Paediatric out-patient, out-patient pediatric treatment rooms, pediatric outpatient infusion room, a pediatric room atomization 。
Male toilet, female toilet, clean room, the duty room 。
Ultrasound diagnosis of room, nerves and blood vessels of room, room EMG, EEG Room 。
Out-patient department of neurology, sleep out-patient and out-patient epilepsy, out-patient department of neurology experts 。
Fire control room, elevator maintenance room 。
Endoscopy room, colonoscopy room, endoscopic ultrasound room, digesting intervention Room B - 。
Cleaning and disinfecting rooms, Xiaohua Ke out-patient, endoscopic offices, clinics Room 。
Male toilet, female toilet, clean rooms, outpatient kidney rheumatoid 。
Laboratory blood glucose, blood endocrine clinic, cardiac function room, exercise room flat 。
Heart medicine out-patient and electrophysiology room, a respiratory medicine clinic 。
Skin test intramuscular injection rooms, intravenous injection rooms, the Office of the Director, Office of doctors 。
Male toilet, female toilet, storage 。
Lung function rooms, comprehensive medical out-patient, out-patient ECG, Holter, a cadre of health's office cadres of health's office 2 。
Bone density, osteoporosis out-patient and out-patient, out-patient medical insurance 。
Urological clinic, urodynamic testing room, a cystoscopy room, dressing room, a general surgery Clinic general surgery Clinic 2 。
Out-patient neurosurgery, oncology clinic, anorectal Branch checkups room, breast infrared scanning room, obstetrics and gynecology clinic 。
I. up Taiwan, liquid-based cell room, a gynecological Clinic gynecologic 2 Clinic's office three obstetric gynecological examination room, consulting room, the Office of the Director 。
Colposcopy room, the disposal room, female toilet, orthopedic clinic, the orthopedic treatment rooms an orthopedic treatment rooms male toilet 2 。
Clean Room
Section 1 of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic of Chinese and Western Branch's office of the Division 2 Western Psychological Counseling Psychology Clinic 3 measuring out-patient counseling 。
Home of a Department of Chinese and Western medicine 2 1 1 Western Branch's office of a Chinese and Western Branch's office 2 1 3 Western Branch's office by a 4 Clinic 。
Chinese medicine experts out-patient, male toilet, female toilet, clean rooms, 。
Oral Clinic 1 oral Clinic 2 oral Clinic 3 oral Clinic 4 craft room, drug-room, the Office of the Director, Office of doctors 。
Show classrooms, special's office, men in out-patient, a dermatologist's office 。
2 dermatologist's office disposal disposal Room 2 Room 1 fungi room, allergic room, laser room, vitiligo treatment rooms 。
Red light treatment rooms, treatment rooms here, female toilet, male toilet, clean room 。
STD Branch, the office's office, VCT rooms, treatment rooms, laboratories AIDS screening, blood sampling rooms, laboratories 。
Room for fine, ophthalmology clinic, a special inspection room darkroom, treatment rooms, fundus camera room, low vision clinic, disposal Room 。
1 ENT Clinic ENT Clinic ENT 2 ENT examination room measuring hearing room, with a hearing aid post-mortem room, ENT disposal Room 。
ENT treatment rooms, ENT aerosol room, toilet male and female bathrooms, clean room 。
Emergency rooms, 。
Medical diagnostic rooms, surgical diagnostic room, pre-hospital emergency office, trauma room disposal, disposal of preparation, the Office of the Director 。
Deputy director of the office, doctors offices, treatment rooms, emergency treatment rooms, gastric lavage room, toilet male and female toilet 。
With out-patient, emergency room charges, emergency room registered, the Security Section, emergency pharmacies, 。
"120" first-aid consulting room 。
Emergency rooms, nursing stations, one ward, two wards, three wards, 40 wards and five wards on the 1st observation room 。
On the 2nd observation room on the 3rd observation room on the 4th observation room on the 5th observation rooms, isolation wards, emergency intensive care unit 。
EICU treatment rooms, infusion room, infusion room, office infusion room, treatment rooms 。
Abdominal plain abdominal plain and enhanced + 3D abdominal plain and enhanced CTA + + 3D reconstruction of abdominal and pelvic plain and enhanced + 3D reconstruction (lower abdomen water imaging of small intestine) + pelvic plain and enhanced + + simulation of 3D reconstruction of colonoscopy abdominal + pelvic plain and enhanced CTU + + 3D reconstruction of knee joint scan + 3D knee joint plain and enhanced + 3D coronary artery scan + enhanced + 3D + CTA + ECG gated thoracic scan + 3D thoracic plain and enhanced scan + + 3D orbital three-dimensional orbital plain and enhanced + Zhui Pingsao + 3D three-dimensional waist lumbar plain and enhanced scan + 3D + 3D foot foot plain and enhanced + 3D sinus / nasopharynx enhanced sinus / nasopharyngeal plain pituitary enhanced abdominal +MRA and abdominal +MRCP scan anus anus week Zhou Zengqiang neck scan neck enhanced neck soft tissue scan +MRA plain +MRA scan of cervical cervical cervical enhanced magnetic resonance hydrography (MRCP, MRU) magnetic resonance hydrography (MRM) temporomandibular joint TMJ enhanced scan pelvic plain pelvic enhanced pelvic plain + defecography pelvic enhancement + defecography other scan other scan + respiratory gated other enhancement (contrast Agent extra) other enhancement (including contrast enhancement +) other respiratory gated breast enhancement + dynamic upper abdominal scan enhanced abdominal MRI-SJLZQ double dose enhancement (brain metastases of unknown origin) of double hip joint scan double hip enhanced cranial nonenhanced head contrast-enhanced head MRA+ enhanced chest scan enhanced chest +MRA chest abdomen +MRU abdominal plain abdominal contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (enhancement) (including photo agent) knee scan of knee joint enhanced vertebral plain thoracic enhanced cardiac scan enhanced cardiac noncontrast orbital orbital enhanced lumbar plain lumbar enhanced rectal unenhanced rectal middle ear middle ear enhanced enhanced scan。
Shopping is not a compatible activity for men and women.Maybe some men like to accompany their wives when they shop — especially during the holidays — but I suspect they’re under duress.。
I represent millions,or at least assume I represent millions of men who look at holiday shopping the same way they do a drug-free colonoscopy.Or,worse,being trapped in a room with a TV that has only one channel and,even worse,plays only “Real Housewives of Atlanta” reruns over and over.。
Seriously,how can that show not just fade away?。
Stop trying to figure out the “in-betweens” of compatible unisex shopping.It doesn’t work.It was never meant to work.And it doesn’t work for a good reason:men are failures when it comes to shopping.。
Men are mission-oriented.Our motto:“Go-Get-Out-Drink-Beer-Watch-Football.” Genetically,we’re still in caveman mode while women have progressed light-years ahead of us to whatever super intelligent metaphor fits here.。