
问题描述:臀肌前后群包括哪些内容? 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!



臀肌属髂肌后群,分为三层。浅层有臀大肌与阔筋膜张肌,前者略呈四边形,是维持人体直立和后伸髋关节的重要肌。在臀大肌与坐骨结节之间有臀大肌坐骨囊,在臀大肌外下 部的腱膜与大转子之间有臀大肌转子囊。臀大肌与深部肌之间为臀大肌下间隙,此间隙的范围与臀大肌的中、外侧部相当,其中充以脂肪、结缔组织和血管神经。此间隙可沿神经血 管经梨状肌上、下孔与盆内相通,下部内侧与坐骨直肠窝的脂肪组织相连,向下沿坐骨神经至股后区,发生感染时可相互蔓延。臀肌中层由上而下依次是臀中肌、梨状肌、上孖肌、 闭孔内肌、下孖肌和股方肌。深层有臀小肌和闭孔外肌。练习方法:

一、站立夹臀练习 并腿站立,挺胸收腹立腰。臀部肌肉用力收缩向中间夹,保持一段时间,然后放松。重复20-30次,完成2-3组。

二、扶墙踢腿练习 双手扶墙,左腿支撑,上身保持正直。右腿伸直向后踢20-30次。换右腿支撑,踢左腿。重复2-3组,再向侧踢20-30次,重复2-3组。

三、扶墙控腿练习 双后扶墙,左腿支撑,上身保持正直。右腿伸直向后抬至极限停住,控制30-60秒,然后落下放松。换右腿支撑,控左腿。重复2-3组。再控侧腿30-60秒,重复2-3组。


五、仰卧顶髋练习 仰卧,屈膝分腿,两脚平放在地稍宽于臀,两臂平放在体侧,臀肌用力收缩向上顶髋。保持一段时间,再放松还原。重复20-30次,完成2-3组。

六、负重深蹲练习 分腿站立,上身保持正直,双手持重物置于颈后肩上,呼气深蹲,稍停,吸气还原。重复10-20次,完成2-3组。以上练习在负重条件下,效果更佳。每周练习三次,隔日进行。另外,还必须加强有氧练习,如长跑、有氧舞蹈等。







3、引体向上:很多人反映引体向上做不了,归根结底往往都是因为握力的缘故。因为握力不是说你握住就是有握力,而是要靠前臂肌群的力量带动身体上升,所以握力对于引体向上便非常关键。当然这并不是说决定人攀爬能力的背阔肌等背部肌肉群就不重要,而是相比之下引体向上在初始阶段对于握力的考验更大(不考虑甩动身体的情况下)。引体向上的训练方法主要是总次数,而不是具体组数,比如规定我必须完成50次或者100次的引体向上,而不用分具体的组数,即多少组完成,只要拉完50个或者100个等规定次数即可。 4,毛巾/绳索引体向上:虽然不再是宽握标准的正手引体向上,但因为绳索,毛巾等特殊工具的加入,改变了动作姿势和发力方式,故虽然对于背部肌肉刺激不再强烈,但是对于前臂肌群却有着非常好的效果。可以说毛巾引体向上,或者绳索引体向上是几个最好的训练握力,前臂肌群的方法之一。毛巾或者绳索引体向上因为非常困难,故这里不是规定具体的次数,而是选择自己可以做的一日训练的最大次数。这不同简单的引体向上,很多情况下我们可以通过休息再次完成几次引体向上,但是毛巾或者绳索引体向上则不是单纯的靠休息就可以再次完成的。




最大的肌肉--臀大肌臀大肌gluteus maximus 。



最硬的平滑肌和结缔组织--海绵体海绵体是一种勃起组织,外面包有坚厚的白膜,内部由结缔组织和平滑肌组成海绵状支架,其腔隙与血管相通。当腔隙内充满血液时,阴茎变粗变硬而勃起。阴茎皮肤薄而软,皮下组织疏松,易于伸展。但阴茎头的皮肤无皮下组织,不能活动。阴茎体部的皮肤至阴茎颈游离向前,形成包绕阴茎头的环形皱襞叫阴茎包皮。在阴茎头腹侧正中线上,包皮与尿道外口相连的皮肤皱襞叫包皮系带,做包皮环切时注意勿损伤此系带。 面积最大的器官--皮肤皮肤是人体最大的器官,总重量占体重的5%~15%,总面积为1.5~2平方米,厚度因人或因部位而异,为0.5~4毫米。皮肤覆盖全身,它使体内各种组织和器官免受物理性、机械性、化学性和病原微生物性的侵袭。皮肤具有两个方面的屏障作用:一方面防止体内水分,电解质和其他物质的丢失;另一方面阻止外界有害物质的侵入。保持着人体内环境的稳定上,在生理上起着重要的保护功能,同时皮肤也参与人体的代谢过程。



Basketball 简介: Basketball, the ultimate in team sports(最典型的集体运动), can be played indoors and out, on a court or in the park. It doesn’t cost a lot to play, it isn’t complicated, and once you know how to play it, you can hang a hoop(设置一个篮圈) just about anywhere. Starting Out 开始吧! Basketball is a pretty simple game once you know a few rules. After you’ve learned the basic skills, you can walk up to any court and join a spontaneous pickup game(加入自发组织的一场比赛中去). Target areas 锻炼效果: Basketball is a good cardiovascular exercise(心血管锻炼) and is great for building muscular endurance(耐力). Since the game requires a lot of starting, stopping and sprinting, it helps strengthen the lower body(下肢), especially the quadriceps(四头肌), hamstrings(腿筋), gluteus muscles(臀肌) and calves(小腿). Dribbling(带球) and shooting(投篮) develop muscles in the arms and shoulders. Obviously, the fitness benefits increase with the pace of the game(很显然,锻炼效果随运动节奏的加快而增加). Other pluses 附加效果 : Shooting hoops(投篮) increases your energy(体力), stamina(耐力) and coordination(协调能力) and thus can make other aerobic activities, such as walking, running and in-line skating, easier(因此,能够使其它有氧健身运动更容易). Also, the goal of scoring motivates players, because they forget they’re exercising(得高分的目的激励着打球者,使他们忘记正在进行锻炼). The Warm-Up and Cool-Down 热身动作和结束动作: Before you start shooting hoops(投篮), walk or bike to the court(球场) and spend a few minutes taking practice throws(练习掷球) or passing the ball around to your teammates(或给同伴们传球). It takes five to 10 minutes to warm up your muscles, get your heart rate elevated(心跳加快) and break a sweat (a sign that you’re ready to proceed). After the game, take time to cool down(平静下来): Allow your heart rate to descend gradually(逐渐减缓) by strolling around the court(绕球场漫步) or walking home(步行回家). Be sure to stretch the following major muscle groups after you warm up (确保使以下的肌肉在热身后得到伸展)to prevent injury and again after exercising(锻炼后也是如此) to promote flexibility(以便提高柔韧性) and prevent soreness(避免酸痛):Biceps(二头肌), Calves(小腿), Gluteus muscles(臀肌) (a.k.a.(又叫作...) glutes), Hamstrings(腿筋), Quadriceps(四头肌) (a.k.a. (又叫做) quads), Triceps(三头肌) .。



January 1988: A 56-year-old woman from Spokane, washington, feels something bite her on the thigh. She soon becomes nauseated and develops a migrainelike headache. Her thinking becomes addled. In the days that follow, a patch of dead tissue sloughs from the spot where she was bitten. It is at least two weeks before she seeks help, and by then it is too late. She is bleeding from the orifices, even from the ears. Doctors find her blood deficient in several basic components. Her marrow stops making red blood cells. After lingering in the hospital for several weeks, the woman dies of internal bleeding. 。

There are other cases. 。

October 1992: A 42-year-old woman from Bingham County, Idaho, feels the burning bite of a spider on her ankle. She, too, develops a headache and nausea, as well as dizziness. The bite blisters and bursts, leaving an open wound that continues to grow. After 10 weeks, the crater, still growing, is big enough to accommodate two thumbs and is ringed with black flesh. More than two years after the bite, the wound heals as a sizable scar, beneath which veins are clotted. The woman’s ability to walk and stand remains impaired. The spider she found crushed within her clothing was a hobo spider, Tegenaria agrestis, a member of the family Agelenidae. 。

Agelenids are found in temperate places all over the world, in about 38 genera and 500 species. The hobo spider first appeared in the United States sometime before the 1930s. It spread across the Pacific Northwest and adjacent areas of Canada by attaching its egg sacs to shipping crates that were loaded on trains, hence its name. Its genus name, Tegenaria, means “mat weaver”; its species name, agrestis, suggests the agrarian life it leads in Europe. But in North America the hobo spider can often be found in cities and has made its presence known in ways its European experience never suggested. Hobo spiders, like this young female, have never been known to cause medically significant injuries in Europe. But in North America, hoboes have been blamed for serious symptoms and a few deaths.The hobo, clad in brown herringbone, has a body about half an inch long and a leg span exceeding an inch. Others in its family are hairy or gray and often big enough to straddle the face of a pocket watch. They build flat webs with a sort of billiard pocket at one corner, in which they lie awaiting prey. In Europe and parts of North America, a type of agelenid, the lesser house spider (Tegenaria domestica), is found behind books on shelves, its thick web tearing when a volume is consulted. In the American Southwest, I’ve seen a gray agelenid with long black stripes. Its abdomen is typically an ovoid, tight and ripe as a September plum. This species has eyes that gleam like emeralds in the dark and webs that lie on ground cover like silk handkerchiefs—crisply white at first, but dirtier with time and use. I have seen these spiders rush out when an insect lands on the web and deliver what looks like a kiss to the prey’s head, whereupon it ceases to struggle with shocking suddenness.Soon the spider drags its prey into the funnel of the web, where it is hard for a nosy biped to watch. Usually all I can see are dark masses and an occasional shadowy scrabbling of legs, but I know that the spider injects a venom into the prey that turns its innards into a soup the spider can suck down. The next day I often find a few insect legs littering the edge of the web. 。

In the upper Midwest, where the outdoors is coldly inhospitable to spiders several months a year, I have often noted another species of agelenid residing in basements, in what looks like a frayed handful of cotton balls. In one such web I noticed a hummock shaped like a human grave formed over the body of some black creature. This carcass was apparently too much trouble to drag over the web’s edge. The spider had simply built over it. These northern agelenids are brown and rapid. I’ve found in their webs creatures as diverse as millipedes and mosquitoes. I touched one web, as delicately as I could, and saw the spider heave itself out of its funnel-shaped retreat and immediately collapse back into it, so fast I could have hardly told what it was if I hadn’t already known. It reminded me of horror stories I’ve heard about spiders emerging from bathtub drains. I withdrew my finger with considerable haste. 。

The web felt like cloth made of human hair. It didn’t stick to me. This is typical of members of the Agelenidae family, including the hobo spider—their webs aren’t gluey but depend on their deceptive surface to snare insects. What seems a solid, smooth place to land is actually a layered network of filaments. Most insects lack the footgear to negotiate this snare. Their feet fall between the strands, their claws snagging and delaying their escape long enough for the spider to seize them. The spider itself walks on the strands by clasping them between opposing claws. 。

It’s hard to say how many people have been hurt by hobo spiders because spider bites are remarkably difficult to diagnose. Part of the problem is that they often don’t hurt enough at first to draw any notice. Even when victims develop serious symptoms, they rarely bring the physician the guilty spider. A spider bite is easily classified as a wound or sore of unknown origin. Moreover, 80 percent of the so-called spider bites treated by physicians are estimated to be something else entirely—the bites of lice, fleas, or ticks; symptoms of diseases like Lyme disease and tularemia; or strep or staph infections developing around minor scratches. Even eczema or a vigorously scratched mosquito bite may cast suspicion on some innocent arachnid. When several Americans exposed to anthrax developed skin lesions in 2001, the symptoms were first attributed to brown recluse spiders. 。

Why do spiders so often get the blame? Part of the answer lies in arachnophobia. People who notice a sore and a spider in the house independently of each other may jump to the wrong conclusion. Serious arachnophobes often report the feeling, which they themselves may recognize as irrational, that spiders are malicious, bent on frightening and harming human victims. Even people without a full-blown phobia can fall into this way of thinking. Yet most spiders, if they’re capable of biting people at all, only bite in defense of self, territory, or eggs. 。

Another source of confusion is folklore. Stories of venomous arthropods circulate so frequently that scientists tend to dismiss them out of hand. A few years ago, after I wrote an essay on black widow spiders, I received e-mails warning of blush spiders—tiny but deadly red spiders that hide under the seats of toilets on airplanes ready to bite the unwary traveler’s most sensitive parts. There’s no such thing as a blush spider. It’s an urban legend based on a hoax. Its “scientific name,” Arachnius gluteus, which translates into something like “buttocks spider,” is an easy tip-off. 。

Last year, I received anxious queries about camel spiders, accompanied by a shocking photo of a massively fanged monster as long as a man’s leg. The camel spider, it was said, habitually runs along under camels, leaping up to feast on the flesh of their bellies. Its venom was said to dissolve flesh rapidly. It was claimed that these creatures represented a deadly menace to soldiers at war in Iraq. In fact, camel spiders are harmless, though scary looking. They are known variously as sun spiders and wind scorpions but are really a little-known arachnid order unto themselves, the solifugids. The largest solifugids in the world are about the size of a woman’s hand, which is certainly awe inspiring, but a mere fraction of the size suggested by a photo placed on the Internet. Solifugids rarely if ever bite people—their mouthparts aren’t hinged the right way for it—and they don’t carry toxin. Because their fangs are so massive for their size (proportionally the largest in the animal kingdom), they can rely on mechanical injury to kill their prey. 。

With such drivel perpetually circulating, it’s not surprising that many scientists and doctors have dismissed more credible spider lore. It used to be said that no spider in the United States is really dangerous, and this view held sway well into the 1920s, despite reports of deaths from the bites of the black widow. The prevailing opinion gradually changed after the experiments of William Baerg at the University of Arkansas in 1922 and Allan Blair at the University of Alabama in 1933. Both men subjected themselves to black widow bites in the lab and suffered horribly. After that, scientists blamed black widows for two sets of symptoms: extravagant pain that spreads rapidly throughout the body and the slow death of the flesh around the bite. We’ve since learned that the second set of symptoms is instead caused by the brown recluse spider. 。

That ought to have cleared everything up, but bogus new spider facts crop up routinely—that the average person inhales four spiders a year in his sleep, for instance, or that brown recluse bites can be cured with an electrical blast from a Taser. Many myths mix in a pinch of reality. The blush spider, for example, must have been inspired by the black widow, which used to infest outdoor toilets and bite people on the genitals. And the false reports of camel spider venom read like an exaggerated account of the true effects of brown recluse venom. 。

The truth behind hobo spider bites has been especially hard to determine. Hobo venom produces symptoms similar to those caused by brown recluse venom. When the brown recluse was first identified as dangerous in the 1950s, doctors in the Pacific Northwest began to attribute certain lesions to them. But the brown recluse lives in the Midwest and the South, with a few close relatives in the Southwest; no member of its genus is regularly found in the northern United States. 。

Graphic by Don Foley 。

VENOMOUS AMERICAN ARACHNIDSThe United States has five groups of spiders that can cause serious injury. The black widow and yellow sac spider are found throughout the country, although the latter’s range has yet to be mapped precisely. The hobo spider has expanded its range in the Pacific Northwest, while the brown recluse is found in the South and lower Midwest. Other recluses are found in the Southwest. (Legend: Purple, black widow; yellow, yellow sac; red, hobo spider; green, brown recluse; blue, other recluses) 。

In the late 1970s and early 1980s this mystery came to the attention of toxinologist Darwin Vest, an autodidact whose work on cobras, rattlesnakes, and other venomous creatures had won him respect. While working at Washington State University in Pullman, Vest learned that the local zoology department often received queries about necrotic arachnidism—flesh-killing lesions apparently caused by spider bites. Vest looked into the cases of 75 patients in the Pacific Northwest. He blamed most of the injuries on insect bites, cigarette burns, and other causes. But that left 22 cases. Vest and his team surveyed the homes of these patients, collecting thousands of specimens by hand and with sticky traps. None of the homes yielded brown recluses, but 16 of them revealed healthy populations of hobo spiders. Sometimes a single sticky trap would fill with hoboes in a week’s time. 。

The presence of hoboes in such numbers was suggestive, but it proved nothing. The average home in any temperate region is likely to host several dozen species of spiders. So Vest decided to bring hobo spiders, and several other suspect species, into the lab for tests. He and his team milked live spiders, using a mild anesthetic and micropipettes, under a dissecting microscope, working carefully so that the spiders could be released unharmed. The spiders were so small that the capillary action of the pipettes was often enough to draw venom from the fangs. When that didn’t work, the researchers sometimes resorted to mild electric shock, using a nine-volt battery to make the venom glands contract and prompt the release of a droplet or two. Since each spider produced only a minuscule amount, the researchers had to milk a great many to obtain a workable sample. Their result: The hobo spider venom produced necrotic lesions in rabbits. To confirm this result, Vest shaved the backs of rabbits and held a hobo spider down on each bald patch, forcing a bite. The lesions that formed were similar to those found in human victims. 。

The hobo spider is now widely recognized as dangerous. The Centers for Disease Control lists it as such, as do medical textbooks and publications like the The Journal of the American Medical Association. Doctors know the signs of hobo venom—a blistering wound ringed with yellow, like the moon in a halo of smog, often accompanied by headaches and, in rare cases, disturbed thinking. 。

SPIDER’S MILK Researchers at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, draw the venom from an immature female hobo spider using electrical stimulation. The venom is drawn into a thin glass tube (bottom right). Female hoboes produce more venom than males. But the venom of the males is more toxic. The hobo spider is now widely recognized as dangerous. The Centers for Disease Control lists it as such, as do medical textbooks and publications like the The Journal of the American Medical Association. Doctors know the signs of hobo venom—a blistering wound ringed with yellow, like the moon in a halo of smog, often accompanied by headaches and, in rare cases, disturbed thinking.But skeptics remain. In 1998 evolutionary biologist Greta Binford of Lewis and Clark College and some of her colleagues at the University of Michigan tried to replicate Vest’s experiment. When they injected hobo spider venom into rabbits, however, the rabbits developed nothing worse than a red bump. Like several other prominent skeptics, Binford notes that the hobo spider is rarely caught in the act of biting and then taken to a competent specialist for identification. Its appearance is unremarkable, so its supposed victims can’t be expected to distinguish it from dozens of other spiders. In Europe the hobo has never been implicated in human injuries, although its venom is nearly identical to that of North American hoboes. 。

In four of the cases that Darwin Vest investigated, a hobo spider was captured or crushed near the victim. But Vest noted that one of these victims—the 42-year-old woman mentioned at the beginning of this story—had a history of phlebitis, a circulatory problem. According to Rick Vetter, an arachnologist at the University of California at Riverside, phlebitis sometimes causes necrotic lesions. Vetter also notes that the Australian white-tailed spider, once widely accepted by doctors as a source of necrotic arachnidism, has recently been exonerated. Researchers studied 130 cases of confirmed white-tailed spider bites and found not a single necrosis. Vetter would like to see hobo bites subjected to a similarly rigorous study. He points out that a mistaken diagnosis can have serious consequences: Certain skin cancers, for instance, look like necrotic arachnidism and can be fatal if left untreated. 。

Even if hobo spiders are responsible for the lesions, their bites may not always be venomous. It has long been known that black widow spiders, like some venomous snakes, can deliver “dry bites” to warn off larger animals without wasting venom on them. Typically, these are followed by a dose of venom if the harassment persists. Vest’s sister, Rebecca, who worked with him in his investigations, reports that hoboes often give dry bites. Widows vary in their toxicity with age, health, and gender, and these factors seem to come into play with hobo spiders as well. For example, male hoboes pack a more potent venom than females. It is typically the male hobo, wandering away from its web in search of a mate at the end of summer, that bites people. 。

People vary considerably in their reactions to venom. I have been bitten by brown recluses a number of times. Though the stinging sensation that developed after a short delay made it clear that I’d received venom, I never developed a sore or any systemic symptoms, and the same is true of most bite victims. The whole experience was less painful than a mosquito bite—and, taking into account the possibility of mosquito-borne disease, less dangerous. It may be that hobo venom is similarly selective. After all, its function is to subdue insects. It would be comforting to think that a few hundred million years of evolution have put considerable distance between us and our insect kin, but only some of us are immune to insect-killing venoms. 。

Although hundreds of medically significant cases are diagnosed as spider bites in the Pacific Northwest each year, hard evidence is elusive. Rod Crawford, curator of arachnids at the Burke Museum of the University of Washington, notes that a handful of human deaths have been attributed to the hobo spider but that even a physician’s diagnosis is shaky evidence in the absence of the culprit. Like the recluse before it, the hobo has become what Binford calls “a medical dumping ground”—a default diagnosis when a better one can’t be found. 。

Agelenids are remarkably tolerant of one another, as spiders go. I have seen a spindly male living on the fringes of a female’s web, suffering no abuse from its larger mate. Perhaps he was helping to guard the eggs. I have seen, too, a bed of wandering Jew covered with 20 or so funnel webs, the inhabitants apparently unconcerned about the proximity of neighbors. But I’ve also seen what happens when two come into conflict: a flurry of legs, then the sudden collapse of one spider, which folds up in the grasp of its enemy. The effect is something like a child’s hand crushed in an adult’s. 。

As it happens, this tendency for some agelenids to eat others may help explain why the hobo has apparently harmed people in North America but not in Europe. Darwin Vest, who considered pesticides an irresponsible way to control spiders, examined the question of what predators might naturally control hobo populations. The most effective predators proved to be other spider species, like the false black widow (Steatoda grossa) and the American house spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum). Most effective of all was the giant house spider, an agelenid with a leg span as broad as a human palm. 。

The giant is so closely related to the hobo that the two may interbreed, and it not only preys on the smaller species but also competes with it for food. Vest suspected it was the giant that kept the hobo out of European houses all along. In the past 25 years, the giant house spider has established itself in the Pacific Northwest. Rebecca Vest reports that hobo populations in southern Idaho have shrunk noticeably in that same period. It may be that the hobo, though equally venomous wherever it turns up, simply has fewer chances to bite in Europe. And perhaps the same situation will eventually prevail here as the giant house spider, an unrecognized ally long ago suspected of spreading the Black Death, expands its range across America. 。





可数名词 n.[C] 面颊;脸蛋 。

part of the face below the eye and to the side of the nose 。

· I saw his cheek muscles twitch. 。


· She has rosy cheeks. 。


· Tears streamed (=ran) down her cheeks. 。


不可数名词 n.[U] 无礼;厚颜 。

bold;rude talk or action, impudence 。

· None of your cheek! 。


· pale cheeks 。


· pink cheeks 。


· plump cheeks 。


· red (rosy) cheeks 。


· round cheeks 。


· kiss her on the cheeks 。


· a girl with rosy cheeks 。


及物动词 vt. 对…无礼;顶撞 。

be impudent to; 。

· Stop cheeking your mother! 。











stereoisomer,stereoisomerism consists of

stereoisomer,stereoisomerism consists of









voluptuous,Voluptuous Japanese babes

voluptuous,Voluptuous Japanese babes