
问题描述:在美国无遗嘱情况下财产将如何分配 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,今天让我们一起来看看吧!



一、无遗嘱继承(intestate succession)。

如果一个人死时没有一个有效的遗嘱,或者虽然有一个有效的遗嘱但是没有包含这个人所有的需认证财产(probate property)会怎么样呢?在这种情况下,这些财产要根据该州的无遗嘱继承法律进行分配。换句话说,如果你没有遗嘱,你所在州会为你制定一个遗嘱。


配偶----子女----孙子女----父母----兄弟姐妹(第一位的旁系亲属)---- 祖父母-----叔伯姑舅姨(第二位的旁系亲属)----远亲。




三、生存配偶(surviving spouse)。

现代成文法如UPC 2-102是这样确定生存配偶的份额的:
















a flat percentage rate of income 统一比率的所得税税率. 。

a long position 多头部位,利多形势. 。

a long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同. 。

a put option on a debt security 债务证券的卖出期权. 。

a sales slip 签购单据,售货清单. 。

a short position 空头部位,短缺头寸. 。

a short position 空头;卖出的期货合同. 。

a tax return 税务申报表. 。

abnormal depreciation 特别折旧. 。

abnormal spoilage 非正常损坏. 。

aboriginal cost 原始成本. 。

acceptance bank 票据承兑行 。

acceptance method 承兑方式. 。

acceptance risks 承兑风险. 。

accepting bank 承兑银行 。

accessory risks 附加保险,附加险. 。

accident insurance 意外保险.(不包括海上,火灾和人寿保险). 。

accommodation of funds 资金融通. 。

accompany vt. 附带,伴随,陪同 。

account charges 账户费用 。

account current (A/C,a/c) 往来帐户 。

account number (A/N) 帐号 。

account statement 帐户清单 。

accounting exposure 会计风险. 。

accounting risks 会计风险. 。

accounting value 帐面价值. 。

accounts of assured 保险帐户. 。

accrued bond interest 应计债券利息 。

accrued depreciation 应计折旧. 。

accrued dividend 应计股利 。

acknowledgement of declaration (under op预约保险申报确认书. 。

active securities 热头股票,活跃的证券 。

actual cash value (保险用语)实际现金价值. 。

actual rate 实际汇率 。

adaptive expectations 适应性预期. 。

additional insurance 加保,附加保险. 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

adjustable policy 可调整的保险单. 。

adjustable premium 可调整的保险费. 。

adjusted debit balance 已调整的借方余额 。

advance payment of premium 预缴保险费. 。

advance-decline theory 涨跌理论 。

adverse exchange 逆汇,逆汇兑 。

advice of drawing 提款通知书 。

advising bank 通知银行 。

affiliated bank 联行 。

affiliated person 关联人 。

aftermarket 次级市场 。

agent for collection 托收代理银行 。

Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行 。

agricultural loans 农业贷款 。

agricultural(animal husbandry)tax 农(牧)业税. 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

alternative (either/or) order 选择指令 。

American Express card 运通卡. 。

American terms 美国标价法 。

amount in figures 小写金额 。

amount in words 大写金额 。

annual membership dues 年费. 。

application form for a banking account 银行开户申请书 。

appointed bank 外汇指定银行 。

appreciation of exchange rate 汇率升值 。

arbitrage 套利

arbitrage 套购,套利,套汇. 。

arbitrage of exchange 套汇 。

arbitrage of exchange or stock 套汇或套股. 。

arbitrage opportunity 套价机会. 。

arbitrage risks 套汇风险. 。

as agent 做代理

as principal 做自营 。

Asian Development Fund (ADB) 亚洲开发银行 。

ask price = asking price = offer price =出售价,报价,开价,出价 。

ask-bid system 竞价系统 。

assessment of loss 估损. 。

assets insurance 资产保险. 。

assignment of policy 保单转让. 。

assumption of risk 承担风险. 。

asymmetry 不对称. 。

at owner's risk 风险由货主负担. 。

at-the-close order 收盘指令 。

at-the-market 按市价 。

at-the-money 平值期权. 。

at-the-opening (opening only) order 开盘指令 。

auction marketplace 拍卖市场 。

automated teller machines (24 hours a da自动取款机(24小时服务) 。

automatic transfers between accounts 自动转帐 。

average 平均数

baby bond 小额债券 。

back spreads 反套利. 。

back wardation 现货溢价. 。

balance n. 结余,差额,平衡 。

bank balance 存款余额 。

bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必备)储备的银行存款余额 。

bank deposit 银行存款 。

Bank of China 中国银行 。

Bank of Communications 交通银行 。

bank of deposit 存款银行 。

bank of the government 政府的银行 。

banker's association 银行协会 。

banker's bank 中央银行 。

banker's guarantee 银行担保. 。

bank's buying rate 银行买入价 。

bank's selling rate 银行卖出价 。

banks with business dealing with the cen中央银行的往来银行 。

Barclay card 巴克莱银行信用卡. 。

base rate 基本汇价 。

basis order 基差订单. 。

basis risk 基差风险. 。

bear market 熊市 。

bear operation 卖空行为 。

bear raiders 大量抛空者 。

beneficial owner 受益所有人 。

beneficiary of insurance 保险金受益人. 。

best-efforts offering 尽力推销(代销)发行 。

bid and ask prices 买入和卖出价 。

bid and ask spread 买卖差价 。

bid price = buying price 买价 。

bid-ask spread 递盘虚盘差价. 。

big board 大行情牌 。

big slump 大衰退(暴跌). 。

bill-paying services 代付帐款 。

black market 黑市 。

black market financing 黑市筹资. 。

black money 黑钱 。

blanket mortgage 总括抵押. 。

block positioner 大宗头寸商 。

blowout 畅销

blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股 。

board of arbitration 仲裁委员会 。

board of governors 理事会 。

bond fund 债券基金 。

borrowing from affiliates 向联营公司借款. 。

borrowing power of securities 证券贷款能力 。

borrowing risks 借款风险. 。

bought deal 包销 。

bread and butter business 基本业务 。

breadth index 宽度指数 。

break-even 不亏不盈,收支相抵. 。

breakout 突破

bridging finance 过渡性融资. 。

broker 经纪人,掮客

brokerage 经纪人佣金 。

brokerage 经纪业;付给经纪人的佣金. 。

brokerage firm 经纪商(号). 。

broker's loan 经纪人贷款 。

broking house 经纪人事务所 。

building agreement 具有约束力的协定. 。

building tax (tax on construction) 建筑税. 。

bullish 行情看涨

business insurance 企业保险. 。

business risk 营业风险. 。

business savings 企业储蓄 。

business tax 营业税. 。

business term loan 企业长期贷款 。

bust-up risks 破产风险. 。

buyer's risks 买方风险. 。

call (option) 买方期权,看涨期权. 。

call and put options 买入期权和卖出期权. 。

call for funds 控股,集资 。

call loan transaction 短期拆放往来. 。

call market 活期存款市场 。

call money 拆放款. 。

call options on an equity 权益(证券)的买入期权. 。

call-options 认购期权. 。

cancellation 取消 。

cancellation money 解约金. 。

cap 带利率上限的期权.

capital assets 资本资产. 。

capital lease 资本租赁. 。

capital market 信贷市场,资本市场 。

capital resources 资本来源 。

capital surplus 资本盈余 。

capital transfer 资本转移 。

capital turnover rate 资本周转率 。

card issuing institution 发卡单位. 。

carefully selected applicant 经仔细选定的申请人. 。

cargo insurance 货物保险. 。

cash 现金,现款.v.兑现,付现款. 。

cash a cheque 支票兑现. 。

cash account 现金帐户 。

cash account 现金帐户. 。

cash account 现金帐户 。

cash advance 差旅预支款. 。

cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现. 。

cash against documents(C.A.D.) 凭单付现,凭单据付现金=document against cash. 。

cash and carry 付现自运;现金交易和运输自理;现购自运商店. 。

cash and carry wholesale 付现自运批发. 。

cash assets 现金资产. 。

cash audit 现金审核 。

cash audit 现金审核,现金审计. 。

cash balance 现金余额,现款结存. 。

cash basis 现金制 。

cash basis 现金制,现金基础. 。

cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制 。

cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制. 。

cash before delivery(C.B.D.) 空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货. 。

cash bonus 现金红利. 。

cash book 现金簿;现金帐;现金出纳帐. 。

cash boy 送款员.

cash budget 现金预算 。

cash budget 现金预算. 。

cash card1 (银行)自动提款卡. 。

cash card2 现金卡. 。

cash claim 现金索赔. 。

cash collection basis 收现法,收现制. 。

cash credit 活期信用放款,现金付出. 。

cash credit slip 现金支出传票. 。

cash currency 现金通货. 。

cash cycle 现金循环,现金周期. 。

cash day 付款日.

cash debit slip 现金收入传票. 。

cash department (商业机构中的)出纳部=counting-house. 。

cash deposit 现金存款;保证金. 。

cash deposit as collateral 保证金,押金. 。

cash desk (商店,饭馆的)付款处. 。

cash disbursements 现金支出. 。

cash discount (c.d.) 现金折扣,付现折扣=settlement discount. 。

cash dispenser (美)自动提款机=cashomat. 。

cash dividend 现金股利 。

cash down 即付,付现. 。

cash equivalent value 现金等值,现金相等价值. 。

cash flow 资金流动 。

cash flow 现金流动. 。

cash flow stream 现金流(量). 。

cash holdings 库存现金 。

cash holdings 库存现金. 。

cash in advance (c.i.a.) 预付现金. 。

cash in bank 存银行现金,银行存款. 。

cash in hand (商行的)手头现金,库存现金=cash on hand. 。

cash in transit 在途现金,在运现金. 。

cash in transit policy 现金运送保险单. 。

cash in treasury 库存现金. 。

cash invoice 现购发票. 。

cash items 现金帐项,现金科目. 。

cash journal 现金日记簿. 。

cash liquidity 现金流动(情况);现金周转. 。

cash loan 现金贷款. 。

cash management services 现金管理业务 。

cash market 现金交易市场,现货市场,付现市场. 。

cash nexus 现金交易关系. 。

cash on arrival 货到付现,货到付款. 。

cash on bank 银行存款;银行付款;现金支票付款. 。

cash on deliver (C.O.D) (英)交货付款,现款交货=collect on delivery. 。

cash on delivery (COD) 交割付款 。

cash order(C/O) 现金订货. 。

cash paid book 现金支出簿. 。

cash payment 现金支付 。

cash payment 现金付款,现付. 。

cash payments journal 现金支出日记帐. 。

cash position 头寸 。

cash position 现金状况,现金头寸. 。

cash price 现金售价,现金付款价格. 。

cash purchase 现购,现金购买. 。

cash railway (商店中的)货款传送线. 。

cash ratio 现金比率. 。

cash receipts (CR) 现金收入. 。

cash receipts journal 现金收入日记帐. 。

cash records 现金记录. 。

cash register 现金登记机,现金收入记录机,收银机. 。

cash remittance 汇款单;解款单. 。

cash remittance note 现金解款单,解款单. 。

cash requirement 现金需要量. 。

cash reserve 现金储备(金). 。

cash resources 现金资源,现金来源. 。

cash resources (reserves) 现金准备 。

cash sale 现售,现金销售=sale by real cash. 。

cash sale invoice 现销发票,现售发票. 。

cash settlement 现金结算,现汇结算. 。

cash short and over 现金尾差,清点现金余差;现金短溢. 。

cash slip 现金传票. 。

cash statement 现金报表,(现金)库存表. 。

cash ticket 现销票,门市发票. 。

cash transaction 现金交易. 。

cash verification 现金核实,现金核查. 。

cash voucher 现金凭单;现金收据. 。

cash with order (c.w.o., C.W.O.) 订货时付款,订货付现,落单付现. 。

cash without discount 付现无折扣. 。

cash yield discount 现金获利率,现金收益率. 。

cash-and-carry arbitrage 现货持有套利. 。

cashier 出纳员,收支员. 。

cashier's cheque (C.C.) 银行本票=cashier's order. 。

central rate 中心汇率(一国货币对美元的汇率,并据此计算对其他货币的汇率) 。

certificate of balance 存款凭单 。

Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 大额定期存款单 。

certificated security 实物证券 。

certificates of deposit (CDs) 大面额存款单 。

certifying bank 付款保证银行 。

change hands 交换,换手. 。

chartered bank 特许银行 。

chattel 动产.

chattel mortgage 动产抵押. 。

chattel mortgage 动产抵押. 。

chattel mortgage bond (美)动产抵押(公司)债券. 。

chattel personal (私人)动产. 。

chattel real 准不动产(土地权等). 。

check certificate 检验证明书. 。

check deposit 支票存款 。

check list (核对用的)清单. 。

check sheet 对帐单. 。

checking account 支票帐户. 。

checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款 。

checking reserve 支票现金储备. 。

checkstand (超级市场的)点货收款台. 。

cheque (payable) to bearer 来人支票,不记名支票. 。

cheque book 支票簿. 。

cheque book stub 支票簿存根. 。

cheque card 支票卡. 。

cheque collection 支票兑取. 。

cheque collector 支票兑取人. 。

cheque crossed 划线支票. 。

cheque crossed generally 普通划线支票. 。

cheque crossed specially 特别划线支票. 。

cheque deposit 支票存款. 。

cheque drawer 支票出票人. 。

cheque holder 支票执票人. 。

cheque only for account 转帐支票. 。

cheque payable at sight 见票即付支票. 。

cheque protector 支票银码机. 。

cheque rate 票据汇兑汇率,票汇价格=sight rate ,short rate. 。

cheque register 支票登记簿. 。

cheque returned 退票,退回的支票. 。

cheque signer 支票签名机. 。

cheque stub 支票存根. 。

cheque to order 记名支票,指定人支票. 。

China Investment Bank 中国投资银行 。

circulation risks 流通风险. 。

circulation tax (turnover tax) 流转税. 。

city bank 城市银行 。

claim a refound 索赔. 。

clean collections 光票托收 。

clearing bank 清算银行 。

clearing house 清算所. 。

clearinghouse 清算公司,票据交换所. 。

close out 平仓,结清(账). 。

closed and mortgage 闭口抵押. 。

closing order 收市价订单. 。

closing rate 收盘价 。

closing transaction 平仓交易 。

collar 带利率上下限的期权. 。

collateral loan 抵押借款. 。

collecting bank 托收银行 。

collecting bank 托收银行 。

collecting bank 代收行 。

collection instructions 委托(托收的)单据 。

collection items 托收业务,托收项目 。

collection of trade charges 托收货款 。

collection on clean bill 光票托收 。

collection on documents 跟单托收 。

collection order 托收委托书 。

collection risk 托收风险 。

collection risks 托收风险. 。

collection service 托收服务 。

collective-owned enterprise bonus tax 集体企业奖金税. 。

collective-owned enterprise income tax 集体企业所得税. 。

commercial and industrial loans 工商贷款 。

commercial deposit 商业存款 。

commercial paper 商业票据 。

commercial paper house 经营商业票据的商号 。

commercial risk 商业风险. 。

commercial terms 商业条件. 。

commission 佣金

commodity futures 商品期货. 。

commodity insurance 商品保险. 。

common collateral 共同担保. 。

common fund 共同基金 。

common stock 普通股 。

common trust fund 共同信托基金 。

compensatory financing 补偿性融资. 。

competitive risks 竞争风险. 。

composite depreciation 综合折旧. 。

compound interest 复利 。

compound rate 复利率 。

compound rate deposit 复利存款 。

comprehensive insurance 综合保险. 。

condominium 公寓私有共有方式. 。

confirming bank 保兑银行 。

congestion area 震荡区 。

congestion tape 统一自动行情显示 。

conservatism and liquidity 稳健性与流动性 。

consortium bank 银团银行 。

constructure risk 建设风险. 。

consumer financing 消费融资. 。

contingent risks 或有风险. 。

contract money 合同保证金. 。

contract size 合约容量. 。

contracts of difference 差异合约. 。

contractual value 合同价格. 。

controlled rates 控制的汇率 。

converge 集聚,(为共同利益而)结合一起. 。

conversion 汇兑,兑换 。

convertible currency 可兑换的货币 。

cooling-off period 等待期 。

cooperative financing 合作金融. 。

cornering the market 操纵市场 。

corners 垄断.

corporate deposits 法人存款 。

correspondent 代理行 。

cost of maintenance 维修费. 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

cover 弥补,补进(卖完的商品等). 。

cover 弥补(损失等);负担(开支);补进(商品或股票等);保险. 。

coverage 承保险别;保险总额;范围保险. 。

coverage ratio 偿债能力比率. 。

cover-note 暂保单;投保通知单. 。

credit 信用,信贷.

credit account (C.A., C/A) 赊帐=open account2 。

credit agreement 信贷协定. 。

credit amount 信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额. 。

credit analysis 信用分析. 。

credit balance 贷方余额,结欠,贷余. 。

credit bank 信贷银行 。

credit beneficiary 信用证受益人. 。

credit business 赊售,信用买卖. 。

credit buying 赊购. 。

credit capital 信贷资本. 。

credit cards 信用卡 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit facility 信用透支. 。

credit limit 信用额度. 。

credit restriction 信用限额. 。

credit risk 信用风险. 。

credit union 信用合作社 。

creditor bank 债权银行 。

crop up (out) 出现,呈现. 。

cross hedge 交叉套做. 。

cross hedging 交叉保值. 。

cum dividend 附息 。

cum rights 含权

cumulative preferred stock 累积优先股 。

currency futures 外币期货. 。

currency futures contract 货币期货合约. 。

current fund 流动基金 。

current futures price 现时的期货价格. 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

customize 按顾客的具体要求制作. 。

customs duty(tariffs) 关税. 。

D/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票汇 。

daily interest 日息 。

daily limit 每日涨(跌)停板. 。

date of delivery 交割期. 。

dealers 批发商.

death and gift tax 遗产和赠与税. 。

debt of honour 信用借款. 。

debtor bank 借方银行 。

decision-making under risk 风险下的决策. 。

deed 契约.

deed tax 契税.

deferred savings 定期存款 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

delivery date 交割日 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款或支票帐户 。

deposit account 存款帐户 。

deposit account (D/A) 存款帐户 。

deposit at call 通知存款 。

deposit bank 存款银行 。

deposit money 存款货币 。

deposit rate 存款利率 。

deposit turnover 存款周转率 。

depreciation risks 贬值风险. 。

derivative deposit 派生存款 。

derived deposit 派生存款 。

designated currency 指定货币 。

deutsche marks (=DM) 西德马克 。

devaluation of dollar 美元贬值 。

developer 发展商. 。

Development Bank 开发银行 。

development financing 发展融资. 。

devise 遗赠.

die intestate 死时没有遗嘱. 。

Diners card 大莱信用卡. 。

direct exchange 直接汇兑 。

direct financing 直接融资. 。

direct hedging 直接套做. 。

direct leases 直接租赁. 。

direct taxation 直接税. 。

discount credit 贴现融资. 。

discount market 贴现市场 。

discount on bills 票据贴现. 。

discount paid 已付贴现额. 。

discounted cash flow 净现金量 。

discounting bank 贴现银行 。

dishonour risks 拒付风险. 。

disintermediation 脱媒. 。

distant futures 远期期货. 。

diversification 分散投资 。

dividends 红利

document of title 物权单据 。

documentary collection 跟单托收 。

Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兑交单 。

Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交单 。

domestic correspondent 国内通汇银行 。

domestic deposit 国内存款 。

domestic exchange 国内汇兑 。

double leasing 双重租赁. 。

double mortgage 双重抵押. 。

double option 双向期权. 。

Dow Jones average 道·琼斯平均数 。

down payment 首期. 。

downgrade 降级

downside 下降趋势. 。

downtick 跌点交易

Dragon card 龙卡. 。

draw 提款

draw cheque 签发票据. 。

drawee bank 付款银行 。

drawing account 提款帐户 。

dual exchange market 双重外汇市场 。

dual trading 双重交易. 。

due from other funds 应收其他基金款 。

due to other funds 应付其他基金款 。

dumping 抛售

early warning system 预警系统 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

economic exposure 经济风险. 。

efficient portfolio 有效证券组合 。

electronic accounting machine 电子记帐机 。

electronic cash 电子现金. 。

electronic cash register 电子收款机 。

electronic debts 电子借贷 。

electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐. 。

electronic transfer 电子转帐 。

emergency tariff 非常关税. 。

encumbrance 债权(在不动产上设定的债权). 。

endorsement for collection 托收背书. 。

engage in arbitrage (to) 套汇 。

entity n. 单位,整体,个体 。

entrance fee 申请费. 。

equalization fund (外汇)平衡基金 。

equipment leasing services 设备租赁业务 。

equity portfolio 股票资产. 。

establishing bank 开证银行 。

ethics risks 道德风险. 。

Euro-bank 欧洲银行 。

Eurocard 欧洲系统卡. 。

European terms 欧洲标价法 。

evaluation of property 房产估价. 。

evasion of foreign currency 逃汇 。

exception clause 免责条款. 。

excess insurance 超额保险. 。

exchange adjustment 汇率调整 。

exchange alteration 更改汇率 。

exchange arbitrage 外汇套利 。

exchange bank 外汇银行 。

exchange broker 外汇经纪人 。

exchange brokerage 外汇经纪人佣金 。

exchange business 外汇业务 。

exchange clearing agreement 外汇结算协定 。

exchange clearing system 汇结算制 。

exchange competition 外汇竞争 。

exchange contract 外汇成交单 。

exchange control 外汇管制 。

exchange convertibility 外汇兑换 。

exchange customs 交易所惯例 。

exchange depreciation 外汇下降 。

exchange dumping 汇率倾销 。

exchange dumping 汇率倾销. 。

exchange fluctuations 汇价变动 。

exchange for forward delivery 远期外汇业务 。

exchange for spot delivery 即期外汇业务 。

exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换 。

exchange loss 汇率损失 。

exchange parity 外汇平价 。

exchange position 外汇头寸 。

exchange position 外汇头寸;外汇动态. 。

exchange premium 外汇升水 。

exchange profit 外汇利润 。

exchange proviso clause 外汇保值条款 。

exchange quota system 外汇配额制 。

exchange rate 汇价 。

exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇价的波动 。

exchange rate parity 外汇兑换的固定汇率 。

exchange rate risks 外汇汇率风险. 。

exchange reserves 外汇储备 。

exchange restrictions 外汇限制 。

exchange risk 外汇风险 。

exchange risk 兑换风险. 。

exchange settlement 结汇 。

exchange speculation 外汇投机 。

exchange stability 汇率稳定 。

exchange surrender certificate 外汇移转证 。

exchange transactions 外汇交易 。

exchange value 外汇价值 。

exchange war 外汇战 。

excise 货物税,消费税. 。

exercise date 执行日 。

exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格. 。

expenditure tax 支出税. 。

expenditure tax regime 支出税税制. 。

expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支. 。




Isaac Newton was one of the leading figures of the scientific revolution is the seventeenth century. He devoted his life to the study of the natural world, discovering the laws of gravity and motion, analyzing light, and developing the mathematics of calculus. He was born prematurely on December 25, 1642, in Woolsthorpe, England, to a poor farming family. Newton was taken out of school to work on the family farm at the age of 16 after his stepfather's death. 。



English physicist and mathematician who was born into a poor farming family. Luckily for humanity, Newton was not a good farmer, and was sent to Cambridge to study to become a preacher. At Cambridge, Newton studied mathematics, being especially strongly influenced by Euclid, although he was also influenced by Baconian and Cartesian philosophies. Newton was forced to leave Cambridge when it was closed because of the plague, and it was during this period that he made some of his most significant discoveries. With the reticence he was to show later in life, Newton did not, however, publish his results. 。

Newton suffered a mental breakdown in 1675 and was still recovering through 1679. In response to a letter from Hooke, he suggested that a particle, if released, would spiral in to the center of the Earth. Hooke wrote back, claiming that the path would not be a spiral, but an ellipse. Newton, who hated being bested, then proceeded to work out the mathematics of orbits. Again, he did not publish his calculations. Newton then began devoting his efforts to theological speculation and put the calculations on elliptical motion aside, telling Halley he had lost them (Westfall 1993, p. 403). Halley, who had become interested in orbits, finally convinced Newton to expand and publish his calculations. Newton devoted the period from August 1684 to spring 1686 to this task, and the result became one of the most important and influential works on physics of all times, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) (1687), often shortened to Principia Mathematica or simply "the Principia." 。

In Book I of Principia, Newton opened with definitions and the three laws of motion now known as Newton's laws (laws of inertia, action and reaction, and acceleration proportional to force). Book II presented Newton's new scientific philosophy which came to replace Cartesianism. Finally, Book III consisted of applications of his dynamics, including an explanation for tides and a theory of lunar motion. To test his hypothesis of universal gravitation, Newton wrote Flamsteed to ask if Saturn had been observed to slow down upon passing Jupiter. The surprised Flamsteed replied that an effect had indeed been observed, and it was closely predicted by the calculations Newton had provided. Newton's equations were further confirmed by observing the shape of the Earth to be oblate spheroidal, as Newton claimed it should be, rather than prolate spheroidal, as claimed by the Cartesians. Newton's equations also described the motion of Moon by successive approximations, and correctly predicted the return of Halley's Comet. Newton also correctly formulated and solved the first ever problem in the calculus of variations which involved finding the surface of revolution which would give minimum resistance to flow (assuming a specific drag law). 。

Newton invented a scientific method which was truly universal in its scope. Newton presented his methodology as a set of four rules for scientific reasoning. These rules were stated in the Principia and proposed that (1) we are to admit no more causes of natural things such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances, (2) the same natural effects must be assigned to the same causes, (3) qualities of bodies are to be esteemed as universal, and (4) propositions deduced from observation of phenomena should be viewed as accurate until other phenomena contradict them. 。

These four concise and universal rules for investigation were truly revolutionary. By their application, Newton formulated the universal laws of nature with which he was able to unravel virtually all the unsolved problems of his day. Newton went much further than outlining his rules for reasoning, however, actually describing how they might be applied to the solution of a given problem. The analytic method he invented far exceeded the more philosophical and less scientifically rigorous approaches of Aristotle and Aquinas. Newton refined Galileo's experimental method, creating the compositional method of experimentation still practiced today. In fact, the following description of the experimental method from Newton's Optics could easily be mistaken for a modern statement of current methods of investigation, if not for Newton's use of the words "natural philosophy" in place of the modern term "the physical sciences." Newton wrote, "As in mathematics, so in natural philosophy the investigation of difficult things by the method of analysis ought ever to precede the method of composition. This analysis consists of making experiments and observations, and in drawing general conclusions from them by this way of analysis we may proceed from compounds to ingredients, and from motions to the forces producing them; and in general from effects to their causes, and from particular causes to more general ones till the argument end in the most general. This is the method of analysis: and the synthesis consists in assuming the causes discovered and established as principles, and by them explaining the phenomena preceding from them, and proving the explanations." 。

Newton formulated the classical theories of mechanics and optics and invented calculus years before Leibniz. However, he did not publish his work on calculus until afterward Leibniz had published his. This led to a bitter priority dispute between English and continental mathematicians which persisted for decades, to the detriment of all concerned. Newton discovered that the binomial theorem was valid for fractional powers, but left it for Wallis to publish (which he did, with appropriate credit to Newton). Newton formulated a theory of sound, but derived a speed which did not agree with his experiments. The reason for the discrepancy was that the concept of adiabatic propagation did not yet exist, so Newton's answer was too low by a factor of , where is the ratio of heat capacities of air. Newton therefore fudged his theory until agreement was achieved (Engineering and Science, pp. 15-16). 。

In Optics (1704), whose publication Newton delayed until Hooke's death, Newton observed that white light could be separated by a prism into a spectrum of different colors, each characterized by a unique refractivity, and proposed the corpuscular theory of light. Newton's views on optics were born out of the original prism experiments he performed at Cambridge. In his "experimentum crucis" (crucial experiment), he found that the image produced by a prism was oval-shaped and not circular, as current theories of light would require. He observed a half-red, half-blue string through a prism, and found the ends to be disjointed. He also observed Newton's rings, which are actually a manifestation of the wave nature of light which Newton did not believe in. Newton believed that light must move faster in a medium when it is refracted towards the normal, in opposition to the result predicted by Huygens's wave theory. 。

Newton also formulated a system of chemistry in Query 31 at the end of Optics. In this corpuscular theory, "elements" consisted of different arrangements of atoms, and atoms consisted of small, hard, billiard ball-like particles. He explained chemical reactions in terms of the chemical affinities of the participating substances. Newton devoted a majority of his free time later in life (after 1678) to fruitless alchemical experiments. 。

Newton was extremely sensitive to criticism, and even ceased publishing until the death of his arch-rival Hooke. It was only through the prodding of Halley that Newton was persuaded at all to publish the Principia Mathematica. In the latter portion of his life, he devoted much of his time to alchemical researches and trying to date events in the Bible. After Newton's death, his burial place was moved. During the exhumation, it was discovered that Newton had massive amounts of mercury in his body, probably resulting from his alchemical pursuits. This would certainly explain Newton's eccentricity in late life. Newton was appointed Warden of the British Mint in 1695. Newton was knighted by Queen Anne. However, the act was "an honor bestowed not for his contributions to science, nor for his service at the Mint, but for the greater glory of party politics in the election of 1705" (Westfall 1993, p. 625). 。

Newton singlehandedly contributed more to the development of science than any other individual in history. He surpassed all the gains brought about by the great scientific minds of antiquity, producing a scheme of the universe which was more consistent, elegant, and intuitive than any proposed before. Newton stated explicit principles of scientific methods which applied universally to all branches of science. This was in sharp contradistinction to the earlier methodologies of Aristotle and Aquinas, which had outlined separate methods for different disciplines. 。

Although his methodology was strictly logical, Newton still believed deeply in the necessity of a God. His theological views are characterized by his belief that the beauty and regularity of the natural world could only "proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." He felt that "the Supreme God exists necessarily, and by the same necessity he exists always and everywhere." Newton believed that God periodically intervened to keep the universe going on track. He therefore denied the importance of Leibniz's vis viva as nothing more than an interesting quantity which remained constant in elastic collisions and therefore had no physical importance or meaning. 。

Although earlier philosophers such as Galileo and John Philoponus had used experimental procedures, Newton was the first to explicitly define and systematize their use. His methodology produced a neat balance between theoretical and experimental inquiry and between the mathematical and mechanical approaches. Newton mathematized all of the physical sciences, reducing their study to a rigorous, universal, and rational procedure which marked the ushering in of the Age of Reason. Thus, the basic principles of investigation set down by Newton have persisted virtually without alteration until modern times. In the years since Newton's death, they have borne fruit far exceeding anything even Newton could have imagined. They form the foundation on which the technological civilization of today rests. The principles expounded by Newton were even applied to the social sciences, influencing the economic theories of Adam Smith and the decision to make the United States legislature bicameral. These latter applications, however, pale in contrast to Newton's scientific contributions. 。

It is therefore no exaggeration to identify Newton as the single most important contributor to the development of modern science. The Latin inscription on Newton's tomb, despite its bombastic language, is thus fully justified in proclaiming, "Mortals! rejoice at so great an ornament to the human race!" Alexander Pope's couplet is also apropos: "Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night; God said, Let Newton be! and all was light." 。




a flat percentage rate of income 统一比率的所得税税率. 。

a long position 多头部位,利多形势. 。

a long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同. 。

a put option on a debt security 债务证券的卖出期权. 。

a sales slip 签购单据,售货清单. 。

a short position 空头部位,短缺头寸. 。

a short position 空头;卖出的期货合同. 。

a tax return 税务申报表. 。

abnormal depreciation 特别折旧. 。

abnormal spoilage 非正常损坏. 。

aboriginal cost 原始成本. 。

acceptance bank 票据承兑行 。

acceptance method 承兑方式. 。

acceptance risks 承兑风险. 。

accepting bank 承兑银行 。

accessory risks 附加保险,附加险. 。

accident insurance 意外保险.(不包括海上,火灾和人寿保险). 。

accommodation of funds 资金融通. 。

accompany vt. 附带,伴随,陪同 。

account charges 账户费用 。

account current (A/C,a/c) 往来帐户 。

account number (A/N) 帐号 。

account statement 帐户清单 。

accounting exposure 会计风险. 。

accounting risks 会计风险. 。

accounting value 帐面价值. 。

accounts of assured 保险帐户. 。

accrued bond interest 应计债券利息 。

accrued depreciation 应计折旧. 。

accrued dividend 应计股利 。

acknowledgement of declaration (under op预约保险申报确认书. 。

active securities 热头股票,活跃的证券 。

actual cash value (保险用语)实际现金价值. 。

actual rate 实际汇率 。

adaptive expectations 适应性预期. 。

additional insurance 加保,附加保险. 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

additional reserve 追加准备金 。

adjustable policy 可调整的保险单. 。

adjustable premium 可调整的保险费. 。

adjusted debit balance 已调整的借方余额 。

advance payment of premium 预缴保险费. 。

advance-decline theory 涨跌理论 。

adverse exchange 逆汇,逆汇兑 。

advice of drawing 提款通知书 。

advising bank 通知银行 。

affiliated bank 联行 。

affiliated person 关联人 。

aftermarket 次级市场 。

agent for collection 托收代理银行 。

Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行 。

agricultural loans 农业贷款 。

agricultural(animal husbandry)tax 农(牧)业税. 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项 。

alternative (either/or) order 选择指令 。

American Express card 运通卡. 。

American terms 美国标价法 。

amount in figures 小写金额 。

amount in words 大写金额 。

annual membership dues 年费. 。

application form for a banking account 银行开户申请书 。

appointed bank 外汇指定银行 。

appreciation of exchange rate 汇率升值 。

arbitrage 套利

arbitrage 套购,套利,套汇. 。

arbitrage of exchange 套汇 。

arbitrage of exchange or stock 套汇或套股. 。

arbitrage opportunity 套价机会. 。

arbitrage risks 套汇风险. 。

as agent 做代理

as principal 做自营 。

Asian Development Fund (ADB) 亚洲开发银行 。

ask price = asking price = offer price =出售价,报价,开价,出价 。

ask-bid system 竞价系统 。

assessment of loss 估损. 。

assets insurance 资产保险. 。

assignment of policy 保单转让. 。

assumption of risk 承担风险. 。

asymmetry 不对称. 。

at owner's risk 风险由货主负担. 。

at-the-close order 收盘指令 。

at-the-market 按市价 。

at-the-money 平值期权. 。

at-the-opening (opening only) order 开盘指令 。

auction marketplace 拍卖市场 。

automated teller machines (24 hours a da自动取款机(24小时服务) 。

automatic transfers between accounts 自动转帐 。

average 平均数

baby bond 小额债券 。

back spreads 反套利. 。

back wardation 现货溢价. 。

balance n. 结余,差额,平衡 。

bank balance 存款余额 。

bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必备)储备的银行存款余额 。

bank deposit 银行存款 。

Bank of China 中国银行 。

Bank of Communications 交通银行 。

bank of deposit 存款银行 。

bank of the government 政府的银行 。

banker's association 银行协会 。

banker's bank 中央银行 。

banker's guarantee 银行担保. 。

bank's buying rate 银行买入价 。

bank's selling rate 银行卖出价 。

banks with business dealing with the cen中央银行的往来银行 。

Barclay card 巴克莱银行信用卡. 。

base rate 基本汇价 。

basis order 基差订单. 。

basis risk 基差风险. 。

bear market 熊市 。

bear operation 卖空行为 。

bear raiders 大量抛空者 。

beneficial owner 受益所有人 。

beneficiary of insurance 保险金受益人. 。

best-efforts offering 尽力推销(代销)发行 。

bid and ask prices 买入和卖出价 。

bid and ask spread 买卖差价 。

bid price = buying price 买价 。

bid-ask spread 递盘虚盘差价. 。

big board 大行情牌 。

big slump 大衰退(暴跌). 。

bill-paying services 代付帐款 。

black market 黑市 。

black market financing 黑市筹资. 。

black money 黑钱 。

blanket mortgage 总括抵押. 。

block positioner 大宗头寸商 。

blowout 畅销

blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股 。

board of arbitration 仲裁委员会 。

board of governors 理事会 。

bond fund 债券基金 。

borrowing from affiliates 向联营公司借款. 。

borrowing power of securities 证券贷款能力 。

borrowing risks 借款风险. 。

bought deal 包销 。

bread and butter business 基本业务 。

breadth index 宽度指数 。

break-even 不亏不盈,收支相抵. 。

breakout 突破

bridging finance 过渡性融资. 。

broker 经纪人,掮客

brokerage 经纪人佣金 。

brokerage 经纪业;付给经纪人的佣金. 。

brokerage firm 经纪商(号). 。

broker's loan 经纪人贷款 。

broking house 经纪人事务所 。

building agreement 具有约束力的协定. 。

building tax (tax on construction) 建筑税. 。

bullish 行情看涨

business insurance 企业保险. 。

business risk 营业风险. 。

business savings 企业储蓄 。

business tax 营业税. 。

business term loan 企业长期贷款 。

bust-up risks 破产风险. 。

buyer's risks 买方风险. 。

call (option) 买方期权,看涨期权. 。

call and put options 买入期权和卖出期权. 。

call for funds 控股,集资 。

call loan transaction 短期拆放往来. 。

call market 活期存款市场 。

call money 拆放款. 。

call options on an equity 权益(证券)的买入期权. 。

call-options 认购期权. 。

cancellation 取消 。

cancellation money 解约金. 。

cap 带利率上限的期权.

capital assets 资本资产. 。

capital lease 资本租赁. 。

capital market 信贷市场,资本市场 。

capital resources 资本来源 。

capital surplus 资本盈余 。

capital transfer 资本转移 。

capital turnover rate 资本周转率 。

card issuing institution 发卡单位. 。

carefully selected applicant 经仔细选定的申请人. 。

cargo insurance 货物保险. 。

cash 现金,现款.v.兑现,付现款. 。

cash a cheque 支票兑现. 。

cash account 现金帐户 。

cash account 现金帐户. 。

cash account 现金帐户 。

cash advance 差旅预支款. 。

cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现. 。

cash against documents(C.A.D.) 凭单付现,凭单据付现金=document against cash. 。

cash and carry 付现自运;现金交易和运输自理;现购自运商店. 。

cash and carry wholesale 付现自运批发. 。

cash assets 现金资产. 。

cash audit 现金审核 。

cash audit 现金审核,现金审计. 。

cash balance 现金余额,现款结存. 。

cash basis 现金制 。

cash basis 现金制,现金基础. 。

cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制 。

cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制. 。

cash before delivery(C.B.D.) 空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货. 。

cash bonus 现金红利. 。

cash book 现金簿;现金帐;现金出纳帐. 。

cash boy 送款员.

cash budget 现金预算 。

cash budget 现金预算. 。

cash card1 (银行)自动提款卡. 。

cash card2 现金卡. 。

cash claim 现金索赔. 。

cash collection basis 收现法,收现制. 。

cash credit 活期信用放款,现金付出. 。

cash credit slip 现金支出传票. 。

cash currency 现金通货. 。

cash cycle 现金循环,现金周期. 。

cash day 付款日.

cash debit slip 现金收入传票. 。

cash department (商业机构中的)出纳部=counting-house. 。

cash deposit 现金存款;保证金. 。

cash deposit as collateral 保证金,押金. 。

cash desk (商店,饭馆的)付款处. 。

cash disbursements 现金支出. 。

cash discount (c.d.) 现金折扣,付现折扣=settlement discount. 。

cash dispenser (美)自动提款机=cashomat. 。

cash dividend 现金股利 。

cash down 即付,付现. 。

cash equivalent value 现金等值,现金相等价值. 。

cash flow 资金流动 。

cash flow 现金流动. 。

cash flow stream 现金流(量). 。

cash holdings 库存现金 。

cash holdings 库存现金. 。

cash in advance (c.i.a.) 预付现金. 。

cash in bank 存银行现金,银行存款. 。

cash in hand (商行的)手头现金,库存现金=cash on hand. 。

cash in transit 在途现金,在运现金. 。

cash in transit policy 现金运送保险单. 。

cash in treasury 库存现金. 。

cash invoice 现购发票. 。

cash items 现金帐项,现金科目. 。

cash journal 现金日记簿. 。

cash liquidity 现金流动(情况);现金周转. 。

cash loan 现金贷款. 。

cash management services 现金管理业务 。

cash market 现金交易市场,现货市场,付现市场. 。

cash nexus 现金交易关系. 。

cash on arrival 货到付现,货到付款. 。

cash on bank 银行存款;银行付款;现金支票付款. 。

cash on deliver (C.O.D) (英)交货付款,现款交货=collect on delivery. 。

cash on delivery (COD) 交割付款 。

cash order(C/O) 现金订货. 。

cash paid book 现金支出簿. 。

cash payment 现金支付 。

cash payment 现金付款,现付. 。

cash payments journal 现金支出日记帐. 。

cash position 头寸 。

cash position 现金状况,现金头寸. 。

cash price 现金售价,现金付款价格. 。

cash purchase 现购,现金购买. 。

cash railway (商店中的)货款传送线. 。

cash ratio 现金比率. 。

cash receipts (CR) 现金收入. 。

cash receipts journal 现金收入日记帐. 。

cash records 现金记录. 。

cash register 现金登记机,现金收入记录机,收银机. 。

cash remittance 汇款单;解款单. 。

cash remittance note 现金解款单,解款单. 。

cash requirement 现金需要量. 。

cash reserve 现金储备(金). 。

cash resources 现金资源,现金来源. 。

cash resources (reserves) 现金准备 。

cash sale 现售,现金销售=sale by real cash. 。

cash sale invoice 现销发票,现售发票. 。

cash settlement 现金结算,现汇结算. 。

cash short and over 现金尾差,清点现金余差;现金短溢. 。

cash slip 现金传票. 。

cash statement 现金报表,(现金)库存表. 。

cash ticket 现销票,门市发票. 。

cash transaction 现金交易. 。

cash verification 现金核实,现金核查. 。

cash voucher 现金凭单;现金收据. 。

cash with order (c.w.o., C.W.O.) 订货时付款,订货付现,落单付现. 。

cash without discount 付现无折扣. 。

cash yield discount 现金获利率,现金收益率. 。

cash-and-carry arbitrage 现货持有套利. 。

cashier 出纳员,收支员. 。

cashier's cheque (C.C.) 银行本票=cashier's order. 。

central rate 中心汇率(一国货币对美元的汇率,并据此计算对其他货币的汇率) 。

certificate of balance 存款凭单 。

Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 大额定期存款单 。

certificated security 实物证券 。

certificates of deposit (CDs) 大面额存款单 。

certifying bank 付款保证银行 。

change hands 交换,换手. 。

chartered bank 特许银行 。

chattel 动产.

chattel mortgage 动产抵押. 。

chattel mortgage 动产抵押. 。

chattel mortgage bond (美)动产抵押(公司)债券. 。

chattel personal (私人)动产. 。

chattel real 准不动产(土地权等). 。

check certificate 检验证明书. 。

check deposit 支票存款 。

check list (核对用的)清单. 。

check sheet 对帐单. 。

checking account 支票帐户. 。

checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款 。

checking reserve 支票现金储备. 。

checkstand (超级市场的)点货收款台. 。

cheque (payable) to bearer 来人支票,不记名支票. 。

cheque book 支票簿. 。

cheque book stub 支票簿存根. 。

cheque card 支票卡. 。

cheque collection 支票兑取. 。

cheque collector 支票兑取人. 。

cheque crossed 划线支票. 。

cheque crossed generally 普通划线支票. 。

cheque crossed specially 特别划线支票. 。

cheque deposit 支票存款. 。

cheque drawer 支票出票人. 。

cheque holder 支票执票人. 。

cheque only for account 转帐支票. 。

cheque payable at sight 见票即付支票. 。

cheque protector 支票银码机. 。

cheque rate 票据汇兑汇率,票汇价格=sight rate ,short rate. 。

cheque register 支票登记簿. 。

cheque returned 退票,退回的支票. 。

cheque signer 支票签名机. 。

cheque stub 支票存根. 。

cheque to order 记名支票,指定人支票. 。

China Investment Bank 中国投资银行 。

circulation risks 流通风险. 。

circulation tax (turnover tax) 流转税. 。

city bank 城市银行 。

claim a refound 索赔. 。

clean collections 光票托收 。

clearing bank 清算银行 。

clearing house 清算所. 。

clearinghouse 清算公司,票据交换所. 。

close out 平仓,结清(账). 。

closed and mortgage 闭口抵押. 。

closing order 收市价订单. 。

closing rate 收盘价 。

closing transaction 平仓交易 。

collar 带利率上下限的期权. 。

collateral loan 抵押借款. 。

collecting bank 托收银行 。

collecting bank 托收银行 。

collecting bank 代收行 。

collection instructions 委托(托收的)单据 。

collection items 托收业务,托收项目 。

collection of trade charges 托收货款 。

collection on clean bill 光票托收 。

collection on documents 跟单托收 。

collection order 托收委托书 。

collection risk 托收风险 。

collection risks 托收风险. 。

collection service 托收服务 。

collective-owned enterprise bonus tax 集体企业奖金税. 。

collective-owned enterprise income tax 集体企业所得税. 。

commercial and industrial loans 工商贷款 。

commercial deposit 商业存款 。

commercial paper 商业票据 。

commercial paper house 经营商业票据的商号 。

commercial risk 商业风险. 。

commercial terms 商业条件. 。

commission 佣金

commodity futures 商品期货. 。

commodity insurance 商品保险. 。

common collateral 共同担保. 。

common fund 共同基金 。

common stock 普通股 。

common trust fund 共同信托基金 。

compensatory financing 补偿性融资. 。

competitive risks 竞争风险. 。

composite depreciation 综合折旧. 。

compound interest 复利 。

compound rate 复利率 。

compound rate deposit 复利存款 。

comprehensive insurance 综合保险. 。

condominium 公寓私有共有方式. 。

confirming bank 保兑银行 。

congestion area 震荡区 。

congestion tape 统一自动行情显示 。

conservatism and liquidity 稳健性与流动性 。

consortium bank 银团银行 。

constructure risk 建设风险. 。

consumer financing 消费融资. 。

contingent risks 或有风险. 。

contract money 合同保证金. 。

contract size 合约容量. 。

contracts of difference 差异合约. 。

contractual value 合同价格. 。

controlled rates 控制的汇率 。

converge 集聚,(为共同利益而)结合一起. 。

conversion 汇兑,兑换 。

convertible currency 可兑换的货币 。

cooling-off period 等待期 。

cooperative financing 合作金融. 。

cornering the market 操纵市场 。

corners 垄断.

corporate deposits 法人存款 。

correspondent 代理行 。

cost of maintenance 维修费. 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 。

cover 弥补,补进(卖完的商品等). 。

cover 弥补(损失等);负担(开支);补进(商品或股票等);保险. 。

coverage 承保险别;保险总额;范围保险. 。

coverage ratio 偿债能力比率. 。

cover-note 暂保单;投保通知单. 。

credit 信用,信贷.

credit account (C.A., C/A) 赊帐=open account2 。

credit agreement 信贷协定. 。

credit amount 信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额. 。

credit analysis 信用分析. 。

credit balance 贷方余额,结欠,贷余. 。

credit bank 信贷银行 。

credit beneficiary 信用证受益人. 。

credit business 赊售,信用买卖. 。

credit buying 赊购. 。

credit capital 信贷资本. 。

credit cards 信用卡 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control 信用控制 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit control instrument 信用调节手段 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit expansion 信用扩张 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit extending policy 融资方针 。

credit facility 信用透支. 。

credit limit 信用额度. 。

credit restriction 信用限额. 。

credit risk 信用风险. 。

credit union 信用合作社 。

creditor bank 债权银行 。

crop up (out) 出现,呈现. 。

cross hedge 交叉套做. 。

cross hedging 交叉保值. 。

cum dividend 附息 。

cum rights 含权

cumulative preferred stock 累积优先股 。

currency futures 外币期货. 。

currency futures contract 货币期货合约. 。

current fund 流动基金 。

current futures price 现时的期货价格. 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

current ratio 流动比率 。

customize 按顾客的具体要求制作. 。

customs duty(tariffs) 关税. 。

D/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票汇 。

daily interest 日息 。

daily limit 每日涨(跌)停板. 。

date of delivery 交割期. 。

dealers 批发商.

death and gift tax 遗产和赠与税. 。

debt of honour 信用借款. 。

debtor bank 借方银行 。

decision-making under risk 风险下的决策. 。

deed 契约.

deed tax 契税.

deferred savings 定期存款 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit covering 弥补赤字 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deficit-covering finance 赤字财政 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

deflation 通货紧缩 。

delivery date 交割日 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand shift inflation 需求变动型通货膨胀 。

demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款或支票帐户 。

deposit account 存款帐户 。

deposit account (D/A) 存款帐户 。

deposit at call 通知存款 。

deposit bank 存款银行 。

deposit money 存款货币 。

deposit rate 存款利率 。

deposit turnover 存款周转率 。

depreciation risks 贬值风险. 。

derivative deposit 派生存款 。

derived deposit 派生存款 。

designated currency 指定货币 。

deutsche marks (=DM) 西德马克 。

devaluation of dollar 美元贬值 。

developer 发展商. 。

Development Bank 开发银行 。

development financing 发展融资. 。

devise 遗赠.

die intestate 死时没有遗嘱. 。

Diners card 大莱信用卡. 。

direct exchange 直接汇兑 。

direct financing 直接融资. 。

direct hedging 直接套做. 。

direct leases 直接租赁. 。

direct taxation 直接税. 。

discount credit 贴现融资. 。

discount market 贴现市场 。

discount on bills 票据贴现. 。

discount paid 已付贴现额. 。

discounted cash flow 净现金量 。

discounting bank 贴现银行 。

dishonour risks 拒付风险. 。

disintermediation 脱媒. 。

distant futures 远期期货. 。

diversification 分散投资 。

dividends 红利

document of title 物权单据 。

documentary collection 跟单托收 。

Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兑交单 。

Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交单 。

domestic correspondent 国内通汇银行 。

domestic deposit 国内存款 。

domestic exchange 国内汇兑 。

double leasing 双重租赁. 。

double mortgage 双重抵押. 。

double option 双向期权. 。

Dow Jones average 道·琼斯平均数 。

down payment 首期. 。

downgrade 降级

downside 下降趋势. 。

downtick 跌点交易

Dragon card 龙卡. 。

draw 提款

draw cheque 签发票据. 。

drawee bank 付款银行 。

drawing account 提款帐户 。

dual exchange market 双重外汇市场 。

dual trading 双重交易. 。

due from other funds 应收其他基金款 。

due to other funds 应付其他基金款 。

dumping 抛售

early warning system 预警系统 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

easy credit 放松信贷 。

economic exposure 经济风险. 。

efficient portfolio 有效证券组合 。

electronic accounting machine 电子记帐机 。

electronic cash 电子现金. 。

electronic cash register 电子收款机 。

electronic debts 电子借贷 。

electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐. 。

electronic transfer 电子转帐 。

emergency tariff 非常关税. 。

encumbrance 债权(在不动产上设定的债权). 。

endorsement for collection 托收背书. 。

engage in arbitrage (to) 套汇 。

entity n. 单位,整体,个体 。

entrance fee 申请费. 。

equalization fund (外汇)平衡基金 。

equipment leasing services 设备租赁业务 。

equity portfolio 股票资产. 。

establishing bank 开证银行 。

ethics risks 道德风险. 。

Euro-bank 欧洲银行 。

Eurocard 欧洲系统卡. 。

European terms 欧洲标价法 。

evaluation of property 房产估价. 。

evasion of foreign currency 逃汇 。

exception clause 免责条款. 。

excess insurance 超额保险. 。

exchange adjustment 汇率调整 。

exchange alteration 更改汇率 。

exchange arbitrage 外汇套利 。

exchange bank 外汇银行 。

exchange broker 外汇经纪人 。

exchange brokerage 外汇经纪人佣金 。

exchange business 外汇业务 。

exchange clearing agreement 外汇结算协定 。

exchange clearing system 汇结算制 。

exchange competition 外汇竞争 。

exchange contract 外汇成交单 。

exchange control 外汇管制 。

exchange convertibility 外汇兑换 。

exchange customs 交易所惯例 。

exchange depreciation 外汇下降 。

exchange dumping 汇率倾销 。

exchange dumping 汇率倾销. 。

exchange fluctuations 汇价变动 。

exchange for forward delivery 远期外汇业务 。

exchange for spot delivery 即期外汇业务 。

exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换 。

exchange loss 汇率损失 。

exchange parity 外汇平价 。

exchange position 外汇头寸 。

exchange position 外汇头寸;外汇动态. 。

exchange premium 外汇升水 。

exchange profit 外汇利润 。

exchange proviso clause 外汇保值条款 。

exchange quota system 外汇配额制 。

exchange rate 汇价 。

exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇价的波动 。

exchange rate parity 外汇兑换的固定汇率 。

exchange rate risks 外汇汇率风险. 。

exchange reserves 外汇储备 。

exchange restrictions 外汇限制 。

exchange risk 外汇风险 。

exchange risk 兑换风险. 。

exchange settlement 结汇 。

exchange speculation 外汇投机 。

exchange stability 汇率稳定 。

exchange surrender certificate 外汇移转证 。

exchange transactions 外汇交易 。

exchange value 外汇价值 。

exchange war 外汇战 。

excise 货物税,消费税. 。

exercise date 执行日 。

exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格. 。

expenditure tax 支出税. 。

expenditure tax regime 支出税税制. 。

expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支. 。



The Magna Carta。

(The Great Charter)。


Preamble: John, by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to the archbishop, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciaries, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants, and to all his bailiffs and liege subjects, greetings. Know that, having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honor of God and the advancement of his holy Church and for the rectifying of our realm, we have granted as underwritten by advice of our venerable fathers, Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and cardinal of the holy Roman Church, Henry, archbishop of Dublin, William of London, Peter of Winchester, Jocelyn of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh of Lincoln, Walter of Worcester, William of Coventry, Benedict of Rochester, bishops; of Master Pandulf, subdeacon and member of the household of our lord the Pope, of brother Aymeric (master of the Knights of the Temple in England), and of the illustrious men William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, William, earl of Salisbury, William, earl of Warenne, William, earl of Arundel, Alan of Galloway (constable of Scotland), Waren Fitz Gerold, Peter Fitz Herbert, Hubert De Burgh (seneschal of Poitou), Hugh de Neville, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip d'Aubigny, Robert of Roppesley, John Marshal, John Fitz Hugh, and others, our liegemen.。

1. In the first place we have granted to God, and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs forever that the English Church shall be free, and shall have her rights entire, and her liberties inviolate; and we will that it be thus observed; which is apparent from this that the freedom of elections, which is reckoned most important and very essential to the English Church, we, of our pure and unconstrained will, did grant, and did by our charter confirm and did obtain the ratification of the same from our lord, Pope Innocent III, before the quarrel arose between us and our barons: and this we will observe, and our will is that it be observed in good faith by our heirs forever. We have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our heirs forever, all the underwritten liberties, to be had and held by them and their heirs, of us and our heirs forever.。

2. If any of our earls or barons, or others holding of us in chief by military service shall have died, and at the time of his death his heir shall be full of age and owe "relief", he shall have his inheritance by the old relief, to wit, the heir or heirs of an earl, for the whole barony of an earl by £100; the heir or heirs of a baron, £100 for a whole barony; the heir or heirs of a knight, 100s, at most, and whoever owes less let him give less, according to the ancient custom of fees.。

3. If, however, the heir of any one of the aforesaid has been under age and in wardship, let him have his inheritance without relief and without fine when he comes of age.。

4. The guardian of the land of an heir who is thus under age, shall take from the land of the heir nothing but reasonable produce, reasonable customs, and reasonable services, and that without destruction or waste of men or goods; and if we have committed the wardship of the lands of any such minor to the sheriff, or to any other who is responsible to us for its issues, and he has made destruction or waster of what he holds in wardship, we will take of him amends, and the land shall be committed to two lawful and discreet men of that fee, who shall be responsible for the issues to us or to him to whom we shall assign them; and if we have given or sold the wardship of any such land to anyone and he has therein made destruction or waste, he shall lose that wardship, and it shall be transferred to two lawful and discreet men of that fief, who shall be responsible to us in like manner as aforesaid.。

5. The guardian, moreover, so long as he has the wardship of the land, shall keep up the houses, parks, fishponds, stanks, mills, and other things pertaining to the land, out of the issues of the same land; and he shall restore to the heir, when he has come to full age, all his land, stocked with ploughs and wainage, according as the season of husbandry shall require, and the issues of the land can reasonable bear.。

6. Heirs shall be married without disparagement, yet so that before the marriage takes place the nearest in blood to that heir shall have notice.。

7. A widow, after the death of her husband, shall forthwith and without difficulty have her marriage portion and inheritance; nor shall she give anything for her dower, or for her marriage portion, or for the inheritance which her husband and she held on the day of the death of that husband; and she may remain in the house of her husband for forty days after his death, within which time her dower shall be assigned to her.。

8. No widow shall be compelled to marry, so long as she prefers to live without a husband; provided always that she gives security not to marry without our consent, if she holds of us, or without the consent of the lord of whom she holds, if she holds of another.。

9. Neither we nor our bailiffs will seize any land or rent for any debt, as long as the chattels of the debtor are sufficient to repay the debt; nor shall the sureties of the debtor be distrained so long as the principal debtor is able to satisfy the debt; and if the principal debtor shall fail to pay the debt, having nothing wherewith to pay it, then the sureties shall answer for the debt; and let them have the lands and rents of the debtor, if they desire them, until they are indemnified for the debt which they have paid for him, unless the principal debtor can show proof that he is discharged thereof as against the said sureties.。

10. If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, die before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond.。

11. And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if any children of the deceased are left under age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and out of the residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however, service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be done touching debts due to others than Jews.。

12. No scutage not aid shall be imposed on our kingdom, unless by common counsel of our kingdom, except for ransoming our person, for making our eldest son a knight, and for once marrying our eldest daughter; and for these there shall not be levied more than a reasonable aid. In like manner it shall be done concerning aids from the city of London.。

13. And the city of London shall have all it ancient liberties and free customs, as well by land as by water; furthermore, we decree and grant that all other cities, boroughs, towns, and ports shall have all their liberties and free customs.。

14. And for obtaining the common counsel of the kingdom anent the assessing of an aid (except in the three cases aforesaid) or of a scutage, we will cause to be summoned the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, and greater barons, severally by our letters; and we will moveover cause to be summoned generally, through our sheriffs and bailiffs, and others who hold of us in chief, for a fixed date, namely, after the expiry of at least forty days, and at a fixed place; and in all letters of such summons we will specify the reason of the summons. And when the summons has thus been made, the business shall proceed on the day appointed, according to the counsel of such as are present, although not all who were summoned have come.。

15. We will not for the future grant to anyone license to take an aid from his own free tenants, except to ransom his person, to make his eldest son a knight, and once to marry his eldest daughter; and on each of these occasions there shall be levied only a reasonable aid.。

16. No one shall be distrained for performance of greater service for a knight's fee, or for any other free tenement, than is due therefrom.。

17. Common pleas shall not follow our court, but shall be held in some fixed place.。

18. Inquests of novel disseisin, of mort d'ancestor, and of darrein presentment shall not be held elsewhere than in their own county courts, and that in manner following; We, or, if we should be out of the realm, our chief justiciar, will send two justiciaries through every county four times a year, who shall alone with four knights of the county chosen by the county, hold the said assizes in the county court, on the day and in the place of meeting of that court.。

19. And if any of the said assizes cannot be taken on the day of the county court, let there remain of the knights and freeholders, who were present at the county court on that day, as many as may be required for the efficient making of judgments, according as the business be more or less.。

20. A freeman shall not be amerced for a slight offense, except in accordance with the degree of the offense; and for a grave offense he shall be amerced in accordance with the gravity of the offense, yet saving always his "contentment"; and a merchant in the same way, saving his "merchandise"; and a villein shall be amerced in the same way, saving his "wainage" if they have fallen into our mercy: and none of the aforesaid amercements shall be imposed except by the oath of honest men of the neighborhood.。

21. Earls and barons shall not be amerced except through their peers, and only in accordance with the degree of the offense.。

22. A clerk shall not be amerced in respect of his lay holding except after the manner of the others aforesaid; further, he shall not be amerced in accordance with the extent of his ecclesiastical benefice.。

23. No village or individual shall be compelled to make bridges at river banks, except those who from of old were legally bound to do so.。

24. No sheriff, constable, coroners, or others of our bailiffs, shall hold pleas of our Crown.。

25. All counties, hundred, wapentakes, and trithings (except our demesne manors) shall remain at the old rents, and without any additional payment.。

26. If anyone holding of us a lay fief shall die, and our sheriff or bailiff shall exhibit our letters patent of summons for a debt which the deceased owed us, it shall be lawful for our sheriff or bailiff to attach and enroll the chattels of the deceased, found upon the lay fief, to the value of that debt, at the sight of law worthy men, provided always that nothing whatever be thence removed until the debt which is evident shall be fully paid to us; and the residue shall be left to the executors to fulfill the will of the deceased; and if there be nothing due from him to us, all the chattels shall go to the deceased, saving to his wife and children their reasonable shares.。

27. If any freeman shall die intestate, his chattels shall be distributed by the hands of his nearest kinsfolk and friends, under supervision of the Church, saving to every one the debts which the deceased owed to him.。

28. No constable or other bailiff of ours shall take corn or other provisions from anyone without immediately tendering money therefor, unless he can have postponement thereof by permission of the seller.。

29. No constable shall compel any knight to give money in lieu of castle-guard, when he is willing to perform it in his own person, or (if he himself cannot do it from any reasonable cause) then by another responsible man. Further, if we have led or sent him upon military service, he shall be relieved from guard in proportion to the time during which he has been on service because of us.。

30. No sheriff or bailiff of ours, or other person, shall take the horses or carts of any freeman for transport duty, against the will of the said freeman.。

31. Neither we nor our bailiffs shall take, for our castles or for any other work of ours, wood which is not ours, against the will of the owner of that wood.。

32. We will not retain beyond one year and one day, the lands those who have been convicted of felony, and the lands shall thereafter be handed over to the lords of the fiefs.。

33. All kydells for the future shall be removed altogether from Thames and Medway, and throughout all England, except upon the seashore.。

34. The writ which is called praecipe shall not for the future be issued to anyone, regarding any tenement whereby a freeman may lose his court.。

35. Let there be one measure of wine throughout our whole realm; and one measure of ale; and one measure of corn, to wit, "the London quarter"; and one width of cloth (whether dyed, or russet, or "halberget"), to wit, two ells within the selvedges; of weights also let it be as of measures.。

36. Nothing in future shall be given or taken for a writ of inquisition of life or limbs, but freely it shall be granted, and never denied.。

37. If anyone holds of us by fee-farm, either by socage or by burage, or of any other land by knight's service, we will not (by reason of that fee-farm, socage, or burgage), have the wardship of the heir, or of such land of his as if of the fief of that other; nor shall we have wardship of that fee-farm, socage, or burgage, unless such fee-farm owes knight's service. We will not by reason of any small serjeancy which anyone may hold of us by the service of rendering to us knives, arrows, or the like, have wardship of his heir or of the land which he holds of another lord by knight's service.。

38. No bailiff for the future shall, upon his own unsupported complaint, put anyone to his "law", without credible witnesses brought for this purposes.。

39. No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.。

40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.。

41. All merchants shall have safe and secure exit from England, and entry to England, with the right to tarry there and to move about as well by land as by water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs, quit from all evil tolls, except (in time of war) such merchants as are of the land at war with us. And if such are found in our land at the beginning of the war, they shall be detained, without injury to their bodies or goods, until information be received by us, or by our chief justiciar, how the merchants of our land found in the land at war with us are treated; and if our men are safe there, the others shall be safe in our land.。

42. It shall be lawful in future for anyone (excepting always those imprisoned or outlawed in accordance with the law of the kingdom, and natives of any country at war with us, and merchants, who shall be treated as if above provided) to leave our kingdom and to return, safe and secure by land and water, except for a short period in time of war, on grounds of public policy- reserving always the allegiance due to us.。

43. If anyone holding of some escheat (such as the honor of Wallingford, Nottingham, Boulogne, Lancaster, or of other escheats which are in our hands and are baronies) shall die, his heir shall give no other relief, and perform no other service to us than he would have done to the baron if that barony had been in the baron's hand; and we shall hold it in the same manner in which the baron held it.。

44. Men who dwell without the forest need not henceforth come before our justiciaries of the forest upon a general summons, unless they are in plea, or sureties of one or more, who are attached for the forest.。

45. We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or bailiffs only such as know the law of the realm and mean to observe it well.。

46. All barons who have founded abbeys, concerning which they hold charters from the kings of England, or of which they have long continued possession, shall have the wardship of them, when vacant, as they ought to have.。

47. All forests that have been made such in our time shall forthwith be disafforsted; and a similar course shall be followed with regard to river banks that have been placed "in defense" by us in our time.。

48. All evil customs connected with forests and warrens, foresters and warreners, sheriffs and their officers, river banks and their wardens, shall immediately by inquired into in each county by twelve sworn knights of the same county chosen by the honest men of the same county, and shall, within forty days of the said inquest, be utterly abolished, so as never to be restored, provided always that we previously have intimation thereof, or our justiciar, if we should not be in England.。

49. We will immediately restore all hostages and charters delivered to us by Englishmen, as sureties of the peace of faithful service.。

50. We will entirely remove from their bailiwicks, the relations of Gerard of Athee (so that in future they shall have no bailiwick in England); namely, Engelard of Cigogne, Peter, Guy, and Andrew of Chanceaux, Guy of Cigogne, Geoffrey of Martigny with his brothers, Philip Mark with his brothers and his nephew Geoffrey, and the whole brood of the same.。

51. As soon as peace is restored, we will banish from the kingdom all foreign born knights, crossbowmen, serjeants, and mercenary soldiers who have come with horses and arms to the kingdom's hurt.。

52. If anyone has been dispossessed or removed by us, without the legal judgment of his peers, from his lands, castles, franchises, or from his right, we will immediately restore them to him; and if a dispute arise over this, then let it be decided by the five and twenty barons of whom mention is made below in the clause for securing the peace. Moreover, for all those possessions, from which anyone has, without the lawful judgment of his peers, been disseised or removed, by our father, King Henry, or by our brother, King Richard, and which we retain in our hand (or which as possessed by others, to whom we are bound to warrant them) we shall have respite until the usual term of crusaders; excepting those things about which a plea has been raised, or an inquest made by our order, before our taking of the cross; but as soon as we return from the expedition, we will immediately grant full justice therein.。

53. We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our broter afforested, and concerning the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fee claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things.。

54. No one shall be arrested or imprisoned upon the appeal of a woman, for the death of any other than her husband.。

55. All fines made with us unjustly and against the law of the land, and all amercements, imposed unjustly and against the law of the land, shall be entirely remitted, or else it shall be done concerning them according to the decision of the five and twenty barons whom mention is made below in the clause for securing the pease, or according to the judgment of the majority of the same, along with the aforesaid Stephen, archbishop of Canterbury, if he can be present, and such others as he may wish to bring with him for this purpose, and if he cannot be present the business shall nevertheless proceed without him, provided。




















