
问题描述:5分钟英语笑话带翻译 本篇文章给大家谈谈一个有趣的事情,以及一个有趣的事情,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。



Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins." The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says 。

"Congratulations, you got twins x2." Man is happy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him what's wrong and he answered, "What's wrong? I work for 7up"!。



Once two hunters went hunting in the forest. One of them suddenly fell down by accident. He showed the whites of his eyes and seemed to have ceased breathing. The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help. The operator said calmly:"First, you should make sure that he is already dead." Then the operator heard a gunshot from the other end of the phone and next he heard the hunter asking:"What should I do next?" 。




As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light, I asked the driver, "Do you agree that 'Time is money'?" 。

"Well, it's a very common saying. Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered. 。

"Look, the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped, "I pointed at the meter. 。

"Oh, yes. You've got a point here. In this case, time is money for both of us." added the driver.。

Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it. Congratulations!。





我简直是在还没弄清麦克斯·开拉达是谁的时候,就非常讨厌他了。那时战争刚刚结束,远洋轮上的旅客十分拥挤。要想找到一个舱位非常困难,不论船上的工作人员给你找个什么地方,你都只好凑合着待下。你根本不可能找到一个单人舱。我算是很幸运,住进了一间只有两个床位的舱房。但我一听到我那位同伴的名字,就马上觉得心里凉了半截。它让我立即想起了紧闭着的窗孔和通夜严格密闭的舱房。我是从旧金山到横滨去的,同任何人在一间舱房里度过十四个昼夜就已经够受了,可要是我这位同行的旅客就叫个史密斯或者布朗什么的,那我的心情也不会那么沉重了。 我一上船,就看到开拉达先生的行李已经摊在下铺上。那样子我一看就讨厌:几个手提包上全挂满了各式各样的小牌子,装衣服的皮箱也实在太大。他已经打开了梳洗的用具,我看出他显然是上等“柯蒂先生化妆品”的一位老主顾,因为在脸盆边上我看到了他的香水、洗发膏和头油。开拉达先生用金色花纹刻着名字的各种乌木刷子,本身倒实在应该刷洗一番了。我真是丝毫也不喜欢这位开拉达先生。因此我跑到吸烟室去了。我到柜台边去要来一副纸牌,一个人摆着玩。我几乎是刚刚拿起牌,便忽然有个人走过来对我说,他想我的名字一定叫什么什么的,不知对不对。 “我是开拉达先生,”他接着补充说,并微微一笑,露出了一排闪亮的牙齿,接着他就坐下了。 “噢,对了,我想我们俩共住一个舱房。” “我把这看成是一件很幸运的事。你事先永远不知道你将和什么人住在一起,我一听说你是英国人就感到非常高兴。我赞成咱们英国人在国外的时候,大家总抱成一团儿,你当然明白我的意思。” 我眨巴眨巴眼睛。 “你是英国人吗?”我问得可能有点不得体。 “没错。你难道觉得我看着像美国人吗?我可是彻头彻尾的英国人。” 为了证明这一点,开拉达先生从他口袋里掏出一张护照,在我的鼻子下面使劲晃着。 乔治英王治理下真是什么样奇怪的臣民都有。开拉达先生身材矮小,可非常健壮,黑黑的脸膛刮得干干净净的,一个很大的鹰钩鼻子,一双水汪汪的大眼睛。他的黑色的长发很亮,一缕缕蜷曲着。他口齿流利,但丝毫没有英国人的口音,而且老不停地打着各种手势。我几乎十分肯定,要是把他那份英国护照拿来仔细检查检查,准会看出开拉达先生实际上是在一个比英国所能看到的更蓝的天空下出生的。 “你来点儿什么?”他问我。 我带着怀疑的神态看着他。当时禁酒令还没撤销,很显然这船上肯定一滴酒也不会有。不渴的时候,我也说不清我最讨厌的是什么饮料,是姜汁汽水还是柠檬汽水。可是开拉达先生却向我露出了一丝东方人的微笑。 “威士忌苏打水,或一杯什么也不掺的马丁尼酒,全都行,你只要说一声好了。” 说着他从他后面两个裤兜里各掏出一瓶酒来,放在我面前的桌子上。我愿意喝马丁尼,于是他向招待员要了一碟冰和两个玻璃杯子。 “这倒是很好的鸡尾酒。”我说。 “你瞧,这玩意儿我可有的是,船上要有你的什么朋友,你可以告诉他们,你结识了一个哥们儿,他那儿全世界所有的酒都应有尽有。” 开拉达先生很爱闲聊。他谈到纽约和旧金山。他喜欢讨论戏剧、绘画和政治。他非常爱国。英国国旗是一块颇能令人肃然起敬的布片儿,可是如果让一位从亚历山大港或贝鲁特来的先生去挥舞它,我却不能不感到它多少有点失去了原来的威严。开拉达先生很随和。我不喜欢装模作样,可是我仍然感觉到,在和一个完全陌生的人谈话时,他在我的名字前面加上一个先生之类的称呼,那还是必要的。开拉达先生无疑是为了让我不要感到生疏,对我并没有使用这类虚礼。我真不喜欢开拉达先生。当他坐下的时候,我已经把牌放在一边,可是现在,我想到我们才不过第一次见面,刚才这段谈话应该已经够长了,于是我又开始玩我的牌了。 “那个3应该放在4上,”开拉达先生说。 在你一个人玩牌的时候,你翻起一张牌还没看清是个什么点子,旁边却有一个人告诉你这张牌该往哪儿放,天下再没有任何比这更让人厌烦的事了。 “马上就通了,马上就通了,”他叫喊着。“这张10应该放在J上。” 我带着满腔愤怒和厌恶玩完了那把牌。他马上把牌抓了过去。 “你喜欢用牌变戏法吗?” “不喜欢,我讨厌用牌变戏法。”我回答说。 “来,我让你瞧瞧这一手儿。” 他接连给我变了三种戏法。我对他说,我要到饭厅去占个位子。 “噢,那你甭操心了,”他说,“我已经替你占了一个位子。我想咱们俩既然同住一个舱房,那咱们完全可以就在一块儿吃饭吧。” 我可真不喜欢开拉达先生。 我不仅和他同住一间房,一天三次同在一张桌上吃饭,而且我要是想在甲板上散散步也没法甩掉他。你根本没有办法让他识趣点儿。他压根儿永远想不到别人不愿意跟他在一块儿。他始终认为你一定和他喜欢你一样喜欢他。要在你自己家里,你可以一脚把他踢下楼去,冲着他的脸砰的一声把门关上,他却还丝毫没想到,他是一个不受欢迎的客人。他跟谁都合得来,不出三天,船上所有的人他都认识了。他什么事都管,他帮助进行船上的清扫活动,他处理拍卖,他为比赛活动敛钱作奖金,他组织投环和高尔夫球比赛,组织音乐会,还管安排化装舞会。你不管什么时候,在任何地方,都能见到他。他在船上肯定无人不恨。我们都叫他无所不知先生,甚至当面也这么叫他。他把这看成是对他的一种恭维。而他最让人难以忍耐的,是在吃饭的时候。差不多足足一小时,他总让我们全都听着他的。他非常热忱,喜欢说笑,的确非常能言善辩。不论谈什么问题,他比谁都知道得更透彻,而且谁要是不同意他的意见,就会挫伤他那不可一世的虚荣心。不管谈一个什么哪怕是极不重要的问题,在他没有让你完全信服他的说法以前,他决不肯撒手。他永远想不到他也可能会出错。他仿佛就是什么都知道。我们和一位大夫同坐在一张桌子旁。开拉达先生当然可以让一切都按他的意思安排,因为那位大夫非常懒散,而我是对什么都完全无所谓的,倒只有一个也是坐在那张桌子旁的叫南塞的人比较麻烦一些。他和开拉达先生一样非常武断,而且对那种一味自以为是的态度十分痛恨。他们两人之间时断时续的争论已显得十分尖酸了。 南塞在美国使馆工作,驻地是神户。他是出身在美国中西部的一个块头很大的小伙子,多余的脂肪让他的皮肤绷得很紧,又因穿着一身买来的现成衣服,到处显着鼓鼓囊囊的。他这是又回到使馆去,因为他的妻子回家去待了一年,他不久前坐飞机回纽约去接他的妻子来了。南塞太太是一个身材矮小的女人,态度和蔼,讲话很幽默。使馆工作工资不多,她的衣服总穿得非常简单;但她很知道怎样打扮自己。她总让你看着感到有一种不同一般的味道。要不是因为她有一种也许一般女人都有,而现在在她们的言行中不常见到的那种气质,我也许根本不会注意到她了。你不论什么时候看她一眼,都不能不对她的谦虚神态产生深刻的印象。那神态简直像绣在她外衣上的一朵花一样。 有一天晚上,在晚饭桌边无意谈到了珍珠问题。那会儿的报纸上曾经大谈聪明的日本人正在用人工的办法培育珍珠。那位大夫说,这样将不可避免地使天然珍珠的价格下降。人工珍珠现在看来就已经很好了,不要很久肯定就完全可以乱真。开拉达先生,一如他对任何问题一样,马上对这个新问题大发议论。他对我们讲述了关于珍珠的各方面的知识。我相信南塞对那些知识恐怕根本一无所知,可是他一抓到机会就忍不住要刺他一下。就这样,不到五分钟,一场激烈的争论便在我们中间展开了。过去我已看到过开拉达先生情绪激烈、滔滔不绝地发表他的议论,可是还从来没见他像现在这样激烈过。最后南塞又讲了句什么激怒他的话,他一拍桌子,大叫着说:

“听着,我讲的话可全是有根据的。我现在就是要到日本去研究一下日本养殖珍珠的事业。我是干这一行的,你去问任何一个内行人,他都会告诉你我所讲的没有一句不是事实。世界上最好的珍珠我全都知道。关于珍珠,如果还有什么我不知道的问题,那些问题也肯定只是微不足道的。” 这对我们却是一个新闻,因为开拉达先生尽管非常健谈,可对谁也没讲过他是干什么的,我们只模糊地知道他到日本去是要进行某种商业活动。他这时十分得意地看着桌上所有的人。 “不管他们用什么办法培育,像我这样的专家永远一眼就能看出它是人工培育的。”他用手一指南塞太太戴的一条项链。“听我的话,你就放心吧,南塞太太,你戴的那根项链将来就决不会因此少值一分钱。” 天性谦虚的南塞太太不免脸一红,顺手把那项链塞进衣服里去了。南塞向前探过头来。他对我们所有的人看了一眼,脸上含着微笑。 “南塞太太的项链真够漂亮的,是吧?” “我一见就注意到了,”开拉达先生回答说。“嗨,我当时心里想,这几颗珍珠可真不错。” “当然,这项链不是我买来的。可我倒很想知道你认为这项链值多少钱。” “噢,按正式价格大约在一万五千美元上下。可要是你们在五马路买的,你要说花了三万美元我也不会觉得奇怪。” 南塞皱着眉头笑着。 “我要一说,你可能会觉得奇怪了。这项链是南塞太太在我们离开纽约的前一天,在一家百货店里买来的,总共只花了十八个美元。”开拉达先生不禁满脸通红。 “胡扯。这不仅是真的,而且在这样大小的珍珠里,这串珍珠还是我所见到的最好的货色。” “你愿意打赌吗?我跟你赌一百美元,这是假的。” “说定了。” “噢,艾尔默,你不能拿一件十拿九稳的事去跟人打赌啊,”南塞太太说。 她脸上露出一丝淡淡的微笑,话音虽然很温柔,但显然十分不愿意他那样干。 “为什么不能?既然有机会白捡一笔钱,我要是不捡,那可是天下最大的傻瓜。” “可这又怎么去证明呢?”她接着说。“总不能光听我的,或光听开拉达先生的。” “让我细看看这项链,要是假的,我马上就会告诉你们,输一百块钱我倒是不在乎的,”开拉达先生说。 “取下来吧,亲爱的。让这位先生好好瞅个够。” 南塞太太犹豫了一会儿。她把她的双手放在项链的卡子上。 “我打不开这卡子,”她说。“开拉达先生完全应该相信我说的话。” 我忽然感到恐怕一件很不幸的事马上要发生了,可我一时也想不出该说点什么。 南塞一跳,站了起来。 “我给你打开。” 他把那链子递给开拉达先生。那位自以为是的先生从口袋里掏出放大镜来仔细看了一会儿。在他光滑暗黑的脸上慢慢露出了胜利的微笑。他把项链交了回去。他正准备讲话。忽然间,他看到了南塞太太的脸。那脸色一片铁青,她似乎马上就要昏倒了。她圆睁着一双恐惧的大眼睛望着他,完全是一副苦苦哀求的神态;那神情是那样明显,我只能奇怪她丈夫为什么竟会没有注意到。 开拉达先生张着大嘴愣住了。他满脸涨得通红。你几乎可以看到他在内心进行的激烈斗争。 “我弄错了,”他说。“这是做得非常精巧的仿制品,可当然,我用放大镜一看就马上知道这不是真的。我想这破玩意儿大约顶多也就值十八块钱。” 他掏出他的皮夹子,从里面拿出了一张一百元的钞票。他一句话没说,把钱交给了南塞。 “这也许可以给你一个教训,让你以后别再这样自以为是了,我的年轻朋友。”南塞在接过钞票的时候说。 我注意到开拉达先生的手直发抖。 可以想像这件事马上在全船传开了,那天晚上他不得不忍受了许多人的冷嘲热讽。无所不知先生终于露了底儿,这可真是一件让人开心的大笑话。可是南塞太太却叫着头疼回到舱房去了。 第二天早晨,我起床后开始刮脸。开拉达先生躺在床上,抽着一支香烟。忽然我听到一阵轻微的摩擦声,接着看到有人从贴地的门缝里塞进一封信来。我打开门出去看了看。门外什么人也没有。我捡起那封信,看到上面写的是开拉达先生。那名字是用印刷体字母写的。我把信交给了他。 “谁来的?”他把信拆开了。“噢!” 他从信封里掏出来的不是一封信,却是一张一百元的钞票。他看着我,又一次脸红了。他把那信封撕得粉碎,把它交给我。 “劳你驾从窗孔扔出去,好吗?” 我替他扔掉了,然后我笑着望着他。 “谁也不愿意让人瞧着像一个地地道道的大傻瓜。”他说。 “那些珍珠是真的吗?” “我要有一个漂亮老婆,我决不会自己住在神户,让她一个人在纽约待上一年。”他说。 到这时,我不再那么不喜欢开拉达先生了。他伸手摸出他的皮夹子,小心地把那一百元钞票放了进去。




Lee: the audience friends, and my soldiers in that you give your bow! 。

Zhao: Wei-Guo Zhao Requests give you it! 。

Big: we talk about this comic is one of our new entries this year. 。

Lee: Yes!

Large: We have dedicated as a New Year gift everyone. 。

Lee: I hope you can enjoy, Ha, ha, ha ha ha ... ... 。

Zhao: I the hands of this mobile phone is our company's latest product, the Spring Festival as a bargain today, free of charge! 。

Lee: Ladies and gentlemen, listen to comic fun! 。

Zhao: Ladies and gentlemen, you may benefit cell phone! 。

Large: the willingness to listen to comic friends express some applause! 。

Zhao: the cell phone you want to shout out! 。

Lee: This ring I would like to come ... ... 。

Zhao: not to want? One, two, three ... ... 。

Large LEE: stop! 。

Lee: Yes it trouble you, how are hit the scene? 。

Zhao: What is a smashing scene even you? This is my cell phone to send it free of charge. 。

Large: ah, you mean you are not to the cell phone money. 。

Zhao: Yes you! 。

Large: are free of charge. 。

Zhao: hey.

Great: My friends, this is a liar! 。

Lee: Ladies and gentlemen, tens of millions of别上当! 。

Zhao: Yes What is liar? Hey, free real cell phone. 。

Big: how do you free law? 。

Lee: Do you talk about. 。

Zhao: The mobile phone is not only not to the money, and is responsible for all telephone charges. Fewer want to fight the fine fight of the many incentives we have. 。

Lee: Oh, say you have to understand that point. 。

Zhao: I said that, ah, even if one day you hit a 24-hour international long-distance 。

Lee: how to?

Cho: We are all free. 。

Lee: No. Have you? 。

Zhao: Of course you have. 。

Lee: No. How many? 。

Zhao: 7417417474741 。

Lee: uh?

Zhao: You can so remember: you exasperating, infuriating you, you气死气死气死. 。

Lee:气死me why you? 。

Zhao: The you, catch you ... hey ... 。

Large: Do not worry哎哎哎hey. , Ladies and gentlemen, do not worry. I am a kind person. 。

Lee: Yes!

Great: I am a real person. 。

Lee: watch out. 。

Great: I am an honorable person. 。

Lee: Yes.

Great: This is an obvious hoax. 。

Lee: Yes, do.

Great: I can not watch everyone cheated. 。

Lee: how should we do? 。

Large: Well, the when, let me come on, the cheat. Let me come by. 。


Large:气死气死me than you do 。

Lee: You want this do? 。

Zhao: I wish you a happy talk! See you soon! 。

Large: hey back! 。

Zhao: Why you? 。

Large: 250 I really get it? 。

Zhao: What is the meaning? 。

Great: What not to say that so much excitement? You have to give me a contract to sign. 。

Lee: Good!

Great: you give me! Give me! 。

Lee: false, lacking in self-confidence you? 。

Zhao: What you leave? Conditions of our company a little small. 。

Lee: What you talk about. 。

Zhao: I am afraid you can not accept. 。

Lee: hey, you talk about. 。

Zhao: The cell phone call at the time, sometimes there will be ads. 。

Lee: ads?

Zhao: You have to listen to. 。

Lee: listen to ads? 。

Great: I tell you, people from an early age I grew up listening to ads, one day I did not listen to ads. 。

Lee: how to?

Great: I will be cold. 。

Zhao: What kind of disease you? 。

Zhao: You must ensure that eight hours every day playing phone, less fine. 。

Great: I play 18 hours, you should not give me money? 。

Zhao: Good smart cell phone can not be damaged, damage to guarantee to pay compensations. 。

Lee: a, will have to pay people. 。

Great: I tell you, this mobile phone if a piece of paint off, my father put him to pay you. 。

Lee: ah? Lost my father to put him? 。

Great: P & I put my father to him! 。

Lee: No need to! 。

Zhao: I want to do it so many father? Ah! Ah! 。

Lee: This sign does this卖身契yes. 。

Large: a good sign, in black and white the跑不了. Was to find places to go injections. 。

Zhao: injections? See after a month ha! 。

Lee: You have to哎哎哎气死ah me one back. 。

Zhao: how, you want to? 。

Lee: Of course! 。

Zhao: not so tall! 。

Lee: I would also like to hear ads. 。

Zhao: That did not work. 。

Large: want to account for are cheap. Not to the money, can get through it? Give my home than the wife Yang also plump up the phone at a go-hi. Hey, pass the. Hello? 。

Lee: Hello?

Large; Darling. 。

Lee: Who told you that darling? 。

Great: My name is that you darling. 。

Lee: I ... ... 。

Large: Darling, MUA, MUUUA, MUUUUUA 。

Lee: You stinking rogue! 。

Large: Do not hang, Do not linked to his wife, are me, you soldiers you husband. 。

Lee: Oh, you are Bingbing. Bing-bing, how do you choose such a bad number you? 。

Large: it was about to give you good news, I just picked up a free phone. 。

Lee: Bing-bing, I tell you how many times you want to check the hospital to check properly. 。

Large: nothing my hospital check up what ah? 。

Lee: Look, last year you picked up a free meter, installed after the word Son跑得比it faster Liu Xiang. Last month, you also picked up a free refrigerators, the previous day into an egg, hatched the next day to 6 small hen. Today, you also picked up the phone free of charge. Bing-bing, you are not symptoms of neuropathy more and more serious ah? 。

Great: you have neuropathy. 。

Lee: Do you have neuropathy. 。

Great: you have neuropathy. 。

Lee: I ... ... 。

Canton: do you have neuropathy? You need to see a doctor? 。

Large: ah it to the ads on the ah. 。

Canton: WCC International Certification through our specialized in treating a variety of mental illness. Phone contact: 7474741. 。

Large: Oh how that number with my number so like. 。

Lee: Bing-bing, you also let me see neuropathy. 。

Large: No I said, This is an advertisement in the phone. 。

Lee: What can the phone ads ah? 。

Large: or call toll-free number so how? People say that the ads must be listened to, and I hit him less angry, he beat many of the incentives. 。

Lee: Bing-bing, you get my fun当傻子which amuse me? 。

Canton; fool Vicia,越吃越funny! 。

Lee: Do you talk to me funny! 。

Canton:祛痘痘痘cream with痘痘fighting in the end! 。

Lee: Oh! Bingbing me give you气死啦! 。

Large: Do not be angry that his wife is an advertisement! 。

Lee: What ads ah? 。

Great: This is why both ads. 。

Lee: Bingbing, this time with you I can not have it! 。

Canton: do you want to divorce? 。

Lee: uh?

Canton: you want to start a new life? 。

Lee: I want to! 。

Widely: Yuanyang divorce would go clubbing things Come on, one of the things from one, who never remarry! 。

Large LEE: Oh! 。

Great: I received this advertisement so how unethical you? 。

Lee: Bing-bing, you have to find things in the Well! Tomorrow morning, I'll divorce you go! 。

Large: Oh Hello, Hello喂喂, wife, Hello, Hello? 。

Large: the bad, and my wife misunderstood. Last year and I want to say divorce, quickly make a phone call to my mother-in-law mother to explain. Hello? 。

Lee: Who?

Large:老娘it is me, you son-in-law you soldiers. 。

Lee: you are soldiers, how can you? Quarrel with the wife, right? 。

Large: No quarrel. 。

Lee: No quarrel with you from the marriage of哪门子you? 。

Large: Do not listen to her it was a misunderstanding! 。

Lee: misunderstanding you, fine lines, and you say that on my mind. 。

Great: you worry, I am devoted to give you a phone call new year. 。

LEE: Thank you. 。

Great: I wish you people in the new year ... ... 。

Lee: how to ah? 。

Canton: cold fever, body weakness, back pains, cold hands and feet. 。

Lee: Bing-bing, I can not curse you, ah. 。

Canton: Please use the new drugs - pills伸腿stare. 。

Lee, Tai: Oh!

Lee: This is you Bingbing cursed me! 。

Large: Do not be angry老娘you, it is a advertisement. 。

Lee: why, advertising, ah, you better not look my body put me to air out the disease. 。

Canton: Your stomach pain,胃胀, stomach cramps吗? 。

Lee: my stomach does not hurt! 。

Canton: you headache, dizziness, cramps the first吗? 。

Lee: I do not faint first 。

Canton: you frequent urgency, urine cramps吗? 。

Lee: do you have cramps in urine? 。

Canton: Please use pepper diapers, a top 4 pants pants! 。

Lee, Tai: Oh!

Great: I said you can stop this advertisement will be one吗?老娘you okay? 。

Lee: I was all right, tomorrow morning个, let us damsel, with the divorce you! 。

Great: This老娘hey! 。

Large: call my father-in-law coming! Hastened to explain to him the elderly. 。

Large: Hello, Father. 。

Lee: Your father told me not to, I simply do not have such a father you! 。

Large: ah?

Lee: wrong! I did not you such a姑爷! 。

Large: Well your father Do not be angry you listen to me explain it! 。

Lee: What I explained, you put gas个老娘you anyhow玩命me with you! 。

Canton: Tyson boxing card sets, punched on the results, twice lost tooth! 。

Lee:好小子you want to use force against me, ah, well, I could find a guy ... ... 。

Canton: do you need a kitchen knife? Asako large kitchen knife, very sharp! 。

Lee: Oh my knife with you ah! 。

Large:哪敢me with your father at this动刀子ah! I eat what you want! 。

Lee: You have my gas in this way can you please me what you eat? 。

Canton: powerful rat poison, on an effect! 。

Lee:好小子,死啊you to give me drugs. This is姑爷which I reported on the police station you go! Wow ---- 。

Large: it Father, you father! 。

Great: I know, well not cheap goods, you better not cheap goods! Money, phone calls not to offend one who, simply, I am off! 。

Machine: the mobile phone prompts you: do not play today, 8 hours, will be fined 100,000 yuan! 。

Great: I ... ... 。

Machine: The mobile phone you are prompted to: damage to mobile phone, a father of compensation. 。

Large: then play it. 。

Large: Hey, sister-in-law, you are my brother-in-law, how are you can not hear my brother-in-law. Brother-in-law are not a widow. My mistake is ... ah ... help! 。

Canton: good to the body, sooner or later, with Xiaobao, Xiaobao see every day, every day Xiaobao see! ... ... 。

Zhao: one month has passed, I look at the use of toll-free number, now how to. 。

Zhao; Doo teachers, soldiers see it? 。

Lee: soldiers, ah, not seen you for more than a month! 。

Zhao; people?

Lee: I look, I look for. 。

Lee, Cho: hey, here! 。

Large: long years of wine, easy to drink ... ... 。

Zhao: We have many obligations of a member advertising! 。

Zhao: Hey, you do not sick, right? 。

Big: This year the Chinese New Year is not ill, not sick you are not sick, sick Antongding eat. Yes Antongding Antongding, Antongding ... ... 。

Zhao: soldiers, free phone how to feel? 。

Large: special bar, the general feeling of fly! 。

Zhao: mobile phone is also OK? 。

Great: good mobile phone, with who knows who! 。

Zhao: The hair of the wash it! 。

Large: Yes, wash wash healthier one. 。

Lee: look, are erected coming! 。

Great: I select, I enjoy. 。

Lee, Cho: Why you? 。

Large: Does a woman, very good。

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The most beautiful songs 。

Liu Dongwei

Among the vast East China Sea, with an island, the island lived in seven or eight thousand. 。

On one occasion, the king stood on the beach, watching the blue sky and hovering thousands of miles flying seagull, and sang aloud. King is a tone deaf person, his voice a hundred times more than the see-saw is also terrible. 。

King's songs sound much to pass out, seagulls have dived headfirst down, and fish have sunk the submarine. The king asked the Minister accompanied by: "how could this be?" The ministers said: "The king's voice as beautiful as the sounds of nature, has come to the point of beauties." King of a very happy, after practice every day to the sea sound. 。

That morning, the king's daughter Princess Crystal to walk along the beach. Tide in the past, the sand left behind countless shells, dripped one by one, shining bright in the sun light. Crystal Princess happily picking up, she picked up one by one, soon, to pick up full Bunang. 。

At this time, Crystal Princess hear a sigh in the ears. 。

"Who is sighing?" Crystal Princess. 。

"Yes I am, I'll be in your Bunang." 。

Crystal Princess opens Bunang and found a scallop, are the eyes glitter at her. 。

"A beautiful scallop, is you talking to me? Why do you sigh, what is sad?" 。

"Yes, beautiful crystal princess." 。

"Do you know my name?" 。

"Yes ah, in the vicinity of the aquarium where, who does not know your name? Your beauty and kindness had already spread." 。

"Great, then we become good friends, OK?" 。

"Nice, but you have a nasty father, and his voice is too harsh, and aquarium of our brothers and sisters saw him stay away." Scallops sighed. 。

"Well ... ah ... Ah, but, in deference to his father's emissary to persuade a field, what individuals are engaged in concert yet." Crystal Princess sigh, she certainly knows the terrible voice of the king, but in the goodness Island, who dare not blame the king. A few days ago, several ministers after hearing the songs King made a complain, are locked up behind bars by the King. Since then, no longer dares accuse the king's song. Crystal Princess kind-hearted, she knew that the Minister is being wronged, so go behind bars to visit, want them out. But the ministers said: "The lovely crystal princess, the king with out listening to that irritating voice, not as we do well kept in a large prison." 。

Crystal Princess of the scallop, said: "You go and see with me, I would think to stop his father's." Speaking of which, Crystal Princess returned. 。

Crystal Princess back and saw the palace in front of a large hanging banner that read "solo concert" message, the walls covered with posters, poster king hand loud-speakers, be an exaggeration to enlarge picture, from the live in a string of his mouth spit note, here are hundreds of thousands of individual head. At this point, the Royal Palace sea of people, people who are waiting for the King appearance. 。

Finally, the king was a few cronies like owned by the Minister and the guards Zhongxingpengyue out, planning his next musical angels, as an international star, which gets frequently waved to the people, exclaimed: "Ladies and gentlemen Good evening. "busy in the side of the prompt's messenger:" King, in the morning. "king quickly changed his tune:" Good morning. " 。

Holding a public address speaker music angel said: "Dear kind Islanders, today, the all-powerful king to be a wonderful contribution to our concert, let to a grand applause please the king came to power, he sang for us The first song is "sea ah, our common home". "Initials, Finals and one down, the applause was like thunder. PA Speaker's envoy to the king handed the king coughed, rock out a: "a child, an old woman told us, the sea is the home of our human and aquarium, sea born, grow up ... the island ..." 。

Shrill voice through the PA speaker, looked round pass to the past, people have fainted one. Some people want to escape from the back of the venue people, the music stopped angel, music, messenger intimidation, said: "Who dares to leave is to discredit the king's voice is to behead the." Nationals are not frivolous, and had to endure. 。

King see waves of applause, very happy, singing one song, angel of music, said: "Your good ideas, there are numerous tours of the King."'s Envoy took the opportunity to say: "The king can receive tickets, each one or two silver . "king eyes would light up:" For ah, since people are so fond of the king's voice, now close. " 。

So the king people walking in the crowd holding the box, all nationals of the presence of a person charged 12 silver. Collection finished, remove the copy submitted to the messenger's hands: "This is your reward." 。

Music envoy said: "Dear King, since your song is so popular, people were singing it to continue it." King took the singing on the public address speaker. The songs is called "dare to ask where the good" is a widely circulated in the kind of songs the island. 。

"You walk in the Cape, I walk in the horizon, waiting for the sunrise, waiting for sunset, one by one spring summer and winter, a time the ups and downs, the courage to kind of where it on the island, let's home ... ..." 。

King has not finished singing the song and found that not only people, even the angels around the minister and music have fainted, and one by one, breathing to vomiting. 。

King's Messenger asked: "how you have it?" 。

"So beautiful, it is world's most beautiful song, we were shocked." Angel of music. 。

"No, they are lying." At this time, Crystal Princess went up, the king said: "Father, You put your heart right vanity, in fact, your point is not America singing." 。

"What? Crystal, you said the king's voice is not beautiful?" 。

"Yes ah Father, your people are afraid of you, so afraid to tell the truth, your servant have to please you, so afraid to tell the truth, you want the music messenger reward, so against one's will to deceive you." 。

"No, no." King asked the people around: "The king's voice was beautiful?" 。

"America, this is the most beautiful singing." Messengers take the lead in music echoed around the tsunami, should be audio and video. 。

"No, they are lying." Crystal princess said. 。

"You are lying." King was furious, people shut up the Crystal Princess. 。

Sitting in a dark big prison, Crystal Princess just want to cry, she fell not to his grievances, but the father's ignorance and vanity. Then, scallops from the drilling out of her arms and said: "Crystal Princess, do not hurt, I'll help you." 。

"How do you help me ah?" Crystal Princess. 。

"I am holding you in the palm, I will send a beautiful song." 。

Crystal Princess will be holding in the palm of scallop, and sure enough, that little scallops like a music box, heard the beautiful song. Voice drifted far away, floated into the king's ear. King's voice came down the big prison. 。

"So beautiful, crystal, just who is the voice?" 。

"A real musician." 。

King looked around, did not see a suspicious person, asked: "Crystal, you find that song and the father of the comparison, who's singing more beautiful? As long as you tell the truth, the king will let you." 。

Crystal Princess said: "Then you hear your own voice it." So saying, she will be placed on the king's ear scallop. Scallop one of a, will have to record the song from beginning to end King, authentic to playback out. 。

King's face more and more ugly, uncomfortable growing appetite, finally, breathing in vomited up: "This ... ... This is really the king of singing?" 。

"Yes, father, do not you silly with their own voice can not tell it?" 。

King He listened to confirm their own singing, and not help but feel regret, on the Crystal Princess said: "My Melissa, the king of blame smb. Wrongly you, blame those who would flatterer ministers, they are not telling the truth, only Let the king do not see their own weaknesses. " 。

"The most exasperating is that several musical angels." 。

"Yes, yes, the king must punish them." 。

Princess Crystal King released, and heralds go, all touting his ministers all down one official, by an official's salary for one year, it makes the music envoy arrested. 。

The magistrate asked: "King, good island has never been outside the trial, the law also no such provision, how do you say that?" 。

King then said: "Then he closed the month it." 。

Crystal Princess one, and quickly said: "Father, this punishment was too lenient." 。

King said: "No, in this month, the king would allow him to enjoy every day, 'the most beautiful song'."。


China may overhaul a vacation scheme which forces workers across the country to take their three weeks of paid holiday at the same time.。

The system of “Golden Weeks” was introduced in 1999 in an effort to boost domestic consumption and tourism revenue.。

But it has also spawned major frustrations with overcrowded tourist sites,scalpers charging exorbitant prices for rail tickets and booked-out hotels.。

“We will begin research in the near future on how to arrange public holidays,”said Wang Zhifa,vice director of the National Tourism Administration,as saying ahead of next week's seven-day break for National Day.。

All Chinese workers,except for those assuring essential services,are compelled to take the specified three weeks off and are not allowed to choose to take their vacations at different times.。

The first week comes at the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival,which falls in January or February,the second week centres on Labour Day on May 1 and the third begins on October 1,China's National Day.。

“The quality of people's travelling experience has been negatively influenced during the past six years due to the contradictions between consumer demands and service capacity,”Wang said.。


tourism revenue: 旅游收入。

scalpers: 票贩

paid holiday: 带薪休假。



Even in Hollywood -- land of breast implants -- natural countsforsomething. So says People magazine, which on Wednesday saidJenniferAniston topped its list of best-dressed women of 2006 forhernatural fashion sense.。

The popular magazines annual best- and worst-dressed issuehitsnewsstands this 前出塞 and features numerous Hollywood starsallgiven a moniker to describe their taste in couture.。

Oscar winner Halle Berry, dubbed The Classic, is No. 2behindAniston, and No. 3 was The Newcomer Jessica Alba, 25, starofmovies like last summers hit Fantastic Four.。

Elizabeth Sporkin, Peoples executive editor, said for thefirsttime the list was picked by online readers and not themagazineseditors. She said Aniston, The Natural, won by 54percent.。

She has a fashion sense that is very accessible, saidSporkin.She wears jeans and T-shirts and blazers. She dresses likearegular person, and her evening wear, if you were going toanevent, you would think you could really dress like her.。

Sporkin said Alba follows more trends and Berry is a masteratpicking outfits that fit well. In each case, she said thelistsstars were highly identifiable to everyday people.For themen,singer Justin Timberlake was named Trendiest, and Englishsoccerstar David Beckham looked best in jacket and jeans.GeorgeClooney took the honor of best monochromaticlook.Vocabulary:。

moniker: 绰号

blazers: 运动衣


Regulations :

While there is to be no dedicated anti-spam Bill, regulations restricting the sending of spam e-mail, have been included in the draft amendment to the telecommunications law. 。

TMCNet reports that Poland is one of the worst countries in terms of the amount of junk e-mail received. The new regulations mean that the sending of spam e-mail will no longer be a misdemeanour but a crime, punishable with a possible fine of up to ZL100 000 ($32 500). The Office for Electronic Communication will be responsible for tracking and fighting spam.。


Health :

Kamato Hongo, seen here in Septr 2001, was recognized astheworlds oldest person when she died in 2003 at age 115.Morethan28,000 Japanese are 100 years or older, up from a mere 1,000 atthestart of the 1980s as solid health habits increase the grayingofthe population.。

The number of Japanese centenarians increased by 2,841 fromlastyear, bringing the total to 28,395, the Ministry of Health,Laborand Welfare said 前出塞.。

The oldest person is a woman, Yoneko Minagawa, 113, from themainsouthern island of Kyushu, said the survey.。

Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of thecentenarianpopulation at 24,245, nearly six times more than thenumber of men,the ministry said in a report.。

The Japanese knack for longevity is often attributed tothetraditional healthy food and lifestyle, despite the rigors oflifein the crowded big cities.。

But the government is also struggling to find ways to put abrakeon Japans declining birthrate, which is essential tosupportelderly care.。

Japan had a mere 153 centenarians in 1963 when thegovernmentstarted counting. The number topped 1,000 in 1981 andsurpassed10,000 in 1998.。

Japans southern regions of Okinawa, Shikoku, and Kyushu arehometo the highest concentrations of centenarians.。

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumis cabinet will sendcommemorativesilver cups congratulating Japanese people whocelebrated their100th birthdays this year.。

Japanese woman Kamato Hongo was recognized as the worldsoldestperson when she died in 2003 at age 115.。

one that is 100 years old or older(百岁老人)

a clever way of doing something(诀窍;窍门)


Shopping :

A group of college and secondary level students were intercepted on the 。

first floor of Basundhara Shopping Mall on Sunday noon to know the reason of 。

their wandering about. One of them became startled for a moment and said, 。

"We have come from Sylhet to have a glimpse of this mall as we had heard 。

that it was very beautiful and big one. Shopping is not our prime objective. 。

We are really charmed by the outer and the inner beauty of this shopping 。


Basundhara Shopping Mall was opened to customers in October last. There are 。

about 2350 shops of different kinds from first floor to eighth floor. Two 。

basements are reserved for car parking numbering 1000. Parking charge is 。

sustainable. The complex opens at 0930 hours and closes at 2200 hours. There 。

are heavy rushes on Thursdays and 前出塞s while normal situation on all 。

other days. There is a spring on the front side adding extra beauty. 。

Four students from Dhanmandi area were sitting round a table in front of a 。

café on eighth floor. When it was said to them, "Are you students. If yes, 。

are your classes are over and what did lead you here instead of returning to 。

the respective residences?" One of them said, "Classes being over, we have 。

come here for relaxation. Can you show me a place where there is safety and 。

security of life and belongings? But you have that security here. 。

Many students like them were found gossiping among themselves in separate 。

groups round the table on the same floor. When a girl student was requested 。

to state the reason of her presence there when the sun had just begun to 。

drop in the west, she said, "All of us in this group of four are students of 。

Eden Girls University College. As for me, I come from Mirpur everyday, I use 。

to visit this complex now and then just for innocent pleasure." One of her 。

friends said, "This is the first time that I am here. Environment at this 。

shopping complex is perhaps better than at any part of the city." 。

But contrary to the claim, high music was going on, creating serious 。

disturbance to every person on the floor. The sound of the music went even 。

beyond that. When the attention of the girl was drawn, a varsity student, 。

sitting just few yard away, defended the music and said, "The teenagers have 。

no problem at this. You may not like." 。

Four other male students who claimed to be the students of a private 。

university said, "We have come here to discuss among ourselves on the topic 。

our teacher gave lecture in the class." When it was said, how was it 。

possible to discuss when there is high music all around, they said, "Music 。

cannot pose threat to our ponder." A child accompanied by her mother was 。

seen taking coffee at a little distance. 。

Though the number of shops is over two thousands, about 35 percent 。

reportedly remained closed. On enquiry it revealed that unsatisfactory 。

transaction forced the shop owners to keep the doors shut. A shopkeeper 。

said, "The number of visitors being more than customers, our sale position 。

have not yet reached the mark." A salesman of an electronics shop said, 。

"Prices of the electronic items at our shop are as usual. You will find same 。

rate in other shopping malls of the city. The sale position is not yet upto 。


A salesman of a readymade garments shop claimed that prices of the garments 。

at his shop were in some cases lower than that in other shopping complex. 。

"We take care of the customers' financial condition and pressed hard to buy 。

from ours," said he. BEXIMCO Group has a readymade garment shop on the first 。

floor. "The reason of unsatisfactory sale position is that Basundhara 。

Shopping Mall has been more a recreation centre than a shopping complex. As 。

the security arrangement is excellent and as the city dwellers can take rest 。

on the eighth floor fearlessly, a large number of them come here everyday 。

for that purpose only. However, we hope that the transaction will reach its 。

climax soon," said an employee of BEXIMCO. 。

About the number of the security men working round the clock, the Duty 。

Officer expressed his ignorance. He, however, said that the security men 。

were giving duty both in uniform and in plain cloths. No Executive of 。

Basundhara City Development Limited, could be talked for detailed 。


Two women U-30 moved away quickly as soon as they were requested for 。

interview. They instead showed their exasperating. A garment shop, AB 。

Fashion, informed that they used to sell at cheaper rate comparatively. Yet, 。

the number of customers is not encouraging, rather disappointing. But why? 。

It reveals from discussion with concerned persons that transport problem is 。

one of the causes of lesser number of women customers. Members of 。

middle-income group use rickshaws, which have no access to Panthopath. 。

Moreover, it is one-way traffic. As a result, middle-income group women 。

cannot come much they wish. 。

There are three cinema halls on the eighth floor. Minimum rate of ticket is 。

taka 85 and maximum taka 125. Those who are salesmen, shop owners and 。

members of Basundhara Group enjoy 30 percent concession. Inside decoration, 。

sound system and screen and projection machine are of class one quality, as 。


Ps: good luck with u!。








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