
问题描述:英语中破折号的应用 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!

帮忙写2篇英语作文 150字 加分加分…………






The materials used — copper,stainless steel,concrete and glass — give the buildings a striking beauty.这些使用的材料——铜、不锈钢、混凝土和玻璃等,使这些建筑更具非凡魅力。

She was seventeen then — a beautiful young creature.她那时17岁——是一个年轻漂亮的姑娘。



He is modest,considerate,warm-hearted — he is a good man.[2]他谦逊、体谅他人、热心——是一个不错的人。

He has only one interest — music.他只有一个兴趣——音乐。

Uncle Wang laughingly answered — “No,no:stay where you are.”[3]王大叔笑着回答:“不用了,不用了,你就待在那儿吧。”



I assure you that — but you wouldn’t understand.我向你保证——可你不会理解的。

“And may I ask — ”said Xiao Wu;“but I guess it’s better for you to ask him about it.”“我可以问——”小吴说,“不过我想还是你问他的好。”

I believed she was wise — well,she was I suppose -- in a way.我相信她有几分聪明——噢,我料想她如此。



Mary comes every week — on Thuesdays — to help with the laundry.[4]玛利每周(每周二)都来帮忙洗衣服。

During my vacation — I must have been insane — I decided I would ski.假期中,我决定去滑雪(我准是发疯了)。



She was said to have had an affair with — that season.据说那时她与——有点不清不白。

Would Mr T — consider taking responsibility? T——先生打算对此事负责吗?。

“But — ”she stopped short.“可是——”她突然停住了。



Labour-Liberal alliance(工党—自由党联盟)。

oil-water interface(油一水分界面)。

gas-liquid chromatography(气体一液体层析)。

London-Glasgow railway(伦敦一格拉斯哥铁路)。

Chengdu-Chongqing railway(成渝铁路)。

Input-output ratio(输入一输出率)。


9 a.m.-5 p.m. 上午9点到下午5点。

1921-1949 1921年至1949年。

1914-18 war 1914—18战争(注:第一次世界大战)。

Queen Elizabeth I  伊丽莎白女王一世。

(1558-1603) (1558年至1603年)。

PP221-235(或221-235) 第221页至第235页。

chapters 8-9,101-150 第8—9章,第101—150章。



18 September- 19 January (9月18日—1月19日)。

C.1215- C.1260 (大约1215—大约1260)。


2.如果句中使用了“between”(在……之间),那么不可使用英文破折号替换“and”(和):“the period between 1920 and 1930”(在1920和1930年之间),不可写成“the period between 1920浅析英文破折号在行文中的应用。



1--Actually, if can request graduates university graduation design, high quality wrote that also can be finished college of high quality request, this thesis explains from flank cancel the graduation thesis itself contains no scientific. If the implementation of graduation thesis published in newspapers and magazines to several articles system, will cause many students to publish articles, pay the fee to the newspapers and magazines, did not achieve layout and practice and objective, also aggravate burden, but also to the healthy growth of the students. Actually this kind of phenomenon in the graduate students in academic journals published papers, also have already suffered serious criticism of the society. Everyone is everyone's views, as long as you how to think this thing.。

2--Earlier, humans "traffic tools" generation, then people main noun is on foot to mutual visits. Therefore, the technological, political, economic, etc are not developed after the relative distance between not good communication, people can't communicate very slowly, development and fusion.。

Later, people have significantly improve the level of intelligence, such a wagon traffic tool, also be the work of a history of transport "enormous" leap, this also relative to promote the horde, communication between opposing, forming small range of virtuous cycle, shortly after the water transportation, gradually forming.。

Because of the traffic development, our life is constantly changing.。

老人与海的英文概括~! 急求!的相关图片

老人与海的英文概括~! 急求!

这种锻炼是激烈的,用的锻炼让演员在塑造电影300 。



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d Man and the Sea is a novella by Ernest Hemingway written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Though it has been the subject of disparate criticism, it is noteworthy in twentieth century fiction and in Hemingway's canon, reaffirming his worldwide literary prominence and significant in his selection for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. 。


The Old Man and the Sea recounts an epic battle between an old, experienced fisherman and a giant marlin said to be the largest catch of his life. 。

It opens by explaining that the fisherman, named Santiago, has gone 84 days without catching a fish. He is apparently so unlucky that his young apprentice, Manolin, has been forbidden by his parents to sail with the old man and been ordered to fish with more successful fishermen. Still dedicated to the old man, however, the boy visits Santiago's shack each night, hauling back his fishing gear, feeding him, and discussing American baseball—most notably Santiago's idol, Joe DiMaggio. Santiago tells Manolin that on the next day, he will venture far out into the Gulf to fish, confident that his unlucky streak is near its end. 。

Thus on the eighty-fifth day, Santiago sets out alone, taking his skiff far into the Gulf. He sets his lines and, by noon of the first day, a big fish that he is sure is a marlin takes his bait. Unable to pull in the great marlin, Santiago instead finds the fish pulling his skiff. Two days and two nights pass in this manner, during which the old man bears the tension of the line with his body. Though he is wounded by the struggle and in pain, Santiago expresses a compassionate appreciation for his adversary, often referring to him as a brother. 。

On the third day of the ordeal, the fish begins to circle the skiff, indicating his tiredness to the old man. Santiago, now completely worn out and almost in delirium, finds the strength to stab with a harpoon and kill the fish during one of his great lunges out of the water. 。

Santiago straps the marlin to his skiff and heads home, thinking about the high price the fish will bring him at the market and how many people he will feed. The old man determines that because of the fish's great dignity, no one will be worthy of eating the marlin. 。

While Santiago continues his journey back to the shore, sharks are attracted to the trail of blood left by the marlin in the water. The first, a great mako shark, Santiago kills with his harpoon, losing that weapon in the process. He makes a new harpoon by strapping his knife to the end of an oar to help ward off the next line of sharks; in total, seven sharks are slain. But by night, the sharks have devoured the marlin's entire carcass, leaving only its skeleton. The old man castigates himself for sacrificing the marlin. Finally reaching the shore before dawn on the next day, he struggles on the way to his shack, carrying the heavy mast on his shoulder. Once home, he slumps onto his bed and enters a very deep sleep. 。

Ignorant of the old man's journey, a group of fishermen gathers the next day around the boat where the fish's skeleton is still attached. Tourists at the nearby café mistakenly take it for a shark. Manolin, worried during the old man's endeavor, cries upon finding him safe asleep. The boy brings him newspapers and coffee. When the old man wakes, they promise to fish together once again. Upon his return to sleep, Santiago dreams of lions on the African beach. 。

Reaction and critical analyses: 。

The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribner's, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as William Faulkner's "The Bear" and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. 。

Following such extravagant acclaim, however, a school of critics emerged that interpreted the novella as a disappointing minor work. Notable in this shift from unqualified support is the critic Philip Young. In 1952, just following the novella's publication, Young provided an admiring review, suggesting that it was the book "in which [Hemingway] said the finest single thing he ever had to say as well as he could ever hope to say it." Then, in 1966, he jeeringly noted that the "failed novel" too often "went way out." These self-contradictory views show that critical reaction ranged from adoration of the book's mythical, pseudo-religious intonations to flippant dismissal as pure fakery. The latter is founded in the notion that Hemingway, once a devoted student of realism, failed in his depiction of Santiago as a supernatural, clairvoyant impossibility. 。


Critical views 。

One of the most celebrated favorable critical readings of the novella—and one which has defined analytical considerations since—came in 1957 with Joseph Waldmeir's essay entitled "Confiteor Hominem: Ernest Hemingway's Religion of Man." Perhaps the most memorable claim therein is his answer to the rhetorical question, 。

Just what is the book's message? 。

The answer assumes a third level on which The Old Man and the Sea must be read—as a sort of allegorical commentary on all his previous work, by means of which it may be established that the religious overtones of The Old Man and the Sea are not peculiar to that book among Hemingway's works, and that Hemingway has finally taken the decisive step in elevating what might be called his philosophy of Manhood to the level of a religion. (351) 。

Waldmeir was one of the most prominent critics to wholly consider the function of the novella's Christian imagery, made most evident through Santiago's blatant reference to the crucifixion following his sighting of the sharks that reads: 。

Ay, he said aloud. There is no translation for this word and perhaps it is just a noise such as a man might make, involuntarily, feeling the nail go through his hands and into the wood. (Hemingway 107) 。

Waldmeir analyzes this line, supplemented with other instances of similar symbolism, in such a way that allows him to claim that The Old Man and the Sea was a seminal work in raising what he calls Hemingway's "philosophy of Manhood" to a religious level. Regardless of whether one agrees with this logic, his hallmark criticism, curiously sycophantic in tone, stands as one of the most durable, positive treatments of the novella. 。

On the other hand, one of the most outspoken critics who has emerged in the camp of dissenting opinion of the work is Robert P. Weeks. His notorious 1962 piece, "Fakery in The Old Man and the Sea," presents a series of points that he claims show how the novella is a weak and unexpected divergence from the typical, realistic Hemingway. In juxtaposing this novella against Hemingway's previous works, he explains that 。

The difference, however, in the effectiveness with which Hemingway employs this characteristic device in his best work and in The Old Man and the Sea is illuminating. The work of fiction in which Hemingway devoted the most attention to natural objects, The Old Man and the Sea, is pieced out with an extraordinary quantity of fakery, extraordinary because one would expect to find no inexactness, no romanticizing of natural objects in a writer who loathed W.H. Hudson, could not read Thoreau, deplored Melville's rhetoric in Moby Dick, and who was himself criticized by other writers, notably Faulkner, for his devotion to the facts and his unwillingness to "invent." (188) 。

While his dismissal is mostly limited to the story at hand (he refers to previous Hemingway works as "earlier glories"), the evident range of critical interpretations is a curiosity for a work so widely renowned as a masterpiece.。

German ace Michael Schumacher is recognised as being at present the world's best racing driver. Many people say he is the best ever, but he himself denies any comparison to Fangio of the 50s - the only other driver to achieve five F1 championships. In 1995 Michael became the youngest double Formula 1 World Champion (1994 and 1995 seasons) ever. Michael is also the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and current (year 2004) World Champion. This phenomenal record speaks for itself. In 2003 he beat Juan Manuel Fangio's five championships, by taking his sixth! 。

The 2004 championship was secured by Michael before its conclusion, making it title number 7. He did it by finishing 2nd at Spa in Belgium, in Ferrari's 700th race, to accumulate enough points to seal the deal. 。

Michael is also the highest paid racing driver in the world, earning a reputed $30 million US. His younger brother Ralf became the third highest paid driver in Formula 1 in 1999, when his pay after the 2000 season was raised to $15.5 million US.。

Name: Michael Schumacher 。

Nickname: Schumi or Schuey。

Date of Birth: 3rd January 1969。

Nationality: German。

Place of Birth: Hürth-Hermülheim, Germany。

Height: 1.74m

Weight: 68kg

Residency: Vufflens-le-Château, Switzerland。

Status: Married to Corinna Betsch since Tuesday 1st August 1995。

Children: Gina-Maria, daughter (DOB 19/01/97) and son Mick (DOB 22/03/99).。

Family: Rolf, Father, Elizabeth, Mother and Ralf, Brother (DOB 30/6/75).。

His Hobbies...

Soccer, tennis, swimming, skiing.。

His Manager...

Michael's manager since 1989 has been Willi Weber. Schumacher was to receive a free drive in his WTS team for three years, Weber in return receives 20% of all income Michael earns from motor races. The initial agreement was to last 10 years, however it was later extended for a further several years.。

His Helmet...

Michael explains how his helmet's paint scheme came about:。

"From the area of the visor you see the traditional German black-red-gold. I chose the colours years ago with a friend of mine and I changed it only slightly, mostly to include sponsor decals. The blue circle with the white stars on the top was his idea. After joining Ferrari I added the prancing horse on the back. "。

Since the European GP in 2000, Michael has raced with a modified helmet design. The blue circle on the top in now painted light red. The white Marlboro stripe around the top is also now red. The change was made to prevent confusion between himself and Barrichello, whose design was confusingly similar.。

F1 Teams Driven for:。

Year Team Teammates 。

1991 Jordan 1991 Andrea de Cesaris 。

1991-1995 Benetton 1991 Nelson Piquet 。

1992 Martin Brundle。

1993 Riccardo Patrese。

1994 Jos Verstappen/JJ Lehto/ Jonny Herbert。

1995 Jonny Herbert 。

1996- Ferrari 1996-1999 Eddie Irvine。

2000- Rubens Barrichello 。

Schuey entered only one race for Jordan - his F1 debut at Spa Francorchamps in 1991. He qualified 7th but in the race the clutch burnt out and he didn't make it off the grid. He stood in for Bertrand Gachot, who had been jailed in London just before the GP for an assault with CS gas on a taxi driver! 。

Michael is Ferrari's most successful driver ever, ahead of Niki Lauda. 。

Michael Schumacher。

F1 Driver

Photo courtesy of Passing Shots。

Michael in the Ferrari F399。

Michael's old helmet design can be seen quite clearly here. The section obscured is simply the lower portion, which was just a white stripe. 。

Learn more about Michael! The following great biographies provide more information than we ever could on mSchumacher.com! 。

This biography is the second from Christopher Hilton on Michael. The first was printed in July 2000, but this second one has been written after he won several more championships!。

The author, Christopher Hilton, has penned the biographies of numerous other top drivers. Highly reccommended reading.。

The latest official Schumacher book!。

Published in December 2003, Michael's superb autobiography is a 192 page in-depth insight into the great man. There is far more information than it is possible to offer here. We learn about his past, the secrets of his success, his family, his view of other drivers and the state of F1, his opinions on controversial races and drivers, and we are given an insider's view of Ferrari.。

Fantastic new photographs from renowned European photographer, Michel Comte, give us new insight into the man and his life. For the first time the private man who gives nothing away and the driver who takes no hostages relaxes and opens up. It provides us with insight and information which only he himself could. The book offers a true insight into Michael's personality and is highly recommended. For more info or to buy the book from amazon.com click to the right.。




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