
问题描述:orphanages是什么意思 大家好,小编为大家解答一个有趣的事情的问题。很多人还不知道一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!





英 ['ɔːf(ə)nɪdʒ] 美 ['ɔrfənɪdʒ] 。

n. 孤儿院;孤儿身份



I have been to hospices and orphanages and if not for football, then I would never have done. 。

我去过临终关怀医院和孤儿院。 要是没有足球的话,我就不可能做这些事情。


Many orphanages were closed, and Amerasians and other youngsters were sent off to rural work farms and re-education camps. 。




Mother Teresa: A Biography。


In this new biography, students will follow Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu from her humble Albanian birth to worldwide celebrity as Mother Teresa. The nun who attended to the dying and diseased in Calcutta, India, and established her Missionaries of Charity around the world is revealed to have a singular determination from a young age. As a woman in the patriarchal Catholic system, she had to prove to the hierarchy, even the Vatican, that she was capable of handling each project she proposed. Her vision to live and work among the "poorest of the poor" as one of them led to the founding of a new order that tended to society's outcasts. The narrative chronicles the expansion and success of the order and the eventual attention that was showered on her efforts. This increasing attention led to scrutiny and criticism of ideology, methods of care, and financing. Why did she reject better medical equipment for her patients yet receive the latest treatment and best care when she herself was ailing? Why did she take money from and try to help Charles Keating, a major player in the savings and loan scandal of the 1980s? The accusation of hypocrisy, among others, are discussed as is her controversial beatification. Readers will be challenged to consider for themselves whether Mother Teresa deserves to be sainted. Mother Teresa is characterized as being ordinary and her life as mundane. The biography suggests that she transcended her ordinariness with a singular belief that she was called to life's work. When this work brought fame, which she never sought, she used it to further her causes. In a global age, celebrity worship allowed her to work the system. She became an icon of service and selflessness, but her human flaws remained behind the saintliness.。

“怀大爱心,做小事情” --《特蕾莎传》

她创建的组织有四亿多的资产,世界上最有钱的公司都乐意捐款给她;她的手下有七千多名正式成员,还有数不清的追随者和义务工作者分布在一百多个国家;她认识众多的总统、国王、传媒巨头和企业巨子,并受到他们的仰慕和爱戴……可是,她住的地方,唯一的电器是一部电话;她穿的衣服,一共只有三套,而且自己洗换;她只穿凉鞋没有袜子……她把一切都献给了穷人、病人、孤儿、孤独者、无家可归者和垂死临终者;她从12岁起,直到87岁去世,从来不为自己、而只为受苦受难的人活着……在这个世界上,古往今来有不少富豪,对穷苦人慷慨解囊,有不少慈善家,开办了不少孤儿院养老院……然而,她不是富豪,因为她没有留给自己一分钱,甚至她不去挣钱,不去募款;她也不是一般的慈善家,因为她的目的,不是仅仅为穷人和鳏寡孤独者提供衣食住处,不是仅仅为病人和遭灾遭难者提供医疗服务,而是要在这一切之中,这一切之外,给这些人带去爱心,让他们感到自己有尊严、感到自己被人爱!为此,她愿意向这些人下跪;她立志要服侍穷人,所以先变成了穷人;她放弃了安适的修女和教师生活,穿上穷人的衣服,一头扎进贫民窟、难民营和各种各样的传染病人之中,五十年如一日;她的追随者们为了让服侍的对象觉得有尊严,也仿效她的榜样,过着穷人的生活,以便成为穷人的朋友。这种远远超过一般慈善事业的宗旨,体现在她的这句话中:"除了贫穷和饥饿,世界上最大的问题是孤独和冷漠……孤独也是一种饥饿,是期待温暖爱心的饥饿。"所以,她的一生,用她自己的话来说,是"怀大爱心,做小事情"。她,就是被称为"贫民窟的圣人"的特蕾莎(亦译德肋撒或特雷莎修女)。她也被世人亲切地称为"特蕾莎嬷嬷"。1979年,诺贝尔委员会从包括促成埃以和谈的美国总统卡特在内的56位候选人中,选出了她,把诺贝尔和平奖这项殊荣授予了这位除了爱一无所有的修女。授奖公报说:"她的事业有一个重要的特点:尊重人的个性、尊重人的天赋价值。那些最孤独的人、处境最悲惨的人,得到了她真诚的关怀和照料。这种情操发自她对人的尊重,完全没有居高施舍的姿态。"公报还说:"她个人成功地弥合了富国与穷国之间的鸿沟,她以尊重人类尊严的观念在两者之间建设了一座桥梁。" 。




特蕾莎为此开办了许多麻风病人收容诊疗中心,多年后竟使孟加拉大城市吉大港的麻风病汉愈率达到了百分之百。当艾滋病开始被人们视为新瘟疫,一般人对病人避之唯恐不及的时候,特蕾莎又奔走于欧美各国,设立了多家艾滋病患者收容所,在医生治疗的同时,她和她的修女们则给予护理。在所有这些事情中,特蕾莎不仅仅表现了罕见的组织才能,更重要的是表现了本真的爱心。她细心地从腐烂的伤口捡出蛆虫、亲切的抚摸麻风病人的残肢……所有这些深深地感动了全世界的人们。靠着这种爱心,也仅仅靠着这种爱心,她赢得了成千上万的追随者,在世界上一百多个国家建立了近千个类似的机构,把食物、衣服、住房、药品、医护、教育……送到了千百万穷人、孤儿、灾民、病人和被遗弃者的身边,使他们感到有人在爱着他们。在这些事情中,特蕾莎和她的追随者的爱心已达到自我牺牲的程度,否则我们就不会看到,越是人们的自私自爱之心阻挡人们前往的地方,他们越是要去:大城市里的贫民窟,荒凉贫瘠的高寒山区,饥荒和瘟设流行的穷国,随时有生命危险的震区和战区……为了这些,有时她甚至得冒险犯难去克服一些政治上的障碍,例如,为了帮助海湾战后的伊拉克人民,她曾同一位神父两位修女前往巴格达;为了到切尔诺贝利核污染地区帮助受害者,她曾到当时禁止宗教团体办慈善事业的苏联去提出建立工作站的愿望,并终于在两年后得到批准……特蕾莎也曾经上法庭打官司。1984年,她同一个名叫"赞助特蕾莎修女基金会"的组织对簿公堂,目的是要向全世界宣告:她反对任何人以她的名义募捐筹款;她希望人们不要关注她而只关注她要去帮助的那些人。确实,她散布在世界各地的慈善事业及其资产,都来自她个人的奉献和人们自愿捐献。她要求手下的人只为受苦的人们服务,绝不要操心金钱的问题,因为,要让人感到被爱,需要的只是充满爱心的行动,其余的事听凭上主的安排。她经常对手下的人说:"你们不必注重成果数字。凡是有益于穷人和被弃者们的爱的行动,不管怎样微小,在耶稣看来都是重要的。"1969年,被这种精神感动的人们成立了"特蕾莎嬷嬷合作者国际协会"(International Association of Co-workers of Mother Teresa),现有会员数十万人。这个组织不要求会员缴会费,也不筹集资金,只是通过"祈祷、克己和为穷苦人服务"来支持仁爱传教会的工作,被称为"世界上最无组织的组织"。




简爱是一个孤儿,出生在一个贫穷的牧师家庭。 因为父母感染了伤寒,一个接一个死于此。 年轻的简养父母在叔叔的家里。 叔叔,里德先生去世,简已经经历了20年的歧视和虐待的生活。 时间,由于攻击表妹,简被关在红房子里。 身体上的疼痛和精神上的屈辱和恐惧,使她大病。 姑姑视作眼中钉,她和自己的孩子隔离从那时起,她姑姑的对抗一个更加开放和坚决。 在被发送到罗沃德孤儿院。 。

孤儿院教规严厉的生活条件,总统是一个寒冷的伪君子。 简在孤儿院继续精神和身体的破坏。 由于恶劣的生活条件,孤儿院和孩子们常常死于这种疾病。 简留下来教了两年毕业后,当她的朋友海伦疾病死亡。 广告,简厌倦了孤儿院的生活,寻求专业辅导。 刺领域庄园管家雇佣她。 罗切斯特的庄园,男人经常出国旅行,巨大的大厦只有一个不到10岁的女孩,阿黛尔瓦伦汀,罗切斯特是她的保护人,她是简的学生。 。

一天晚上,简出去散步,遇到老板从国外回来,这是他们第一次见面。 之后她发现她的主人是一个忧郁的,喜怒无常的人,她的好与不好的态度。 沮丧的整个房子空,有时听到一个奇怪的诡异的笑。 。

一天,简是一个笑在睡梦惊醒,发现罗切斯特的房间着了火,简叫醒他并帮助他灭火。 。

罗切斯特回来后经常举行私人宴会。 在一场盛宴的埃内斯托漂亮兰契非常勇敢的女士。 简叫到客厅,但让布兰奇的冷遇和她的女儿,她忍受屈辱,离开客厅。 此时,她已经爱上了罗切斯特。 事实上,罗彻斯特也爱上了简,他只是想测试简的爱情。 当他,当嫁给简,简答应了他。 婚礼前夕,《暮光之城》在镜子里看到一个可怕的女人穿着婚纱在φ。 第二天,当婚礼在教堂悄然进行时,突然这是扑克牌:罗切斯特先生15年前已经结婚。 他的妻子,但它是在三楼,举行闭门在疯狂的女人。 法律是一个障碍,他们的爱情,使两人陷入深深的痛苦。 在寒冷潮湿的夜晚。 简离开了罗切斯特。 寻找一种新的生活方式,简在沿途乞讨,经历了许多困难,最后在沼泽的房子已经被牧师圣约翰避难所,当在一个小学教书。 。

不久,简得知他的叔叔去世,留给她的遗产,但还发现圣约翰是她的表兄,简决定将财产。 圣约翰是一个狂热的基督教传教士在印度的计划。 他请求简嫁给他,他去印度。 简拒绝了他,决定回到罗切斯特身边。 。

她回到荆棘房地产领域,那座Zhaizi在废墟,疯女人,从建筑火灾死亡和残废的罗切斯特也受伤。 简找到他并嫁给了他,一直是一个理想的幸福生活。 最打动我的是,简段时间看起来平坦,谦虚,但不放弃自己,不虚荣,她善良,温柔,勇气去追求自己的幸福。 最后与原始为了偿还。 她的经历让我爱爱的最初概念的形成。

Jane Eyre is an orphan, born in a poor family priest. Because the parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in a this. Young Jane foster parent's home in the uncle. Uncle, Mr. Reed's death, Jane had suffered 20 years of discrimination and abuse of life. Time, due to the assault against the cousin, Jane has been locked up in a red house. Physical pain and mental humiliation and fear, made her a serious illness. Her aunt as a thorn in the side, and to her and their children isolated from then on, the confrontation with her aunt in a more open and resolute. After being sent to the orphanage Lowood. 。

Orphanage canon harsh living conditions, the President is a cold hypocrite. Jane in the orphanage continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. Because of poor living conditions, orphanages and children often died of the disease. Jane stayed to teach for two years after graduation, when her friend Helen disease died. Jane tired of orphanage life, advertising, seek professional tutors. Thorn Field Manor housekeeper hired her. Rochester Manor, the men who frequently travel abroad, the huge mansion is only one less than 10-year-old girl, Adele Valentin, Rochester was her protector, she is the Jane's students. 。

One evening, Jane to go out walking, encounter the owner returned from abroad, this is the first time they met. After she discovered that her master was a melancholy, moody people, the attitude of her good times and bad. Depressed the whole house empty, and sometimes hear a strange eerie laughter. 。

One day, Jane was such a laugh in their sleep awakened and found that Rochester's room caught fire, Jane to wake him and help him fight the fire. 。

Rochester came back often hold a private banquet. In a feast to the one Ernesto pretty Ranchi very gallant lady. Jane was called into the living room, but getting the cold shoulder by the Blanche and her daughter, she endured humiliation, to leave the living room. At this point, she has fallen in love with Rochester. In fact, Rochester has also fallen in love with Jane, he just wanted to test Jane for their love. When he, when to marry Jane, Jane promised to him. Wedding eve, in the twilight to see a terrifying woman in the mirror wearing her wedding dress before the Phi. The next day, when the wedding in the church carried out quietly, when suddenly it was out of cards: Mr. Rochester had been married 15 years ago. His wife, but it was on the third floor that was held behind closed doors inside the crazy woman. Laws are an obstacle to their love, so that the two into a deep pain. In a cold, wet night. Jane left Rochester. Looking for a way out of the way to a new life, Jane camped along the way begging, gone through many hardships, finally at Moor House has been pastor St. John's shelter, and when teaching in a elementary school. 。

Soon, Jane learned that his uncle died and left her a legacy, but also found that St. John is her cousin, Jane decided to split the property. St. John is a fanatical Christian missionary in India plans. He asked Jane to marry him and with him to go to India. Jane refused to him, and decided to return to Rochester side. 。





n.孤儿院; 孤儿身份;



Michael Jackson is a true humanitarian, an example to us all. He has devoted much time and money to a wide range of charities. He loves children and takes time out when touring secretly visting sick children. He also has special rooms at his home Neverland for sick and terminally ill children to stay over. He was listed in the 2000 edition of the Guiness Book Of World Records for breaking the world record for the "Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star". It states that Michael Jackson has supported 39 charity organizations either with monetary donations through sponsorships of their projects or by participating in their silent auction.。

individualy We have made an alphabetical list of known charities that Michael Jackson has individualy supported publically throughout his career. Michael Jackson also helped set up Heal The World Foundation, the charities this has supported have not been listed. Read our Heal The World/kids page for details of this foundation.。

洛杉矶艾滋病项目 AIDS Project LA。

美国癌症协会 American Cancer Society。

天使食品 Angel Food。

大洛杉矶地区大哥哥大洛杉矶 Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles。

体重指数基金公司 BMI Foundation, Inc.。

兄弟的远征 Brotherhood Crusade。

Brothman烧伤中心 Brothman Burn Center。

麦当劳叔叔营 Camp Ronald McDonald。

美国儿童援助 Childhelp USA。

儿童研究所国际 Children's Institute International。

城市与学校奖学基金 Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund。

社区青少年体育及艺术基金会 Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation。

国会(CBC)的黑人核心小组 Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)。

达喀尔基金会 Dakar Foundation。

甜梦童装 Dreamstreet Kids。

慈善梦想成真 Dreams Come True Charity。

伊丽莎白泰勒艾滋病基金会 Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation。

青少年糖尿病基金会 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation。

恋爱婚姻 Love Match。

请给许愿基金会 Make-A-Wish Foundation。

少数民族艾滋病项目 Minority Aids Project。

摩城博物馆 Motown Museum。

有色人种协进会 NAACP

全国彩虹联盟 National Rainbow Coalition。

澳大利亚扶轮社 Rotary Club of Australia。

协会的歌手 Society of Singers。

星光基金会 Starlight Foundation。

卡特中心的亚特兰大项目 The Carter Center's Atlanta Project。

镰状细胞研究基金会 The Sickle Cell Research Foundation。

Transafrica Transafrica。

联合黑人大学联合基金会(UNCF) United Negro College Fund (UNCF)。

联合黑人大学联合基金会梯的希望 United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope。

美国志愿者 Volunteers of America。

瓦夏日节 Watts Summer Festival。

愿望成 Wish Granting。

基督教青年会 - 第28街/克伦肖 YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw。


First 10 Charities of Michael Jackson。

• AIDS Project LA。

• American Cancer Society。

• Angel Food

• Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles。

• BMI Foundation, Inc.。

• Brotherhood Crusade。

• Brotman Burn Center。

• Camp Ronald McDonald。

• Childhelp U.S.A.。

• Children's Institute International。

Support Children's Defense Fund。

On Behalf of Michael Jackson。

Michael Jackson contributed to many children charities, visited terminally ill children in hospitals, equiped a 19-bed-unit at Mount Senai New York Medical Center, donated all the monies he received from the Pepsi commercial to the Michael Jackson Burn Center for children, visited children in orphanages, and many children suffering from cancer.。

The mission of the Children's Defense Fund is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.。

Second 10 Charities of Michael Jackson。

• Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund。

• Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation。

• Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)。

• Dakar Foundation。

• Dreamstreet Kids。

• Dreams Come True Charity。

• Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation。

• Juvenile Diabetes Foundation。

• Love Match

• Make-A-Wish Foundation。

Support Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund。

On behalf of Michael Jackson。

This is one of MJ's charities from the list above. In 1992 at a press conference, MJ announced that he was planning a world tour to raise monies for his Heal the World Foundation. This Foundation supported the fight against AIDS, Juvenile Diabetes and supported Camp Ronald McDonald and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.。

Michael donated $100,000 to the Children's Defense Fund, the Children's Diabetes Foundation, the Atlanta Project, and the Boys and Girl Clubs of Newark, New Jersey.。

in 2000, Michael painted a plate to be auctioned for the "Carousel of Hope Ball" benefiting childhood diabetes research.。

JDRF is the leading charitable funder and advocate of type 1 (juvenile) diabetes research worldwide. The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.。

Third 10 Charities of Michael Jackson。

• Minority Aids Project。

• Motown Museum。


• National Rainbow Coalition。

• Nelson Mandela's Children's Fund。

• Red Cross

• Rotary Club of Australia。

• Society of Singers。

• Starlight Foundation。

• The Carter Center's Atlanta Project。

Support Donors Choose。

On behalf of Michael Jackson。

Why did I choose this charity-organization because Michael did a lot with supporting education:。

In 1987 - At the end of his Bad Tour, Michael donates some personal items to the UNESCO for a charitable auction. The proceeds will be for the education of children in developing countries.。

In 1992 - Michael declared, "Black Colleges and Universities are breeding some of the leading personalities of our time. They are on top in business, justice, science and technologies, politics and religion. I am proud, that the Michael Jackson Scholarship Program enabled more than 200 young men and women to get a qualified education."。

In 1997 - Michael waved his personal fee for his Bombay appearance and donated $1.1 million to a local charity helping to educate children living in slums.。

In 2001 - Michael handed out books to young people at a Newark, NJ theater. The event, which helped to launch the Michael Jackson International Book Club, part of his new Heal the Kids charity, aims to promote childhood reading and encourage parents to return to reading bedtime stories。

DonorsChoose.org is dedicated to addressing the scarcity and inequitable distribution of learning materials and experiences in our public schools.。

The Last Nine Charities of Michael Jackson。

• The Sickle Cell Research Foundation。

• Transafrica

• Unesco

• United Negro College Fund (UNCF)。

• United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope。

• Volunteers of America。

• Watts Summer Festival。

• Wish Granting。

• YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw。




















