
问题描述:翻译下面的句子 不要机译 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!



when you feel is the best? A b ) morning afternoon evening night ) and C ) when you walk is2... ... A ) Windows Live b ) small fast c ) unpleasant, threw back his head and face the world D ) is fast, low head E ) is very slow and 3 people spoke, you ... ... A ) arm overlapping standing with both hands on the C B ) ) a hand or hands on hips d ) touched or pushed to the person you are talking with E ) playing with your ears, touch your chin, or hand finishing hair4sit and rest, you ... ... A ) two knees together b ) legs crossed C ) legs straight and D ) a leg volume in his5hit you feel funny things, your response ... ... A ) an appreciative laugh b ) laughs, but not to c ) and giggling d ) shy smile6 when you go to a party or social occasions, you ... ... A ) very loudly to attract attention B admission admission ) quietly, looking for someone you know C ) very quietly admission, not to keep attention7 when you are working on, someone interrupts you, you will ... ... A ) welcomed him b ) felt so angry C ) in between the two extremes of 8the following colors, which do you like best? A ) red or orange b ) black C ) yellow or pale blue d ) green E ) dark blue or purple f ) white brown or grey9 pro to sleep a few minutes before, you in bed posture ... ... A ) lying, extended b ) and C ) lie, straight side lying, micro volume d) head to sleep on one arm E ) covered over10you always dream of you ... ... A ) fall b ) fight or struggle to find things or people ) C D ) e flying or floating ) you don't dream f ) I love you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ will now all scores are summed to21 points: [ to ] the pessimist people think you are a shy, nervous, irresolute and hesitant, is required to take care of, always want others to make decisions for you, don't want to anything or anyone related to. They think you're a to entertain imaginary or groundless fears, one will see no problems. Some people think that you are boring, only those who know you people know you are not such a person. [21to 30]: the lack of confidence in the critical to your friends think you industrious, fastidious. They think you are a careful, cautious man, a slow and steady hard working people. If you do any impulse thing or unprepared, you will make them be startled at. They think you're from various angles to check everything is still often decide not to do. They think about you for this reaction is in part because of your careful nature caused by the. [31to 40]: answer blows with blows self protector of the people think that you are a wise, prudent, pragmatic people. Think you are a smart, talented talented and modest man. You can quickly, easily and people become friends, but is a great loyalty to friends of friends, and you also have loyalty in return. Those who have the opportunity to get to know you will know to shake your friend 's trust is very difficult, but equal, once the trust is broken, will make you very difficult. [41to 50]: balance in the middle of others that you are a fresh, vibrant, attractive, fun, practical, and always interesting person; a regular is the focus of attention, but you are a sufficient balance, not to so while the head. They also think that your friendly, kind, considerate, understand people; one will always make people happy and will help others. [51to 60] : to attract people who other people think of you is an exciting, highly active, rather impulsive personality; you are a born leader, a decision will very quickly, although your decision is not always right. They think you are bold and adventurous, will be willing to try anything at least once; is a willingness to try and enjoy the adventure one chance. Because you distribute stimulation, they like to be together with you. [ more than 60 points: arrogant lonely ] what others think of you must be handled with care. In the eyes of others, you are arrogant, self-centered, is an extreme dominating, dominate. Others may admire you, hope could be more like you a little, but not always believe in you, and you will be on more in-depth exchanges have hesitated and hesitation.。


First, has the western-style food six M 。

Savors the western-style food culture, the tradition is first the full fine sights (dining room arrangement), then the full delight to the ears (gentle music), feels full for a good while after eating the luck of having good things to eat (delicacy French main dish). The scholars pass through the long-term discussion and the induction thought has the western-style food most to be fastidious 6 "M".。

First is "Menu" (menu)。

West enters the restaurant, the service person eagerly anticipates first takes a seat, treats sits steadily, first delivers then is the menu. The menu is regarded as the restaurant the facade, looked the menu, orders food has become has had the western-style food an essential procedure, is the life style. 。

How selects the good vegetable, has a unique skill, the means is, opens the cookbook, looked which vegetable is by the hotel name naming, certain main point, because which chef can't take oneself 店名 to crack a joke.。

Second is "Music" (music)。

Luxurious senior 西餐厅, must have the orchestra, plays some gentle musics, general small 西餐厅 also broadcasts some wonderful musics. But, is fastidious the degree which is the music resembles hears does not hear, namely must concentrate the energy and the friend converses does not hear, must want to rest relaxes hears to.。

Third is "Mood" (atmosphere)。

The western-style food is fastidious the environment refinedly, the atmosphere is harmonious. Certainly must have music to accompany, has the pure white tablecloth, has the fresh flower to place, all tableware are certainly pure. In case the supper, wants the light to be gloomy, on the table must have the red candle, builds one kind romantically, enchanting, the elegantly simple atmosphere.。

Fourth is "Meeting" (meeting)。

Has the western-style food together with who, must have the choice, certainly if the relatives and friends, the interest are congenial human. 。

Fifth is "Manner" (decorum and customs)。

Follows the western custom, correctly uses the knife and fork, can arrange the men and women generally to be neighboring but sits, is fastidious "woman first" the principle, displays to woman's inattentiveness.。

Sixth is "Meal" (food)。

The western-style food is take the nutrition as a core. 。

Second, how selects the western-style food vegetable 。

The western-style food vegetable to many people said also is all strange, below is the western-style food serves food the order, by supplies the study western-style food vegetable reference: 。

1. opening prices 。

Also is called wheting the appetite of, has division of generally hors d'oeuvres and the hot opening price, the common variety has the caviar, 鹅肝酱, smokes the chum salmon, the cocktail cup. Cream chicken crisp box, bureau snail and so on. 。

2. soup

May divide into the consomme, the cream soup, the vegetables vegetable soup and Leng Tang approximately and so on 4 kinds. The variety has the oxtail consomme, various types cream soup, the seafood soup, the American clam soup, the Italian type vegetables vegetable soup, the Russia type borsch. Buddhist ritual procedures onion soup. 。

3. vegetables

The usual aquatic product class cooked food and the egg class, the bread class, the crisp box cooked food is called the vice- vegetable. The western-style food eats the fish cooked food to be fastidious the use special-purpose sauce, the variety has the Tartar 靼 juice, the Dutch juice, the hotel juice, the white cream juice, archbishop the juice, the American juice and the sailor fish juice and so on. 。

4. piece de resistances 。

The meat, the birds and beasts class cooked food are the piece de resistance. Most has representative is the beef or the beefsteak, the meats cooked food uses for parts blends flavors counts mainly has the Spanish juice, the thick fever juice essence, the mushroom juice, the Bini silk juice and so on. The birds and beasts class cooked food raw material takes from the chicken. Duck, goose; What the birds and beasts class cooked food are most is the chicken, may boil, may explode, may roast, may be bright, the main sauce has 咖 the grain juice, the cream juice and so on. 。

5. vegetables 菜类 cooked food 。

May arrange after the meats cooked food, also may with the meats cooked food at the same time on the table, the vegetables 菜类 cooked food be called the salad in the western-style food. Salad matches which with the piece de resistance at the same time, is called lives the vegetables salad, with the greens, the tomato, the cucumber, the bamboo shoots and so on manufactures generally. Also some kind is with the fish, the meat, the egg class manufacture, does not add the taste juice generally. 。

6. sweets

After the western-style food sweets are the piece de resistance edible, may calculate does is the sixth vegetable. Says from the true significance, it after all piece de resistances food, like pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on.。

7. coffee

Drinks the coffee to have to sweeten generally with the pale cream. 。

Third, has the strip courteous to have the western-style food 。

West on dinner table tableware very many, eats each same thing to have to use the specific tableware, when enjoys the western-style food refined goes to eat the atmosphere, the manner wants correctly to be appropriate, dines has the strip to have "the ritual". 。

When 1st, takes a seat, the body must be straight, the elbow do not have to place on the tabletop, cannot raise the foot, take is advantageous for with dinner table being away from uses the tableware as to be good. On the dining table has suspended the good tableware not to have to manipulate at will. Rebates the table napkin places on gently the knee. 。

Table napkin cloth: The western-style food table napkin uses the cloth generally, the table napkin cloth uprightly smooth, the color is simple and elegant. Places on frequently the knee, also may place in front of the chest in the attention courtesy situation, the usual relaxed situation also may place on the table, table napkin angle to the chest in front of, and suppresses with the dishes and bowls.。

The table napkin cloth may use for to scratch the mouth or to scratch the hand, must fold the triangle shape by the diagonal line, or parallel folds the growth side shape, the dirt should scratch in inside, the semblance has a liking for always is neat completely. When leaves the seat, even if is leaves temporarily, also should take down the table napkin cloth to fold the block either the triangle at will places the plate side or the table angle, best places on own seat.。

2nd, knife, fork, bucket use 。

Knife: Is uses for to cut food, do not have to use the knife to shoulder food to deliver toward the mouth in. Was sure to remember: The right hand takes the knife. If dines time, also some three kind of different specifications knife appears, the general correct usage is: The belt small small denticle that uses for to slice meat system food; Medium size using for slivers the big piece vegetables the small piece; But that kind exquisite, the knife point is a knife which the round head, the crown some on curls upwards, then is uses for to cut open the small bread, then selects a jam, the cream with it spreads above the bread.。

Fork: Wants the left hand to take the fork, forks food delivers toward the mouth in when the movement to have to be light. Picks right amount food disposable to put in the mouth □□the fork to pick when food enters the mouth, the tooth only bumps into food, do not have to nip the fork, also do not have to let the knife and fork sends out the sound in the tooth or the plate.。

Ladle: Under the official situation, the bucket has many kinds of, what is small is uses in the coffee and the sweet dessert; Flat uses in spreading the butter and 分食 the cake; Compared with big, uses for to drink Tang Huosheng dependents food; Biggest is public in 分食 the soup, common in buffet.。

The tableware places the tableware placing is according to serves food the order to place successively from outside to in. Some vegetables will use from now on, will be able 撤掉 part of knifves and fork.。

The knife and fork puts the direction and the position all have is fastidious. In the knife and fork places on the pad plate to assume eight glyph, the cutting edge faces, forks the point to under to express you also must continue to dine; The knife and fork parallel places on the pad plate the cutting edge to outside, forks the point to be upward then expressed you do not dine. Soup ladle traverse in soup tureen, in spoon tendency, also expressed may take away with the soup tableware. Remembers, any time, all may not place a knife and fork end on the plate, another end places on the table. 。

Fourth, gracefully dines: 。

Each time sends in the mouth food not suitable excessively to be many, when chewing do not have to speak, may not converse on own initiative with the human. 。

Eats the thick soup: The ladle should take horizontally, lightly scoops up by the extroversion in, do not have to be very heavy the bucket as soon as pulls out, the bucket flank meets touches the soup. Drinks when lightly touches the ladle inside with the lip, do not have to carry the soup trough to drink. When the soup will drink up, in front of the left hand reliable chest the soup trough inside upheaval, 汤汁 concentrates gently in a trough bottom side, the right hand scoops up clear with the bucket.。

Cake class: Inscribes with the knife in the plate happen to suits the size together which eats, the fork stops sends in the mouth.。

Bread: In the dinner table etiquette, has "the left bread so-called, the right drinking glass", eats when the bread should take the bread, tears down a scrap to put in the mouth, do not have to take the entire bread to nip. Wipes when the butter and the jam also must break off the bread the scrap to wipe again first. 。

Eats the chicken: Many take the chicken chest meat as expensive. Eats when the chicken leg should make an effort the bone to remove first, do not have to use the hand to take is eating. 。

Eats the fish: Do not stand up from failure the fish, after must finish eating the upper formation to pick out after the knife and fork the fish bones eats again when the lower level eats the meat, must cut together eats at the same place, the block cannot cut oversized, or time all slivers the meat the block. 。

Eats the meat: Starts from the left side to cut, stops by the fork from left side the meat, again uses the knife to cut open along fork right flank the meat, like cuts the meat is unable under a stuttering, but straight takes over the use of the knife to cut small somewhat again, cuts open a just size the meat, then delivers in directly the population by the fork. Key lies in suppresses when the meat using the knife the dynamics. With the point of force is in the time which stretches out the knife, but is not pulls the knife time. Cannot from the very beginning on completely sliver the meat together together, otherwise the delicious meat broth could flow out completely. The embellishment vegetables also must finish eating completely, vegetables not only in order to decorate, at the same time also is but increases based on the nutrition balanced consideration. When with beefsteak, first the server can inquire bakes the degree, may depend on the ingredients way supply which you likes. When platoon meal, can supplement cup of In the official situation, the m.s.g should be uses voluntarily, but the non- troublesome server serves. The m.s.g quantity approximately take two soupspoon as most right amount. After takes the m.s.g, places the soup ladle the m.s.g earthen bowl the side, and bequeaths the next person. 。

Drinks wine: Drinks wine when drains the cup, even if does not drink, also should bump the cup mouth on the lip, shows the respect. When others pour out wine for you, like does not want, may put briefly "not, thanks!" Or covers the wine class slightly by the hand, indicated declines. 。

Smokes: When dines not yet completely finished, cannot smoke, until on coffee indicated dines when the conclusion only then. Like has the female guest person in about, should have politeness to inquire "you do not mind!" 。

Drinks the coffee: Like is willing to increase the milk or the sugar, after the increase must use the small bucket to stir evenly, places the small bucket the coffee on the pad small dish. Drinks when should the right hand take the cup, the left action pad small dish, straight takes over the use of the mouth to drink, do not have to use a small bucket bucket bucket to scoop up is drinking. 。

Eats the fruit: Do not take the fruit to nip entire, should the water used fruit knife sliver four or the main lobe first uses the knife to peel off, the nucleus, to fork again with the fork is eating. 。

Conversation: Dines when should converse with the about visitor, but should avoid loud chatting. About only do not converse with several acquaintances the visitor like not to know that, may elect to introduce oneself. Others speech cannot build the mouth digression. 。

Cannot put on make-up nearby the dinner table, scratches the nasal mucus with the table napkin. Dines when hits the belch is the biggest taboo, 11,000 has this kind of situation, should immediately to the periphery human apology. 取食 when do not have to stand, sits food which cannot attain to be supposed to ask others to transmit. 。

Outside eats when belt and so on fish, meat punctures or the bone cooked food, does not want to be direct spits, may use the table napkin to cover mouth spits gently in forks puts in the plate. When like in plate surplus few cooked foods, do not have to use the fork to blow gets to the bottom, do not have to use the finger to help one another edible, should helps one another edible by the scrap bread or the fork. Eats when the noodles must use the fork to tuck first the noodles, then sends in the mouth. 。

Goes to eat when cannot wolf down. Is not willing food to oneself which eats also to be supposed to take to place in the plate, shows politeness. Sometimes the master urges the visitor the side-dish, like has the appetite, the side-dish does not calculate the failure in politeness, perhaps the opposite master can 引以为荣.。

Has when the western-style food wants the attire neatly, sitting posture straight, the back is stiff, neck elongation. Most importantly the hand certainly must maintain cleanly, the nail prunes neatly. 。

Fifth, dines etiquette eight "not"。

Dines when can meet food frequently to force in the gap between teeth, not carefully falls down the knife and fork, even sees "the foreign matter" in the cooked food and so on both generally and the awkward situation. If does not process when then can give the human not to have politeness the feeling, too bad can affect others appetite. Must turn danger into safety, processing is appropriate, then should pay attention dines etiquette eight "not".。

1.Not suitably has spread the thick perfume, in order to avoid 香水味 has covered the cooked food flavor. 。

2.Woman attends when the grand evening banquet avoids wearing the hat and putting on Gao Tongxue. 。

3.The knife and fork, the table napkin fall when the place don't casually lies prone to the table under picks, should invite service person other military supplies.。

4.When 食物屑 forces in the gap between teeth, don't 一股脑儿uses the toothpick to cause it, should drink a water, whether tries the situation to improve. If the fruit, then should not process to the washroom.。

5.In when the cooked food has the foreign matter, is sure not human which 花容失色 informs the adjacent seat, in order to avoid affects others appetite. Should keep cool, hurries to pick up with the table napkin it and abandons it. 。

6.Prohibited in witticism continuous time not on own initiative brandishes the knife and fork. 。

7.Should not when dining spits the thing, in case too is spicy or too burns food, may quickly drink the ice water to do adjusts and adapts, really cannot eat up when then to washroom processing.。

8.Front woman dines should wipe off first the lipstick, in order to avoid keeps lower lip India on the cup or the tableware, gives the human the unclean feeling. 。

Sixth, regular western-style food etiquette。

1st, appointment know-how. An upscaleer hotel more needs beforehand to make an appointment. When appointment, not only must talk clearly the population and the time, also must indicate whether wants the smoking area or the field of vision good seat. If is the birthday or other special days, may inform the banquet the goal and the budget. Arrives in the scheduled time, is the basic politeness. 。

2nd, expensive 休闲服, also cannot put in the dining room at will. 。

3rd, eats meal when puts on is being appropriate is the European and American person's general knowledge. Goes to the upscale dining room, the gentleman must put on the neat coat and the leather shoes; Woman must put on the coverall and has with the shoe. If assigns to put on the official clothing, the gentleman must knit the tie. 。

4th, takes a seat by chair left sideMost appropriate takes a seat the way is takes a seat from left side. After the chair is pulled open, the body in must bump into the table nearly the distance 站直, leads to be able to advance the chair behind, when the leg curved bumps into the chair, may sit down. 。

When 5th, dines, the upper arm and the back must depend on to the chairback, the abdomen and the table maintains approximately a fist distance, two feet overlapping sitting postures best avoid. 。

6th, the official complete set 餐点 serves food the order is:(1) Vegetable and soup (2) cod liver oil (3) fruit (4) meats (5) breast cruel cream (6) sweet snack and coffee (7) fruit, but also having meal front liquor and meal liquor. Is not unnecessary all to select completely, too many cannot finish eating actually instead begs pardon. Has the standard the dining room all not to welcome front slightly only to select the vegetable person. The first vegetable, the piece de resistance (fish or meat select its one) adds the sweet snack is the most appropriate combination. Orders food is not starts the spot by the front vegetable, but is the piece de resistance which elects equally most to want first to eat, then is joined to suits the piece de resistance the soup. 。

7th, when liquor do not have hardly to install the expert. In the senior dining room, can have is skilled in the wine-tasting accent liquor Shi Najiu the listHuman understood not greatly which to the liquor, best tells the emaciated look, the budget, the affection wines taste which he chooses, requests transfer the liquor teacher to help the choice. 。

8th, the piece de resistance if the meats should match the red wine, the fish then matches the white liquor. Before serves food, might as well comes the cup champagne, the sherry or the Gill liquor and so on the pale liquor. 。

9th, the table napkin may open in front of dining. After selects the vegetable, sends front in the front vegetable this period of time to open the table napkin, toward the internal wear 1/3, lets 2/3 even shop on the leg, covers above the knee the both legs to be partial. Should better not have to squeeze in the table napkin the neckband. 。

10th, lightly grasps the cup foot with three fingers. The wines service usually is responsible by the service person the few wineshop attendants to pour into in the wine class, lets the visitor distinguish the quality whether contains errors. Only must regard as it one kind of form, drinks small and returns signs Good. Then, waiter's can come but actually the liquor, by now, did not have to begin to take the wine class, but should place the wine class on the table to go by the waiter but actually. Correct grasps the cup posture is lightly grasps the cup foot with the finger. In order to avoid the hand the temperature warm making the liquor to advance, using the thumb, th。






















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