八年级英语上册课文2b翻译:Unit6 1. 你知道什么是决心吗?他是一种承诺。多数时候,我们对其他人做出承诺。(“妈妈,我保证放学回家打扫我的房间”)但是,你对自己的承诺是决心,而最常见的就是新年决心。 当我们在年初制定计划的时候,我们希望生活得更好。有的人写下他们的决心和为新的一年制定的计划。这能帮助他们记住他们的决心。其他人把他们的希望和计划告诉家人和朋友。
2. 决心有不同种类。有的是关于身体健康的。比如,有的人决心要开始运动或者少吃快餐。很多决心与自我改进有关。 一些人可能会说他们打算开始一项爱好,比如画画、拍照或者学弹吉他。一些决心与更好的计划有关,比如制定每周的学习 计划。
3.尽管有一些不同,大部分决心都有一个共同点。人们几乎从来不能坚持它们! 有时那些决心可能太难了而很难坚持下去。有时人们仅仅是忘了。因为这个原因,有人说最好的决心就是没有决心!你呢——你制定 明年的计划了吗?。
八年级英语上册课文2b翻译(一) Unit8。
八年级英语上册课文2b翻译(二) Unit10。
劳拉曾经丢了她的钱包,并且担心了好几天。她害怕告诉她的父母这件事。 她甚至每天步行三英里去学校,因为她没有一点钱。她只是一直在想,“如果我告诉我的父母,他们将会生气!”最后,她与他的父母谈论,他们确实很善解人意。她的父母说他有时候自己也会粗心犯错误。他们给了她一个新钱包,并让她更小心些。“将来我会一直记得分享我的问题!”劳拉说。
报纸 newspaper。
看报纸 read a newspaper。
使用,运用 use
汤 soup
做汤 make soup。
洗 wash
电影 movie
看电影 go to the movies。
只是,恰好 just
出去吃饭 eat out。
房子 house
喝,饮料 drink。
茶,茶叶 tea
喝茶 drink tea。
在明天,明天,未来 tomorrow。
游泳池,水池 pool。
购物,商店 shop
超市 supermarket。
男人,人、 man
竞赛 race
主人,东道主 host。
学习,研究 study
州 state
美国 the United States。
the United States of America。
美国的 American
龙 dragon
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival。
任一的 any
另外的 other
幼小的 young
儿童 Child (children)
怀念 miss
希望 wish
可口的 delicious。
还,仍然 still。
客厅 living room。
史蒂夫(男名) Steve。
劳拉(女名) Laura。
下雨;雨水 rain
多风的 windy
多云的 cloudy
晴朗的 sunny
下雪;雪 snow。
天气 weather。
做饭 cook
坏的;糟的 bad
公园 park
信息;消息 message。
捎个口信;传话 take a message。
他(he的宾格) him
能;可以 could。
回来;回原处 back。
回电话 call(sb)back。
困难;难题 problem。
再一次;又一次 again。
干燥的 dry
寒冷的;冷的 cold。
热的 hot
温暖的 warm
拜访;参观 visit
加拿大 Canada
夏天;夏季 summer
坐 sit
果汁;饮料 juice
不久;很快 soon
假期 vacation。
度假 on(a)vacation。
努力地;困难的 hard
欧洲 Europe。
高山 mountain。
国;国家 country。
滑冰 skate
下雪的 snowy
冬天;冬季 winter
俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语 Russian。
雪人 snowman。
阴雨的;多雨的 rainy。
乔(男名) Joe
杰夫(男名) Jeff。
莫斯科 Moscow
多伦多 Toronto
波士顿 Boston
Nobody wins (Part Ⅰ) 。
Captain King often tells his friends stories of his adventures.This is one of them.Towardsevening,we landed on an unknown planet.Lam,our pilot,brought us down gently in a valley.We left the ship and saw a cave.We went into the cave.It was someone's home and everything inside was huge!。
"Let's get out of here," Peters,our navigator,said."This is the home of a monster."。
"Maybe it's a friendlymonster," I said."We'll wait."。
Suddenly,a door opened and some animals jumped out.They looked like kangaroos.Behind them was a huge monster.The kangaroos shouted,"Good night,Gork." Then they jumped away.。
Then Gork saw us.He gave a roar,"Aliens! Aliens in my cave.How did you get in here?"。
I thought fast,and said quietly,"Good evening,Mr Gork.My name is Nobodyand..."。
Gork roared again,"You're aliens and we kill all aliens in this valley.Tomorrow morning,you are going to die! All of you." Then he pressed a button on the wall.Steel bars rose suddenly fromthe ground around us and closed overour heads.。
"Well,Captain," Lam asked,"why did you name yourself 'Nobody'?"。
"I have a plan and 'Nobody' is part of it," I replied."You'll see.。
"I turned to Gork and said,"We come in peace,Mr Gork."。
Gork said,"You come in peace,but tomorrow you'll be in pieces."。
Peters turned towards me,and his voice shook."We're all going to die,sir."。
"No,we're not," I said."We're all going to live,Peters! Trust me!"。
Kelly always wanted to be a scientist.She was interested in maths and physics.She hoped to work in spaceone day."I will discover something important in the future," she often told herself.。
Every evening,Kelly went out with her dog to look at the stars.One night,she saw a strange,coloured lightmoving across the sky.。
"It can't be a star," she thought."It's too bright.It must be a spaceship! I'm going to see it!"。
She walked quickly towards the light.。
"The people in the spaceship will want to talk to me.Can they speak our language? Will I be able to understand them? Are they lost?。
The spaceship landed a few metres in front of Kelly and the door slowly opened.Suddenly,Kelly's dog ran towards the spaceship.Kelly cried,"This can't be true!" Two huge dogs stood at the door of the spaceship.The visitors from space were dogs! They said a few words to Kelly's dog.Kelly's dog looked at Kelly and then turned and ran into the spaceship.Then the spaceship was gone.。
Listen,everyone.Here are the arrangements for the trip.We are going to meettomorrow at 7:30 a.m.and take the bus to Fenghuang Mountain.Then we'll walk to the campsite.We'll arrive there around 10:30 a.m.。
We are going to return toour school on Sunday.We'll catch a bus back in the evening.It will leavearound 6:15 p.m.and we'll be back home around 7:30 p.m.Any question?。
牛津七年级上Uni 6 课文原文。找的辛苦,希望采纳。
1. 首先,在思维导图的中心位置写上“Unit 6”,作为本单元的标题。
2. 然后,在Unit 6的周围画出四个主要概念,分别是“Grammar”,“Vocabulary”,“Reading”和“Writing”。
3. 接着,在Grammar概念的周围画出相关的语法知识,例如“Present Simple”,“Present Continuous”,“Past Simple”等。
4. 同样的,在Vocabulary概念的周围画出相关的词汇,例如“Animals”,“Food”,“Clothes”等。
5. 对于Reading概念,可以在周围画出相关的阅读知识,例如“Main Idea”,“Details”,“Skimming”等。
6. 最后,在Writing概念的周围画出相关的写作知识,例如“Paragraph”,“Essay”,“Topic Sentence”等。
总之,三年级上册英语思维导图第六单元的画法是用Unit 6为标题,在其周围画出Grammar,Vocabulary,Reading和Writing四个概念,并在每个概念的周围画出相关的知识点。