Football 5-a-Side 5人制足球。
Every Football match is played between two teams with four blind athletes and one sighted or visually impaired goalkeeper on the field as well as five substitutes. Additionally, each team has a guide behind the opponent's goal to direct the players when they shoot.。
Football 7-a-Side 7人制足球。
Every Football match is played between two teams with seven players on each side, including the goalkeeper. Each team consists of 12 players with three substitutions allowed during each match. A match cannot continue with fewer than four athletes on the field.。
Goalball 盲人门球
A game of Goalball is played by two teams of three players with a maximum of three substitutes on each team. Competition is divided into men's and women's divisions.。
Judo 柔道
The sport is open to athletes with blindness/visual impairment in several weight categories.The contest lasts five minutes, for both men and women and the winner is the athlete who scores an ippon or who scores the greater number of points. The sport is governed by the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSF) and follows the International Judo Federation (IJF) rules used at other top-level, able-bodied judo events, with slight modifications for athletes with a visual impairment, which allow them contact with their opponent before the start of the match.。
Powerlifting 力举。
Athletes with a minimum disability must be at least 14 years of age and must have the ability to fully extend the arms with no more than a 20-degree loss of full extension on either elbow when making an approved lift according to the rules for their bodyweight.。
Rowing 皮划艇
Rowing is the youngest sport in the Paralympic Games. It was introduced to the Paralympic Programme in 2005 and will hold its first Paralympic competitions at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.。
Sailing 帆船
Competition is run under the International Sailing Federations (ISAF) Racing Rules of Sailing, the IFDS Race Management and Classification Manuals. Weather permitting, races consist of nine separate runs. Final placings are determined by the accumulation of points scored in each race.。
Shooting 射击
Shooting competitions are divided into two major events: Air Rifle and Pistol competitions at three distance: 10, 25 and 50m. The rules depend on the gun, the distance, the target, the shooting position, the number of shots and the time limit. Competitors accumulate points for the value of their shots.。
Swimming 游泳
A FINA standard eight-lane 50m pool is required for competition at the Paralympic Games. Events are conducted as heats for eight competitors per class and with the fastest eight swimmers per class competing in the finals. There are various forms for swimmers to start their race; in the water, a dive start sitting on the starting platform or the typical standing start.。
Table Tennis 乒乓球。
One match consists of five sets each being played to 11 points. The objective of the game is for the player to cross the ball into the opponent's area, without him or her being able to successfully return it. The game begins with a service and there is a change in service every two points. Athletes are classified into 11 classes. Each game consists of 5, 7 or 9 sets depending on the competition. The winner is the athlete who wins 3, 4 or 5 sets respectively. In case of a tie, the winner is the first to score a two-point difference. For every class of male and female players there are singles, doubles and team matches.。
Volleyball Sitting 坐式排球。
The goal of the game is for teams to send the ball over the net through the crossing space and to ground it on the court of the opposing team. Each team is allowed to have up to three contacts with the ball, before it returns it towards the opposing team. The block is not considered as a contact.。
Each game consists of a maximum of five sets. Each of the first four sets is completed when a team wins 25 points, with a minimum lead of at least two points over the opposing team. A team has a maximum of 12 players, one of which is the team leader and another the libero.。
International Paralympic Committee 国际残奥委会官方网站2000年悉尼残奥会的网页。。
A total of 18 different sports were featured in Sydney, including 10 new powerlifting classes for women and seven new men's and women's athletics events.。
意思是: 一共有18个不同的体育项目在悉尼露面, 包括10个新的女子举重级别和.....。
边建欣(40公斤金牌), 富桃英(56公斤金牌), 李瑞芳(75公斤金牌), 曹萍(82.5公斤金牌)。
左玉(60公斤银牌),朱明霞(67.5公斤银牌) 。
举重队成绩: 男子1金2铜; 女子4金2银1铜。
9月 北京残奥会。
9月25日21时10分 神七发射。。
10月 金融危机 房产下跌。
1. 北京残奥会简介
2. 北京残奥会场馆
3. 北京残奥会规模
4. 残奥会项目
5. 残奥会的项目(20个)和场馆(16个北京,2个京外)列表:
1 Archery 射箭 奥林匹克公园射箭场。
2 Athletics 田径 国家体育场。
3 Boccia 硬地滚球 国家会议中心击剑馆。
4 Cycling 自行车 老山自行车馆。
5 Equestrian 马术 香港奥运赛马场。
6 Football 5-a-side 五人制足球 奥林匹克公园曲棍球场B场。
7 Football 7-a-side 七人制足球 奥林匹克公园曲棍球场A场。
8 Goalball 盲人门球 北京理工大学体育馆。
9 Judo 盲人柔道 工人体育馆。
10 Powerlifting 举重 北京航空航天大学体育馆。
11 Rowing 赛艇 奥林匹克水上公园。
12 Sailing 帆船 青岛国际帆船中心。
13 Shooting 射击 北京射击馆。
14 Swimming 游泳 国家游泳中心。
15 Table Tennis 乒乓球 北京大学体育馆。
16 Volleyball Sitting 坐式排球 中国农业大学体育馆。
17 Wheelchair Basketball 轮椅篮球 国家体育馆。
北京科技大学体育馆(预赛用,Preliminary Round)
18 Wheelchair Fencing 轮椅击剑 国家会议中心击剑馆。
19 Wheelchair Rugby 轮椅橄榄球 北京科技大学体育馆。
20 Wheelchair Tennis 轮椅网球 奥林匹克公园网球场。
6. 北京残奥会的口号:
7. 北京残奥会会徽
2008年北京残奥会会徽“天地人”由三部分组成:一是图形部分,即由红、蓝、绿三色构成的“之”字形;二是“Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games”字样;三是国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会标志。
8. 组织结构
9. 优惠政策
10. 无障碍
11. 文化活动
Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games introduced。
1. Introduction Beijing Paralympics。
2008 Beijing Paralympics is the 13th Paralympic Games, in 2008 from September 6 to September 17 in Beijing, a total of 20 categories. 18 competition which was held in Beijing, sailing competitions held in Qingdao, the equestrian events held in Hong Kong.。
2. Beijing Paralympic Games venues。
Beijing Paralympic Games a total of 20 competition venues will use all Olympic Games venues. Beijing 18 projects which use the 16 Olympic venues, in order to facilitate transportation, most of the Olympic venues concentrated in the central area and the university. Sailing and equestrian competition venues use of Qingdao and Hong Kong's Olympic Games venues. Beijing Paralympics, the Olympic village will be used as the Paralympic Village.。
3. Scale Beijing Paralympics。
Beijing Paralympics some 150 countries and regions more than 4,000 athletes, 2,500 coaches and officials to participate in this session Games. In accordance with past Paralympic Games, will also receives about 4,000 text, photography, radio, television reporter and related technical personnel.。
4. Paralympics item。
Beijing Paralympic Games events have 20 categories, namely archery, athletics, hard bowls, cycling, equestrian, football 5-, 7-a-football, the blind gateball, judo, weightlifting, rowing, sailing , Shooting, swimming, table tennis, sitting volleyball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis. In addition to sailing in Qingdao and equestrian events held in Hong Kong, other projects are to be held in Beijing. According to the Paralympic Games rules, all projects will be based on the type of disability athletes with disabilities and grade level, a total of 471 gold, to ensure fair competition in sports and games security.。
5. Paralympic Games (20) and venues (16 in Beijing, two outside Beijing) list:。
1 Archery Archery Olympic Park archery range。
2 Athletics Track and Field National Stadium。
3 Boccia hard grounder National Convention Center Fencing。
4 Cycling Bicycle Laoshan Cycling Museum。
5 Equestrian Olympic equestrian racetrack in Hong Kong。
6 Football 5-a-side football Five Olympic Park B field hockey field。
7 Football 7-a-side football seven-a-Olympic Park A field hockey field。
8 Goalball blind gateball Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium。
9 Judo judo workers Stadium。
10 Powerlifting weightlifting Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stadium。
11 Rowing rowing Olympic Water Park。
12 Sailing Regatta Qingdao International Regatta Centre。
13 Shooting Shooting Beijing Shooting Hall。
14 Swimming Swimming National Swimming Center。
15 Table Tennis Stadium, Peking University Table Tennis。
16 Volleyball Sitting Sitting Volleyball China Agricultural University Gymnasium。
17 Wheelchair Basketball Wheelchair Basketball National Stadium。
Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium (with preliminary, Preliminary Round)。
18 Wheelchair Fencing Wheelchair Fencing National Convention Center Fencing。
19 Wheelchair Rugby wheelchair rugby Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium。
20 Wheelchair Tennis Wheelchair Tennis Olympic Park Tennis Court。
6. Beijing Paralympic Games slogan:。
Beijing Paralympic Games slogan is "One World, One Dream."。
Paralympic Games with the slogan "Beyond, integration, sharing," the concept of complementarity, clear expression of the disabled and able-bodied people "belong to one world, were seeking a dream come true" theme.。
One World: The world is a big family. Like the disabled and able-bodied in which the mutual exchanges, share a happy life. The only world is home to all mankind.。
With a dream: to achieve harmonious development and world peace is the pursuit of persons with disabilities; beyond "faster, higher, stronger" is also the goal of handicapped athletes dream. Beijing Paralympic Games to encourage disabled athletes in their own mind and body to tenacious struggle, realizing his dream.。
7. Beijing Paralympic Games emblem。
2008 Beijing Paralympic Games emblem of "Heaven, Earth," consists of three parts: First, some graphics, that is, from red, blue, green, three-color composition of the "" shaped and the other is "Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games" words; Third, International Paralympic Committee logo.。
Graphic part of the emblem, the strokes of calligraphy to show a movement of the human form, as if a forward leap of gymnasts, and if one is the pommel horse on the air rotating athletes, embodies the concept of the campaign.。
Graphic part of the emblem also can be seen as the Chinese "". "" Birth, going for Italy, have arrived in Italy, and its tortuous shape, the implication through difficult and ultimately achieving goals, a success.。
The emblem used by the color, red, the implication of the sun, deep blue, the implication of the blue sky, green, implication of the earth. Three kinds of color three strokes together as a movement of the human form, that is, "Heaven, Earth," embodies the traditional Chinese culture, "Harmony" thinking, expressed the modern uphold the scientific concept of development, the pursuit of sport The harmony, people's self and nature, the idea of harmonious development of society.。
Emblem to color choices also fully embodies the concept of the Beijing Olympic Games three. Red, is thick with Chinese characteristics "Red China", embodies the "People's Olympics" concept of deep blue, representing high-tech, embodies the "Hi-tech Olympics" concept of green, on behalf of the environment, embodies the "green Olympics "concept.。
2008 Beijing Paralympic Games emblem to Heaven, Earth, harmony and integration were the main line, the Chinese language, calligraphy and the integration of the Paralympic spirit, which embodies Chinese traditional culture and modern spirit of the Olympic movement, embodies the "spirit resides in sports "Harmonious unity of the people with the spirit of the Olympic movement, has a profound traditional Chinese cultural heritage.。
Beijing Paralympic Games emblem and the 2008 Olympic Games emblem "China and India • dancing Beijing" the same strain, are filled with elements of traditional Chinese culture, the common interpretation of the "People's Olympics" concept. 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games emblem of "Heaven, Earth," Chinese characters as the emblem design, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games emblem "China and India • dancing Beijing" to seal as the emblem design, "Chinese characters" and "China and India" are typical of traditional Chinese The cultural elements, full of characteristics of Chinese culture, both in terms of ideology and art style echoes. Emblem of the two complement each other, Xiang Ying-Hui, highlighted the "People's Olympics" concept, Yuyishenke, and strong performance.。
Beijing Paralympic Games emblem in 2004, the evening of July 13 the third anniversary of Beijing's successful Olympic bid at the China Millennium Monument released.。
8. Organizational Structure。
According to the "host city contract" and "International Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee residual cooperation agreement", held in Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee is the first by a two Olympic Games Organizing Committee to organize the Olympic Organizing Committee. In order to ensure the "two Olympic Games, the same brilliant," Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee promised, the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to maintain the same level of service.。
Beijing to host the 2008 session of unique, high-level Olympic and Paralympic Games, China is the world made the solemn commitment. To this end, we seriously put forward the "two Olympic Games, the same brilliant" goal. Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee will also undertake the preparatory work for the two Olympics, but also means that the functions of each department's commitment to two Olympic Games organizing work.。
9. Preferential policies。
Beijing Paralympic Games will be the first to the participating delegations within the quota to provide free international travel, and in accordance with established practice, provide free room and board and waive the application fee. This commitment by the international Olympic Committee and national residual residual spoke highly of the IOC. As for the Beijing Paralympics delegation to provide free international travel, to participate in the Beijing Paralympics delegation is expected to reach a record high, it is estimated that about 150 delegations.。
10. Accessibility。
According to the Paralympics need to run, BOCOG Paralympic Games venues developed a barrier-free facilities work guidance, coordinating research with the needs of the Paralympic Games run barrier-free facilities; identified barrier-free facilities assessment, design, approval, construction, and Acceptance procedures to ensure that the Beijing Paralympics venues have good accessibility conditions. Beijing municipal government attaches great importance to the city barrier-free facilities hardware and environmental construction, centering on Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games needs, developed a work plan, the barrier-free facilities to strengthen the inspection and maintenance efforts.。
11. Cultural activities。
The central government and the Paralympics in Beijing on the propaganda and cultural attaches great importance to the work. Beijing BOCOG President Liu Qi instructions "should attach great importance to the preparations for the Paralympics and publicity work."。
Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee on January 25, 2006 issued a "strategic plan for Beijing Paralympics propaganda"; assistive on the eve of May 19th Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee Propaganda Department held a news conference news Paralympic Games; June 5 , The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee was held in Beijing Hotel of the inauguration ceremony for the Paralympic market development; the end of June, with the fourth Olympic cultural festival, coordinated CDPF successfully held a large-scale paintings of people with fine arts exhibition. During the event, Beijing, major media have reported strong, strong support has greatly promoted social understanding of the Beijing Paralympics, the preparatory work for the success of the convergence and the people.。
In the second half, following the launch after the Paralympic Games emblem and slogan of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee will be September 6 Beijing Paralympics the second anniversary of the countdown, the Beijing Paralympics mascot to offer; knowledge of the Paralympics will be conducted phone SMS quiz, photo exhibition organized network Paralympic knowledge, the Paralympic volunteer activities, and strengthen efforts to publicize, for broad social concern and participation. We will also strive to, in the major news media on the topic Paralympics open space, in a television programme in an increase in the preparations for the Paralympic Games, an increase in public service ads column Paralympics content tips, and to promote the Beijing Paralympics China in the cause of the handicapped and the protection of human rights on the outstanding achievements.。
残疾人奥林匹克运动会(Paralympic Games)始办于1960年,是由国际奥委会和国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会主办的、专为残疾人举行的世界大型综合性运动会,每四年于夏季奥运会后举办一届,迄今已举办过12届。冬季残奥会自1976年举行以来已经举办了9届,参赛运动员总人数接近4000人。比赛项目有高山滑雪、越野滑雪、冰上雪橇球、轮椅体育舞蹈等4个大项,每个大项中又包括若干小项。我国2002年首次参加冬季残奥会,当时共派出4名运动员参加了高山滑雪和越野滑雪,取得一个第六名的成绩。
1952年,荷兰退役军人也加入了残疾人奥林匹克运动,于是成立了国际斯托克曼德维尔运动会联合会(International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation, ISMGF),在英国的斯托克曼德维尔首次举办了国际残疾人运动会,当时只有两个国家的130名运动员参赛。以后该赛事固定下来,每年都举办国际斯托克曼德维尔运动会(International Stoke Mandeville Games),至1959年,实际上已举行了8届国际残疾人运动会。
经过英国的路德维格·格特曼爵士和意大利的安东尼娅·马里奥教授为期两年的精心组织策划,1960年罗马奥运会结束两周后,来自世界23个国家的400名残疾人运动员参加了在罗马举行的第一届“残疾人奥林匹克运动会”。这届运动会后来被正式承认为第九届国际斯托克曼德维尔运动会。而“残疾人奥林匹克运动会”( "Paralympic Games")这一称谓,一直到1984年才得到国际奥委会的正式批准。
1982年,世界残疾人体育组织国际协调委员会(International Coordinating Committee for World Organizations of Sports for the Disabled)成立,国际奥委会承认其为残疾人体育运动的管理机构。在残疾人奥运会上设立的比赛项目,需得到它的批准。
随着时间的推移,残疾人体育需要更强有力的国际组织。1989年,在国际残疾人体育基金会的积极支持下,属于国际残疾人体育协调委员会(ICC)的6个组织共同创建了国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会(International Paralympic Committee)。国际残疾人奥委会的主要任务就是组成一个在国际上代表残疾人运动员的组织,授予残疾人奥运会的举办权,并对该运动会进行监督和协助,扩大残疾人参与体育运动和提高成绩的机会,将残疾人体育融入国际体育运动。
夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会迄今已举办过12届。运动会的比赛项目经过几十年的发展和淘汰,几乎每届都有所变化,有些仅仅是昙花一现,有些则经久不衰,保留至今。目前,国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会规定的正式比赛项目有七人制足球、五人制足球、轮椅橄榄球、轮椅篮球、硬地滚球、盲人门球、马术、帆船、坐式排球、轮椅网球、盲人柔道、轮椅击剑、自行车、乒乓球、力举、射箭、射击、游泳、田径、赛艇、雪橇竞速 、雪橇滑降竞速、三板滑雪大回转、高山滑雪、北欧滑雪、坐式滑雪、越野滑雪、雪橇球等。
第二次世界大战结束后,由于有许多受伤的士兵和普通人试图重新参加滑雪活动,残疾人冬季体育运动逐渐发展起来。早期的残疾人冬季体育运动先驱有奥地利失去双腿的塞普·茨维克纳格,他用假肢从事滑雪运动。后来滑雪运动器材设计方面出现了革新,例如创造出了使用拐杖的三板滑雪(three-track skiing)——独腿运动员单脚穿一只滑雪板,再使用分别装配有小滑雪板的双拐,这样雪地上便留下了三条痕迹。这一器材的革命导演了1948年2月奥地利17名残疾人参加的第一次滑雪比赛。广大残疾人滑雪爱好者十分欢迎这项比赛,于是翌年在奥地利的巴德加施泰因(Badgastein)举行了首届奥地利三板滑雪锦标赛。
1974年,在法国的大波尔南(Grand Bornand)举行了第一届世界锦标赛,比赛设高山滑雪(alpine skiing)和越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)两个项目,由截肢运动员和视觉受损运动员参加。
如今,属于不同残疾类别的运动员分别参加各自级别的比赛。视觉受损运动员滑雪时有使用对讲电话装置或扬声器的导向员引导。膝盖以上截肢的运动员使用单滑雪板(single ski)加拐杖滑雪板(ski crutches)。膝盖以下截肢的运动员使用假肢,然后以同健全人一样的方式参加滑雪比赛。双腿截肢或脊髓损伤(瘫痪)的运动员使用坐式滑雪板(sit-skis )。而手臂截肢的运动员滑雪时不使用雪杖。
“同一个世界 同一个梦想”(One World One Dream),集中体现了奥林匹克精神的实质和普遍价值观——团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与和梦想,表达了全世界在奥林匹克精神的感召下,追求人类美好未来的共同愿望。尽管人类肤色不同、语言不同、种族不同,但我们共同分享奥林匹克的魅力与欢乐,共同追求着人类和平的理想,我们同属一个世界,我们拥有同样的希望和梦想。
“同一个世界 同一个梦想”(One World One Dream),深刻反映了北京奥运会的核心理念,体现了作为“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”三大理念的核心和灵魂的人文奥运所蕴含的和谐的价值观。建设和谐社会、实现和谐发展是我们的梦想和追求。“天人合一”,“和为贵”是中国人民自古以来对人与自然,人与人和谐关系的理想与追求。我们相信,和平进步、和谐发展、和睦相处、合作共赢、和美生活是全世界的共同理想。
“同一个世界 同一个梦想”(One World One Dream),文简意深,既是中国的,也是世界的。口号表达了北京人民和中国人民与世界各国人民共有美好家园,同享文明成果,携手共创未来的崇高理想;表达了一个拥有五千年文明,正在大步走向现代化的伟大民族致力于和平发展,社会和谐,人民幸福的坚定信念;表达了13亿中国人民为建立一个和平而更美好的世界做出贡献的心声。
英文口号“One World One Dream”句法结构具有鲜明特色。两个“One”形成优美的排比,“World”和“Dream”前后呼应,整句口号简洁、响亮,寓意深远,既易记上口,又便于传播。
中文口号“同一个世界 同一个梦想”中将“One”用“同一”表达,使“全人类同属一个世界,全人类共同追求美好梦想”的主题更加突出。
残奥会理念:超越 融合 共享
北京残奥会奖牌的设计创意、造型与北京奥运会奖牌一脉相承,体现了“两个奥运 同样精彩”的要求,完美诠释了“同一个世界 同一个梦想”的主题。
国际残奥委会对残奥会奖牌的材质及其识别性、重量、尺寸、图案等都有严格规定。残奥会比赛项目冠军和亚军的奖牌质地为纯银,冠军奖牌还要镀有不少于6克的纯金。北京残奥会奖牌将玉嵌入其中,这一设计不仅符合国际残奥委会的相关规定,其设计创意、造型也与北京2008年奥运会奖牌相呼应,体现了健全人与残疾人彼此平等,相互尊重,无论是奥运会奖牌,还是残奥会奖牌都具有相同的价值与无上荣誉,是“同一个世界 同一个梦想”的最好体现。