
问题描述:篮球的规则(用英语的,100词左右) 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!




Duration of Game Four, 10 minute periods Four, 12 minute periods Two, 20 minute halves 。

Overtime Duration 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 。

Duration Between First-Second and Third-Fourth Periods 2 minutes 130 seconds not applicable 。

Length of Halftime 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 mihe nutes 。

Court Length 91' 10" x 49' 2.5" 94' x 50' 94' x 50' 。

Size of Lane 19 ' 8.2" x 19' 0.3" 16' x 19' 12' x 19' 。

Three-Point FG Distance 20' 6.1 " 23' 9" (22' in corner) 19' 9" 。

Shot Clock 24 seconds 24 seconds 35 seconds 。

Shot Clock Reset FG attempt hits rim FG attempt hits rim FG attempt hits rim 。

Back Court Violation 8 seconds 8 seconds 10 seconds 。

Game Clock Stops After Successful FG Last 2 minutes of 4th period and overtime Last 2 minutes of 4th period and overtime Last minute of second half and last minute of overtime 。

Player Foul Limit 5 6 5 。

Bonus Free Throw 5th foul per period (two FTs) 5th foul per period (one-and-one only) 7th foul per half (one-and-one) 10th foul per half (two FTs) 。

Number of Players Permitted On Free Throw Lane 5 (three defensive, two offensive) 5 (three defensive, two offensive) 6 (four defensive, two offensive) 。

Jump Ball Yes Yes Teams alternate possession after opening tip-off 。

Legal Alley-Oop Yes Yes Yes 。

Touch Ball On/Above Cylinder Yes No No 。

Closely Guarded For 5 Seconds Yes (while holding the ball) No Yes (while holding/dribbling ball) 。

Number of Referees Two (three can be used in competitions if the Zone or host federation wish to) Three Three 。


Non-Televised Game 1 60-second in each of the first three periods, 2 60-second in 4th period 6 full, 1 20-second per half 4 75-second and 2 30-second per game 。

Televised Game 1 60-second in each of the first three periods, 2 60-second in 4th period 6 full, 1 20-second per half 1 60-second, 4 30-second per game; unused 60-second and max of 3 unused 30-second carry over to second half 。

Timeouts-Overtime 1 additional 60-second 3 additional full 1 additional 30-second timeout and unused second half 30-second timeouts carry over 。

Timeouts Called By Coach Player in game Head coach or player in game 。

Size of Basketball Maximum Circumference。

78 cm (30.7") Around channels。

29 1/2" to 29 3/4"。

Across channels 。

29 5/8" to 29 7/8" Maximum Circumference 30"。

Seams 1/4" Max. 。

Legal Jersey Numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 All numbers 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 52, 52, 53, 54, 55 。

Women's FIBA (International), WNBA, And NCAA Basketball Rule Differences RULE FIBA WNBA NCAA 。

Duration of Game Four, 10 minute periods Two, 20 minute halves Two, 20 minute halves 。

Overtime Duration 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 。

Length of Halftime 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 。

Duration Between First-Second and Third-Fourth Periods 2 minutes not applicable Not applicable 。

Court Length 91' 10" x 49' 2.5" 94' x 50' 94' x 50' 。

Size of Lane 19 ' 8.2 " x 19' 0.3" 12' x 19' 12' x 19' 。

Three-Point FG Distance 20' 6.1 " 19' 9" 19' 9" 。

Shot Clock 24 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds 。

Shot Clock Reset FG attempt hits rim FG attempt hits rim FG attempt hits rim 。

Back Court Violation 8 seconds 10 seconds No restriction 。

Game Clock Stops After Successful FG Last two minutes of 4th period and overtime Last minute of each half and overtime Last minute of game and last minute of overtime 。

Player Foul Limit 5 6 5 。

Bonus Free Throw 5th foul per period (two FTs) 8th foul per half (two FTs) On 3rd OT foul (two FTs) 7th foul per half (1-and-1) 10th foul per half (two FTs) 。

Number of Players Permitted On Free Throw Lane 5 (three defensive, two offensive) 5 (three defensive, two offensive) 5 (three defensive, two offensive) 。

Jump Ball Yes Yes Teams alternate possession after opening tip-off 。

Closely Guarded For Five Seconds Yes, while holding the ball No Yes, while holding the ball 。

Timeouts - Non-TV Game 1 60-second in each of the first three periods, 2 60-second in 4th period 1 120-second and 1 20-second in first half; 1 120-second and 2 20-second in the second half 4 75-second and 2 30-second per game 。

Timeouts - TV Game 1 60-second in each of the first three periods, 2 60-second in 4th period Same as non-TV game 1 60-second, 4 30-second first half; unused 60-second and max of 3 unused 30-second carry over to second half 。

Timeouts - Overtime 1 additional 60-second 1 120-second, 1 20-second; 1 unused 20-second second half timeout can carry over Any not used in regulation carry over plus 1 additional 30-second each OT 。

Timeouts Called By Coach Player in game Coach or player in game 。

Number of Referees Two (three can be used in competitions if the Zone or host federation wish to) Three Three 。

Size of Basketball Max. Circumference 78 cm (30' 7") Max. Circumference 29" -Max. Circumference 29" 。

-Maximum Weight 20 ounces 。

-Seams 1/4" wide max 。

Legal Jersey Numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 0, 00, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55。









hip hop & English 高手进的相关图片

hip hop & English 高手进

★《美国偶像》是美国福克斯公司在英国系列电视节目《流行偶像 PopIdol》的基础上经过改编推出的真人秀电视节目。该节目的参赛者必须是美国公民,年龄必须在16岁到24岁。到了2006年,参赛年龄限制才被放宽到28岁。这个节目一直是福克斯公司的收视法宝,其冠军获得者的奖品就是一纸演唱合约。节目播出4年来,虽然舆论也是褒贬不一,但无疑受到了很高的关注。前年五音不全的孔庆翔极具喜剧感的表现被评委嘲笑并被当场淘汰,他却以一句“我已经尽力了,因此我不会有丝毫遗憾”一夜成名,不但赢得了美国观众的支持,还成功签约发行了第一张专辑,引发了世界各地关于偶像的讨论。


★起源于英国的Pop Idol(流行偶像),《美国偶像》节目自开播以来一直是美国Neilson收视率排行榜第一名。节目形式是:三位评委Simon Cowell、Randy Jackson、Paula Abdul 和主持人Ryan Seacrest在全美国寻找“美国偶像”--流行天皇、天后。
















漂亮性感的是Paula Abdul:

Paula出生于1962年6月19日的加利福尼亚,父母是Harry Abdul和Lorraine Abdul。父母亲在1969年离异。在1987年Paula很明智的拿出3万美元灌注了一张唱片。在1988年《Knocked Out》在Billboard最棒100张唱片中排名48。陆续发布的多张唱片都为Paula带来很高的赞誉和很大的发行量。1996年10月25日, Paula和Brad beckerman结婚。她的婚礼还登上了杂志和电视台的节目。担任《美国偶像》的评委对Paula来说是很具有挑战性。

黑人叫Randy Jackson :

Randy出生于1956年6月23日,出生地是路易斯安那州。2004年曾出演过电视剧《Dr. Vegas》,2005年参演《Kevin Hill》。他从80年代起就活跃在唱片业界,当过乐手,制作人和投资者。在1983至1986年曾在Journey乐队担任过临时贝司手。他一直在 Columbia唱片公司和MCA唱片公司担任行政管理。2002年开始在《美国偶像》中担任评委,并且以他的特殊评语闻名。却在2003年做了胃旁路手术,因此他错过了2004季的比赛,损失了至少100英镑 。

那个搞笑的,貌似各个选手都讨厌的英国人Simon Cowell :

Simon在1979年由唱片业开始他的事业,他签约了EMI音乐发行公司。学会了怎样打造一张热门的唱片。随后他和合作伙伴Iain Burton创造属于自己的品牌"Fanfare"。1989年BMG公司聘请Simon担任顾问。著名的歌唱团体Westlife就是他旗下的生力军。 Simon的生活可是非常甜美的,据《The Sunday Times Rich List》估价,Simon一年就赚了上百万,这多亏了《Pop Idol》的品牌效应。


对了还有场外的帅主持人Ryan Seacrest :

Ryan由高中毕业时背诵对祖国宣誓效忠的誓词而对广播剧开始感兴趣。他的事业始于他在16岁时申请一家亚特兰大的电台-WSTR/Star 94的实习生。一开始他的事业非常不顺,后来调整了节目的时间段使他的节目一跃成为最受欢迎的热点节目。后Ryan搬到洛杉矶定居。他赢得了很多机会,其中就包括多部节目的主持。Ryan很喜欢烹饪,闲暇时间就泡在厨房里,他说如果他的事业不尽如人意的话就会去烹饪学校就职!可目前他的事业可是如日中天,事实上他可是一本洛山基杂志评选的本城最性感男人之一。



Kelly Clarkson 。

Justin Guarini 。

Nikki McKibbin 。

Tamyra Gray

RJ Helton

Christina Christian 。

Ryan Starr

A.J. Gil

Jim Verraros

EJay Day


Ruben Studdard 。

Clay Aiken

Kimberley Locke 。

Joshua Gracin 。


Carmen Rasmusen 。

Kimberly Caldwell 。

Rickey Smith 。

Corey Clark

Julia DeMato

Charles Grigsby 。

Vanessa Olivarez 。


Fantasia Barrino 。

Diana DeGarmo 。

Jasmine Trias 。

LaToya London 。

George Huff

John Stevens

Jennifer Hudson 。

Jon Peter Lewis 。

Camile Velasco 。

Amy Adams

Matthew Rogers 。

Leah LaBelle


Carrie Underwood 。

Bo Bice

Vonzell Solomon 。

Anthony Fedorov 。

Scott Savol

Constantine Maroulis 。

Anwar Robinson 。

Nadia Turner

Nikko Smith

Jessica Sierra 。

Mikalah Gordon 。

Lindsey Cardinale 。


Taylor Hicks

Katharine McPhee 。

Elliott Yamin 。

Chris Daughtry 。

Paris Bennett 。

Kellie Pickler 。

Ace Young

Bucky Covington 。

Mandisa Hundley 。

Lisa Tucker

Kevin Covais

Melissa McGhee 。


Jordin Sparks 。

Blake Lewis

Melinda Doolittle 。

LaKisha Jones 。

Chris Richardson 。

Phil Stacey

Sanjaya Malakar 。

Haley Scarnato 。

Gina Glocksen 。

Chris Sligh

Stephanie Edwards 。

Brandon Rogers 。









Rapping, also known as Emceeing, Flowing, MCing, Rhyme spitting, Spitting, or Rhyming, is the rhythmic delivery of rhymes, one of the central elements of hip hop music and culture. Although the word rap has sometimes been claimed to be a backronym of the phrase "Rhythmic American Poetry", "Rhythm and Poetry", "Rhythmically Applied Poetry", or "Rhythmically Associated Poetry", use of the word to describe quick and slangy speech or repartee long predates the musical form.[1] Rapping can be delivered over a beat or without accompaniment. Stylistically, rap occupies a grey area among speech, prose, poetry, and song. Rap is derived from the griots (folk poets) of West Africa, Caribbean-style toasting, and American Blues and Jazz roots.。

Rapping developed both inside and outside of hip hop since Jamaican expatriate Kool Herc first began doing his dancehall toasting in New York in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the success of groups like Run-DMC led to a huge wave of commercialized rap music. By the end of the 1990s, hip hop became widely accepted in mainstream music. Underground Hip-hop rapping from the 2000s has complex rhythms, cadences, an intricate poetic form, and inventive wordplay. Rap lyrics convey the street life from which hip hop originally emerged with references to popular culture and hip-hop slang. Although rap has become an international phenomenon, many types of rap deal with issues such as race, socioeconomic class, and gender.。



* 1 History。

o 1.1 Roots。

o 1.2 1970s。

o 1.3 1980s。

o 1.4 1990s。

o 1.5 2000s。

* 2 Writing。

o 2.1 Rhyme styles。

o 2.2 Literary technique。

o 2.3 Diction & Dialect。

o 2.4 Subject matter。

* 3 Performance。

o 3.1 Flow。

o 3.2 Freestyle rapping。

o 3.3 Battle rapping。

* 4 Social Impact。

o 4.1 Race & Class。

o 4.2 Gender and sexuality。

o 4.3 Derivatives and influence。

o 4.4 Regional variations。

+ 4.4.1 France。

+ 4.4.2 Portugal。

+ 4.4.3 UK。

+ 4.4.4 Greece。

* 5 See also。

* 6 Sources。

* 7 Further reading。

[edit] History

Main article: History of hip hop。

See also: African American music, Music of the United States, History of poetry, Jamaican music, and Caribbean music。

[edit] Roots

See also: Roots of hip hop and Talking blues。

Rapping in hip hop music can be traced back in many ways to its African roots. Centuries before the United States existed, the griots (folk poets) of West Africa were rhythmically delivering stories over drums and sparse instrumentation. Because of the time that has passed since the griots of old, the connections between rap and the African griots are widely established, but not clear–cut. However, such connections have been acknowledged by rappers, modern day "griots", spoken-word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics.[2][3][4][5]。

Blues music, rooted in the work songs and spirituals of slavery and influenced greatly by West African musical traditions, was first played by blacks (and some whites) in the Mississippi Delta region of the United States around the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. Grammy-winning blues musician/historian Elijah Wald and others have argued that the blues were being rapped as early as the 1920s.[6][7] Wald went so far as to call hip hop "the living blues."[6]。

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping.。

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping.。

Jazz, developed from the blues and other African-American musical traditions, originated around the beginning of the 20th century. According to John Sobol, the jazz musician and poet who wrote Digitopia Blues, rap "bears a striking resemblance to the evolution of jazz both stylistically and formally."[8]。

During the mid-20th century, the musical culture of the Caribbean was constantly influenced by the concurrent changes in American music. In the 1950s through the 1970s, the descendants of Caribbean slaves in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago were mixing their traditional folk music styles of mento and Calypso music with the jazz, soul, rock and blues of America.. In Jamaica this influenced the creation of Reggae music (and later Dancehall), while in Trinidad, this influenced the creation of Soca. As early as 1969, Deejays were toasting (an African tradition of "rapped out" tales of heroism) over dubbed Jamaican beats. It was called rap, expanding the word's earlier meaning in the African-American community— "to discuss or debate informally."[9]。

[edit] 1970s

The dubbed dancehall toasts of Jamaica, as well as the disco-rapping and jazz-based spoken word beat poetry of the United States set the template for the rapping in hip hop music. Gil Scott-Heron, a Jazz Poet and Bluesman who wrote and released such seminal songs as The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, H2OGate Blues Part 2: We Beg Your Pardon America and Johannesberg, has been cited as an influence on many rappers. One of the first rappers in hip hop was also hip hop's first DJ— Kool Herc. Herc, a Jamaican immigrant, started delivering simple raps at his parties in the early 1970s. As Herc would explain in a 1989 interview, "[t]he whole chemistry came from Jamaica. I was listening to American music in Jamaica, and my favorite artist was James Brown. When I came over here I just had to put it in the American style."[10] Although rapping in hip hop began with the DJs, most rappers today don't DJ or produce on a regular basis; Coke La Rock is cited by Kool Herc as the first example of such a rapper.[11] By the end of the 1970s, hip hop had spread throughout New York, and was getting some radio play. Rappers were increasingly writing songs that fit pop music structures and featured continuous rhymes. Melle Mel (of The Furious Five) stands out as one of the earliest rap innovators.。

[edit] 1980s

See also: Old school hip hop and Golden age hip hop。

From the 1970s to the early 1980s, Melle Mel set the way for future rappers through his sociopolitical content as well as his creative wordplay. Hip hop lyricism saw its biggest change with the popularity of Run-DMC's Raising Hell in the mid-1980s, known especially for the rap/rock collaboration with rock band Aerosmith in the song "Walk This Way". This album helped set the tone of toughness and lyrical prowess in hip hop; Run-DMC were almost yelling their aggressive lyrics.。

The 1980s saw a huge wave of commercialized rap music, that with it brought success and international popularity. Rap music transcended its original demographic and passed in to the suburbs. Rap music in this time kept its original fan base in the 'ghetto' while attracting interest from mainstream consumers. This decade also saw the emergence of what we now know as old school hip hop talented artists such as Run DMC, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and the first white rap band the Beastie Boys. This decade is also referred to as the Golden age hip hop by modern music historians. Rap in the early 1980s centered mostly around self promotion e.g. the amount of gold worn or one's prowess with females, however in 1987 Public Enemy introduced a more socio-political edge with their debut album Yo! Bum Rush the Show. Other artists such as The Jungle Brothers looked to Africa for inspiration. In 1987 the rap group N.W.A. released their first album entitled N.W.A. and the Posse, and included rap stars Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Eazy E, and MC Ren. This release marked the first shift from the golden age to the ensuing ages of Gansta rap and G-Funk.。

[edit] 1990s

See also: Golden age hip hop and Gangster rap。

Rap in the 1990s saw a substantial change in direction in the style of rapping. Where the 1980s were characterized by verses mostly constrained to straightforward structures and rhyme schemes, rappers in the 1990s explored deviations from those basic forms, freeing up the lyrical flow and switching up the patterns to create a much more fluid and complex style. The style on the East coast became more aggressive, a style pioneered by Ghostface Killah and Notorious B.I.G., while West coast hip-hop became more laid-back, funky, and smooth, as made popular by Dr. Dre and 2pac.。

Audio samples of the roots of rapping。

* Deep down in my heart (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o A spiritual performed by W. M. Givens in Darien, Georgia in 1926.。

* Dollar Mamie (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o A Southern work song performed by Judge "Bootmouth" Tucker and Alexander "Neighborhood" Williams in 1939.。

* Small Talk at 125th and Lenox (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o Gil Scott Heron's spoken word poetry has had a significant influence on hip hop through its political and socially conscious lyrics.。

* Problems playing the files? See media help.。

In terms of subject matter, the 1990s saw a shift from personal promotion and glorification to narratives of street experience and darker social observation, although this shift was more pronounced on the East coast than it was on the West. Rappers like the Guru of Gang Starr and Raekwon the Chef of the Wu-Tang Clan wove a new hip-hop lexicon out of Five Percenter terminology and personal experience that continues to dominate the lyrics of many MCs to this day.。

The 1990s were marked by a tense rivalry between MCs of the East and West coast, including a feud between Sean "Puffy" Combs' Bad Boy Records in the East, including the Notorious B.I.G., and Dr. Dre and Suge Knight's Death Row Records (including 2pac and Snoop Dogg). Freestyling became a skill that demonstrates an MC's versatility and creativity, but also as a verbal "duel" or "spar". The mid 1990s were marked by the violent deaths of Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., Freaky Tah, and Big L (among others). By the end of the 1990s, hip-hop became widely accepted in mainstream music.。

[edit] 2000s

Main article: New school hip hop。

The genre of rap and hip-hop in its modern iteration is increasingly influenced by other musical forms. Notably, remixes of existing hits with current notable rappers has become an increasing trend. The influence of rap has increased internationally, with independent styles, such as Grime, Trip Hop, and Hyphy. Southern and midwestern rap has also gained increasing popularity and penetrated the coastal markets on a large scale for the first time. Along with the increasing commercialisation of rap and hip-hop culture, this has led to many artists such as Nas to claim that "hip-hop is dead", echoing the common ironic refrain from self-identified Punks that Punk is dead.。

[edit] Writing

Audio samples of rapping。

* Planet Rock (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o Hip hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa mixed electro with old school rapping and beats in what is sometimes called "electro hop." Bambaata, the DJ, is also the rapper in this song— after all, the first rapping in hip hop was done from behind the turntables.。

* The Message (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o Written and rapped in 1982 by Melle Mel of the Furious Five, this song, more than any other to date, established rap as a vehicle for sociopolitical commentary. Note, however, the simple cadence and flow that were characteristic of the old school era.。

* Niggas Bleed (file info) — [Play media] play in browser (beta)。

o Notorious BIG tells vivid stories about his everyday life as a criminal in Brooklyn. Note the constant changing up of the lyrical flow and cadence characteristic of new school hip hop.。

* Problems playing the files? See media help.。

[edit] Rhyme styles。

See also: Rhyme scheme。

Aside from 'flow' (the voice and tone of a particular MC), and rhythmic delivery, the only other central element of rapping is rhyme. In classical poetry, rhymes that span many syllables are often considered whimsical, but in hip hop the ability to construct raps with large sets of rhyming syllables is valued. Rap can contain any and all forms of rhyme found in classical poetry such as consonance, assonance, half rhyme, or internal rhyme. Rappers are known for their style of rhyming. Juelz Santana often avoids full rhymes in favor of assonance, consonance, half rhymes, and internal rhymes. Eminem, on the other hand, often focuses on complex and lengthy multisyllabic rhyme schemes, while "flowas" like Rakim use metaphorical, emotional, rhyming, and story telling to communicate a message.。

[edit] Literary technique。

Main article: Literary technique。

Rappers use double entendres, alliteration, and all other forms of wordplay that are also found in classical poetry. Similes and metaphors are used extensively in rap lyrics; rappers such as Fabolous and Lloyd Banks have written entire songs wherein every line contains a simile or metaphor.。

Hip hop lyrics often make passing references to popular culture and other topics. An example is the song Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta F' Wit by the Wu-Tang Clan, in which RZA rhymes,。

"I be tossin', enforcin', my style is awesome。

I'm causin more Family Feuds than Richard Dawson。

And the survey said - you're dead。

Fatal flying guillotine chops off your fuckin' head"。

Such allusions serve to illustrate or exaggerate a statement, or are simply used for humour. Some of these reference are overtly political, while others simply acknowledge, credit, or show dismay about aspects of the rapper's culture and life.。

[edit] Diction & Dialect。

Many hip hop listeners believe that a rapper's lyrics are enhanced by a complex vocabulary. Kool Moe Dee claims that he appealed to older audiences by using a complex vocabulary in his raps.[12] Rap is famous, however, for having its own vocabulary— from international hip hop slang to local/regional slang. Some artists, like the Wu-Tang Clan, develop an entire lexicon among their clique. African American Vernacular English has always had a significant effect on hip hop slang, and vice-versa. Certain regions have introduced their unique regional slang to hip hop culture, such as the Bay Area (Mac Dre, E-40), Houston (Chamillionaire, Paul Wall), Atlanta (OutKast, Lil Jon, T.I.), and Kentucky (Nappy Roots). The Nation of Gods and Earths, a religious/spiritual group spun off from the Nation of Islam, has influenced mainstream hip hop slang with the introduction of phrases such as "word is bond" that have since lost much of their original spiritual meaning.。

West Coast rapper Snoop Dogg performing for the US Navy。

West Coast rapper Snoop Dogg performing for the US Navy。

Preference toward one or the other has much to do with the individual; GZA, for example, prides himself on being very visual and metaphorical but also succinct, where underground rapper MF DOOM is known for heaping similes upon similes. In still another variation, 2Pac was known for saying exactly what he meant, literally and clearly.。

[edit] Subject matter。

See also: Concept rap。

Hip hop music originated in New York City in the 1970s, and continues to focus largely on metropolitan centers in the East and West coasts of America. Many rappers use urban culture as the backdrop for their raps, focusing on the hardships of inner-city life. One element that has always existed in rapped rhymes, dating back to hip hop's inception, is "the struggle". This struggle was originally financial or personal in nature; getting a girlfriend, or paying the rent. With "The Message", a concept rap written by Melle Mel and performed by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, the idea of "the struggle" was put in another context: the shared hardships of the ghetto.。

The roots of these sociopolitical raps are in the beat poetry of The Last Poets and Gil Scott Heron. "The Message" pioneered the inclusion of political content in hip hop rhymes, expanding beyond basic personal issues and party raps. In the golden age of hip hop, Public Enemy emerged, with a focus on political and social issues. Modern East Coast hip hop artists such as Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Jay-Z, Nas, and dead prez are known for their sociopolitical subject matter. Their West-coast counterparts include Emcee Lynx, The Coup, Paris, and Michael Franti.。

Other rappers take a less critical approach to urbanity, sometimes even embracing such aspects as crime. Schoolly D was the first notable MC to rap about crime.[13] Several years later, he would go on to influence Ice T, who had more overtly "gangsta" lyrics. Gangsta rap, made popular largely because of N.W.A.. Early on KRS-One was accused of celebrating crime and a hedonistic lifestyle, but after the death of his DJ, Scott La Rock, KRS–ONE went on to speak out against violence in hip hop and has spent the majority of his career condemning violence and writing on issues of race and class.。

Various politicians, journalists, and religious leaders, have accused rappers of fostering a culture of violence and hedonism among hip hop listeners through their lyrics.[14][15][16]。

In contrast to the hedonistic approach of the gangsta rappers, some rappers have a spiritual or religious focus. Christian rap is currently the most commercially successful form of religious rap. Aside from Christianity, the Five Percent Nation, a gnostic religious/spiritual group, has been represented more than any religious group in popular hip hop. Hip-hop artists such as Rakim, the members of the Wu-Tang Clan, Brand Nubian, X Clan, Busta Rhymes, and Nas, have had success in spreading the theology of the Five Percenters. See the article on Hip hop and religion for a more in-depth discussion.。

"Party rhymes", meant to pump up the crowd at a party, were nearly the exclusive focus of old school hip hop (with the exception of The Furious Five). Party raps remain a staple of hip hop music to this day. In addition to Party raps, rappers also tend to make references to love and sex. Love raps were first popularized by Spoonie Gee of the Treacherous Three, and later, in the golden age of hip hop, Big Daddy Kane, Heavy D, and LL Cool J would continue this tradition. 2 Live Crew, a Miami bass group, were among the first hip hop act to be temporarily banned in the United States, for the overtly sexual and profane content of their raps.。

[edit] Performance。

[edit] Flow

Rap delivery, or flow, is defined by prosody, cadence, and speed. Cadence deals with the dynamics and patterns of the rhythm. In addition to rubato (changes in tempo for the purpose of expression), cadence can also serve to reinforce song structure through ritardando (the gradual slowing down of tempo). Old school rappers generally maintained a simple cadence, without much deviation,[17] while golden age rappers such as Rakim experimented extensively with cadence.[12] Present day popular rappers like Method Man, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes and André 3000 are considered to have a versatile cadence because of their ability to rap over disparate beats equally well.。

A common way MCs judge how to flow in a verse is by writing a rhyme so that the most stressed words coincide with the beats percussion, in a way that makes the rhyming sound more musical (as opposed to spoken word) and that better combines the MC's voice with the musical backdrop. Rakim -- whom many credit with changing the way most rappers flow on a song -- experimented not only with following the percussion, but also with complementing the song's melody with his own voice, making his flow sound like that of an instrument (a saxophone in particular.[18]。

The ability to rap quickly and clearly is sometimes regarded as an important sign of skill. In certain hip hop subgenres such as chopped and sc。


Pan-Pearl River Delta。




General Schedules for the first "Mayors Forum of Provincial Capital Cities in Pan-Pearl River Delta "。

时间:9月16日—18日 地点:广州中国大酒店 。

DATE: Sept. 16 – 18 VENUE: China Hotel Guangzhou 。

时 间 Time

内 容 Content





广州博览会开幕式 Opening Ceremony of Guangzhou Expo。



Opening Ceremony of Mayors Forum of Provincial Capital Cities in Pan-Pearl River Delta。



Welcoming Banquet of the Mayor Forum 。


珠江夜游 A Night Tour of Pearl River。






Crystal Ballroom。



Mayors Forum of Provincial Capital Cities in Pan-Pearl River Delta。



Crystal Ballroom。

城市信息化建设 城市合作与发展专题论坛。

Theme Forum of Urban Informatization, City Cooperation and Development 。


午餐,午休 Luncheon and Rest。



Crystal Ballroom。


Pass the 'Cooperation Agreement among PPR Delta Capital Cities'。



The First Televised Mayors Forum of PPR Delta Capital Cities。



Crystal Ballroom。

城市信息化建设 城市合作与发展专题论坛。

Theme Forum of Urban Informatization, City Cooperation and Development。



Crystal Ballroom。


The Press Conference of 'Lenovo Embraces Pan-Pearl Region' 。



Party of PPR Informatization Cooperation。



Gala Sponsored by Guangzhou Government。





















functioning,functioning ecosystem

functioning,functioning ecosystem

