布偶猫的确切来由可追搠到60年代,有位住在加州的妇女安贝可(Ann Baker)开始经营布偶猫种的培育,她的第一只育种猫叫做ephine乔瑟芬,它是只全白的混种长毛猫。
歌手:Maroon 5
专辑:Songs About Jane: 10th Anniversary Edition。
Ashlee Simpson - Ragdoll。
I've been thrown。
'Round once or twice。
Beneath it all
Was born to fight。
I hear your voice in my head。
And its killing me。
I've never been a fan of happy endings。
Your love must be tainted。
If its how you paint it。
You don't know what you're in for。
You're so rotten to the core。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
I've be sitting back keeping quiet for too long。
You can touch me now, You can touch me now。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
You just wanna use me up til' i'm all gone。
That's not me at all, Thats not me at all, Hey。
Won't try so hard。
You can't admit。
Open my heart
You never come in。
Cant find my way。
Through your maze。
And in my mouth you put the very bad taste。
Your love must be tainted。
If its how you paint it。
You don't know what you're in for。
You're so rotten to the core。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
I've be sitting back keeping quiet for too long。
You can touch me now, You can touch me now。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
You just wanna use me up til' i'm all gone。
That's not me at all, Thats not me at all, Hey。
You're my rag doll, You're my rag doll。
You're my rag doll, You're, Hey。
Don't you see my black tears。
Please don't me stay here。
Don't you see my black tears。
Please don't me stay here, Whoa。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
I've be sitting back keeping quiet for too long。
You can touch me now, You can touch me now。
Why you gotta throw me around like a rag doll?。
You can toss me up, You can toss me up。
You just wanna use me up til' i'm all gone。
That's not me at all, Thats not me at all, Hey。
You're my rag doll, You're my rag doll。
You're my rag doll, You're。
Hey Hey, You're, Hey Hey。
You're my rag doll, You're my rag doll, Hey。
if (this.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled == false)。
而且在if语句中不要出现一个bool变量==true或者false这种写法~ 非常的low~。
比如if (!this.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled)
布偶猫,又称“布拉多尔(Ragdoll)”,发源于美国,是一种杂交品种宠物猫。是现存体型最大、体重最重的猫之一。头呈楔形,眼大而圆,被毛丰厚,四肢较长且富有肉感,尾长,身体柔软,毛色有重点色、手套色或双色等等。布偶猫较为温顺好静,对人友善。其美丽优雅又非常类似于狗的性格(Puppy cat)而又被称为"仙女猫","小狗猫"。特殊的外貌和温和的性格是布偶猫最大的特点之一。
1、头部:呈等边三角形,双耳之间平坦; 面颊顺着面形线而成为楔形。
2、耳朵 :中等大小,微微张开底部阔;双耳间距宽阔; 耳尖**而向前倾。
3、眼睛 :大,明亮,蓝色、椭圆形;双眼间距宽阔,微微向上扬。
4、鼻子 :中等长度的鼻子。
5、下巴 :下巴要发育良好,强壮,并与上唇和鼻子成一直线。
1、布偶猫(Ragdoll)是一种出现时间较晚的品系,最早起源于20世纪60年代,由美国加州的安﹒贝可(Ann Baker)女士繁育并创建。