
问题描述:java 怎么判断文本内容的编码 本篇文章给大家谈谈一个有趣的事情,以及一个有趣的事情,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。






[java] view plaincopy。

File file = new File(path); 。

InputStream in= new java.io.FileInputStream(file); 。

byte[] b = new byte[3]; 。



if (b[0] == -17 && b[1] == -69 && b[2] == -65)。

System.out.println(file.getName() + ":编码为UTF-8"); 。


System.out.println(file.getName() + ":可能是GBK,也可能是其他编码"); 。



[java] view plaincopy。


* 利用第三方开源包cpdetector获取文件编码格式。

* @param path

* 要判断文件编码格式的源文件的路径。

* @author huanglei。

* @version 2012-7-12 14:05。


public static String getFileEncode(String path) {。


* detector是探测器,它把探测任务交给具体的探测实现类的实例完成。

* cpDetector内置了一些常用的探测实现类,这些探测实现类的实例可以通过add方法 加进来,如ParsingDetector、

* JChardetFacade、ASCIIDetector、UnicodeDetector。

* detector按照“谁最先返回非空的探测结果,就以该结果为准”的原则返回探测到的。

* 字符集编码。使用需要用到三个第三方JAR包:antlr.jar、chardet.jar和cpdetector.jar。

* cpDetector是基于统计学原理的,不保证完全正确。


CodepageDetectorProxy detector = CodepageDetectorProxy.getInstance();。


* ParsingDetector可用于检查HTML、XML等文件或字符流的编码,构造方法中的参数用于。

* 指示是否显示探测过程的详细信息,为false不显示。


detector.add(new ParsingDetector(false));。


* JChardetFacade封装了由Mozilla组织提供的JChardet,它可以完成大多数文件的编码。

* 测定。所以,一般有了这个探测器就可满足大多数项目的要求,如果你还不放心,可以。

* 再多加几个探测器,比如下面的ASCIIDetector、UnicodeDetector等。


detector.add(JChardetFacade.getInstance());// 用到antlr.jar、chardet.jar。

// ASCIIDetector用于ASCII编码测定。


// UnicodeDetector用于Unicode家族编码的测定。


java.nio.charset.Charset charset = null;。

File f = new File(path);。

try {

charset = detector.detectCodepage(f.toURI().toURL());。

} catch (Exception ex) {。


if (charset != null)。

return charset.name();。


return null;


[java] view plaincopy。

String charsetName = getFileEncode(configFilePath); 。

System.out.println(charsetName); 。

inputStream = new FileInputStream(configFile); 。

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, charsetName)); 。


[java] view plaincopy。


* 利用第三方开源包cpdetector获取URL对应的文件编码。

* @param path

* 要判断文件编码格式的源文件的URL。

* @author huanglei。

* @version 2012-7-12 14:05。


public static String getFileEncode(URL url) {。


* detector是探测器,它把探测任务交给具体的探测实现类的实例完成。

* cpDetector内置了一些常用的探测实现类,这些探测实现类的实例可以通过add方法 加进来,如ParsingDetector、

* JChardetFacade、ASCIIDetector、UnicodeDetector。

* detector按照“谁最先返回非空的探测结果,就以该结果为准”的原则返回探测到的。

* 字符集编码。使用需要用到三个第三方JAR包:antlr.jar、chardet.jar和cpdetector.jar。

* cpDetector是基于统计学原理的,不保证完全正确。


CodepageDetectorProxy detector = CodepageDetectorProxy.getInstance();。


* ParsingDetector可用于检查HTML、XML等文件或字符流的编码,构造方法中的参数用于。

* 指示是否显示探测过程的详细信息,为false不显示。


detector.add(new ParsingDetector(false));。


* JChardetFacade封装了由Mozilla组织提供的JChardet,它可以完成大多数文件的编码。

* 测定。所以,一般有了这个探测器就可满足大多数项目的要求,如果你还不放心,可以。

* 再多加几个探测器,比如下面的ASCIIDetector、UnicodeDetector等。


detector.add(JChardetFacade.getInstance());// 用到antlr.jar、chardet.jar。

// ASCIIDetector用于ASCII编码测定。


// UnicodeDetector用于Unicode家族编码的测定。


java.nio.charset.Charset charset = null;。

try {

charset = detector.detectCodepage(url);。

} catch (Exception ex) {。


if (charset != null)。

return charset.name();。


return null;


[java] view plaincopy。

URL url = CreateStationTreeModel.class.getResource("/resource/" + "配置文件"); 。

URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); 。

inputStream=urlConnection.getInputStream(); 。

String charsetName = getFileEncode(url); 。

System.out.println(charsetName); 。

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, charsetName)); 。


[java] view plaincopy。

charset=detector.detectCodepage(待测的文本输入流,测量该流所需的读入字节数); 。







[java] view plaincopy。

FileInputStream ios=new FileInputStream(“属性文件名”); 。

Properties prop=new Properties(); 。

prop.load(ios); 。

String value=prop.getProperty(“属性名”); 。




[java] view plaincopy。

String value=prop.getProperty(“属性名”); 。

String encValue=new String(value.getBytes(“iso-8859-1″),”属性文件的实际编码”);。

方法二:象这种属性文件是项目内部的,我们可以控制属性文件的编码格式,比如约定采用Windows内定的GBK,就直接利用”gbk”来转码, 如果约定采用UTF-8,就使用”UTF-8″直接转码。








飞天螳螂 全国ID编号 123。

方圆ID编号 281

日文名 ストライク

日文罗马注音 Strike

中文名 飞天螳螂

英文名 Scyther

法文名 Insecateur

德文名 Sichlor

身高 1.5m

体重 56.0kg

属性1 虫

属性2 飞行

特性1 虫之预感

特性2 -

性别比例 1:1

最小经验 187

最大经验 100万

生蛋步数 6400步

生蛋分组1 虫组

生蛋分组2 -

捕捉率 45

逃跑率 125

初始亲密度 70

No.123飞天螳螂 →



等级 中文名称 日文名称 英文名称 属性 攻击力 命中率 PP 版本。

Lv. 1 电光石火 でんこうせっか QUICK ATTACK 普通 40 100 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv. 1 瞪眼 にらみつける LEER 普通 - 100 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv. 6 蓄气 きあいだめ FOCUS ENERGY 普通 - - 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.11 追击 おいうち PURSUIT 恶 40 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.16 刀背打 みねうち FALSE SWIPE 普通 40 100 40 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.21 高速移动 こうそくいどう AGILITY 超能 - - 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.26 翅膀拍击 つばさでうつ WING ATTACK 飞行 60 100 35 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.31 切裂 きりさく SLASH 普通 70 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.36 剑之舞 つるぎのまい SWORDS DANCE 普通 - - 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.41 影分身 かげぶんしん DOUBLE TEAM 普通 - - 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

Lv.46 连续切 れんぞくぎり FURY CUTTER 虫 10 95 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。


编号 中文名称 日文名称 英文名称 属性 攻击力 命中率 PP 版本。

TM06 剧毒 どくどく TOXIC 毒 - 85 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM10 觉醒力量 めざめるパワー HIDDEN POWER 普通 - 100 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM11 日本晴 にほんばれ SUNNY DAY 火 - - 5 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM15 破坏光线 はかいこうせん HYPER BEAM 普通 150 90 5 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM17 守护 まもる PROTECT 普通 - - 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM18 祈雨 あまごい RAIN DANCE 水 - - 5 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM21 撒气 やつあたり FRUSTRATION 普通 - 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM27 报恩 おんがえし RETURN 普通 - 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM32 影分身 かげぶんしん DOUBLE TEAM 普通 - - 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM40 燕返 つばめがえし AERIAL ACE 飞行 60 - 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM42 空元气 からげんき FACADE 普通 70 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM43 秘密力量 ひみつのちから SECRET POWER 普通 70 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM44 睡眠 ねむる REST 超能 - - 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM45 着迷 メロメロ ATTRACT 普通 - 100 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM46 盗窃 どろぼう THIEF 恶 40 100 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

TM47 钢之翼 はがねのつばさ STEEL WING 钢 70 90 25 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

HM01 居合切 いあいぎり CUT 普通 50 95 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

HM06 岩碎 いわくだき ROCK SMASH 格斗 20 100 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。


中文名称 日文名称 英文名称 属性 攻击力 命中率 PP 版本。

反击 カウンター COUNTER 格斗 - 100 20 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

神秘的守护 しんぴのまもり SAFEGUARD 普通 - - 25 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

银色之风 ぎんいろのかぜ SILVER WIND 虫 60 100 5 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

忍耐 こらえる ENDURE 普通 - - 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

光之壁 ひかりのかべ LIGHT SCREEN 超能 - - 30 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

起死回生 きしかいせい REVERSAL 格斗 - 100 15 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

镰鼬 かまいたち RAZOR WIND 普通 80 100 10 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

接力棒 バトンタッチ BATON PASS 普通 - - 40 红宝石 蓝宝石 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。


中文名称 日文名称 英文名称 属性 攻击力 命中率 PP 版本。

剑之舞 つるぎのまい SWORDS DANCE 普通 - - 30 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

反击 カウンター COUNTER 格斗 - 100 20 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

模仿 ものまね MIMIC 普通 - - 10 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

替身 みがわり SUBSTITUTE 普通 - - 10 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

舍身一击 すてみタックル DOUBLE-EDGE 普通 120 100 15 火红 叶绿 绿宝石。

虚张声势 いばる SWAGGER 普通 - 90 15 绿宝石。

梦话 ねごと SLEEP TALK 普通 - - 10 绿宝石。

流星 スピードスター SWIFT 普通 60 - 20 绿宝石。

连续切 れんぞくぎり FURY CUTTER 虫 10 95 20 绿宝石。

忍耐 こらえる ENDURE 普通 - - 10 绿宝石。

鼾声 いびき SNORE 普通 40 100 15 绿宝石。

野生 飞天螳螂 栖息地点

版本 地点 等级 几率 遇到方法。

火红 狩猎区入口 23 4% 陆上。

火红 狩猎区1区 28 1% 陆上。




种族值 努力度 能力极限 修正极限。

HP 70 0 344

攻击 110 1 319 350。

防御 80 0 259 284。

速度 105 0 309 339。

特攻 55 0 209 229。

特防 80 0 259 284。

种族值和 500



全国ID编号 212

芳缘ID编号 355

日文名 ハッサム

日文罗马注音 Hassam

中文名 巨钳螳螂

英文名 Scizor

法文名 Cizayox

德文名 Scherox

剪刀神奇宝贝/ 颜色:红色

属性:虫 + 钢

身高:1.8m / 体重:118.0kg。

捕获度:25 / 初始亲密度:70。


性别比:50% ♂ 50% ♀。

基础经验值:200 / 孵蛋步数:6400。


特性:预感 / 技术员

进化链:飞天螳螂-- Metal Coat Trade --> 巨钳螳螂。


1 倍效果: 水 电气 格斗 飞行 地面 岩石。

0.25 倍效果: 草

0.5 倍效果: 冰 超能力 龙 邪恶 一般 虫 钢 幽灵。

0 倍效果: 毒

4 倍效果: 火炎









体力:281 / 344

攻击:296 / 359 / 394。

防御:236 / 299 / 328。

特攻:146 / 209 / 229。

特防:196 / 259 / 284。

速度:166 / 229 / 251。


钻石珍珠 飞天螳螂携带金属外套通信进化。

绿 宝 石 飞天螳螂携带金属外套通信进化。

火红叶绿 飞天螳螂携带金属外套通信进化。



-. 电光一闪 (Quick Attack / でんこうせっか)

-. 瞪眼 (Leer / にらみつける)

5. 集气 (Focus Energy / きあいだめ)

9. 追打 (Pursuit / おいうち)

13. 刀背击打 (False Swipe / みねうち)

17. 高速移动 (Agility / こうそくいどう)

21. 合金爪 (Metal Claw / メタルクロー)

25. 连切 (Fury Cutter / れんぞくぎり)

29. 劈开 (Slash / きりさく)

33. 旋风刀 (Razor Wind / かまいたち)

37. 铁壁 (Iron Defense / てっぺき)

41. 十字剪 (X-scissor / シザークロス)

45. 试刀 (Night Slash / つじぎり)

49. 双攻 (Double Hit / ダブルアタック)

53. 铁头 (Iron Head / アイアンヘッド)

57. 剑舞 (Swords Dance / つるぎのまい)


-. 子弹拳 (Bullet Punch / バレットパンチ)

-. 电光一闪 (Quick Attack / でんこうせっか)

-. 瞪眼 (Leer / にらみつける)

5. 集气 (Focus Energy / きあいだめ)

9. 追打 (Pursuit / おいうち)

13. 刀背击打 (False Swipe / みねうち)

17. 高速移动 (Agility / こうそくいどう)

21. 合金爪 (Metal Claw / メタルクロー)

25. 连切 (Fury Cutter / れんぞくぎり)

29. 劈开 (Slash / きりさく)

33. 旋风刀 (Razor Wind / かまいたち)

37. 铁壁 (Iron Defense / てっぺき)

41. 十字剪 (X-scissor / シザークロス)

45. 试刀 (Night Slash / つじぎり)

49. 双攻 (Double Hit / ダブルアタック)

53. 铁头 (Iron Head / アイアンヘッド)

57. 剑舞 (Swords Dance / つるぎのまい)

61. 声东击西 (Feint / フェイント)


TM06. 猛毒素 (Toxic / どくどく)

TM10. 催醒 (Hidden Power / めざめるパワー)

TM11. 大晴天 (Sunny Day / にほんばれ)

TM15. 破坏死光 (Hyper Beam / はかいこうせん)

TM17. 守住 (Protect / まもる)

TM18. 祈雨 (Rain Dance / あまごい)

TM21. 牵连 (Frustration / やつあたり)

TM27. 报恩 (Return / おんがえし)

TM31. 劈瓦 (Brick Break / かわらわり)

TM32. 影子分身 (Double Team / かげぶんしん)

TM37. 砂雹 (Sandstorm / すなあらし)

TM40. 回转攻 (Aerial Ace / つばめがえし)

TM42. 假勇敢 (Facade / からげんき)

TM43. 神秘力量 (Secret Power / ひみつのちから)

TM44. 睡觉 (Rest / ねむる)

TM45. 颓废 (Attract / メロメロ)

TM46. 小偷 (Thief / どろぼう)

TM47. 钢翼 (Steel Wing / はがねのつばさ)

TM51. 歇羽 (Roost / はねやすめ)

TM54. 刀背击打 (False Swipe / みねうち)

TM56. 扔 (Fling / なげつける)

TM58. 忍耐 (Endure / こらえる)

TM62. 银色旋风 (Silver Wind / ぎんいろのかぜ)

TM68. 超极冲击 (Giga Impact / ギガインパクト)

TM75. 剑舞 (Swords Dance / つるぎのまい)

TM78. 诱惑 (Captivate / ゆうわく)

TM81. 十字剪 (X-scissor / シザークロス)

TM82. 梦话 (Sleep Talk / ねごと)

TM83. 自然恩惠 (Natural Gift / しぜんのめぐみ)

TM87. 装腔作势 (Swagger / いばる)

TM89. 急转弯 (U-turn / とんぼがえり)

TM90. 替身 (Substitute / みがわり)

TM91. 光泽电炮 (Flash Cannon / ラスターカノン)

HM01. 一字斩 (Cut / いあいぎり)

HM04. 劲力 (Strength / かいりき)

HM05. 清除浓雾 (Defog / きりばらい)

HM06. 岩石粉碎 (Rock Smash / いわくだき)


返拳 (Counter / カウンター)

神秘护身 (Safeguard / しんぴのまもり)

接棒 (Baton Pass / バトンタッチ)

旋风刀 (Razor Wind / かまいたち)

起死回生 (Reversal / きしかいせい)

光墙 (Light Screen / ひかりのかべ)

忍耐 (Endure / こらえる)

银色旋风 (Silver Wind / ぎんいろのかぜ)

虫鸣 (Bug Buzz / むしのさざめき)

试刀 (Night Slash / つじぎり)


影子分身 (Double Team / かげぶんしん)

影子分身 (Double Team / かげぶんしん)


翅膀攻击 (Wing Attack / つばさでうつ)

切空斩 (Air Slash / エアスラッシュ)

(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……选我做最佳答案吧~~~~O(∩_∩)O~。

鸟巢的英文介绍 附中文意思的相关图片

鸟巢的英文介绍 附中文意思


—— Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) 。



The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004. 。

In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005. 。

In depth

The stadium's appearance is one of synergy, with no distinction made between the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008. 。

The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without communicating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens. 。

Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that access the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004. 。

While the rain was to be collected for rainwater recuperation, the sunlight was to filter through the translucent roof, providing the lawn with essential ultraviolet radiation. On the facade, the inflated cushions will be mounted on the inside of the structure where necessary, e.g. to provide wind protection. Since all of the facilities -- restaurants, suites, shops and restrooms -- are all self-contained units, it is possible to do largely without a solid, enclosed facade. This allows for natural ventilation of the stadium, which is the most important aspect of the stadium's sustainable design. 。

The sliding roof was an integral part of the stadium structure. When it was to be closed, it would have converted the stadium into a covered arena; however, the sliding roof was eliminated in an effort to cut costs and increase overall safety of the radical new structure.。

英文版 奥运场地鸟巢简介的相关图片

英文版 奥运场地鸟巢简介


Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) 。

The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies.。


In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition.。


The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. 。


It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. 。


The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. 。


The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. 。


The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). 。

将耗资达35亿元人民币(折合422,873,850 美元/ 325,395,593 欧元)

The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004. 。




Located at the southern part of the Olympic Green in Beijing, the National Stadium is the main stadium of the 29th Olympiad in 2008. Occupying an area of 21 hectares, it has a floor space of 258,000 square meters. Its seating capacity amounts to 91,000, including 11,000 temporary seats.。

The venue will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, the track and field competitions, and the football finals. After the Olympics, the stadium will become a large-scale sports and entertainment facility for the residents of Beijing -- an architectural landmark and Olympic legacy.。

The main body of the National Stadium has a design life of 100 years. Its fire resistance capability is first-rate, and it can withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake. The water-resistance capability of its underground project is also first-rate.。

The main body of the National Stadium is a colossal saddle-shaped elliptic steel structure weighing 42,000 tons. It is 333 meters long from north to south, 294 meters wide from east to west, and 69 meters tall.。

The main body's elements support each other and converge into a grid formation, just like a bird's nest with interlocking branches and twigs. Being a seven-story shear wall system, the stadium's stand has a concrete framework. The upper part of the stand and the stadium's steel structure are separated from each other, but both are based on a joint footing. The roof of the National Stadium is covered by a double-layer membrane structure, with a transparent ETFE membrane fixed on the upper part of the roofing structure and a translucent PTFE membrane fixed on its lower part. A PTFE acoustic ceiling is attached to the side walls of the inner ring.。

The construction of the National Stadium followed the PPP mode (Private + Public + Partnership ), and it is co-owned by the Beijing State-Owned Assets Management Co. Ltd (BSAM), who shares 58 percent of the total assets, and the China International Trust and Investment (CITIC) Consortium, who holds the rest of the assets.。

Composed of BSAM and CITIC, the National Stadium Co. is responsible for financing, construction, operation and management of the project. CITIC has a post-Games licensed operation right for 30 years.。

The National Stadium is a complex structure, posing great difficulties for its designers and constructors.。

1. Large and heavy steel parts。

The fracture surface of the largest truss column -- the major load-bearing component of the roof structure -- measures 25m x 20m, with a height of 67m. The maximum weight of a single column is 500 tons. The main truss is 12m tall. The maximum span between and through the two columns amounts to 145.577+112.788m, and the maximum span between the two trusses stands at 102.39m. Each truss column is of great bulk and weight, and so are the main trusses.。

2. Complex nodal joints。

Because the structural elements in the project are box-typed, many elements intersect spatially among the steel parts. Besides, the complex nature of secondary structures has resulted in the diversity of nodal joints of the main structures, requiring accurate and sophisticated manufacturing and installation.。

3. Tight schedule。

In addition to the huge workload, the allotted construction period is short. Having started on December 24, 2003, the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2007, with the inauguration time scheduled for March 2008. Therefore many operations have to be conducted on a limited terrain, causing a very tense situation.。

4. The hoisting work extended across the winter and spring, so the workers have had to defy both rainy and cold conditions in the winter to continue their work.。

The workers have overcome tremendous engineering and technical challenges in the process of construction:。

1. Difficult work arrangement。

They need to do very detailed research of operations and follow meticulous arrangements to complete various kinds of work within a limited workspace.。

2. Difficult hoisting of steel parts。

To facilitate the assembly of the steel parts, the workers have to use a prone position to assemble the truss columns, which requires a turnover process before they are hoisted. The choice of the hoist points and lug hooks pose great difficulties in the face of bulky and cumbersome steel parts, and the change of pulling stress from three directions must be taken into consideration. The workers need to meticulously rectify angles and positions of the box-typed sectional parts to ensure accurate abutment during the hoisting process.。

3. Difficult stabilizing process。

They also have to fight the heavy wind load and keep the stability of the steel parts by following a strict working order and use lateral stability measures including the use of anchoring method and wind-holding ropes.。

4. Difficult welding。

The welders not only face a huge work volume, but also have to work on both the thin steel sheets and thick steel slabs, on high-strength and cast steel elements, and take downward, vertical or overhead positions while welding. They face temperature changes, steel deformation and intensive labor. They need to work above ground, in winter rain and under windy conditions.。

5. Difficult installation。

The workers face difficulties in ensuring accurate installation as the steel parts and the related gigs and fixtures can be deformed easily under their own dead weight and the change of temperatures. The workers must take pre-installation measures to rectify and relieve the errors that might occur in the process of installation.。










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