒对8码范围内的敌人造成60点奥术伤害,持续6秒。



种类:防御|Defense, 范围:自身。

Gives a chance to parry enemy melee attacks.。

Lv 1, 被动,有一定几率挡格对手攻击。


种类:野外技能, 范围:5 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Attempts to disengage from the target, reducing threat. Cancels combat.。

Rank 1, Lv 20, mana:50, 尝试摆脱目标,降低威胁值,取消战斗。

Rank 2, Lv 34, mana:100, 尝试摆脱目标,降低威胁值,取消战斗。

Rank 3, Lv 48, mana:150, 尝试摆脱目标,降低威胁值,取消战斗。

装死|Feign Death

种类:野外技能, 范围:自身, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s。

Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Lasts up to 5 minutes, but resurrection penalties are applied when the effect ends.。

Lv 30, mana:80, 装死5分钟,可以欺骗敌人让其忽略你。但是当效果结束后会有复活后的惩罚效果。


种类:远程战斗, 范围:30 yards, 施法时间:0s, 冷却时间:0s, 持续时间:30s。

Exposes all hidden and invisible enemies within X yards of the targeted area for 30 seconds.。

Lv 32, mana:50, 在X码范围内暴露所有隐藏和隐形的敌人,持续30秒。

求一篇英语作文100字左右 关于如何学好英语的?的相关图片

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The report will make the two companies Haier and McDonald's as his two examples, Which will be divided into five different approaches to management (向经营化的方向靠拢)。 On the organizational structure and culture.The two enterprises will be introduced first part of the background;The second part will be introduced in the two approaches to business management;The third part will introduce two features of the organizational structure and the distinction between them;Part IV will be introduced between the two corporate culture and their impact;Part 5 will analyze organizational structures and approaches to management and cultural relations and its impact.McDonald's background and Haier Haier was founded in 1984, 18 years ago continued to develop steadily,enjoy high reputation at home and abroad has become a major international corporation.Products from 1984 to the refrigerator with a single white household appliances, black household appliances,beige door to a group of 86 specifications for the more than 13,000 types of products group,and exports to more than 160 countries and regions in the world.Which owns more than 240 corporate units in more than 30 countries localization of the global design centermanufacturing and trading companies, the global total of more than 50,000 employees who focus on the development of science, technology, industry, trade,four pillars of the financial industry, in 2005.Haier's global turnover realized 103.4 billion yuan (approximately 12.8 billion U.S. dollars).McDonald's May 15, 1955 at the earliest, Illinois established in the United States, founder of the Ray Kroc.At that time, only a restaurant.McDonald's company in the world today, more than 100 countries and regions, has more than 20,000 restaurants.and by the operators of licensed under the branch.McDonald's, which has become the world's largest food conglomerate, for the 30 million people every day, every 30 minutes.000, the average owner of the restaurant every three hours.Background McDonald's is McDonald's Corporation, a joint venture company with Beijing joint pattern established in Beijing in 1991.April 23, 1992 opened the first McDonald's in Beijing Wangfujing restaurantby the end of 1996 to over 30 restaurants.And the organizational structure and the difference between McDonald's Haier Haier Haier cause of the current organizational structure is a system :cause a system known as decentralized organization or department structure, which is under the unified leadership of the company by product,establish the cause of different regions or departments or branches.The cause of the other product design, procurement, production and marketing activities.Division is a profit center under the control of the Company, the unit is also responsible for the production and marketing responsibilities unitsand the independent market with their products.Division structure is the biggest advantage : unstable environment, which can adapt to the rapid changespursuit of the attention at customers, markets, products and technology, and there are specific and quantitative indicators to measure.In the business sector, each product is an independent branch, customers can contact and satisfaction with the precise division.Good co-ordination among departments.In accordance with the products and services or geographical boundaries Division.thus the cause of what the Department is able to determine the exact needs of its customers.their products / services to better meet the needs of the customers.As the Utilities Department has installed the corresponding functional departments, resulting in more levels of management and personnel management, management overlap,higher management costs.McDonald's, McDonald's has its own management structure in the organization, type of bias in its organizational structure functions.Functional organization structure is the most common form of enterprise, its essence is to break down all the components taskcompleted and submitted to the corresponding departments.One advantage lies in its functional structure to encourage departments economies of scale.The combination of economies of scale is to share some facilities and staff conditions.The main disadvantage is a function of the structure changes in the external environment is too slow in responding, and this response also needs inter-departmental coordination.If the environment changes rapidly, or non-technical routine, interdependence, it will have vertical decision-making information overload.The phenomenon of high-level decision-making has been slow.In this organization, everyone is used to eye view, waiting for high-level decision-making.and horizontal links and the lack of self-awareness to solve the problem.There are other defects in the functions of the organization : the lack of coordination resulted in less innovation, and limited knowledge of every staff member of the organizational goals.McDonald's because it is catering enterprises is the core of specialization.Therefore functions of the organizational structure manageable.Obviously the difference between their organizations, the organizational structure of Haier and McDonald's because they belong to different organizations in different fields.Haier belong to the industry, can learn from the above analysis, the department's organizational structure more suitable for Haier's management;The organization and functions more suitable for McDonald's chain。


How to learn English。

First,To improve your English writing,writing a diary in English every day is one of the best ways to improve your English writing ability. It doesn’t take a long time to do it. It can help us form the habit of thinking in English. Step by step, we'll know how to express ourselves in English. I began to write a diary in English when I was in Junior Grade One. In the beginning, I used short and simple sentences to express myself. My English teacher praised me for this. So I was interested in it. Soon with the help of my teacher, I could write a short passage. Before I knew it, my writing ability had greatly improved. I learn a lot from writing diaries in English!。

Second,to improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don't try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English, Don't read anything difficult for you at the very beginning. While reading, don't read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary. Keep on reading like this and you'll surely make progress little by little.。

Third,to enlarge vocabulary,you can keep a vocabulary notebook. When learning a new word, write it down in your notebook. And write down a sentence next to it.You can make flashcards to study new words. On one side of the cards, write the English word, on the other side of it,write the Chinese meaning. Use the new words very often. I think the best way to learn and remember the new words is to use them often. 中文意思: 如何学习英语 。



第三,扩大词汇量,你可以保持一个词汇的笔记本。当学习一个新单词,写下来,在你的笔记本电脑。并写下一个句子旁边it.You可以学习新单词的教学卡片。关于卡方之一的,写的英语单词,在另一面,写中文意思。使用新的文字很频繁。我认为最好的方式来学习和记忆的新词,是他们经常使用。 希望帮到你。




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