
问题描述:signify是什么意思 大家好,给大家分享一下一个有趣的事情,很多人还不知道这一点。下面详细解释一下。现在让我们来看看!





vt.表示…的意思; 意味; 预示; 。

vi.具有重要性,要紧; 辱骂; 。





So what might the criticism signify? 。








biǎo shì

show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation:。

表示不服罪 plead not guilty; plead unguilty。

表示服罪 plead guilty。

表示愤慨 express one's indignation。

表示支持 express one's support。

表示感谢 express one's thanks。

表示软弱 show weakness。

表示态度 define one's attitude。

表示同意 give one's adhesion to。

表示异议 demur

用图解形式表示 show in a graphic form。

点头表示赞同 nod approval。

对某人表示好感 show sb. favour。

表示对形势的关切 show concern over the situation。

表示热烈欢迎 extend a warm welcome。

友好的表示 an expression of friendship; a manifestation of friendship; a friendly gesture。

红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。 The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop.。






















英 [ˈveəri]  美 [ˈveri; ˈværi]。

vi. 变化;变异;违反

vt. 改变;使多样化;变奏

n. (Vary)(英、法、罗、柬)瓦里(人名)




Love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. Allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred。


Laughter is the root of all evil.。


Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears. It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey.。


Love is like a game of tug-of-war competition not stop to the beginning。

爱就像一场拔河比赛 一开始就不能停下来。

I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。

我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏。

Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over。

爱让人变乖 突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏 懂得了什么时候该耍赖。

Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury。

谈一场恋爱 学会了忍耐 总有些意外 会让人受伤害。

If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future。

只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来。

Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap。


No matter how long night, the arrival of daylight Association。


Words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation。


Love is a woman with the ears, and if the men will love, but love is to use your eyes。


I bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper。



莎士比亚(William Shakes beare 1564~1616) 英国著名戏剧家和诗人。莎士比亚是16世纪后半叶到17世纪初英国最著名的作家(本·琼斯称他为“时代的灵魂”),也是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。他共写有37部戏剧,154首14行诗,两首长诗和其他诗歌。








例如:在“a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, anemia”例条中,

a- 和 an- 为前缀,其中 an- 为 a- 的变体;/ without, lacking, not / 为该前缀的含。

义;而asymmetric, apolitical和anemia为例词。


a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, asexual, anemia, anarchy。

ab-, a-, abs- / from, away from / abduct, abjure, abdication, avert, abstain。

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- / to, forward / admit, adjure, accord, affliction,。

aggregation, annexation, apparition, arraignment, assumption, attendance。

ambi- / both / ambidextrous, ambivalent。

amphi- / round, about / amphitheater, amphigens。

an-, ana- / up; up through, back / anatomy, analysis, anachronism。

ante-, anti- / before / antecedent, antebellum, anticipate。

anti- / counter, against / antibiotic, antibody, antisocial, antifascist。

apo- / away, from / apostasy, apostle。

ar-, arch- /chief, principal / archangel, archenemy, architect。

be- / to make, to take from / belittle, befriend, betake, bespeak。

belli- / war / belligerent, rebellious, bellicose。

ben-, bon- / good, well / benefit, benediction, benign, bonus。

bi- / two / bicycle, bilateral, bisect, bipolar, bivalence。

biblio- / book / bibliography, bibliophile, Bible。

by- / aside or apart from the common, secondary / by-product, bypass, byname。

cat- / downwards, under, against / catacomb, catechise, catastrophe。

circu-, circum- / around / circumnavigation, circumlocution, circumspection, circuit。

com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- / together, with / combine, compassion, contract, concentric,。

collaborate, correspond, cooperation。

contra- / against / contradiction, contraband, contrast。

de- / down from, away / decapitate, dehydrate, dehumanize, degrade。

demi- / a half or a part of / demi-god, demilune, demiwolf。

di-, dia- / through, across / diode, diameter, dialog, dialectics。

dif-, dis- / not, the opposite, apart / different, diffuse, disagree, divert, dispel。

dys- / badly, with difficulty, hard / dyscrasia, dyslexia, dyspepsia。

e- / out / emigrant, egress, emit, elope, ejaculate, eject。

ec-, ef-, ex- / an outcome of / effect, effulgence, ecstasy, eccentric, expire。

em-, en- / to make / employ, embrace, enable, enrich。

em-, en- / in, on, into / encage, enclose, embalm, emphasis, energy。

epi- / on, outer, over / epidermis, epicenter, epitaph。

equi- / equal / equilateral, equilibrium, equivalent。

ex-, exo-, extra- / from, out of, without / export, exodus, exotic, ex-officio, extraordinary。

eu- / beautiful, good / eulogize, eugenics, euphemism。

for- / not, against, away / forget, forbid, forgo, forfend。

fore- / before, in front of / forehead, foretell, forefather。

hemi- / a half / hemisphere, hemistich, hemicrania。

hetero- / denoting dissimilarity / heterogeneous, heterodox, heterarchy。

homo- / denoting similarity / homogeneous, homonym, homosexual。

hydro- / water / hydraulics, hydrometer, hydropathy。

hyper- / over, beyond, excessive / hypertension, hypercritical, hypersensitive。

hypo- / under, beneath, down / hypothesis, hypothermia, hypocrisy 。

im-, in-, il-, ir- / in, into, on / imbibe, import, income, input, illustration, irrigation。

im-, in-, il-, ir- / not / impossible, immature, inconsiderate, ineffectual, illegal, irresponsible。

infra- / under, beneath / infrared, infra-structure, infra-costal。

inter- / between / international, interpersonal, interaction, Internet。

intra-, intro- / within / intramural, intravenous, Intranet, introduction, introspection。

iso- / equality or similarity / isocheimal, isochomatic。

kilo- /a thousand/ kilogram, kilowatt, kilometer。

magna- /big, great/ magnanimous, magnitude, magnum。

macro- / big / macrocomputer, macrocontrol, macroeconomy。

mal- / bad, wrong / malnutrition, maltreatment, malapropism。

mega- / of great size / megaphone, megaton, megalopolis, megavolt。

meta- / beyond, transcending / metaphor, metaphysics, meta-memory。

micro- /small / microcomputer, microcontrol, microeconomy。

milli- /a thousand/ millennium, millimeter, millisecond 。

mis- / bad, wrong / mistake, misspelling, mispronounce, mislead。

mono- / one, alone / monotony, monogamy, monochrome。

multi- / many / multiple choice, multilateral, multimedia。

neo- / new / neo-Confucianism, neolithic, neology, neodoxy。

neu- / non-partial / neutral, neutron。

neuro- / nerve / neurology, neurotic, neurasthemia。

non- / not, reversing the sense / nonalignment, nonsmoker, nonsense。

ob-, oc-, of-, o-, op- / in the way of, against / object, obsolete, occasion, offend, omit, oppose。

omni- / all / omnivorous, omnibus, omniscient。

out- / beyond, exceeding / outbid, outbreak。

over- / beyond, excessive / overwork, overawe, overcoat。

paleo- / old, anscient / paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleolithic。

pan-, panta- / all, everything / pan-America, pantomime, pandemonium。

para- / alike, comparison, unlike / paraphrase, paradox, parody。

peri- / around / peripheral, periscope, perimeter。

poly- / many / polytechnic, polymer, polyglot。

post- / after / postgraduate, posthumous, postwar。

pre- / before / prewar, prepare, preposition, preschool。

pro-, por-, pur- / forward, forth / progress, proceed, portend, pursue。

pseud- / false or spurious / pseudo-science, pseudo-membrane, pseudonym。

re-, retro- / back, again / regression, review, retrospect, retrogressive。

se- / aside, separating / secede, seduce, sedition, separate。

semi- (hemi-) / half, partly / semiconductor, semifinal, semicircle, hemisphere。

sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-, / under / submit, submarine, succeed, suffix, suggest, support。

sustain, subsonic。

super- / above, greater, better / supersonic, supermarket, superpower, superiority。

syn-, sym- / with, together / sympathy, symmetry, synchronic, synonym。

trans- / across / transport, transplant, translation, transcontinental。

tri- / three / tricycle, triple, triangle。

ultra- / beyond, excessive, extreme / ultrasonic, ultraviolet。

un- / not / undecided, unimportant。

under- / beneath, lower in rank or degree / underdog, underfeed, undercoat。

uni- / one / unite, unification, uniform。

up- / upwards / uproot, upcast, upstart。

with- / opposition, privation / withdraw, withstand。


-able, -ible / adj. capable of, fit for / eatable, workable, considerable, sizable。

-ac /adj. like, pertaining to / cardiac, maniac。

-age, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency /n. signifying the state of being / coinage, acceptance, 。

existence, constancy, consistency 。

-ate / v. to make / activate, motivate, originate。

-cle, -cule / adj. or n. small, little / particle, sickle, animalcule, miniscule 。

-dom / n. signifying dominion, office / kingdom, officialdom。

-er, -or, -eer / n. one who / worker, writer, professor, engineer。

-fy / v. to make / beautify, purify, simplify。

-ic, -ical / adj. relating to, having the nature of / historic, economic, biblical, mechanical。

-ics /n. study / economics, physics, linguistics。

-il, -ile /adj. having the property of / civil, juvenile, puerile, ductile。

-ism / n. action or practice, theory or doctrine / mechanism, imperialism, dogmatism。

-ist / n. one who / physicist, communist, cyclist。

-ity / n. condition, quality / activity, flexibility, identity, probability, feasibility。

-ize / v. to make / modernize, revolutionize, popularize, realize。

-logy / n. study, work / geology, psychology, metallurgy。

-ment, -mony / n. the state of being / experiment, movement, harmony, hegemony。

-ness / n. condition, quality, state of being / carelessness, sadness, illness。

-oid / n. like, resembling / asteroid, mongoloid, anthropoid。

-ous, -ious, -ose /adj. having the quality of / industrious, dangerous, bellicose。

-ship / n. the state or quality of / sportsmanship, partnership, friendship。

-tion, -ation, -sion /n. condition, the act of / information, reflection, extroversion。

-tude, -ty / n. signifying the property / attitude, altitude, radioactivity, tenacity。

-ward(s) / signifying direction / eastward, homeward, upward。


-us cactus, alumnus, impetus (original plural form: “i”, alumni)。

-a alumna, vita, formula (original plural form: “i”, alumni, or “ae”, formulae)。

-um datum, curriculum (original plural form: “a”, data, curricula)。

-ia, -sis, -tis (medical terms) anoxia, anemia, dyslexia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis。


-acr- / sharp / acrimonious, acerbity, acidulate。

-act-, -ag- / to do / action, reaction, agent, 。

-aev- / age, era / primeval, coeval, medieval。

-agog- / leader / demagogue, pedagogue。

-agri-, -agrari- / field / agriculture, agrarian, peregrination。

-ali- / another / alias, aliens, inalienable。

-ann-, -en- / year / annual, anniversary, centennial, biennial 。

-anim- / spirit / unanimous, magnanimous, animation。

-anthrop- / human / anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist。

-aqua- / water / aquatic sports, aquarium, aquanaut。

-arch- / government, chief, leader / monarchy, anarchy, archbishop。

-aster-, -astro-, -stellar- / star / asteroid, astronomy, constellation。

-audi- / hear / auditor, auditorium, audio-visual lab。

-auto- / self / autobiography, automation, automobile, autism。

-belli- / fight, war / bellicose, belligerent, rebellion。

-bio- / life / biology, biography, biochemical, antibiotics。

-bon-, -ben- / good / bonus, debonair, benefit, benign, benediction。

-brev- / short / brief, abbreviate, brevity。

-cad-, -cas- / to fall / cadence, decadent, accident。

-cap-, -capt-, -cep- / to take / capture, precept, participate。

-cap-, -capit- / head, chief / capital, captain, decapitation, per capita income。

-carn- / flesh, body / carnivore, incarnation。

-ced-, -cess- / go, move, yield / precede, recede, succeed, antecedent, secede, process。

-cent- / one hundred / century, centennial, percentage, centigrade, centipede。

-centr- / center / central, concentric, centrifugal, concentrate。

-chrom- / color / monochrome, trichromatic chromosome。

-chron- / time / chronology, anachronism, synchronic, chronicle。

-cid-, cis- / cut / incision, homicide, precision。

-cit- / call / excite, incite, recite。

-civi- / citizen / civil, civilian, civilization。

-clam- / to cry out / clamorous, acclamation, exclaim。

-claud-, -claus-, -clos-, -clud- / to close / claustrophobia, enclose, conclude。

-cogno- / knowledge, knowing / cognition, recognition, incognito, acognostic。

-comp- / to fill / complete, complement, comply。

-cord- / heart / accord, cordial, discord。

-corp- / body / corpse, corps, incorporation, corporeal。

-cred- / to believe / credence, incredulous, incredible。

-cur- / to care / curator, sinecure, to cure。

-curr-, -curs- / course, to run / excursion, current, precursor, curriculum。

-cycle- / cycle / bicycle, tricycle, recycle。

-dat- / to give / data, mandate, date。

-demo- / people / demography, democracy, demagogue, epidemic。

-deb- / to owe / debt, indebtedness, debenture。

-derm- / skin / epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology。

-di-, -diurn- / daytime / diary, diurnal, journal。

-dic- / say, speak / dictation, dictionary, dictator, contradiction。

-doc- / to teach / docile, doctrine, document, doctor。

-domin- / to rule / dominate, domain, indomitable。

-duc- / lead / aqueduct, conductor, education, viaduct。

-dynam- / power, strength / dynamite, dynamo, dynamics。

-ego- / self / egocentric, egotism。

-erg- / to work / energy, ergatocracy, metallurgy。

-err- / to wander, to deviate / error, erratic, errand。

-fact-, -fect- / make, do / factory, manufacture, effect, affect。

-fall-, -fals- / to deceive / fallacy, infallible, falsification。

-fer- / to bring, to bear / ferry, transfer, coniferous, refer。

-flect- / bend / inflexible, reflect。

-gam- / marriage / monogamy, bigamy, polygamy。

-gen- / produce, birth / gene, generator, eugenic, generation。

-geo- / earth / geology, geothermal, geometric。

-graph-, -gram- / writing / geography, biography, telegram, diagram。

-greg- / group, together / gregarious, aggregate, egregious。

-helio- / the sun / heliotrope, heliograph, helium。

-homo- / of human / homicide, homunculus, 。

-hydr- / water, of hydrogen / hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrotherapy, hydrocarbon, hydroxide。

-it-, -itiner- / journey, road / exit, itinerary, reiterate。

-jac-, -jec- / to throw / ejaculate, project, reject。

-jur- / to swear / jury, abjure, perjury, jurisdiction。

-lab-, -labor- / to work / laboratory, collaborate, laborious。

-leg- / law / legislature, legal, legitimate。

-leg-, -lect- / to choose / election, select, legible, eligible。

-lib- / book / library, libretto, libel。

-locu-, -log-, -loq- / to talk / elocution, monologue, soliloquy, eloquent。

-luc- / light / elucidate, lucid, translucent。

-magn- / big, great / magnum, magnanimous, magnify。

-man- / hand / manufacture, manuscript, manicure, emancipation。

-mar-, -mer- / sea, ocean / submarine, mermaid, marinology。

-mit-, -miss- / send / transmit, emit, transmission, emission, permit, permission。

-mon-, -monit- / to warn / admonish, premonition, monitor。

-morph- / form, structure / morphology, morpheme, anthropomorphism。

-mort-, -mori- / death / mortal, mortuary, moribund。

-nav- / ship / navy, navigation, naval。

-onym-, -nom- / name / synonym, pseudonym, nomenclature, nomination, misnomer。

-oper- / to work / operation, cooperate, opera。

-pac- / peace / pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean。

-pathy- / feeling / sympathy, antipathy, telepathy, empathy。

-pel- / to drive / compel, dispel, repel, propel。

-pet-, -petit- / to seek / petition, compete, appetite。

-phil- / love / Anglophile, hydrophilic, philosophy, philanthropist。

-phob- / hate, fear / claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia。

-phon- / sound / telephone, microphone, phonology。

-pod-, -ped- / foot / tripod, pedestrian, centripetal。

-pon-, -pos- / position / postpone, position, preposition, positive。

-polis- / city / metropolis, Indianapolis。

-port- / carry / porter, portable, transport, exportation。

-pseudo- / false, sham / pseudonym, pseudo-science, pseudology, pseudomorph。

-psych- / mind / psychology, psychoanalysis, psywar。

-put-, -putat- / to trim, to calculate / amputate, compute, putative, reputation。

-que-, -qui- / to ask / question, query, request, inquisitive, prerequisite。

-rid-, -ris- / to laugh / ridiculous, risibility, derision。

-rog- / to ask / interrogate, prerogative, derogatory。

-rupt- / to break / rupture, interrupt, eruption, bankrupt。

-sci- / knowledge / science, omniscient, consciousness。

-scrib-, -script- / write / scribble, inscribe, description, prescription, manuscript, scripture。

-sed-, -sess- / to sit / session, sedentary, president, residence。

-sens-, -sent- / to think, to feel / sense, sensitive, sensation, resent, consent。

-sequ-, -secut- / follow / sequence, consequence, consecutive。

-sol-, -solut- / to loosen / solvent, solution, absolve, dissolute, absolute。

-son- / sound / subsonic, consonant, resonant, ultrasonic。

-spect- / look at / spectrum, inspection, circumspection, retrospection。

-spir- / breathe / spirit, aspiration, respiration。

-soph- / wise / philosophy, sophisticate, sophomore。

-tang-, -tact- / to touch / tangent, tangible, contact, contingent。

-tele- / far / television, telephone, telediagnosis, telex。

-temp- / mood / temper, temperament, temptation, contemptuous。

-tempor- / time / temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporize。

-ten-, -tent- / to hold / tenable, tenacity, content, tenure。

-terr- / land, earth / territory, subterranean, extraterrestrial, Mediterranean, inter。

-theo-, -the- / god / theology, atheism, theory, pantheism。

-therm- / heat / thermos bottle, thermometer, geothermal energy。

-urb- / city / urban, suburban, urbane。

-urn- / day / diurnal, nocturnal, journal。

-ven-, -vent- / come / intervene, prevention, convention。

-ver- / true / verify, verily, verisimilar, veracious。

-via- / way / viaduct, deviation, trivial。

-vid-, -vis- / see / video, visualize, vision, vista。

-vinc-, -van- / conquer / victory, invincible, vanquish, vanity。

-voc-, -vok- / call / vocation, revoke, invoke, provoke。

-volv-, -volut- / to roll, to turn / evolve, revolve, convolution。










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