中国在北宋时期已用湿法(胆铜法)生产铜,据《宋史·艺文志》记载,有《浸铜要略》一卷,可惜已失传。1752年西班牙里奥·廷托(Rio Tinto)开始用湿法生产铜。工艺与我国北宋胆铜法基本相同,其重要进展是采用人工焙烧硫化铜矿而不靠自然风化。同期,俄国古米雪夫斯基(Гумещевсκий)矿也开始用湿法生产铜。1889年开始用湿法生产氧化铝,以后湿法炼锌、金、银、钴、镍等工厂相继出现。
60年代末至70年代初,出现了研究所谓无污染冶金的高潮。以湿法处理硫化铜矿为例,较成功的方法有:①阿比特(Arbiter)法,即低压氨浸、萃取分离、残渣浮选法。硫产品形式为(NH4)2SO4或CaSO4。②加压硫酸浸取法,85%的硫产品为单质硫。③氯化铁浸出法,即氯化铁浸取、溶剂萃取、电积法。95%以上的硫产品为单质硫。④舍利特高尔顿(Sherritt Gordon)法,即加压氨浸法。硫产品形式为(NH4)2SO4或CaSO4。⑤R.L.E.(roasting-leaching-electrowinning)法,即焙烧-浸取-电积法。硫产品为CaSO4或H2SO4。这些方法都可消除二氧化硫对空气的污染,同时能综合回收原料中的硫,已为中间试验所证实。
Through continuous seven years of positioning experiments, the sunlight greenhouse production in different production mode of soil NO3 -- N fertilizer space-time distribution and impact, the results show that, with the increase of planting, 3 kinds of production mode the soil profile NO3 - fertilizer N content and increase in an upward trend in order: the control > > green organic mode. Nitrogen fertilizer inputs (by), NO3 -- -- 40cm mainly distributed in the 0-0-60 cm soil and soil NO3 -- N the content general, crop growth, the lower middle and later, high low soil NO3 under 100cm at present, N content increased differently. Different production model of soil NO3-0-200cm, organic mean cumulative N 33.8% lower than pollution-free mode, than conventional model, pollution-free than conventional low 45.9% 18.3% low mode. Three patterns of fertilizer N has to NO3 - - 2m soil under the trend of velocity, chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer could obviously lower than the soil NO3 -- N content, section of its accumulated under control, but not reasonable use of organic manure also can produce NO3 - N leaching and environmental pollution.。
湿法冶炼 hydrometallurgy。
作者:低含硫镍锍酸铜氧(硫酸铜,硫酸,氧气)在常压浸出液中描述的研究是目前的工作。这是从高档亚光镍铜锍得到了磁分离,主要含镍铜合金及少量硫化物。在温度,搅拌,氧气流量,颗粒大小,浓度和铜离子浓度变化的研究都影响。有人发现,通过缩小磨砂粒子在自然的核心机制和电化学淋溶的30-60℃温度范围。,表面反应速率限制与41.9 kj.mol- 1的表观活化能步骤。但是在较高温度(70-85℃),运动过程进行控制,通过产品扩散层,具有7.3千焦耳- mol - 1的表观活化能energr。
Removal of materials by dissolving them away from solids is called leaching .(这是沥滤的概念)
The chemical process industries use leaching but the process is usually called extraction, and organic solvents are often used. The theory and practice of leaching are well-developed because for many years leaching has been used to separate metals from their ores and to extract sugar from sugar beets. Environmental engineers have become concerned with leaching more recently because of the multitude of dumps and landfills that contain hazardous and toxic waste. Sometimes the natural breakdown of a toxic chemical results in another chemical that is even more toxic .Rain that passes through these materials enters ground water, lakes, streams,wells, pond, and the like.。
Although many toxic materials have low solubility in water, the concentrations that are deemed hazardous are also very low. Furthermore, many toxic compounds are accumulated by living cells and can be more concentrated inside than outside a cell. This is why long-term exposure is a serious problem; encountering a low concentration of a toxic material a few times may not be dangerous, but having it in your drinking water day after day and year after year can ge deadly.。
Heap leaching is a countercurrent process where the solid is in a stationary heap and the solvent percolates through the solid. An example is a dump or landfill. In industrial leaching, solvent and solid are mixed, allowed to approach eqilibrium, and the two phase are separated. Liquid and solids move countercurrently to the adjacent stages. The solvent phase ,called the extract, becomes more concentrated as it contacts in stagewise fasion the increaseingly solute -rich solid. The raffinate becomes less concentrated in soluble material as it moves toward the fresh solvent phase.。
The main theory of leaching neglects mechanisms for holding the materials on the solid. Although adsorption and ion exchange can bind materials tightly to solids, we will simplify the analysis and consider only dissolving a soluble solid. An example is removing salt from sand by extraction with water.。