Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a 2011 American science fiction-action film. It is the third film of the live-action Transformers film series, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It was released on June 29, 2011. The film is presented in regular 2D, Real D 3D and IMAX 3D, featuring Dolby Surround 7.1 sound. The film currently stands as the 29th highest-grossing film of all-time and is currently the 2nd highest grossing film of 2011 internationally.。
Harry Potter is a series of Seven Magic novels written by British writer J. K. Rowling from 1997 to 2007. The first six of them are the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.。
The seventh book is about Harry Potter, a young wizard student, who spent six years in Hogwarts studying, living and taking risks. The seventh book is about Harry Potter's search for the Horcrux and the destruction of Voldemort in the Second Magical World War.。
参考资料来源:百度百科—哈利·波特 (J.K.罗琳创作魔幻系列小说)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a 2001 fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson. It is the opening installment of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, based on the similarly titled first volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's epic literary fantasy, The Lord of the Rings. Jackson began the project in 1995 as a two-part adaptation of Tolkien's work. Over the next six years, it expanded to three films shot across a 15-month period in New Zealand. Amongst fans, the title is often abbreviated as "FotR".。
The Dark Lord Sauron is seeking the One Ring, which he can use to conquer Middle-earth. The Ring has found its way to the young hobbit Frodo Baggins, who must destroy it in order to defeat Sauron and his forces. The fate of Middle-Earth hangs in the balance as Frodo and eight companions form the Fellowship of the Ring. So begins a journey to Mount Doom in the land of Mordor; this is the only place the Ring can be destroyed. 。
Released on December 19, 2001, the film was highly acclaimed by critics and fans alike, especially as many of the latter judged it to be sufficiently faithful to the original story. It was a box office success, earning over $870 million worldwide, and the second highest grossing film of 2001 in the U.S. and worldwide (behind only Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) which made it the 5th highest grossing film ever at the time. Today it is the 13th highest grossing worldwide film of all time. It won five BAFTAs, including Best Film and Best Director. The Special Extended DVD Edition was released on November 12, 2002. In 2007, The Fellowship of the Ring was voted number 50 on the American Film Institute's list of 100 greatest American films. 。
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a fantasy epic film, directed by Peter Jackson and based on the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings. It was released on December 18, 2002, with a running time of 179 minutes. 。
Continuing the plot of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, it intercuts three storylines, as Frodo and Sam continue their quest to destroy the One Ring in Mordor and meet Gollum, its former owner. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli come across the war torn nation of Rohan as well as the resurrected Gandalf, before fighting at the Battle of Helm's Deep, whilst Merry and Pippin escape capture and meet Treebeard, the tree-like giant. 。
The movie was critically acclaimed, although the adaptation was more controversial than the first film. It was an enormous box-office success, earning over $900 million worldwide, outgrossing its predecessor, and is currently the 7th-highest-grossing film of all time. The Special Extended DVD Edition was released on November 19, 2003. 。
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is an epic fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson. It is primarily based on the third volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (but also includes material from the second volume), and it is the concluding film in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. It follows The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers and was filmed simultaneously with them. 。
As Sauron launches the final stages of his conquest of Middle-earth, Gandalf the Wizard and Théoden King of Rohan step up their forces to help defend Gondor's capital Minas Tirith from this threat. Aragorn must finally take up the throne of Gondor and summons an army of ghosts to help him defeat Sauron. Ultimately, even with full strength of arms, they find they cannot win; it comes down to the Hobbits Frodo and Sam, who themselves face the burden of the Ring and the treachery of Gollum, to destroy the One Ring in Mordor. 。
Released on December 17, 2003, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King became one of the most critically acclaimed films and greatest box-office successes of all time. It swept all eleven Academy Awards it was nominated for, which ties it with only Titanic and Ben-Hur for most Academy Awards ever won. It also won the Academy Award for Best Picture, the only time in history a fantasy film has done so. It also became the second highest grossing movie worldwide of all time behind Titanic, unadjusted for inflation.[1] The Special Extended Edition, containing 50 more minutes of footage, was released on DVD on December 14, 2004.。
My life as a penguin。
They are the flightless birds everyone is talking about this winter, after a film about their mating and chick-rearing skills became a surprise US hit. But can penguins really teach a man how to live, as some claim? Tim Dowling joined the huddle to find out 。
Tuesday November 15, 2005。
The Guardian
They cannot come to you, so you must go to them, trekking ever southward. The cold is unrelenting. Most days the sun barely makes an appearance: at midday the contours of the coast are shrouded in a dismal, leaden twilight, while curtains of icy rain undulate across the bay. When I finally arrive, it feels like I've reached the edge of the world. This is Torquay, surely one of the most inhospitable places on the planet.。
Article continues。
Not if you're a penguin, though. For the black and white inhabitants of Living Coasts, Torquay's harbourside zoo, the term English riviera holds no bleak tinge of irony, even during the so-called "shoulder season", the brief interlude between peak and off season. As far as they're concerned, this is beach weather, and the penguins are out doing what they do best: standing around in a big huddle looking in the same direction, in this particular case at me. I am sitting awkwardly on the sand just downwind from them. Here's something they don't tell you about penguins: they smell. After a brief stand-off, the whole group takes a tentative step in my direction. I must be patient.。
Barring a last-minute monkey uprising, 2005 looks set to be the year of the penguin. Credit for this goes to a single film, March of the Penguins, an 80-minute French documentary about the breeding habits of emperor penguins in Antarctica, which became an unlikely summer blockbuster in America, and the second highest grossing documentary (behind Fahrenheit 9/11) of all time. The film follows the emperors' annual 70-mile trek inland, where they pair up and mate as winter is setting in. The female lays a single egg which the male must balance on top of his feet until it hatches, while enduring 100mph winds and temperatures of -57C. The mother then treks back to the edge of the ice to feed, while the males ... well, I don't want to spoil it for you.。
None of the penguins currently staring at me are emperors. Only two places - the Sea Worlds of California and Ohio - keep emperor penguins in captivity. Living Coasts has 71 African, or jackass, penguins, plus 13 gentoos (native to South Georgia Island, the Antarctic peninsula and the Falklands), and a dozen or so newly arrived macaroni penguins. The macaronis, so named after the dashing yellow eyebrow feathers that make them look like Denis Healey in black tie, are isolated for now, but the African and gentoo colonies rub along on the same stretch of pretend beach, sharing the same pool of treated seawater pumped in from the bay. Above us, inca terns wheel about under the nets that cover the site. A few hundred yards into the bay, local cormorants perch on a large, shit-covered rock, keeping it real. The penguins edge closer to me, partly because they are naturally inquisitive, and partly because I'm sitting next to a keeper, Lois Rowell, and she has a big bucket of fish.。
When March of the Penguins was released in America it became not just a hit, but the subject of intense political debate. This debate is unlikely to dog the film when it opens in the UK next month, but it deserves a brief summation. In the US the religious right is in the habit of rating films in terms of moral content (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, for example, which features a gay kiss, is rated "abhorrent" by one reviewer). A nice penguin documentary was always going to rate highly with "red state" religious conservatives, if only for what it lacked in terms of profanity, drug references and express promotion of a homosexual worldview.。
But the American family-values lobby found something else in the penguins' struggle for survival: role models. The conservative film critic Michael Medved called March of the Penguins "the motion picture of the summer that most passionately affirms traditional norms [such as] monogamy, sacrifice and child-rearing". Other commentators saw it as a parable of Christian faith and forbearance. Church groups block-booked cinemas and held post-screening discussions, much as they did with The Passion of the Christ. One reviewer, writing in the Christian periodical World Magazine, maintained that the film presented a case for intelligent design, the pseudoscience which holds that evolution alone cannot account for certain complexities in nature. This dopey assertion was echoed on various web forums: "It's hard to watch a film like this and not see the evidence of a designer," wrote one viewer.。
The backlash that followed proved, if nothing else, how little the American religious right knew about penguins. It was noted (in the film itself, among other places) that emperor penguins are monogamous only for the duration of one breeding cycle; around 85% will find a new mate next time around. While their childcare is in many ways exemplary, they tend to affect a certain nonchalance when their young are being eaten by petrels. As if this weren't enough, it transpired that Central Park Zoo in New York had a resident pair of gay penguins, Roy and Silo, who were devoted parents to an abandoned egg.。
As for the claims for intelligent design, even conservative pundits like George Will point out that the emperor penguins' reproductive practices seem, if anything, a little ill thought through. Antarctic penguins provide ample evidence of evolutionary development because the DNA record for a single species, preserved in frozen penguin bones, can be traced back thousands of years. The filmmaker, Luc Jacquet, was quick to distance himself from his anti-evolution fan base. Commenting on the controversy, Laura Kim, vice president of the film's US distributor, said with transparent exasperation, "You know what? They're just birds."。
Perhaps so, but the tendency to attribute human qualities to penguins is almost irresistible. "My theory is that it's because they have a recognisable human shape," says Phil Knowling, Paignton Zoo's press officer. "I used to work at an owl sanctuary and we had the same thing with owls."。
March of the Penguins is certainly guilty of its own measure of anthropomorphism. The film casts the emperors' struggle as a love story, and Morgan Freeman's sonorous narration often strays into sentimentality. It could have been worse: in the original French version, actors were used to give voice to the penguins. The birds plighted their troth in the language of love.。
Zookeepers are not keen on this sort of over-identification with penguins, but that doesn't mean they're immune to it. "You've got to admire them in certain ways," says Tony Durkin, senior keeper at Living Coasts. "They're characters. I think they have the ability to survive no matter what." But can we learn by their example? Should we be more like the penguin? "We could be more like the penguin, yeah."。
In terms of setting an example, the penguins of Living Coasts are a damn sight more faithful than emperors. All three species tend to mate for life, although break-ups are not unknown. "There have been three divorces since I've looked after them," says Rowell, who accompanied the African penguins when they came to Living Coasts from Paignton Zoo and has 20 years' experience with them. There has even been the odd scandal, as when Mr Pops got himself a girlfriend. "He used to visit her when Mrs Pops was incubating," says Rowell, before going on to tell me about the time another penguin left his wife with two babies. Although "that is the exception," she says.。
Most of the birds look alike to me, but Rowell has no trouble pointing out Charlie, Vinnie, Ruby, Silent Bob. African penguins have a spray of black dots on their bellies in a pattern unique to each individual. It is impossible, however, to tell males from females without performing an internal examination or DNA test. "Otherwise we just wait until they mate," one keeper tells me. "The one on the bottom is the female." That's assuming it is a male-female pairing: DNA tests on some infertile penguins at Bremerhaven zoo in Bremen revealed that several of their supposed breeding pairs were same-sex couples.。
The three species at Living Coasts (there are 17 in all) live for up to 20 years in the wild, and longer in captivity. The gentoos and Africans both nest, although the Africans tend to burrow under vegetation, while the gentoos make do with slightly sorry-looking nests made from pebbles. Different species have different sleep habits - some sleep in their burrows, some (such as emperors) standing up, the beak tucked under the flipper. It is supposed that certain types of penguin must actually sleep at sea, although this has never been observed.。
By now the penguins have gathered round the bucket and a few have wandered over to size me up. They stare, they circle, they stretch their necks. "The neck-stretch thing is: 'I just don't know what to make of you,'" says Rowell. Occasionally one will tilt back its head and bray like a donkey. One of the small Africans leans in and tugs on my trouserleg with his beak. Two others take turns pecking my right shoe. A fourth penguin ducks under my arm and tries to take my pen. Penguins have an insatiable curiosity which, when you are its subject, borders on harassment. It's like being threatened by a gang of eight-year-olds.。
Later on Durkin shows me how to feed the penguins, but it's not as easy as it looks. The fish - mostly sprat and herring - have to go in head first, scales pointing backwards, because the penguins have barbed tongues. Most penguins like the fish to be introduced from one side of the beak or the other, and the operation involves me putting my fingers closer to a penguin's mouth than I am comfortable with. I wonder if they bite, but don't like to ask. It turns out I don't have to, because the penguins bite me.。
I persist, however, because I really want the penguins to like me, even though I know they are just birds with the same intelligence as parrots. They don't seem like birds to me, which is good because, as a rule, I don't enjoy being proximate to birds. I don't think I'd be very happy sitting on the ground surrounded by 84 large crows.。
I also know that it's a rare privilege to be allowed to sit on the sand with them. Human/penguin contact is normally kept to a minimum. "We try to keep everything as natural as possible here, so we don't build up a general rapport with any of them," says Durkin. "If you wanted to do that, you could, but it would have to be undertaken deliberately, which would be something we don't agree with doing here." I understand perfectly. Can we put hats on them?。
Our tendency to identify with penguins may be irrational, but it's probably why we go to see them. "Anthropomorphism is one of those things that works for and against zoos," says Phil Knowling. "Zoos are so important in terms of conservation, and yet we earn our money through visitors." Living Coasts has fur seals, puffins, red-legged kittiwakes and rare bank cormorants, but the penguins are the main attraction. "These guys are ambassadors for their species," says Durkin. "They will show people very closely what they look like. We show how they feed, we explain their life, where they come from, and that builds up a picture for people who can't get down to Antarctica to see them."。
The penguins aren't just here to pull in the punters, however. "These birds have quite a gene pool," says Durkin. "If anything ever did happen to the wild population, we could theoretically return birds to the wild again." African penguins are presently endangered, largely due to overfishing, loss of habitat and oil spills. Macaronis and gentoos are classified as threatened.。
Toward the end of my time, one gentoo - Ronnie, I think - sidled up, stood alongside me and started looking in the same direction as I was. Together we stared out over the bay, past the cormorant rock, toward Brixham and Berry Head. After a moment he leaned gently against my shoulder. I resisted the urge to put my arm round him. We stayed like that for a while; me and Ronnie, my special penguin friend. I wonder if they have one his size in the gift shop.。
Penguins are a type of flightless bird that spends most of its life in the sea. They seldom visit land except to raise their young. Penguins have short legs and tall, torpedo-shaped bodies. On land they are able to stand upright, and because of their stature, they walk with a waddle. They may appear awkward, but penguins actually walk about as fast as people. They also climb rocky shores by hopping from rock to rock. Some penguins travel over ice and snow by 'tobogganing' - - sliding on their bellies. But penguins travel best by swimming, hour after hour. Penguins swim below the surface, and they leap above the surface for a quick breath of air. They also dive much deeper than any other bird. Some species are able to reach nearly 900 feet (275 meters) below the surface. Those deep divers can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes. 。
There are 17 species of penguins, ranging in size from the largest emperor penguin to the diminutive fairy penguin. The emperor penguin can grow to almost 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall and may weigh up to 100 pounds (45 kilograms). The fairy penguin, also called the little penguin, stands about 1 foot (30 centimeters) tall and usually weighs about 11/2 pounds (3.3 kilograms). 。
Penguins will not cross warm ocean water; therefore, they are all found in nature south of the equator. The Galapagos penguin lives the farthest north, near the equator in the cold waters around the islands of the same name. Eight other species of penguins make their home among the islands near New Zealand and Australia. Three species inhabit the coast of South America, and one type lives near southern Africa. Six species live far to the south, in the icy waters near Antarctica.。
Bruce Lee (traditional Chinese: 李小龙; simplified Chinese: 李小龙; Pinyin: Lǐ Xiǎolóng; Cantonese Yale: Léih Síulùhng; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973) was an American-born martial artist, philosopher, instructor, and martial arts actor widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the 20th century and a cultural icon.[1] He was the father of deceased actor Brandon Lee and of actress Shannon Lee.。
Lee was born in San Francisco and raised in Hong Kong. His Hong Kong-produced and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and sparked the first major surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West. The direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in Hong Kong and the rest of the world. Lee became an iconic figure particularly to the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies.[2] Many see Lee as a model blueprint for acquiring a strong and efficient body and the highest possible level of physical fitness, as well as developing a mastery of martial arts and hand to hand combat skills.。
Early life
Jun Fan Lee was born in the hour of the dragon, 6-8 a.m., in the year of the dragon according to the Chinese zodiac calendar, November 27, 1940 at the Chinese Hospital in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the United States.[3] His father, Lee Hoi-Chuen (李海泉), was Chinese, and his Catholic mother, Grace (何爱瑜), was of Chinese and German ancestry.[4][5][6][7][8][9] Lee's parents returned to Hong Kong with the newborn Lee when he was three months old. He was a citizen of the United States by birth and did not hold any other citizenships.。
Education and family。
At age 12, Lee entered the College of Lake County in Grayslake, Illinois. Then, he attended St Francis Xavier's College. In 1959, at the age of 18, Lee got into a fight and had badly beaten a feared Triad gang member's son.[10]His father became concerned about young Bruce's safety, and as a result, he and his wife decided to send Bruce to the United States to live with an old friend of his father's. Lee left with $100 in his pocket and the titles of 1958 Boxing Champion and the Crown Colony Cha Cha Champion of Hong Kong.[3] After living in San Francisco, he moved to Seattle to work for Ruby Chow, another friend of his father's. In 1959, Lee completed his high school education in Seattle and received his diploma from Edison Technical School. He enrolled at the University of Washington as a drama major and took some philosophy classes.[11] It was at the University of Washington that he met his future wife Linda Emery, whom he would marry in 1964. He had two children with Linda, Brandon Lee (1965-1993) and Shannon Lee (1969-). Brandon, who would also become an actor like his father, died in an accident during the filming of The Crow in 1993. Shannon Lee also became an actress and appeared in some low-budget films since the mid 1990s but has since quit acting.。
Lee's Cantonese given name was Jun Fan (振藩; Mandarin Pinyin: Zhènfán).[12] At his birth, he additionally was given the English name of "Bruce" by a Dr. Mary Glover. It is the Chinese custom to bestow a Western name as well as a Chinese name on a child. Though Mrs. Lee had not initially planned on an English name for the child, she deemed it appropriate and would concur with Dr. Glover's addition.[13] Interestingly, the name "Bruce" was never used within his family until Bruce Lee enrolled in La Salle College (a Hong Kong high school) at the age of 12,[12] and again at another high school (St. Francis Xavier's College in Kowloon), where Lee would come to represent the boxing team in inter-school events.。
Lee initially had the birth name Li Yuen Kam[2](李炫金); Mandarin Pinyin: Lǐ Xuànjīn) given to him by his mother, as at the time Lee's father was away on a Chinese opera tour. This name would later be abandoned because of a conflict with the name of Bruce Lee's grandfather, causing him to be renamed Jun Fan upon his father's return. Also of note is that Bruce Lee was given a feminine name, Sai Fung (细凤, literally "small phoenix"), which was used throughout his early childhood in keeping with a Chinese custom that is traditionally thought to hide the child away from evil spirits.。
Lee's screen names were respectively Lee Siu Lung (in Cantonese), and Li Xiao Long (in Mandarin) (李小龙; Cantonese pengyam: Ley5 Siu² Long4; Mandarin Pinyin: Lǐ Xiǎolóng) which literally translate to "Lee the Little Dragon" in English. These names were first used by director 袁步云 of the 1950 Cantonese movie 细路祥 in which Lee would perform. It is possible that the name "Lee Little Dragon" was based on his childhood name of "small dragon", as in Chinese tradition the Chinese dragon and phoenix come in pairs to represent the male and female genders, respectively. The more likely explanation however is that he came to be called "Little Dragon" because according to the Chinese zodiac, Bruce Lee was born in the Year of the Dragon.。
Acting career
Bruce Lee in Enter The DragonLee's father Lee Hoi-Chuen was a famous Cantonese Opera star. Through his father, he was introduced into films at a very young age and appeared in several short black-and-white films as a child. Lee had his first role when he was a mere baby that was carried onto the stage. By the time he was 18, he had appeared in twenty films.[3]。
While in the United States from 1958-1964, Lee abandoned thoughts of a film career in favor of the martial arts. Fate would intervene, however, after Lee's high-profile martial arts demonstration at the 1964 Long Beach Karate Tournament, seen by some of the nation's most proficient martial artists and, as fate would have it, by the hairdresser of Batman producer William Dozier.[14] Dozier invited Lee for an audition, where the martial artist so impressed the producers with his lightning-fast moves that he earned the role of Kato alongside Van Williams in the TV series The Green Hornet. The show lasted just one season, from 1966 to 1967. Lee would also play Kato in three episodes of the series Batman, produced by the same company as The Green Hornet. This was followed by guest appearances in a host of television series, including Ironside (1967) and Here Come the Brides (1969).。
In 1969 Lee made his first major film appearance in Marlowe which was based on one of Raymond Chandler's novels. In the film Lee's henchman character is hired to intimidate private detective Philip Marlowe (played by James Garner) by smashing up his office with leaping kicks and flashing punches, only to later accidentally jump off a tall building while trying to kick Marlowe off. In 1971 Lee appeared in four episodes of the television series Longstreet as the martial arts instructor of the title character Mike Longstreet (played by James Franciscus). Bruce would later pitch a television series of his own tentatively titled The Warrior. Allegedly, Lee's concept was retooled and renamed Kung Fu, but if true, Warner Bros. gave Lee no credit. The role of the Shaolin monk in the Wild West, known to have been coveted by Bruce, was awarded to non-martial artist David Carradine purportedly because of the studio's belief that a Chinese leading man would not be embraced by the American public.。
Not happy with his supporting roles in the U.S., Lee returned to Hong Kong and was offered a film contract by legendary director Raymond Chow and his production company Golden Harvest. Lee played his first leading role in The Big Boss (1971) which proved a smashing box office success across Asia and catapulted him to stardom. He soon followed up his success with two more huge box office successes: Fist of Fury (1972) and Way of the Dragon (1972). For Way of the Dragon he took complete control over the film's production as the writer, director, star as well as choreographer of the fight scenes. In 1964 at a demonstration in Long Beach, California, Lee had met karate champion Chuck Norris. In Way of the Dragon Lee introduced Chuck Norris to moviegoers as his opponent in the final death fight at the colosseum in Rome, today considered one of Lee's most legendary fight scenes.。
In 1973 Lee starred in the lead role in Enter the Dragon (1973), his first film to be produced jointly by Golden Harvest and Warner Bros. This film would shoot Lee to fame in the U.S. and Europe but, tragically, only a few months after the film's completion and three weeks before its release, the supremely fit Lee mysteriously died. Enter the Dragon would go on to become one of the year's highest grossing films and cemented Lee as a martial arts legend. It was made for US$850,000 in 1973 (equivalent to $3.74 million adjusted for inflation as if 2005).[15] To date, Enter the Dragon has grossed over $200 million worldwide.[16] The movie sparked a brief fad in the martial-arts epitomized in songs like "Kung Fu Fighting" and TV shows like Kung Fu.。
Robert Clouse, the director of Enter the Dragon attempted to finish Lee's incomplete film Game of Death which Lee was to also write and direct. Lee had shot over forty minutes of footage for Game of Death before shooting was stopped to allow him to work on Enter the Dragon. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - a student of Bruce Lee - also appeared in the film, which culminates in Lee's character, Billy Lo (clad in the now-famous yellow track suit) taking on the seven foot two inch basketball player in a climactic fight scene. Unfortunately, Lee died before he resumed filming Game of Death. In a controversial move, Robert Clouse finished the film using a Bruce Lee look-alike and archive footage of Lee from his other films and released it in 1978 with a new storyline and cast. However the cobbled-together film contained only 15 minutes of actual footage of Lee while the rest had a Lee lookalike, Tai Chung Kim, and Yuen Biao as stunt doubles. The unused footage Lee had filmed was recovered 22 years later and included in the Bruce Lee documentary Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey.。
Challengers on the set。
Bruce Lee's celebrity and martial arts prowess often put him on a collision course with a number of street thugs, stunt men and martial arts extras, all hoping to make a name for themselves. Lee typically defused such challenges without fighting, but felt forced to respond to several persistent individuals.。
Bob Wall, USPK karate champion and co-star in Enter the Dragon, recalled a particularly serious encounter that transpired after a film extra kept taunting Lee. The extra yelled that Lee was "a movie star, not a martial artist", that he "wasn't much of a fighter" and said it was "easy to see his martial art wasn't any good." Lee answered his taunts by asking him to jump down from the wall he was sitting on. Wall described Lee's opponent as "a gang-banger type of guy from Hong Kong!," a "damned good martial artist," and observed that "He was fast, he was bigger than Bruce, and he was strong!" [17]。
Wall would recall the confrontation in detail:。
"This kid was good. He was no punk. He was strong and fast, and he was really trying to punch Bruce's brains in. But Bruce just methodically took him apart."[18] 。
"I mean Bruce kept moving so well, this kid couldn't touch him...Then all of a sudden, Bruce got him and rammed his ass into the wall and swept him, he proceeded to drop his knee into his opponent's chest, locked his arm out straight, and nailed him in the face repeatedly."[19] 。
After his victory, Lee gave his opponent lessons on how to improve his fighting skills. His opponent, now impressed, would later say to Lee, "You really are a master of the martial arts."[18]。
Hong Kong legacy。
There are a number of legacies surrounding Bruce Lee that still exist in Hong Kong culture today. One is that his early 70s interview on the TVB show Enjoy Yourself Tonight cleared the busy streets of Hong Kong as everyone was watching the interview at home.。
Another topic is that his moment of birth is often used as a modern cultural proof of the existence of the Four Pillars of Destiny concept, having been born in the year of the dragon and hour of the dragon along with other astrological alignment.。
Martial arts training and development。
Bruce Lee's first introduction to martial arts was through his father, Lee Hoi Cheun. He learned the fundamentals of Wu style Tai Chi Chuan from his father.[20] Lee's sifu, Wing Chun master Yip Man, was also a colleague and friend of Hong Kong's Wu style Tai Chi Chuan teacher Wu Ta-ch'i.。
Lee trained in Wing Chun Gung Fu from age 13-18 under Hong Kong Wing Chun Sifu Yip Man. Lee was introduced to Yip Man in early 1954 by William Cheung, then a live-in student of Yip Man. Like most Chinese martial arts schools at that time, Sifu Yip Man's classes were often taught by the highest ranking students. One of the highest ranking students under Yip Man at the time was Wong Shun-Leung. Wong is thought to have had the largest influence on Bruce's training. Yip Man trained Lee privately after some students refused to train with Lee due to his ancestry.[21]。
Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[22] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[23] This multi-faceted exposure to different fighting arts would later play an influence in the creation of the eclectic martial art Jeet Kune Do.。
Jun Fan Gung Fu。
Main article: Jun Fan Gung Fu。
Lee began teaching martial arts after his arrival in the United States in 1959. Originally trained in Wing Chun Gung Fu, Lee called what he taught Jun Fan Gung Fu. Jun Fan Gung Fu (literally Bruce's Gung Fu), is basically a slightly modified approach to Wing Chun Gung Fu[24]. Lee taught friends he met in Seattle, starting with Judo practitioner Jesse Glover as his first student and who later became his first assistant instructor. Before moving to California, Lee opened his first martial arts school, named the Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute, in Seattle.。