So I thought I might as well play around with the musical instruments. As I looked around the classroom, there were a piano beside the door, and drums, flutes, saxophones etc. sitting on the table. I was bored a...
2023-12-07 07:34
Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven,he is not only good at playing the piano and conducting a concert, but also a famous composer. His works have a rare originality, emotional depth, and expressive powe...
2023-12-07 07:34
Wind's Song Flutes Native American flutes Yamaha其实外国的长笛主要分日系雅马哈,村松,三响,宫泽,阿塔斯,大师,魔笛,珍珠。美系Powell,汉斯,博卡,阿姆斯特朗,阿玛丢斯、中国的长笛还算可以的有:金鸣,津宝,星海,百灵,金音雅马哈Yamaha...