
问题描述:Peeled Apples 歌词 本篇文章给大家谈谈riderless horse象征什么,以及riderless horse的起源,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。



歌曲名:Peeled Apples。

歌手:Manic Street Preachers。

专辑:Journal For Plague Lovers Remixes。

Manic Street Preachers - Peeled Apples。

the more i see the less i scream。

the figure 8 inside out is infinity。

the naked lightbulb is always wrong。

they make your break complete。

then they blow it to kingdom come。

riderless horses on chomsky's camelot。

bruises on my hands from digging my nails out。

a series of images against you and me。

trespass your torment if you are what you want to be。

i once impersonated a shopwork dummy。

the levi jean will always be stronger than an uzi。

a dwarf takes his cockerel out on the cockfight。

falcons attack the pigeons in the west wing at night。

riderless horses on chomsky's camelot。

bruises on my hands from digging my nails out。

a series of images against you and me。

trespass your torment if you are what you want to be。

riderless horses on chomsky's camelot。

bruises on my hands from digging my nails out。

a series of images against you and me。

trespass your torment if you are what you want to be。




"Habit asecond nature! Habit is ten times nature," the Duke of Wellington is saidto have exclaimed; and the degree to which this is true no one can probablyappreciate as well as one who is a veteran soldier himself. The daily drill andthe years of discipline end by fashioning a man completely over again, as tomost of the possibilities of his conduct.。


"There is astory, which is credible enough, though it may not be true, of a practicaljoker, who, seeing a discharged veteran carrying home his dinner, suddenlycalled out, 'Attention!' whereupon the man instantly brought his hands down,and lost his mutton and potatoes in the gutter. The drill had been thorough,and its effects had become embodied in the man's nervous structure."[16]。


Riderlesscavalry-horses, at many a battle, have been seen to come together and gothrough their customary evolutions at the sound of the bugle-call. Most traineddomestic animals, dogs and oxen, and omnibus- and car- [p.121] horses, seem tobe machines almost pure and simple, undoubtingly, unhesitatingly doing fromminute to minute the duties they have been taught, and giving no sign that thepossibility of an alternative ever suggests itself to their mind. Men grown oldin prison have asked to be readmitted after being once set free. In a railroadaccident to a travelling menagerie in the United States some time in 1884, atiger, whose cage had broken open, is said to have emerged, but presently creptback again, as if too much bewildered by his new responsibilities, so that hewas without difficulty secured.。


Habit is thus theenormous fly-wheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. It aloneis what keeps us all within the bounds of [l1] ordinance, and saves thechildren of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor. It alone preventsthe hardest and most repulsive[l2] walks of life[l3] from being deserted bythose brought up to tread therein. It keeps the fisherman and the deck-hand atsea through the winter; it holds the miner in his darkness, and nails thecountryman to his log-cabin and his lonely farm through all the months of snow;it protects us from invasion by the natives of the desert and the frozen zone.It dooms us all to fight out the battle of[l4] life upon the lines of ournurture or our early choice, and to make the best of a pursuit that disagrees,because there is no other for which we are fitted, and it is too late to beginagain. It keeps different social strata from mixing. Already at the age oftwenty-five you see the professional mannerism settling down on the youngcommercial traveller, on the young doctor, on the young minister, on the youngcounsellor-at-law. You see the little lines of cleavage running through thecharacter, the tricks of thought, the prejudices, the ways of the 'shop,' in aword, from which the man can by-and-by [l5] no more escape than his coat-sleevecan suddenly fall into a new set of folds. On the whole, it is best he shouldnot escape. It is well for the world that in most of us, by the age of thirty,the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again.。


If the periodbetween twenty and thirty is the critical one in the formation of intellectualand professional habits, [p.122] the period below twenty is more importantstill for the fixing of personal habits, properly so called, such asvocalization and pronunciation, gesture, motion, and address. Hardly ever is alanguage learned after twenty spoken without a foreign accent; hardly ever cana youth transferred to the society of his betters unlearn the nasality andother vices of speech bred in him by the associations of his growing years.Hardly ever, indeed, no matter how much money there be in his pocket, can heeven learn to dress like a gentleman-born. The merchants offer their wares aseagerly to him as to the veriest 'swell[l6] ,' but he simply cannot buy theright things. An invisible law, as strong as gravitation, keeps him within hisorbit, arrayed[l7] this year as he was the last; and how his better-bredacquaintances contrive to get the things they wear will be for him a mysterytill his dying day.。

如果说20到30岁之间,在形成人的智力和职业习惯,是一个时期的话,那么说,20岁之前的这段时期,对于一个人个性习惯(严格上讲),就更为至关重要,这些个性习惯包括,语音、发声、手势、动作、谈吐等。20岁之后学习语言,几乎很少不带外国口音 ;一个升到其上司的社会圈子内的年轻人,几乎很难忘记在他成长的岁月中,所形成的说话带鼻音和其它言语缺陷。诚然,不管自己的口袋有多少钱,他也很难把自己打扮成一个士绅出身的模样。商家向他和名副其实的“风头人物”一样,热心兜售商品,但他就是完全不能买对东西。一条看不见的法则,如引力般强大,将他留在他的轨道,在这一年打扮得好像他是最差的;他那些受过更良好教养的人,则是想方设法得到他们所穿戴的东西,而这对于他而言,到死的那一天也将是个谜。

The great thing,then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of ourenemy. It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at ease upon theinterest of the fund. For this we must make automatic and habitual, as early aspossible, as many useful actions as we can, and guard against the growing intoways that are likely to be disadvantageous to us, as we should guard againstthe plague. The more of the details of our daily life we can hand over to theeffortless custody of automatism, the more our higher powers of mind will beset free for their own proper work. There is no more miserable human being thanone in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting ofevery cigar, the drinking of every cup, the time of rising and going to bedevery day, and the beginning of every bit of work, are subjects of expressvolitional deliberation. Full half the time of such a man goes to the deciding,or regretting, of matters which ought to be so ingrained in him as practicallynot to exist for his consciousness at all. If there be such daily duties notyet ingrained in any one of my readers, let him begin this very hour to set thematter right.。










Rapunzel, a long-lost princess, lives isolated in a tower with Gothel, whom she believes is her mother. Gothel had kidnapped Rapunzel when she was a baby because of her magical golden hair that kept her young. She knew Rapunzel's magical hair, if cut, would turn brown and lose its magic. Every year on Rapunzel's birthday, her kingdom sends thousands of lanterns into the sky wishing their lost princess would return. On her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel to let her see the floating lights, but Gothel says no because the world is full of dangers.。

Meanwhile, thieves led by Flynn Rider steal the tiara of the missing princess from the castle and are chased by the kingdom guards. During the chase, the lead guard's horse, Maximus, is separated from his rider and continues the search for Flynn on his own. Flynn outwits his accomplices by taking the tiara; he abandons them and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Once inside the tower, Flynn is knocked unconscious by Rapunzel with a frying pan. She hides Flynn and his satchel.。

When Gothel returns, Rapunzel requests a special paint for her birthday instead. Gothel leaves for a three-day journey to bring the gift. Then Rapunzel makes a deal with Flynn: a journey to the "lights" in exchange for the tiara. Flynn attempts to make Rapunzel end their journey by taking her to the Snuggly Duckling Parlor. It is full of Viking thugs, but they are charmed by Rapunzel.。

Gothel sees Maximus riderless and worries someone will find Rapunzel; she returns to the tower to find Rapunzel gone. Meanwhile, the guards invade the tavern, but the thugs help the pair escape. The pursuit ends at a dam, which Maximus caused to collapse. Flynn and Rapunzel are trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he's about to die, Flynn admits his true name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits she has magic hair that glows when she sings. When it glows, they find a way out. Later around a campfire, Rapunzel heals Eugene's cut with her magic hair. When Eugene goes to gather firewood, Gothel secretly meets Rapunzel. Gothel tells Rapunzel that Eugene doesn't care for her, he only wants the tiara; giving her the satchel, Gothel insists that Rapunzel test Eugene by giving it to him.。

The next morning, Maximus confronts Eugene, but to Eugene's dismay Rapunzel befriends the horse. The three arrive at the kingdom and that night Eugene takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Eugene back his satchel. Eugene spies his former accomplices and leaves Rapunzel waiting as he gives them the tiara back. However, the pair knock him out, tie him on a boat and sail him across the lake. They reveal Eugene's "betrayal" to Rapunzel as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power, but Gothel rescues her and they return to the tower. Later, Eugene is arrested and sentenced to death. Maximus brings The Snuggly Duckling thugs to rescue Eugene, and horse and rider race to the tower.。

From various clues she finds during her adventure, Rapunzel realizes she is the long-lost princess and attempts to flee the tower. Gothel binds her, and when Eugene arrives, Gothel stabs him. Rapunzel swears to keep fighting Gothel unless she is allowed to heal Eugene's wound. Gothel agrees but before she heals him Eugene cuts Rapunzel's hair short with a piece of broken mirror. Rapunzel's hair turns brown and loses its magic. Gothel rapidly begins to age; while delirious, she trips and falls from the tower turning into dust. Eugene slowly dies in Rapunzel's arms. As she cries over his body, a teardrop filled with her magic lands on his cheek and revives him. Back at the kingdom the royal family has a tearful reunion and the king and queen pull Eugene into their embrace. Years later, Eugene and Rapunzel are married. Along the way the pub thugs fulfill their individual dreams, and Maximus becomes a respected official on the Royal Guard.。






Glaive Thrower/飞刃投掷车(原名:Ballista/弩车)...弩炮,攻城车...........................GT/CAT。


Druid of the Claw/兽爪德路依......................熊德,大熊...........................DOC,BEAR。


Hippogryph Rider/角鹰兽骑士........................./..................................HIP-RIDER。

Druid of the Talon/禽爪德路依.................风德,鸟德,乌鸦...............................DOT。


Mountain Giant/山丘巨人.......................石头人,山顶洞人................................MG。

Faerie Dragon/仙龙................................吸精虫......................................FD。




Troll Headhunter/巨魔猎头者..........................投矛手...................................TH。

Troll Berserker/巨魔狂战士............................狂战...................................TBK。



Kodo Beast/科多兽,库都兽............................../......................................./。

Wind Rider/风之骑士(原名:Wyverm/双足飞龙)......鸭子,飞龙骑士..............................WR。


Troll Witchdoctor/巨魔巫医............................医生............................WITCH,DR.。


Spirit Walker/灵魂行者........................白色牛头人,牛头法师............................SW。

Troll Batrider/巨魔蝙蝠骑士..........................蝙蝠74..................................BAT。




Crypt Fiend/地穴魔....................................蜘蛛....................................CF。


Meat Wagon/血腥战车............................投尸车,灵车,绞肉车..........................CAT。





Frost Wyrm/冰霜巨龙.................................冰龙,骨龙................................./。

Obsidian Statue/黑耀石雕像........................老爷车,十胜石..............................OS。










Siege Engine/攻城机械(原名:Steam Tank/蒸汽坦克)...坦克,火车头...........................TANK。

Mortar Team/迫击炮小队..................................小炮.................................../。

Flying Machine/飞行器(原名:Gyrocopter/直升机)........飞机.................................../。

Gryphon Rider/狮鹫兽骑士..............................49,4974................................./。

Spell Breaker/破魔者....................................赖人.................................SLB。

Dragonhawk Rider/龙鹰骑士................................龙7..................................DR。


Demon Hunter/恶魔猎手,猎魔者..........瞎子,我们家小D/小恶,王老五.........................DH。

Keeper of the Grove/丛林守护者.............老树精,老鹿...................................KOG。

Priestess of the Moon/月亮女祭祀....白虎MM,月女,有恋父情结的女子........................POM。



Blade Master/剑圣...........................小日本.........................................BM。

Far Seer/先知...................../(无特殊叫法或就用正名,下同)...........................FS。

Tauren Chieftain/牛头人酋长..................老牛..........................................TC。

Shadow Hunter/暗影猎手.................老枪,拐子,斗鸡眼..................................SH。


Death Knight/死亡骑士...................死骑,47,大分头............................DK,ARTHAS。

Dread Lord/吸血鬼王,恐惧魔王.....喜剧魔王,搞笑领主,大白脸,蝙蝠侠.........................DL。


Crypt Lord/地狱领主....................坦克,小强,大虫.....................................CL。



Mountain King/山丘之王..........山王,小锤子(用绝招命名),矮老头..........................MK。


Blood Mage/血族魔法师...............血魔,火魔,风间火月...................................BMG。




















