
问题描述:求关于物流对企业重要性的英文文章。最好有中英文对照的更好! 这篇文章主要介绍了一个有趣的事情,具有一定借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下。希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让小编带着大家一起了解一下。



Logistics is the process to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, in-process inventory, the final product and related information from the origin to the point of consumption in the effective flow and storage of planning,implementation and control. It forms the foundation of enterprise's value chain,is the key of enterprise competitive advantage. Many production enterprises to strengthen technology development and promote the comprehensive quality management at the same time, have to seek the cost advantage and value advantage eyes turned to production and logistics field.。

1 modern logistics is the third profit source production and circulation enterprises。

In twentieth Century 60-70, the enterprises of the developed countries are thefocus of competition in pursuit of profit in the production field, make every attempt to reduce material consumption of resources to obtain "the first profit source" of enterprises, make every attempt to improve labor productivity gain"the second profit source of enterprises". However, this "two profit source"production field, it is restricted by the development level of science and technology, in the production of mechanization, constantly improve the degree of automation and production process is programmed, standardized situationunder, enhanced technology convergence of the two "source of profit" no"spring" to dig.。

Enter 80 age, in the face of fierce global market competition challenges,people began to seek profit focus from production areas to non production areas, surprised to find that create the value of logistics cost is high, the process of enterprise production and management of waste is still very prominent. Coupled with the micro electronics technology, information technology and system innovation and other factors, since 80, as "the third profit source of enterprises" logistics, has become a new focus of competition in the market, attention by the circles of theory and practice.。

Logistics because it run through the whole process of production and circulation, so reasonable, efficient logistics can bring huge profits throughand improve coordination of enterprises throughout the production and circulation structure.。

The original understanding of the third profit source based on the theory of thetwo conditions:。

First, the logistics can be completely separated from the circulation process.Logistics as a standalone system, target and management itself, the general accounting and independent of the;。

Second, logistics and other business activities as independent factors, it is not the total cost, but alone。

Factors profit, logistics can become "independent system profit center" type.。

Logistics is the third profit source to two capacity based on:。

First, the logistics in the enterprise strategy, which have the important influence to the enterprise marketing cost, logistics enterprise。

The important point of the industry cost. Therefore, a series of activities through logistics rationalization, modernization and reduce the cost, supportmarketing and purchasing activities. Therefore, logistics is not only to producemajor cost, also refers to reduce the cost of concern, the logistics is "thetreasure house to reduce costs" such as that it is this understanding image representation. Cost and profit are related, as the main logistics can provide a large number of direct and indirect profit for the enterprise, is the mainactivities of the formation of business profits.。

Second, the role of logistics activity maximum, and not only in the enterprise,reduce the consumption of reducing cost or increasing。

Plus a profit, but more importantly to improve the business to customer service level, and improve the competitive ability of the enterprise. Through the logistics service guarantee, enterprises with their overall ability to reduce costs, increase profits.。

Logistics is the third profit source, has become many enterprises especially theMulti-National Corporation's powerful weapon.。

2 modern logistics is an important source of competitive advantage。

In recent years, enterprise business philosophy from the "production oriented"to "customer orientation", quickly turned to "create value for customers". In the "create value for customers" era, value means that not only are tangiblemoney, also means that perception can be invisible, interests, this is the newrules for the current enterprises to participate in market competition.。

Management Master Michael Porter in the "competitive advantage" a book that, success can only be achieved through competitive cost advantage andvalue advantage. No value advantage a no cost advantage and enterprises can only belong to the future enterprise, is bound to decline. However,companies only do the lowest cost, it is just a cost leader, will have to launch with opponent single competition in price, the lower the price competition willintensify the customer to the product is only a commodity understanding. Avalue of competitive strategy based on the price competition strategy thansimply much better, because the material value is important, and make thecustomers to get the overall value of product identity, are value for money,and money is more important, even if the price slightly higher, the customerwill accept.。

The model can provide a cost advantage, management advantage and to provide value is little, and the logistics management is one of the few in the management field. Efficient logistics management, reasonable, not only canreduce the operating costs of enterprises, but also can provide the high quality service for the customer; can enable enterprises to obtain the cost advantage,can make enterprises obtain the value advantage. Therefore, logisticsmanagement has been attached importance to the enterprise, be incorporated into the scope of enterprise strategic management, and even become thecornerstone of enterprise development strategy.。

An excellent logistics capacity of enterprises, can provide quality service to customers to gain competitive advantage; a logistics management of skilledbusiness, average water if the stock availability, delivery timeliness and consistency of delivery in the same industry-leading level, can become an attractive supplier and business partners. Have the whole world in view of 500strong companies, they have the ability to world class logistics management,by providing quality service to customers to gain competitive advantage. Can say, logistics management has become a business one of the challenge. The development of logistics, strengthening logistics management not only can make the enterprise gain "the third profit source", but also an important source of competitive advantage. For example, China's Haier group put the logistics capability as the core competence of enterprise competitive advantage,promote the reorganization established professional engaged in logisticsreform in this part, the procurement of raw materials, production support,material distribution from the strategy integration. The companies hope that bylogistics reorganization, realize "to provide maximum value added service"management objectives to customers at the lowest total cost of logistics. In order to answer the grim challenge of joining the WTO, Chinese enterprises must be as a logistics management to reduce operating cost and the main means to improve customer service level, the logistics capability as the core competitiveness of enterprises.。























心肺复苏(CPR)是针对呼吸心跳停止的急症危重病人所采取的抢救关键措施,即胸外按压形成暂时的人工循环并恢复的自主搏动,采用人工呼吸代替自主呼吸,快速电除颤转复心室颤动,以及尽早使用血管活性药物来重新恢复自主循环的急救技术。心肺复苏的目的是开放气道、重建呼吸和循环。人们只有充分了解心肺复苏的知识并接受过此方面的训练后才可以为他人实施心肺复苏。 心肺复苏 = (清理呼吸道) + 人工呼吸 + 胸外心脏按压 + 后续的专业用药 据美国近年统计,每年心血管病人死亡数达百万人,约占总死亡病因1/2。而因心脏停搏突然死亡者60-70%发生在院前。因此,美国成年人中约有85%的人有兴趣参加CPR初步训练,结果使40%心脏骤停者复苏成功,每年抢救了约20万人的生命。心脏跳动停止者,如在4分钟内实施初步的CPR,在8分钟内由专业人员进一步心脏救生,死而复生的可能性最大,因此时间就是生命,速度是关键,初步的CPR按DRABC进行。 先判断患者有无意识。拍摇患者并大声询问,手指甲掐压人中穴约五秒,如无反应表示意识丧失。这时应使患者水平仰卧,解开颈部钮扣,注意清除口腔异物,使患者仰头抬颏,用耳贴近口鼻,如未感到有气流或胸部无起伏,则表示已无呼吸。 D(dangerous):检查现场是否安全 R:检查伤员情况 A(airway):保持呼吸顺畅 B(breathing):口对口人工呼吸 C(circulation):建立有效的人工循环 D 检查现场是否安全 在发现伤员后应先检查现场是否安全。若安全,可当场进行急救;若不安全,须将伤员转移后进行急救。 R 检查伤员情况 在安全的场地,应先检查伤员是否丧失意识、自主呼吸、心跳。检查意识的方法:轻拍重呼,轻拍伤员肩膀,大声呼喊伤员。检查呼吸方法:一听二看三感觉,将一只耳朵放在伤员口鼻附近,听伤员是否有呼吸声音,看伤员胸廓有无起伏,感觉脸颊附近是否有空气流动。检查心跳方法:检查颈动脉的搏动,颈动脉在喉结下两公分处。 A 保持呼吸顺畅 昏迷的病人常因舌后移而堵塞气道,所以心肺复苏的首要步骤是畅通气道。急救者以一手置于患者额部使头部后仰,并以另一手抬起后颈部或托起下颏,保持呼吸道通畅。对怀疑有颈部损伤者只能托举下颏而不能使头部后仰;若疑有气道异物,应从患者背部双手环抱于患者上腹部,用力、突击性挤压。 B 口对口人工呼吸 在保持患者仰头抬颏前提下,施救者用一手捏闭的鼻孔 (或口唇 ),然后深吸一大口气,迅速用力向患者口 (或鼻 )内吹 气 , 然后放松鼻孔(或口唇),照此每5秒钟反复一次,直到恢复自主呼吸。 每次吹气间隔1.5秒,在这个时间抢救者应自己深呼吸一次,以便继续口对口呼吸,直至专业抢救人员的到来。 在口对口人工呼吸时要用呼吸膜防止患者体内细菌传播,在没有呼吸膜保护的情况下急救员可以不进行人工呼吸。 若伤员口中有异物,应使伤员面朝一侧(左右皆可),将异物取出。若异物过多,可进行口对鼻人工呼吸。即用口包住伤员鼻子,进行人工呼吸。 C 建立有效的人工循环 检查心脏是否跳动,最简易、最可靠的是颈动脉。抢救者用2-3个手指放在患者气管与颈部肌肉间轻轻按压,时间不少于10秒。 如果患者停止心跳,抢救者应按压伤员胸骨下1/2处。 如心脏不能复跳,就要通过胸外按压,使心脏和大血管血液产生流动。以维持心、脑等主要器官最低血液需要量。 急救员应跪在伤员躯干的一侧,两腿稍微分开,重心前移,之后选择胸外心脏按压部位:先以左手的中指、食指定出肋骨下缘,而后将右手掌掌跟放在胸骨下1/2,再将左手放在右手上,十指交错,握紧右手。按压时不可屈肘。按压力量经手跟而向下,手指应抬离胸部。胸外心脏按压方法:急救者两臂位于病人胸骨下1/2处,双肘关节伸直,利用上身重量垂直下压,对中等体重的成人下压深度应大于5厘米,而后迅速放松,解除压力,让胸廓自行复位。如此有节奏地反复进行,按压与放松时间大致相等,频率为每分钟不低于100次。 一人心肺复苏方法:当只有一个急救者给病人进行心肺复苏术时,应是每做30次胸心脏按压,交替进行2次人工呼吸。 二人心肺复苏方法:当有两个急救者给病人进行心肺复苏术时,首先两个人应呈对称位置,以便于互相交换。此时,一个人做胸外心脏按压;另一个人做人工呼吸。两人可以数着1、2、3进行配合,每按压心脏30次,口对口或口对鼻人工呼吸2次。) 此外在进行心肺复苏前应先将伤员恢复仰卧姿势,恢复时应注意保护伤员的脊柱。先将伤员的两腿按仰卧姿势放好,再用一手托住伤员颈部,另一只手翻动伤员躯干。 若伤员患有心脏疾病(非心血管疾病),不可进行胸外心脏按压。 CPR操作顺序的变化:A-B-C → C-A-B ★2010(新):C-A-B 即:C胸外按压→A开放气道→B人工呼吸 ●2005(旧):A-B-C 即:A开放气道→B人工呼吸→C胸外按压 编辑本段注意事项 1、口对口吹气量不宜过大,一般不超过1200毫升,胸廓稍起伏即可。吹气时间不宜过长,过长会引起急性胃扩张、胃胀气和呕吐。吹气过程要注意观察患(伤)者气道是否通畅,胸廓是否被吹起。 2、胸外心脏按术只能在患(伤)者心脏停止跳动下才能施行。 3、口对口吹气和胸外心脏按压应同时进行,严格按吹气和按压的比例操作,吹气和按压的次数过多和过少均会影响复苏的成败。 4、胸外心脏按压的位置必须准确。不准确容易损伤其他脏器。按压的力度要适宜,过大过猛容易使胸骨骨折,引起气胸血胸;按压的力度过轻,胸腔压力小,不足以推动血液循环。 5、施行心肺复苏术时应将患(伤)者的衣扣及裤带解松,以免引起内脏损伤。 2005年底美国心脏学会(AHA)发布了新版CPR急救指南,与旧版指南相比,主要就是按压与呼吸的频次由15:2调整为30:2. 编辑本段心肺复苏有效的体征和终止抢救的指征 (1)观察颈动脉搏动,有效时每次按压后就可触到一次搏动。若停止按压后搏动停止,表明应继续进行按压。如停止按压后搏动继续存在,说明病人自主心搏已恢复,可以停止胸外心脏按压。 (2)若无自主呼吸,人工呼吸应继续进行,或自主呼吸很微弱时仍应坚持人工呼吸。 (3)复苏有效时,可见病人有眼球活动,口唇、甲床转红,甚至脚可动;观察瞳孔时,可由大变小,并有对光反射。 (4)当有下列情况可考虑终止复苏: ①心肺复苏持续30分钟以上,仍无心搏及自主呼吸,现场又无进一步救治和送治条件,可考虑终止复苏; ②脑死亡,如深度昏迷,瞳孔固定、角膜反射消失,将病人头向两侧转动,眼球原来位置不变等,如无进一步救治和送治条件,现场可考虑停止复苏; ③当现场危险威胁到抢救人员安全(如雪崩、山洪爆发)以及医学专业人员认为病人死亡,无救治指征时。 学会心肺复苏对于每个人都会很有用,生活中有很多意外,很难保证我们是时时安全的。为了能够有危急时刻挽救生命,建议大家一定要学会初步的心肺复苏方法! 编辑本段BOU/CPR580心肺复苏模拟人(2010操作标准) 美国心脏学会(AHA)2010国际心肺复苏(CPR)&心血管急救(ECC)指南标准[1] (1)胸外按压频率由2005年的100次/分改为“至少100次/分” (2)按压深度由2005年的4-5cm改为“至少5cm” (3)人工呼吸频率不变、按压与呼吸比不变 (4)强烈建议普通施救者仅做胸外按压的CPR,弱化人工呼吸的作用,对普通目击者要求对ABC改变为“CAB”即胸外按压、气道和呼吸 (5)除颤能量不变,但更强调CPR (6)肾上腺素用法用量不变,不推荐对心脏停搏或PEA者常规使用阿托品 (7)维持ROSC的血氧饱和度在94%-98% (8)血糖超过10mmol/L即应控制,但强调应避免低血糖 (9)强化按压的重要性,按压间断时间不超过5s 提高抢救成功率的主要因素 1、将重点继续放在高质量的CPR上 2、按压频率至少100次/分(区别于大约100次/分) 3、胸骨下陷深度至少5 ㎝ 4、按压后保证胸骨完全回弹 5、胸外按压时最大限度地减少中断 6、避免过度通气 CPR操作顺序的变化:A-B-C→→C-A-B。

Why do people read?写篇关于这个标题的作文.的相关图片

Why do people read?写篇关于这个标题的作文.



1.not be sustained in the long term。


2.Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.。

解析:从书名定位到原文第二段,heading for the rock, the cleaner, 都暗示了两代人之间的问题,最后的warfare则一目了然地指出了该矛盾。

3.politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election。


4.allow people to work longer。

解析:从题干中the most effective method找到第五段第三句原话,直接选择A选项。

5.D younger workers are readily available。

解析:题目中employer为关键字,找到第六段,该段看似没有直接提到为什么雇主不愿意雇佣old workers,但从其不断分析新涌现出来的劳动力替代者,可以总结的出D选项,即年轻劳动力的供给已足以满足企业需求。

6 large numbers of immigrants from overseas。

解析:这道题间接考察了学生变换思维的能力,Japan在文中一时难以找到,但其所代表的发达国家群体developed countries却出现在了第七段,而该段恰恰揭示了发达国家靠移民劳动力寻求养老机制危机一时的缓解的举措。

7.They find it hard to balance career and family.。

解析:compromise关键字找到第九段,关键字出现的句子前一句就是B选项。 innovative and take risks 。

解析:题目中old societies关键字对应到倒数第六段第三行,题目中的less inclined正好与原文中的more strongly disinclined形成对照,所以答案只需摘录之后的原文即可,即take risks than younger ones.。

9.have families。

解析:题目中关键字intergenerational warfare对应到原文倒数第五段。第二句直接对第一句做出了解释,摘录即可。

10.military service。

解析:要理解题目中less willing to 的含义,即不情愿,这样定位到倒数第三段第一句的reluctant, commit sth. to sth. ,空格内需要填写名词,参照原文,即military service。





答案:feminine and weak。

解析:文中提到…because they believe that such feelings are feminine and imply weakness. 要填在to be后面就应该转化成形容词形式。


答案:lose composure。

解析:文中提到may lead to a loss of composure。要用在主语后面就要把loss变成动词lose。


答案:stress-related disorders。

解析:文中提到can contribute to stress-related disorder。


答案:their relationship with partners。

解析:文中提到…report lower relationship satisfaction as do their female partners.故这里要重新组合转换表达形式。



解析:文中提到…into physically aggression or violence,而此处在become后就要用aggression的形容词形式。


Section B 第一篇)

52) solve virtually existing all problems。

细节题。抓住时间点“In the early 2oth century” 我们从第一句 “offer solutions to almost every problem” 便可知道答案。选择A选项。

53) They realized that science and technology alone were no guarantee for a better world.。

推论题。 我们首先比较容易排除A和C项。B项具有迷惑性,关键是看“the stability of a society depended heavily on humanistic study”这个选项仔细看就会发现说得太绝对了,社会的问题主要是靠人文主义的研究?显然不是很恰当。我们从下面那句也可以推断出选D比较恰当。 “Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.”

54) America is lagging behind in the STEMS disciplines.。

细节题。主要在第二段里找答案。从段落后两句“There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines.” 我们可以推断出是选C选项。 A和D选项比较容易排除。不选B选项,因为文章中 “India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership.” seem to 表明这几个国家只是有种趋势,但还没有have overtaken。

55) Insufficient funding.。

细节题。我们在第三段里可以找到答案。 从“…are seriously underfunded…” “Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members…” 这些信息中,可以很快知道是A选项。

56) Humanistic thinking helps cultivate and define our culture and values.。

细节题。本题不难。作者为什么如此着重人文主义的研究,其他三项都是非常具体的,且都不是重点。只有C选项符合。且我们从最后这一句 “But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values.” 及作者的语气可以更加确定是C选项。


57. It will be some time before a new Einstein emerges.。

解 析:这道题针对开头两节。A和C答案比较容易排除,A说爱因斯坦把数学推到了一个极限,C说在将来的两百年都不会有物理学家超过爱因斯坦,这两个都明显不 合文章大意。B答案说需要一个爱因斯坦才能建立一种大一统理论,属于过度推理,并且细节性太强了。D答案是正确答案,很多同学不敢选D的原因是,因为有些 科学家们认为爱因斯坦或许还没有诞生或许还是个小婴儿,他们认为这样一来就有可能爱因斯坦已经存在了。但是这句话里面的爱因斯坦是代表伟大的科学家的意 思,那么这个题目选择D就是正确的,大家都同意的是像爱因斯坦那样伟大的科学家还需要一定的时间才会出现。

58.. His independent and abstract thinking。


59. They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits.。

解析:正确答案选择D。这段文章是在问今天的物理学家们的情况, A说他们缺乏分析能力,B说他们擅长处理实际问题,C说他们重视发表文章,都是从根据文章细节中捏造出来的错误选项。D是对于文章内容的一个总结概括,数量众多的物理学家进入了更有经济利益的领域。

60. Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories.。

解析:正确答案选择D。结合Greene讲的话,他说What an idea!还说是需要把头往墙上撞的人才会相信能找到个解决方案呢!说明内容实在是比较荒诞。

61. was little known in academic circles。

解 析:正确答案选择B,说的是爱因斯坦在学术圈里面默默无闻,跟原文里面的“by a virtual unknown”相对应。有迷惑性的选择项是D,因为文中提到了爱因斯坦的文章没有配上脚注和注释footnote and citations.但是D选择项是说,爱因斯坦不懂得论文的格式,这个属于过度推理了。


62 set out set out plans表示制定计划。

63 abandoning abandon 放弃,once unshakeable orthodoxy表示曾经不可动摇的做法,也就是现在要放弃了。

64 with struggle with表示同…斗争,介词搭配,这里表示设法应对广告收入和报纸销售量下降的局面。

65 intends intend to表示打算…,从后面的at the beginning of 2011,可知还没有这么做,只是计划或者打算这么做。

66 exceeded 超过,是说当用户每月阅读文章超过一定量时就要收费。

67 on 和side搭配,on the side of …表示拥护…;站在…一边。

68 charge 本词在文章中多次出现,charge sb表示向某人收费。

69 such as 表示举例,从后面举London's Evening Standard作为例子,可知应该选such as.。

70 free 前面提到abandon readership revenue,即放弃读者收益,由此可知应该是make print editions free.。

71 acknowledged 表示承认,这里表示Arthur Sulzberger承认这么做是一种赌博。

72 bet 打赌,赌注,从前面的gamble可知应该选bet。

73 circulation 发行量,从后面的数量可知应该选circulation。

74 behind NYT排名第三,即排在the Wall Street Journal and USA Today后面。

75 While while在这里表示对比,从上下文可知NYT与美国其他报纸不同。

76 claim 声称,宣称,这里是说NYT声称自己是全国范围的报纸。

77 maintains 维持,运营,即NYT还在世界其他地方运营着26个办公室。

78 like 从下文可知NYT和印刷行业的其他公司一样,也受到金融危机的影响,所以选like,表示同…一样。

79 A serious 严重的,考察形容词与名词的搭配,从下文的数据可知遭受严重经济损失。

80 D suffered 遭受,suffer a loss遭受损失,常见搭配。

81 C loan 贷款,前文提到公司损失了很多钱,所以需要从别处借钱来补充资金。


82. There is no denying that you ___________(越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.。

解析:can never be too careful / can not be too careful。

【考点解释】本题考查“越仔细越好”“再…也不为过”的固定搭配,即can never be too/can not be too + adj.。


83. Only when I reached my thirties __________________________ (我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的)。

解析:did I realize that reading cannot be neglected。

did I realize that reading is unignorable。

【考点解释】本题考查由only when 引起的局部倒装。当only when置于句首,主句用局部倒装,即将助动词置于主语前面。only when引导句子时态为过去时(reached),为保持时态一致,主句助动词用did;注意被动语态的使用,reading与neglect为被动关系。同时也可以使用be+adj的结构。


84. Much ___________________ (使研究人员感到惊讶),the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected.。

解析:to the researchers’ surprise。

【考点解释】本题考查固定搭配 to one’s surprise 使…惊讶的是…


85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; __________________________(我一定是把它放在哪儿了)。

解析:I must have left / put it somewhere.。

【考点解释】本题考查对过去事情的肯定的猜测,即must have+过去分词,leave与put都有放置的意思,但leave强调遗忘在…,较之put,leave更贴合题意。


86.I ________________________(宁愿加入你们去做义工)than go to the beach for a holiday.。

解析:would rather join you as a volunteer。

【考点解释】考查结构“宁愿…也不愿…”, 因题干中已存在“than go”的结构,只能使用 “would rather do rather than do”。加入… join sb。




Why Do People Read Newspapers?。

You wouldn't necessarily think that Cheré Coen, with 20 years of newspaper experience plus a stint at a magazine's Web site, would find herself writing briefs, plugs and promos most days, with maybe the future of newspapers riding on her work. 。

Luring readers through teasers and tidbits makes up a central part of Coen's job as "readership editor" of the 70,000-circulation Bakersfield Californian. 。

In this relatively new but hot newsroom role, Coen, 42, considers her goal "to build readership--to reach the people who aren't reading us and to keep the people who are reading us reading." The job entails everything from crafting snappy promotional ads to writing daily news summaries to supervising the newspaper's "real people" reporter to lobbying for what she sees as readers' concerns in editorial and marketing meetings. 。

Across the country, Stacy Lynch chases the same goal at the 420,000-circulation Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 。

"What we're here to do is figure out how we can get more people reading the newspaper more often," echoes Lynch. 。

Lynch, 30, now the paper's "director of innovations," was her paper's readership editor for the past year. She brings a special qualification to her work. Before joining the newspaper last year, she belonged to the Readership Institute 12-member team carrying out a multiyear, multimillion dollar research onslaught that has touched off the most massive assault ever on the newspaper business' nagging problem--declining readership. It is the latest change-inducing campaign for an industry seeking to outrun obsolescence. 。

The goal is no less than to crack journalism's riddle for the ages: What makes people read newspapers? 。

Already the research project has amassed what Scott Bosley, executive director of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, calls "the biggest gold mine of data we've ever had," including interviews with more than 37,000 people and an online trove of more than 70 reports, studies and presentations. 。

Gleanings from the gold mine give newspapers a lot to worry about. But researchers and editors are framing them into the heartening central message that the persistent readership slide can be reversed, and certain steps can help. 。

That call-to-action is sending changes rippling through newsrooms from Atlanta to Bakersfield, as hundreds of papers mobilize to apply the new intelligence. They are cramming in community news, adding "ordinary people" beats, juicing up promotion, and moving beyond the newsroom to upgrade their service and management. 。

As they act, they are underlining some uneasy issues. How do newspapers balance cheap fixes and long-term reform? Is interesting the public compatible with serving the public interest? In the rush toward reader friendliness, what role remains for time-honored but often unsettling watchdog reporting? 。

The massive research can't answer all these questions, but it does identify and offer specific advice toward "four cornerstones of readership growth": 。

* providing excellent customer service 。

* improving editorial and advertising content 。

* building recognition and loyalty through stronger brand promotion 。

* reforming management and culture. 。

Many of the findings are predictable. Better content, especially community news, brings in readers. Variety helps. Service greatly affects readership (people aren't likely to subscribe if the paper doesn't arrive, or shows up late or wet). Newspapers need to improve how they're run and become more open to change. (See "What They Like" for more detailed findings.) 。

"None of this is shocking," says Julia Wallace, editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "It is stuff we all know but in various ways and at various times we get away from."。


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开放分类: 医疗、科学、医学、生物医学、淋巴。



lymph node






在光学显微镜下观察淋巴细胞 ,按直径不同区分为大(11~18微米)、中(7~11微米)、小(4~7微米)3种。周围血液中主要是中小型细胞。根据淋巴细胞的发育部位、表面、抗原、受体及功能等不同,可将淋巴细胞分为T淋巴细胞和B淋巴细胞等多种。有人还分出抗体依赖性细胞毒细胞、双重阳性细胞以及裸细胞等。具有杀伤靶细胞作用,又称杀伤细胞或K细胞,细胞膜表面同时具有T细胞和B细胞的标记,其功能不明。裸细胞既无T细胞也无B细胞的表面标记。



lymph circulation。

循环系统的重要辅助部分,可以把它看作血管系统的补充。在哺乳动物,由广布全身的淋巴管网和淋巴器官(淋巴结、脾等)组成。最细的淋巴管叫毛细淋巴管,人体除脑、软骨、角膜、晶状体、内耳、胎盘外,都有毛细淋巴管分布,数目与毛细血管相近。小肠区的毛细淋巴管叫乳糜管。毛细淋巴管集合成淋巴管网,再汇合成淋巴管。按其所在部位,可分为深、浅淋巴管:浅淋巴管收集皮肤和皮下组织的淋巴液(简称淋巴);深淋巴管与深部血管伴行,收集肌肉、内脏等处的淋巴。全部淋巴管汇合成全身最大的两条淋巴导管,即左侧的胸导管和右侧的右淋巴导管,分别进入左、右锁骨下静脉(见图)。胸导管是全身最粗、最长的淋巴管,由左、右腰淋巴干和肠区淋巴干汇成。下段有膨大的乳糜池。胸导管还收集左上半身和下半身的淋巴 ,约占全身淋巴总量的3/4。右淋巴导管由右颈淋巴干、右锁骨下淋巴干和右支气管纵隔淋巴干汇成,收集右上半身的淋巴,约占全身淋巴总量的1/4。淋巴循环的一个重要特点是单向流动而不形成真正的循环。



malignant lymphomas。



lymph node enlargement。


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huacailin、_鸟山、 水木秋寒、dream70。


白血病、乳腺癌、淋巴结、肺结核、艾滋病、α2巨球蛋白、秋水仙、原发性肝癌、子宫、淋巴癌、焕肤、淋巴肿瘤、水疗、洁面、免疫细胞、组织液、巴尔通氏体病、炎性乳腺癌、结核杆菌、乌普萨拉大学、山药扁豆粥、盗毒蛾、消化、同种限制因子、肾门、淋巴因子激活杀伤细胞、雌性蛋白、皮肤瘙痒症、NF-kappaB细胞信号传导通路、蜜妮·莱普顿 更多>>。


1.[Anatomy] lymph。

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