歌曲名:Never-ending Road。
歌手:Loreena Mckennitt。
专辑:an ancient muse。
Music and lyric: Loreena McKennitt。
The road now leads onward。
As far as can be。
Winding lanes
And hedgerows in threes。
By purple mountains。
And round every bend。
All roads lead to you。
There is no journey’s end.。
Here is my heart and I give it to you。
Take me with you across this land。
These are my dreams, so simple and few。
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands。
Deep in the winter。
Amidst falling snow。
High in the air。
Where the bells they all toll。
And now all around me。
I feel you still here。
Such is the journey。
No mystery to fear.。
Here is my heart and I give it to you。
Take me with you across this land。
These are my dreams, so simple and few。
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands。
The road now leads onward。
And I know not where。
I feel in my heart。
That you will be there。
Whenever a storm comes。
Whatever our fears。
The journey goes on。
As your love ever nears。
Here is my heart and I give it to you。
Take me with you across this land。
These are my dreams, so simple and few。
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands。
D-Day was arguably one of the most important days of the 20th century. On June 6th, 1944, 156,000 allied troops stormed the beaches of France in the largest amphibious invasion the world has ever seen. They went to face Hitler's 'impenetrable' Atlantic Wall, a series of defenses designed by General Erwin Rommel, a man respected by both sides as a brilliant solider. Thousands of men would die in the attack, but the successful landing was the beginning of the end of Hitler's "Thousand-year Reich." In 1994, to honor the 50th anniversary of the invasion, the History Channel broadcast a three part series on this historic event, D-Day: The Total Story. 。
The three episodes in this series present a very complete picture of what occurred before, during, and after the troops landed on the coast of France. The show does not focus on one area or country's actions, but gives a good overview of the entire operation. Told through interviews with men and women who were there (on both sides of the conflict,) as well as talks with historians, the show is illustrated with a massive amount of archive footage. The episodes are: 。
D-1: The actual code name for the invasion of France was Operation Overlord. The term D-Day doesn't actually stand for anything. It was just a military term for the day that an operation would commence, and the hour it would start was designated by H-Hour. So every operation had a D-day and an H-Hour. But after June 6th, the term fell into disuse. The invasion of France was so huge, that D-Day come to mean June 6th, 1944, and nothing else. 。
Before the boats were launched and the planes took off, the troops, American, British, Canadian, Free French forces and even some Poles, trained for years preparing for the invasion. This show covers the training that the soldiers went through, and the logistics of assembling so many men and so much material. It had good coverage of the glider planes that were used for the invasion. These silent planes were nicknamed "flying coffins" because of their lack of engines, but played a vital roll in the operation. The show talks about the tight time table and why June 6th was picked to launch the attack. 。
H-Hour: With an operation as big as this one, some things were bound to go wrong, and many did. But many key factors worked in the Allies favor. The biggest was that they kept the element of surprise. Rommel, who was to oversee the defenses, was back in Germany celebrating his wife's 50th birthday, and the German officers had been trained to never use their own initiative and not to move unless given direct orders. But there were other things that didn't go as well. Many of the paratroopers who were dropped behind enemy lines were in the wrong place and couldn't support the troops landing on the beaches. (This actually turned out to work in the Allies favor, slightly. The German command was getting reports of Allied soldiers parachuting in all over the region, and wasn't sure where the main force of troops were.) The pre-landing bombing of the bunkers on Omaha beach was fouled up, with the bombers dropping their bombs inland and missing the bunker completely. What has become known as 'the longest day' was a successful, though costly invasion. (There were over 2000 causalities on Omaha beach alone, the scene of the fiercest fighting.) 。
Breakout: After the invasion, there was still a danger that German troops could force the Allies back into the sea. Pushing the Germans back as quickly as possible was a high priority. But after the German troops recovered from their initial defeat, they were to put up heavy resistance. The fighting through the hedgerows of France from field to field was very slow and bloody. Also, the German tanks were a very formidable weapon. They had a much bigger gun that would easily punch a hole in the side of a Sherman tank, and thicker armor that could withstand much more punishment. But with the coordinated maneuverings of the British and American troops, the Allies managed to encircle the Germans in France, and capture a large part of their army. The series ends after the victory of the Battle of Normandy, weeks after the actual invasion. 。
This series was very informative. The entire operation was examined and many aspects were gone into with some detail. The thing that really made this show special was the reminiscing of the people who were there. They were able to fill in the details that history books often miss. More than one person talked about the stench on the battlefields after an engagement; the smell of cordite and burned flesh. Another interesting thing that I noticed is that none of the men referred to themselves as heroes. They all called themselves 'survivors.' Many people played up the fact that they were just performing their jobs and doing what had to be done. 。
The Germans that were interviewed had an interesting perspective on the invasion and the war, and I wish more time had been given to them. Even though only one spoke English, I thought their comments really put things in perspective. 。
The program takes a decided antiwar turn at the very end. They show clips with the old men remembering friends who had died nearly half a century ago. They talk about how these young guys, many who had never been in combat before, had their lives cut short. They never had children or grandchildren, and all their hopes and dreams just ended abruptly on foreign soil. This was a very striking and poignant way to end this excellent series. 。
The stereo sound was adequate, but not outstanding. Since all of the archival footage that they presented was filmed without a soundtrack, the sounds of howitzers firing and planes diving were added in. These were not very dynamic or earth shattering. But seeing as this was made for television and first aired in 1994, I can see why they didn't put more emphasis on the audio portion, when the series was being made. The dialog was clear and crisp, and there was no hiss or other common imperfections. 。
Since this series was created for television, its original aspect ration is 1.33:1. The full frame video was adequate. The archival footage shot during WWII looked very good considering the age and conditions under which the film was taken. It actually looked better than I was expecting. There are some print defects and some of it is lacking contrast or other common imperfections that effect old film, but these were minimal. The contemporary interviews and video segments were a little on the soft side. They were not as crisp and clear as I would have liked, but the set still looks decent. 。
The Extras:
This set is full of extras. In addition to the three part series, there are four other hour-long (when telecast with commercials) programs presented in this set. 。
Biography: Eisenhower: Supreme Commander in Chief: This episode of the award winning series Biography looks at the general in charge of planning the D-Day invasion. It starts with his childhood in the Midwest, but soon progresses to his mediocre performance at West Point, and his life as an officer. His military career up until WWII is covered fairly quickly, but a good deal is spent on his actions in Africa, Italy, and France. They end up spending the most time on his post-war activities: the founding of NATO, his life in the private sector, and his two terms as President. Hearing about his political philosophy and his actions as a leader during the Cold War were very interesting, especially when you compare it to the current administrations actions. This was a nice overview of his life, even if they had to gloss over parts of it. 。
The True Story of the Screaming Eagles: 101st Airborne: A history of this famous military unit. Their first action as a unit was to parachute behind enemy lines before the D-Day invasion, and they have been taking tough assignments ever since. It talks aobut the unit's actions in Vietnam, and the Gulf War. The program is very comprehensive, and examining the commanders, the unit's utilization of helicopters, and the soldiers training. 。
Dear Home: Letters from World War II: This was my favorite extra, a very touching look at what the common soldiers were thinking and feeling. Told in a style similar to the work of Ken Burns, they creators used vintage photographs and footage with voiceover narration to illustrate the life of the enlisted man. Often very poignant, these letters give a face to the thousands of men that fought and often died in the war against Fascism. It is an excellent show. 。
Battle Stations: Sherman Assault: Program traces the history of the Sherman tank. From its design and fabrication on a Chrysler assembly line, to its duties in France, this show examines how this tank help turn the tide of the war. One of the most interesting parts of this documentary was the short history of the tank before WW II. It explained how the WWI tanks were large and bulky, but very slow and prone to breakdown. So countries, including the US, invested in small, fast, mobile armored machines with smaller guns. But when Germany come out with their tanks that had larger guns, the older models were rendered useless. The program looks at the tanks used on D-Day and in the battle of Normandy afterwards, and the success of Patton's 3rd armored division. There are interviews with men who manned the Shermans in France, and their recollections. They mention the Sherman's shortcomings, but gloss over them to a large extent. The thinner armor plating is mentioned, but the fact that Panzer had nearly twice the range of a Sherman wasn't. Filled with archival footage and contemporary reenactments with a functioning Sherman, this was both informative and very interesting. 。
Final Thoughts: 。
I really enjoyed watching this series. With the entire set running over six hours long, there is a lot of information here, this is a very complete package.. The creators did a wonderful job coming up with the right mix of archival footage, interviews from survivors and talks with historians. They show never got bogged down in detail, but was informative enough so you could understand the planning and reasons for the decisions that were made. The extras enhanced the value of this set immensely. I can't imagine a more thorough package about this part of the war. Highly Recommended.。
形容从容不迫闲适自得的样子的成语 。
【成语】: 处之泰然 【拼音】: chǔ zhī tài rán。
【解释】: 处:处理,对待;泰然:安然,不以为意的样子。若无其事的样子。形容自理事情沉着镇定。也指对待问题毫不在意。
【成语】: 泰然自若 泰的成语、若的成语接龙 【拼音】: tài rán zì ruò。
【解释】: 自若:象平常一样。不以为意,神情如常。形容在紧急情况下沉着镇定,不慌不乱。
【成语】: 安之若素 【拼音】: ān zhī ruò sù。
【解释】: 安:安然,坦然;之:代词,指人或物;素:平常。安然相处,和往常一样,不觉得有什么不合适。
【成语】: 随遇而安 【拼音】: suí yù ér ān。
【解释】: 随:顺从;遇:遭遇。指能顺应环境,在任何境遇中都能满足。
【出处】: 清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》一:“随寓而安,斯真隐矣。”
形容从容不迫闲适自得的样子的四字词语 。
【成语】: 随俗浮沉 【拼音】: suí sú fú chén。
【解释】: 自己没有一定的想法,随着潮流走。
【出处】: 《元史·泰不华传》:“泰不华尚气节,不随俗浮沉。”
【成语】: 与世无争 【拼音】: yú shì wú zhēng。
【解释】: 世:世人,周围的人。不跟社会上的人发生争执。这是一种消极的回避矛盾的处世态度。
【出处】: 《战国策·楚策四》:“自以为无患,与人无争也。”
其他形容生活悠闲自得从容不迫的成语词语 。
扩展阅读:形容悠闲自得从容不迫的句子 。
. at that time, I was always lazy. Even if I was in a daze every day, I didn't feel anything. The biggest worry was just my homework today. My biggest wish was to watch cartoons. One year, another As I grew up, my life slowly changed and the days became better. However, I no longer feel that I have more leisure time now than before, but I am not so happy when I start to stay here. Now there is no biggest worry, because everything is worry, and the biggest wish can not satisfy me, because I want more. At that time, when I was 11 or 12 years old, my face was already dim, but the days, the happiness, the I miss it so much.。
In one's life, one should learn to "give up and let go of" superfluous things, learn to lose memory for a short time, and learn to forget; only by abandoning unnecessary pain and burden can one go on the road easily and happily.。
I am in a hurry. Books are my kind friends. I am leisurely. Books are my sincere partners. Living in a good and sincere atmosphere, where is there any reason for unhappiness?。
Leisure needs abundant energy to spend the leisure time happily. If you don't have enough energy, you will not be able to enter into the relaxed and leisurely scenery without a languid morbid or languid languor.。
Leisure is the most essential demand, because in nature, the busy self is not the real self, and the leisure self is the real self.。
Experience is often regarded as a synonym for stupidity and sadness. In fact, it's not necessary. If I am willing to learn from experience, today's lessons will lay the foundation for a better life tomorrow.。
Life is like a farce. Sometimes it's better to be a bystander and *** ile than to be a part of yourself. Like a lucid dreamer, our observation of life is not to put on the color of fantasy in the overnight dream, but to use a clearer vision. We tend to give up the elusive future and grasp a few certain things at the same time. What we know can give happiness to us. We often return to nature and take nature as the source of eternal happiness. With the loss of progress and national strength, we are still living a leisurely and contented life, with the windows open, listening to the singing of cicadas, the breeze and leaves falling, loving the fragrance of hedgerows and chrysanthemums, and enjoying the height of the autumn moon. Author: Lin Yutang: the feast of life。
. the weather is divided into cold and warm, cold and hot alternately. Life has its ups and downs. It's hard to be perfect in everything. It's exactly nine points.。
I like sitting in the living room after supper. Light like yarn, gently spread. I like to listen to concertos, holding a *** all teapot of fine porcelain to warm my hands. When this time, I am in a trance and can imagine some leisure of rural life. Author: Zhang Xiaofeng source: selected collection of Zhang Xiaofeng。
"It's the world that has taken away the Songyang teacher who has given us everything, so I want to take away everything in the world. GUI, don't you hate it? Why can you live so leisurely in such a world? That's what I can't stand."。
I like the country. Maybe that kind of free and leisurely life attracts me. However, I prefer the scenery of the countryside.。
The ancients said: the cloud is light, and the water is light to nurture all things. In life, don't rise and fall, and don't be happy or sad. Look for a meter of sunshine, *** ile like flowers, indifferent to success or failure. Pick up a piece of afterglow, poetic and picturesque, explain the gain and loss; life, do not need to be prosperous like a brocade, but to pour all you have, calmly in your heart, healthy and happy, practical and stable; bright spring, prosperous summer, precipitation in autumn, and abundant winter.。
Failure is due to lack of patience; worry is due to lack of happiness; indifference is due to lack of enthusia *** ; loneliness is due to lack of sincerity; meaninglessness is due to lack of care; escape is due to lack of love; vicissitudes of life is due to lack of childlike innocence. A little more patience, happiness, enthusia *** , sincerity, care, love, childishness, wish you a happy life every day.。
Yes, mother, you are right. Our life is getting better now. Computers and telephones have entered the family. There are many terms such as TV, cable, telephone shopping, online shopping, family medical treatment, all in one card, one-line communication, e-commerce and so on. Sitting at home, we can travel around the world. Through the Inter, we can see the pyramids of Egypt and France The Eiffel Tower, Mount Fuji in Japan, Lenin's mausoleum in Red Square in Moscow. I can also walk in the Chinatown of the United States. In a short time, I became a leisurely and complacent little traveler. It's so romantic and cozy!。
. you can only experience all kinds of life, and taste all kinds of life. In the spare time of life, I am alone on the country road, feeling the *** ell of summer mixed with soil, accompanied by a trace of grass and flowers, closing my eyes. Let the wings of the heart soar in the vast sky, lonely but alive. But also because of this, there will be independent space to feel the melody of life.。
. life, is suffering in the branches, and finally was airing into a strong. Seek in the sorrow and joy of Zen life, and comprehend in the light comprehension. Some things, value, will be trapped by things, chaos in the heart; indifferent, will be relaxed, quiet in the heart. Choose quietly, choose the one you choose, forget the one you forget, and let life flow like water. No matter how many ups and downs you have gone through, there will be flowers, butterflies and sunshine.。
Wang Jinling has a very leisurely life in the cottage outside the city. His life is exactly the rhythm he wants. Even if his eyes can't see it, it doesn't affect his enjoyment of the beauty of the world Author: a CAI source: the divine doctor of Emperor Huang abandons his concubine。
Hu zhongriyue: used to refer to the Taoist's leisurely and quiet life of inaction.。
I like my life now, but I don't like my life now. I'm too comfortable. I'm too leisurely. I play with my mobile phone every day, listen to music, write and write. Sometimes I go for a walk when I'm bored. Sometimes I see people quarreling when I'm upset. I want to say when is this day。
It can be seen that busy is the premise of leisure, just as production is the premise of consumption. If you want to live a leisurely life, you must be busy first!。
Environment - how can you help protect it?。
Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of yet another problem affecting the environment - and what a list of problems! - pollution, acid rain, global warming, the destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants....and so on.。
Nowadays, most of us know that these threats exist and that humans have caused them. Many of us are very worried about the future of our planet and unless we can find a way of solving the problems we have made then the environment will suffer even more.。
It all sounds so depressing - but we certainly mustn't despair! Every one of us, whatever age we are, can do something to help slow down and reverse some of the damage. We cannot leave the problem-solving entirely to the experts - we all have a responsibility for our environment. We must learn to live in a sustainable way i.e. learn to use our natural resources which include air, freshwater, forests, wildlife, farmland and seas without damaging them. As populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep the World in good condition so that future generations will have the same natural resources that we have.。
Here are just a few examples of the threats to our environment and some ideas to help you to do something about them.。
We humans create such a lot of rubbish! Each household in Britain produces about 1 tonne of rubbish every year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and buried in enormous landfill sites or burned in incinerators - both of these actions can be dangerous for the environment. Is all our rubbish really rubbish? If you think about it, much of what we throw away could be used again. It makes sense to recycle and not just to solve the problemof where to put the rubbish. Much of our waste is made up of glass, metal, plastic and paper. Our natural resources such as trees, oil, coal and aluminium are used up in enormous amounts to make these products and the resources will one day be compl etely used up. We must cut down on energy use.。
Ideas to Help
* Sort out your rubbish. Organic matter e.g. potato peelings, left over food, tea leaves etc. can be transferred straight to a compost heap in the garde and used as a good, natural fertiliser for the plants. Aluminium cans, glass bottles and newspapers etc. can be taken to bottle and can banks and wastepaper skips. Find out where they are by asking your local council or library.。
* Use recycled paper to help save trees. Everyone in Britain uses about 6 trees worth of paper every year.。
Chlorine bleach is usually used to make newspapers and this pollutes rivers. Its better to use unbleached, recycled paper whenever you can.。
* Take your old clothes to charity shops. Some are sold, others are returned to textile mills for recycling.。
* Try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to recycle. One way to cut down on plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags。
offered by supermarkets and use strong, long lasting shopping bags instead, or re-use plastic bags over and over again, until they wear out.。
* Don't buy over-packed goods. Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper around them.。
Rainforests are valuable habitats. About half of all the species of animals and plants in the world live in rainforests. Thousands of rainforest plants contain substances that can be used in medicines and the tribal people of the forests have great knowledge of them. Rainforests are being cut down to make way for 'civilised man', to grow crops and graze cattle, and provide timber. An area almost the size of Britain is burnt every year. Rainforests help to regulate the world's climate and atmosphere.。
Ideas to Help
Never buy products made up of tropical hardwoods e.g. mahogany and teak. It is better to buy only pine, oak, ash or beech because they can be replaced.。
Garden and flower shops sometimes sell。
rainforest orchids that have been imported. If you buy an orchid, check that it has been grown in Britain.。
Some parrots and macaws are unfortunately still。
imported. If you want a parrot as a pet, make sure it has been hatched in Britain.。
Eating a beefburger may be helping to destroy。
the rainforest! Most burgers in Britain are made from European cattle. However, the cattle are often fed on soya bean and a lot of that comes from Brazil where large areas of forest have been destroyed to make soya fields. Before buying a burger, ask where the cattle came from and what they were fed on. Try a veggie burger for a change!。
The air, water and soil of habitats all over the world have been, and are still being,polluted in many different ways. This pollution affects the health of living things. Air is damaged by car and lorry fumes, and power stations create acid rain which destroys entire forests and lakes. When fossil fuels i.e. oil, gas and coal are burned to provide energy for lighting, cooking etc. they form polluting gases.。
Oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from factories and sewage works, and artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, killing wildlife and spreading disease.。
The careless or deliberate dumping of litter in the environment is not only unsightly but dangerous too.。
Ideas to Help
* Use less energy by switching off lights when rooms are not in use, not wasting hot water, not overheating rooms and not boiling more water than necessary when making a cup of tea!。
* Use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short trips.。
* If you spot pollution, such as oil on the beach, report it to the local council. If you suspect a stream is polluted,。
report it to the local Environmental Health Officer。
* If you use chlorine-based bleach or detergents containing phosphates you are contributing to water pollution.。
Try to buy 'environmentally-friendly' products.。
The Ozone Layer。
Fifteen to thirty miles above the Earth lies the stratosphere, a broad band of gases and one of these gases is ozone. It's only a small part of the stratosphere but very important because it prevents too many of the sun's ultra violet rays from reaching us. Too many ultra violet rays can give us skin cancer and destroy plankton, the important microscopic life in the sea. In the 1980s it was discovered that 'holes' were appearing in the ozone layer above the Antarctic and Arctic. CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, gases used in the manufacture of aerosols and fridges, are believed to be responsible for destroying the ozone layer.。
Ideas to Help
* Don't buy aerosols containing CFCs. Actually, it's not a good idea to buy any aerosols. Even 'ozone friendly' aerosols may contain harmful chemicals and spray cans are difficult to dispose of - they cannot be recycled. Pump-action sprays are a much better alternative.。
* A lot of packaging e.g. fast-food cartons, are polystyrene 'blown' with CFCs. Try to avoid items packed with this。
* If you know of anyone getting rid of an old fridge, tell them that the CFCs can be drained out and recycled -。
contact the local council and they will dispose of the fridge safely. New fridges can be bought with less CFCs in them.。
Certain gases in the atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide, methane and CFCs, act like the glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunlight through to heat the Earth's surface but trapping some of the heat as it radiates back into space. Without this the Earth would be frozen and lifeless. However, owing to Man's activities,'greenhouse gases' are building up in the atmosphere, causing a greater amount of heat to be reflected back to Earth. The result is an increase in average world temperatures and in the future this could lead to the flooding of cities world wide and more hurricanes etc.。
Ideas to Help
* Don't waste electricity. Electricity is produced by burning coal, oil and gas and this action gives off carbon dioxide.。
* Car fumes produce carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide - so try to cut down on car journeys if possible. Use a bike。
or walk - it's good exercise for you too!。
* Recycle as much of your waste as you can. Methane, the most effective 'greenhouse gas', is released into the。
air as the rubbish in landfill sites rots.。
Endangered Habitats and their Wildlife。
Wild habitats all over the world are fast disappearing. Forests are being cut down, rivers and seas polluted, heathlands built on, hedgerows pulled up, ponds filled in - the destruction seems endless. As the habitats decrease, so do their communities of animals and plants. Habitat destruction is one of the main reasons why many species face extinction. Other reasons include the hunting of animals and collection of plants.。
There are now more than 5, 000 species of animal and about 25,000 species of plants threatened with extinction. During the last 200 years more than 200 species of mammals and birds have become extinct i.e. disappeared from the earth forever. It is possible that we are losing one species of animal or plant every day!。
Ideas to Help
* In many countries souvenirs made from rare wildlife are available - never buy shells, coral or things made from elephant ivory, rhino horn or cat skin etc.。
* Remember that British habitats and wildlife are under threat too. The destruction of wood land, pollution of rivers。
and ponds, the use of pesticides and herbicides have all contributed to the reduction in the amount of wildlife in Britain. Many animals and plants are endangered e.g. red squirrels, otters, barn owls, golden eagles, natterjack toads, many species of butterflies and dragonflies, orchids - to name just a few. If you have a garden at home, you could transform it into a mini nature reserve for wildlife. The same could be done in your school grounds. Here are just a few ideas to create a wildlife garden:-。
1. Make a pond. Even A small pond will attract frogs and toads etc.. Birds and foxes may use it for drinking.。
2. Make a wildflower meadow. Wildflower plants and seeds may be bought from garden suppliers and, if planted correctly, a colourful meadow will result, attracting birds, butterflies and other insects.。
3. Provide logs and stones and allow a few autumn leaves to remain lying around. These provide shelter for minibeasts and perhaps small mammals such as shrews and mice. An over-neat garden will not be attractive to wildlife.。
4. Feed the birds during winter and put up nest boxes for robins and blue tits etc. to use in spring.。
5. If your garden is big enough, you could plant a small wood. Always grow native trees such as oak, ash or birch - these attract more insects than foreign trees.。
6. Hedgehogs are useful to have in the garden as they eat slugs. Encourage them to stay by providing them with tinned cat or dog meat, water and a safe place to hibernate in winter, such as a pile of logs, stuffed with hay and leaves.。
7. Avoid using chemical sprays in the garden - some of these can be poisonous to wildlife. It's best to let the birds eat the cabbage-munching caterpillars, the hedgehogs and toads deal with the lettuce-loving slugs and the ladybirds dine on the rose-ravaging greenfly!。