
问题描述:《暖暖的——》英文版谁知道歌词? 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!



When you say you are mine。

all my life, tears all my eyes。

I feel like flying in the sky。

See the stars every night。

only you always by my side。

love you more, you are on my mind。

As the time goes by 。

the marshmallow's so so white。

In the sunlight, sweety as our life。

Flying our kite。

running chasing it flies so so high。

Hold the line, hold the love, 。

hold me tight

Maybe you always try to hide。

hide your feelings 。

all inside

helping me any time。

console me to be fine。

You give me strength。

to pursue better life。

We hit it off when we met。

I will never

leave your sight。



All can be casually。

You say of I would like to go。

The melody that the small train swings。

Can be true

You say of I will believe。

Because I trust you completely。

Like delicately。

The decorous feeling of the woolen blanket sort。

Insolate the safe feeling which acquaints with over the sun。

Share hot soup

We two bowls with a spoon。

Left atrium Noan-noan of very full。

My meaning to say in fact you is in factvery good。

You know by yourself but not。

Sincerely of to I good。

Don't request to requite。

Love one personal hope him to lead better。

From the in the mind is warm。

You are more more important than oneself。

Weave a song:the 洪 respect 尧 a producer: the clock become a tiger。

Recalling the inside satisfies of melody。

The thick and solid feeling of your palm。

What difficulties all feel to have a hope。

I hum song

Your nature of connect next。

I know Noan-noan in the chest。

Always all very low-pitched。

The self-confident heart isn't high。

You are more more important than oneself。

I also hope alteration good。

































不可干洗:Don’t dry-clean / No dry-cleaning(二选一)

30°水温:At 30°water temperature。

不可氯漂洗: Don’t rinse in chlorine bleacher/ No rinsing in chlorine bleacher (二选一)

分色洗涤:Keep colour separated when washing。

中低温熨烫:Iron at medium and lowtemperature。

不可浸泡:Don’t soak / No soaking (二选一)

不可拧干:Don’t wring washing out / No wringingwashing out(二选一)【washing 洗涤物】

不可曝晒:Don’t insolate / No insolating (二选一)




Cactus to inside the treatment function of cortex skin section。

1.Medicine �

★★Breathe Medicine �。

⑴ A cough(hot cough) �。

The cactus is 100 grams, stab, add refined sugar 30 grams, water fried, divide 2 times on the 1st to take.Through cure 36, all more.Generally use to want can immediately take effect on the 1~2th, at most take for 7 days, didn't see a bad reflection, the body temperature more than 38 ℃ considers to add an antibiotic treatment.�。

⑵ Common cold, cough �。

The cactus is twice 6250 grams, stab, wash clearly, cut to pieces, fill with water decoction, fry Fei for an hour for the first time, fry Fei for 0.5 hours for the second time, squeeze percolation, will twice filter liquid merger to precipitate, take up the pure liquid, concentrated go to about 5000 milliliters, plus refined cane sugar 2500 grams, heat agitation, get to float the Mo miscellaneous quality, filter, cool off behind join benzene AN a sour sodium is 2.5 grams, Ni lake gold B fat 1.5 gram(ether fuse), mix blend namely become cactus syrup.Take 10~20 milliliters each time, everyday 3 times. 。

Treatment common cold, cough 85, cure 53, turn for the better 20, invalid 12.Cure nervous prostration 24, cure 15, turn for the better 6, invalid 3. 。

⑶ Lung hot cough �。

The cactus is 60 grams, wash to clearly stab, the yellow Qin is 12 grams, the Zhe shell is 10 grams, water fried.�。

The ⑷ coughs blood �。

The cactus is 100 grams, stab to wash clearly, cut into slice, add refined sugar 50 grams, water is fried, generation tea drinking.Dispeled the breeze pure lung effect, the lord cured to cough blood, the outside feeling breeze is evil to don't understand, take blood in the larynx Yang, a cough, phlegm, the thirsty nose is dry, body hot with the result that pain etc..�。

⑸ Whooping cough �。

Take a finger sort thick, grow the cactus of a form 1, the Dao is thin, once a day take and meet with an effect for a week.�。

The ⑹ bronchus asthma �。

The cactus is 100 grams, stab to the skin and dip honey just the right amount of cook to take.Early and late 2 times take a medicine each time everyday for oneself palm 1/2 sizes, the symptom disappearance can immediately stop a medicine.�。

★★Digest Medicine �。

The ⑴ has a stomach-ache �。

Take the cactus insolates a private to grind an end, 3~4 grams once, the clear water sends and the day takes 3 times.The cactus is 30~40 grams and slice thin, join adequacy to adjust to anticipate, 70 grams of with beef totally fry it.The cactus is 60 grams, stab, wash clearly, slice a piece, braise a food with tripe, everyday once.The cactus root is 30~60 grams, wash, clearly cut to pieces and just the right amount braise with tripe.�。

The ⑵ digest ulcerates �。

The cactus has been already stop bleeding and the protection create the function of noodles, so the one who be applicable to to ulcerate a disease to bleed.The � stabs cactus to wash clearly, slice, dry in the sun, levigation, each time 1 gram, the day takes 2 times.Agree with stomach sour not tall sufferer, can in join the gold powder in the chicken 30~60 grams in 500 grams of each cactus powders, the stomach acid is higher of join a squid bone powder again is 60~90, 21 day for a treat a distance.Clinical observe 8, take after the medicine the last stomach ache, anti- and sour and black then the etc. symptom all disappears or turns for the better, 7 barium meal reexaminations, the pathological changes also greatly has disappearance.(Chen2 Qing4 is identically equal.Practical clinical herb medicine) fresh cactus 300 grams stab to wash clearly, slice, decoction, finish take for a day 3~6 times everyday, 30 day for a treat a distance.Through 61 clinical observations, total efficient have 98.6%. 。

⑶ Stomach, 12 intestinal ulcer �s。

The cactus is 100~200 grams, go to skin to wash, clearly cut to pieces, with tripe on paying to braise together take soup to take orally, have already gone spirit to live blood, the effect of the Jian Pi benefit spirit.�。

The cactus is 30~60 grams, the beef is 60~90 grams, cut into cactus thin silk, beef slice, join to adjust to anticipate, fry familiar, eat beef, can go spirit to live blood, the Jian Pi proper spirit.�。

The ⑷ old stomach ulcer �。

The cactus is 100~150 grams, pound into pulp into a mire form after stabbing to wash clearly and add an egg pure mix blend even, steam with the porcelain and ceramics container familiar after, the morning empty stomach take and once treat a distance for 1 for 21 days for a day.A the old suffers from stomach ulcer as long as 20 years, all stomach medicines eat, the effect is very tiny, and pressing this square to take a medicine can exterminate.�。

The ⑸ virus enteritis �。

Take fresh cactus 100 grams, stab, skin, cut to pieces, the text fire braises for 30 minutes and join brown sugar after cool off few adjust.1~2 years old every time of sufferer is 4 milliliters, 3~5 years old every time is 6~10 milliliters, the sufferer over 6 years of age drinks 15~20 milliliters each time, everyday 4-5 times, connect take for 3~7 days.�。

The fresh cactus is 100 grams and stab and the skin cut to pieces and the text fire braises for 30 minutes and add just the right amount of refined sugar to mix evenly after cool off.Drink soup, everyday is 1, divide 3s and connect to take for a week. 。

⑹ Impatient germ the � of dysentery。

The fresh cactus is 50~100 grams, wash clearly and stab, skin, cut to pieces, fried soup, take 20~30 milliliters each time, recover from illness to namely stop a medicine 23 times everyday.�。

The fresh cactus is 100 grams and stab, skin, cut to pieces, the text fire braises for 30 minutes and join just the right amount of refined sugar to mix evenly after cool off.Drink soup, everyday is 1, divide to 3 times take and connect to take for a week.。


The reality of the pirates ... 。

Fourteen middle of the century, with the discovery of the New World and the new route opened up in human history opened a new page. In the PC GAME, as a background of the game is the most famous "Great Voyage Age" series. Adventurers Countless driving the boat, with a crude compass and endless courage, dashed to the vast ocean of Mang unknown, in search of wealth and treasures. With the increase in maritime trade frequently, another of the most ancient of human industry has ushered in its golden age - that is, by the middle of the fourteenth century to the end of the eighteenth century "pirate years." 。

Pirates existed since ancient times, as the Nordic Vikings (PC GAME "Viking") are active in the Mediterranean and the Phoenicians, and so on, are very well-known pirates. But not a single time with the Pirates in the fourteenth century to the middle of the end of the eighteenth century during the period compared to the pirates. During that period, piracy has become a very common social phenomenon, together with governments to fight maritime supremacy between the formation of both a large number of private fleets, such as Britain swept the privateer fleet is very well-known, appear more than once "Great Voyage Age," which has been involved in, used to attack enemy ships. More to stimulate the development of the ranks of the pirates. 。

The pirate life is cruel and hard, but it is also full of passion and freedom, then it is because many young people are like that in the pursuit of freedom and passion of life to become a pirate. In many of the pirates are not lacking in natural justice Pirates of the rich, and their deeds in the folklore of generations has become a symbol of freedom and courage. 。


Skeleton flag - that is, together with a skeleton two cross-bones flag * is a sign of piracy. Although the source has not test, but a lot of people think the word is from the French word JOLI, "very red". In the past the pirates used the word to describe the mast on the color of the flag fly high. No matter where it originated, the skeleton of the flag is not controversial - the fear of the arrow of the game deep into the sea bottom of my heart. The pirates in the past usually referred to as the use of "false color" flag of any country, and in time of war is rising "real color" - skeleton flag, to contact, as well as the intimidation of those victims. 。

In the 18th century when the first plane from blackjack艾曼纽韦恩captain in the Caribbean Sea raised. In most cases, the pirates chase prey, raised the white flag, to identify - and sometimes prey will be lowered and the flag of the king and yield; if the game refused to surrender, the rise in black and white banner that intent; and if it continues to prey On the run, or too violent pirate captain, the red flag will fly at the masthead, which means as soon catch their prey, do not leave any breadwinner. Of course, blackjack on the graphics but also to express its specific meaning has been designed. 。

Food list

Staple food - wheat flour and moldy rice (a few months ah, it does not want to mold it is difficult); pickled cheese; 。

Cuisine - fish and bacon; vegetables; 。

Drinks - fresh water; exposure in the sun for a few weeks old Chen beer; distillation of brandy extract; by the brandy, tea, lemon juice and a variety of spices from the modulation of mixed drinks surprised (by adding lemon is to To prevent scurvy and rickets); 。

Fruit - nails through her wooden pineapple, mango, bananas and apples (Dingshang nail in the fruit is added to iron to prevent anemia); 。

Extraordinary period of side dishes - seabirds; cat; dog; rats and bugs (Pale Ba? And starved to death, however, you have to eat or not eat?).。




Prairie,prairie dog是什么意思

Prairie,prairie dog是什么意思















