Preset Modes (预设模式)。
Color Temp.(色温模式 2500K~8000K)
sRGB(sRGB模式,sRGB(standard Red Green Blue)是由Microsoft影像巨擘共同开发的一种彩色语言协议)
Custom Color(自定义模式)。
Chinese website:。
总部位於美国新泽西州卡尔士达特市(Carlstadt, NJ)的Pantone, Inc.是一家专门开发和研究色彩而闻名全球的权威机构,也是色彩系统和领先技术的供应商,提供许多行业专业的色彩选择和精确的交流语言。彩通® (PANTONE®)这一名字已成为设计师、制造商、零售商和客户之间色彩交流的国际标准语言而享誉全球。
1963年,Pantone, Inc.的创始人Lawrence Herbert开发了一种革新性的色彩系统,可以进行色彩的识别、配比、和交流,从而解决有关在制图行业制造精确色彩配比的问题。他意识到每个人对同一光谱见解各不相同而带来了彩通配色系统®(PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM®)的革新,该系统是一册扇形格式的标准色。
Graphic Arts - Printing, Publishing & Packaging。
The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM is the definitive international reference for selecting, specifying, matching and controlling ink colors. The PANTONE formula guide, a three-guide set consisting of 1,114 solid PANTONE Colors on coated, uncoated and matte stock, shows corresponding printing ink formulas for each color, and the three-book set of solid chips provides coated, uncoated and matte perforated tear-out chips that can be used for quality control.。
The digitally created PANTONE Process Color System® chips and guides provide a comprehensive palette of more than 3,000 colors achievable in four-color (CMYK) process printing. The PANTONE solid to process guide compares a solid PANTONE Color to the closest possible match in CMYK four-color process that can be achieved on a computer monitor, output device or printing press. Other PANTONE Color Reference Guides for the graphic arts include metallics, pastels, tints, duotones, film and foil.。
The PANTONE Hexachrome® Color System, a patented, breakthrough six-color ultra high quality printing process, reproduces a dynamic range of more brilliant continuous-tone images and simulates brighter, more vivid colors than standard four-color process printing. The Hexachrome® process is supported by industry leaders such as Adobe, Quark, Macromedia, Kodak Polychrome, Agfa, DuPont, Polaroid and Fuji.。
The PANTONE for fashion and home color system is a vital tool for designers in the apparel, home furnishings and interior design industries for selecting and specifying color used in the manufacture of textiles and fashion. The System - consisting of 1,932 colors in cotton or paper format - is ideal for assembling creative palettes and conceptual color schemes, and for providing color communication and control in the manufacturing process.。
The PANTONE VIEW Colour Planner is a biannual trend forecasting tool that offers seasonal color direction and inspiration 24 months in advance for multiple usages, including menswear, women's wear, activewear, cosmetics and industrial design. Introduced in 2004, PANTONE VIEW Home is a comprehensive forecasting tool for the home furnishings industry.。
Architecture & Interiors。
PANTONE for architecture and interiors bowed in at NeoCon in 2002, marking its move into the commercial, industrial and hospitality segments of the interior design industry. The System allows designers to connect different categories within the industry, including flooring, leather, fabrics, carpet, fiber, furniture and laminates. Pantone is collaborating with leading manufacturers and design firms to integrate the PANTONE for architecture and interiors color system into their design process.。
The PANTONE Plastics Color System™ allows designers, manufacturers and suppliers who work with plastics to select, specify, control and manufacture hundreds of colors through opaque and transparent plastic color chips in the system. It offers a comprehensive color range that is reproducible in plastics.。
Color Cue™ Series。
Introduced in 2001, PANTONE Color Cue is a portable, affordable spectro-colorimeter preprogrammed with PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Color data. It instantly identifies the closest PANTONE Color of any flat surface and provides formulas for reproduction in four-color process printing, Hexachrome six-color printing and Web design, accelerating color management workflow for graphics specialists, pre-press professionals, printers, Web site designers, photographers and retailers.。
PANTONE Color Cue has applications in many industries. Graphic designers can immediately determine a PANTONE Color and its values for print and the Web. Printers can sample color to identify to the closest PANTONE Color standard. Retailers can swiftly and easily identify and communicate color across marketing materials, catalogs and Web sites. A version of the Color Cue, PANTONE Color Cue TX, supports the PANTONE Textile Color System®.。
PANTONE Color Cue2, the next generation of Color Cue, combines the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Library for coated, uncoated and matte stock and the PANTONE Textile Color System Library for fashion and home and for architecture and interiors. With one small device, users can access both color libraries to cross-match any material or surface, aiding designers working on projects where a product has to be matched to a corporate identity color. Color Cue2 also provides additional formulas for reproduction by way of a simple scrolling feature, and records the last 20 colors measured for later reference. It also identifies related colors - colors that are lighter, darker, redder, greener, yellower and bluer than the identified color.。
In 2001, Pantone launched its PANTONE TheRightColor™ division. By providing a universal and precise color language along with technology solutions, TheRightColor focuses on developing solutions and technologies that enable retailers to build a color standard infrastructure to improve the consumer's shopping experience and impact the vendor's bottom line across all distribution channels. TheRightColor solutions are based on the globally accepted PANTONE Textile Color System.。
TheRightColor solutions enable retailers to reduce the number of returns due to inaccurate color representation, as well as improve inventory tracking and replenishment strategies. In addition, the ability to monitor customer color preferences enables upselling and cross-selling, allowing the retailer to sell more product per visit. Meanwhile, the use of PANTONE Color codes empowers the customer to more confidently coordinate and complement merchandise. More information is available at www.therightcolor.com.。
PANTONE UNIVERSE is a collection of lifestyle products based on fashion color trends for the consumer. The collection, consisting of tabletop, stationery items, travel gear, accessories and rainwear, combines timeless designs and modern materials with current trend colors. More information is available at www.pantoneuniverse.com.。
The PANTONE Shopping Color Guide lets shoppers take the expertise and precision of the PANTONE Name wherever they go. Based on the PANTONE Textile Color System, the PANTONE Shopping Color Guide incorporates 1,757 colors into an easy-to-use fan guide that helps shoppers coordinate colors for every aspect of their shopping experience - from clothing to accessories to items for the home.。
Color Management。
In 2001, Pantone began marketing affordable digital color control solutions to graphic artists and designers, photographers and printers. 2004 saw the introduction of two monitor calibration solutions: one for consumers and photo hobbyists, the other for professionals, delivering an unparalleled level of on-screen accuracy.。
Continuing its commitment to the development of accessible color control solutions, Pantone entered the inkjet market in 2003 with PANTONE ColorVANTAGE™, a family of premium inkjet products including inks, papers and specially developed printer profiles. The products are designed for applications where the most accurate color reproduction and the widest possible range of color are required. More information is available at www.pantone.com.。
A longtime pioneer in the realm of digital technology, Pantone offers a variety of software products that accurately translate PANTONE Colors for use by graphic designers, pre-press professionals, business users, Web developers and Internet surfers.。
* PANTONE OfficeColor Assistant™ adds the impact of PANTONE Colors to reports, proposals and presentations created in Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Word and Excel.。
* PANTONE colorist is a Web utility that makes it easy for Web authors and graphic designers to select PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors from within popular applications that do not already incorporate PANTONE Libraries. It includes InspireME, a Web utility that offers an array of predefined color schemes created by Leatrice Eiseman, America's foremost color psychologist.。
* The PANTONE Hexachrome Color System is supported by PANTONE HexWare® plug-ins for Adobe® Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator®. 。
Lights and Scales。
PANTONE Color Viewing Lights allow the user to preview color choices in different lighting conditions.。
PANTONE formula scales are pre-programmed with formulas for all PANTONE Colors, including pastels and metallics, and are available in various sizes for small, medium and large print shops.。
Pantone supports its color communication systems with industry-specific research and testing labs.。
* Ink Lab scientists develop new formulas to update the PANTONE Color palettes. Licensee samples are also tested for quality control.。
* Color Technology and Application Lab researchers develop core color technology and maintain the integrity of Pantone-licensed products from companies such as Adobe, Hewlett-Packard, Epson, DuPont and Kodak Polychrome.。
* Textile Lab technicians verify formulas for textile production and formulas for reproduction. They dye and prepare fabric for the PANTONE Textile Color System swatch books, as well as provide custom color dying services to textile clients.。
* Electronic Color Systems Lab engineers develop systems and calibration devices to assist software and hardware manufacturers in the DTP world with creating products and systems that support device-independent color standards. The lab evaluates color consistency and provides licensees with tools and data sets. 。
PANTONE Custom Color Services provide custom color standards for corporate managers and art directors in fashion, home, contract design, paint, beauty, automotive, sports, pharmaceutical - any industry requiring color accuracy.。
PANTONE Custom Color Services also provides products to specify corporate identity, product color and packaging standards, including color standards showing one or more PANTONE Colors or custom colors on paper, cotton or custom substrates, as well as the corresponding CMYK, HTML and RGB values.。
The Pantone Color Institute is a color research and information center that shares its color expertise with professionals in a variety of industries including fashion, commercial/industrial, contract and interior design, graphic arts, advertising, film and education. Recognized throughout the world as the leading source of color information, the Institute is used as a resource by the world's most influential media.。
Through the Pantone Color Institute, Pantone continues to study how color influences human thought processes, emotions and physical reactions, furthering its commitment to providing professionals with a greater understanding of color and to help them utilize color more effectively. Leatrice Eiseman, America's leading color expert, is the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute.。
The Pantone Color Team offers expert color consulting services by the world's foremost authorities on color. Many small and mid-size companies, as well as major corporations in a broad range of industries, rely on Pantone to devise and revise their product colors, packaging and corporate color identities.。
; <COMPILER: v1.0.47.6>。
;一天 24小时,1440分,86400秒。
;一周 168小时,10080分,604800秒。
;30天 750小时,43200分,2592000秒。
;365天 8760小时,525600分,31536000秒。
InputBox, time, 计时器, 请输入计时分钟数,,180,130,,,,,0.2。
if ErrorLevel
CustomColor = EEAA99。
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound +Owner。
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%。
Gui, Font, s11
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cWhite, w300 XXXXX YYYYY。
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150。
Gui, -Caption
SetTimer, UpdateOSD, 1000。
Gosub, UpdateOSD。
Gui, Show, x1235 y-8 ;屏幕右上角显示计时器。
time2 := time*60000。
SoundBeep, 1250, 100。
SoundBeep, 1250, 100。
SoundBeep, 1250, 200。
if e=10
if d=6
if c=10
if b=6
GuiControl,, MyText, %b%%c%:%d%%e% / %time% 分 ;更新计时器。
(解释)程序中的注释,要以 " ; " 号开头.。
CustomColor = EEAA99。
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound +Owner。
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%。
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cWhite, XXXXX YYYYY。
(解释)添加文本内容为XXXXX YYYYY.字体颜色为cWhite.cWhite是白色的意思.文字颜色还有cRed,cBlue。
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150。
Gui, -Caption
SetTimer, UpdateOSD, 1000。
Gosub, UpdateOSD。
Gui, Show, x470 y0。
if e=10
if d=6
if c=10
if b=6
GuiControl,, MyText, %a%:%b%%c%:%d%%e%。
(解释)上面一段为时间算法.具体为:由于SetTimer为每一秒更新一次.所以每执行一次.秒为就加1.比如0:00:00 第一次秒位上加1当到。
(解释)GuiControl,, MyText, %a%:%b%%c%:%d%%e% 把变量abcde的值传递给MyText.。
CUSTOM 元素 | custom 对象。
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 对于 HTML 页面上自定义标签的支持需要为该标签定义命名空间。否则,自定义标签将在文档被处理时被作为未知标签对待。尽管在 Internet Explorer 中浏览带有未知标签的页面不会导致错误,未知标签仍然带有无法包含其它标签也无法对其应用行为的缺点。
要声明命名空间,请使用 HTML 元素的 XMLNS 标签属性。
当定义自定义标签时,你必须在 @media 包装内完成自定标签的定义。
自定义标签当应用 DHTML 行为时将会变得有趣得多。DHTML 行为(或称行为)应用到页面上元素的方法与和样式表属性一样。说得更明白一点,已提议的 CSS behavior 属性允许 Web 编著者指定行为的位置并将该行为应用到页面上的元素。
此元素在 Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 的 HTML 和脚本中可用。
下面的例子使用 custom 元素创建自定义 RED, GREEN 和 BLUE 元素。这些元素将更改文本的颜色为红、绿或蓝色,这取决于文本外围的标签是 RED, GREEN 还是 BLUE。在下面的例子中,RED, GREEN 和 BLUE 标签都定义在 CUSTOMTAG 的命名空间内。
@media all {
CUSTOMTAG\:RED { color: red; }。
CUSTOMTAG\:GREEN { color: green; }。
CUSTOMTAG\:BLUE { color: blue; }。
此文本为红色,因为其包含在 CUSTOMTAG:RED 标签内。
此文本为绿色,因为其包含在 CUSTOMTAG:GREEN 标签内。
此文本为蓝色,因为其包含在 CUSTOMTAG:BLUE 标签内。
#import "NavigationViewController.h"。
#define LBColor(r, g, b) [UIColor colorWithRed:(r)/255.0 green:(g)/255.0 blue:(b)/255.0 alpha:1.0]。
@interface NavigationViewController ()。
@implementation NavigationViewController。
return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;。
- (void)viewDidLoad {。
[super viewDidLoad];。
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.。
self.navigationBar.translucent = YES;。
CAGradientLayer *gradientLayer = [CAGradientLayer layer];。
UIColor *color1= LBColor(255, 70, 93);。
UIColor *color2 = LBColor(251, 108, 42);。
gradientLayer.colors = @[(__bridge id)color1.CGColor, (__bridge id)color2.CGColor];。
gradientLayer.locations = @[@0.5, @1.0];。
gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPointMake(0, 0);。
gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPointMake(1.0, 0);。
gradientLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, -20, self.view.frame.size.width, 64);。
[self.navigationBar.layer addSublayer:gradientLayer];。