
问题描述:Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 歌词 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,今天让我们一起来看看吧!



歌曲名:Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer。

歌手:Steve Tyrell Featuring Clark "Mumbles" Terry。

专辑:This Time Of The Year。

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer。

Had a very shiny nose。

And if you ever saw it。

You would even say it glows。

All of the other reindeer。

They used to laugh and call him names。

They never let poor Rudolph。

Join in any reindeer games。

Then one foggy Christmas eve。

Santa came to say:。

"Rudolph with your nose so bright。

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"。

Then all the reindeer loved him。

As they shouted out with glee。

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer。

You'll go down in history。

You know dasher and dancer, prancer and vixen。

Comet and cupid, donner and blitzen。

But do you recall。

The most famous reindeer of all?。

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer。

Had a very shiny nose。

And if you ever saw it。

You would even say it glowed。

All of the other reindeer。

Used to laugh and call him names。

They never let poor rudolph。

Join in any reindeer games。

Then one foggy christmas eve。

Santa came to say.。

Rudolph, with your nose so bright,。

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight。

Then how the reindeer loved him,。

As they shouted out with glee:。

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer。

You'll go down in history。。

有英语达人么?帮忙翻译下..- -的相关图片

有英语达人么?帮忙翻译下..- -


英文名:Johnny Depp。

全 名:John Christopher Depp III。


昵称:Mr. Stench(self-chosen)(臭先生)






教育:high school (dropped out) 。

Loft Studio in Los Angeles, California (studied with Peggy Feury)。

身高:182 厘米

体重:70 公斤

家人:父亲(John Christopher Depp 城市工程师)、母亲(Betty Sue Palmer服务员)、姐姐(Christie Dembrowski个人经理)、兄弟(D.P. Depp编剧)

前妻:Lori Anne Allison (1983-1985)。

妻子:Vanessa Paradis。

儿女:女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp(born on May 24, 1999)、儿子Jack Depp(born on April 9, 2002)

曾订婚的女友:Sherilyn Fenn、Jennifer Grey、Winona Ryder。



约翰尼·德普,1963年6月出生于美国肯德基州的一个中产家庭。成长於佛罗里达洲,Johnny 在12岁生日时收到妈妈送给他的吉他当生日礼物,从此展开对于音乐的狂热。15岁时Johnny 的父母离婚,而他也在那时候开始磕药,在16岁决定退学去追求他成为摇滚巨星的梦想。对于那段年少轻狂的岁月,Johnny 在访问中提到:“我没有办法从记忆中拼凑出家的样子,因为我们不断地搬家,青春期的我是非常迷惘的,因此我把自己关在房间里勤练吉他。”当时Johnny 组了一个乐团The Kids ,在里面担任吉他手,后来他们决定搬到洛杉矶去完成他们成名的梦想,不过后来乐团很快就解散,而Johnny 依靠电话销售笔而生活。在洛杉矶他认识了一位化妆师Lori Allison,并在Johnny 20岁时结婚,虽然他们的婚姻并没有持续很久就以离婚收场,但是Johnny 却经由Lori 的介绍而认识了Nicolas Cage,一开始他们相互看不顺眼对方,不过后来却结为好友,而Cage 也鼓励Johnny 尝试演戏并和Cage 的经纪人签约。



1984年,约翰尼·德普进入电影圈,在恐怖片《猛鬼街》(《A Nightmare On Elm Street》)中饰演角色,虽然是个小角色一下子就被杀掉了,不过也算是个开始了。

真正让德普成为家喻户晓的是《21 Jump Street》,当初在经纪人帮他接戏时,虽然德普并不觉得这影集会持续很久,不过为了生活也只好接受,想不到这影集却非常受欢迎,使他成为全美青少年偶像,而期间他还拍了第二部电影"Cry Baby ",在这片子中虽然还是很偶像的造型,不过却试图探讨一些青少年的价值观,因为德普有意转型为真正的演员而不只是偶像。

随后,德普又在鬼才导演蒂姆·波顿(Tim Burton)的《剪刀手爱德华》中扮演主角,并凭借此片首次获得金球奖提名。拍摄期间,他与片中扮演女主角的维诺娜·赖德陷入热恋并订了婚,但这场婚约仅维持了三年便宣告破裂。1993年,约翰尼·德普以《邦尼和琼》(Benny&Joon)一片再次获得金球奖提名。一年后他与鬼才导演蒂姆·波顿二次合作了另类黑白片《艾德伍德》(《Ed Wood》),他凭借精湛绝伦的演出第三次荣获金球奖最佳男主角奖提名。

性格迷人和喜欢挑战的约翰尼·德普曾与金奖影帝艾尔·帕西诺联袂主演了《忠奸人》(《Donnie Brasco》),与老牌演技派明星马龙·白兰度、费·唐纳薇合演了《天生爱情狂》(《Don Juan DeMarco》),主演了著名导演吉姆·贾姆许(Jim Jarmusch)执导的《离魂异客》(《Dead Man》),以及库斯图里卡执导的非主流电影《亚利桑那梦游》(《Arizona Dream》)。

1999年,约翰尼·德普与鬼才导演蒂姆·波顿三度合作,饰演《断头谷》(《Sleepy Hollow》)中的警探一角,给观众留下了至深印象。在《浓情巧克力》中,他扮演了一个弹奏吉他、高唱情歌的吉普赛浪子Roux,令观众耳目一新。随后他又主演了《夜幕降临前》、《来自地狱》、《墨西哥往事》等影片,塑造了性格各异的人物。2003年,他在大片《加勒比海盗》中以另类的表演风格获得了观众和专家的好评,并赢得了当年奥斯卡最佳男主角的提名。之后他又出演了这部电影的续集,票房大热,德普那奇异的扮相和演技再次受到影迷的狂热追捧,人到中年的他没有像其他同龄演员一样人气下滑,反而更加如日中天。在《加勒比海盗》前两部的拍摄间隙,德普还抽空拍摄了不少影片,包括《浪荡子》《寻找梦幻岛》和《秘窗》等。《寻找梦幻岛》一片还为他带来一个奥斯卡提名。当然,他也没忘和老友蒂姆·波顿合作,除在动画片《僵尸新娘》中献声外,还主演了《查理和巧克力工厂》,扮演的是一个怪异的巧克力工厂的主人,威利旺卡。接下来德普的片约大概可以排到2010年了。其中,《浪荡子》(2004)讲述的是17世纪的传奇人物——诗人约翰-威尔莫特(John Wilmot)的故事。这位英国诗人在社会上的另一个身份则是罗切斯特公伯爵(Earl Of Rochester)。这位伯爵行为古怪,做事放荡不羁。他曾经将国王查尔斯二世哄骗到妓院中,把身无分文,而且无法证明自己身份的国王丢在那。更让人可怕的是,好几个与他争吵过的人都死于非命,虽然警方怀疑是约翰下的毒手,但苦于没有证据。他的晚年可谓疾病缠身,失明、关节炎、肌肉萎缩、幻想症等等,而这些都是梅毒的症状,最后约翰-华尔莫特发疯致死。而约翰尼·德普挑战的就正是这样一个角色。虽然剧组出于票房的考虑,对电影情节相当保密,但是由于约翰-威尔莫特的双性恋身份,所以41岁的约翰尼·德普在扮演这个角色的过程中,一定有不少同性亲密戏份。而且也有剧组关系人士透露说,“加勒比海盗”已经在戏中与一男演员接吻过了,他屏幕上的“爱人”名叫鲁珀特-佛兰德(Rupert Friend),是一位相貌英俊,但是不知名的演员。

2007年,德普与蒂姆·波顿六度合作,翻拍了著名的百老汇歌剧《Sweeney Todd》(理发师陶德)。这又是一部把哥特式的阴暗风格贯彻到底的影片,哥特建筑单调的黑白灰三色,狭长街道上被拉长的人影,伦敦阴霾的天空,主人公自始自终僵硬苍白的脸,二重唱下锋利的剃刀划过咽喉,血溅五尺,整个影片充满了一种让人不寒而栗的阴冷。影片再次地证明了一点,只有在伯顿的手中,Depp才是最有邪气的Depp,他的这种气质也就只有蒂姆伯顿才挖掘地出来。该片夺得了2008年金球奖最佳音乐喜剧类电影,Depp获得了金球奖最佳男主角,奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,此片还获得了08年奥斯卡最佳艺术指导。


Johnny 从影多年来一直都是个特立独行的演员,喜爱挑个性特殊有挑战性的角色来演出,让他在好莱屋演员里显得如此的与众不同,他个人也曾经在1996年导演过一部名为"The Brave" 的电影,他的好友马龙白兰度 (Marlon Brando) 也在里面客串一个小角色,1997年的坎城影展并将它列入竞赛片。


虽然Johnny 在影坛上发展,不过他并没有忘情於音乐,在洛杉矶Johnny 开了一家俱乐部The Viper Room,Johnny 并且还有自己的乐团 P,偶而也会在俱乐部中演出,在1995年11月推 出了自己的第一张专辑。Johnny 还曾经在英国摇滚乐团OASIS 的第三张专辑Be Here Now 中的一首歌Fade In-Out 中担任副吉他手。在1995年一张为战火下的南斯拉夫儿童募款的合辑 " HELP " 中OASIS 的歌曲" Fade Away "的主奏吉他。与Shane MacGowan 在英国BBC 有名的排行榜节目Top Of The Pos 中演出。Johnny 也曾经在Tom Petty 的音乐录影带"Into The Great Wide Open"中出现。


早期Johnny 因为他的私生活而成为小报追逐的对象,Johnny 也因此有了坏男孩的形象并且被小报称为魔鬼的化身。

约翰尼·德普除了别具特色的演技之外,他的情史也颇为精采。最为知名的当然就属和他合拍剪刀手爱德华 ( Edward Scissorhands) 的薇诺娜·瑞德 (Winona Ryder ),他们在1990-1994年间处於订婚的状态,Johnny 还曾经在他右臂刺上Winona Forever表达爱意,不过在分手后他就将此刺青改成Wino Forever。在1994年,性格刚烈的他因与交往中的骨感名模凯特·摩丝发生争吵,砸毁了一间住一晚就要1200美金的旅馆房间而被捕。1997年,约翰尼·德普爱上了法国女演员兼歌手凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝(Vanessa Paradis),2年后凡妮莎为他生下了女儿,取名莉莉罗丝·麦洛蒂·德普(Lily-Rose Melody Depp)。此后,曾以颓废形象定格银幕的约翰尼·德普开始以慈父形象出现在各类报刊杂志,推着婴儿车,拿着尿布,经常出入各种社交派对,这与他以往的形象可谓天壤之别。





·1999年 在好莱坞星光大道拥有刻有自己名字的星星。

·2001年《E!》杂志评选的顶尖20位明星中排名第2 、 《人物》杂志评选为最美丽的50人。

·2003年《人物》杂志评选的世界上在世的最性感男人 、 《首映》杂志最伟大电影明星评选排名47;因《加勒比海盗1》获当年奥斯卡最佳男演员提名。


·2006年《Autograph Collector》最慷慨大方的名人。

·2007年 奥斯卡最佳视觉效果 (VISUAL EFFECTS):《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest。





金球奖:《剪刀手爱德华》 1990年 。

《邦尼和琼》(Benny&Joon) 1993年 。

《艾德伍德》(《Ed Wood》) 1994年 。

《Sweeney Todd》(理发师陶德) 2007年 (荣获影帝)

奥斯卡:《加勒比海盗》 2003年 。

《寻找梦幻岛》 2005年 。

《Sweeney Todd》(理发师陶德) 2007年。




本列表根据IMDb官方资料以及其它少量可靠信息整理,为JD不完全演艺作品列表,不含剪辑出演(Archive Footage)和作为本人出演(Self)的影片。




b.未上映影片,IMDb有JD参演信息的,按制作进度由小到大(即“筹备中in production”“通告announced”“前期制作pre-production”“拍摄中filming”“后期制作post-production”和“已完成Completed”)的顺序顺次排列;IMDb没有JD参演信息的,按目前消息中的上映时间从后向前顺次排列在其余影片之前。













演员 Actor:


[IMDb收录片名]加勒比海盗4 Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (2012) .... Jack Sparrow。

[IMDb收录片名]但丁之手 In the Hand of Dante (2011)。

[IMDb收录片名]游侠传奇 The Lone Ranger (2010) .... Tonto。

[IMDb收录片名]暗影 Dark Shadows (2010) .... Barnabas Collins。

[IMDb收录片名]世界之王 Rex Mundi (2009)。


罪恶都市3 Sin City 3 (2011) (筹备中) (未证实) .... Wallace 。

三个臭皮匠 The Three Stooges (2009.11.20) (通告) (未证实) .... Moe Howard。

朗姆酒日记 The Rum Diary (2010) (前期制作) (未证实) .... Paul Kemp。

蓝格 Rango (2011.3.18) (拍摄中) (声演) .... Rango 。

爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland (2010.3.5) (后期制作) .... The Mad Hatter 。

全民公敌 Public Enemies (2009.7.1) (后期制作) .... John Dillinger。

帕纳萨斯博士的奇幻剧院 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009.6.9) (已完成) .... Tony。


理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007.12.21) .... Sweeney Todd 。

加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007.5.19) .... Jack Sparrow 。

加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006.6.24) .... Jack Sparrow 。

僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride (2005.9.16) (声演) .... Victor Van Dort 。

查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005.7.10) .... Willy Wonka 。

浪荡子 The Libertine (2004.9.16) .... Rochester 。

寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland (2004.9.4) .... Sir James Matthew Barrie 。

他们结婚了还有很多孩子 Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (2004.8.25) .... L'inconnu 。

秘窗 Secret Window (2004.3.12) .... Mort Rainey 。

墨西哥往事三部曲之三 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003.9.12) .... Sands 。

加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003.6.28) .... Jack Sparrow 。

来自地狱 From Hell (2001.10.17) .... Inspector Frederick Abberline 。

大毒枭 Blow (2001.3.29) .... George Jung 。

浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000.12.15) .... Roux 。

夜幕降临前 Before Night Falls (2000.10.12) .... Lt. Victor 。

纵情四海 The Man Who Cried (2000.9.22) .... Cesar。

断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999.11.19) .... Ichabod Crane 。

宇航员的妻子 The Astronaut's Wife (1999.8.27) .... Commander Spencer Armacost 。

第九道门 The Ninth Gate (1999.12.24) .... Dean Corso 。

恐惧拉斯维加斯 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998.5.22) .... Raoul Duke 。

英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997.6.9) .... Raphael 。

忠奸人 Donnie Brasco (1997.2.28) .... Donnie Brasco / Joseph D. 'Joe' Pistone 。

千钧一发 Nick of Time (1995.11.22) .... Gene Watson 。

离魂异客 Dead Man (1995.5.10) .... William Blake 。

天生爱情狂 Don Juan DeMarco (1995.4.7) .... Don Juan DeMarco。

艾德·伍德 Ed Wood (1994.9.28) .... Ed Wood 。

不一样的天空 What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993.12.25) .... Gilbert Grape 。

邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon (1993.4.16) .... Sam 。

亚历桑那梦游 Arizona Dream (1993.9.9) .... Axel Blackmar 。

猛鬼街6 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991.9.13) .... Guy on TV 。

剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands (1990.12.14) .... Edward Scissorhands 。

21蹦跳街 "21 Jump Street" .... Officer Tom Hanson (57集电视连续剧, 1987-1990)。

哭泣宝贝 Cry-Baby (1990.4.6) .... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker 。

野战排 Platoon (1986.12.24) .... Private Gator Lerner 。

私人手段 Private Resort (1985.5.3) .... Jack 。

猛鬼街 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984.11.16) .... Glenn Lantz 。

制片人 Producer:。

朗姆酒日记 The Rum Diary (2009) (执行制片人) 。

声效 Soundtrack:。

理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007.12.21) (演唱: "No Place Like London", "My Friends", "Pirelli's Miracle Elixir", "Pretty Women", "Epiphany", "A Little Priest", "Johanna (Act II)", "By The Sea", "The Judge's Return", "Final Scene (Part 1)", "Final Scene (Part 2)") 。

墨西哥往事三部曲之三 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003.9.12) (作词: "Sands Theme") (制作: "Sands Theme") 。

浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000.12.15) ("Minor Swing/They're Red Hot/Caravan") 。

音乐 Music Department:。

墨西哥往事三部曲之三 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003.9.12) (作曲: 曲"Sands' Theme") 。

浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000.12.15) (吉他手) 。

导演 Director:

英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997.6.9) 。

编剧 Writer:

英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997.6.9) (剧本) 。

鸣谢 Thanks:

救命呐!唐吉诃德 Lost in La Mancha (2002.8.30) (特别鸣谢)。








·他一共出演了7部以主角名字命名的电影,包括《Edward Scissorhands》、《Cry-Baby》、《What's Eating Gilbert Grape》、《Ed Wood》、《Don Juan DeMarco 》、《Donnie Brasco》、《Sweeney Todd》。




·从前在乐队The Kids担任吉他手,现在又转到一支叫做P的乐队。


·曾出现在Tom Petty1991年热门歌曲Into the Great Wide Open的音乐录影带之中。



纹身 tatoo

右臂上方--Wino Forever 。

右上臂下方-- 印地安酋长头像(纪念他的印第安血统);

右前臂--一只鸟,代表sparrow(这个文身有说是因约翰尼·德普喜欢在自己身上留下喜欢的电影的印记,以此来代表船长Jack Sparrow,也有说纪念他儿子杰克的);





左上臂--有Batty Sue 在上面的红心 以及 倒三角形(如右图)(据说与他的母亲有关);

右前臂内侧--电影The Brave 的标志;





·1988年5月31日纹身“Betty Sue”,这是他母亲的名字。

·与薇诺娜·赖德订婚后,在手臂上文上“Winona Forever”(永远的薇诺娜),解除婚约后他去掉了两个字母N和A,变成了“Wino Forever”(永远做酒鬼)。 这也是约翰尼·德普身上最有名的一个纹身。



·1987年,《21 Jump Street》每集45000美元。


·2005年,《查理和巧克力工厂》1800万美元 。

·2008年,《加勒比海盗4》5600万美元 创下了全球最高。



·和西恩·潘、约翰·马尔科维奇在巴黎共同拥有一家叫做Man Ray的餐厅,餐厅由一家剧院改装,以藏族风味著称。

·1993年,德普以35万美元战胜阿诺·施瓦辛格,成功收购洛杉矶著名的中央夜总会,将它改名为Viper Room。





Mumbles的一个煤矿大镇上,(与Katherine Zeta Jones 在同一小镇上。在第一次世界大战期间,他加入了英军,他在战壕了度过了这段时间,几乎每天都玩着扑克牌。在一次战斗他受伤了,因此被送到了医院,但他还仍旧在想着他的那些魔术技能。

他的第一场演出是在澳大利亚,然后又在加拿大演过,后来他到了美国(我不清楚British Columbia是地名还是一艘传的名字),在美国发展期间,他在芝加哥遇到了斯婉 沃可儿(Swan Walker),后来他们结了婚,她 也成为了他演艺生涯的得力助手。在纽约演出的时候,他一举成名,因为观众(也还有魔术师)都从来没有见过这样杰出的表演。这场表演不仅仅是一场魔术技巧的展示,而且也是一个演员在讲述着发生在他自己身上一些奇怪的和无法解释的事情。手头花招,物体的时隐时现,和所有的姿势都与音乐的节拍分毫不差。

他在皇宫表演过,也在城市无线音乐厅表演过,他还在伦敦大剧院,Copa Cabana和其他一些出名的夜总会和娱乐场所表演过。在1938年他还为英格兰国王表演过,在1957年他62岁高龄的时候,他还在少有的电视魔术表演节目中表演过。魔术节,这是这位魔术师在表演过程中唯一所知晓的尺度。

他一生得到的奖项很多,有英国魔术协会的荣誉---卡迪尼(Cardini)是世界知名的最伟大的手上花招大师,(1958年),在1971年,在LA魔术城堡里由Tony Curtis颁发给他的魔术大势奖,在1999年他被成为了20世纪最杰出的魔术师之一。


求加勒比海盗3 的英文台词 完整的的相关图片

求加勒比海盗3 的英文台词 完整的














1.辐射 我们知道绝对温度0度以上的任何物质都会通过辐射方式向环境散失热量,这也是通常情况下人体散失热量的主要形式。影响辐射散热的因素是散热面积和温度梯度。环境温度与人体温度差越大,人体通过辐射丢失热量越快;身高越高体表面积越大,同样热量丢失越快。




4.蒸发 水分蒸发可以带走大量热能,通常情况下可分为不显性蒸发和出汗。寒冷环境下人虽然通常不会出汗,但是由淋雨、湿衣服等外源性水分蒸发,特别是在寒风中,与对流共同作用,往往容易造成极端热量丢失。










1. 皮肤血管扩张,皮肤是人体最大的器官,人体皮肤血管同时受到血管扩张和收缩神经的支配,具有强大的体温调节能力。适温环境下人体皮肤血流量为增加表面的血流量300-500毫升/分,最极端情况下通过血管扩张这一数值可以增高10倍达3000毫升/分钟,甚至6000毫升/分钟,从而极大限度增加散热量。








依据核心体温降低程度和人体的反应(英语中以几个带 "-Umbles" 词尾的单词来表示人体运动协调能力和意识的低温反应,分别为磕磕绊绊- stumbles,喃喃自语- mumbles,摸摸索索fumbles和牢牢骚骚-grumbles )人体低温可以分为以下几个阶段:

1. 轻度低温:核心温度37℃~35℃,外周血管明显收缩,手脚和嘴唇开始苍白。出现不由自主的颤抖,这时这种颤抖尚能自控;不能做复杂的运动,但仍然可以走路和说话。

2. 中度低温:核心温度35 ℃~33℃,意识开始出现茫然;精细动作失调,尤其是手部,由于末梢血流量降低甚至可达完全终止,不能做一些诸如扣上衣服扣子等动作,就是所谓的“冻僵了”;言语开始不清,发生完全不能自主的剧烈发抖。并开始非理性行为,比如反而会脱掉衣服,说明认知功能开始出现障碍。

3. 严重的低温:核心温度33℃~30℃,这个阶段随时都可能危及生命。开始出现大幅度波浪式寒颤,然后出现暂停,暂停间歇越来越来,最终因为肌糖元趋向耗竭,寒颤产生的热量已经完全无济于事,身体选择转为节能状态而完全关闭颤抖。通常会跌倒在地,不能行走,蜷缩成胎儿状态,以期尽可能保存热量。

由于血流量减少和寒颤导致肌肉乳酸和CO 2积聚,肌肉开始出现强直,皮肤完全苍白,瞳孔开始扩张,心跳脉率开始下降。


在30℃时,身体进入一种被称为“代谢冰箱”(metabolic icebox)的自我保护状态,身体呈现胎儿状蜷缩,完全失去对外界的反射,身体僵硬,瞳孔散大,看上去已经被“冻死”,其实仍然活着。这时,尝试从胎儿姿态位拉伸他们的手臂,如果它能蜷缩回去,则说明人还活着,因为死亡后的肌肉是完全不可能收缩的。

4. 从低温走向死亡:30℃~28℃时,肌肉完全强直,出现意识丧失半昏迷、昏迷,脉搏和呼吸速率降低,开始出现心律失常,可以发展为室颤。

28℃~25 ℃时,陷入完全昏迷,呼吸和心脏跳动变得飘忽不定,心脏输出显著降低或者停止而脉冲可能不摸到。






Kanye West的《Robocop》 歌词


Scene 1: Hangings in Port Royal 。

[camera opens on a noose, East India Company flag, then shows people walking up to a row of gallows, seven at a time] 。

Officer: In order to effect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions, and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories, by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty the King. By decree, according to martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended: right to assembly, suspended. [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] Right to habeus corpus, suspended. [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] Right to legal counsel, suspended. [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended. [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] All persons convicted of piracy, or aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy, shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. 。

Child [singing]: The king and his men, stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones. The seas be ours, and by the powers, where we will, we’ll roam. 。

[executioner places child on top of barrel so he reaches the noose] 。

Man [singing]: Yo, ho, all hands, hoist the colors high. 。

All [singing]: Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die. 。

Officer: Lord Beckett. They’ve started to sing, sir. 。

Beckett: Finally. 。

All [singing]: Yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die. 。

Coin drops...PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: At World’s End. 。

Scene 2: Welcome to Singapore 。

[camera opens on Elizabeth in a small boat paddling through the water below the walkways of Singapore] 。

Elizabeth [singing]: ...the bell has been raised from its watery grave; hear its sepulchral tone? A call to all, pay heed the squall, and turn your sails toward home!... yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high. Yo ho, thieves.... 。

Tai Huang: .....(thief) and beggar, never say we die. A dangerous song to be singing, for anyone ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman, particularly a woman alone. 。

• •

Barbossa: What makes you think she’s alone? 。

Tai Huang: You protect her? 。

Elizabeth [puts knife to Tai Huang’s neck]: And what makes you think I need protecting? 。

Barbossa: Your master’s expectin’ us. An unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meetin’. 。

[Elizabeth releases Tai Huang from her grip. British soldiers pass by on the path above and the group exits into a passageway below] 。

[Cuts to what looks like turtles going through the water below the pathway somewhere else in the town. Shells, now seen to be coconuts, lift out of water to reveal Pintel, Ragetti, Gibbs, Marty and Cotton underneath, breathing through bamboo straws] 。

[Cuts to shot of cartwheels on the pathway above] 。

[Cuts back down to them approaching a sewer grating] 。

Cotton’s parrot: Steady as she goes! 。

[Cuts back to Tia wheeling a cart onto the bridge above them as Jack the monkey turns a crank to play music] 。

[Cuts back to them as they start to saw through the grating] Gibbs: All right. 。

[Cuts back to Elizabeth and Barbossa following Tai Huang and his men] 。

Elizabeth: Have you heard anything from Will? 。

Barbossa: I trust young Turner to acquire the charts, and you to remember your place in the presence of Capt. Sao Feng. 。

Elizabeth: Is he that terrifying? 。

Barbossa: He’s much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play. 。

[Cuts back to Gibbs & company at grating] Gibbs: We’re through! Make ready. 。

[They arrive at the entrance to Sao Feng’s hideout and someone on the other side opens a slit in the door] 。

Tai Huang: Hoi. [Door opens and they enter] 。

[Cuts to Sao Feng’s hideout. Barbossa and Elizabeth give up their weapons to the guards. Elizabeth makes to move past Tai Huang, he holds up his hand to stop her] 。

Tai Huang: You think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery? 。

Barbossa: Well, when you put it that way. 。

Tai Huang: Remove, please. 。

[Elizabeth removes her hat and outer coat to reveal a leather harness with several more guns and bombs on it, then pulls another large cannon out of her boot] 。

Tai Huang: Remove, please. [smiles slyly] 。

[Elizabeth also removes pants] 。

[Several shots as they make their way through the area to where Sao Feng is. Sao Feng turns around and Barbossa and Elizabeth bow] 。

Sao Feng: Captain Barbossa. Welcome to Singapore. [to one of his servants] More steam. 。

[She pulls a rope and it cuts to a shot of a man below pulling another rope to release more steam, then shows big fat guy and Gibbs & company. Ragetti sees fat man and attempts to leave, Gibbs grabs him] 。

Gibbs: None of that. If things don’t go the way we want them we’re the only chance they’ve got. 。

[then back to Sao Feng, Elizabeth and Barbossa] 。

Sao Feng: I understand you have a request to make of me. 。

Barbossa: More of a proposal to put to ye. I have a venture underway and happen to find myself in need of ship and a crew. 。

Sao Feng: This is an odd coincidence. 。

Elizabeth: Because you happen to have a ship a and crew you don’t need? 。

• •

Sao Feng: No. Because, earlier this day, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncle’s temple and tried to make off with these. [holds up the charts] The navigational charts. The route to the farthest gate. Wouldn’t it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one? 。

Barbossa: It would strain credulity at that. 。

[Sao Feng motions to his men and they pull Will up out of a tub of hot water] 。

Sao Feng: [points to Will] This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you? 。

[Elizabeth and Barbossa both shake their heads] 。

Sao Feng: Then I guess he has no further need for it. [makes to kill Will] 。

[Elizabeth gasps] 。

Sao Feng: So, you come into my city, and betray my hospitality. 。

Barbossa: Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea.... 。

Sao Feng: That he would get caught?!? You intend to attempt a voyage to Davy Jones’ locker. When I cannot help but wonder, why? 。

[Barbossa tosses a piece of eight to Sao Feng who catches it] 。

Barbossa: The song has been sung. The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court. As one of the nine pirate lords you must honor the call. 。

Sao Feng: More steam. 。

[lady pulls lever and steam doesn’t come immediately. cuts down to our guys below, then back up] 。

Sao Feng: More steam! 。

[cuts down below to Marty hitting the huge guy in the face with a shovel. pans over to Cotton pulling string to release more steam] 。

[cuts back to upper level] 。

Sao Feng: There’s a price on all our heads, it is true. Since it seems that the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore is by betraying other pirates... 。

[cuts to Ragetti looking up through the floorboards underneath Elizabeth] 。

Ragetti: It’s Elizabeth. 。

[pans over to the others unrolling the bundle of weapons and taking the weapons] 。

Gibbs: Wait for the signal. 。

Barbossa [above]: ...the first Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas. That rule has been challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett. 。

[cuts back to upper level] 。

Sao Feng: Against the East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court? What can any of us do? 。

Elizabeth: You can fight! [steps forward and one man grabs her shoulder and she shakes free of him] Get off me! You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore! 。

[cuts to down blow and Pintel looks up through the floorboards just as the man that grabbed Elizabeth takes her spot that he looks up to. Pintel makes a disgusted face. cuts back to upper level] 。

Elizabeth: ...would you have that era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here, cowering in your bath water! 。

Sao Feng: Elizabeth Swann, there’s more to you than meets the eye, isn’t there? And the eye does not go wanting. But I cannot help but notice. You have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek in Davy Jones’ locker? 。

Will: Jack Sparrow. [girls giggle] He’s one of the pirate lords. 。

Sao Feng: The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the so I can send him back myself! 。

• •

Barbossa: Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight. He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died. So we must go and get him back. 。

[Sao Feng notices the tattoo on one of the men in front of him begin to drip off] 。

Sao Feng: So, you admit, you have deceived me. Weapons! 。

[all Sao Feng’s men draw their weapons] 。

[cuts to shot down below] 。

Gibbs: Weapons! 。

[cuts back to shot of Elizabeth and Barbossa] 。

Barbossa: Sao Feng I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable. [just then swords pop up through the floorboards and Elizabeth and Barbossa catch them] 。

Sao Feng: [puts his sword to man’s neck] Drop your weapons or I kill the man! 。

Barbossa: Kill him, he’s not our man. 。

Will: If he’s not with you, and he’s not with us...who’s he with? 。

[East India Trading Co. soldiers bust into the room and fighting erupts] 。

Elizabeth [as Will is fighting and gets himself detached from the pole that was behind his back]: Will! 。

[Will catches sword][they continue fighting through the city] 。

Soldier: Ready, aim, fire! 。

[Tia uses her cart to blow them up] 。

[eventually cuts to shot of Sao Feng pinning Will up against a wall, shows Mercer watching them] 。

Sao Feng: It is an odd coincidence that the East India Trading Co. finds me the day you show up in Singapore. 。

Will: It is coincidence only. [puts a knife to Sao Feng’s throat] If you want to make a deal with Beckett you need what I offer. 。

Sao Feng: You cross Barbossa, you’re willing to cross Jack Sparrow. Why should I expect any better? 。

Will: I need the Black Pearl to free my father. [takes knife away] You’re helping me to get it. 。

[cuts to Jack the monkey getting a firework and placing it on the railing of the walkway on top of a box] 。

Cotton’s parrot: Uh oh! 。

[Jack places a candle on the fuse to light it] 。

Cotton’s parrot: Fire in the hole! 。

[firework launches into shack full of fireworks which explodes] 。

Barbossa: Thank you, Jack! 。

Cotton’s parrot: Thank you, Jack! 。

[cuts to Barbossa, Elizabeth and Will walking up to one another on the docks] 。

Barbossa: You got the charts? 。

Will: And better yet, a ship and a crew. 。

Elizabeth: Where’s Sao Feng? 。

Will: He’ll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove. 。

Tai Huang: This way, be quick. 。

[cuts to shot of Elizabeth walking up behind Tia on the boat they just acquired] 。

Elizabeth: There’s no place left for Sao Feng to cower. Do you think he will honor the call? 。

Tia: I cannot say. There is an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. 。

• •

Scene 3: Mercer Reports In 。

[shows the Flying Dutchman emerging from the water and completely destroying several pirate ships, then cuts to a piece of eight falling on the desk and Beckett picks it up] 。

Beckett: A piece of eight, nine of them you say? 。

Mercer: Our new friend in Singapore was very specific, nine pieces of eight. 。

Beckett: What’s the significance of that, I wonder? 。

Mercer: Does it matter? There’s nothing can hold against the armada, not with the Flying Dutchman at the lead. 。

Beckett: Nothing we know of. Did your friend happen to mention where the Brethren Court are meeting? 。

Mercer: He was mum on that, sir. 。

Beckett: Well then, he knows the value of information. Best keep this between ourselves. Don’t want anyone running off to Singapore, now do we? 。

[camera moves over to Gov. Swann signing papers] 。

[Norrington enters through the door] 。

Beckett: Ahh, Admiral. 。

Norrington: You summoned me, Lord Beckett. 。

Beckett: Yes. Something for you there. Your new station deserves an old friend. 。

[Norrington opens the case to find his sword he got when he was promoted to commodore] 。

[cuts back over to Gov. Swann] 。

Gov. Swann: Not more requisition orders? 。

Assistant: No sir, executions. 。

Beckett: The Brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand. 。

Scene 4: Ice!

[camera opens on Jack the monkey, Pintel, and Ragetti, all covered in ice, as is the boat] 。

Pintel: No one said anything about cold. 。

Ragetti: There must be a good reason for our suffering. 。

Pintel: Why don’t that ?obay? woman bring back Jack, the same way she brought back Barbossa? 。

Tia: Because Barbossa was only dead. Jack Sparrow is taken, body and soul, to a place not of death, but punishment. The worst fate a person can bring upon himself. Stretching on forever. That’s what awaits at Davy Jones’ locker. 。

Ragetti: I knew there was good reason. 。

[pans across the ship showing one of the crew accidentally breaking off his toe, then finally coming to Will and Tai Huang looking at the charts] 。

Will: Nothing here is set. These can’t be as accurate as modern charts. 。

Tai Huang: No, but it leads to more places. 。

Will: [reading from the charts] OVER THE EDGE OVER AGAIN. SUNRISE SETS FLASH OF GREEN. Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa? 。

Barbossa: Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs? 。

Gibbs: I reckon I seen my fair share. It happens on rare occasion. At the last glimpse of sunset, a green flash of light shoots up into the sky. Some go their whole lives without seeing it, some claim to have seen it that ain’t. Some say... 。

Pintel: It signals when a soul comes back to this world, from the dead! 。

[Gibbs gives him a death stare] 。

• •

Pintel: Sorry. 。

Barbossa: Trust me, young Master Turner, it’s not gettin’ to the land of the dead that’s the problem. It’s gettin’ back. 。

[cuts to overhead shot of them going between two huge walls of ice, then shows the ship disappearing into the darkness between them] 。

Scene 5: The Captain of the Flying Dutchman 。

Beckett: Bloody hell, there’s nothing left. 。

Mercer: Jones is a loose cannon, sir. 。

Beckett: Fetch the chest. 。

Mercer: And the Governor...he’s been asking questions about the heart. 。

Beckett: Does he know? 。

[they look at each other] 。

Beckett: Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course. 。

[shows soldiers and the Governor in boats rowing over to the Flying Dutchman] 。

[cuts to Davy mournfully playing his organ with only two of his tentacles. He picks up his locket which is playing the music and a single tear runs down his cheek. He picks it up with a tentacle, looks at it, and then becomes angry] 。

[cuts to soldiers rushing up onto the Flying Dutchman. Davy’s crew comes out to meet them, then Norrington emerges as well] 。

Norrington: [to Murtogg and Mullroy] Steady, men. 。

[Davy enters]

Davy: Go! All of you! And take that infernal thing with you! I will not have it on my ship! 。

[Beckett and Mercer emerge] 。

Beckett: I’m sorry to hear that, because I will. Because it seems to be the only way to ensure that this ship do as directed by the company. We need prisoners to interrogate, which tends to work best when they’re alive. 。

Davy: The Dutchman sails as its captain commands. 。

Beckett: And its captain is to sail it as commanded. I thought you would have learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet. This is no longer your world, Jones. The immaterial has become...immaterial. Admiral. 。

[Norrington and the men with the chest walk off towards Davy’s cabin. Cuts to shot of five men pointing their guns at Davy’s heart in the open chest] 。

Officer: Charge bayonets! 。

Scene 6: At World’s End 。

[Shows the Hai Peng sailing through perfectly calm water with stars all around in the sky and water (looks like they are sailing in the night sky)] 。

Will [comes up behind Elizabeth who is looking out over the water]: How long do we continue not talking? 。

Elizabeth: Once we rescue Jack everything will be fine. 。

Will: When we rescue Jack? 。

[Elizabeth walks off][Tia walks up behind Will] 。

Tia: For what we want most, there is a cost must be paid in the end. 。

Will: Barbossa! Ahead! 。

Barbossa: Aye, we’re good and lost now. 。

Elizabeth: Lost? 。

Barbossa: For certain you have to be lost to find the places can’t be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was. 。

Gibbs: We’re gaining speed! 。

Barbossa: Aye. 。

Will: To stations! All hands, to stations! Hard to port, gather way! 。

Barbossa: Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true! 。

Pintel: Blimey! 。

[cuts to shot of HUGE falls at the end of the world then back to on boat] 。

Elizabeth: You’ve doomed us all! 。

Barbossa: Don’t be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again and these be the last friendly words you’ll hear. 。

Will: Tie her off! 。

Tia [mumbles]: Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crocher l’Esplanade, Dans l’Fond d’l’eau!* [throws crab claws] 。

Elizabeth: Hard to port! 。

Will: Hold on! 。

Barbossa: Ha ha ha ha! 。

[shows the ship turning and going off the waterfall backwards]。
















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