Read the following passage carefully and then judge whether the statements are true or false by writing T or F. 。
1 There seems to be a general assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine; that they need a varied, exciting life in order to do their best. It is also assumed that dull people are particularly suited for dull work. We are told that the reason the present-day young protest so loudly against the dullness of factory jobs is that they are better educated and brighter than the young of the past. 。
2 Actually, there is no evidence that people who achieve much crave for, let alone live, eventful lives. The opposite is nearer the truth. One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker. Jesus probably had his first revelations while doing humdrum carpentry work. Einstein worked out his theory of relativity while serving as a clerk in a Swiss patent office. Machiavelli wrote The Prince and the Discourses while immersed in the dull life of a small country town where the only excitement he knew was playing cards with muleteers at the inn. Immanuel Kant’s daily life was an unalterable routine. The housewives of Konigsberg set their clocks when they saw him pass on his way to the university. He took the same walk each morning, rain or shine. The greatest distance Kant ever traveled was sixty miles from Konigsberg. 。
3 The outstanding characteristic of man’s creativeness is the ability to transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences. The greatness of man is in what he can do with petty grievances and joys, and with common physiological pressures and hungers. “When I have a little vexation,” wrote Keats, “it grows in five minutes into a theme for Sophocles.” To a creative individual all experience is seminal --- all events are equidistant from new ideas and 10insights --- and his 11inordinate humanness shows itself in the ability to make the trivial and common reach an enormous way. 。
4 An eventful life exhausts rather than stimulates. Milton, who in 1640 was a poet of great promise, spent twenty sterile years in the eventful atmosphere of the Puritan revolution. He fulfilled his great promise when the revolution was, dead, and he in solitary disgrace. Cellini’s exciting life kept him from becoming the great artist he could have been. It is legitimate to doubt whether Machiavelli would have written his great books had he been allowed to continue in the diplomatic service of Florence and had he gone on interesting missions. It is usually the mediocre poets, writers, etc., who go in search of stimulating events to release their creative flow. 。
5 It may be true that work on the assembly line dulls the faculties and empties the mind, the cure only being fewer hours of work at higher pay. But during fifty years as a workingman, I have found dull routine compatible with an active mind. I can still savor the joy I used to derive from the fact that while doing dull, repetitive work on the waterfront, I could talk with my partners and compose sentences: in the back of my mind, all at the same time. Life seemed glorious. Chances are that had my work been of absorbing interest I could not have done any thinking and composing on the company’s time or even on my own time after returning from work. 。
6 People who find dull jobs unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure. Children and mature people thrive on dull routine, while the adolescent, who has lost the child’s capacity for concentration and is without the inner resources of the mature, needs excitement and novelty to save off boredom. 。
1.It is the author’s idea that dull people are particularly suited to dull work. 。
2.The reason the present-day young protest against the dullness of factory jobs is believed by some to be that they are better educated and brighter than the young of the past. 。
2 .现在年轻的抗议原因的单调的工厂的工作,有人认为是他们受到了更好的教育和更明亮年轻的过去。
3.According to the author, it is of more truth that there are evidences that people who achieve much do not crave for, let alone live, eventful lives. 。
4. The examples given in paragraph 2 suggest that if one is to become a great person he must experiences dullness at work or in his life. 。
5. According to the author, the great people are those who can feel content with just a little pleasure but who can endure great sadness. 。
6。The author thinks that what is extraordinary about a creative individual lies in his ability to turn something unimportant into something significant. 。
7.The article suggests that an eventful life keeps a person too busy and tired to be stimulated. 。
8.It can be inferred from the article that the author used to work on the assembly line but he later became a great writer. 。
9.The author writes this article so as to persuade young people not to seek excitement from time to time but to calm down and do their work. 。
10.Throughout the text, the great figures that the author uses as examples are those all of whom achieved much in literature. 。
( 我帮你翻译出来了。)
A lamb went out with some sheep one day.She found some nice grass in the field,so she moved farther and farther away from the others。
She was enjoying herself so much that she did not know a wolf was coming towards her.The wolf quickly caught her and she shouted,"Please,please don't eat me.My stomach is full of grass.If you wait a while,I will taste much better."。
The wolf thought that this was a good idea,so he sat down and waited.After a while,the lamb said,"If you allow mee to dance,the grass in my stomach will be digested faster."And the wolf agreed.。
While the lamb was dancing,she had an idea.She said,"Please take the bell from around my neck.If you ring it as hard as you can,I'll be able to dance even faster."。
The wolf rang it as hard as possible.The sheepherder heard the bell ring and quickly sent his dogs to look for the lamb.In the end,the barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb.。
1、Please give a title to the story.请给故事起个标题。
我觉得起个:a clever lamb吧。。一只聪明的小羊。
2、What do you think of the lamb?。
I think she is very clever.。
1 who is the story about ? A lamb.。
2 when did the story happen? One day.。
3where did the story happen ? In the field.。
4why didn't the wolf eat the lamb at once ? 。
Because the lamb said she didn't taste good when her stomach was full of grass.。
5how did the shepherd know the lamb was in danger? 。
Through the sound of the bell ringing.。
6what's the result of the story? 。
The barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb.。
Today FIONA took us to her friend's farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel.。
Farm bishop we how to milk a cow, I know the milking time, fingers can not move up and down, hands up, fingers pinch the nipple, so that milk will come out. I follow the farmers do the demonstration, shining white milk is ejected from the nipple, I face a splash.。
Then the counterparts of REX also began to learn to squeeze, who knows the funny thing happened, he just put out a hand, the cow began to urinate, make you laugh, can be used to describe the scene at that time we utterly routed.。
On the farm I bottle fed small cow BB, it put the bottle to pull, very naughty.。
All the farm poultry, cattle, sheep, chicken, duck, pig...... Also, I hold the little rabbit, in my arms a blob, hair very smooth.。
Today to visit the farm, I appreciate the natural beauty of Australia~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~。
威尼斯商人:Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains of melancholy; his friend Bassanio asks for a loan of 3,000 ducats to travel to Belmont to court the beautiful heiress, Portia. Antonio agrees, but says that he must borrow the money from one of the city's moneylenders because all of his ships are at sea.。
Antonio and Bassanio approach Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, to ask for a loan. Shylock hates Antonio and tricks him into promising to forfeit a pound of flesh if he cannot pay in time. Shylock's daughter Jessica elopes with the Christian gentleman Lorenzo. Bassanio, accompanied by friend Gratiano, departs for Belmont.。
Meanwhile Portia is also melancholy because, according to the terms of her father's will, she must marry whichever man chooses the 'casket' (box), out of a choice of gold, silver or lead, which contains her portrait. If a suitor chooses incorrectly, he is condemned to remain unmarried forever.。
The Prince of Morocco comes to Belmont and chooses the wrong casket; meanwhile, in Venice, rumors swirl that Antonio's ships have been lost at sea. The Prince of Arragon also chooses the wrong casket, and then Bassanio arrives at Portia's house. He and Portia fall in love, and he makes the correct choice (the lead casket), but their happiness (and that of Gratiano, who will marry Portia's lady-in-waiting, Nerissa) is interrupted by news that Antonio has lost all his money and failed to pay the debt. Shylock is demanding his pound of flesh.。
In Venice, Antonio is taunted by Shylock, who refuses to listen to reason. When Bassanio returns to Venice, Portia disguises herself as a man and secretly follows him. The Duke of Venice presides over the trial. When Shylock refuses to accept Bassanio's offer to repay the loan, the Duke announces that he has called on a legal expert to settle the matter. A letter arrives from the expert, saying that he has sent one of his brightest pupils to pass judgement - the pupil is Portia who arrives dressed as a young male lawyer. She reads the contract and declares that Shylock is entitled to the flesh. The moneylender praises her but Portia then adds that the contract says nothing about shedding blood, so Shylock must cut the flesh without making Antonio bleed or else be arrested for taking a Christian's blood.。
Shylock angrily retreats and says that he will take Bassanio's money, but Portia denies him this recourse, declaring that he has conspired against a Venetian citizen's life and thus his own life is forfeit. However, the court shows mercy - Shylock may keep half his wealth, but must convert to Christianity.。
Not knowing that 'he' is his wife, Bassanio is induced to give the 'young lawyer' a ring that Portia had given him. Gratiano gives Nerissa (as Portia's 'clerk') a ring that she had given him, and the two women return to Belmont. When the men get back, they are accused of having given the rings to other women. Eventually however, Portia reveals the deception, news arrives that some of Antonio's ships have been recovered, and the company celebrates happily. 。
无事生非:In Messina the governor Leonato, his daughter Hero, and her cousin Beatrice (Antonio's daughter) learn from a messenger that Don Pedro has won victory in a battle and is returning home. He arrives with Claudio, Benedick and Pedro's bastard brother, Don John. Claudio falls in love with Hero at first sight. Benedick and Beatrice chide one another and trade witticisms. In private, Claudio tells Benedick of his love but Benedick only teases him. Don Pedro however, vows to help Claudio by disguising himself as Claudio and making advances to Hero. Leonato's brother Antonio overhears Don Pedro and Claudio's conversation but believes Don Pedro is in love with Hero, rather than Claudio. Informing Leonato of this, both rejoice at prince Don Pedro's supposed intentions and plan to tell Hero. Don John's servant Conrade informs Don John of Claudio and Pedro's plans to woo Hero for Claudio, but John, who enjoys being grouchy and spreading gloom, plans to attempt to foil the plans.。
At dinner, while discussing husbands, Beatrice vows to never marry, echoing Benedick's earlier vow. The men arrive in masks: Don Pedro and Hero dance; Benedick and Beatrice dance and she makes fun of Benedick in general, possibly not knowing she is in fact dancing with him. Don John appears to Claudio, who identifies himself as Benedick, even though Don John knows he's Claudio. Don John tells him Don Pedro is actually in love with Hero, saddening Claudio. Benedick carries the ruse further, depressing him more. To his relief though, Don Pedro unites Hero and Claudio in future marriage. Further, Don Pedro plans to convince Beatrice and Benedick to marry one another, even though both has vowed to never marry. Soon, Don John learns of Claudio's engagement to Hero. Still hoping to foil their marriage, he and his servant Borachio plan to brand Hero as a prostitute and thus compromise the marriage. In the orchard/garden, Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio discuss Beatrice's 'love' for Benedick. Although Benedick is hiding they know he is there and lead him to believe she loves him; Benedick takes the bait.。
Similarly, Hero and her servant Ursula Discuss how Benedick is 'in love' with Beatrice while Beatrice herself hides in the trees and listens; she too takes the bait. Separately, Don Pedro and Claudio tease Benedick for being quiet. Don John appears and tells Pedro and Claudio that Hero is a whore/prostitute and will give proof of it the evening before the wedding. At nightfall Dogberry and Verges instruct the night watch to watch over the city. In hiding, they hear the drunken Borachio tell Conrade how he has let Margaret woo him from Hero's bedroom and thus deceive Don Pedro and Claudio into believing Hero is a whore. The next day at the wedding, Claudio plans to denounce Hero and will not marry her. The watch arrests Borachio and Conrade, then Dogberry and Verges come to Leonato to tell him of the arrest, though he impatiently shrugs them off.。
At the wedding, Claudio and Don Pedro accuse Hero of being a whore. Leonato vows to determine if the accusations are true. Further, the Friar suggests they pretend that Hero has died from the accusation, so that if a lie is being propagated, the source may admit the lie out of remorse. Privately, Benedick and Beatrice profess their love for one another. She asks him to prove his love by killing Claudio for wronging Hero. In prison, Dogberry interrogates Borachio and Conrade; the Sexton (recorder) plans to tell Leonato of their crimes.。
In a courtyard Benedick challenges Claudio to a duel. Before this can occur, Dogberry brings Borachio who admits of his wrongdoings to slander Hero. Leonato, still dissembling that Hero is dead, instructs Claudio to come to his house in the morning, so that he can marry a 'cousin' of Hero who is nearly identical to her (and actually is her). Beatrice and Benedick continue to fall in love. At the tomb, Claudio delivers and epitaph to Hero. Then, in the morning, Benedick asks Leonato for Beatrice's hand in marriage. Further, Hero and Claudio are again engaged to be married. Lastly, it is reported that Don John has been arrested for his deceit and will be punished.。
皆大欢喜:A Later Festive Comedy。
In this play, Duke Frederick (the younger duke) usurps his older brother, Duke Senior, and banishes him to the Forest of Arden. Frederick goes on to banish Duke Senior's daughter Rosalind. Frederick's daughter, Celia (Rosalind's cousin) flees her evil father with Rosalind and they head (along with Touchstone, the clown) to the Forest of Arden. Before leaving, though, Rosalind falls in love with Orlando and he with her after he beats Charles in a wrestling match. Orlando, the younger son of Sir Rowland, had rebelled at being kept a virtual prisoner by his older brother, Oliver. Duke Frederick and Oliver had hoped that Charles would kill or cripple Orlando in the match, but Orlando managed to throw and injure Charles. Soon after, Orlando flees his older brother, Oliver, after their servant Adam warns Orlando of Oliver's plans to kill him. Orlando and Adam also flee to the Forest of Arden. Duke Frederick, upon finding Celia, Rosalind, and Orlando missing, orders Oliver to find them, or face banishment himself.。
In the Forest the cousins, disguised as Ganymede (a male) and Aliena, and the clown Touchstone purchase a shepherd's hut, a flock and a pasture from two shepherds Corin and Silvius. In another part of the forest, the banished Duke Senior discusses the philosophising of his melancholy courier Jaques who is even more mad and morose than usual due to the singing of another courtier, Amiens. However, when Duke Senior meets him, Jaques is now merry, having met the clever fool Touchstone in the forest. Meanwhile, Orlando has been desperately searching for food, and, with a drawn sword, he enters Duke Senior's banqueting place and demands food. However, Duke Senior greets Orlando with unexpected kindness and welcomes him and Adam to his camp.。
Orlando, knowing that Rosalind is somewhere in the forest, wanders through the forest hanging love verses to Rosalind upon the branches of trees. Rosalind finds the verses, and, pretending to be a male (Ganymede), she talks at length with Orlando about his true love, Rosalind. As Ganymede, she offers to pose as Rosalind and to allow Orlando to practice his wooing with her. Meanwhile, Touchstone is planning his own romance with Audrey (a sheepherder) though a commoner named William also seeks Audrey until Touchstone scares him off. 'Ganymede' witnesses the love affair of Phebe and Silvius, two shepherds; Phebe treats Silvius coldly and 'Ganymede' chides her for it, but Phebe instantly falls in love with 'Ganymede' thinking Rosalind is a he. After 'Ganymede' leaves, Phebe decides that she will write a love letter to 'him' and have Silvius deliver it.。
Silvius delivers the letter, and Rosalind decides that she will remedy the situation and help Silvius get Phebe by eventually revealing that 'Ganymede' is a she. The exiled Oliver finds 'Ganymede' and tells 'him' that, while sleeping in the forest, he was saved from the attack of a lioness by his brother Orlando. Orlando was wounded and asked Oliver to bring a bloody napkin as proof of the fight and as explanation for missing his appointment with 'Ganymede'. 'Ganymede' faints, then pretends that she was faking, though Oliver comes to realise that 'Ganymede' is really Rosalind.。
Orlando and Oliver are now reconciled, and Oliver tells his brother that he has fallen in love with 'Aliena' - the disguised Celia. They will be married the next day. Orlando returns to 'Ganymede', still not knowing it is Rosalind because Oliver keeps her secret. He laments that he cannot marry his Rosalind tomorrow but 'Ganymede' promises to make it possible via magic. At the wedding 'Ganymede' reveals that 'he' is actually Rosalind, causing Orlando to rejoice. Additionally, Phebe is forced to marry Silvius since she can no longer marry 'Ganymede'. Now, Hymen, the god of marriage, marries Orlando and Rosalind, Oliver and Celia, Silvius and Phebe, & Touchstone and Audrey. After the wedding, Jaques de Boys (a new Jaques) a long lost brother of Oliver and Orlando arrives with the news that Duke Frederick was converted to good by an old religious man and has requested that all of the banished people return home and have their estates back. Lastly, Rosalind recites an epilogue, requesting the audience enjoy the play as much as they please and no more.。
第十二夜:In Illyria, the Duke of Illyria, Orsino states he is sick in love with Olivia. Valentine reports to him however, that she will not see him or any other man for seven years while she mourns the death of her father and brother (both died within the last six months). On the seacoast Viola and her ship's captain come ashore after their ship sinks. Viola fears her twin brother Sebastian is drowned but the captain thinks he saved himself by holding onto the floating mast. Upon learning that she is in Illyria, governed by Orsino, she convinces the captain to help disguise her as a man so that she may become a servant to Orsino, and it seems perhaps try to win his love. At Olivia's house her uncle, Sir Toby Belch, comes home late, drunk as usual, while Olivia's lady-in-waiting Maria lets him in. Soon, Toby's drinking buddy Sir Andrew Aguecheek shows up. Andrew tells Toby he'll head for home the next day since Olivia won't let him woo her, but Toby convinces him to stay with them another month and promises to try harder to get Olivia to like him (Andrew). Back at the Duke's palace he asks Viola (pretending to be a male servant named Cesario) to approach Olivia and woo her on his behalf. Viola (as Cesario) promises to do so, but privately reveals she will not try hard since she desires Orsino. At Olivia's house Olivia and her servant Feste (aka Clown) trade witticisms when Maria and Toby (drunk as usual) tell her Viola (as Cesario) is at the door. Learning Viola is come from Orsino, Olivia tells her steward Malvolio to send him away. Finally though, she agrees to see Viola. Viola speaks to Olivia about Orsino and actually tries to tell her how to distance herself from him. While Viola speaks, Olivia starts to fall in love with her (as Cesario). When Olivia makes a pass at Viola she quickly shuns Olivia off. After Viola leaves, Olivia even has Malvolio send her ring after her (as Cesario).。
When Viola receives the ring from Malvolio, she realises Olivia's new love for her and wonders how things will work out now that Orsino loves Olivia, Olivia loves Viola (as Cesario), and Viola loves Orsino. At the seacoast, Sebastian tells Antonio (the captain that rescued Sebastian, but not Viola) of his fears that Viola is drowned. Sebastian heads to Orsino's court, and, though Antonio knows he has enemies there, he follows Sebastian out of pity for his plight. At Olivia's house, Toby and Andrew drink into the night, while the clown entertains them. Maria appears and Toby starts flirting with her. Malvolio though, shows up and tries to spoil the fun. After he leaves, Maria tells Toby, Andrew and the Clown how she plans to trick Malvolio into thinking Olivia is in love with him by penning love letters to him in Olivia's hand. Separately, Andrew tells Toby he is running out of money while he tries to win Olivia and if he fails, he'll blame Toby. At the Duke's palace the clown sings songs of love while Viola and Orsino discuss the qualities of love. Orsino bids Viola approach Olivia again with his greeting even though Viola insists Olivia will not be moved. In Olivia's garden, Toby, Andrew, Olivia's servant Fabian and Maria hide and listen to Malvolio pompously dream of his 'impending' marriage to Olivia, the idea placed in his mind by Maria's deceptive letters.。
Viola comes back to Olivia's house to talk to her for Orsino but Olivia declares to Viola that she loves her (as Cesario). Andrew again announces he's leaving but Toby and Fabian again talk him into staying, convincing him he should duel Viola (as Cesario) to impress Olivia to love him. Separately, Toby admits to Fabian he only keeps Andrew around to use his money for alcohol. Sebastian and Antonio arrive in Illyria and Sebastian decides to tour the town, then meet Antonio at the Elephant Inn. At Olivia's house, Malvolio approaches Olivia and makes advances to her but she thinks him mad. When Toby, Maria and Fabian appear, Malvolio treats them like they are base and he is royal, causing them to laugh uproariously behind his back. Andrew appears with his outrageously stupidly worded challenge to Viola and Toby promises to deliver it. Toby comes to Viola (who had been speaking with Olivia) and tells her (as Cesario) that Andrew, a most fierce and dreaded knight, has a quarrel with her and will duel her. This greatly fears Viola but Fabian promises to try to calm Andrew. Separately, Toby tells Andrew that Viola is fierce and unstoppable. Toby gets the two to duel, both fearing the other, when Antonio appears and breaks it up, thinking Viola to be Sebastian. Officers of the Duke then appear and arrest Antonio by order of Orsino. Antonio, thinking Viola to be Sebastian, asks for the money back that he lent Sebastian earlier. Viola, not knowing what he means, denies she knows him (though offers him money on loan), angering him and calling her disloyal. The officers lead him away while Viola realises the confusion and finds new hope that Sebastian is alive. After Viola leaves, Toby and Fabian further egg on Andrew to once again duel Viola (as Cesario).。
Outside Olivia's house the clown follows Sebastian around (thinking him Viola) insisting his name is Cesario and that Olivia desires to see him. This annoys Sebastian and he bids the clown to leave. Andrew then appears and strikes Sebastian (thinking him Viola/Cesario) but Sebastian strikes back at Andrew, scaring him. Toby, trying to keep Sebastian from Andrew himself duels Sebastian, until Olivia breaks it up. Sebastian immediately falls in love with her and they depart into her house together. In another part of the house, Malvolio is kept prisoner in a cell in the basement by Toby and Maria. The clown pretends to be a priest and visits him, but will not help him, and, rather, makes fun of him and calls him mad. In Olivia's garden, Sebastian ponders the amazement of the finding of his new love Olivia, then she and he go with a priest to the church to be married.。
At Olivia's house, the Duke arrives and entreats the clown to let him see Olivia. While waiting, Antonio shows up with the officers and explains how he rescued Sebastian from the sea then helped him (actually Viola) in the duel. Orsino tells Antonio he is a pirate and not to be trusted since he helped steal one of Illyria's greatest battleships in the past. Olivia arrives and immediately starts doting on Viola (as Cesario), eventually calling her husband, shocking Viola and enraging the Duke. The Priest arrives and confirms the marriage between Olivia and Cesario (actually Sebastian). Andrew then appears and swears Cesario struck Toby alongside the head, wounding him but Viola denies it. Toby appears, mad at Viola (thinking her Sebastian) but leaves to be bandaged. Finally, Sebastian appears and greets all, while both twins (he and Viola) are amazed and delighted that the other is living. Sebastian promises to keep his marriage to Olivia, and the Duke vows to marry Viola. Malvolio is brought forth from the cell and all learn of the trick played on him. Fabian and the Clown admit they, Toby and Maria did it all in jest and in return for Maria's help, Toby married her. However, Malvolio vows to be revenged on them all. The Duke calls his servants to calm Malvolio and all depart happily.。