
问题描述:不饱和水沉积物中水合物生成过程 大家好,给大家分享一下crystallization1006无标题,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!






1.中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640。

2.中国科学院可再生能源与天然气水合物重点实验室,广州 510640。

3.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049。

摘要:采用甲烷和混合气体(CH4为91.85%,C2H。为5.09%,C3H8为3.06%)作为气源,研究在不同的温度和压力条件下,纯扩散型水合物在不同粒径沉积物(150~250 μm和250~380 μm)中的生成过程。结果表明:水合物在沉积物中的生成速率与沉积物粒径、气源组分、孔隙水盐度以及温度压力条件都有关系。在沉积物和盐水体系里,混合气生成水合物的诱导时间非常短,反应体系达到水合物生成条件时,沉积物内便开始有水合物生成,而且初始阶段的水合物生成速率比较大。在不同的沉积物体系中,混合气水合物的生成过程可以分为3个阶段,即快速反应阶段、反应平稳阶段和尾声阶段。在不同的温压条件下,水合物具有不同的转化率。


Formation Process of Hydrate in Partially Water-Saturated Sediments。

Zang Xiaoya1,2,3,Liang Deqing1,2*,Wu Nengyou1,2。

1.Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Gas Hydrate,Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China。

2.Guangzhou Centerfor Gas Hydrate Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou,510640,China。

3.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China。

Abstract:Gas hydrateformation from two types of dissolved gas (methane and mixed gas) in natural porous media were studied in a novel apparatus with two different diameter silica sand particles (150~250μm and 250~380μm) from South China Sea under varying thermodynamic conditions.Hydrate was formed in the salt water,which occupied the interstitial space of the partially water-saturated silica sand bed.The experiments demonstrate that hydrateformation rate was afunction of particle diameter,gas source,water salinity,and thermodynamic condition.The hydrate formation induction time was very short and pressure decreased rapidly in the initial stage.Mixed gas hydrateformation process can be divided into three stages with different type sediments.Conversion rate of water to hydrate was different under vary thermodynamic conditions thoughformation process were similar.Sand particle diameter and water salinity also influence the formation process of hydrate.。

Key words:gas hydrate;formation kinetics; water conversion rate; natural porous media ; thermodynamic condition。

0 引言




1 实验部分

1.1 实验装置及材料

图1 实验装置简图

整个实验在如图1所示的自制实验装置上进行。装置主要由管路、气瓶、增压装置、真空泵、恒温水浴和反应釜组成。反应釜为自制不锈钢反应釜,体积为330 m L。其中沉积物放置在不锈钢反应釜内的聚四氟乙烯反应釜内,沉积物体积为78 m L。不锈钢反应釜内剩余气体所占据的体积为200m L。

1.2 实验过程

实验采用的方法是首先将南海北部陆坡钻探所得沉积物进行人工筛分,用筛子筛分为不同的粒径,选取粒径分布介于40~60目和60~100目的沉积物,测得孔隙度分别为42%和36.7%,并配置盐度为3.5%的盐水。将75 g筛分处理好后的沉积物放入小反应釜内,滴入15 g的盐水溶液,并使得盐水均匀分布于沉积物孔隙内。最后将小反应釜置于大反应釜内,密封后往大反应釜内充入反应气体,在常温下保持48 h后,将反应温度和压力设定至实验所需条件,并实时采集反应系统内温度与压力的变化,研究水合物的生成过程。

2 结果与讨论


表1 实验条件以及实验结果总结。

如表1中结果所示:在第一组实验中,实验采用的气源为混合气,沉积物粒径介于250~380 μm,不同的温压条件下,水合物的转化率从21.02%到39.49%不等。第二组和第三组实验的结果同样说明了在此类实验条件下,较低的温度能够增加水合物的转化率。这可能是由于实验温度越低,过冷度越大,从而水合物形成驱动力也相应较大。同样的道理,水合物的转化率会随着压力的升高而增加。但是,4、5、6组实验沉积物粒径为150~250μm,颗粒非常细,此种沉积物体系中温度为277 K时水合物的转化率反而小于温度为279 K时的水合物转化率。这也说明了在沉积物颗粒特别细的时候,沉积物可能改变水合物的生成环境,水合物生成速率反而未必与驱动力成正比[19]。同时,温度比较低时,水合物在反应初始阶段容易在气体和沉积物界面上生成,沉积物孔隙内的水也容易转化成水合物从而堵塞孔隙中气体运移通道。因此,气体扩散速度随着反应的进行慢慢减小,水合物生成速率也随之减小。



2.1 孔隙水盐度对水合物生成过程的影响。

图2 沉积物体系反应前后对比

反应体系内没有添加剂的情况下,甲烷与纯水生成水合物比较困难,需要比较大的过冷度、更强的反应驱动力或者较长的诱导时间[20]。因此,许多学者提出了各种各样的方法来解决这些问题[21-22]。实验采用纯水和盐度为3.5%的盐水作为孔隙水来比较孔隙水盐度的不同对水合物生成过程的影响。图3a中孔隙水为盐水,水合物生成过程没有诱导时间;图3b中,第13组实验中的孔隙水为蒸馏水,水合物生成所需的诱导时间为42 h。在初始的42 h内,压力无任何变化,水合物没有生成。过了诱导时间后,水合物开始形成,压力开始下降。在自然界沉积物中,沉积物孔隙水为盐水,水合物在沉积物孔隙内部生成,沉积物体系的多孔性以及海水的盐度都能促进水合物的生成过程,缩短诱导时间[23]。水合物在沉积物体系内的生成过程可以划分为2个阶段:第一个阶段是水合物在孔隙内部沉积物的多孔表面生成,此时水合物生成速率由气体到水合物笼的扩散速率决定;第二个阶段是水合物在沉积物中大量生成将沉积物固结的过程,这个过程中水合物生成速率由气体在沉积物体系内部的扩散速率决定。

图3 第11组和13组实验过程中的温度和压力变化。

实验采用的粒径介于150~250μm的Ⅱ型沉积物。初始值代表了反应体系内部温度达到设定值并且稳定的点。图3a代表了第11组实验,孔隙水w(Na Cl)为3.5%溶液,图3b为第13组实验,孔隙水为蒸馏水。

2.2 沉积物粒径对水合物生成过程的影响。

实验中用到了2种粒径的水合物,粒径分布介于250~380μm和150~250μm。图4是第3组和第6组实验过程中水合物转化率随时间的变化图。实验都是采用w (Na Cl)为3.5%溶液作为孔隙水,在7.5 MPa压力下生成水合物,温度有3个温度点,275 K,277 K和279 K。如图4中所示, 2种粒径沉积物体系内所有的反应过程都可以分为3个阶段,在初始的12 h内,水合物转化率增加得很快,这表明水合物反应速率也很快。在反应的中间阶段,即从12~40 h之间,溶解在孔隙水中的气体已经被消耗完,此时水合物转化率开始下降,并且在这个阶段,水合物生成速率取决于气体在沉积物中的扩散速率。由于初始阶段水合物的大量生成,沉积物表面以及沉积物孔隙间大多被水合物占据,因此气体扩散速率下降。在反应结尾阶段,水合物转化率已经没有明显的变化。这个现象说明水合物在反应的前40 h内已经基本反应完全。在整个反应过程中,沉积物的粒径对水合物转化率的变化趋势影响不明显。

图4 不同沉积物粒径对水合物转化率的影响。

实线代表Ⅰ型沉积物,虚线代表Ⅱ型沉积物,反应采用的气体为混合气,反应初始压力为7.5 MPa。

第三组实验中水合物的转化率分别为53.94%,53.90%和52.30%,反应体系内温度没有明显变化。在第6组实验中,水合物转化率分别为52.30%,49.01%和50.33%,温度为279 K时水合物的转化率反而要大于277 K时的转化率,结果与第3组实验的有所不同。一般来说,大颗粒沉积物体系中的水合物转化率大于小颗粒沉积物体系中水合物的转化率。在Ⅱ型沉积物体系内,可能是由于水合物形成初期阶段,沉积物之间的孔隙以及沉积物与气体的交界面被水合物占据,气体进入沉积物的通道被阻塞,因此,接下来的水合物生成过程也就被延缓了。

图5所示为第7组实验和第10组实验中水合物转化率的变化。2组实验都是在9.5 MPa的初始压力下进行的,孔隙水盐度为3.5%。与图4中结果不同的是沉积物的粒径能影响甲烷水合物的生成过程。实验结束后,第7组实验中水合物的转化率分别为13.82%,12.91%和11.94%,第10组实验中,水合物转化率分别为48.47%,47.39%和35.23%。在相同的实验条件下,Ⅰ型沉积物体系中甲烷水合物的转化率要远远大于Ⅱ型沉积物体系中甲烷水合物的转化率。

图5 2种不同水合物粒径体系内甲烷水合物转化率随时间的变化图。

图中实线代表Ⅰ型沉积物体系内水合物转化率,虚线代表Ⅱ型沉积物体系内水合物转化率,实验采用的气源为甲烷气体,反应初始压力为9.5 MPa。

2.3 气源组分对水合物生成过程的影响。

图6 第3组实验和第9组实验中水合物的转化率变化。

虚线代表第3组实验中水合物的转化率变化趋势,反应初始压力为7.5MPa,反应温度为275K,277K和279K;实线代表第9组实验中水合物的转化率变化趋势,反应压力为13.5 MPa,反应温度为275K,277K和279K。两组实验都采用的Ⅰ型沉积物体系。

实验中采用了甲烷和混合气(CH4:91.85%,C2H6:5.09%,C3H8:3.06%)作为反应气体。实验1-6是采用混合气作为气源,实验7~13是采用甲烷气作为气源。图6所示为第3组实验以及第9组实验过程中水合物的转化率变化趋势。从图中可以看出,第9组实验的反应初始压力为13.9 MPa,第3组实验的反应初始压力为7.5 MPa,但是在反应初始阶段,第3组实验中的水合物转化率要大于第9组实验中水合物的转化率。这是由于混合气内含有乙烷以及丙烷,相对甲烷来说更容易与水反应生成水合物。因此,当实验结束后,第3组实验的水合物转化率可以达到55%,依然要远远大于第9组实验中水合物的转化率。

3 结束语

通过自制的实验装置研究了沉积物孔隙水体系里水合物的生成过程,实验采用甲烷和混合气(CH4:91.85%,C2H6:5.09%,C3H8:3.06%)作为反应气体。水合物的生成实验分别在275 K,277 K,和279 K 3个温度点下进行。实验结果表明沉积物颗粒粒径、气源组分、孔隙水盐度和热力学条件等因素共同影响水合物的生成过程。与水合物在纯水中的生成过程不同,当孔隙水w (Na Cl)为3.5%溶液时,水合物的诱导时间非常短,反应体系压力在初始阶段就很快降低,水合物很容易生成。2种沉积物粒径体系里,水合物的生成过程都可以划分为3个阶段:第一个阶段水合物转化率增加很快;第二个阶段,水合物生成速率开始下降,气体的扩散和溶解速率决定了这个阶段水合物生成速率;第三个阶段水合物转化率不再有明显的增加,水合物生成过程基本结束。不同的温度和压力条件下,水合物生成过程趋势基本一致,但水合物转化率会有不同。同样的温压条件下,甲烷水合物的转化率要小于混合气水合物的转化率。沉积物粒径的不同能影响甲烷水合物的转化率,但是混合气水合物的转化率受沉积物粒径的影响比较小。从实验整体来看,在气体和沉积物以及孔隙水的界面上最容易生成水合物。


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(1)吸附水(hydroscopic water):以中性水分子H2O的形式被机械地吸附于矿物颗粒的表面或缝隙中的水。吸附水不参与组成矿物的晶格,因而不属于矿物固有的化学组成。吸附水在矿物中的含量不定,随环境的温度、湿度等条件而变。常压下当温度达110℃时,吸附水基本上全部逸散。

胶体矿物中,作为分散媒被吸附在分散相之间的胶体水(colloidal water),其性质为吸附水,但它是胶体矿物化学组成的固有特征,并且胶体水的含量是不定的,如:蛋白石SiO2·nH2O或SiO2·aq。胶体矿物中的脱水温度一般为100~250℃。

(2)结晶水(water of crystallization):是以中性水分子H2O的形式占据晶体结构中固定的配位位置的水。它具有固定的水分子数量,并遵守定比定律。结晶水较多出现于具有大半径络阴离子的含氧盐矿物中,例如石膏Ca[SO4]·2H2O等。由于结晶水受到晶格的束缚,结合较牢固,因而其脱水温度较高,一般为200~500℃或更高。不同的矿物结构中,水分子结合的紧密程度不同。因此,结晶水脱离晶格所需的温度也就不同,但一般不超过600℃;有的矿物的结晶水还可分次逐步脱失。

(3)化合水(chemically combined water):也称结构水(water of constitution)。是以OH-、H+、H3O+等离子的形式占据晶体结构中固定的配位位置的水。它有确定的含量比,在晶格中的结合强度远比结晶水为强,一般在500~1000℃温度下,晶格被破坏时才形成H2O分子释放出来,并且可以一次析出,也可以分次析出,且都有确定的脱水温度。化合水中尤以OH-形式最为常见,主要存在于氢氧化物和层状结构硅酸盐矿物中,如水镁石Mg(OH)2、白云母KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2等。

(4)沸石水(zeolitic water):因主要存在于沸石族矿物中而得名。以中性水分子H2O的形式存在于沸石族矿物晶格中的水,其性质是介于结晶水与吸附水之间的一种过渡类型。它在晶格中占据确定的配位位置,其含量具有上限值,此数值与矿物其他组分间遵守定比定律。当温度升高时,水分子即逐渐逸出,至80~110℃时便大部分逸出。在失水过程中并不导致晶格的破坏。沸石水的含量随外界温度、湿度等条件的变化而变化,它对晶体结构不产生影响,仅对矿物的物理性质产生影响,如矿物的密度和折射率等随含水量的减少而降低。部分脱水后的沸石,仍可从外界吸入水分,至上限量,并恢复原有的物理性质。

(5)层间水(interlayer water):是以水分子H2O的形式存在于某些层状结构硅酸盐矿物晶格的结构层之间的水。它的性质介于结晶水与吸附水之间。层间水的含量不定,随外界条件而变化。当温度升高时,层间水即逐渐逸出,常压下至110℃便大部分逸出。在失水过程中并不导致晶格的破坏,仅相邻结构层之间的距离减小,即晶胞参数c0值变小;同时矿物的密度和折射率则增大。当外界湿度增大时,水分子又可重新进入到矿物中,并相应地改变其物理性质。例如:蒙脱石(Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2[(Si,Al)4O10](OH)2·n H2O,其结构层之间吸入了水分子后,结构层沿着c0方向产生了明显的膨胀性,此现象是蒙脱石的鉴定特征之一。









1 矿床地质简述





图 1 赤柏松 1 号岩体地质图。

2 成岩成矿物质来源及物理化学条件。

2.1 物质来源

2.1.1 硫同位素信息


2.1.2 氧同位素信息


图 2 赤柏松 1 号岩体硫同位素塔式分布图。


表 1 赤柏松 1 号岩体硫同位素数据表。

图3 赤柏松1号岩体中不同成矿阶段δ34S对比图。

表2 赤柏松1号岩体各侵入岩相中斜长石的δ18O分析结果。


2.1.3 锶同位素信息


2.1.4 REE信息


表3 赤柏松1号岩体不同侵入岩相中单矿物的87Sr/86Sr值表。


表4 赤柏松 1 号岩体不同侵入相与矿石中稀土元素数据表。

2.2 成岩成矿的物理化学条件。





图4 赤柏松1号岩体(La/Yb)-∑ REE含量图解。

图5 赤柏松1号岩体(La/Yb)N-(Yb)N变异图。

2.2.2 辉石类矿物的结晶温度、压力。


表5 赤柏松 1 号岩体辉石类矿物的结晶温度、压力计算表。







表6 赤柏松 1 号岩体硫化物矿物结晶温度测算表。

表6 表明所述矿床硫化物矿石在 470 ~280℃温度区间结晶的。然而,尚应指出,爆裂曲线出现两个峰值,亦即硫化物也有两个形成温度梯度,与辉石相一致,可见硫化物的形成也与两期岩浆的混合作用有关。

2. 2. 5 成岩压力



按文献 [9],其中 ( 1) :。


























表7 赤柏松1号岩体成岩氧逸度(fo2)测算表。







如熔浆系多次贯入岩浆库中的,自然不具备上述层状液态分异条件,这时岩浆发生层状液态分异作用的因素主要是“双扩散对流”(double-diffusive convection)作用[10~12]。

按双扩散对流理论,当中色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆注入岩浆库后,密度相对较大的暗色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆贯入岩浆库底部时,由于后者密度大、温度高,经过一段时间在岩浆库底部形成一个稳定的双扩散对流层(double-diffusive convecting layer),层之间由扩散界面(double-diffusive interface)隔开。这样,多次注入岩浆库中的镁铁质岩浆在双扩散对流作用下,便形成了层状液态分异岩浆与矿浆[11](图6)。需要指出的是,在双扩散对流过程中,当后注入的岩浆由于向上热扩散作用而降低温度,引起橄榄石等铁镁矿物的结晶,从而降低了后注入岩浆的密度,即温度差驱动力抵消成分差效应,使其密度与上层岩浆密度相等时,则发生强烈的岩浆混合作用[13,14]。岩浆混合作用降低了岩浆的温度,改变了岩浆的成分,使岩浆中所含的硫化物因发生不混熔作用[15]而熔离出来成为矿浆,并沉降到岩浆库底部。





图6 赤柏松矿床矿浆成因模式图。

进而言之,伴随早元古代五台期构造运动的多次活动,岩浆库中已经过层状液态分异的岩、矿浆由上至下依次间歇式贯入,先后形成辉长辉绿岩、中色橄榄辉长苏长岩、暗色橄榄辉长苏长岩、细粒辉长苏长岩与辉长玢岩等侵入岩相,构成赤柏松 1 号复式基性岩体。各岩相间均为侵入与隐秘侵入接触关系。

研究证实,当暗色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆侵入中色橄榄辉长苏长岩岩浆时,在二者接触处由于双扩散对流作用而发生了岩浆混合作用,形成了矿化异常富集的混熔岩 ( hybrid) 。混熔岩中矿化之所以富集 ( 图 7) ,除上述原因外,A. J. Naldrett ( 1990) 实验研究表明,新鲜岩浆的注入可以使所产生的混合岩浆中的硫化物达到过饱和而熔离出来,促进硫化物的富集[16]。T.N.Irrine(1977)亦曾指出,“镁铁质岩浆混合可引起硫化物的不混熔性”。I.H.Campbcll等(1983)研究认为非洲布什维尔德杂岩体麦伦斯基硫化物矿脉的形成与岩浆的混合作用有关。

图 7 赤柏松 1 号岩体岩浆混熔过程中化学成分变异图解。





[1] 傅德彬 . 论 H 含镍基 1 超基性岩体中的 “隐秘侵入接触”及矿浆成矿问题 . 中国地质科学院年报,北京: 地质出版社,1981. 181 ~182。

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[6] Faure G. Principles of isotope Geology,John Wiley and Sons,1977,pp. 286,90 ~ 289。

[7] Haskin L A,et al. The Abundance of rare earth element for certain basic rocks. Journal of Geophsical Research. 1968,73( 18)。

[8] 夏林圻 . 橄榄石地质温度计 . 中国地质科学院西安地质矿产研究所分刊,1981,2 ( 1) : 73 ~ 81。

[9] 王润民 . 新疆哈密土墩—黄山一带铜镍硫化物矿床控制条件及找矿方向的研究 . 矿物岩石,1987,( 1) : 1 ~ 159。

[10] Huppert H E,et al. Double-diffusive convection due to crystallization in magmas. Aun. Rev. Earth planct. Sci.,1984,( 2) :11 ~ 37。

[11] Turner J S and Campbell I H. Convection and mixing in magma chambers. Earth-Science Review,1986,23 ( 4) : 255 ~352。

[12] Irvine T N,Keith D W and Todd S G. The J—M platinum-palladium reef of the Stillwater complex,Montana,Ⅱ origin bydouble-diffusive convetive magma mixing and implications for the Bushveld complex. Econ. Geol,1983, ( 78 ) : 1287~ 1334。

[13] Huppert H E,Sparks R S J and Turner J S. Laboratory investigations of viscous effects in replenished magma cham-bers. Earth planet. Sci. Lett,1983,( 65) : 377 ~ 381。

[14] Соболев В С. Проблема смешение магм при образовании изверженных пород. Зап. всесоюз. минер. обще,1981,( 6) : 641 ~ 645。

[15] McBirney A R. Mixing and unmixing of magmas. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res,1980,( 7) : 357 ~ 371。

[16] Naldrett A J,BruGmann G E. Models for the concentration of pge in Layered intrusions. Canadian Mineralogist. 1990,( 28) : 389 ~ 408。

[17] 傅德彬 . 赤柏松 No. 1 含镍基性岩体中矿物界生 ( Synantectic) 现象浅析 . 岩石矿物学杂志,1991,( 4) : 365 ~369。

A Genetic Model for Ore Magma ofThe Chibaisong Copper-NickelSulphide Deposit,Jilin。


Through geological, geochemical, physicochemical and thermodynamic studies of theChibaisong nickel-bearing rock bodies,this paper deals with the genetic model for ore magma ofthe Chibaisong Cu-Ni sulphide deposit.。

( 1) The ore-bearing bodies occur on the margins of an old platform and are controlled by alower Proterozoic rift zone. The potassium-argon model ages of the ore-bearing bodies range from1900 to 2200Ma.。

( 2) The ore-bearing body is a composite intrusion with a heterrogeneous texture formed bymultiple intrusions.。

( 3) Ore-bearing intrusive rocks occur as dikes and hardly show good crystalli-zation differen-tiation.。

( 4) The spatial position of the orebodies is mainly controlled by the intrusive fracture-contactstructural or ore-bearing intrusive rock facies and is not restricted at the bottom only.。

( 5) The percentage of orebodies in the rock body is too high to be explained by the theory ofin-situ crystallization liquation. Fluidal structure is well developed in ore-bearing rock facies,which indicates the dominance of dynamic processes.。

( 6) δ18O = 6. 1‰ ~ 7. 7‰ for plagioclase;87Sr /86Sr = 0. 70321 ~ 0. 70888 for plagioclaseand pyroxene; δ34S = - 0. 5‰ ~ + 0. 5‰ and32S /34S = 22. 218 ~ 22. 236 for ores. So rock-form-ing and ore-forming substances were derived from the upper mantle.。

( 7) The order of crystallization of major rock-forming minerals in the rocks is divine→pyrox-ene→plagioclase. The crystallization temperature of the olivine was 1412℃ and that of the plagio-clase,1155. 81℃ ~ 1206. 26℃.。

( 8) The pressure for the formation of intrusive bodies was 6. 48 × 108Pa.。

( 9) fo2for the formation of the ore-bearing intrusive body ranged between 10-4.7× 105~10-2.1× 105Pa.。

( 10) pH = 4 ~ 7 and Eh = - 0. 1 ~ + 0. 16 for the formation of the orebodies indicate thatthe orebodies were formed in acidic media and under reduction conditions.。

( 11) There occur clinopyroxenes with two compositional series ( End-Aug and Di-Sal) andtwo formation temperatures ( > 1000℃ and < 1000℃ ) are in the same ore-bearing rock faci-es. The results of this research indicate that their formation is related to the mixing of magmas.。

Therefore,the author concludes that the Chibaisong copper-nickel sulphide deposit wasformed by multiple injections of sulfide-rich ore magma resulting from deep-seated liquation of pri-mary ore-bearing magma driven under regional stress; crystallization gravitative differentization insitu was only a secondary factor in the process of ore magma injection; and hence; according tothe genetic type this ore deposit belongs to an “abyssal ore magma in jection deposit”.。

Key words: Chibaisong, Changbai Mountains, copper-nickel deposit, genetic model ofore magma。



(1)J. K. Rowling's drafting style and words and habits are more standardized, character fresh crisp, clear and coherent plot clues, few obscure and confusing place, which makes translation work relatively smoothly, and enable us in translation easier to have fun. 。

I personally think that Rowling created the "Harry Potter" and China's martial arts novels have similar style and charm, that fantasy world of magic, those strange shaman magic, as well as good and evil, is working with two kinds of evil forces in battle, all we can see the shadow of martial arts. But at the same, "Harry Potter" are not like martial arts, as detached from reality, it is with us, especially the children from the realities of life very close, such as classrooms, teachers, school life, homework, students between the a variety of subtle relationship of life ... ... are all reflected in the emotions of everyday life for each child. I thought, "Harry Potter" are the reason why so many young readers loved the book because both kids surf in the wonderful world of magic, but also from time to time in the small heroes who find their normal lives shadow. 。 。

(2)"Harry - Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" triggered speculation User's Top 5 。 。


5757tutu @ 2005-08-12 16:21 。

- "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" 。

In 1990, the 24-year-old JK Rowling, is a single mother can not find work, can only rely on meager unemployment benefits to support themselves and daughter. She was sitting on the train delays to London, when "Harry Potter" to call out the name entered her life. Through the window, she saw a black hair seemed thin, wearing glasses on her small wizard smiled. Since then, she was always near the nest in their own writing Nicholson cafes. When the money ordering, so every time point, only a cup of cappuccino, Yiziyizi's wrote "Harry Potter" story 。

Ten years later, "Harry Potter" has become popular around the world fairy tale characters. Rowling overnight on poor single mother from the unknown, became internationally renowned best-selling author. "Harry Potter" in the whole world to read fashion fold, but also known as "the literary world of the Beatles fanatic." Rowling said, "Harry Potter" is a book will bring her happiness, no doubt, the reader is also the same. 。

As a protagonist, Harry Potter and the most unusual is his life experience, and experience. On the bright, he smaller than Hermione, on his family he was not as Malfoy. Each time so thin, he saved the day is courage and friendship. And, again, or the baby's maternal love so that he did not die in Voldemort's an unforgivable under the spell. (Professor Dumbledore said: "maternal love is the most primitive kind of ancient magic, but also a kind of magic the greatest.") The author seems to want the reader to understand this world, love is the greatest, friendship is the most important . 。

Starting from Part Three, Harry Potter's world began to become deep darkness. She Hun ghost harmful to people's weapon turned out to be the most painful memories of digging, and the desire to seize the hope and survival; Voldemort to make himself back to life, killed his friend and godfather. The author is the art of high daring place, in such a cruel world, she created "poor and lowly not be transferred" in Weasley family, but love boundless magic weak Professor Dumbledore able to calmly face the unfortunate gentle Professor Lu Ping of crying wolf, "I'm ugly but I am very gentle," a giant Hager, these people feel the role of human uprightness of hope. 。

This year in July, this Harry Potter VI, "Half-Blood Prince" available in all countries simultaneously. English from beginning to end I had the opportunity should first nibble over again. The whole style of the book there are significant changes, compared to which this should be dark, writing is also not easy, the tense atmosphere has been used several times, "Weasley is still one of the pendulum pin falls 'lives at risk' nage" manifested very smart. And the language is very streamlined, with "every word Pearls" to describe the absolute so at all. This episode features a set of outcome than the previous one but also cruel. 16-year-old child and a half have witnessed time and again the most pro-people die from their own side, but everything can not help. Pressure in the increasingly heavy burden on his shoulders. As for Voldemort's life experience will be more understanding and allow readers to find this magical world of the super-villain is in fact very poor. In fact, he originally was not bad, but worse after the birth of a lack of love. Professor Dumbledore for Voldemort always have a kind of compassion I feel that he more than pathetic hateful. He started from the first episode of Harry Potter knowledge can guide their own "magic." The spread of terror, when Wesley twins Fred and George are opened shop pranks, people do not forget that humor and laughter. Their invention is a crystallization of ideas and humor, and is intended to tell the panic of the people: in the face of difficult times, we need most is a perfect smile. 。

After reading six Rowling's works, summed up her writing characteristics: 。

1. There are always surprises. 。

2. There is always a big suspense and small curious place, behind the mystery will be left out to reveal. 。

3. People will not be no reason to appear, even though we think might be insignificant, or who will not be brought after the person, there will be a story, perhaps behind an important clue or hint. 。

4. There are many languages are purposeful in nature. 。

5. Always something fun novelty will instantly arouse the reader's interest and curiosity, people pick up the fit. 。

6. There are many clever and humorous language or funny scenes. (For example, describe where Fred and George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy's right lines, as well as the words of Dumbledore is also very interesting.) 。

7. Each item had a bigger way, a very detailed description, such as newspapers, lyrics, advertisements, notices, etc. content. 。

8. Harry in the face of Lord Voldemort, when the total is very lucky. 。

In any case, it is very logical Department, it is fantastic, very classic, very exciting work, not the fire is immune!。




译:Concrete additives company information and product descriptions 。


译:Shanghai high-speed railway Chemical Building Material Co., Ltd. is a company primarily engaged in the development of concrete additives, production, marketing; and providing technical advice and after-sales service of high-tech enterprises. Jinshan District in Shanghai with 10,000 square meters of chemical production base, with product research and development center at Fudan University.。


译:Cooperation with the Fudan University in 2006 successfully developed a series of products polycarboxylic acid salt water reducer, Polycarboxylate superplasticizer present a solid powder 20%,40% amount of solid state products and liquid products. The production capacity of 30,000 tonnes per year, to meet the needs of all types of construction, product stability, similar products meet international quality standards is the leading standard. With advanced equipment and scientific management, outstanding research and development team, excellent reputation, Shanghai high-speed railway company's chemical building materials throughout the country will quickly become a dazzling star of chemical building materials market. 。


译:The company has passed ISO9000 quality system certification and ISO 14000 environmental certification. establishment of a sound quality management system and environmental management system to ensure the quality and stability of product quality and cleaner production. We will comply with the purposes and win customers to provide quality after-sales service. 。


译:Second, the characteristics of superplasticizer Polycarboxylate。


译:Superplasticizer development can be divided into three stages : the first generation of wood to represent calcium superplasticizer stage. Naphthalene as the main representative to the second generation and the current stage of superplasticizer to polycarboxylic acid salt represented the third generation of superplasticizer stage. Naphthalene superplasticizer compared with other second-generation, third-generation POLYCARBOXYLIC superplasticizer With the improvement of quality of performance and quality. superplasticizer to meet basic performance requirements of the HPC. Naphthalene such products are ready to replace the technical performance advantages and economic conditions superplasticizer. POLYCARBOXYLIC superplasticizer advantages are as follows :。


译:1, the early strength early strength Gao Qiang : 70%, 40% above the 28-day strength. particularly applicable to high-volume fly ash concrete; 。


译: 2, a low slump by pumping losses : Standard Test, slump loss of less than one hour 30mm;。


译:3 : The high durability of concrete that could effectively reduce the water-cement ratio, durability, reducing shrinkage and creep deformation; 。


译:4 : When the high water cut for the slump around 80mm, water reduction rate of 25% or more. When the slump of about 200mm, the reduction rate of over 33% water;。


译:5, a small amount of low-cost : usually content 0.5~1.2%; Cementitious Materials 。

6、绿色环保产品:本品生产过程中不产生对自然环境的污染,符合ISO 14000环境保护管理国际标准。

译:6, the green products : the production process does not produce pollution of the natural environment. conform to the ISO 14000 international environmental management standards. 。


译:Third, the product description 。

1、GTS- 101 (20%) 聚羧酸盐高效混凝土减水剂 。

译:1, 101 ml (20%) of concrete Polycarboxylate superplasticizer 。


译:Physical and Chemical Properties 。


译:Product appearance of nature : light yellow clear and transparent solution, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。


译:Cement paste properties 。

在掺量较低的情况下,对水泥已有很好的分散作用。试验方法参照GB/T8077-2000 。

译:Volume lower in the case of cement have good dispersion. GB/T8077-2000 reference test method。


译:Cement mortar 。


译:With the reduced amount of water rate increase is changing rapidly, reducing water rates more than 30%. 。



混凝土配合比:1号样为基准(空白) ;2号样为加入0.8% GTS-101 。

译:Concrete Mix : on the 1st kind of baseline (blank) like to join No. 2 GTS-101 0.8% 。


译:(1) compressive strength (1 and 2 comparison) 。


译:(2) on the 2nd kind than on the 1st base period of 60 minutes, Setting the same time on the 1st, Bleeding rates and low gas content and the rate of contraction. 。


译:Packaging and transportation 。


译:200kg metal containers, plastic buckets or 1000kg packaging needs of users, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, storage period of six months.。

2、GTS-102 (40%) 聚羧酸盐高效混凝土减水剂 。

译:2, GTS-102 (40%) of concrete Polycarboxylate superplasticizer 。


译:Physical and Chemical Properties 。


译:Product appearance of nature : inunctum brown or brown liquid, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。



试验方法与GTS-101 (20%)相同(以相同折固计算,即掺量约为20%一半)

译:Test Method and GTS-101 (20%) the same (solid with the same pack, half that amount is about 20%) 。


译:Packaging and transportation 。


译:200kg metal containers, plastic buckets or 1000kg packaging needs of users, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, storage period of six months. 。

3、GTS- 103 (粉体) 聚羧酸盐高效混凝土减水剂 。

译:3, 103 ml (powder) polycarboxylic acid salt efficient SUPERPLASTICIZER 。


译:Physical and Chemical Properties 。


译:Product appearance of nature :。


译:Lunatia powdery white body, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。


译:Benpinwei polycarboxylic acid salt powder products, the water content of less than 3%, the density of 600kg/t around. Light yellow powdered solids, soluble in water, 20% aqueous solution pH value of 9.0%.。


译:Packaging and transportation 。


译:S. iron, 50 kg shall plastic packaging or user needs, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, the storage period of six months. 。

水泥净浆性能 掺量 减水率

译:Reduce the amount of cement paste properties of water rates 。

Concrete additives company information and product descriptions 。

Shanghai high-speed railway Chemical Building Material Co., Ltd. is a company primarily engaged in the development of concrete additives, production, marketing; and providing technical advice and after-sales service of high-tech enterprises. Jinshan District in Shanghai with 10,000 square meters of chemical production base, with product research and development center at Fudan University.Cooperation with the Fudan University in 2006 successfully developed a series of products polycarboxylic acid salt water reducer, Polycarboxylate superplasticizer present a solid powder 20%,40% amount of solid state products and liquid products. The production capacity of 30,000 tonnes per year, to meet the needs of all types of construction, product stability, similar products meet international quality standards is the leading standard. With advanced equipment and scientific management, outstanding research and development team, excellent reputation, Shanghai high-speed railway company's chemical building materials throughout the country will quickly become a dazzling star of chemical building materials market. The company has passed ISO9000 quality system certification and ISO 14000 environmental certification. establishment of a sound quality management system and environmental management system to ensure the quality and stability of product quality and cleaner production. We will comply with the purposes and win customers to provide quality after-sales service. 。

Second, the characteristics of superplasticizer Polycarboxylate。

Superplasticizer development can be divided into three stages : the first generation of wood to represent calcium superplasticizer stage. Naphthalene as the main representative to the second generation and the current stage of superplasticizer to polycarboxylic acid salt represented the third generation of superplasticizer stage. Naphthalene superplasticizer compared with other second-generation, third-generation POLYCARBOXYLIC superplasticizer With the improvement of quality of performance and quality. superplasticizer to meet basic performance requirements of the HPC. Naphthalene such products are ready to replace the technical performance advantages and economic conditions superplasticizer. POLYCARBOXYLIC superplasticizer advantages are as follows :。

1:the early strength early strength Gao Qiang : 70%, 40% above the 28-day strength. particularly applicable to high-volume fly ash concrete; 。

2: a low slump by pumping losses : Standard Test, slump loss of less than one hour 30mm;。

3:The high durability of concrete that could effectively reduce the water-cement ratio, durability, reducing shrinkage and creep deformation; 。

4 : When the high water cut for the slump around 80mm, water reduction rate of 25% or more. When the slump of about 200mm, the reduction rate of over 33% water;。

5:a small amount of low-cost : usually content 0.5~1.2%; Cementitious Materials 。

6: the green products : the production process does not produce pollution of the natural environment. conform to the ISO 14000 international environmental management standards. 。

Third, the product description 。

1: 101 ml (20%) of concrete Polycarboxylate superplasticizer 。

Physical and Chemical Properties 。

Product appearance of nature : light yellow clear and transparent solution, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。

Cement paste properties 。

Volume lower in the case of cement have good dispersion. GB/T8077-2000 reference test method。

Cement mortar 。

With the reduced amount of water rate increase is changing rapidly, reducing water rates more than 30%. 。


Concrete Mix : on the 1st kind of baseline (blank) like to join No. 2 GTS-101 0.8% 。

(1) compressive strength (1 and 2 comparison) 。

(2) on the 2nd kind than on the 1st base period of 60 minutes, Setting the same time on the 1st, Bleeding rates and low gas content and the rate of contraction. 。

Packaging and transportation 。

200kg metal containers, plastic buckets or 1000kg packaging needs of users, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, storage period of six months.。

2, GTS-102 (40%) of concrete Polycarboxylate superplasticizer 。

Physical and Chemical Properties 。

Product appearance of nature : inunctum brown or brown liquid, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。


Test Method and GTS-101 (20%) the same (solid with the same pack, half that amount is about 20%) 。

Packaging and transportation 。

200kg metal containers, plastic buckets or 1000kg packaging needs of users, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, storage period of six months. 。

3, 103 ml (powder) polycarboxylic acid salt efficient SUPERPLASTICIZER 。

Physical and Chemical Properties 。

Product appearance of nature :。

Lunatia powdery white body, non-toxic, odorless, non-combustible; Long-term storage without crystallization. 。

Benpinwei polycarboxylic acid salt powder products, the water content of less than 3%, the density of 600kg/t around. Light yellow powdered solids, soluble in water, 20% aqueous solution pH value of 9.0%.。

Packaging and transportation 。

S. iron, 50 kg shall plastic packaging or user needs, stored in the cool indoor ventilation, the storage period of six months. 。

Reduce the amount of cement paste properties of water rates。




















