你好,2005年版《中国药典》(公示稿)中药材部分修订动向2005年度第4期 。
费 曜 * , 刘 新 , 王 文 苹 重 庆 医 科 大 学 药 学 系 , 重 庆 市 400016 。
中图分类号: R92 文献标志码: C 文章编号: 1001- 0408( 2005) 04- 0314- 05 。
摘要:及 时 掌 握 2005年 版 《 中 国 药 典 》 中 药 材 部 分 修 订 动 向 , 为 修 订 工 作 建 言 献 策 。 方 法 : 对 2005年 版 《 中 国 药 典 》 ( 公 示 稿 ) 中 药 材 部 分 新 增 品 种 、 增 订 项 目 的 变 化 动 向 进 行 详 细 分 析 。 结 果 : 2005年 版 《 中 国 药 典 》 ( 公 示 稿 ) 中 药 材 质 量 标 准 在 继 承 传 统 经 验 鉴 别 — — 辨 状 论 质 的 基 础 上 , 吸 收 了 新 的 、 成 熟 的 技 术 , 但 仍 有 部 分 有 待 完 善 。 结 论 : 新 修 订 中 药 质 量 控 制 指 标 将 更 趋 合 理 化 、 标 准 化 , 更 接 近 国 际 天 然 药 物 质 量 标 准 。
关键词:《 中 国 药 典 》 ; 中 药 材 ; 修 订 ; 动 向 。
Revising Tropesis of Partial Chinese Traditional Medicine in Edition 2005 Pharmacopoeia of PRC( Draft Showed in Public)
英文摘要:To get to know the revising tropesis of partial Chinese traditional medicine in Edition 2005 Pharmacopoeia of PPC so as to provide suggestions for the revising work� METHODS: Revising tropesis about partial new kinds and new items in Edition 2005 Pharmacopoeia of PRC( Draft showed in public) were analyzed in detail� RESULTS: Edition 2005 Pharmacopoeia of PRC adopted some new and mature skills besides the traditional method of identifying just from experience, i� e� from the appearances and quality of medicine� CONCLUSIONS: The standard of quality criteria in new edition pharmacopoeia is tend to be more rationalizing and standardizing, thus more close to the international quality criteria of natural medicinal herbs 。
英文关键词:Pharmacopoeia of PRC; Chinese traditional medicine; Revising; Tropesis 。
12005年版《中国药典》总体修订动向[1] 。
22005年版《中国药典》中药材部分的修订动向 。
2�1力争对多来源品种实行一物一名 。
川黄柏为芸香科植物黄皮树(PhellodendronchinenseSc_ 。
hneid�)或秃叶黄皮树(PhellodendronchinenseSchneid�var� 。
黄草石斛为兰科植物叠鞘石斛(DendrobiumaurantiacumRchb�f�var�denneanum(kerr)Z�H�Tsi)、球花石斛(Dendrob_ 。
2�2新增现今中药材市场的常用品种 。
2�6加强力度控制中药材的纯度及安全性 。
32005年版《中国药典》修订的不足之处 。
总的来说,2005年版《中国药典》历经修订,在继承传统经验鉴别——辨状论质的基础上,广泛吸收了现代植物分类学、形态学、解剖学和植物化学等方面的研究成果,并大量增加了色谱和光谱等现代分析技术,且以英、日、美3国现行药典为参考,为进一步向亚洲地区乃至国际上有影响力的药典标准靠近打下了坚实的基础。 23992希望对你有帮助!
A religion is a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power, deity or deities, or ultimate truth.[1] Religion is commonly identified by the practitioner's prayer, ritual, meditation, music and art, among other things, and is often interwoven with society and politics. It may focus on specific supernatural, metaphysical, and moral claims about reality (the cosmos and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws, ethics, and a particular lifestyle. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.。
The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. "Religion" is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system,"[2] but it is more socially defined than personal convictions, and it entails specific behaviors, respectively.。
In the frame of western religious thought,[3] religions present a common quality, the "hallmark of patriarchal religious thought": the division of the world in two comprehensive domains, one sacred, the other profane.[4] According to the futurist Raymond Kurzweil, "The primary role of traditional religion is deathist rationalization—that is, rationalizing the tragedy of death as a good thing."[5] Religion is often described as a communal system for the coherence of belief focusing on a system of thought, unseen being, person, or object, that is considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine, or of the highest truth. Moral codes, practices, values, institutions, tradition, rituals, and scriptures are often traditionally associated with the core belief, and these may have some overlap with concepts in secular philosophy. Religion is also often described as a "way of life" or a life stance 。
Religion and the body politic。
A good understanding of the meaning of Christianity before the word "religion" came into common usage can be found in St. Augustine's writing. For Augustine, Christianity was a disciplina, a "rule" just like that of the Roman Empire. Christianity was therefore a power structure opposing and superseding human institutions, a literal Kingdom of Heaven. Rather than calling one to self-discipline through symbols, it was itself the discipline taught by one's family, school, church, and city authorities.[11] However at this point the root of the English word "religion", the Latin religio, was in use only to mean "reverence for God or the gods, careful pondering of divine things, piety" (which Cicero further derived to mean "diligence"[12]); in other words, there was no sense of a "system" nor even of the Christian power structure but only of spirituality.[13] Max Müller characterized many other cultures around the world, including Egypt, Persia, and India, as having a similar power structure at this point in history. What we would call religion today, they would only call "law".[14]。
As Christianity became commonplace, the charismatic authority identified by Augustine, a quality we might today call "religiousness", had a commanding influence at the local level. This system persisted in the Byzantine Empire following the East-West Schism, while Western Europe regulated unpredictable expressions of charisma through the Roman Catholic Church. However, as the Church lost its dominance during the Protestant Reformation and Christianity became closely tied to political structures, religion was recast as the basis of national sovereignty, and religious identity gradually became a less universal sense of spirituality and more divisive, locally defined, and tied to nationality.[15] It was at this point that "religion" was dissociated with universal beliefs and moved closer to dogma in both meaning and practice. However there was not yet the idea of dogma as personal choice, only of established churches.。
Religious freedom。
In the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of Christianity as the purest expression of spirituality was supplanted by the concept of "religion" as a worldwide practice.[16] This caused such ideas as religious freedom, a reexamination of classical philosophy as an alternative to Christian thought, and more radically Deism among intellectuals such as Voltaire. Much like Christianity, the idea of "religious freedom" was exported around the world as a civilizing technique, even to regions like India that had never treated spirituality as a matter of political identity.[17] In Japan, where Buddhism was still seen as a philosophy of natural law,[18] the concept of "religion" and "religious freedom" as separate from other power structures was unnecessary until Christian missionaries demanded free access to conversion, and when Japanese Christians refused to engage in patriotic events.[19]。
With the Enlightenment religion lost its attachment to nationality, but rather than being a universal social attitude, it was now a personal feeling, or emotion.[20] Friedrich Schleiermacher in the late 18th century defined religion as das schlechthinnige Abhängigkeitsgefühl, commonly translated as "a feeling of absolute dependence".[21] His contemporary Hegel disagreed thoroughly, defining religion as "the Divine Spirit becoming conscious of Himself through the finite spirit."[22] William James is an especially notable 19th century subscriber to the theory of religion as feeling.。
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are one, a painting in the litang style portraying three men laughing by a river stream, 12th century, Song DynastyModern currents in religion。
Religious studies。
With the recognition of religion as a category separate from culture and society came the rise of religious studies. Clifford Geertz's definition of religion as a "cultural system" was dominant for most of the 20th century and continues to be widely accepted today.。
Sociologists and anthropologists tend to see religion as an abstract set of ideas, values, or experiences developed as part of a cultural matrix. For example, in Lindbeck's Nature of Doctrine, religion does not refer to belief in "God" or a transcendent Absolute. Instead, Lindbeck defines religion as, "a kind of cultural and/or linguistic framework or medium that shapes the entirety of life and thought… it is similar to an idiom that makes possible the description of realities, the formulation of beliefs, and the experiencing of inner attitudes, feelings, and sentiments.”[23] According to this definition, religion refers to one's primary worldview and how this dictates one's thoughts and actions. Thus religion is considered by some sources to extend to causes, principles, or activities believed in with zeal or conscientious devotion concerning points or matters of ethics or conscience, and not necessarily including belief in the supernatural.[24]。
Although evolutionists had previously sought to understand and explain religion in terms of a cultural attribute which might conceivably confer biological advantages to its adherents, Richard Dawkins called for a re-analysis of religion in terms of the evolution of self-replicating ideas apart from any resulting biological advantages they might bestow. He argued that the role of key replicator in cultural evolution belongs not to genes, but to memes replicating thought from person to person by means of imitation. These replicators respond to selective pressures that may or may not affect biological reproduction or survival.[25] Susan Blackmore regards religions as particularly tenacious memes.[26] Chris Hedges, however, regards meme theory as a misleading imposition of genetics onto psychology.。
Interfaith cooperation。
Because religion continues to be recognized in Western thought as a universal impulse, many religious practitioners have aimed to band together in interfaith dialogue and cooperation. The first major dialogue was the Parliament of the World's Religions at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, which remains notable even today both in affirming "universal values" and recognition of the diversity of practices among different cultures. The 20th century has been especially fruitful in use of interfaith dialogue as a means of solving ethnic, political, or even religious conflict, with Christian-Jewish reconciliation representing a complete reverse in the attitudes of many Christian communities towards Jews.。
Secularism and criticism of religion。
Main articles: Criticism of religion, Antireligion, Secularism, Agnosticism, and Atheism。
As religion became a more personal matter, discussions of society found a new focus on political and scientific meaning, and religious attitudes were increasingly seen as irrelevant for the needs of the European world. On the political side, Ludwig Feuerbach recast Christian beliefs in light of humanism, paving the way for Karl Marx's famous characterization of religion as "the opiate of the masses". Meanwhile, in the scientific community, T.H. Huxley in 1869 coined the term "agnostic," a term subsequently adopted by such figures as Robert Ingersoll. Later, Bertrand Russell told the world Why I Am Not a Christian.。
Atheists have developed a critique of religious systems as well as personal faith. Modern-day critics focus on religion's lack of utility in human society, faulting religion as being irrational.[27] Some assert that dogmatic religions are in effect morally deficient, elevating to moral status ancient, arbitrary, and ill-informed rules—taboos on eating pork, for example, as well as dress codes and sexual practices[28]—possibly designed for reasons of hygiene or even mere politics in a bygone era.。
In North America and Western Europe the social fallout of the 9/11 attacks contributed in part to the appearance of numerous pro-secularist books, such as The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, The End of Faith by Sam Harris, and God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens. This criticism is largely, but not entirely, focused on the monotheistic Abrahamic traditions.。
Religious belief。
Central Asian (Tocharian) and East-Asian Buddhist monks, Bezeklik, Eastern Tarim Basin, 9th-10th centuryMain article: Religious belief。
Religious belief usually relates to the existence, nature and worship of a deity or deities and divine involvement in the universe and human life. Alternately, it may also relate to values and practices transmitted by a spiritual leader. Unlike other belief systems, which may be passed on orally, religious belief tends to be codified in literate societies (religion in non-literate societies is still largely passed on orally[29]). In some religions, like the Abrahamic religions, it is held that most of the core beliefs have been divinely revealed.。
Religious belief can also involve causes, principles or activities believed in with zeal or conscientious devotion concerning points or matters of ethics or conscience, not necessarily limited to organized religions。
We Must Have Faith To Finish Fourth(我们必须有信仰)。
The England international defender thinks that the Toffees have a real chance of beating the Reds for fourth spot as long as they continue to have faith in themselves.。
As Liverpool drew with Middlesbrough on Saturday, Everton pulled level on points after beating Manchester City and Lescott is in buoyant mood.。
"We need to believe that it is possible we can break in," he explained.。
"At the start of the season, we thought it might be a bit hard, but now that we are in there, in contention after Christmas, you have got to believe you can push for fourth place."。
Finishing ahead of Liverpool would be a huge accomplishment for the blue and white half of the city, but Lescott wants his side to take things one step at a time.。
"We can't look too far ahead and get carried away. We know that we need to win next week and then move on to the Chelsea game, which is going to be massive for us," he continued.。
"If we could overtake Liverpool it would be a major achievement for us, but we are just focused on the next game and if we get the right result, who knows?。
"Last season we got some great results and frustrated teams. This season we are getting results and playing some nice football at the same time."。
Risk Taking is Free。
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool,。
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental,。
To reach out for another is to risk involvement,。
To expose feelings is to risk exposing true self,。
To place your ideas, your dreams before the crowd is to risk their loss,。
To love is to risk not being loved in return,。
To live is to risk dying,。
To hope is to risk despair,。
To try is to risk failure,。
But risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.。
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.。
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.。
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom.。
Only a person who risks - is free.。
Author unknown
Risk taking is:。
Opening yourself to change. It is the accepting of the need for change and it is taking the behavioral steps that will result in that change.。
Honest appraisal of a situation in life requiring your action.。
Understanding the risks involved in taking such action.。
Weighing the pros and cons of taking the action.。
Making a choice to take the required action.。
Performing the action with full consciousness of the risks, pros and cons, and potential outcome.。
Accepting the consequences of such action.。
The ability to ignore your need for other's approval in order to take the most appropriate action for you.。
The behavioral process involving the gamble that you may experience rejection from others for the actions you have chosen to take.。
Pursuing the required actions despite the fear that it will affect others negatively, resulting in their efforts to make you feel guilty about taking such action.。
Deciding to make a personal sacrifice of time, energy, ability, and knowledge as an investment to better your circumstances.。
Hoping your circumstances will improve as a result of your personal sacrifice, but making it anyway.。
The effort to be honest with yourself about your part in interpersonal problems, admitting that you have certain personal barriers that prevent the resolution of the problem.。
Admitting to the other(s) involved what the barriers are and seeking assistance to address those barriers and resolve the problems.。
Committing to become objective in pursuing a rational approach to a problem.。
The willingness to identify irrational blocking beliefs, which hinder resolutions.。
Opening yourself to be identified as being too subjective, too emotional, too obstructing, and too hindering in the resolution of your problem.。
The willingness to accept honest, objective feedback about the need for you to change your own behavior.。
The effort to be less subjective, less defensive, and more open in your search for truth, honesty, and sanity in resolving your problem.。
The willingness to take a healing, forgiving, and forgetting attitude in pursuing the resolution of a conflict.。
Opening yourself to be vulnerable, to being taken advantage of by the other in the conflict situation.。
Demonstrating your trust in the other person's willingness to accept an honest, open, and upfront approach to resolving the conflict.。
``Now''-oriented action.。
Direct confrontation of a problem. It is the absence of procrastination and denial in dealing with a problem.。
Responsible action taken to pursue the resolution of a problem.。
What are some blocks to risk taking?。
Road blocks to becoming a risk taker include:。
Fear of rejection。
Need for approval。
Need to avoid guilt。
Need to always be right。
Need to know all the "in's and out's'' of a situation。
Need for certainty。
Lack of belief in yourself and others。
Fear of being incompetent。
Desire to avoid conflict。
Unresolved anger。
Poor role modeling in family of origin。
Fear of failure。
Unwillingness to face problems honestly。
Lack of assertiveness in protection of your own rights。
Inability to take the responsibility for your own life。
Unwillingness to accept possible negative consequences。
Preferring to be unhappy, mired in your problem。
Playing it safe。
A need for security。
Fear of hurting others。
Rationalizing the lack of need for direct action。
Denial that a problem exists, and action needs to be taken。
Projecting the need for action onto others。
Intellectualizing about a problem to avoid action。
Exempting yourself of responsibility to resolve a problem。
Relying on others to resolve your problems。
Alcohol or drug abuse ``clouding'' thinking。
Over emotional response to a problem。
Humoring yourself and others to ignore the problem。
Over concern for everybody but yourself。
Fear of pain (no pain, no gain)。
Absence of desire to change。
Irrational belief that it is impossible to change the situation。
A disregard for the rights of yourself and others。
Confusion about your role in handling the problem。
Lack of ownership of the problem。
Over-sentimentality for the needs of others。
Enjoying the sympathy you receive from others for the problem you face。
Inability to let go of an old belief in a person or institution。
A belief that life should always be fair。
Not being a risk taker results in:。
The problem or complaint going unresolved。
Change being avoided。
Maintenance of the status quo, even if it is negative。
Others turning off to your complaints and pleas for help。
No gains in life C stagnation。
Over-dependence on others to take care of you。
Unhappiness concerning your current status in life。
Depression over your problems。
Feelings of being stuck C immobilized。
A chronic ``yes, Y but'' attitude。
Lack of creativity in problem solving。
The problems becoming exacerbated。
Your rights and the rights of others being ignored。
Experiencing ``burnout'' in facing your problems。
Loss of support from others who have been assisting you in working on your problems。
Loss of physical health。
Loss of emotional health。
Being isolated and ignored by others as you wallow in self-pity。
Your blaming others for not helping to solve your problems。
Your self-destructive, self-defeating behavior。
Some steps to becoming an effective risk taker。
Step 1: If you find that you are stuck in solving a problem, answer the following questions in your journal:。
a. What is keeping me from solving this problem?。
b. What is keeping me from taking any of the possible actions available to me to solve this problem?。
c. How do I feel about choosing an action with an outcome of which I am uncertain?。
d. What is it about which I am uncertain?。
e. What is the worst possible thing that could happen if:。
I take the action needed?。
I do not take the action needed?。
f. What are the blocks and barriers in me, keeping me from taking this ``uncertain'' action about which I am unsure?。
g. What are the possible consequences of ignoring this problem?。
h. What are the possible consequences of not taking the risks necessary?。
i. What do I need right now to take the risks necessary?。
j. What do I need in order to live with myself in case the action I take results in an even more negative situation than I currently have?。
Step 2: If you find that in answering the questions in Step 1 you are still unable to take a risk to solve your problem, use the ``Productive Problem Solving'' model, Section 3, of Tools for Relationships. In your journal, list the results of brainstorming:。
a. Alternative, more appealing solutions to the ones you have already identified。
b. Alternative consequences to not solving the problem。
c. Reasons for not taking a risk over this issue。
d. What your life would be like if you refused to take a risk on this issue。
Step 3: If answering the questions in Step 1 and brainstorming your four lists in Step 2 do not encourage you to take the necessary risks, proceed with the following steps:。
a. Visualize a successful solution to the problem in which you not only took a risk but were also a winner.。
b. Keep this visualization active in your mind for a 20 minute meditation period while you rest in a relaxed state. Do this three times a day until you feel strong enough to take the risk.。
c. At the end of each 20 minute visualization/meditation, reward yourself for being a successful risk taker and use these affirmations repeatedly:。
I am a successful risk taker.。
I can take risks in which everyone wins.。
I will take the risks necessary to solve this problem: (list the current problems).。
d. Continue with the visualizations and affirmations until you can take the necessary risks to resolve your problem.。
e. As the changes begin to occur, remind yourself that this is only happening because of your risk-taking behavior.。
Step 4: If you are unable to take the risks after completing Steps 1, 2 and 3, identify the irrational beliefs and fears blocking your risk taking. Refute them using the ``Handling Irrational Beliefs'' model, in Tools for Personal Growth.。
Step 5: If you are still unable to take a risk after completing Steps 1 through 4, return to Step 1 and begin again.。