
问题描述:什么叫语言学习策略?都有哪些分类?学习策略都与哪些因素有关? 这篇文章主要介绍了一个有趣的事情,具有一定借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下。希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让小编带着大家一起了解一下。






(1)元认知策略(metacognitive strategies)

元认知策略是学生对自己认知过程的策略,包括对自己认知过程的了解和控制策略,有助于学生有效地安排和调节学习过程。它包括这些行为表现:提前准备(advance organizers)、集中注意(directed attention)、选择注意(selective attention)、自我管理(self-management)、事先练习(advance preparation)、自我监控(self-monitoring)、延迟表现(delayed production)、自我评价(self-evaluation)。

(2)认知策略(cognitive strategies)

认知策略(cognitive strategies)是学习者加工信息的一些方法和技术,有助于有效地从记忆中提取信息。其基本功能有两个方面:一是对信息进行有效的加工与整理;二是对信息进行分门别类的系统储存。一般而言,认知策略因所学知识的类型而有所不同,复述、精加工和组织策略主要是针对陈述性知识,针对程序性知识则有模式再认识策略和动作。它包括以下这些行为:重复(repetition)、翻译(translation)、归类(grouping)、记笔记(note-taking)、利用关键词(key word)、利用上下文情景(contextualization)、拓展(elaboration)、迁移(transfer)、推测(inference)。

(3)社交/情感策略 (social/affective strategies)。

社交/情感策略指在学习过程中用来促进学生合作和提高学习兴趣的策略。它包括:协作(cooperation)、提问澄清(questioning for clarification)、求助(questioning for help)。




学习者的学习动机对于任何类型的学习都是至关重要的, 其中包括语言学习。动机影响到学习者愿意为语言学习付出多大的努力, 影响到他们在完成一项学习任务时会获得怎样的满足感和成就感。研究者发现学习动机和学习策略的选择和使用有着密切的关系。学习动机强的学习者比学习动机弱的学习者使用更多的学习策略, 而且不同的语言学习动机也会影响学习者选择不同的学习策略。Oxford和Erhman(1989)认为:在外语学习策略教学中, 如果忽视学习者的学习动机就会导致策略教学的失败;反过来, 使用相应的学习策略会提高学习者完成语言学习任务的积极性。


学习风格是指学习者在学习任何门类的知识时, 其中包括语言学习, 所采用的学习方法。Oxford(1990)第二语言学习研究发现:外语学习策略的选择经常受到学习者学习风格的制约。例如分析型的学习者多采用对比分析、规则学习和分析词汇和短语等语言学习策略而综合型学习者多采用猜测、查读、预测等策略来了解大概, 在遇到生词时, 他们还喜欢用已知词汇解释未知词汇或用手势语表达自己的意图。视觉型学者倾向使用基于视觉的学习策略,如记笔记和书写练习等策略辅助语言学习。听觉型学习者多采用听录音和大声朗读等外语学习策略。上述研究结果表明在进行策略教学之前有必要了解接受训练的学习者的学习风格以及他们偏好哪些外语学习策略。


性别差异在外语学习中日益受到研究者的重视。Erhman(1990)在研究报告中指出:女性学习者比男性学习者使用更多的社交策略而且使用频繁得多。Oxford和Erhman(1989)在研究中发现:尽管女性学习者比男性学习者更多、更频繁地使用学习策略, 但经过策略训练男性学习者会表现出相当的策略使用优势。然而, 在迄今为止所进行的策略教学和研究中, 性别差异却很少受到重视。如果研究者和教师能在策略教学中考虑性别因素,将男生和女生区别对待, 那么策略教学会取得更好的效果。

(4) 个性特征

在很多语言教师看来, 学习者的性格特征是关系到他们第二语言外语学习成败的一个重要因素。Griffiths(1991)的研究表明大部分教师和学习者都认为学习者的性格因素在外语学习中起着重要作用。内向、外向、冒险性、歧义容忍度、移情、自尊等个性特征变量都对外语的学习效果有不同程度的影响。研究者还发现某些个性特征关系到学习者的策略选择。有些研究者还提出有关性格特征和策略使用的假设。Oxford (1990)认为每一种性格特征都有采用某些学习策略的优势与倾向。例如,研究者普遍认为性格外向的学习者会采用更多的情感策略和视觉策略。一些研究者认为情感型的学习者会比思考型学习者使用更多的语言学习策略。尽管这些初步研究所得出的结论有待于进一步证实, 但在策略教学中教师不能忽略学习者的个性特征对策略教学效果可能产生的影响。



















Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies 。

二语词汇习得策略 。

[摘 要] 词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。

英国著名语言学家D.A. Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。

关键字: 二语词汇习得 词汇习得策略 元认知策略 认知策略 。

Abstract 。

Vocabulary is the basic unit of a language. Language acquisition plays an important role in language learning. Famous linguistics D. A. Wilkins said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Lewis, 1993:16).” It speaks volumes for the importance of vocabulary in language learning. This paper aims to analysis the second language acquisition strategies and applies to different levels of learners. According to the different levels, the learners should choose the proper methods and strategies to promote learning efficiency and acquisition effect. 。

Key words: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition; Vocabulary 。

Acquisition Strategies; Metacognitive strategy; Cognitive strategy 。

Introduction 。

With economic globalization and multi-polarization of the world, especially the population of the internet, English becomes more and more important, because it is considered as the tool for absorbing and communicating information. As we all known, vocabulary acquisition is one of the most noticed-question of the second language learners. “Vocabulary” appears in the area of linguists’ study. Nowadays, researchers still can not give a complete and reasonable definition of vocabulary. Since 1970s, the second language vocabulary acquisition research has gradually become the hot point and important subject in the second language vocabulary acquisition research area. These researches aim to discuss the efficiency vocabulary memory strategies to promote the memory skills and vocabulary levels. Then how to acquire vocabulary become popular among the researchers. Wenden &Rubin (1987), O’Malley& Chamot (1990) refer to the content of vocabulary acquisition strategies; Rubin (1987) and Oxford (1990) classify the memory strategy to the direct cognitive strategies. Especially, CohenAphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (90), Cohen (1990), etc made a basic searching of vocabulary acquisition. In a word, there are various opinions in how to acquire vocabulary. Firstly, it talks about the importance of vocabulary. Secondly, what does it mean to “acquire” a word? This paper mainly aims to the detail analysis of the vocabulary acquisition from three aspects:Meta-cognitive Strategy; Cognitive Strategy and Social or Affective Strategy. Especially, it highlights the effect of the context and rending to vocabulary acquisition. This paper talks about the applications of the vocabulary acquisition strategies. And it puts forward some problems and difficulties of vocabulary acquisition. This paper also discusses the influencing factors to the acquisition. It includes the mother tongue, age, language contact, logical thinking ability, identity degree, and academic motivation .。

The purpose of this paper is to rise the awareness of English learners that the importance of vocabulary in language learning and the vocabulary acquisition strategies can not be neglected, and each strategies is deeply rooted in its language. Through the analysis of the theory of study, the paper tries to draw the learner’s attention to the strategies of the second language vocabulary acquisition and using the vocabulary in communication. In order to improve the acquisition efficiency, some strategies put into practice are introduced. 。

The first presents the importance of vocabulary, some basic concepts of vocabulary and vocabulary learning, the second part tells what does it mean to know a word, the third part deals with the theory of vocabulary acquisition and presents the factors and differences influencing the vocabulary acquisition. The fourth part is detailed discussion of vocabulary acquisition strategies in different levels of learners. The last part is conclusion. 。

Literature review 。

1. The importance of vocabulary 。

As the first time, when we go to school and our English teacher will tell us that vocabulary is of great importance in learning English. After several years, we understand words gradually, especially when we study in high school. If we know a little about vocabulary, we may have poor English. That is because the listening, speaking, reading and writing show the necessary of learning vocabulary. 。

Many researchers agree that lexis is at least as important as structure, because it is using wrong words and not wrong grammar that usually breaks down communication. Mistakes in lexis much more often lead to misunderstanding and may be less generously tolerated outside classroom than mistakes in syntax. (Carter, 1987). As Stephen Krashen remarked, “When students travel, they don’t carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries. 。

A significant role of vocabulary in both teaching and learning processes was first stated by Stephen Krashen in The Natural Approach (1985): 。

“Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the conversation.”

Words are basic tools in human communication; therefore they determine the main part of people’s life-relationships between people and associations with the surrounding world that people live in. The larger one’s vocabulary, the easier it is to express one’s thoughts and feelings. 。

In real communication, correctly and idiomatically used vocabulary can even decrease some structural inaccuracy and grammar errors. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). So learners should enrich and expand their knowledge of words as much as possible in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language. 。

2. What does it mean to “know” a word? 。

Knowing a word is not a simple phenomenon. In fact, it is quite complex and goes far beyond the word’s meaning and pronunciation. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). Richards (1976) think knowing a word means also knowing the frequency of words and their likely collocates; being aware of the functional and situation limitations that apply; knowledge of the “syntactic behavior”; derivational forms and word class; associative and connotative knowledge; semantic value-breaking down words into minimal units as with componential analysis (see Katz&Fodor1963or Leech1974); knowing the other (possible) meaning associated. Nagy and Scott (2000) identify several dimensions that describe the complexity of what it means to know a word. First, word knowledge is incremental, which means that readers need to have many exposures to a word in different contexts before they “know” it. Second, word knowledge is multidimensional. This is because many words have multiple meanings and serve different functions in different function in different sentences, texts, and even conversations. Third, word knowledge is interrelated in that knowledge of one word connects knowledge of other words. 。

What all of this means is that “knowing” a word is a matter of degree rather than an all-or-nothing proposition (Beck&Mckeown, 1991; Nagy&Scott, 2000). The degree of knowing a word are reflected in the precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how well we understand and use words in different modes and different purpose. 。

The memory strategy, cognitive strategy, social strategy and metacognitve strategy are used more frequently than the affective strategy and compensative strategy. 。

Conclusion 。

This paper has attempted to provide some theories of second language vocabulary acquisition and some strategies. Such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and social strategy. However, this paper also put forward some microcosmic strategy. As a matter of fact, vocabulary acquisition should combine the context. In addition, this paper hasn’t mentioned that culture is also an important factor in vocabulary acquisition. In the study of second language vocabulary acquisition, we should pay attention to the process and the acquiring results. This paper focuses on the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition strategies. 。


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[2] Cater. R. and M. McCarthy. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. New York: 。

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[3] Nation, L. S. P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Newbury House 。

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[4] O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. U.. Learning Strategies in Second Language 。

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[5] 陈桦,张益芳.中国儿童英语词汇记忆策略探究[J].外语学刊,2001(4). [11] 戴曼纯. 论第二语言词汇习得研究[J]. 外语教学与研究,2002(2). [12] 徐德凯.大学英语词汇教学理论与实践[M].长春:吉林出版集团有限责。


[6] 王文宇.观念、策略与英语词汇记忆[J].外语教学与研究,1998(1). [13] 文秋芳. 英语学习策略论.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996. 。

[7] 吴霞,王蔷.非英语专业本科生词汇水平研究. 外语教学与研究,1998(1). [15] 张纪英.英语词汇学教学与研究[M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2007. [16] 朱厚敏. 英语词汇学习策略研究[M] 长春:吉林大学出版社,2009.。






教育心理学、心理健康教育、教师专业发展 。


教育部中小学心理健康教育专家指导委员会委员 。

中国心理学会教育心理学专业委员会委员 。

中国心理学会学校心理学专业委员会委员 。


全国心理咨询职业资格考评委员会委员 。

浙江省人民政府督导室、省教育厅督学 。


浙江省教育厅中小学心理健康教育专业委员会专家委员 。



浙江省社会心理学会学校心理辅导研究会会长 。

主持或参与的主要纵向科研项目 。



2.中小学教师心理辅导理念与技能形成实验研究.全国教育科学规划十五重点课题,2002-2006,主持 。


2004.6-2007.6,主持 。

4.西方宗教心理学的形成与发展.国家社会科学基金项目,2004.6-2007.6,主要参与者 。

5.视觉工作记忆表征的并行与系列加工机制.国家自然科学基金项目,2005.11-2007.11,主要参与者 。


1. 学习困难学生阅读理解监视的实验研究.心理与行为研究,2004,(1) 人大复印资料转载,2004,(8)

2. 学困生关于材料特征的元认知知识与应用的实验研究.心理科学,2004,(3)

3. 论交互教学的基本特征和学习心理机制.课程·教材·教法,2004,(8)

4. 学习困难学生排除理解障碍策略的实验研究.心理发展与教育,2004,(3)

5. 小学生数学示例学习的信息加工过程实验研究.心理学探新,2004,(3)

6. 学习困难学生交互教学实验研究.应用心理学,2004,(3)

7. 数学成就动机、自我效能感与学业成就的相关研究.数学教育学报,2004,(2)

8. An experimental study on metacognitive knowledge of comprehension and time-alloting in reading of the students with Learning disabilities.International Journal of Pychology,39(5-6),Suppl.SOCT-DEC 2004( SSCI收录) 。

9. Effects of type of adjunct questions on reading comprehension in good and poor readers. International Journal of Pychology,39(5-6),Suppl.SOCT-DEC 2004( SSCI收录) 。

10. An experimental study on reciprocal teaching of seven-grade student’s reading comprehension. International Journal of Pychology,39(5-6),Suppl.SOCT-DEC 2004( SSCI收录) 。

11. 目标定向与进步反馈对优差生写作成绩影响的实验研究.心理科学,2003,(6)

12. 我国大陆地区网络心理咨询的现实考察与未来展望.中国行为医学研究,2004,(6)

13.附加问题对不同类型学生阅读理解的影响. 心理科学,2005,(3)

14. 阅读领域中的附加问题研究. 宁波大学学报,2005,(1)

15. 小学数学学习困难学生加减应用题的补救教学.中国特殊教育,2004,(12)

16. 阅读教学中的交互教学研究述评.中国特殊教育,2005,(9)

17. 自我解释的研究述评. 宁波大学学报,2006,(5)

18. 高中生主动参与心理辅导的研究与实践.中国大地出版社,2003 。

19. 学习困难学生阅读元认知研究.杭州出版社,2004 。

20. 学校心理学.南开大学出版社,2006 。


1.目标定向与进步反馈对优差生写作成绩的影响.教育部全国教育科学优秀成果三等奖,2006.9 。

2.中小学数学示例学习实验研究.浙江省人民政府基础教育教学成果一等奖,2000.9 。

3.引导中学生主动参与心理健康教育的研究和实践.浙江省人民政府基础教育教学成果 。


4.重点中学心理辅导理论与实践研究.浙江省金华市人民政府基础教育教学成果一等奖, 2003.6 。

5.目标定向与进步反馈对优差生写作成绩的影响. 浙江省高校科研成果三等奖,2004.7 。

6.重点中学心理辅导理论与实践研究.浙江省教育科学重大成果三等奖,2002.1 。

7.学习困难学生阅读元认知实验研究.浙江省高校科研成果二等奖,2006.8 。




首先介绍一下澳洲的中小学教育体制。澳洲小学(primary school)学制六年,初中(high school)学制四年,高中(college)学制两年,因此义务教育是十年。某些同时拥有小学部和初中部甚至高中部的学校会把小学的最后两年和初中的第一年合成一个新等级——middle school,这种安排并不影响学生的升学和具体学习,只是管理方式的不同,另外该教育方法相信在小学和初中中间做一个衔接阶段有利于学生适应新的学习要求和环境。



推荐:迪肯大学的Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary),即小学教育研究生文凭。其他学科的毕业生有资格登记和就业作为小学教师的研究生文凭课程。提供了一个机会让你体验不同的教育环境下的学习和教学。



2. 中学教育(初中与高中)专业:澳洲与国内的区别就小得多,形式上也是由一位老师教授若干个班级的同一门课,所以成为不少中国留学生硕士专业的选择。尽管中学教育的毕业生往往在工作中只教学一门课,但是大多数澳洲大学的中学教育专业会要求或鼓励学生选择两门课程作为教学方向,比如说英语文学和视觉艺术、数学与物理,社会科学与中文等等,主要目的是扩大就业时的选择面。由于中学教育比起小学教育对“术业有专攻”的要求高,对综合全面的要求小,因此中学教育学历除了常见的四年制学士、两年制硕士以外,还有一种研究生文凭(Graduate Diploma)。



Master of Arts Community Education Counselling - coursework 。

Master of Eduacation Community Health Promotion - coursework 。

Master of Counselling Psychology - coursework 。

Master of Educational Leadership - coursework 。

Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - coursework 。

Master of Education - coursework 。

Master of Teaching。


1.澳洲天主教大学(Australian Catholic University)

2.中央昆士兰大学(The Central Queensland University)

3.格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)

4.昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology)

5.悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)

6.新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)。

7.悉尼科技大学 (University of Technology Sydney)




















