Lu Xun (pinyin, Traditional Chinese: 鲁迅; Simplified Chinese: 鲁迅; pinyin: Lǔ Xùn) or Lu Hsün (Wade-Giles), pen name of Zhou Shuren (Traditional Chinese: 周树人; Simplified Chinese: 周树人; Hanyu Pinyin: Zhōu Shùrén; Wade-Giles: Chou Shu-jen) (September 25, 1881 – October 19, 1936) is one of the major Chinese writers of the 20th century. Considered the founder of modern baihua (白话 báihuà) literature, Lu Xun was a short story writer, editor, translator, critic and essayist. He was one of the founders of the China League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai. Lu Xun's works exerted a very substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement.。
Early life
Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, Lu Xun was first named Zhou Zhangshu and later renamed Shuren, literally, "to nurture a person". He was the eldest of four brothers. His younger brother Zhou Zuoren, four years his junior, would become a notable writer in his own right.。
The Shaoxing Zhou family was very well-educated and his paternal grandfather Zhou Fuqing 周福清 held posts in the Hanling Academy; Zhou's mother, nee Lu, taught herself to read. However, after a case of bribery was exposed - in which Zhou Fuqing tried to procure an office for his son, Lu Xun's father, Zhou Boyi - the family fortunes declined. Zhou Fuqing was arrested and almost beheaded. Meanwhile, a young Zhou Shuren was brought up by an elderly servant Ah Chang, whom he called Chang Ma; one of Lu Xun favorite childhood books was the Classic of mountains and seas.。
His father's chronic illness and eventual death during Lu Xun's adolescence, apparently from alcoholism, persuaded Zhou to study medicine. Distrusting traditional Chinese medicine (which in his time was often practised by charlatans, and which failed to cure his father), he went abroad to pursue a Western medical degree at Tohoku High Medical Institute (now part of Tohoku University) in Sendai, Japan in 1904.。
Lu Xun in his youth。
Lu Xun was educated at Jiangnan Naval Academy 江南水师学堂 (1898-99), and later transferred to the School of Mines and Railways 矿路学堂 at Jiangnan Military Academy 江南陆师学堂. It was there Lu Xun had his first contacts with Western learning, especially the sciences; he studied some German and English, reading, amongst some translated books, Huxley's Evolution and Ethics, J. S. Mill's On Liberty, as well as novels like Ivanhoe and Uncle Tom's Cabin.。
On a Qing government scholarship, Lu Xun left for Japan in 1902. He first attended the Kobun Gakuin (Hongwen xueyuan, 弘文学院), a preparatory language school for Chinese students attending Japanese universities. His earliest essays, written in Classical Chinese, date from here. Lu also practised some jujitsu.。
Lu Xun returned home briefly in 1903. Aged 22, he complied to an arranged marriage with a local gentry girl, Zhu An 朱安. Zhu, illiterate and with bound feet], was handpicked by his mother. Lu Xun possibly never consummated this marriage, although he took care of her material needs all his life.。
Lu Xun, in the Preface to Nahan, his first story collection, revealed why he gave up pursuing a medical career. One day after class, one of his Japanese instructors screened a lantern slide documenting the imminent execution of an alleged Chinese spy during the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05. Lu Xun was shocked by the apathy of the Chinese onlookers; he decided it was more important to cure his compatriots' spiritual ills rather their physical diseases.。
At the time, I hadn't seen any of my fellow Chinese in a long time, but one day some of them showed up in a slide. One, with his hands tied behind him, was in the middle of the picture; the others were gathered around him. Physically, they were as strong and healthy as anyone could ask, but their expressions revealed all too clearly that spiritually they were calloused and numb. According to the caption, the Chinese whose hands were bound had been spying on the Japanese military for the Russions. He was about to be decapitated as a 'public example.' The other Chinese gathered around him had come to enjoy the spectacle. (Lyell , pp 23).。
In May 1918, Lu Xun used his pen name for the first time and published the first major baihua short story, Kuangren Riji (狂人日记, A Madman's Diary) in . He chose the surname Lu as it was his mother's maiden family name. Partly inspired by the Gogol short story, it was a scathing criticism of outdated Chinese traditions and Confucian feudalism which was metaphorically 'gnawing' at the Chinese like cannibalism.。
Another of his well-known longer stories, The True Story of Ah Q (A Q Zhengzhuan, 阿Q正传), was published in the 1920s. The latter became his most famous work. Both works were included in his short story collection Na Han (呐喊) or Call to Arms, published in 1923.。
Between 1924 to 1926, Lu wrote his masterpiece of ironic reminiscences, Zhaohua Xishi (朝花夕拾, Dawn Dew-light Collected at Dusk, published 1928), as well as the prose poem collection Ye Cao (野草, Wild Grass, published 1927). Lu Xun also wrote some of the stories to be published in his second short story collection Pang Huang (彷徨, Wandering) in 1926. In 1930 Lu Xun published Zhongguo Xiaoshuo Lüeshi (中国小说略史, A Concise History of Chinese Fiction), a comprehensive overview of Chinese fiction and one of the landmark pieces of twentieth-century Chinese literary criticism.。
His other important works include volumes of translations — notably from Russian (he particularly admired Nikolai Gogol and made a translation of Dead Souls, and his own first story's title is inspired by a work of Gogol) — discursive writings like Re Feng (热风, Hot Wind), and many other works such as prose essays, which number around 20 volumes or more. As a left-wing writer, Lu played an important role in the history of Chinese literature. His books were and remain highly influential and popular even today. Lu Xun's works also appear in high school textbooks in Japan. He is known to Japanese by the name Rojin (ロジン in Katakana or 鲁迅 in Kanji).。
Lu Xun was also the editor of several left-wing magazines such as New Youth (新青年, Xin Qingnian) and Sprouts (萌芽, Meng Ya). He was the brother of another important Chinese political figure and essayist Zhou Zuoren (周作人). Though highly sympathetic of the Chinese Communist movement, Lu Xun never joined the Communist Party of China. Because of his leanings, and of the role his works played in the subsequent history of the People's Republic of China, Lu Xun's works were banned in Taiwan until late 1980s. He was among the early supporters of the Esperanto movement in China.。
Lu Xun passed away in 1936. His remains were interred in a mausoleum within Lu Xun Park in Shanghai.。
Style and legacy。
Lu Xun's style is wry and incisive. His essays are often sardonic in his societal commentary. His mastery of the vernacular language, coupled with his expertise with tone — often refusing to occupy any easy position — make some of his literary works (like A Q Zhengzhuan, 阿Q正传, The True Story of Ah Q) truly difficult to translate.。
Lu Xun's importance to modern Chinese literature lies in the fact that he contributed significantly to every modern literary genre except the novel during his lifetime.。
Lu Xun, hailed as "commander of China's cultural revolution" by Mao Zedong, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. He produced harsh criticism of social problems in China, particularly in his analysis of the "Chinese national character." He has often been considered to have had leftist leanings. Called by some a "champion of common humanity," he helped bring many fellow writers to support communist thought, though he never took the step of actually joining the Communist Party. It should be remarked, however, that throughout his work the individual is given more emphasis over collectivistic concerns.。
from Call to Arms (1922) 。
"A Madman's Diary" (1918) 。
"Kong Yiji" (1919) 。
"Medicine" (1919) 。
"Tomorrow" (1920) 。
"A Small Incident" (1920) 。
"The Story of Hair" (1920) 。
" Storm in a Teacup" (1920) 。
"My Old Home" (1921) 。
"The True Story of Ah Q" (1921) 。
"The Double Fifth Festival" (1922) 。
"The White Light" (1922) 。
"The Rabbits and the Cat" (1922) 。
"The Comedy of the Ducks" (1922) 。
"Village Opera" (1922) 。
"New Year Sacrifice" (1924) 。
from Old Tales Retold (1935) 。
Mending Heaven (1935) 。
The Flight to the Moon (1926) 。
Curbing the Flood (1935) 。
Gathering Vetch (1935) 。
Forging the Swords (1926) 。
Leaving the Pass (1935) 。
Opposing Aggression (1934) 。
Resurrecting the Dead (1935) 。
Call to Arms (Na Han) (1923) 。
Wandering (Pang Huang) (1925) 。
Old Tales Retold (Gu Shi Xin Bian) (1935) 。
Wild Grass (Ye Cao) 。
Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk, a collection of essays about his youth 。
Brief History of Chinese Fiction, a substantial study of pre-modern Chinese literature。
小美 烟台芝罘区扬格外语 Job Interviews: Breaking the Ice。
You'll notice a few questions in the beginning of the interview that concerns how the job applicant arrived and the weather. This is commonly referred to as 'breaking the ice'. 'Breaking the ice' is an important way to begin the job interview, but it shouldn't take too long. Generally, job interviewers will break the ice to help you feel comfortable. Make sure to give positive, but not too detailed answers to these 'ice breakers'.。
Job Interview Tips: Breaking the Ice。
Give short, positive answers to questions.。
Don't go into too much detail.。
Expect questions about the weather or how you arrived at the job interview.。
It's a good idea to make a pleasant comment yourself to break the ice. Keep it short, positive and simple.。
Job Interviews: Referrals。
Sometimes, you may have found about a job opportunity through a referral. If this is the case, make sure to use the referral to your best advantage by mentioning it at the beginning of the interview.。
Job Interview Tips: Referrals。
Mention the name of the referral at the beginning of the interview. Ideally, this should be done when asked about how you found the job opening.。
Provide the name of the referral, Don't go into too much detail about the relationship, unless asked.。
Give the name of the referral only once. Don't continue to repeat the name during the interview.。
Don't assume the job interviewer knows the person you are mentioning.。
Job Interviews: Language。
Relating your job experience and how it relates to the specific job for which you are applying are the two most important tasks during any job interview. Make sure to use lots of descriptive verbs and adjectives to describe your responsibilities. For example, instead of the following job description:。
I talked to customers about their problems.。
A more descriptive phrase with better vocabulary might be:。
I counseled customers documenting their concerns, and coordinating our response to their individual needs.。
Remember to use the correct tenses when speaking about your experience. Here's a quick review on which verbs are appropriate for specific situations. In the listening selection, you will hear the present perfect, present perfect continuous and present simple used because the person is speaking about his current projects.。
Job Interview Tips: Language。
Take some time to prepare descriptive sentences concerning your responsibilities.。
Use a dictionary, or this handy job interview vocabulary page to improve your vocabulary selection.。
Make sure to connect your past experience to the position by using lots of present perfect.。
Quickly review appropriate job interviewing tenses for describing experiences on this page.。
Here is a wonderful example of a job interview, please notice how the words and phrases are used and the tenses in the sentences. Keep them in mind if you can.。
Interviewer (Ms Hanford): (opens door, shakes hands) Good morning…
Job Applicant (Mr. Anderson): Good morning, Joe Anderson, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms Hanford.。
Hanford: How do you do? Please take a seat. (Joe sits) It's quite the rainy day outside, isn't it?。
Anderson: Yes, luckily, you have a nice underground parking lot that helped me avoid the worst of it. I must say this is an impressive building.。
Hanford: Thank you, we like working here... Now, let's see. You've come to interview for the position of e-commerce manager, haven't you?。
Anderson: Yes, Peter Smith encouraged me to apply, and I think I'd be ideal for the position.。
Hanford: Oh. Peter… he's a great sysadmin, we like him a lot … Let's go over your resume. Could you begin by telling me about your qualifications?。
Anderson: Certainly. I've been working as the regional assistant director of marketing at Simpco Northwest for the past year.。
Hanford: And what did you do before that?。
Anderson: Before that, I was a Simpco local branch manager in Tacoma.。
Hanford: Well, I see you have done well at Simpco. Can you give me some more detail about your responsibilities as assistant director?。
Anderson: Yes, I've been in charge of in-house personnel training for our Internet customer service reps over the past six months.。
Hanford: Can you tell me a little bit about what you've been doing in your training?。
Anderson: We've been working on improving customer satisfaction through an innovative e-commerce solution which provides real-time chat service help to visitors to the site.。
Hanford: Interesting. Is there anything in particular you feel would be useful here at Sanders Co.?。
Anderson: I understand that you have been expanding your e-commerce to include social networking features.。
Hanford: Yes, that's correct.。
Anderson: I think that my experience in customer relations via the Internet in real-time puts me in the unique position of understanding what works and what doesn't.。
Hanford: Yes, that does sound useful. What difficulties and challenges do you think we might run into?。
Anderson: Well, I think we'll continue to see consumers spend more of the shopping dollars online. I've been studying how sales directly relates to customer satisfaction with online services.。
Hanford: Would you mind giving me a bit more detail on that?。
Anderson: Sure ... if customers aren't satisfied with the service they receive online, they won't come back. It's much easier to lose customers online. That's why you need to make sure that you get it right the first time round.。
Hanford: I can see you've learnt quite a lot in the short time you've been working in e-commerce.。
Anderson: Yes, it's an exciting field to be working in …
《碟中碟3》 带中文翻译的。差不多两张吧。
Mission Impossible III 。
Today is Tuesday at special price on the world saw big run Chin film "discs, disc 3>, Yes, I will go after large cinemas view, not really wasted music division. As the scene Huopu, circumstances are very tortuous, to the last minute to know the truth behind the scenes. I think the original, the dialogue soon, no friends or choose Chinese version is good, many people fail to understand response after reading the contents of subtitles change too fast, coupled with the circumstances of imminent, so dizzying. But the $ 200 million investment that film quality is not high, do not know what the reasons are poor copies, or the Office of screening equipment is 9. There are trial and Shanghai lens, but it seems less that the Indian characteristics flu, feeling like Hong Kong films civilian areas, the construction of our country or the lack of features, unlike other films on to a local time, the region can enjoy life. Also as a large, and is action films, the camera is also a lack of broad scenes regret. I feel able to take the box office champion this summer, not necessarily as a preference to look at the market or not. One local not know how to achieve that attacks Bridge that, certainly not the latter is true, then unrealistic and the results so very true. The film was also no lack of ridiculous places, recommended watched index 4 Star 。
影片中也不乏搞笑的地方,推荐观看指数4星 。
Maggie Q Philippe-Hoffman Type : action / adventure / horror Exhibition Date : July 20, 2006 (the Mainland) An export : Paramount Issue : China film distributor Finally decided to write the movie or the movie, although we had already seen for some time, as the introduction of the Mainland summer stall last produced a big hot film 'discs, disc 3 "or indeed attracted the eyes of many people, although the deletion and also lagged behind because of the exhibition, and other factors, it is markedly lower than the biggest" da password "and" superman return " But the mood was very high audience, the time can be found in the presence of this. Well below or return. There is no doubt that recent discs, disc 3 is the best action films, both of the rhythm, the establishment or functioning of the above circumstances are upper-level. Done a real exciting, which is now the most valuable action films. Apprehensively in the film, or rather, the establishment of a skill, the rescue operation began first bomb raises nasal cavity for the last part of the film made her, how catches, carried out in some of the crime bosses very ingenious design, it is entirely possible to describe a dangerous phenomenon occur one after another. Special software has not been put in place is sound and crime bosses statements accident into a section of the intensity. In viewing time really let me breathing accelerated. and the circumstances are unconsciously to the audience to the director of carefully designed trap to the end of time will suddenly realize a truth in every section of the interface very tight, of the audience left without any breathing time in less than two hours to maintain the rapid progress in high among never cold market. As action films in particular dish, dish series, how to use high-tech tools and weapons is a great easy task, in this context includes the design is also very successful, with the exception of each episode will arise facial skin, also joined the nasal cavity bombs manual machine guns and other new varieties, and the task of documenting the items are unique and innovative. the ingenious use of these things can also hit high score. The film moves completely embodies the scene. Expensive. Went characteristics rescue operations, and final Jieqiu Shanghai Sunrise is fully embodies this, and this is the film most people praise. As more content to attract viewers laugh uproariously enough, but in a country with a fine tradition of the film series is too frivolous, Falling wires crashes to the series have been playing a game of 3 times, from the high-rise is not set, it is difficult to give a feeling of tension, Zeiwo husband found the movie true identity code, what is not new, After watching the film, you will find that this volume will be necessary to create some content and linked to chemical weapons + ----- civil strife. Fortunately film rhythm tight, some things because of the lack of time thinking and apprehensively played effect, and illustrated in the film for processing in the absence of good feelings seem disputable up frequently on the leading edge of the tears no convincing, no accumulation of feelings that the film did not move the local people, which is precisely the characteristic of the former two, Tom cruise entirely on their own tears for the figures pale, All of this has completely exposed the director substantial shareholders naked money purposes, after watching the film you will not be moved to any place, as a high-tech money and build the scenery, the lack of which had some resonance Lake moving and, for the people can not afford the emotional ups and downs, and this came two have done, and the introduction of summer "da password" and "superman return" has done so not in a film really makes no precise words to describe it. From the performance of several actors or good, for films released between humorous play a catalytic role. Chinese actress Maggie Q and the "match point" Jonathan performance are very place, a new villain Section actor Philippe-Hoffman performance also demonstrated a certain skill, As for her Michelle-Campus Han and Georgia only completed vases. Finally talk about Shanghai scene, the domestic film version is the deletion of the (first cut of not leave traces progress), it is not possible to comment deletions are good or bad, just on the part of the film is to retain the integrity shown by the two levels of Shanghai, the bustling international metropolis and a long history style, As some people said to Shanghai in addition to several signs depicting no other buildings, even Shanghai locals are recognizable, is absolutely biased words, we do not know is a city landmark from the beginning? construction, but that recognizable only by their own lack of understanding of the city, the film in this regard is good. Kanye West to produce the final say in the song very well "impossible" with the cooperation with Mariah Carey had Twista, subtitles in the film rolling at the end of the broadcast to listen to the MP3 and better results than before. In the final analysis, disc, disc 3 is a brilliant film but without feeling, after what I have read and left no aftertaste, the film is not bad evidenced by the box office, as long as you follow the development of circumstances and not think about it too much away, you still will not speculate too much fun feel. As a film, was affixed with a sincere Jiaqian, leaving only the commercial value as a commodity, we can claim it bring us? 。
Maggie Q 菲利普-霍夫曼 。
·上映日期:2006年7月20日(内地) 。
·出品:派拉蒙发行:华夏电影发行公司 。
终于决定还是写这部电影的影评了,虽然已经看过有一段时间了,作为内地暑假档引进的最后一部大制作的热门电影'碟中碟3"的确还是吸引了很多人的目光,虽然因为删减和拖后上映等原因,它的上座率明显低于"达芬奇密码"和"超人归来",但是观众的情绪还是很高涨,在买票的时候便可以发现这一点.好了下面还是言归正传. 。
毫无疑问,碟中碟3是近期最优秀的动作片,无论是节奏的把握,情节的设置还是动作上面的制作都属上层水平.真正的作到了紧张刺激,这对于现在的动作电影来说是非常可贵的. 。
影片在悬念的设置上还是颇下了一番功夫的,开始的营救行动首先引出了鼻腔炸弹为影片最后的部分做了铺垫,在如何捉捕犯罪头目的部分设计十分巧妙,完全可以用险象环生来形容,特别是声音软件还没有设置好而犯罪头目的报表意外闯入的一段很有力度.在观影的时候真的让我呼吸加快.而情节也在不知不觉中把观众引向了导演精心设计的圈套当中,到结尾揭开真相的时候才会恍然大悟,在每一段的衔接上非常紧凑,没有个观众留下任何喘息的时间,在不到2个小时的时间始终保持在高度快速的进展当中,丝毫没有冷场. 。
作为动作电影特别是碟中碟系列,如何运用高科技的工具和武器来完成任务是一大看点,本片在这方面的设计也十分成功,除了每一集都会出现的脸皮,还加入了鼻腔炸弹,手控机关枪等新品种,而记载任务内容的物品也有独特的创新.对这些东西的巧妙运用也完全可以打高分. 。
影片的动作场面完全体现了大.贵.猛的特点,营救行动,劫囚和最后上海的戏份都完全的体现了这一点,这也是影片最为人称道的地方. 。
以上的内容作为吸引观众的噱头足够了,但是对于一个有着优良传统的系列电影来说则太过轻浮 。
高空绳索坠落到这一集已经玩了第3遍了,从高楼划下也不是首创,难以让人有紧张的感觉,贼窝里发现丈夫真实身份的戏码,早就不是什么新鲜事了,而看完电影你会发现本集是将第一集和第二集的内容连在了一起-----化学武器+内讧.好在影片的节奏紧凑,有一些老套的悬念由于没有时间思考而起到了效果,而片中对情感的处理由于没有好好的渲染显得令人难以信服而主角动不动就闪烁的泪光毫无说服力,没有了感情的积累使得影片没有打动人的地方,这恰恰是前两部的特色,TOM CRUISE完全就自己的眼泪换取了人物的苍白,这一切完全暴露了导演大量圈钱的赤裸裸的金钱目的,看完影片后你不会为任何一点感动的地方,就象一个用金钱和高科技打造的布景一样,缺乏原本竟该有的湖动和共鸣,呼唤不起人们情感上的起伏,这一点上前两部都作到了,而暑假引进的"达芬奇密码"和"超人归来"也作到了,这样一部让人无法投入的电影还真没有什么确切的词语形容它. 。
本片中的几位配角的表现还是不错的,不经意之间幽默的为影片起到了催化作用.华裔女星MAGGIE Q和来自"赛点"的JONATHAN的表现都十分到位,扮演反派的新科影帝菲利普-霍夫曼的表演也展示了一定的功力,至于女主角米歇尔-摩纳汉只能以及格分完成花瓶任务. 。
最后说说上海的场景,由于国内上映的是删减的版本(头一次删减的不留痕迹,进步了)所以无法评说删减部分的好坏,单就影片保留的部分来说完整的表现出上海的两个层面,国际大都市的繁华和悠久的历史风貌,至于有的人说对上海的描写除了几个标志建筑没有别的,连上海本地人都认不出来,绝对是偏见之词,我们认识一个城市不就是从标志性的建筑开始的吗,而且说认不出来只能说明对自己的城市不够了解,影片在这个方面还是不错的. 。
最后说说KANYE WEST制作的颇受好评的主题歌"IMPOSSIBLE"与同MARIAH CAREY有过合作的TWISTA合作,在影片结束后的字幕滚动时播出达到了比之前听MP3更好的效果. 。
Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16-and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you’ll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controllers, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons).Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form. of light diodes for error signalization.。
System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for a process control system. Aside form. this operating system it also contains a user program translated forma ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of PLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development.。
User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as “1”or as “0”in a specific memory bit/ each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in used program. For example, time value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory.。
PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today’s transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs).。
Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines), program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions. 。
Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you’ll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current.。
This electrical supply is usually not used to start external input or output. User has to provide separate supplies in starting PLC controller inputs because then you can ensure so called “pure” supply for the PLC controller. With pure supply we mean supply where industrial environment can not affect it damagingly. Some of the smaller PLC controllers supply their inputs with voltage from a small supply source already incorporated into a PLC.。
PLC使用系统存储器(现在大部分采用闪存技术了)用于过程控制系统。除了这个操作系统之外,它还包括一个由梯形图翻译成而进制形式的用户程序。快擦型存储器(FLASH memory)的内容只有在改变用户程序的时候可以被改变。PLC控制器比快擦型存储器使用得更早,EPROM存储器比快擦型存储器也更早,快擦型存储器必须用紫外线(UV,Ultra-Violet Ray)灯擦除,并在编程器上进行编程。由于快擦型存储器技术的应用,使得这个过程大大缩短了。在应用程序开发中,通过一个串行电缆可以对程序存储器进行重新编程。
Edinburgh Castle is the symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland. It stands on the top of the extinct volcanic rocks and overlooks the city of Edinburgh.。
Every August, a military band arrangement is held here, which shows the grandeur and grandeur of Edinburgh Castle.。
No one who travels to Edinburgh will miss Edinburgh Castle, which can be seen from all corners of the city centre.。
Edinburgh Castle became a royal castle in the 6th century, and Edinburgh Castle has since become an important royal residence and national administrative center.。
Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London.。
Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.。
Buckingham Palace is also an important gathering place at a time of celebration or crisis in British history.。
From 1703 to 1705, Buckingham Palace, a large town hall building, was built here by Buckingham and John Sheffield, Duke of Normanby, which constitutes the main building of today.。
In 1761, George III acquired the mansion and served as a private dormitory.。
Since then, the palace expansion project has lasted for more than 75 years, mainly presided over by architects John Nassy and Edward Broll, which constructed three-sided buildings for the central courtyard.。
In 1837, Queen Victoria ascended the throne and Buckingham Palace became the official palace of the King of England.。
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the public facade of the palace was built, forming the image of Buckingham Palace that continues today.。
During World War II, the palace chapel was destroyed by a German bomb attack.。
The Queen's Gallery on its site was opened to the public in 1962, displaying the Royal Collection.。
Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.。
Elizabeth Tower, formerly known as Big Ben, is the Bell Tower of Westminster Palace, one of the world's famous Gothic buildings, the landmark building of London.。
In June 2012, Britain announced the renaming of the Bell Tower of Big Ben, a famous landmark in London, as "Elizabeth Tower".。
The tower of Elizabeth is a bell tower on the Thames River in London, England. It is one of the landmarks of London. The bell tower is 95 meters high, 7 meters in diameter and 13.5 tons in weight.。
Every 15 minutes, the Westminster bell rings. Since the construction of the Jubilee Metro Line, the tower of Elizabeth has been affected. Measurements show that the tower tilts about half a meter northwest.。
The tower of Elizabeth, built on April 10, 1858, is the largest clock in Britain. The tower is 320 feet tall and the minute needle is 14 feet long.。
Elizabeth's tower is artificially wound. During congressional meetings, the clock shines every hour.。
Every year, when the time changes between summer and winter, the clock will stop and repair, exchange parts, and adjust the tone of the clock.。
Westminster Palace, also known as the House of Parliament, is the seat of the British Parliament.。
Westminster Palace is one of the representative works of Gothic Renaissance Architecture, which was listed as World Cultural Heritage in 1987.。
The building consists of about 1,100 separate rooms, 100 stairs and 4.8 kilometers of corridors.。
Although today's palaces were basically rebuilt in the 19th century, many of the original historical relics, such as the Westminster Hall, are still preserved.。
Today they are used for major public ceremonies, such as pre-funeral displays.。
London Eye, situated on the Thames River in London, UK, is the world's first and largest Ferris wheel for sightseeing up to 2005. It is one of London's landmarks and famous tourist attractions.。
The London Eye is built to celebrate the new millennium, so it is also called the Millennium Ferris Wheel. Passengers can take the London Eye to get a bird's eye view of London.。
The London Eye becomes a huge blue halo at night, which greatly adds to the dreamlike temperament of the Thames River.。
The London Eye also lights up the 2015 British general election, with the red light representing the British Labour Party, the blue representing the Conservative Party.。
the purple representing the British Independent Party, and the Yellow representing the Liberal Democratic Party.。