1、学校的英语schoolschool的美式发音sku_l,英式发音sku_l各种学校称呼primary school小学middle school中学Junior high school初中high school高中university和college都表示大学。2、学校的英文可以用school,大学universitycollege1s
2023-12-14 19:37
写一篇关于自身简介(英文的),要求关于学校的学生,大概五十字_百度知 ...
学院简介Brief Introduction To College 有关收费及奖励、助学办法:Regulation of Charges, Awards and Study-Aid:专业介绍 Introduction to Majors:艺术系 Dept. of Arts 艺术设计 Arts Design 人物形象设计 Design of People...
2023-12-14 19:37
Essays, college students, introduction This resume essays for college students employment reference Name: subjcet gender: female Graduate school: national: han nan university Origin: hunan birth: 1987 Professional: E...
2023-12-14 19:37
Yangzhou university animal science and technology college introduction: college has a long history, history can be traced back to the earliest running in 1902 by a famous modern industrialists and educator Mr Zhang create ...