Simplicity is the ultimate complex.。
In the world this have no matter, much ado about nothing.。
Ordinary simple, content with ordinary, it's not simple.。
Simple and simple, but fails to piece together a simple.。
The simple things, can do it well is more difficult.。
The greatest person just because simple makes the sublime.。
Only choose simple do, of course, your life can only be so!。
The deepest truth is the simplest and most common truth.。
Nature always show the characteristics of simple in front of the fool.。
Live simply, others may simply live.。
Actually forget a person Ptty simple: don't see, don't mean.。
If your heart is simple, the world is simple.。
It is simple to complex, the simple things complicated.。
Simple is not simple, live simple and who can truly wish.。
Why is that? Very simple, because you be a soil terrapin and have never seen a world.。
Luxuriant and often accompanied by great, lucky more often from the simple.。
Everyone should take care of their own interests, this is the most simple truth.。
Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.。
The greatest truth is the most simple; Similarly, the simplest are the greatest.。
Simple style, simple layout. In this way, simple me.。
Used to look too simple, now look too much trouble, later can't see.。
Simple life, simple life is very simple, as long as happy.。
You are too simple, the question that you and I don't know how to explain.。
Sometimes, should learn to use simple method to solve complex problems.。
You are simple, it is simple; Things simple, the world becomes simple.。
Because experience so mature, so simple, so cherish, so cool!。
History and philosophy of permanent responsibility, is also the responsibility of the simple.。
Some people, is very simple, and simple people, best meet the simple people.。
In the light of pure like in pure in the dark, can't see anything.。
Many high enough to sense and are encompassed in some very simple ideas.。
Sectarianism, make people completely forget for man is man understand this simple truth.。
The difference between successful people and ordinary people the most simple way to like reading is the former.。
The later process irrelevant - I simply; Every day in his dry, then fled.。
I don't think so, holding your hand open, love can simply no harm.。
You, simple, your world is simple; You, simple, simple things.。
When I was young happiness is a simple thing, grew up simple is a very happy thing.。
Learn to live in the most simple way, don't allow thoughts of the complex damage the sweetness of life.。
Anything less is as simple as "great"; In fact, can be simple is great.。
It is very simple, only two words all the secret: perseverance, stick it out.。
I love cry and cry, I love to laugh and smile, I not deep, but simple.。
No can't use simple marks a simple truth in the world seems to be one of the basic intention of it.。
Whether in nature or society, the phenomenon of "pure" is not and is not possible.。
Like simple people, simple things, simple feeling. Keep the initial share of the pure.。
Simple you wore a simple white shirt. Your simple smile make everything simple is not simple.。
See it simple, happy enough don't need too much, but careful thought, I also can do that!。
I like simple life, simple mind, simple relationships, everything is simple.。
An idea of vague scene in a simple way to exPss is not clear, then the idea should be abandoned.。
The simple life of the trouble is, it is happy, rich, creative, but is not simple.。
Absolutely don't do your enemy hope you do, the reason is very simple, because the enemy wants you to do so.。
She like simple, like simple. Because simple, so happy; Because simple, so is not easy.。
, also can't stop my love of beauty and the pursuit of romance. I am more simple than the age of 18, because won't waste any more time.。
Today's leadership, converge, is his ability to convince his subordinates, not simply to control them.。
Simple point!!!! Let's do the obvious characteristics of the most common things, unusual well - do it.。
Guo jing: chasing girls actually very simple, for example, when she was dressed up as little beggar, asked her to eat a big meal.。
Simple people have vanity tend to dry out a variety of absurd things, young girl is the most easy to unrealistic fantasies.。
Said the sweet nothings special difficult together, dispersed, line I think you are so simple, so visceral.。
Thought his father not simple small period, then feel not simple, then think their children is not easy.。
The more simple, the happy the happiness. Simple is not necessarily beautiful, but beauty must be simple. Learn to simple, you are not simple.。
In fact, love and friendship are so, want to open the natural would be light, happy a little bit more simple annoyance is not complicated.。
Considers very complex, the simple things you can find new areas, the phenomenon of complex is very simple, can be found that the new rule.。
Because the people are simple so there will be a simple mood, so there will be a simple life, so just can have is not a simple story.。
In fact, a person's life looks be like simple, but the identity of our decision, originally simple things, also is not simple.。
I teach his simple life wisely, looking up at the sky, pray to god, in the evening before walking long distances, consumption of excess my anxiety.。
Heard that happy is very simple, as soon as flushes simply to the time dilute, once the sea dry stone lousy again, is worth but you the last sentence on good terms.。
Should not be content with a simple answer to the question, and should be like a good seed, ideological field spin off a piece of green buds.。
我找了一篇,然后你用goole 或随便什么的翻译一下!。
After experiencing a steel war, auto war and beef war respectively, global trade war has evolved into a tug of war over textiles in 2005. China assumes a key role in the ongoing trade war due to its increasing participation in the exports of textile products. Chinese producers'' sophisticated ability to manufacture and export textiles gives rise to every-growing trade friction as well as every-rising vigilance from their American counterparts. China Daily quoted an article (China''s rise raises questions about free trade) in an American newspaper on June 16, 2005. This article adopts the pragmatic American view and argues that the United States should adjust its policy on free trade in view of China''s rapid rise.。
After World WarⅡ,with the support of major developed countries, including the United States and other economic power across the world , the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)/the World Trade Organization(WTO) was set up.(WTO replaced GATT formally on January 1,1995.) The establishment of GATT/ WTO lays a solid foundation for the present-day world trade system which regards free trade as its ultimate objective. America is the primary beneficiary of this world trade system. A study from America shows, the living standards of American people has been raised by 10% or so. The United States has gained from the advantages brought by economic globalization, such as less expensive imported commodities, growing competition and scientific and technological upgrading.。
The Untied States has also benefited from Sino-Us trade. China''s trade surplus with the U.S., which is likely to continue for many years, will not bring about devastating consequences or exert a damaging impact on US economy. Foreign-funded enterprises in China, which mainly contribute to China''s U.S.-trade surplus, have consistently accounted for a big chunk of China''s export volume, with a proportion of above 50%. Particularly, foreign-owned companies have paid the lion''s share 80% of the total export volume of China''s high-tech industries. For example, the export volume of personal computers in China amounted to 60 billions US dollars in 2004, and China retained its trade surplus. However,at least 3/4 of the profits of a computer goes to American businesses which research and develop software, design chip and sale the complete set of computer. The true story behind China''s trade surplus with the U.S. is that American businessmen have pocketed much of the earnings and Chinese manufacturers only have got modest economic returns.。
China''s miraculous rise is attributed to globalization, trade liberalization and the thriving domestic market of the United States. Thanks to unremitting and dauntless efforts made by Chinese people from all sectors of the society, China''s economy is developing at a dizzying pace. Compared with other developing country, China enjoys a huge domestic market and its economy is of a grand scale. China has emerged as a world factory. The United States keeps up its guard against China''s fast-paced development with a sense of insecurity. So that the United States is seeking to hinder china''s rapid development and hold high the banner of trade protectionism.。
Therefore, the question we will study here is whether a retreat to the trade protectionism is a wise choice for the United States? What are the implications of such an American approach on Sino-US trade as well as the world trade?。
In fact, America has never given up or abrogated the policy of trade protectionism and free trade has never been virtually realized. The Industrial revolution broke out in the United States in the early 19th, in an effort to met the challenges brought by Britain industrial products and fueled the development of American homegrown industries. The United State raises its tariff constantly. American average tariff rate has rose progressively to approximately 40% in 1824 from the somewhere between 7.5%-30% in 1816. This proportion has also surged to 45% in 1825, posing another sharp increase. Thanks to the implementation of the policy of trade protectionism, American industry was far ahead of others within the global reach in the 80'' of the 18th.。
Since China joined the WTO, the United States has adopted a tougher policy of trade protectionism towards China in a step-by-step fashion. A series of make-or-break measures have been outlined and adopted successively, for example The imposition of high duties on imported steel, anti-dumpling cases against China-made televisions and the imposition of quota restrictions on China-manufactured textiles. ...... All of above-mentioned issues give full _expression to the fact that the United States has earnestly implemented a policy of trade protectionism.。
The question we are facing is whether the surging American trade protectionism will lead the world economy and trade into a blind alley? Compared with the world of the late twentieth century, today''s world is far from stable and tranquil. For example, the international financial market is a fragile one, the WTO negotiations have almost reached a stalemate, multilateralism is porgressively being replaced by regionalism, competition among the economic powers in the global market is white-hot and the gap between the rich and the poor keeps growing day by day. How much the side effects of the rises of trade protectionism will add to the instability of global economy is still A mystery. However, we must be aware of the fact that trade war is emerging as an active factor.。
Whether the implementation of the policy of trade protectionism will reduce the trade deficit of the United States and address the problems on its home front is still unclear. Trade protectionism is not at all a newly started thing and maybe not a panacea. The United States has been experienced in imposing safeguards on Japan-manufactured automobile. As a result, the pressure from the U.S. has forced Japan to become a heavyweight player in the international arena. Japan ends up with a world-top automaker.。
The author regards free trade, the objective of WTO, as a mirage, and does not thing that free trade is achievable. However, the liberalization of trade may be achievable.。
The competition between free trade and protectionism never stops and will run through the entire history of world trade. As China experiences rapid economic growth it is nature for the United States to adopt a policy of protectionism towards China.。
China should be prepared for the adverse trade environment and the undesirable condition which is unlikely to take a turn for the better in the years ahead. Therefore, we ought to learn how to strive to survive under the every-increasing pressure.。
When settling the trade disputes between China and the United States, America should seek to maintain the stability of world economy and safeguard our win-win situation. The United States should also be made aware that China will not cave in the face of American protectionism or be led by the nose. China, a world factory, will find a way out of the deteriorating trading climate. The United States desperately needs to have a better understanding of the fact that America benefits a lot through Sino-US trade. America will lose a low-priced suppiier base and a vast market, if America impairs and hurts its relations with China.。
Dan Ikenson, an US trade policy analyst says, if the United States begins to impose tariffs and penalties on China, it would have a negative effect on consumers in the US. "It''s just a rash idea that would be ruinous to our economy," he said, doubting seriously that the tariffs would ever be imposed. "It''s not going to help anybody, it will hurt a lot of people though."。
China also has to go through a rethink of the ongoing trade war. China has paid a costly price for its success in gaining accession to WTO in a considerably long period of 15 years and has been compelled to open its door to the outside world accordingly. We have heeded lessons from American policy of pragmatism that we should put equal emphasis on the implementation of market opening policIes and self-protection. We ought to create a strategic development space for the industries with competitive strength and safeguard our own interests in the course of settling every single trade dispute.。
The minister of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce Bo Xilai announced on May 30, 2005, to the public media around the world that China will not make any concessions to the United States and will squarely address the trade friction with the United States in textiles. China''s approach will be viewed as an impressive turning point in the contemporary Chinese history of trade which featured every-expanding opening. This declaration also is the response given by China when China faces the changes caused by American reconsideration over free trade.。
The author hopes that the world trade system does not move into an indefinite period of protectionism . Conversely, the writer makes a wish that the trend of trade liberalization will be irresistible and the global welfare can be raised continually.。
By Eliza Patterson。
"It is getting ugly" is a phrase used with increasing frequency in the United States to describe the surge in China-bashing in the US Congress. The frenzy of activity in the Congress is the result of anxiety about the surging economic power of China and its expanding sphere of influence. Congress sees China as an export-driven giant racking which as a result of such unfair practices as currency manipulation has racked up an enormous and growing trade surplus with the US at the expense of US industry and workers. Even more troubling to Congress is the fact that China has accumulated over $650 billion in foreign exchange reserves. The fear is that China will use these assets to buy up important and strategic US assets. China''s bids for Maytag, IBM and most recently Unocal are considered a threat to US national security.。
Faced with this picture the Congress has taken a number of protectionist actions- none of which have any actual force as of now. It has drafted but not passed legislation that would impose a surcharge on all Chinese imports to counter what is viewed as an undervalued yuan; legislation that would bar the US Export-Import Bank from providing a $ 5 billion credit package to support a bid by Westinghouse to build nuclear plants in China; legislation that would bar the US Treasury from using funds to approve the Unocal sale to Cnooc; and passed a non-binding resolution expressing concern that the Cnooc sale would threaten US national security.。
While these measures clearly conflict with the long-standing liberal trade agenda of the United States, they do not signal a fundamental retreat from the policy of open trade. In fact many have pointed out the similarities between the current reaction to China to the anxieties created in the 1980s by the seemingly unstoppable rise of Japan. Then too alarms went off and some protectionist measures were taken. In the end however, the US remained firmly committed to liberal trade, pushing for greater multilateral liberalization in the Uruguay and Doha Rounds and undertaking the negotiation of multiple free-trade agreements. Then as now the retreat from liberal trade was based on anxiety about one specific trading partner not about the implications of open trade generally. And the protectionism now as then is targeted at just one trading partner and comes largely from just one branch of the US government- Congress. The Administration remains firmly committed to liberal trade and consequently there is little risk that protectionism will engulf US trade policy; or even US policy vis- a- vis China.。
This is not to say the Administration does not have numerous complaints about China. It does, ranging from China''s failure to adequately protect intellectual property to its policy of pegging the yuan to the dollar. But, as US Commerce Secretary Gutierrez said recently, the Bush Administration prefers negotiations to legislation and does not think that new tariffs and other barriers are the right answer to address US concerns.。
The US Congress would be well advised to consider the adverse impact its protectionist measures would have not only on US- China relations but also on US credibility in pushing for market liberalization world wide. It should listen to the many serious analysts who say the claims that Cnooc''s bid for Unocal threatens national security are unfounded. They should listen to the expert economists'' explanation of the potential adverse effects of a rapid move to a free floating yuan. And they should consider the impact on US consumers of increased tariffs on Chinese imports.。
For its part China must recognize that much of the US public and a number of US members of Congress are uneasy about the implications of China''s increasingly important role in the global economy. China should try to understand US anxieties and should seek to work with the US to alleviate those concerns. While the heated rhetoric coming from Congress is indeed "ugly", it should not be seen as an indication of a fundamental shift in US liberal trade policy or even of as an effort to isolate China or keep it off the global stage. Rather, the Congress, under pressure from segments of the public, is seeking changes in specific Chinese policies and practices that they regard as unfair if not WTO-illegal.。
China would be best served by seeking to negotiate a solution with the Bush Administration to US complaints regarding the yuan, intellectual property protection and Chinese barriers to US exports. Successful negotiations in which China agreed to move gradually toward a free floating yuan , to improve its enforcement of intellectual property rights and to remove at least some of the alleged barriers to US exports would almost certainly restrain Congressional protectionist threats.。
If negotiations with the Administration do not yield a mutually satisfactory solution, or if China refuses to enter negotiations at all, it can be expected that the US will retaliate by placing limits on some Chinese exports and perhaps denials of some Chinese investments in the US. Such action would be unfortunate and a step backward from the long-standing US goal of global liberal trade. It would not, however, signal a fundamental shift in US trade policy.。
If the US does take such actions China should take full advantage of its WTO membership and pursue a WTO complaint against the US. My guess is that if China won such a case the US would, after much agonizing, remove any WTO- illegal barriers because the Administration remains firmly committed to global trade liberalization and the rule of law as encompassed in the WTO.。
While segments of the US public and the US Congress are currently enamoured with China-bashing and threats of protectionism abound, US trade policy remains firmly in support of liberal trade, including with China.。
一、1、 one
英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn]。
pron. 一个人;任何人
adj. 一的;唯一的
n. 一
num. 一;一个
Formula One 一级方程式赛车 ; 方程式赛车 ; 一级方程式 ; 世界一级方程式锦标赛。
Marine One 海军陆战队一号 ; 陆战队一号 ; 海军一号 ; 陆战队1号。
one pair 一对 ; 对子 ; 一对对子 ; 一双。
Almost no one took any rest.。
Can you spare one of them for me?。
He blacked her eye with that one punch.。
英 [tuː] 美 [tu]。
n. 两个
adj. 两个的
num. 二
BBC TWO 英国广播公司第二台 ; 英国播送公司第二台 ; 英国广播企业第二台 ; 国广播公司二台。
Big Two 锄大弟 ; 大老二玩法 ; 大老二 ; 锄大地。
Two years 两年来 ; 两年内 ; 年两会 ; 两年。
You have your choice between the two.。
在这两个之中, 你有选择权。
They teamed Class One with Class Two.。
We encompassed the city with two divisions.。
三、3 、three
英 [θriː] 美 [θri]。
n. 三,三个
num. 三
adj. 三的,三个的
Three Brothers 里加三兄弟 ; 三兄弟群岛 ; 不像三兄弟 ; 三兄弟。
Three Pagodas 崇圣寺三塔 ; 三塔。
Three Idiots 三个白痴 ; 三傻大闹宝莱坞 ; 三个傻瓜 ; 傻瓜大闯宝莱坞。
Three years ago he clerked in a bank.。
She ticked off three items on the list.。
I had only danced with Mary about three minutes when someone cut in.。
英 [fɔː] 美 [fɔr]。
num. 四;四个
adj. 四的;四个的
Four Modernizations 四个现代化 ; 四化 ; 现代化 ; 四个古代化。
Four temperaments 体液学说 ; 四种气质类型 ; 四种气质。
Connect Four 屏风式四子棋 ; 四子棋 ; 四子连横棋 ; 连接四个。
The department offers four specialities.。
His relationship with Mary went through four stages.。
About four months out of six, the Senator is away politicking.。
五、5、 five
英 [faɪv] 美 [faɪv]。
n. 五,五个;五美元钞票
num. 五,五个
adj. 五的;五个的
Five Cereals 五谷 ; 五谷丰。
Five Punishments 五刑。
Five Strengths 五力。
We work from nine to five.。
They ran this short story in five issues.。
He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.。
6、 six:[sɪks]
7 seven:[ˈsev(ə)n]。
8、 eight:[eɪt]
9 、nine:[naɪn]
10、 ten:[ten]
11、 eleven:[ɪˈlev(ə)n]。
12、 twelve:[twelv]。
13、 thirteen:[θɜːˈtiːn; ˈθɜːtiːn]。
14、 fourteen:[fɔːˈtiːn; ˈfɔːtiːn]。
15、 fifteen:[fɪfˈtiːn; ˈfɪftiːn]。
16 、sixteen:[sɪksˈtiːn; ˈsɪkstiːn]。
17、 seventeen:[sev(ə)nˈtiːn; ˈsev(ə)ntiːn]。
18、 eighteen:[eɪˈtiːn; ˈeɪtiːn]。
19、 nineteen:[naɪnˈtiːn; ˈnaɪntiːn]。
20 、twenty:[ˈtwentɪ]。
21 、twenty-one:[ˈtwentɪˌwʌn]。
22 、twenty-two:[ˌtwentɪˈtuː]。
23、 twenty-three:[tˈwentiːθrˈiː]。
24、 twenty-four:[tˈwentiːfˈɔːr]。
25、 twenty-five:[ˈtwentɪfaɪv]。
26、 twenty-six:[tˈwentiːsˈɪks]。
27、 twenty-seven:[tˈwentiːsˈevn]。
28、 twenty-eight:[tˈwentiːˈeɪt]。
29 、twenty-nine:[tˈwentiːnˈaɪn]。
30、 thirty:[ˈθɜːtɪ]。
31、 thirty-one:[ˈθɜːtiːwˈʌn]。
32、 thirty-two:[ˈθɜːtiːtˈuː]。
33、 thirty-three:[ˈθɜːtɪθrɪ]。
34、 thirty-four:[ˈθɜːtiːfˈɔːr]。
35 、thirty-five:[ˈθɜːtiːfˈaɪv]。
36、 thirty-six:[ˈθɜːtiːsˈɪks]。
37、 thirty-seven:[ˈθɜːtiːsˈevn]。
38 、thirty-eight:[ˈθəːtiˈeit]。
39、 thirty-nine:[ˈθɜːtiːnˈaɪn]。
40、 forty:[ˈfɔːtɪ]。
41、 forty-one:[ˈfɔːtɪˌwʌn]。
42、 forty-two:[ˈfɔːtiːtˈuː]。
43、 forty-three:[ˈfɔːtiːθrˈiː]。
44、 forty-four:[ˈfɔːtiːfˈɔːr]。
45、 forty-five:[ˈfɔːtɪfaɪv]。
46 、forty-six:[ˈfɔːtiːsˈɪks]。
47、 forty-seven:[ˈfɔːtiːsˈevn]。
48、 forty-eight:[ˈfɔːtiˈeit]。
49、 forty-nine:[ˈfɔːtiːnˈaɪn]。
50、 fifty:[ˈfɪftɪ]。
51、 fifty-one:[ˈfiftiwʌn]。
52、 fifty-two:[ˈfɪftiːtˈuː]。
53、 fifty-three:[ˈfɪftiːθrˈiː]。
54、 fifty-four:[ˈfɪftiːfˈɔːr]。
55、 fifty-five:[fːftifaiv]。
56、 fifty-six:[ˈfɪftiːsˈɪks]。
57、 fifty-seven:[ˈfɪftiːsˈevn]。
58、 fifty-eight:[ˈfɪftiːˈeɪt]。
59、 fifty-nine:[ˈfɪftiːnˈaɪn]。
60、 sixty:[ˈsɪkstɪ]。
61、 sixty-one:[ˈsɪkstiːwˈʌn]。
62、 sixty-two:[ˈsɪkstiːtˈuː]。
63、 sixty-three:[ˈsɪkstiːθrˈiː]。
64、 sixty-four:[ˈsɪkstiːfˈɔːr]。
65、 sixty-five:[ˈsɪkstiːfˈaɪv]。
66、 sixty-six:[ˈsɪkstiːsˈɪks]。
67 、sixty-seven:[ˈsɪkstiːsˈevn]。
68、 sixty-eight:[ˈsɪkstiːˈeɪt]。
69、 sixty-nine:[ˈsikstiˈnain]。
70、 seventy:[ˈsev(ə)ntɪ]。
71、 seventy-one:[ˈsevntiːwˈʌn]。
72、 seventy-two:[ˈsevntiːtˈuː]。
73、 seventy-three:[ˈsevntiːθrˈiː]。
74、 seventy-four:[ˈsevəntiˈfɔː]。
75 、seventy-five:[ˈsevntiːfˈaɪv]。
76 、seventy-six:[ˈsevntiːsˈɪks]。
77、 seventy-seven:[ˈsevntiːsˈevn]。
78 、seventy-eight:[ˈsevntiːˈeɪt]。
79、 seventy-nine:[ˈsevntiːnˈaɪn]。
80 、eighty:[ˈeɪti]。
81、 eighty-one:[ˈnaɪntɪ]。
82、 eighty-two:[ˈeitiˈwʌn]。
83、 eighty-three:[ˈeitiˈtuː]。
84、 eighty-four:[ˈeɪtiːθrˈiː]。
85 、eighty-five:[ˈeitiˈfɔː]。
86、 eighty-six:[ˈeɪtiːfˈaɪv]。
87 、eighty-seven:[ˈeɪtiːsˈɪks]。
88 、eighty-eight:[ˈeɪtiːsˈevn]。
89、 eighty-nine:[ˈeɪtiːeɪt]。
90、 ninety:[ˈeɪtiːnˈaɪn]。
91、 ninety-one:[ˈnaɪntiːwˈʌn]。
92、 ninety-two:[ˈnaɪntiːtˈuː]。
93 、ninety-three:[ˈnaɪntiːθrˈiː]。
94 、ninety-four:[ˈnaɪntiːfˈɔːr]。
95、 ninety-five:[ˈnaintiˈfaiv]。
96、 ninety-six:[ˈnaɪntiːsˈɪks]。
97 、ninety-seven:[ˈnaɪntiːsˈevn]。
98 、ninety-eight:[ˈnaɪntiːˈeɪt]。
99 、ninety-nine:[ˈnaɪntiːnˈaɪn]。
100 、one/a hundred:[wʌn] [ə; eɪ] [ˈhʌndrəd]。
1. Wild Men
Written records of ‘Wild Men’ in Tibet can be traced back to 1784. Moreover, countless reports and witnesses tell of men being kidnapped by “Wild Women” and begetting children. A number of research teams have gone into east Tibet, but it still remains a mystery.。
2. Red Snow
Large combinations of red alga grow in Himalayan regions 5000 meters above sea level, providing a stunning red glow in the snow at dusk. High plateau alga is widely distributed in permafrost regions; and surprisingly, survive even the most severe weather conditions, below - 36℃.。
3.Rainbow Body or Body of Light。
Rainbows traditionally coincidently appear in the sky upon the death of a hierarch or a hidden yogi, and the body would disappear in the light, leaving only remnants of nails and hair. It is believed that those masters ascend to the Mandala.。
4. Everest Clouds。
On bright days, plume clouds are often seen trailing from the downwind slope of Mount Everest. Prevailing winds from the west blow the clouds east like a billowing flag attached to the mountain. When the wind reaches 80 km/h (50 mph), the flag cloud is at a right angle to the peak. Everest often protrudes into the high-speed, world-girdling jet stream, and, thereby, produces such flag clouds.。
Ascending airflow caused by mountains creates the cloud, as is expressed by the saying, 'Mountains make their own weather.” Everest clouds have been given the name “the highest vane in the world”.。
5. Ruins of Xiangxiong Kingdom。
The legendary Xiangxiong Kingdom was the earliest civilization center on the Tibetan plateau. Xiangxiong means land of the roc (a mythical huge bird) in Tibetan. According to historical records, before the rise of the Tubo Kingdom (629-846), the Xiangxiong Kingdom existed and flourished in western Tibet, surviving mainly on animal husbandry and some agriculture. The kingdom even established ties with the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in China‘s Central Plains. Tibetan historical records show that the Xiangxiong Kingdom flourished in the 7th century and contained a highly developed culture that included the unique Xiangxiong written language. It was also the cradle of Bon, the indigenous Tibetan religion. The Xiangquan (Elephant Spring River) and Shiquan (Lion Spring River) valleys were its central regions. Xiangxiong culture, consisting of religion, characters, and medical science, occupies an important position in Tibet‘s history. At the height of its power and splendor, the kingdom boasted extreme military prowess, and occupied most of the Tibetan plateau, parts of today‘s Qinghai and Sichuan provinces, and even the Ladak Kingdom (reputedly today‘s Kashmir). Later, in the 8th Century, Tubo tribes grew increasingly stronger and conquered Xiangxiong. Hence, Xiangxiong and its culture disappeared almost overnight, leaving no traces of its glorious past and its highly developed civilization. Even today, historians are unable to identify the cultural legacies and ruins of the Xiangxiong civilization. The sudden disappearance of the Xiangxiong Kingdom remains a mystery.。
6. Bards
The Tibetan Epic of King Gesar, the longest epic in the world, is still alive among the Tibetan people. It has been handed down for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today. The epic enjoys a wide popularity in Tibetan areas thanks to the songs of generations of local bards.。
It is reported that ballad singers in Tibet and surrounding regions sometimes begin their career by experiencing a strange dream during sleep. After waking from these, they mysteriously and inexplicably gain the ability to recite large sections of the huge epic "King Gesar" poem. They may be able to continuously recite sections of the poem for several hours on end. Sometimes, young children even gain this ability. There is a growing amount of research interested in determining the exact brain mechanism that allow this extraordinary and remarkable memorization to occur。
7. The Guge Kingdom。
Guge was an ancient kingdom in Western Tibet. It encompassed the present-day tracts of Zanskar, Upper Kinnaur, Lahul and Spiti (now controlled by modern day India). The ruins of Guge are located 1200 miles west of Lhasa.。
Guge was founded in the 10th century AD. Its capitals were located at Tholing and Tsaparang. Its founder was the great-grandson of Glang Darma, the last king of Tibetan kingdom of Tubo. This king's eldest son became ruler of Mar-yul (Ladakh), and his two younger sons ruled western Tibet, founding the Kingdom of Guge and Pu-hrang. At a later period the king of Guge's eldest son Kor-re, also called Byang Chub Ye shes' Od, became a Buddhist monk. He was responsible for inviting Atisha to Tibet in 1040, and thus ushering in the so called Phyi dar phase of Buddhism in Tibet. The younger son, Srong-nge, was responsible for day-to-day governmental affairs; it was his sons who continued the royal dynasty.。
The first westerner to reach Guge was a Jesuit missionary Antonio del Andrade in 1626. Del Andrade is reported to have seen irrigation canals and rich crops in what is now a dry and desolate land.。
Perhaps as evidence of the kingdom's openness, del Andrade's party was allowed to construct a chapel in Tsaparang and educate the local people about Christianity. Perhaps as a consequence of this, an Islamic army of Ladakhis came from present day Kashmir and conquered Guge castle in 1632. The 700-year-old kingdom was destroyed.。
8. Terma, hidden treasure。
Terma are key Tibetan Buddhist and Bön teachings, originally esoterically secreted and/or elementally encoded by Guru Padmasambhava and his consorts in the 8th century.。
Terma may be traditionally understood as either being of the "earth" or of the "mind". The earth-terma are physical objects — which may be either an actual text, or physical objects that trigger a recollection of the teaching. The mind-terma are constituted by space or æther and arise via guru-transmission, or realizations achieved in meditation and trance which connect the practitioner directly with the essential content of the teaching in one simultaneous experience. Once this has occurred, the tertön holds the complete teaching in mind and is required by convention to transcribe the terma twice from memory (if of textual nature) in one uninterrupted session. The transcriptions are then compared and if no discrepancy or inconsistency is evident, the terma is sealed as authentic. The tertön is required to realise the essence of the terma prior to formal transmission.。
9. Shambhala
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala (also spelled Shambala or Shamballa) is a mystical kingdom hidden somewhere beyond the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. The myth of Shambala and its location is also more developed in Buddhism. The Kalachakra prophesizes that when the world degenerates into war and greed, and all is lost, the twenty-fifth Kulika king will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish the corrupt and usher in a worldwide Golden Age. There are various ideas about where this society is located, but it is often placed in central Asia, north or west of Tibet.。
10. Shaman
A Shaman is someone who works with people as a healer, counsellor, exorcist, advisor, teacher, seer and spiritual guide.。
Like a medicine man or priest, the shaman cures illnesses, directs communal sacrifices, and escorts the souls of the dead to the other world. He operates by using techniques of ecstasy, the power to leave his body at will during a trancelike state. Cultures containing shamanism often regard sickness as the result of a lost soul. It is thus the shaman's task to enter the spirit world, capture the soul, and reintegrate it into the body. A person becomes a shaman either by inheritance or by self-proclamation.。