
问题描述:英语描述人身体部位的词 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!




头顶:the top (或:crown)of the head。

发:hair of the head。














耳膜鼓:ear drum

听道:auditory canal。



鼻腔:nasal cavity。

鼻梁:brdge of the nose。










硬腭:hard palate

软腭:soft palate



声带:vocal cords








项;颈背:nape(或:scruff)of the neck。









肚脐:navel;belly button。


上腹:the upper abdomen。

下腹;the lower abdomen。



生殖器:genitals;genital organ。



上臂:upper arm

前臂:fore arm

胳膊弯:bend (或:crook)of the arm 。




手背:back of the hand。

手掌:palm of the hand 。



食指:forefinger;index finger。

中指:middle finger。

无名指:ring finger。

小指:little finger。

指甲:finger nail



小腿:lower leg;shank。


膝关节:knee joint


膝弯:hollow of the knee;back of the knee。





脚掌:sole of the foot。






胸肌:pectoral muscle。

腹肌:abdominal muscle。

三角肌:deltoid muscle。









百科名片酷玩乐队(Coldplay)Coldplay是英国摇滚乐坛进入新世纪之后崛起的最受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一,他们秉承了英式摇滚乐队一贯的风格,成为了英国新一代乐队中的杰出代表。Coldplay由四个二十岁出头的年轻小伙子组成,1996年时在UCL(University College London)四人相遇,两年后决定合组此乐团。Coldplay乐队成军之后的每一张专辑都不断进步,一步一步地扩大他们的影响,目前他们正处于事业的快速上升期。



籍 贯:英国


乐队风格:Britpop/Alternative Rock 英伦。

活跃年份:( 1998 - 至今)

乐队简介受到一些摇滚先驱的影响,Coldplay乐队的成员从少年时期就拿起了乐器开始音乐表演。Coldplay乐队的成员都来自普通的工人家庭,ChrisMartin从很小的时候就开始弹钢琴,15岁开始已经混迹于各种乐队,并且得到过Tom Waits的称赞。Jon Buckland受到了EricClapto。


n以及Jimi Hendrix等吉他大师的影响,从11岁开始弹奏吉他。来自苏格兰的GuyBerryman则受到了一些Funk音乐熏陶而拿起了贝司。再加入Coldplay乐队之前WillChampion曾经演奏过吉他,贝司,笛子等各种乐器,但是由于Coldplay乐队成军伊始缺少鼓手,所以多才多艺的WillChampion便成为了乐队鼓手和打击乐器的人选。

酷玩乐队 宣传照(20张)

因其第一支单曲《Yellow》而成名,随后他们的处女作《Parachutes》(降落伞)(2000)曾入围英国水星音乐奖。后来《A Rush Of Blood To The Head》(心血来潮)(2002)亦获得NME年度最佳专辑奖等多项大奖。到了第三张专辑《X&Y》(XY密码)(2005),热度略有下降,但总的来说依然很受欢迎。乐队的第四张录音室专辑《Viva La Vida》(玩酷人生)(2008),由布莱恩伊诺(Brain Eno)担任制作人,并再次大获好评。酷玩乐队的所有专辑都获得了商业上的成功。

酷玩乐队早期的音乐风格令人联想到Radio Head,JeffBuckley,U2和特拉维斯等。从《降落伞》开始,酷玩的音乐风格还受到其它来源的影响,包括《心血来潮》中的Echo & theBunnymen,凯特·布什和GeorgeHarrison;《XY密码》中的约翰尼·卡什,发电厂乐队;《玩酷人生》中的Blur[3]Arcade Fire,My BloodyValentine。酷玩乐队还活跃于各种社会和政治团体中,比如乐施会(Oxfam)的促进公平贸易活动。乐队还参与各种慈善活动,比如BandAid 20,现场八方,青少年癌症筹款音乐会(Teenage Cancer Trust)等。

编辑本段成员介绍克里斯·马汀Chris Martin。

(主唱∕吉他∕键盘;Mar 2,1977)- 很小的时候就已展现音乐天份,喜欢在钢琴上快乐地敲击音符。主修吉他毕业,早在15岁时就已经开始加入乐团玩Band)

- 在英格兰Devon长大

- 配偶:2003.12.5与影星格温妮丝帕特洛Gwyneth Paltrow结婚。

- 女儿:2004.5.14 Apple Blythe Alison Martin。

- 儿子:2006.4.8 Moses Bruce Anthony Martin。

- 专长:善用两只手,他用左手写字、弹吉他,用右手画画。在之前〈The Scientist〉的MV中,学会倒着唱歌。

- 饮食习惯:素食主义

- 欣赏的男歌手:Richard Ashcroft。

- 拿过最特别的奖项:被“善待动物组织”(PETA),选为最性感的素食主义者。

主唱Chris Martin在乐队中司职原声吉他,钢琴和键盘,他出生在多文市,他从15岁开始玩吉他,至今参加过三只乐队The Rockin'Honkies,The Red Rooster Boogie Band 和Pectoralz,他最喜欢的乐队/歌手是Sparklehorse,The Flaming Lips,Tom Waits,BobDylan,NeilYoung。如果问他为什么作起音乐,他肯定会坚决地告诉你,“摇滚就是我想要得一切东西,但是它他XX的根本和那些被吹嘘的一塌糊涂的花花绿绿的药丸,那跟摇滚没他XX的一点关系,也没必要把自己搞的神神叨叨,更没必要关心别人怎么看你,酷不酷和我的音乐没关系,摇滚乐的意义在于告诉你如何寻找最终的快乐。至于我们就喜欢一起四处闲逛和作音乐,我们不管别人怎么说,我们感到愉快而心安理得。有时候,我们看起来有些过于坦率,而且不关心我们到底该怎么做,但是,我确认我们热爱生活而且异常勤奋,我们只是不希望把时间浪费在那些陈词滥调的规矩上,我们不想为陈腐的人活着。

盖·巴瑞曼Guy Berryman。

(贝斯手;Apr 12,1978)- 由于Guy本身对放克Funk音乐的热爱,他在13岁时开始玩贝斯,曾经是英国三十岁以下第四富有的男人)(现在过30了)

- 出生於苏格兰Fife,随後随家人搬到Kent。

- 女儿:2006.9.17 Nico。

- 爱车:Landrover

- 酷玩团员给他的称号:dark horse。

贝斯手GUY出生在苏格兰的费弗,但12岁的时候搬到了肯特市,13岁他开始弹BASS,以前只参加过一只乐队TIME OUT,他喜欢James Brown,Kool& The Gang,funk and soul。GUY性格很倔强。

强尼·巴克兰Jonny Buckland。


(首席吉他手;Sep 11,1977- 11岁时,他在哥哥的鼓励下开始玩吉他,不过直到听到石玫瑰合唱团The Stone Roses的音乐之後,才开始认真地想成为一名吉他手)

- 生于伦敦,4岁时全家搬到北威尔士的Mold。

-女儿:Violet Buckland 

- 干女儿:Chris Martin 的女儿Apple,Apple的教父。

吉他手JONNY他出生在伦敦市,当问及他的家乡北威尔士的Mold他说:“那儿和音乐似乎没什么关联,但是Rhys Ifans是在哪儿成长起来的。”JONNY 11岁就开始玩吉他,COLDPLAY是他参加的第一只乐队,能得到他推崇的乐队只有The StoneRoses和Ride。他是个让人吃惊的家伙,除了作音乐,他还获得了数学和天文学的双学位。

威尔·詹普恩Will Champion。

(鼓手;Jul 31,1978)

- 成长岁月中,除了年复一年密切地关注他热爱的Southampton F.C.球队避免被降级之外,就是学习各式各样的乐器)

- 出生在英格兰Southampton。

- 女儿:2006.4.14 Ava。






城市”录音棚,录制了500张,只有50份公开销售。有三首歌囊括其中:《Bigger Stronger》,《No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground》,《Such ARush》,令他们异常兴奋的是这张EP在5月份得以在LONDON周边地区做商业发行,Phil Harvey成了他们的经纪人。可事情的结果是EP大部分都被朋友们要走了,还有一部分被用于送给各个唱片公司。该EP他们在1999年2月仅用了4天便录完。但是如愿以偿的是----宇宙唱片的Debs Wild 对他们的作品很感兴趣,他把这张EP送给了Parlophone。


唱片公司的Dan Keeling和BMP出版社的Caroline Ellery。于是COLDPLAY在99年的夏天同时和这俩家公司签了唱片约。


4月份,乐队出版了EP《Brothers & Sisters》。随后,SimonWilliams,伦敦“凶猛的熊猫”唱片的主管(98年11月在CamdenFalcon.看了COLDPLAY的现场演出。)约他们为他的公司录制一首歌。事后,乐队正式签约到EMI旗下品牌Parlophone。同时,著名的电台DJ Steve Lamacq 开始在电台---“夜间1频道”播放他们《Brothers &Sisters》里面的歌,EP在排行榜上爬到了92名。而切在这一年,英国最权威的音乐媒体“NME”开始注意COLDPLAY乐队,“NME”称乐队是有着清澈的眼睛,诚实的脸庞的,等待一鸣惊人的年轻乐团。

6月份,他们出现在专门推出新乐队的Glastonbury的舞台上,并且和BETA乐队的制作人Chris Allison一起完成了三首作品:《Dont Panic》、《See You Soon》、《High Speed》。完成他们最大的考验之后,酷玩在1999年春天与Parlophone签下了5张专辑的合同。最后一次出现在格拉斯顿伯里之后,乐队开始录制他们的第三张EP《蓝月》(Blue Moon)。到10月便发行了5000张,并且其中的单曲《Bigger Stronger》被Radio1播放。在录制《蓝月》期间情况十分混乱。马丁把Will踢出了乐队,但后来又恳求他回来,由于他感到愧疚,他们出去喝酒大醉了一次。之后,他们制定了一套规矩以保证乐队的完整。首先,乐队的一切都基于一点:酷玩是一个民主的乐队,所有收入平均分配,像U2和REM那样。第二,谁要是吸食会致瘾的毒品将被直接驱逐出乐队。

10月《Bigger Stronger》和《Such A Rush》被作为附赠曲目出版了EP《The BlueRoom》。EP推出后,“NME”表示了极大的惊喜“如此完美的处女唱片,很象NickDrake,很英国化!”

报纸上的报道则写到:“这只乐队的歌声让你无限亲近地沉浸在对过去的美好记忆之中,乐队的小伙子们就象画家壁橱上摆放的小甜饼一样诱人。”和Bellatrix一起巡演的“夜间1频道”的DJ Jo Whiley开始在巡演中大力推崇COLDPLAY乐队。这一年,乐队在许多重要的地方赢得了大量的歌迷。

2000年1月,乐队和“NME”的顶梁极乐队Shack,Campag Velocet and Les Rythmes Digitales开始名为“NME Carling Premier Tour”的全国巡演。3月份,乐队在威尔士和利物浦的“街道幼鱼”录音棚录制了单曲战栗,B面歌曲是为你和。


5月份乐队开始和导演Jools Holland一起拍摄《YELLOW》和《战栗》的MTV。

6月份,乐队单曲唱片《YELLOW》面世经过在Saturday afternoon at Glastonbury和highlight ofthefestival的演出后,这张单曲冲上了英国单曲榜的第4名。关于这首歌,马丁说道,“这是一首威尔士歌曲,它是在利物浦和威尔士写的,那时我们正在录音,那里美丽的景色给了我无限的灵感,在一个异常美丽的夜晚,我完成了它,这首歌听上去并不那么时髦,而且很简单,但我在创作和演唱的时候确实全心全意的。

7月份,专辑制作完成,发行演出是在牛津街的HMV唱片店,人们在街道上排起了长队。乐队成了“MME”的头版,赞誉之声席卷了COLDPLAY的整个世界。专辑只用几周时间就坐稳了英国专辑销量榜的第1名。很快专辑被 Mercury MusicPrize提名,同一月里,乐队在电台作了几次《YELLOW》和《SHIVER》的不插电演出以后,最终在伯明翰的Ronnie Scott's举行了整张专辑的不插电演唱会。

8月出尽风头的乐队受到来自 AlanMcGee的攻击,他说乐队是一群只知道爬在床上自慰的弱智。对此JONNY作出了经典的回答,“我们不得不按我们认为好的去做,确实是这样,如果我们为了作明星而去装疯癫或者装出一副摇滚巨星的样子那无疑是悲哀的。” PS:值得我们国内圈内人士思考。

9月Mercury Music Prize被Badly Drawn Boy夺得COLDPLAY获得3等奖。


2002年面世的《A Rush Of Blood To The Head》ChrisMartin细腻深情的嗓音为这张新作保留了与首发专辑《Parachutes》一样精彩美妙的色调,但他们显然在风格转变上花了不少功夫。比如那首“God Put a Smile upon Your Face”,极具魔幻色彩;而“AWhisper”中温暖得催人入眠的歌声则让人无比怀念Jefferson Airplane。除此之外,11首曲子(无论是文学气息浓厚的“InMyPlace”还是上世纪60年代颂歌“Daylight”)中都弥漫Martin和Coldplay极富冲击力的钢琴,还有气势宏大的管弦乐声。“Give me real,don't give mefake”(给我来点真诚,我不要欺骗)Martin在首唱曲目“Politik”中这样唱着,沉静且恰如其分地表明了这张唱片绝不妥协的立场。……..。


这次Coldplay的新专辑中除了自己独特地风格外还会融入其他电子音乐等音乐元素。Coldplay为制作这张新专辑可谓煞费苦心,不但选择在伦敦录音,而且邀请Danton Supple和KenNelson等著名制作人来制作,相信这次Coldplay一定会给歌迷们一个惊喜。




酷玩乐队全新专辑《生命万岁》(Viva la Vida)08年六月十二号在伦敦正式发行。专辑里的一首新歌《紫罗兰山丘》已经提前放在网上供歌迷下载,7天的下载量超过200万人次。乐队宣布,将在新专辑发行两周内,先在伦敦、巴塞罗那及纽约举办3场免费新专辑发布会,接着展开全球售票巡回演唱会。2008年6月15日,《生命万岁》在英国专辑排行榜上登顶,尽管只是刚刚发行了三天。当时专辑已销售302000张;BBC称其为“英国历史上销售最快的专辑之一”。到6月底,专辑又创造了下载量的新纪录。2008年10月,《生命万岁》在伦敦格罗维纳酒店赢得Q音乐奖最佳专辑奖和当今最佳艺人奖。2008年10月16日,接受英国广播公司第一电台Zane Lowe的采访时,马丁暗示乐队计划在2009年在赫特福郡的奈伯沃斯公园办一场演唱会。

乐队紧随《生命万岁》于11月25日推出EP《Prospekt's March》,并且第五张录音室专辑将会在2011年上半年发行。

2010年1月22日,全球赈灾公益性演出为海地人民送去了温暖。这次演出从美国洛杉矶发起,以迅雷不及掩耳之势传到纽约和伦敦。所有参演艺人的歌曲都可以在iTune store上购买,所得款项将分配给7家公益性组织去帮助海地的灾民。其中,英国顶级乐队Coldplay献上一曲“A Message”。


显示方式:专辑列表 | 专辑详情。

专辑名称发行时间语言试听专辑详情Mylo Xyloto2011-10-24英语专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Capitol, Parlophone专辑简介:该专辑是由 Markus Dravs, Daniel Green and Rik Simpson监制,以及 Brian Eno 的少量编曲完成。专辑将以CD,数字,黑胶形式发售.特别版本pop-up也会发售,并带有12*12的一本收录David A. Carter的涂鸦艺术的的硬封面的书,而CD以及黑胶会附送来自乐队在录音棚的独家相片,摘录,以及乐队的随记本.同时下一首单曲 Paradise将会在9月12日发布.新专辑中可能包含的歌曲:MX,Major Minus,Us Against The World,Charlie Brown,Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall,Princess of China。

专辑曲目(14)01.Mylo Xyloto02.Hurts Like Heaven03.Paradise04.Charlie Brown05.Us Against The World06.M.M.I.X.07.Every Teardrop is a waterfall08.Major Minus09.U.F.O.10.Princess of China11.Up In Flames12.A hopeful transmission13.Don′t let it break your heart14.Up With The Birds试听整张专辑>>Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall - EP2011-06-26英语专辑封面专辑类型:EP唱片公司:Capitol, Parlophone专辑简介:专辑于2011年06月26日率先在iTunes上提供下载。在此之前将在BBC Radio 6首播专辑中最新发布的两首歌曲 Major Minus和Moving To Mars。专辑主打曲Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall已于06月03日在iTunes上提供在线下载,与之前作品风格有较大不同,更多的电子气息和更少的Britpop及摇滚元素为预计于年底发行的新专辑做了铺垫。

专辑曲目(3)01.Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall02.Major Minus03.Moving to Mars试听整张专辑>>LeftRightLeftRightLeft2009-05-15英语专辑封面专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:Capitol, Parlophone专辑简介:从这张现场专辑的第一首歌《Glass OfWater》开始,台下观众的掌声和欢呼声就不绝于耳,这种热烈在《42》、《Viva La Vida》、《FixYou》当中表现得最为热烈,万人大合唱一直持续到乐声的消逝仍未停止,在褪去华丽的管弦配乐之后,像《The HardestPart/Postcards From Far Away》和《Death And All HisFriends》这样几乎仅由钢琴作为伴奏的曲目,则展现了Coldplay深情和忧郁的英伦绅士之风,当然,更别提短小精悍却精巧活泼的由原声吉他伴奏的《Death Will Never Conquer》。总言之,这张《LeftRightLeftRightLeft》完美且有效地将“Viva la Vida”巡回演唱会之中的精彩时刻记录了下来,这种完美和有效性就体现在,你仅仅只是在听着这些音频文件的时候,内心都会因为听到了热情而澎湃不止。

专辑曲目(9)01.Glass Of Water02.4203.Clocks04.Strawberry Swing05.The Hardest Part / Postcards From Far Away06.Viva La Vida07.Death Will Never Conquer08.Fix You09.Death And All His Friends试听整张专辑>>Prospekt's March2008-11-24英语专辑封面专辑类型:EP唱片公司:Capitol, Parlophone专辑简介:Coldplay定于11月24日发行的最新EP。封面再次使用法国浪漫主义画派代表画家欧仁·德拉克洛瓦(EugeneDelacroix)的经典名画—《普瓦捷会战》。 乐队的上张专辑使用的是这位画家的另一幅世界名画——《自由引导人民》(LibertyLeading The People)。 他们前不久的《Viva La Vida Or Death And All HisFriends》中没有发表过的八首作品,这张8曲EP将包含6首新歌,被Coldplay做成一张名为《Prospekt’sMarch》的新EP,其中包括与Jay-Z合作的《Lost+》的新版本。

专辑曲目(8)01.Life in Technicolor ii02.Postcards from Far Away03.Glass of Water04.Rainy Day05.Prospekt's March / Poppyfields06.Lost+ (With Jay-Z)07.Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix)08.Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground试听整张专辑>>Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends2008-06-11英语专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Parlophone, Capitol专辑简介:这张唱片是酷玩乐队出道十年以来的第四张录音室专辑,专辑名称来自一位墨西哥艺术家给自己的一幅画的命名。 专辑内收录了10首录音室版本的新歌,歌曲多继续延续乐队以往的抒情风格,不会有太激烈的歌曲在其中,乐队也不会采用西班牙狂欢时候的乐器作为背景。但是新唱片中能表现出的是西班牙自古以来的雍容华贵之气,更多融合了多文化元素,演奏方式更随性。 值得一提的是,这张唱片颠覆了英伦摇滚乐在人们心目中的萎靡形象,以一种进取的姿态面向歌迷。大量电子元素的运用以及简单直白的音乐表现方法,把抒情极大程度地融入了摇滚乐的节奏中,这张唱片也是奠定酷玩乐队风格之作。曲风方面,《生命万岁》反复出现了死亡和孤独的主题。马丁的演唱也更真实。他说:“不管这样好还是不好,我们已经开始在音乐里融入更多的色彩。取悦每一个人是不可能做到的。可能没有一个人喜欢我们做的这些东西,但我们此时此刻就是想这样做。

专辑曲目(12)01.Life In Technicolor02.Cemeteries of London03.Lost!04.4205.Lovers In Japan / Reign of Love06.Yes07.Viva la Vida08.Violet Hill09.Strawberry Swing10.Death and All His Friends11.Lost? (Japan and iTunes)12.Lovers in Japan (Acoustic Version) (iTunes pre-order)试听整张专辑>>X & Y。

最重要的是!!!08年的专辑viva la vida是当年销量第一!!



08人体解剖学(A)名词解释1.板障 diploe 颅盖各骨内、外板间的骨松质。2.翼点 pterion area 为颅侧面额骨、蝶骨、筛骨、颞骨的“H”形交界部位,骨质薄弱,内有脑膜中动脉通过。3.腹直肌鞘 sheath of rectus abdominis 包裹腹直肌,前层由腹外斜肌腱膜与腹内斜肌腱膜愈合而成,后层由腹内斜肌腱膜和腹横肌腱膜愈合而成。在脐下4-5cm以下,由于构成腹直肌鞘后层的腱膜完全转至腹直肌前面,参与构成鞘的前层,所以此处缺乏后层。4.咽峡 isthmus of fauces 腭垂、腭帆游离缘、两侧腭舌弓及舌根共同围成,为口腔与咽的分界。5.肝门 porta hepatis 肝的脏面中部“H”形沟中间的横沟为肝门。有肝左右管、肝固有动脉左右支、肝门静脉左右支、肝的神经、淋巴管等经此出入,上述结构被结缔组织包绕构成肝蒂。6.白线 linea alba 位于腹前外侧壁正中线上,介于左右腹直肌鞘之间,由两侧三层腹肌的腱膜纤维交织而成。上起剑突,下至耻骨联合。白线坚韧而缺少血管,上部较宽,脐以下变窄。白线中点有脐环,为胎儿时期脐血管通过处,出生后形成癜痕,为腹壁薄弱处,可发生脐疝。7.White line/hilton线 位置相当于肛门内外括约肌分界,肛门指诊时可触知此处为一环形界沟。8.齿状线 dentate line/肛皮线 anoeutaneous line 各肛柱下端与各肛瓣边缘所连接成的锯齿状环形线。9.肺门 hilum of lung 肺内侧面(纵膈面)中部偏后的长椭圆形凹陷,为支气管、肺动静脉、支气管动静脉、淋巴管和神经等进出肺之处。10.弹性圆锥 conus elasticus 弹性纤维组成的膜状结构,由左右两部分合成上窄下宽的圆锥形,附于甲状软骨前脚后面与环状软骨上缘和杓状软骨声带突之间。11.胸膜隐窝 pleural recess 壁胸膜相互移行转折之处的胸膜腔,即使深吸气时肺下缘也不能充满此空间,重要的胸膜隐窝:肋膈隐窝、肋纵隔隐窝。12.膀胱三角 trigone of bladder 位于膀胱底部的内面,两输尿管口与尿道内口之间的三角形区域。此区黏膜与肌层紧密相连,缺少黏膜下层组织。无论膀胱处于空虚或充盈,粘膜都保持光滑。此区是膀胱结核和肿瘤的好发部位。13.肾门 renal hilum 肾内侧缘中部凹陷处,为肾的血管、神经、淋巴管、肾盂出入处。14.肾蒂 renal pedicle 肾血管、神经、淋巴管、肾盂被结缔组织包裹称肾蒂,结构排列从前到后:肾静脉、肾动脉、肾盂;从上到下:肾动脉、肾静脉、肾盂。右肾蒂比左肾蒂短,因此临床上右肾手术难度较大。15.精索 spermatic cord 从腹股沟管深环至睾丸上端间的一条柔软的圆索状的结构。精索内主要有输精管、睾丸的血管、输精管的血管、神经、淋巴管及鞘韧带等。上述结构的周围包有三层被膜,由深至浅依次是:精索内筋膜、提睾肌、精索外筋膜。此三层被膜向下延续至阴囊,参与阴囊的构成。16.颈动脉窦 carotid sinus 为颈内动脉起始处的膨大部分,动脉壁内有压力感受器。当血压升高时,窦壁扩张,刺激此处感受器,可反射地引起心跳减慢,末梢血管舒张,血压下降。17.颈动脉小球 carotid glomus 是一个扁椭圆形小体,位于颈内外动脉分叉处的后方,它与主动脉小球一样均为化学感受器,能感受血液中二氧化碳分压的变化,当血液中二氧化碳升高时,可反射性地引起呼吸加深加快。18.掌浅弓 superficial palmar arch 由尺动脉的末端和桡动脉的掌浅支吻合而成。在掌腱膜和指浅屈肌腱之间,位置较浅,弓的顶点相当于掌中纹处。19.掌深弓 deep palmar arch 与桡动脉的末端和尺动脉的掌深支吻合而成。在掌浅弓的近侧,约平腕掌关节处,位于屈指肌腱的深面,由弓的远端发出三条掌心动脉,与指掌侧总动脉吻合。20.静脉角 venous angle 颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉在胸锁关节的后方汇合处的夹角,是淋巴导管注入静脉的部位。21.乳糜池 cisterna chyli 位于第一腰椎的前方,呈囊状膨大,接受左右腰干和肠干。22.局部淋巴结 regional nodes/哨位淋巴结 sentinel lymph nodes 引流某一器官或部位淋巴的第一级淋巴结,当某器官或部位发生病变时,细菌、毒素、寄生虫或肿瘤细胞可沿淋巴管进入相应的局部淋巴结,该淋巴结阻截和清除这些细菌、毒素、寄生虫或肿瘤细胞,从而阻止病变的扩散。此时,淋巴结出现细胞渗出和增殖等病理变化,引起淋巴结肿大。如果局部淋巴结不能阻止病变的扩散,病变可沿淋巴管道向远处蔓延。因此,局部淋巴结肿大常反映其引流范围存在病变。[简明版:指引流某一器官或部位淋巴的第一级淋巴结,当某器官或部位发生病变时,细菌、毒素、寄生虫或肿瘤细胞可沿淋巴管进入相应的局部淋巴结,引起淋巴结肿大。局部淋巴结肿大对于临床诊断具有重要意义。]23.视神经盘 optic disc/视神经乳头 位于视网膜后部内面,于视神经的起始处有乳白色圆形隆起,盘的中央凹陷,视网膜中央动静脉由此穿行。此处无感光细胞,故称生理性盲点。24.黄斑 macula lutea 视神经盘颞侧稍下方约3.5mm处的淡黄色区域,其中央有一凹陷称中央凹。活体呈褐色或红褐色,是感光最敏锐的部位。25.中央凹 fovea centralis 视神经盘黄斑上的中央凹陷。26.壶腹嵴 crista ampullaris 在膜半规管的膜壶腹上有一嵴状突起,称壶腹嵴,是位置觉感受器,能感受旋转运动的刺激。27.椭圆囊斑 macula utriculi 位于椭圆囊内的底和前壁上,为位置觉感受器,能感受直线加速或减速运动的刺激。28.球囊斑 macula sacculi 位于球囊内的前壁上,为位置觉感受器,能感受直线加速或减速运动的刺激。29.corti器/螺旋器 spiral organ 位于内耳膜迷路蜗管的基底膜上,为听觉感受器,能接受声波的刺激,并将这种刺激转化为神经冲动。30.三叉神经节 trigeminal ganglion/半月神经节 位于颅中窝颞骨岩部前面近尖端的三叉神经压迹处,包被于硬脑膜两层间的裂隙内,由假单极神经元组成。神经元的周围突自节的凸缘发出三大分支,由上内向下外依次为眼神经、上颌神经、下颌神经,分布于面部的皮肤、眼及眶内、口腔、鼻腔、鼻旁窦的粘膜、牙和脑膜等,传导分布区的痛、温、触、压等一般躯体感觉冲动;中枢突汇集成粗大的三叉神经感觉根,由脑桥基底部和小脑中脚交界处入脑,终于三叉神经脑桥核和三叉神经脊束核。[简明版:为感觉节,由假单极神经元包体聚集而成,其中枢突传入脑干,周围突分为眼神经、上颌神经、下颌神经,分布于头面部的感受。]31.上神经节 superior ganglion 舌咽神经的根丝于延髓橄榄后沟上部连于脑,与迷走神经、副神经共同穿颈静脉孔出入颅,在孔内神经干上有膨大的上神经节。32.下神经节 inferior ganglion舌咽神经的根丝于延髓橄榄后沟上部连于脑,与迷走神经、副神经共同穿颈静脉孔出入颅,出孔时又形成一稍大的下神经节。33.鼓索 chorda tympani 为面神经的重要分支,含一般内脏运动纤维及特殊内脏感觉(味觉)纤维,在面神经出茎乳孔前约6mm处发出,经鼓室后壁入鼓室,沿鼓膜内面前行穿岩鼓裂至颞下窝,在此以锐角从后方并入舌神经并随其走行分布。味觉纤维分布于舌前2/3的味蕾,传导分布区的味觉冲动;一般内脏运动纤维及副交感节前纤维在下颌下神经节内交换神经元,其节后纤维分布于下颌下腺和舌下腺,支配其分泌活动。[简明版:由面神经在面神经管内分出,其内含内脏运动纤维,在副交感节换元后,节后纤维分布于下颌下腺和舌下腺;其内脏感觉纤维则支配舌前2/3的味蕾,司味觉。]34.器官旁节 属副交感神经节,位于器官、内脏器附近,副交感纤维在此换元。35.器官壁内节 属副交感神经节,位于器官内壁,副交感神经可在此换元。36.椎前节 prevertebral ganglia 属交感神经的周围部,位于脊柱前方,成不规则的结节状团块,包括腹腔神经节、主动脉肾神经节、肠系膜上神经节、肠系膜下神经节等,各节均位于同名动脉根部附近。37.椎旁节 paravertabral ganglia 又称交感干神经节,位于脊柱两旁,每一侧的椎旁节借节间支连成一条交感干。椎旁节在成人每侧约为22-25个,其中颈部常为3-4个,胸部11-12个,腰部3-4个,骶部3-4个,尾部只有一个节(奇神经节)。38.交通支 communicating branches 交感干神经节借相应的交通支与相应的脊神经相连接,交通支分为白、灰交通支,白交通支主要含有脊髓灰质外侧核细胞发出的具有髓鞘的节前纤维,因髓鞘呈白色,故称白交通支。由于节前神经元的胞体只存在于脊髓胸1-腰3节段的灰质侧角,故白交通支也只见与相应节段脊神经前支与对应交感干神经节之间。灰交通支是由椎旁神经节细胞发出的节后纤维组成,因多无髓鞘,色灰暗而称为灰交通支。它连于31对脊神经前支与交感干之间。1.腕管 carpal canal 由屈肌支持带与腕骨沟共同围成。管内有指浅、深屈肌腱及屈肌总腱鞘、拇长屈肌腱及其腱鞘和正中神经通过。2.鱼际间隙 thenar space 位于中间鞘桡侧半深方。前界为掌中隔前部、示指屈肌腱、第一蚓状肌及手掌的血管、神经;后界为拇收肌筋膜;外侧界为掌外侧肌间隔;内侧界为掌中隔后部。鱼际间隙向远端经第一指蹼间隙通向示指背侧,其近端为盲端。3.掌中间隙midpalmar space 位于中间鞘尺侧半的深方。前界自桡侧起,依次为中指、环指和小指屈肌腱、第2-4蚓状肌和手掌的血管、神经,后界为掌中隔后部、第3、4掌骨和骨间掌侧肌前面的骨间掌侧筋膜,内侧界为掌内侧肌间隔,外侧界为掌中隔的前部。掌中间隙向远侧经第2-4蚓状肌鞘与2-4指蹼间隙相连,并于指背相通。此间隙有感染时,可经上述渠道蔓延。4.三边孔 trilateral foramen/三边隙 trilateral space 肱三头肌长头在大圆肌的后方和小圆肌的前方之间穿过,在腋窝后壁上形成两个肌间隙,内侧者称为三边孔,其上界为小圆肌、肩胛下肌、肩胛骨外缘和肩关节囊,下界为大圆肌,外侧界为肱三头肌长头,内有旋肩胛动、静脉。5.四边孔 quadrilateral foramen/四边隙 quadrilateral space肱三头肌长头在大圆肌的后方和小圆肌的前方之间穿过,在腋窝后壁上形成两个肌间隙,外侧者称为四边孔,其上界为小圆肌、肩胛下肌和肩关节囊,下界为大圆肌,内侧界为肱三头肌,外侧界为肱骨外科颈,内与旋肱后动、静脉和腋神经通过。6.股鞘 femoral sheath 为腹横筋膜及髂腰筋膜向下延续包绕股动脉、股静脉上段形成的筋膜鞘。呈漏斗形,长约3-4cm,向下与股血管的外膜融合为血管鞘。股鞘内有两条纵行的纤维隔将鞘分为三个腔,外侧着容纳股动脉,中间者容纳股静脉,内侧者形成股管。7.踝管 malleolar canal 屈肌支持带与跟骨内侧面肌内踝共同围成的管道,支持带向深面发出3个纤维隔,将踝管分隔成4个通道。其内通过的结构由前向后排列依次为:1-胫骨后肌腱及其腱鞘;2-趾长屈肌腱及其腱鞘;3-胫后动、静脉和颈神经;4-拇长屈肌腱及其腱鞘。8.梨状肌下孔 infrapiriform foramen 上缘为梨状肌,下缘为坐骨棘和骶棘韧带。传经的结构自外侧向内侧依次为坐骨神经、股后皮神经、臀下神经、臀下动静脉、阴部内动静脉和阴部神经。9.颈鞘 carotid sheath 颈筋膜中层向两侧包绕颈总动脉、颈内动脉、颈内静脉和迷走神经形成颈动脉鞘,该桥上起自颅底,下续连纵隔,周围借疏松结缔组织与颈筋膜的前层和深层相融合。乔内有纵行的纤维隔把动脉和静脉分开,迷走神经位于动静脉之间的后方。10.颈袢 ansa cervicalis/舌下神经袢 未颈丛与舌下神经间的交通联系。第一颈神经前支的大部分纤维加入舌下神经,并与之同行。这部分纤维构成的颈神经上支合成颈袢,由颈袢发出分支支配舌骨下肌群。11.锁胸筋膜 clavipectoral fascia 紧张于喙突、锁骨下肌和胸小肌上缘之间的深筋膜,胸肩峰动脉的分支和胸内外侧神经穿出该筋膜至胸大小肌,头静脉和淋巴管则穿过此筋膜进入腋窝。12.腹股沟管 inguinal canal 位于腹股沟韧带内侧半的上方,是由外上斜向内下的肌肉筋膜裂隙。男性长约4-5cm,内含精索;女性因骨盆较宽,耻骨联合较高,故稍狭长,管内有子宫圆韧带通过。13.网膜囊 omental bursa/左肝下后间隙 posterior left subhepatic space 腹膜腔的一部分,位于小网膜和胃后方。网膜囊的前壁由上而下依次为小网膜、胃后壁腹膜和大网膜前两层;下壁为大网膜前两层与后两层返折处;后壁由下而上依次为大网膜后两层、横结肠及其系膜以及覆盖胰、左肾、左肾上腺等处的腹膜;上壁为衬附于膈下面的腹膜,在此处肝尾状叶自右侧套入网膜囊内;左界为胃脾韧带、脾和脾肾韧带;右界是网膜孔。14.十二指肠悬韧带/treitz韧带 位于十二指肠上襞右上方深部,由纤维组织和肌组织构成,从十二指肠空肠曲上面向上连至右膈脚,有上提和固定十二指肠空肠曲的作用。15.胃床 stomach bed 胃后壁隔网膜囊与胰、左肾上腺、左肾、脾、横结肠及其系膜相毗邻,这些器官共同形成胃床。16.网膜孔 omental foramen/winslow孔 网膜孔是网膜囊的唯一孔道,其前方为肝十二指肠韧带,后方为覆盖下腔静脉的腹膜,上界为肝尾状叶,下界为十二指肠上部,一般可通过1-2横指。17.小网膜 lesser omentum 是连于膈、肝静脉韧带裂和肝门与胃小弯和十二指肠上部之间的双层腹膜。其左侧部主要从膈、肝静脉韧带裂连于胃小弯,成为肝胃韧带;右侧部从肝门连至十二指肠上部,成为肝十二指肠韧带,小网膜右侧为游离缘,其后方为网膜孔。18.大网膜 greater omentum 连接胃大弯与横结肠之间,成围裙状下垂,遮盖于横结肠、空肠、回肠的前面,其长度因人而异。大网膜由四层腹膜折叠而成,前两层由胃前、后壁浆膜延续而成,向下伸至其平面或稍下方,然后向后返折,并向上附着于横结肠,形成后两层。成人大网膜前两层和后两层通常愈着,遂使前两层上部直接由胃大弯连至横结肠,形成胃结肠韧带。19.会阴浅隙 superficial perineal space/会阴浅袋 位于浅会阴筋膜与尿生殖膈下筋膜之间,此隙向前开放,其内有:会阴肌浅层、阴部神经、阴部内动脉末支及其伴行静脉。男性还有:阴茎脚、尿道球及其内的尿道;女性还有:尿道、阴道下部、阴蒂脚、前庭球以及前庭下腺。20.会阴深隙 deep perineal space/会阴深袋 位于尿生殖膈上下筋膜之间,为一密闭浅隙。主要结构为一层扁肌,张于耻骨弓。21.坐骨直肠窝 ischioanal fossa 位于肛管两侧,为尖朝上、底向下的锥形腔隙。内侧壁:下部为肛门外括约肌,上部为肛提肌、尾骨肌及盆膈下筋膜。外侧壁:下部为坐骨结节内侧面,上部为闭孔内肌及其筋膜和深会阴筋膜。前壁:会阴浅横肌及尿生殖膈。后壁:臀大肌下缘及其筋膜和骶结节韧带。尖:由盆膈下筋膜与闭孔筋膜汇合而成。底:肛门两侧的浅筋膜及皮肤。内有阴部内动静脉、阴部神经、淋巴以及脂肪组织。



Humpback Whale

The Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from 12–16 metres (40–50 ft) and weigh approximately 36,000 kilograms (79,000 lb). The Humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. It is an acrobatic animal, often breaching and slapping the water. Males produce a complex whale song, which lasts for 10 to 20 minutes and is repeated for hours at a time. The purpose of the song is not yet clear, although it appears to have a role in mating.。

Found in oceans and seas around the world, Humpback Whales typically migrate up to 25,000 kilometres each year. Humpbacks feed only in summer, in polar waters, and migrate to tropical or sub-tropical waters to breed and give birth in the winter. During the winter, Humpbacks fast and live off their fat reserves. The species' diet consists mostly of krill and small fish. Humpbacks have a diverse repertoire of feeding methods, including the spectacular bubble net fishing technique.。

Like other large whales, the Humpback was and is a target for the whaling industry. Due to over-hunting its population fell by an estimated 90% before a whaling moratorium was introduced in 1966. Stocks of the species have since partially recovered, however entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution also remain concerns. There are at least 70,000 humpback whales worldwide. Once hunted to the brink of extinction, Humpbacks are now sought out by whale-watchers, particularly off parts of Australia and the United States. On November 18, 2007 a Japanese fleet set off for the first time in decades to hunt the humpback in the South Pacific[2].。

Humpback Whales are rorquals (family Balaenopteridae), a family that includes the Blue Whale, the Fin Whale, the Bryde's Whale, the Sei Whale and the Minke Whale. The rorquals are believed to have diverged from the other families of the suborder Mysticeti as long ago as the middle Miocene.[3] However, it is not known when the members of these families diverged from each other.。

Though clearly related to the giant whales of the genus Balaenoptera, the Humpback has been the sole member of its genus since Gray's work in 1846. More recently though, DNA sequencing analysis has indicated both the Humpback and the Gray Whale are close relatives of the Blue Whale, the world's largest animal. If further research confirms these relationships, it will be necessary to reclassify the rorquals.。

The Humpback Whale was first identified as "baleine de la Nouvelle Angleterre" by Mathurin Jacques Brisson in his Regnum Animale of 1756. In 1781, Georg Heinrich Borowski described the species, converting Brisson's name to its Latin equivalent, Balaena novaeangliae. Early in the 19th century Lacépède shifted the Humpback from the Balaenidae family, renaming it Balaenoptera jubartes. In 1846, John Edward Gray created the genus Megaptera, classifying the Humpback as Megaptera longpinna, but in 1932, Remington Kellogg reverted the species names to use Borowski's novaeangliae.[4] The common name is derived from their humping motion while swimming. The generic name Megaptera from the Greek mega-/μεγα- "giant" and ptera/πτερα "wing",[5] refers to their large front flippers. The specific name means "New Englander" and was probably given by Brisson due the regular sightings of Humpbacks off the coast of New England.[4]。

Humpback Whales can easily be identified by their stocky bodies with obvious humps and black dorsal colouring. The head and lower jaw are covered with knobs called tubercles, which are actually hair follicles and are characteristic of the species. The tail flukes, which are lifted high in the dive sequence, have wavy rear edges.[6]。

The long black and white tail fin, which can be up to a third of body length, and the pectoral fins have unique patterns, which enable individual whales to be recognised.[7][8] Several suggestions have been made to explain the evolution of the Humpback's pectoral fins, which are proportionally the longest fins of any cetacean. The two most enduring hypotheses are the higher maneuverability afforded by long fins, or that the increased surface area is useful for temperature control when migrating between warm and cold climates.。

Humpbacks have 270 to 400 darkly coloured baleen plates on each side of the mouth. Ventral grooves run from the lower jaw to the umbilicus about halfway along the bottom of the whale. These grooves are less numerous (usually 16–20) and consequently more prominent than in other rorquals. The stubby dorsal fin is visible soon after the blow when the whale surfaces, but has disappeared by the time the flukes emerge. Humpbacks have a distinctive 3 m (10 ft) bushy blow.。

Newborn calves are roughly the length of their mother's head. A 50' mother would have a 20' newborn weighing in at 2 tons! They are nursed by their mothers for approximately six months, then are sustained through a mixture of nursing and independent feeding for possibly six months more. Some calves have been observed alone after arrival in Alaskan waters. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of five with full adult size being achieved a little later. According to new research, males reach sexual maturity at approximately 7 years of age. Fully grown the males average 15–16 m (49–52 ft), the females being slightly larger at 16–17 m (52–56 ft), with a weight of 40,000 kg (or 44 tons); the largest recorded specimen was 19 m (62 ft) long and had pectoral fins measuring 6 m (20 ft) each.[9] The largest Humpback on record, according to whaling records, was killed in the Caribbean. She was 88 feet long, weighing nearly 90 tons!。

Females have a hemispherical lobe about 15 centimetres (6 in) in diameter in their genital region. This allows males and females to be distinguished if the underside of the whale can be seen, even though the male's penis usually remains unseen in the genital slit. Male whales have distinctive scars on heads and bodies, some resulting from battles over females.。

Females typically breed every two or three years. The gestation period is 11.5 months, yet some individuals can breed in two consecutive years. Humpback Whales were thought to live 50 - 60 years, but new studies using the changes in amino acids behind eye lenses proved another baleen whale, the Bowhead, to be 211 years old. This was an animal taken by the Inuit off Alaska. More studies on ages are currently being done.。

The varying patterns on the Humpback's tail flukes are sufficient to identify an individual. Unique visual identification is not possible in most cetacean species (exceptions include Orcas and Right Whales), so the Humpback has become one of the most-studied species. A study using data from 1973 to 1998 on whales in the North Atlantic gave researchers detailed information on gestation times, growth rates, and calving periods, as well as allowing more accurate population predictions by simulating the mark-release-recapture technique. A photographic catalogue of all known whales in the North Atlantic was developed over this period and is currently maintained by Wheelock College.[10] Similar photographic identification projects have subsequently begun in the North Pacific by SPLASH (Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance and Status of Humpbacks), and around the world.。

Social structure and courtship:

Humpbacks frequently breach, throwing two thirds or more of their body out of the water and splashing down on their back.。

Humpbacks frequently breach, throwing two thirds or more of their body out of the water and splashing down on their back.。

The Humpback social structure is loose-knit. Usually, individuals live alone or in small transient groups that assemble and break up over the course of a few hours. Groups may stay together a little longer in summer in order to forage and feed cooperatively. Longer-term relationships between pairs or small groups, lasting months or even years, have been observed, but are rare. Recent studies extrapolate feeding bonds observed with many females in Alaskan waters over the last 10 years. It is possible some females may have these bonds for a lifetime. More studies need to be done on this. The range of the Humpback overlaps considerably with many other whale and dolphin species — whilst it may be seen near other species (for instance, the Minke Whale), it rarely interacts socially with them. Humpback calves have been observed in Hawaiian waters playing with bottlenose dolphin calves.。

Courtship rituals take place during the winter months, when the whales migrate towards the equator from their summer feeding grounds closer to the poles. Competition for a mate is usually fierce, and female whales as well as mother-calf dyads are frequently trailed by unrelated male whales dubbed escorts by researcher Louis Herman. Groups of two to twenty males typically gather around a single female and exhibit a variety of behaviours in order to establish dominance in what is known as a competitive pod. The displays may last several hours, the group size may ebb and flow as unsuccessful males retreat and others arrive to try their luck. Techniques used include breaching, spy-hopping, lob-tailing, tail-slapping, flipper-slapping, charging and parrying. "Super pods" have been observed numbering more than 40 males, all vying for the same female. (M. Ferrari et. al)。

Whale song is assumed to have an important role in mate selection; however, scientists remain unsure whether the song is used between males in order to establish identity and dominance, between a male and a female as a mating call, or a mixture of the two. All these vocal and physical techniques have also been observed while not in the presence of potential mates. This indicates that they are probably important as a more general communication tool. Recent studies showed singing males attract other males. Scientists are extrapolating possibilities the singing may be a way to keep the migrating populations connected. (Ferrari, Nicklin, Darling, et. al.) Studies on this are ongoing.。


A group of 15 whales bubble net fishing near Juneau, Alaska。

A group of 15 whales bubble net fishing near Juneau, Alaska。

The species feeds only in summer and lives off fat reserves during winter. Humpback Whales will only feed rarely and opportunistically while in their wintering waters. It is an energetic feeder, taking krill and small schooling fish, such as herring (Clupea harengus), salmon, capelin (Mallotus villosus) and sand lance (Ammodytes americanus) as well as Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), pollock (Pollachius virens) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in the North Atlantic.[11][12][13] Krill and Copepods have been recorded from Australian and Antarctic waters.[14] It hunts fish by direct attack or by stunning them by hitting the water with its flippers or flukes.。

A pair of Humpback Whales feeding by lunging.。

A pair of Humpback Whales feeding by lunging.。

The Humpback has the most diverse repertoire of feeding methods of all baleen whales.[15] Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net fishing: a group of whales blows bubbles while swimming in circles to create a ring of bubbles. The ring encircles the fish, which are confined in an ever-tighter area as the whales swim in a smaller and smaller circles. The whales then suddenly swim upwards through the bubble net, mouths agape, swallowing thousands of fish in one gulp. This technique can involve a ring of bubbles up to 30 m (100 ft) in diameter and the cooperation of a dozen animals. Some of the whales take the task of blowing the bubbles through their blowholes, some dive deeper to drive fish towards the surface, and others herd fish into the net by vocalizing. It is one of the more spectacular acts of collaboration among marine mammals.[16]。

Humpback Whales are preyed upon by Orcas. The result of these attacks is generally nothing more serious than some scarring of the skin, but it is likely that young calves are sometimes killed.[17]。


Both male and female Humpback Whales can produce sounds, however only the males produce the long, loud, complex "songs" for which the species is famous. Each song consists of several sounds in a low register that vary in amplitude and frequency, and typically lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.[18] Songs may be repeated continuously for several hours; Humpback Whales have been observed to sing continuously for more than 24 hours at a time. As cetaceans have no vocal cords, whales generate their song by forcing air through their massive nasal cavities.。

Whales within an area sing the same song, for example all of the Humpback Whales of the North Atlantic sing the same song, and those of the North Pacific sing a different song. Each population's song changes slowly over a period of years —never returning to the same sequence of notes.[18]。

Scientists are still unsure of the purpose of whale song. Only male Humpbacks sing, so it was initially assumed that the purpose of the songs was to attract females. However, many of the whales observed to approach singing whales have been other males, with the meeting resulting in a conflict. Thus, one interpretation is that the whale songs serve as a threat to other males.[19] Some scientists have hypothesized that the song may serve an echolocative function.[20] During the feeding season, Humpback Whales make altogether different vocalizations, which they use to herd fish into their bubble nets.[21]。

Population and distribution:

The Humpback whale is found in all the major oceans, in a wide band running from the Antarctic ice edge to 65° N latitude, though is not found in the eastern Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea or the Arctic Ocean. There are at least over 70,000 humpback whales worldwide, with 10,000-25,000 in the North Pacific, nearly 12,000 in the North Atlantic, and over 50,000 in the Southern Hemisphere, down from a pre-whaling population of 125,000[citation needed].。

The Humpback is a migratory species, spending its summers in cooler, high-latitude waters, but mating and calving in tropical and sub-tropical waters.[18] An exception to this rule is a population in the Arabian Sea, which remains in these tropical waters year-round.[18] Annual migrations of up to 25,000 kilometres (16,000 statute miles) are typical, making it one of the farthest-travelling of any mammalian species.。

A 2007 study identified seven individual whales wintering off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica as those which had made a trip from the Antarctic of around 8,300 km. Identified by their unique tail patterns, these animals have made the longest documented migration by a mammal.[22]。

In Australia, two main migratory populations have been identified, off the west and east coast respectively. These two populations are distinct with only a few females in each generation crossing between the two groups.[23]。


One of the first attempts to hunt the humpback whale was made by John Smith in 1614 off the coast of Maine. Opportunistic killing of the species is likely to have occurred long before, and it continued with increasing pace in the following centuries. By the 18th century, the commercial value of Humpback Whales had been recognized[citation needed], and they became a common target for whalers for many years.。

By the 19th century, many nations (and the United States in particular), were hunting the animal heavily in the Atlantic Ocean — and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. However, it was the introduction of the explosive harpoon in the late 19th century that allowed whalers to accelerate their take. This, coupled with the opening-up of the Antarctic seas in 1904, led to a sharp decline in all whale populations.。

It is estimated that during the 20th century at least 200,000 Humpbacks were taken, reducing the global population by over 90%, with the population in the North Atlantic estimated to have dropped to as low as 700 individuals.[24] To prevent species extinction, a general moratorium on the hunting of Humpbacks was introduced in 1966 and is still in force today. In his book Humpback Whales (1996), Phil Clapham, a scientist at the Smithsonian Institute, said "This wanton destruction of some of the earth's most magnificent creatures [is] one of the greatest of our many environmental crimes."。

By the time the International Whaling Commission (IWC) members agreed on a moratorium on Humpback hunting in 1966, the whales were so scarce that commercial hunting was no longer worthwhile. At this time, 250,000 were recorded killed. However, the true toll is likely to be significantly higher. It is now known that the Soviet Union was deliberately under-recording its kills; the total Soviet Humpback kill was reported at 2,820 whereas the true number is now believed to be over 48,000.[25]。

As of 2004, hunting of Humpback Whales is restricted to a few animals each year off the Caribbean island Bequia in the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.[15] The take is not believed to threaten the local population.。


Internationally this species is considered vulnerable. Most monitored stocks of Humpback Whales have rebounded well since the end of the commercial whaling era,[1] such as the North Atlantic where stocks are now believed to be approaching pre-hunting levels.[29] However, the species is considered endangered in some countries where local populations have recovered slowly, including the United States.[30]。

Today, individuals are vulnerable to collisions with ships, entanglement in fishing gear, and noise pollution.[1] Like other cetaceans, Humpbacks are sensitive to noise and can even be injured by it. In the 19th century, two Humpback Whales were found dead near sites of repeated oceanic sub-bottom blasting, with traumatic injuries and fractures in the ears.[31]。

The ingestion of saxitoxin, a PSP (paralytic shellfish poison) from contaminated mackerel has been implicated in Humpback Whale deaths.[32]。

Some countries are creating action plans to protect the Humpback; for example, in the United Kingdom, the Humpback Whale has been designated as a priority species under the national Biodiversity Action Plan, generating a set of actions to conserve the species. The sanctuary provided by National Parks such as Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, among others, have also become a major factor in sustaining the populations of the species in those areas.[33]。

Although much was known about the Humpback Whale due to information obtained through whaling, the migratory patterns and social interactions of the species were not well known until two separate studies by R. Chittleborough and W. H. Dawbin in the 1960s.[34] Roger Payne and Scott McVay made further studies of the species in 1971.[35] Their analysis of whale song led to worldwide media interest in the species, and left an impression in the public mind that whales were a highly intelligent cetacean species, a contributing factor to the anti-whaling stance of many countries.。


Experience just takes too long。


According to The Times :In today's world the consumer is king, and business education is no exception(例外). In the past, wannabe CEOs(想成为首席执行官的人们) studied for an MBA after several years' work experience. But for those in a hurry, pre-experience or "young masters" degrees are increasingly popular. After a first degree, pre-experience masters come in two flavours(特点): specialist masters focus on specific management functions, such as finance or HR; while generalist(通才的) masters offer graduates with a non-management-related first degree a broad business overview(宏观视野).。

Good news for 6st weaklings。


According to The Daily Telegraph :Men who spend hours in the gym trying to perfect a rippling(飘逸的,曲线的)six-pack(六样装的), bulging biceps(突出二头肌)and well-honed pectorals(胸肌) to attract the opposite sex may be wasting their time, a new study suggests. The research claims to show that the female ideal of the male body shape is more slender than men think.。

Graduate brain drain threatens poorest nations, says OECD。


According to The Financial Times :More than half of known graduates from some of the world's poorest nations are living abroad in a brain drain that threatens the countries' long-term development, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned yesterday. In a report entitled Trends in International Migration, the rich countries' think-tank (智囊团、知识界)fears "the possibility that emigration of highly skilled workers may adversely(相反地,不利地)affect small countries".。




















