
问题描述:沥滤是什么? 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!






Removal of materials by dissolving them away from solids is called leaching .(这是沥滤的概念)

The chemical process industries use leaching but the process is usually called extraction, and organic solvents are often used. The theory and practice of leaching are well-developed because for many years leaching has been used to separate metals from their ores and to extract sugar from sugar beets. Environmental engineers have become concerned with leaching more recently because of the multitude of dumps and landfills that contain hazardous and toxic waste. Sometimes the natural breakdown of a toxic chemical results in another chemical that is even more toxic .Rain that passes through these materials enters ground water, lakes, streams,wells, pond, and the like.。

Although many toxic materials have low solubility in water, the concentrations that are deemed hazardous are also very low. Furthermore, many toxic compounds are accumulated by living cells and can be more concentrated inside than outside a cell. This is why long-term exposure is a serious problem; encountering a low concentration of a toxic material a few times may not be dangerous, but having it in your drinking water day after day and year after year can ge deadly.。

Heap leaching is a countercurrent process where the solid is in a stationary heap and the solvent percolates through the solid. An example is a dump or landfill. In industrial leaching, solvent and solid are mixed, allowed to approach eqilibrium, and the two phase are separated. Liquid and solids move countercurrently to the adjacent stages. The solvent phase ,called the extract, becomes more concentrated as it contacts in stagewise fasion the increaseingly solute -rich solid. The raffinate becomes less concentrated in soluble material as it moves toward the fresh solvent phase.。

The main theory of leaching neglects mechanisms for holding the materials on the solid. Although adsorption and ion exchange can bind materials tightly to solids, we will simplify the analysis and consider only dissolving a soluble solid. An example is removing salt from sand by extraction with water.。



浸jìn Jìn

中文解释 - 英文翻译



浸 jìn


部首:氵 部外笔画:7 总笔画:10。

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笔顺编号:4415114554 四角号码:37147 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6D78。


1. 泡,使渗透:~泡。~透。~种(zhóng )。~渍。~没(mò)。沉~(亦称“浸沉”)。

2. 逐渐:~染。~渐。~润。



1. 泡在水里,被水渗入 [immerse;steep;soak]。




2. 又如:浸淬(把金属工件烧红,然后浸入水中急速冷却,以增加其硬度或改变其物理、化学性能);浸蚀(因液体浸泡而腐蚀或损伤);浸濡(因受水渍而湿透)。

3. 灌溉 [irrigate]。


4. 又如:浸溉(灌溉);浸水(用水灌溉,泡水,置于水中)。

5. 渗入;渗透 [permeate]。



6. 又如:浸浸(汗、水等渗出貌)。

7. 淹没 [flood]

别时茫茫江浸月。——唐· 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

8. 又如:浸包(包容);浸害(指涝灾);浸漫(犹弥漫,多指水;涨溢);浸荡(侵蚀冲荡)。

9. 比喻处于某种境界或思想活动中 [be at]。如:浸沉;浸涵(沉浸涵泳);浸想(谓仔细深入地观察思考);浸溺(沉溺)。

10. 浸染,熏陶 [inoculate]。如:浸洽(浸润熏陶);浸薰(浸渍熏灼。谓逐渐败坏)。

11. 滋润。喻施恩惠 [moisten]。


12. 又如:浸潭(浸润广衍);浸育(浸毓。滋润养育);浸漉(浸润。喻恩泽下施);浸泽(润泽。喻普施恩译)。

13. 通“潜” [go out in secret]。如:浸行(潜行,秘密出行)。

14. 仔细看 [see carefully]。



1. 渐渐 [gradually]。如:浸盛(浸强。逐渐强盛);浸疏(逐渐疏远);浸润不行(不受浸染);浸淫(逐渐。形容分量渐渐增加)。


1. 若,假使 [if]。如:浸令(假使;即使);浸使(假使);浸假(假令,假如)。


1. 浸槽 jìncáo

[dip] 在其中进行这种浸泡所用的槽。

2. 浸出 jìnchū

[lixiviate] 经洗涤或渗滤从固体混合物中萃取可溶性化合物。

3. 浸灌 jìnguàn

(1) [overflow; flood]∶[大水] 漫进;灌入。


(2) [irrigate]∶灌溉。


4. 浸化 jìnhuà

[macerate] 把固体物质浸软,用浸渍法使离析。

5. 浸灰 jìnhuī

[lime] 沉浸在石灰溶液中以除去毛发(如鞣皮)或溶解蛋白质(如制动物胶)。

6. 浸剂 jìnjì

[infusion] 浸泡生药所得的溶液,如洋地黄浸剂。

7. 浸礼 jìnlǐ

[immersion] 基督教受洗而把人身浸入水中的一种仪式。

8. 浸没 jìnmò

[flood] 沉入液体中


9. 浸没 jìnmò

[flood] 用水或其它液体覆盖或使覆盖。


10. 浸泡 jìnpào

[soak] 泡在液体里


11. 浸取 jìnqǔ

[leaching] 在水中煮沸磨碎的树皮或其他植物鞣料以萃取鞣酸的过程。

12. 浸染 jìnrǎn

[inoculate] 逐渐沾染。

13. 浸润 jìnrùn

(1) [soak]∶液体渐渐渗入或附着在固体表面。


(2) [calumny]∶也指谗言。

14. 浸提 jìntí

[diyestion] 在矿石富集物中有选择地溶解其中的矿物组分。

15. 浸透 jìntòu

(1) [wet]∶把物体浸入液体中使湿透。


(2) [soak]∶因液体渗透而变湿。


(3) [imbue]∶比喻饱含。


16. 浸洗 jìnxǐ

(1) [immersion cleaning]∶浸入清洗液清除金属表面污垢。

(2) [rinse]∶放在水里洗;在清水里搅动或把清水倒在上面洗(如用肥皂洗)。

17. 浸种 jìnzhǒng。

[seed soaking] 处理农作物的一种方法。为了使种子发芽快,在播种前用温水或冷水浸一定时间。用一定温度的水浸种还有预防某些病害的作用。

18. 浸渍 jìnzì

[pickle] 浸在液体中泡透。

肌肤之所浸渍。——宋· 苏轼《教战守》

浸 Jìn



1. (形声。从水,籀文寝声。本义:古水名。浸水) 同本义 [Jin River]。

浸,浸水也。出 魏郡 武安东北,入 呼沱水。——《说文》。 朱骏声按,出今 河南彰德府武安县,入 虖沱河。

2. 又如:巨浸(大湖)

how to teach english的作者是谁,这本书的写作背景或相关的信息有哪些,谢谢的相关图片

how to teach english的作者是谁,这本书的写作背景或相关的信息有哪些,谢谢






作者:Jeremy Harmer 。


An introduction to the practice of English language teaching How to Teach English is for teachers at an early stage in their careers and for teachers preparing for examinations such as The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults or The Certificate in 。

TESOL. This book gives clear examples and explanations of current teaching practice which teachers can put into immediate use. How to Teach English offers: ideas on what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner descriptions and examples of language 。

teaching methods. and a new model of good leaching practice-the ’ESA’model an essential 。

introduction to grammar teaching sequences for grammar, vocabulary, and the individual language skills ideas on the exploitation of textbooks and the planning of lessons a ’What if?’ review of common problems in the classroom a Task File of photocopiable training tasks appendices on equipment, further reading and phonetic symbols Jeremy Harmer is the author of the highly acclaimed and ever popular The Practice of English Language Teaching. 。


Preface by Halliday 。

Acknowledgements 。


1 How to be a good teacher 。

What makes a good teacher? 。

How should teachers talk to stueents? 。

How should teachers give instructions 。

Who should talk in class? 。

What are the best kinds of lesson? 。

How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan? 。


Looking ahead

2 How to be a good learner 。

Why is it difficult to describe a good learner? 。

How imprrtant is the students’motivation? 。

Who is responsible for learning? 。

What is reponsible for learning? 。

What’s special about teaching adults? 。

How shoule we teach the sifferent levels? 。


Looking ahead

3 How to manage teaching and learnign 。

How should teachers use their physical presence in class? 。

How Should teachers use their voices in class? 。

How SHould teachers mark the stages of a lesson? 。

What different student groupings can teachers use? 。

How can teachers evaluate the success or failure of their Lessons? 。


Looking ahead

4 How to descridb learnign and teaching 。

5 How to describe language 。

6 How to teach laguage 。

7 How to teach teading 。

8 How to teach writing 。

9 How to teach speaking 。

10 How to teach listening 。


Looking ahead 共济考研网考试用书。





弟声 姐姐,你去问她。

姊声 (低声)不,弟弟你问她,你问她。



姊 你问她,她知道。

弟 我不,我怕,你,你去(推姊姊,外面合唱声止)


姑乙 (扶她)起来吧,鲁奶奶!起来吧!(扶她至右边火炉旁坐,忙走至姊弟前,安慰地。


姊 谢谢您,姑奶奶。(替弟弟穿衣服)

姑乙 外面冷得很,你们都把衣服穿好。

姊 再见!

姑乙 再见。(姊领弟弟出中门)



姑乙 嘘,(指鲁妈)她出来了。

姑甲 (低声)周先生就下来看她,你照护照护。我要出去。

姑乙 好,你等一等,(从墙角拿一把雨伞)外头怕要下雪,你要这一把雨伞吧。

姑甲 (和蔼地)谢谢你。(拿着雨伞由中门出去)


姑乙 (指鲁妈,向老翁)她在这儿!

老人 哦!


老人 (关心地,向姑乙)她现在怎么样?

姑乙 (轻叹)还是那样!

老人 吃饭还好么?

姑乙 不多。

老人 (指头)她这儿?

姑乙 (摇头)不,还是不认识人。


姑乙 楼上你的太太,看见了?

老人 (呆滞地)嗯。

姑乙 (鼓励地)这两人,她倒好。

老人 是的。--(指鲁妈)这些天没有人看她么?

姑乙 您说她的儿子,是么?

老人 嗯。一个姓鲁叫大海的。

姑乙 (同情地)没有。可怜。她就是想着儿子;每到节期总在窗前望一晚上。

老人 (叹气,绝望地,自语)我怕,我怕他是死了。

姑乙 (希望地)不会吧?

老人 (摇头)我找了十年了,--没有一点影子。

姑乙 唉,我想她的儿子回家,她一定会明白的。

老人 (走到炉前,低头)侍萍!



老人 (低声)侍萍!侍--

姑乙 (向老人摆手,低声)让她走,不要叫她!




姊 (向弟)在这儿?一定在这儿?

弟 (落泪,点着头)嗯!嗯!

姑乙 (喜欢他们来打破这沉静)弟弟,你怎么哭了?

弟 (抽咽)我的手套丢了!外面下雪,我的手套,我的新手套丢了。

姑乙 不要紧,弟弟,我跟你找。

姊 弟弟,我们找。


姑乙 (向姊)有么?

姊 没有!

弟 (钻到沙发背后,忽然跳出来)在这儿,在这儿!(舞着手套)妈,在这儿!(跑出。


姑乙 (羡慕地)好了,去吧。

姊 谢谢,姑奶奶!



老人 (抬头)什么?外头又下雪了?

姑乙 (沉静地点头)嗯。





4 screen

[Stage at the opening of the dark. Only heard the distant sound with the church choir mass winds Chords, Zidi prelude to the voices of: 。

Sound younger brother and sister, you ask her. 。

Sister sound (quietly) No, you asked her brother, you ask her. 。

[Stage that gradually, beginning with the King, back after 10 years Layue 30 pm. The old woman (Luma) is Taiwan 。

In the Waidao, Zidi in the next. 。

You asked her sister, she knew. 。

Brother I do not, I fear, you, you (pushing his sister, the only sound outside the chorus) 。

[B from the door into the Kou, see the woman on the floor, big shock, Fuqi her busy. 。

Regardless B (help her) up bar, Lu Grandma! Up! (Help her to sit right next to stove, busy to take Zidi, comfort and 。

) Brother, you do not have Xiazhuo bar, go fast, the mother on the outside waiting for you, sister, brother, you go from. 。

Thank you, your sister, Gu Nainai. (Wear clothes for my brother) 。

Regardless B very cold outside, you put clothes Chuanhao. 。

Sister Goodbye! 。

Regardless B Good-bye. (From sister to brother in the door) 。

[Kou B busy come before the fireplace, care old woman. 。

[Kou by a right into the dining room door. 。

Kou Xu B, (referring to Luma) her out. 。

Regardless A (quietly) Mr. Zhou look at her on the next, you care care. I have to go out. 。

Regardless B, and you wait, (from the corner with an umbrella) to be afraid of snow outside, you have to bar the umbrellas. 。

Regardless A (和蔼to) Thank you. (Carrying an umbrella by the door off) 。

[Elderly from the left to the Office, Li door, watching. 。

Regardless B (Luma refers to the man) in her here! 。

The elderly!


The elderly (with interest to Kou b) how kind she is now »

Regardless B (Qingtan) or so! 。

Fortunately, the elderly eat Mody »

Regardless B limited. 。

The elderly (finger) she here »

Regardless B (shaking his head) No, people still do not know. 。


Regardless of your wife upstairs B, see »

The elderly (and sluggish) ah. 。

Regardless B (to encourage) the two men, she Daohao. 。

The elderly are. -- (Referring to Luma) These days no one looking at her Mody »

Regardless B you said her son, Mody »

Ah elderly. A surname Lu called the sea. 。

Regardless B (and sympathy) no. Pitiful. She is thinking about his son; every section of the window looking in a night. 。

The elderly (sigh, despair, Ziyu) I am afraid, I am afraid he is dead. 。

Regardless B (hope) it will not »

The elderly (shaking his head) I found a decade, - not that shadow. 。

Regardless B Oh, I think her son home, she will understand. 。

The elderly (go Front, bow) Shiping! 。

[Woman back, Daidai De Looking at him, not understanding, face no slightest facial expression, 1:00, she direction 。


The elderly (quietly) Shiping! Paternity -- 。

Regardless B (to the elderly Baishou, quietly) let her go, do not tell her! 。

[Woman to the window, and opened Weiman Man Tuntun, dementia and looked at the window. 。

[Elderly despair passed the first, watching the flames in the furnace, outside Huernaozhao children's laughter sound, with the foot-step 。

Sound. In the door wide open, Zidi Jin. 。

Her sister (the brother) here » Certainly here »

Di (tears, Dian Zhuotou) ah! Ah! 。

Regardless B (like them to break the quiet) brother, how can you cry »

Di (Chou Yan) lost my gloves! Snow outside, my gloves, my new gloves lost. 。

Regardless B does not matter, the younger brother, I told you to find. 。

Brother, sister, we look for. 。

[Looking for three people in Zuojiao gloves. 。

Regardless B (the sister) Mody »

Her sister did not! 。

Di (drilling behind the sofa, suddenly jumped out to) Here, here! (Wuzhe gloves) mother, here! (Outside the 。


Regardless B (and envy) Okay, go. 。

Thank you, sister, Gu Nainai! 。

[Sister from subglottic, regardless B behind closed doors. 。


The elderly (the rise) What » And the snow outside »

Regardless B (quiet and nodded his head) ah. 。

[Wang Yiwang window and the elderly woman, turns sitting next to the furnace round chair, Daidai De Looking at the fire, then Kou B 。

Changsha, on the left to sit down, took a Bible Duzhe. 。

[Stage Jianan.




















