
问题描述:拱门的英文,拱门的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拱门,拱门用 大家好,本文将围绕一个有趣的事情展开说明,一个有趣的事情是一个很多人都想弄明白的事情,想搞清楚一个有趣的事情需要先了解以下几个事情。




[建筑] arch; archway; arched door。

◇拱门侧塔 buttress tower; 拱门落水洞 arch ponor; 拱门饰 archivolt。

矮拱门 flying arch。

拱廊;拱门 arch

拱门饰 decorated archivolt。

拱门桅 arch mast。

双拱门 double archway。

铁拱门 small iron arch fixed in the ground through which balls are hit。

月拱门 moongate。

半圆形拱门 roman arch。

拱;弓形;拱门 arch。

拱门侧塔 buttress tower。

拱门落水洞 arch ponor。

拱门式冲床 arch press。

拱门之舞 arch dances。

哈德良拱门 hadrians arch。

荷兰式拱门 dutch arch。

尖端拱门。 gothic arch。

交叉拱门 interlacing arch。

景观拱门 landscape arch。

科罗布拱门 kolob arch。

绿色拱门 green arch。

树精拱门 treant arches。

塔斯曼拱门 tasman arch。

泰西半拱门 arch of tesiphon。

提图斯拱门 arch of titus。

拱路 arch

拱门窗上的葱形线饰 accolade; accollee。


There is a beautiful arch there .。


Vanamee, hidden in the deep shadow of the archway, did not move .。


Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill .。


He remembered wandering through dimly lit street, past ghast, black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses .。


Miss ingram returned to us through the arch。


Arches , canyon land and lake powell 4 days。


Moab - arches national park - salt lake city - hometown。


Arches , canyonland 4d arches - canyon land - lake powell。


Marble arch is a famous london landmark。


Here is another picture of setting sun shining on the arch。








战力数值是游戏本身的设定,不是我的论点。测试排名方法很简单,把所有兵种都纳入旗下,然后在酒馆里面的盗贼公会里察看best monster,然后将该生物开除,再察看,再开除,直到只剩最后一个生物为止。

生物名称 经验 攻击 防御 伤害 速度 类型 招募地 特技。

汉 英 低 高

碧龙 azure dragon 78845 50 50 70 80 19 飞行 frozen peaks 不受1-3级魔法的影响,当它出现在战场上时,敌人有时会因惊慌失措而无法行动。

水晶龙 crystal dragon 39388 40 40 60 75 0 地面 crystal cavern 每个星期可以产3单位的水晶,若干魔法抵抗。

锈龙 rust dragon 26433 30 30 50 17 飞行 sulfurous lair 攻击2格内的敌人,攻击具有腐蚀性,每次攻击都会降低敌人部队的防御技能,攻击一次降低3点。

仙女龙 faerie dragon 19580 20 20 20 30 15 飞行 lavendar lofts 它可以站在原地用攻击类魔法打击敌人,仙女龙共可以使用5次法术。每次法术的伤害力是仙女龙的数量×5×魔法基本伤害力+修正值,自带魔镜。

大天使 arch angel 8776 30 30 50 18 飞行 upg portal 对devils伤害为150%,每场战斗能复活我方一只部队,每只大天使每场战斗能复活100hp的生物,加一点士气。

黑龙 black dragon 8721 25 25 40 50 15 飞行 upg dragon cave 攻击2格内的敌人,魔法对其无效。

黄金龙 gold dragon 8613 27 27 40 50 16 飞行 upg dragon cliffs 攻击2格内的敌人,1-4级魔法对其无效。

泰坦 titan 7500 24 24 40 60 11 远程 upg cloude temple 对心灵系法术免疫,进战伤害不减,对黑龙伤害加半。

大魔王 arch devil 7115 26 28 30 40 17 传送 upg forsaken 对天使伤害为150%,使敌方运气-1,不受反击。

凤凰 phoenix 6721 21 18 30 40 21 飞行 unknown 攻击2格内的敌人,对火系魔法具有免疫能力,可以在被消灭后使20%的部队复生(4只或4只以下重生概率不定,可能不重生)

古代巨兽 ancient behemoth 6168 19 19 30 50 9 地面 upg behemoth lair 攻击时降低对方防御力80%。

九头龙 chaos hydra 5931 18 20 25 45 7 地面 upg hydrapond 可同时攻击周围所有敌人,且对方无法反击。

魔王 devil 5101 19 21 30 40 11 传送 forsaken palace 对天使伤害为150%,使敌方运气-1,不受反击。

天使 angel 5019 20 20 50 12 飞行 portal of glory 对devils伤害为150%,加一点士气。

绿龙 green dragon 4872 18 18 40 50 10 飞行 dragon cliffs 攻击2格内的敌人,1-3级魔法对其无效。

红龙 red dragon 4710 19 19 40 50 11 飞行 dragon cave 攻击2格内的敌人,1-4级魔法对其无效。

幽灵龙 ghost dragon 4696 19 17 25 50 14 飞行 upg dragon vault 使敌方士气-1,且有20%可能使敌人老化(hp减半)

火鸟 firebird 4547 18 18 30 40 15 飞行 unknown 攻击2格内的敌人,对火系魔法具有免疫能力。

九头蛇 hydra 4120 16 18 25 45 5 地面 hydra pond 可同时攻击周围所有敌人,且对方无法反击。

巨人 giant 3718 19 16 40 60 7 地面 cloude temple 对心灵系法术免疫。

骨龙 bone dragon 3388 17 15 25 50 9 飞行 dragon vault 使敌方士气-1。

巨兽 behemoth 3162 17 17 30 50 6 地面 behemothlair 攻击时降低对方防御力40%。

那加女王 naga queen 2840 16 13 30 7 地面 upg golden pavilion 攻击时对方无法反击。

恐怖骑士 dread knight 2382 18 18 15 30 9 地面 upg hall 攻击时有20%可能诅咒对方,且有20%可能攻击翻倍。

斗士 champion 2100 16 16 20 25 9 地面 upg training 冲锋攻击,每格+5%伤害。

黑暗骑士 black knight 2087 16 16 15 30 7 地面 hall of darkness 攻击时有20%可能诅咒对方。

战争独角兽 war unicorn 2030 15 14 18 22 9 地面 upg unicorn glade 攻击时有20%可能使对方失明,且在它周围的本方部队有20%几率抵抗魔法。

那加 naga 2016 16 13 20 5 地面 golden pavilion 攻击时对方无法反击。

魔法元素人 magic elemental 2012 15 13 15 25 9 地面 unknown 可以攻击周围所有的部队并不被反击,对所有魔法免疫,对魔法元素伤害减半。

骑兵 cavalier 1946 15 15 15 25 7 地面 training grounds 冲锋攻击,每格+5%伤害。

火怪苏丹 efreet sultan 1848 16 14 16 24 13 飞行 upg fire lake 火系魔法对其无效,对神怪伤害为150%,自带火盾。

独角兽 unicorn 1806 15 14 18 22 7 地面 unicorn glade 攻击时有20%可能使对方失明,且在它周围的本方部队有20%几率不怕魔法。

火怪 efreet 1670 16 12 16 24 9 飞行 fire lake 火系魔法对其无效,对神怪伤害为150%。

精神元素人 psychic elemental 1669 15 13 10 20 7 地面 unknown 可以攻击周围所有的部队并不被反击,对精神魔法免疫,对不死系生物伤害减半。

蝎尾飞狮 scorpicore 1589 16 14 14 20 11 飞行 upg manticore lair 攻击时有20%可能麻痹敌人(包括不死系)

飞狮 manticore 1547 15 13 14 20 7 飞行 manticore lair。

飞龙之王 wyvern monarch 1518 14 14 18 22 11 飞行 upg wyvern nest 攻击时有20%可能让对方中毒3回合。

独眼巨人王 cyclops king 1443 17 13 16 20 8 远程 upg cyclops cave 可攻击城墙,会中级弹道学。

双足飞龙 wyvern 1350 14 14 14 18 7 飞行 wyvern nest。

独眼巨人 cyclops 1266 15 12 16 20 6 远程 cyclops cave 可攻击城墙,会初级弹道学。

地穴领主 pit lord 1224 13 13 13 17 7 地面 upg hell hole 可在本方已死部队中召唤demon。

妖术师 enchanter 1210 17 12 14 9 远程 enchanter hollow 第一次出手时可以使用一次群体祝福类或诅咒类法术(效果随机)。

雷鸟 thunderbird 1106 13 11 11 15 11 飞行 upg cliffnest 有20%的可能增加伤害力10x雷鸟数点。

强力亡灵法师 power lich 1079 13 10 11 15 7 远程 upg mausoleum 攻击时使敌周围的非不死系兵种受到伤害。

牛头怪国王 minotaur king 1068 15 15 12 20 8 地面 upg labyrinth 士气永远至少为+1。

力之聒艮 mighty gorgon 1028 11 16 12 16 6 地面 upg gorgon lair 每头在一次攻击中有10%可能强行剥夺一个敌人的生命。

大鹏 roc 1027 13 11 11 15 7 飞行 cliff nest。

桥梁怪 troll 1024 14 7 10 15 7 地面 troll bridge 每回合恢复生命。

神怪主 master genie 942 12 12 13 16 11 飞行 upg altar 对火怪伤害为150%,每回合可使用一次祝福类法术,每队一次战斗中能用3次。

聒艮 gorgon 890 10 14 12 16 5 地面 gorgon lair。

神怪 genie 884 12 12 13 16 7 飞行 altar of wishes 对火怪伤害为150%。

亡灵法师 lich 848 13 10 11 13 6 远程 mausoleum 攻击时使敌周围的非不死系兵种受到伤害。

牛头怪 minotaur 835 14 12 12 20 6 地面 labyrinth。

树妖士兵 dendroid soldier 803 9 12 10 14 4 地面 upg dendroid 攻击后对方无法移动,除非该队树妖全灭或主动移动。

吸血伯爵 vampire lord 783 10 10 5 8 9 飞行 upg estate 攻击时对方无法反击,且可吸对方hp补充自己兵力(造成多少伤害就补充多少hp)

地穴魔 pit fiend 775 13 13 13 17 6 地面 hell hole。

钻石人 diamant golem 775 13 12 10 14 5 地面 golem factory 对魔法的伤害只接受5%。

狂热者 zealot 750 12 10 10 12 7 远程 upg monastery 近距离攻击威力不减。

巨型蛇怪 greater basilisk 714 12 12 6 10 7 地面 upg basilisk pit 攻击时有20%可能石化敌人。

大魔法师 arch magi 680 12 9 7 9 7 远程 upg magetower 近战时伤害不减,使本方施法所需mp减少2点,可完全伤害城内部队。

食人魔法师 ogre magi 672 13 7 6 12 5 地面 upg ogrefort 每回合可向一支本方部队施嗜血术,每队每次战斗可施法3次。

金人 gold golem 600 11 12 8 10 5 地面 golem factory 魔法对金人只有15%的伤害力。

十字军 crusader 588 12 12 7 10 6 地面 upg barracks 每回合可攻击两次。

神枪手 sharpshooter 585 12 10 8 10 9 远程 tree top tower 远程攻击不受距离和障碍物的影响。

美杜莎女王 medusa queen 577 10 10 6 8 6 远程 upg chapel 近距离攻击威力不减,且有20%可能石化敌人。

魔法师 magi 570 11 8 7 9 5 远程 mage tower 近战伤害不减,使本方施法所需mp减少2点。

吸血鬼 vampire 555 10 9 5 8 6 飞行 estate 攻击时对方无法反击。

蛇怪 basilisk 552 11 11 6 10 5 地面 basilisk pit 攻击时有20%可能石化敌人。

银色飞马 sliver pegasus 532 9 10 5 9 12 飞行 upg enchanted 使敌方施法时多用2点魔力。

飞马 pegasus 518 9 8 5 9 8 飞行 enchanted spring 使敌方施法时多用2点魔力。

美杜莎 medusa 517 9 9 6 8 5 远程 chapel of stilled voices 近距离攻击威力不减,且有20%可能石化敌人。

树妖卫兵 dendroid guard 517 9 12 10 14 3 地面 dendroid arches 攻击后对方无法移动,除非该队树妖全灭或主动移动。

岩浆元素人 magma elemental 490 11 11 6 10 6 地面 unknown 对闪电有免疫效果,流星雨可以造成双倍的伤害,可以使用御土术(protect from earth),免疫末日风暴,对精神魔法免疫。

风暴元素人 storm elemental 486 9 9 2 8 8 远程 unknown 末日风暴和闪电法术可以对它们造成双倍,会使用御气术(protect from air) 对精神魔法免疫。

僧侣 monk 485 12 7 10 12 5 远程 monastery。

长角恶魔 horned demon 480 10 10 7 9 6 地面 upg demon gate。

皇家狮鹫 royal griffin 448 9 9 3 6 9 飞行 upg griffin tower 可无限反击。

剑士 swordsman 445 10 12 6 9 5 地面 barracks。

恶魔 demon 445 10 10 7 9 5 地面 demon gate。

铁皮人 iron golem 412 9 10 4 5 5 地面 upg golem factory 对魔法只受25%伤害。

食人魔 ogre 405 13 7 6 12 4 地面 ogre fort。

冥府三头犬 cerberus 392 10 8 2 5 8 地面 upg kennels 可攻击前方相邻三支部队。

冰元素人 ice elemental 380 8 10 3 7 6 远程 unknown 对冰魔法具有免疫能力,但火系魔法可以对它们造成双倍的打击,对精神魔法免疫,并会使用御水术(protect from water)。

能量元素人 energe elemental 370 12 8 4 6 8 传送 unknown 对火魔法具有免疫能力,但水系魔法可以对它们造成双倍的打击,对精神魔法免疫,并会使用御火术(protect from fire)。

邪眼 evil eye 367 10 8 3 5 7 远程 upg pillar of eyes 近距离攻击威力不减。

空气元素人 air elemental 356 9 9 2 8 7 地面 unknown 末日风暴和闪电法术可以对它们造成双倍伤害。

地狱犬 hell hound 352 10 6 2 7 7 地面 kennels。

狮鹫 griffin 351 8 8 3 6 6 飞行 griffin tower 可反击两次。

火元素人 fire elemental 345 10 8 4 6 6 飞行 unknown 对火魔法具有免疫能力,但水系魔法可以对它们造成双倍的打击。

游牧骑兵 nomad 345 9 8 2 6 7 地面 nomad tent 使部队在沙地行动消耗较少的移动力。

观看者 beholder 336 9 7 3 5 5 远程 pillar of eyes 近距离攻击威力不减。

大精灵 grand elf 331 9 5 3 5 7 远程 upg homestead 每回合射击2次。

土元素人 earth elemental 330 10 10 4 8 4 地面 unknown 对闪电有免疫效果,流星雨可以造成双倍的伤害。

幽灵 wraith 315 7 7 3 5 7 飞行 upg tomb of souls 每回合开始时第一个幽灵的hp补满,且吸收敌英雄2点mp。

水元素人 water elemental 315 8 10 3 7 5 地面 unknown 对冰魔法具有免疫能力,但火系魔法可以对它们造成双倍的打击。

龙虫 dragon fly 312 6 8 2 5 13 飞行 upg serpent fly 攻击时驱散对象身上的有益魔法,对敌人施放虚弱魔法(在死亡阴影中攻防各提高2点)

木乃伊 mummy 270 7 7 3 5 5 地面 tomb of curses 能够进行诅咒攻击。

蛇虫 serpent fly 268 6 8 2 5 9 飞行 serpent fly hive 攻击时驱散对象身上的有益魔法。

鬼魂 wight 252 7 7 3 5 5 飞行 tomb of souls 每回合开始时第一个鬼魂的hp补满。

石头人 stone golem 250 7 10 4 5 3 地面 golem factory 对魔法只受50%伤害。

妖魔首领 orc chieftain 240 8 4 2 5 5 远程 upg orc tower。

魔力投火怪 magog 240 7 4 2 4 6 远程 upg hall of sins 其火球可攻击对象周围部队。

鸟身女巫 harpy hag 238 6 6 1 4 9 飞行 upg harpy loft 攻击后返回原位,敌人无法反击。

森林精灵 wood elf 234 9 5 3 5 6 远程 homestead。

战斗矮人 battle dwarf 209 7 7 2 4 5 地面 upg dwarfcottage 有40%魔法抗性。

突击狼骑兵 wolf raider 203 8 5 3 4 8 地面 upg wolfpen 每回合可攻击两次。

黑曜石像鬼 obsidian gargoyle 201 7 7 2 3 9 飞行 upg parapet。

妖魔 orc 192 8 4 2 5 4 远程 orc tower。

弩手 marksman 184 6 3 2 3 6 远程 upg archers 每回合可射击两次。

石像鬼 gargoyle 165 6 6 2 3 6 飞行 parapet。

投火怪 gog 159 6 4 2 4 4 远程 hall of sins。

蜥蜴战士 lizard warrior 156 5 7 2 3 5 远程 upg lizard den 在死亡阴影中改为15 6/8 2-5。

鸟身女妖 harpy 154 6 5 1 4 6 飞行 harpy loft 攻击后返回原位。

野猪骑兵 boar 145 6 5 2 3 6 地面 boar glen。

矮人 dwarf 138 6 7 2 4 3 地面 dwarf cottage 有20%魔法抗性。

人马队长 centaur captain 138 6 3 2 3 8 地面 upg centaur。

狼骑兵 wolf rider 130 7 5 2 4 6 地面 wolf pen。

流氓 rouge 135 8 3 2 4 6 地面 hidden cavern 军队中有了他们就可以得知中立部队对你的态度(是否加入、逃跑或战斗),还可以增加盗贼公会中的信息。

僵尸 zombie 128 5 5 2 3 4 地面 upg graveyard 攻击时有20%可能使对方生病,得病的部队攻击和防御3回合内降低2点。

弓箭手 archer 126 6 3 2 3 4 远程 archers tower。

蜥蜴人 lizardman 126 5 6 1 3 4 远程 lizard den 在死亡阴影中攻击+3,最小伤害+1。

长斧兵 halberdier 115 6 5 2 3 5 地面 upg guardhouse。

半人马 centaur 100 5 3 2 3 6 地面 centaur stables。

行尸 walking dead 98 5 5 2 3 3 地面 graveyard。

妖精 sprite 95 2 2 1 3 9 飞行 unknown 攻击对手不反击。

狼头怪首领 gnoll marauder 90 4 6 2 3 5 地面 upg gnollhut。

骷髅战士 skeleton warrior 85 6 6 1 3 5 地面 unknown。

恶魔穴居者 infernal troglodyte 84 5 4 1 3 5 地面 upg warren 盲眼魔法对其无效。

长枪兵 pikeman 80 4 5 1 3 4 地面 guardhouse。

怪物 hobgoblin 78 5 3 1 2 7 地面 upg goblin。

侏儒 halfing 75 4 2 1 3 5 远程 thatched hut。

高级小鬼 master gremlin 66 4 4 1 2 5 远程 upg workshop。

骷髅兵 skeleton 65 5 4 1 3 4 地面 cursed temple。

魔怪 familiar 60 4 4 1 2 7 地面 upg imp crucible 可将敌方施法所用魔力的20%变给本方英雄。

妖怪 goblin 60 4 2 1 2 5 地面 goblin barracks。

穴居者 troglodyte 59 4 3 1 3 4 地面 warren 盲眼魔法对其无效。

狼头怪 gnoll 56 3 5 2 3 4 地面 gnoll hut。

小仙子 pixie 55 2 2 1 2 7 飞行 unknown。

小魔鬼 imp 50 2 3 1 2 5 地面 imp crucible。

小鬼 gremlin 44 3 3 1 2 4 地面 workshop。

农民 peasant 15 1 1 1 3 地面 hovel。

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Republic of France, or the French or French. France in western Europe, at the northwest la Manche (English Channel) and the United Kingdom across. Southwest border Pyrenees mountains, along the eastern border with the Alps. Major rivers are Loire, Rhône small, such as Seine. Land area of 551,602 square kilometers and 60.19 million population are the main flange is gratifying, cloth out Nittaku, Basque and Corsican people. Most residents believe in the Catholic Church. GM French, travel agencies also use English. 。

Hexagonal external contours of France, the link Nanoulading style of the rich and the Nordic characteristics. It's very long history and rich cultural connotations of the monuments and countryside scenery. Normandy rolling green farmland; Brittany coast of rugged beauty; world Huadu Paris; Burgundy and Bordeaux 2 fertile vineyards; Mediterranean countryside of rural Provence…… attract the tourists. France has 20 various scenic spots by the United Nations included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage: The Louvre and Notre Dame as the center Balisena Riverside, Versailles Palace, Offers Bailu, Strasbourg, St Michel, Chambord castle, and so on. Yearning for the French original flavor of the castle scene, the Royal River valley along a 10-to Castle attractions, Baonei the decorative design, possession of books and works of art, the return of medieval royal style; wine was once popular in Taiwan, to the French wine Rural origin inspection tours, winery owner Rushuojiazhen for visitors unique system of liquor secret, is a intellectual, emotional both the depth of travel, you can choose the location, from north to south, sub-sub-programme are: Burgundy section , Long Valley, Bordeaux and so on. France-food, fashion, art, architecture achievements in one of Paris, just three well-known art museums such as: the Louvre, Orsay Museum, Albert Pang of the Centre on consumption can… 12 weeks. Known as "the world Huadu," said the Paris museum has over 70, there are numerous monuments, churches Square. 。

An area of 551,602 square kilometers. In Western Europe, with Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Andorra, Monaco bordering the northwest at la Manche and across the United Kingdom, the endangered North Sea, English Channel, the four Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean Corsica is France's largest island. Northwest High Low-lying southeast. Plain area of two-thirds of the total. Major mountain ranges are the Alps, the Pyrenees, Jura mountains, and so on. The border of the Mont Blanc, France, Italy, 4,810 meters above sea level, the highest peak in Europe. A major river Loire (1,010 kilometers), the Rhône River (812 km), the Seine (776 km). On the Mediterranean island of Corsica is France's largest island. The total length of the border line for 5,695 kilometers, of which 2,700 km of coastline and land lines to 2,800 km, the river is 195 km line. The west is a maritime temperate broad-leaved forest climate, the southern Mediterranean climate is subtropical, central and eastern parts of a continental climate. The average rainfall from northwest to southeast from 600 mm to 1000 mm increments above. 。

Culture of the 17th century, the French classical literature ushered in his brilliant period, the advent of the Moliere, Stendhal, Balzac, Dumas, Victor Hugo Flaubert, Xiaozhong Ma, Zola, Mok Park Sang, Romain Rolland and other literary great masters. Many of their works become the world's literary treasures. The "Notre Dame de Paris", "Red and Black", "high-old man," "," "Les Miserables" and "John", has been translated into world literature in the world Widely circulated. In modern French art in carrying forward the tradition rather on the basis of innovation, not only has such a Rodin sculpture arts master, there have been like Monet and Matisse, and other Impressionist, Ye Shoupai representative. From the 17th century, France in industrial design, art and design areas of the world's leading status has long been obvious to all. Relating to functional art, architecture, fashion design, industrial design professional schools have long been relying on its "made in France" known for its fruit business overseas. French favorite sport, the sport more popular football, tennis, rugby, and bowls, sailing, swimming, skiing, and cycling, such as ring. Well-known universities are the University of Paris, Lyon University. Cannes International Film Festival is one of the world's five major film festival, the annual May in the southeastern French city of Cannes on the waterfront, it is the world's oldest and largest international film festival one of about two weeks. In 1956 the highest award for the "Golden Duck Award", from 1957 to the "Palme d'Or prize." 。

France is Europe's central romantic, it's very long history and rich cultural connotations of the monuments and countryside scenery to attract tourists from around the world. Customs 10,000 kinds of Huadu Paris, the charming beautiful blue coast, the Alpine ski resort are all fascinating tourist destination. France has 20 various scenic spots by the United Nations included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage: The Louvre and Notre Dame as the center Balisena Riverside, Versailles Palace, Offers Bailu, Strasbourg, St Michel, Chambord castle, and so on. 。

Capital of Paris known as "the world Huadu," said. This beautiful city is not only France's political culture, economic and transportation center, and is a popular tourist destination. Paris has more than 70 museums, many of the monuments, churches Square, to taste carefully, three months is also not enough. 。

Attractions Arc de Triomphe in Paris (L'arc de Triomphe) is located in the heart of Paris Star Plaza (now known as General de Gaulle Square) in central and France to commemorate Napoleon in February 1806 in Austell Lici battle to defeat Russian, Austrian coalition built, 12 Main Street to the Arc de Triomphe as the center, to the surrounding radiation, magnificent, full shape of Stars. Engineering design by the architect Xiaergelan, founded in August 1806, lasted 30 Hanshu, in July 1836 completion. Arc De Triomphe high 49.54 meters, 44.82 meters wide and 22.21 meters thick. It has four doors, the center arches 14.6 meters wide, the gatehouse for the pier to two high pillars, the middle of the lift from top to bottom. In the arched dome on a three-tier Wai Gallery, the highest level is the showroom, where a display of the Arc de Triomphe in various historical artifacts of Napoleon's life and deeds of the picture, the second collection of various French Medal Medal; minimum Arc De Triomphe is a layer of security and the accounting room. 。

Eiffel Tower in Paris city centre Seine south coast, is the world's first structure of a steel tower, be regarded as a symbol of French architect named after the construction design. Built in the 1887-1889 year. 300-meter high tower, the tower weighs 9,000 tons, three points. The first tier platform 57 meters from the ground, set up shops and restaurants; second-tier platform 115 meters high, a coffee shop; third tier platform as high as 276 meters, to the public towards the bottom area of 10,000 square meters, The third tier structure of the building suddenly contracted, against the sky. If viewed from the side, like inverted write the letters "Y". The tower from the 1.8 million-more than 250 component parts and a 10,000 rivets. Or on foot to board a lift tower. At night, a rotation of the top-color searchlight, anti-aircraft collisions. Rectangular tower erected next to the white marble columns, gold-plated Zhuding placedhead. 。

The Louvre (Palais du Louvre) is France's largest construction of the palace, located in the heart of Paris right banks of the Seine, south of Paris Opera Square. Was originally a medieval castle, the 16th century after several alterations and extension to the existing scale of the 18th century. Covering about 45 hectares. As early as 1546, King Francois I of the original castle in the decision on the basis of the construction of a new palace, after a nine monarchs continued expansion, which lasted more than 300 years, forming a U-Shape was the grand glory of the palace complex. August 10, 1793, the anniversary of the overthrow of the monarchy, France, "National Association" decided that the old palace turned into the National Museum and Art Gallery, the same year on November 18, the Louvre museum formally opened to the public. All of its projects completed in 1857. I shaped main hall of the Louvre in the west side, stretching out the two side rooms, the middle of the open space formed CarewSquare. Palace of the east have long list of galleries, architectural towering magnificent. Its galleries as long as 900 feet, the fighters 17th century and many in Europe during the Renaissance artist's works. Collections of 400,000. The Louvre Museum and Art Gallery is divided into six parts: Greece and Rome Museum of Art; Oriental Museum of Art, the Museum of Egypt, the European Middle Ages, Renaissance and modern sculpture museum; history painting museum. Exhibition by different schools and schools of thought and of the times. A sculpture exhibition. Two-story oil paintings, drawings and color is the three-tier Fenhua. The early 1980s, the French government implemented the expansion and restoration of the Louvre's "Louvre plans." 。

Notre Dame (Notre-Dame de Paris) is the most famous medieval Gothic cathedral, with its size, age and in archaeology, architecture, the value is known. Paris Archbishop Moliside Ogata Lee had envisaged two earlier Basilica (rectangular) church of a large church in 1163 by Pope Alexander III foundation, high altar at the dedication ceremony held in 1189, 1240 Changshi Class seats, west front and the completion of Zhongtang, porch, prayer rooms and other decoration in the following 100 years have built. Internal plane 130 × 48 meters, 35 meters high roof, tower 68 meters high. Tower spires has not built. After successive damage to the church to rebuild in the 19th century, only three huge round windows remain in the 13th century stained glass. Appear after the pile-supported Special Xiongjian beautiful. 。

Bastille prison site (Place de la Bastille) in eastern Paris, the right bank of the Seine, where the year 1369-1382 was established in a military fortress. "Bastille" in the French intention was "Castle." This ancient castle has eight towering solid fort, built to resist the United Kingdom is the beginning of the invasion. 1380-1422, this was changed to the Royal Castle prison. An area of 2,670 square meters the whole castle, built around aare high and thick stone walls and eight of more than 30 meters high tower, have dug around the deep ditch 24 meters wide, and out of a suspension bridge. As early as the 16th century, began here on the detention of political prisoners imprisoned, the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire had twice held here. In the eyes of the French people, the Bastille prison has become France's symbol of the feudal autocratic rule. July 3, 1789, the people of Paris Ran Fen intifada, 14, captured the Bastille prison, opened in prelude to the French Revolution. 1791, the demolition of the Paris Bastille prison, in its built on the former site of the Bastille Square, and removed the stone to the shop to the Seine Concorde bridge for pedestrians trampled on. 1830, the French people also set up a centre in the Plaza of the July Revolution of the martyrs monument. The martyrs monument 52 meters high, bronze Zhucheng Beishen is the cylinder, called the "July cylinder," in the column is a top right hand held high the torch of freedom of the winged statues, statues of being left-handed to the chain symbol Zaduan The access to freedom. In prison ruins in front of a brand legislation, wrote: "We are here to dance!" In June 1880, France will be July 14 in Paris took the bus at the end of the prison that day as the French national day. 。

Panthéon (le Pantheon) located in the heart of Paris left bank of the Seine to this area, built in 1791, France is a permanent mark the history of the famous temple. It was originally built in Louis XV era, Wei Yewa church of St., was nationalized in 1791 from the religious, to bury the "great men" of the cemetery. 1814 to 1830, it returned to the church. Panthéon in the decorative arts is very beautiful, its dome is a large mural painter Antoine Grothe creation. 1830 "July Revolution" after painting the theme of change, Panthéon is a "pure patriotism and national" characteristics. Panthéon, buried Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Emile Zola love Mill, Marcelin Beituo Luo, Jaures Berlioz, Malraux and Dumas, etc. . To November 2002, a total of 70 pairs of French people who made extraordinary contributions to the enjoyment of this award. 。

Georges Pompidou National Art and Culture Centre (Centre National d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou) Balilading area is located in the north, the right bank of the Seine Bo Fort Street, local people often also referred to as "Bo Fort." Cultural Centre of the forest outside a steel frame, vertical and horizontal pipes, and in accordance with different functions were coated red, yellow, blue, green, white and other colors. Because of this very modern building look like a factory, it has "refinery" and "cultural factory," said. The new layout and design, modeling specific modernization construction is the late President Pompidou decided to build in 1969, officially started in 1972, built in 1977, opened the same year in February. The whole building covering 7,500 square meters, a total construction area of 100,000 square meters, six-story floor. The whole building is divided into the creation of industrial centres, public knowledge Library, Museum of Modern Art and music audio harmonization with the majority of the four research centres. 。

Place de la Concorde in Paris (Place de la Concorde in Paris) located in the heart of Paris, the north shore of the river Seine, France's most famous square and the world's most beautiful square one. Plaza was built in 1757, is based on well-known architects卡the design and construction. Place Centre for Plastic had a ride like Louis 15, 1763 have been named "Louis XV Square." During the Great Revolution has been renamed as the "Revolution Square." 1795 will of its renamed the "Place de la Concorde", after the renovation architects Xituo Fu, culminating in 1840 formed the present scale. Central Square in a towering 23 meters high, 3,400 years of history of Egyptian obelisk, which is Louis - Philip in 1831 from Egypt Luxor shift to the famous cultural relics, the ancient written records Beishen of Ramesses II Pharaoh's deeds. Stone on both sides have a fountain. The pool is exquisite carvings Xituo Fu's works. Square placed around the statue of the eight, were a symbol of eight in the history of France played an important role in the City: Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rouen, Bulesite, Lille and Strasbourg. 1793 Revolution period, the people of Paris rose up and destroyed the statue of Louis XV and Louis XVI into the guillotine. 。

Champs Elysees (Ave des Champs-Elysees) west to east from the Place de la Concorde Square, Star, is about 1,800 meters, street about 120 meters broad at its widest point, is the most characteristic and the Trans-Paris, one of the most bustling streets . In French, "Champs Elysees" was "pastoral paradise" means. The past, here was a low-lying wet ground. 17th century reign of Louis XIV, here in planting trees and turn it into the aristocratic pleasure palace for the restricted area. Later, the Thule in the park westward extension of the axis of things, where to build a nearly one kilometer-long avenue. After the expansion added. In 1709 only to be named as the Champs Elysees. Main Street to the north-south street Longbu million for the sector, style divided into two very different things. The eastern section of the quiet idyllic scenery, about 700 meters, the rows of green to drop the Indus, Jiexin Garden caught in the trees when the leaves are hidden when. Easternmost star of a towering grand central square, Xiaer the famous Arc de Triomphe. Main Street near the Palais Bourbon, Madelinnuo Cathedral. There are also plans Le Park, the Louvre, the Elysee Palace, and other city buildings and monuments. The western section of over 1,100 meters, the western end of the Place de la Concorde in Paris is another traffic. France's major festivals — — National Day parade, New Year festival in this well-known on the street held.。







在英文诗中's 'st 'd o'分别有什么意义啊?

Zhaozhou Bridge。

The Zhaozhou Bridge (traditional Chinese: 赵州桥; simplified Chinese: 赵州桥; pinyin: Zhàozhōu Qiáo) is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge.[1] Credited to a craftsman named Li Chun, the bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui Dynasty. Located in the southern part of Hebei Province, it is the oldest standing bridge in China, although the Chinese had built bridges over waterways since the ancient Zhou Dynasty.。

Name and location。

The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the Safe Crossing Bridge (traditional Chinese: 安济桥; simplified Chinese: 安济桥; pinyin: An Ji Qiáo, englished as the Anji Bridge) and the Great Stone Bridge (Chinese: 大石桥; pinyin: Dà Shí Qiáo). It crosses the Xiao River (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: 洨河; pinyin: Xiào Hé, Jiao He) in Zhao County, approximately 40 km southeast of the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. It is named for the nearby Zhao County (赵县), which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (赵州).。


The Zhaozhou Bridge is about 50 m long with a central span of about 37 m. It stands 7.3 m tall and has a width of 9 m. The arch covers a circular segment less than a semicircle and has a rise-to-span ratio of approximately 1:5 (7.3 to 37 m). This is considerably smaller than the rise-to-span ratio of 1:2 of a semicircular arch bridge and subjects the abutments of the bridge to large forces.。

The central arch is made of 28 thin, curved limestone slabs which are joined with iron dovetails. This allows the arch to adjust to shifts in its supports, and prevents the bridge from collapsing even when a segment of the arch breaks. The bridge has two small side arches on either side of the main arch. These side arches serve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about 15.3% or approximately 700 tons, which is vital because of the low rise-to-span ratio and the large forces on the abutments it creates. Second, when the bridge is submerged during a flood, they allow water to pass through, thereby reducing the forces on the structure of the bridge.。

Li Chun's innovative spandrel-arch construction, while economising in materials, was also of considerable aesthetic merit. An inscription left on the bridge by Tang officials seventy years after its construction reads:。

“ This stone bridge over the Jiao River is the result of the work of the Sui engineer Li Chun. Its construction is indeed unusual, and no-one knows on what principle he made it. But let us observe his marvellous use of stone-work. Its convexity is so smooth, and the wedge-shaped stones fit together so perfectly... How lofty is the flying-arch! How large is the opening, yet without piers!.. Precise indeed are the cross-bondings and joints between the stones, masonry blocks delicately interlocking like mill wheels, or like the walls of wells; a hundred forms (organised into) one. And besides the mortar in the crevices there are slender-waisted iron cramps to bind the stones together. The four small arches inserted, on either side two, break the anger of the roaring floods, and protect the bridge mightily. Such a master-work could never have been achieved if this man had not applied his genius to the building of a work which would last for centuries to come.[2] ”

Later history and reputation。

In the next 1400 years, the bridge survived at least eight wars, ten major floods and numerous earthquakes, the nearest of which being the 7.2 degree Xingtai Earthquake in 1966. Yet, the support structure remains intact and the bridge is still in use. Only the ornamental railings have been replaced every few hundred years.。

The intriguing design of the bridge has given rise to many legends. According to one legend, the bridge was built by a master architect named Lu Ban in a single night. In another story, the bridge was put to the test by two immortals who crossed it at the same time and Lu Ban saved it by wading into the water and supporting the structure.。

Although Ming Dynasty authors compared the bridge to "a new moon rising above the clouds" and "a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall"[2], it later fell into obscurity. When Professor Liang Sicheng (梁思成) of Tsing Hua University rediscovered the bridge on a field exploration of ancient architecture in Hebei province, made detailed measurements, and published a report and drawing ("An Chi Ch'iao the Great Stone Bridge Chao Hsien, Hobei, Sui Dynasty AD 569-617, Li Chun Master Builder"), it became world famous.。

Zhaozhou Bridge was dedicated as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991. The Chinese authorities nominated it for incription on the World Heritage List as having "a very important place in the world bridge building history".[2]。


You can tell your friend to google it online--Zhaozhou Bridge.。




















