1948年5月14日,以色列国诞生,但不久以色列与周围阿拉伯国家的战争便爆发了。已经定居在美国十多年的爱因斯坦立即向媒体宣称:“现在,以色列人再不能后退了,我们应该战斗。犹太人只有依靠自己,才能在一个对他们存有敌对情绪的世界上生存下去。”1952年11月9日,爱因斯坦的老朋友以色列首任总统魏茨曼逝世。在此前一天,就有以色列驻美国大使向爱因斯坦转达了以色列总理本·古里安的信,正式提请爱因斯坦为以色列共和国总统候选人。当日晚,一位记者给爱因斯坦的住所打来电话,询问爱因斯坦:“听说要请您出任以色列共和国总统,教授先生。您会接受吗?”“不会。我当不了总统。”“总统没有多少具体事务,他的位置是象征性的。教授先生,您是最伟大的犹太人。不,不,您是全世界最伟大的人。由您来担任以色列总统,象征犹太民族的伟大,再好不过了。”“不,我干不了。” 爱因斯坦刚放下电话,电话铃又响了。这次是驻华盛顿的以色列大使打来的。大使说:“教授先生,我是奉以色列共和国总理本·古里安的指示,想请问一下,如果提名您当总统候选人,您愿意接受吗?”“大使先生,关于自然,我了解一点,关于人,我几乎一点也不了解。我这样的人,怎么能担任总统呢?请您向报界解释一下,给我解解围。” 大使进一步劝说:“教授先生,已故总统魏茨曼也是教授呢。您能胜任的。”“魏茨曼和我不是一样的。他能胜任,我不能。”“教授先生,每一个以色列公民,全世界每一个犹太人,都在期待您呢!” 爱因斯坦的确被同胞们的好意感动了,但他想得更多的是如何委婉地拒绝大使和以色列政府,又不使他们失望,不让他们窘迫。不久,爱因斯坦在报上发表声明,正式谢绝出任以色列总统。在爱因斯坦看来,“当总统可不是一件容易的事。”同时,他还再次引用他自己的话:“方程对我更重要些,因为政治是为当前,而方程却是一种永恒的东西。”
The UK retail clothing market was worth $43 billion in 2000, having grown by just 3.8% since 1999. 。
Women’s, girls' and children's clothing account for the major share of the market, making up 68.7% of the total value. The increase in working women might have been expected to cause an upsurge in demand for smart clothing, but a major feature of the market has been a trend towards dressing down. Men's tailors, such as Moss Bros Group and Austin Reed Group, have suffered from the demise of the formal suit, while the retail chain Ted Baker, which targets the 18-25 year old market, has embraced the trend and recently recorded a pre-tax profit margin almost four times that of the industry average. In the world of UK fashion, it is the ability to identify and respond immediately to trends that is all-important. 。
Textile manufacturing is in serious decline and clothing retailers continue to find trading conditions difficult in the face of weak consumer demand and heavy discounting. Marks and Spencer, Arcadia Group, BhS Ltd, and Moss Bros Group are among the stores struggling to maintain their position. Meanwhile, the Dutch multiple chain C&A has admitted defeat and has now completely withdrawn from the British market. 。
It is companies such as these, competing in the middle market, which are finding business so hard, since the market favors either value or premium brands. Those that are thriving include discount chains such as Matalan, Peacock's and Primark Stores, which are expanding rapidly and are predicted to increase their market share. 。
With depressed demand and the prevalence of discounters, UK clothing retailing is expected to see modest growth in the near future. The market value is expected to reach $51 billion by 2005, an increase of 19% from 2000. 。
The main sectors in the market for clothing retailing are Outerwear, Underwear and Hosiery. 。
Outerwear includes men's shirts, suits, jackets, smart trousers, coats, sweaters, T-shirts and jeans. Women's dresses, blouses and skirts also fall under this category. 。
Underwear is made up of briefs and vests for men, womens lingerie - panties, corsetry, petticoats, teddies and camisoles. 。
Hosiery covers men's, women's and children's socks, and women's pantyhose and stockings 。
Expenditure on clothing, as well as having to compete with other durable and non-durable household goods, is threatened by increased expenditure on leisure, travel and financial services, including savings. Figures show that spending on clothing as a percentage of total household expenditure has dropped from 5.5 percent in 1995 to 4.4 percent in 2000. The popularity of heavy discounting stores is likely to be a factor in this decline. 。
A Diminishing Mid-Price Market 。
The chain of C&A has been one of the casualties of an ongoing shrinking of the mid-price clothing market. Consumers are now tending towards the budget end of the market, which is targeted by companies such as Primark, Peacock's and Matalan, or the designer, premium-priced extreme. The mid-market has consequently become very competitive, with the struggles of Marks and Spencer, Arcadia Group and BhS to retain market share being well documented. 。
Designer Outlets 。
The first Designer Outlet centre opened in 1995. There are now several such centres that offer discounts of up to 50% on branded fashionwear, footwear, accessories, and housewares. Discount retailing is an important and growing part of several retail markets, and clothing is no exception. Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and Nike are among the names operating in these shopping `villages'. So called 'Off-Price' clothing is said to account for around 30% of the U.S. clothing market. Although it is still a relatively immature part of the UK market, it is expected to grow rapidly as both established and new retailers (e.g. Marks and Spencer and Matalan) plan to set up discount stores and enter the shopping villages. 。
Modern lifestyles, on the whole, have become much less formal, a trend reflected in clothing. While some places of work may maintain a strict dress code, they are fewer and further between — especially in the information technology industry. Many offices have a policy of `dress down 神经网络伪原创' where it is quite acceptable, indeed expected, to dress casually. This attitude extends into social life. Certainly some clubs and restaurants insist on a formal dress code, but many more think it unnecessary. A prime example of this movement toward informality is the huge resurgence in the denim market. UK sales of denim clothing in 2000 shot up by 8% on the previous year to reach $1.3 billion. 。
Participation in sports has increased over the long term, and there is a high level of branding in sports clothes. A particular feature of the sports clothing sector is its acceptability as leisurewear, whether or not any participation in sport is intended. With the growing trend towards informality, the sportswear market is set to grow. This is evident on the UK High St with the entrance of U.S. chains such as Footlocker. 。
Brand Extension 。
In the fiercely competitive UK retail market, the extension of an established brand name into other products has become common practice. This trend is becoming more popular in the clothing industry. For example, Oasis Stores PLC has developed an own-brand toiletries range, launched in October 1999. Meanwhile, designer Tommy Hilfiger has introduced new fragrances targeted at young adults. Other clothes chains with cosmetics, skincare or fragrance ranges include Ted Baker, French Connection Retail Ltd and Karen Millen Ltd. 。
This kind of brand extension is continuing as more and more retailers are following the trend in an effort to compete with each other and offer their customers a complete product range. High street retailer H & M (Hennes and Mauritz) have recently launched a range of cosmetics and cosmetic accessories. 。
Technology in Textiles 。
Before the 1940s, clothes were made of wool, silk or cotton. The 1950s saw the introduction of synthetic fibres that would revolutionise the industry. Elastane microfibres, such as Lycra and Tactel, combine the qualities of stretch and control while being comfortable, durable and easy to care for. Manufacturers now claim to produce fabrics with other characteristics, such as anti-bacterial or moisturising properties, even cellulite-reducing hosiery. 。
As a result of these changes in textile technology, prices are likely to increase, therefore assisting in growing the value of the market. 。
Awareness of Fashion 。
Marks and Spencer, BhS, and Mothercare have lost market share in the children's clothing market to Woolworths, ASDA Group Ltd and Next. Young people are becoming more fashion conscious at a younger age, and shun the somewhat conservative and old-fashioned image of traditional shops. This is in favour of those with a more trendy image, such as Gap, Next and Miss Selfridge. 。
Similarly, older, and often affluent, consumers remain fashion conscious. The product offering for those older consumers wanting to appear in tune with fashion, has improved in recent years. Previously it was almost non-existent, especially at the cheaper end of the market. 。
Larger Sizes
Research has shown that British women are now taller, and more curvaceous, than in the past. This trend has been confirmed by bra manufacturer, Triumph, which has found that the average bra size has grown from a 34B to a 36C in less than a decade. Accordingly, Marks and Spencer, for one, is to use a UK size 14 (US size 10) rather than UK size 12 (US size 8) as its base model. Size 14 bust, waist and hip measurements have also been increased. 。
With 62 percent of women in the UK wearing a UK size 14 (U.S. size 10) or larger, there are undoubtedly opportunities for growth in the larger size clothing market. 。
An estimated two-thirds of the value of the UK clothing market is imported, a percentage that is increasing as more countries with low-cost labour join the supply chain. Traditional sources, primarily Hong Kong and India, are now facing competition from countries such as Morocco and Romania. 。
There is, however, some variation across the product sectors. Germany, Italy and Hong Kong are principal sources of women's, girls' and children's jackets. Men's suits and jackets come primarily from Italy and Portugal. Hong Kong is a significant source of imports of both men's and women's overcoats and raincoats, although in the case of men's coats, the Netherlands is the most important. 。
Hong Kong is by far the most significant exporter of men and women's trousers to the UK, and of women's dresses and skirts. Many British companies are transferring production overseas. Much of the recent growth in value of imports into the UK can therefore be attributed to British companies, and their subsidiaries. 。
The UK imported over $81 million worth of clothing from the U.S. in 2000, a figure which has declined over the last few years. 。
UK imports of U.S. clothing goods 。
Total clothing exports from the UK were $1.8 billion in 1999 – a drop from the 1998 figure of $2 billion. In 2000, the UK exported $2.3 million worth of clothing to the U.S. 。
There has been a recent trend towards exporting more British clothing to countries outside Europe, but less to countries within the European Union (EU). 。
The UK has a reputation for quality in, for example, woollens and knitwear. However, it has been hard hit by the strength of sterling and the recent downturn in economies such as Japan, which are of great importance to UK trade. 。
The Marketplace 。
Vertical integration is a feature of the UK market for clothing. Companies such as Alexon Group, Laura Ashley, River Island Clothing Co., and Austin Reed Group manufacture collections for retail in their own stores. 。
Place of Purchase 。
In order of popularity, department stores, chain stores, independents, fashion multiples and sports shops are the most commonly used retail outlets for clothing. Age and sex are important determining factors in this however. For example, although department stores appeal to all age groups, fashion multiples are generally used by younger shoppers. For all the above outlets, penetration levels are higher among men than women except for independents and sports stores. 。
Traditional mail order catalogues continue to come under pressure from discount stores. They cannot keep up with changes in prices, as their catalogues are printed weeks in advance of a season. 。
The internet and digital television have introduced online shopping but there are hurdles to overcome if this kind of purchasing is to grow the clothing market considerably. Many consumers are hesitant to give credit card details and they like to be able to see and feel garments before they purchase. Brand recognition is important in online shopping, and it, therefore, seems likely that established High St stores may find it easier to make the step from 'brick to click' than a new online only retailer. 。
Brand Awareness 。
There is a high level of brand awareness in some sectors of the clothing industry. For example, the name Levi-Strauss & Co. is synonymous with jeans, like that of Nike with sports clothing. These brands will maintain sales due to firm establishment in their specific markets. However, with more and more discount stores introducing their own labels (e.g. George at Asda, and Matalan), and the consumers decreasing clothing expenditure, mid market retailers will undoubtedly suffer. 。
As mentioned previously, strong brand names are increasingly moving outside their original product. While this might ensure the success of, for example, Ted Baker skincare products, it also opens the clothing market for infiltration by outside brands. 。
Market Leaders and their Brands 。
The UK retail market for clothing is one spanning many extremes. Exclusive designer names are at one end of the scale, while discount stores and market stalls are at the other. In between is a variety of retailers aimed at the middle mass market. It is some of these that are currently finding survival so difficult. 。
C&A is a prime example, but its demise obviously provides opportunities for other stores and products. This is not least because its withdrawal from the UK is freeing up valuable High Street sites. 。
A relatively new entrant to the market is the grocery multiple, and the most successful example is ASDA Group Ltd. The UK's third largest supermarket, taken over by Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated last year, has its own George at ASDA brand of clothing (which had a turnover of $893m in 1999). 。
Tesco PLC, the country's most successful supermarket chain, also devotes significant space to children's clothing, and women's and men's underwear. 。
The total population of the UK is approximately 60 million, and is split roughly equally beween men and women. 。
By age, the population is divided as follows: 。
49 +
Over 83 percent of clothing and accessories are purchased by women over 25. Even 28 percent of menswear purchased in the UK is bought by women. 。
According to the Family Expenditure survery (FES), average weekly household expenditure on commodities and services was $520 in 1999. On average, $32 of this was spent on clothing - this amounts to just over 6% of total expenditure. 。
Although expenditure on clothing, both male and female, has grown in the past ten years, attitudes of consumers have changed. The proportion of spending on clothing that people regard as essential has declined. In 1989, conspicuous consumption was at its height and people were far more concerned with keeping up with the latest fashions. By the end of the recession in 1994, attitudes had changed and fashion had much less of a following - people still care about their appearance, but not to the same extent. This declining regard for fashion is apparent in all socio-economic groups. It is, however, more pronounced in the upper income brackets and the 25-34 and 35-44 age groups. Within these groups, people now view a holiday or products for the home as a priority over new/fashionable clothing. Despite the decline in regard for fashion, the desire to be fashionable still exists and is generally higher among teens, low income households, and the unemployed - hence the success of the discount retailers. 。
The UK clothing industry is an aggressively competitive marketplace, and is dominated by a handful of powerful chains. It has lower productivity than leading European competitors, and opportunities exist, therefore, for low-cost foreign competitors. 。
The UK clothing market has to be instant in its response to changes in fashion in order for spending on clothing to compete with expenditure on other personal and household goods, leisure activities and savings. The market needs to accurately interpret trends so as to avoid surplus stock having to be sold cheaply. Rail upon rail of discounted clothes not only eats into any profit margin, but also damages the image of a shop, giving it a somewhat desperate look. 。
There is one legal requirement regarding the labeling of textiles for clothing. The label must bear an accurate description of the fiber content. This is an obligatory marking requirement. Washing instructions and the size of garment are optional information, but must not be false or misleading. This would result in a breach of the UK Trade Descriptions Act. There are no requirements for a "Keep Away from Fire" label on any childrens daywear (but there is for all nightwear). However, there must be a flammability label on all babywear 0-3 months (day and night wear). This also applies to babywear with a chest size of 21 inches or less. There is no EU Directive on flammability labels on clothing. 。
Clothing falls under the harmonized code of 61.01 – 62.17 and there is currently a maximum duty of 12.6% payable. 。
Clothing is an essential requisite, although consumers can also be tempted to purchase on impulse. Nowadays, few people have the necessary dressmaking and knitting skills to make their own clothing, so nearly all clothing is bought. 。
Unusual garments and colour combinations, can differentiate one product offering from another and may be the determining factor in remaining competitive. 。
The exit of C&A from UK retailing in 2001 has made prime High Street sites available for other chains and product offerings. In addition to this, the removal of tariffs and quotas protecting foreign markets (under the Multi Fibre Arrangement) in 2005, will increase opportunities for overseas companies. However, overseas competitors should be aware of the increased emphasis on design that differentiates British product makes it less vulnerable to cheaper foreign competition. Opportunties for U.S. manufactured goods exist, as they are more likely to be able to compete with British designed product. 。
Men's lifestyle magazines are helping to increase interest in men's and boys' fashion and men are more interested in fashion than they were ten years ago. 。
Women are more financially dependent and able to spend as they like on their wardrobe, and as the proportion of working women increases, they are likely to require more clothes than they would if they stayed at home. However, as mentioned previously, the trend towards dressing down is increasing, therefore clothing purchased for the office will not necessarily include business suits. 。
Home shopping through catalogues, the Internet, and interactive television means that goods, including clothing, can be bought at any time of the day, 7 days a week. However, people will always prefer to see the clothing and feel fabrics and textiles before purchasing so it is unlikely that home shopping will seriously threaten the High Street retailers. 。
The UK clothing market will see steady but modest growth over the next few years and is expected to reach $51. billion by 2005, an increase of 19% from 2000. Judging by current trends and evidence, it appears that the majority of this growth will come from the success of discount retailers. The diminishing mid market in fashion retailing means that best opportunities for U.S. companies exist at this end of the scale. 。
For more information on the UK Clothing Market, please contact: 。
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Westlife is an Irish pop band that was formed on July 3, 1998. The group's original lineup comprised Brian McFadden, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, and Shane Filan. Filan and Feehily are the band's lead vocalists. Westlife have had 14 UK number ones and was the first act in British history to have four number one singles in a year. The band is also the only act to have number ones with their first seven singles and to date they have gone on to sell over 40 million albums worldwide.。
They were signed on by Simon Cowell and are currently managed by Louis Walsh. In 2008, they were declared as Ireland's 9th richest celebrities under 30 years old and 13th in general. They garnered 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history, tying with Cliff Richard and tailing behind Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The band has also won numerous awards such as the "Best Irish Pop Act" at the annual Ireland Meteor Awards and ITV "Record of the Year" award in the UK. The band has also broken a few top records, including "Music artist with most consecutive number 1's in the UK" and the "Biggest selling arena act in the UK".。
Over years of their career, Westlife's music has evolved from teen pop to a pop sound, with an emphasis on ballads. All of the band members are songwriters, although most of their hits have been composed by external writers.。
Brian Nicholas McFadden (born 12 April 1980) is an Irish singer and songwriter, who rose to fame with Irish boy band Westlife before quitting the band to forge his own solo career. He was married to former Atomic Kitten member Kerry Katona, and is now engaged to Australian pop star Delta Goodrem. Brian has found considerable success in Australia since his relationship with Delta Goodrem. He is also the brother of Grease actress Susan McFadden who competed in and won BBC's Grease is the Word, which was searching for an actor and an actress to play Danny and Sandy in the musical Grease in London's West End。
Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne is the oldest member of the popular Irish pop band, Westlife.。
Before joining Sligo based band IOU, Byrne was a footballer who played for Home Farm F.C. and St. Clemintines Boys F.C. in North Dublin.He became a professional football player, and joined Leeds United as a goalkeeper in 1995, and was a squad member of the FA Youth Cup winning team of 1997.。
He played for Leeds for two years, leaving when his contract expired in June, 1997. He played in a reserve game for Scarborough F.C. and in a trial game with Cambridge United before returning to join Dublin club Shelbourne. He then signed for Cobh Ramblers, then St. Francis F.C., all in Ireland's Eircom league.。
On the 14/5/09 Nicky was a substitute for a Liverpool FC Legends XI that played against an All Star XI in a Hillsborough Memorial match to mark the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster. All the proceeds from the match went to the Marina Dalglish appeal.。
In 1997, he attended an audition for a new Irish boyband, where he was spotted by Boyzone manager Louis Walsh, and Walsh approached him to join his new venture, Westlife. He joined Westlife along with Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shane Filan and Brian McFadden.。
His first album with Westlife was released in November, 1999, titled Westlife. With Westlife, Byrne has had 14 UK number ones and 7 number one albums in the UK, and sold 40 million records worldwide.。
He married his childhood sweetheart Georgina Ahern, daughter of the former Irish Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern on 5 August 2003 at the Wicklow Registry Office, Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. The civil ceremony was followed on Saturday August 9 by a church blessing at the Roman Catholic Church of St Pierre et St Paul in Gallardon, Eure-et-Loir, France and a reception at the nearby 16th century Château d'Esclimont.。
Georgina gave birth to fraternal twin sons Rocco Bertie Byrne and Jay Nicky Byrne on 20 April 2007, 6 weeks premature. Rocco and Jay were christened on 15 July 2007 in the Saint Sylvester Church in Malahide, Dublin.。
Jay's godparents are Nicky's sister Gillian Byrne and her husband Mark Gallagher. Rocco's godparents are Georgina's sister Cecelia Ahern and Nicky's brother Adam Byrne.。
Cian John Francis Egan, more commonly known as Kian Egan (born April 29, 1980) is one of four (previously five) members of Irish boy band Westlife.。
Kian was born in Sligo, Ireland to parents Patricia and Kevin. He has three brothers; Tom, Gavin and Colm, and three sisters; Marielle, Vivienne and Fenella. He attended Summerhill College secondary school in Sligo. He plays many instruments inside and outside the group, including the piano and guitar and was a former member of Sligo punk rock group Skrod. He was also in a pop group called IOU with fellow Westlife members Shane Filan and Mark Feehily as well as Graham Keighron, Michael "Miggles" Garrett and Derrick Lacey. Kian Egan's credits in the band include writing songs such as Don't Let Me Go and When You Come Around. Kian married actress and singer, Jodi Albert on May 8th 2009 in Barbados.。
Mark Michael Patrick Feehily (born 28 May 1980 in Sligo, Ireland), better known as Mark Feehily, is a member of the popular Irish vocal pop group, Westlife.。
He has two younger brothers named Barry (born 1985) and Colin (born 1989). His parents are Marie and Oliver Feehily. [1]。
In Westlife's music, Mark is distinctive for his rich, soulful voice, which is prominently featured in all of Westlife's songs. In Westlife he shares all lead vocals with Shane Filan.。
Shane Steven Filan (born July 5, 1979) is the lead singer of Irish pop band Westlife. Filan is one of the four (formerly five) original Westlife members, along with other current members Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne.。
Filan was born on July 5, 1979 to Peter and Mae Filan, and grew up in Sligo, a small town in the northwest of Ireland. The youngest of seven children, he has three brothers and three sisters: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise and Mairead. His parents owned a diner in Sligo named Carlton Cafe located on Castle Street and Shane used to work there as a waiter from a very early age.。
Filan attended Summerhill College, a Catholic school, with Kian Egan and Mark Feehily. All three of them participated in a school production of Grease when they were about 12. The Hawkswell Theatre became a significant part of their careers, and as a big fan of Michael Jackson, Filan taught himself how to moonwalk.。
Filan married his childhood sweetheart, Gillian Walsh (bandmate Kian Egan's cousin) on Sunday December 28, 2003 at Ballintubber Abbey, followed by a reception at Ashford Castle, Ireland. Gillian gave birth to their first child, a daughter, Nicole Rose, at Sligo General Hospital on 23 July 2005, and to a baby boy called Patrick Michael Filan, born at Sligo General Hospital on September 15, 2008.。
Shane likes to play golf in his spare time, but loves horses much more. He and his family own more than 70 of them, and used to compete at horse tournaments. All of Shane's horses are named Carlton something (e.g. Carlton Flight, Carlton Clover Association of Ireland). A massive Manchester United fan, Filan and bandmate Nicky Byrne proudly wore their Man Utd scarfs as they were half time guests at Old Trafford for the game between United and Bolton Wanderers。
He and his eldest brother, Finbarr, have a company called Shafin Developments Ltd. They are hoping to expand its portfolio with the proposed construction of 63 luxury apartments at the rear of Lisroyan House, Knappagh Road, Sligo。
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Already more than 50 have made an investment in China in 500 largest companies in U.S.A.. Most scale of U.S.A.'s investment project is great, modern techniques, the economic payback is high. There are a solid foundation extremely favorable to two rent land and wide prospect in the cooperation of of investment in China and the United States. There are sufficient capital and strong technical force in U.S.A.. And China's politics and social stability, economy is developed continuously, the economic development plan is clear with middle period for a long time, all these have attracted foreign investor. The appeal to foreign capitals of China still lies in its sufficient natural resources, vast territory , the cheap labour whom numerous population offer, potential market, in addition have a comprehensive industrial foundation which accords with the interests of the foreign capitals and technical force. Chinese Government makes a regulation of Yu, offers more convenience to foreign investor in recent years. These methods have strengthened infrastructure construction, fly's country's government always supports mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit and cooperation between enterprises of two countries to contribute to improving the investment climate, encourage more investment from U.S.A., especially encourage U.S.A. to the Chinese infrastructure and investment of the basic industries. 。
During long periods of time ecosystems have been evolving. The evolution of an ecosystem is caused by factors inside and outside it.在漫长的岁月里,生态系统一直处于演化之中,促使其演化的原因,有来自内部的,也有来自外部的。
Now the number one threat to the equilibrium of the atmosphere comes not from the nature but from the man himself. This threat is the ever-increasing man-made pollution.今天,威胁大气平衡的头号敌人不是来自大自然,而是来自人类自身,这个敌人就是日趋严重的人为污染。
由于野生麝的数量在下降,也由于我国政府所采取的保护野生动物政策的推行,近年来麝香变得越来越稀有。Musk has become increasingly scarce in recent years, due to the falling numbers of wild musk deer and especially due to the implementation of the wild animal protection policy administered by our government. 。
经过20年的研究,一种人工配制麝香的方法已诞生。这项发明被医务界认为是中医发展史上的一个重大突破。Now after 20 years of research, an artificial formula has been prepared which is regarded by the medical profession as a significant breakthrough in the development of traditional Chinese medicine. 。
The new artificial musk is believed to have the same function as natural musk. This achievement provides confidence as well as an opportunity to further research into the development of other artificial materials for traditional Chinese medicine, such as tiger bones and rhinoceros horn, both of which are endangered species. 。
The Chinese Public Health Ministry has approved the trial production of artificial musk. Currently, its prescription and production processes are still listed as confidential. 。
A typical dinner for a table of ten people consists of four courses of cold dishes, four courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice. 。
Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet. 。
People at a table will usually “Gan Bei” when toasting each other. 。
作为一种世代相袭的传统,中国人就餐时围桌而坐,人人手里都有一碗主食,炒菜放在桌子中央,大家一起食用。Traditionally, everyone at the Chinese dining table has his or her own bowl of staple food, that is, steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread, while the dishes are placed in the middle of the dinner table to be shared by all. 。
当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们在共食放在餐桌中央的菜肴时,必须使用“公筷”或“公用”汤匙,以防疾病传染。In more health-conscious environments, however, only “public” chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in the middle of the dining-table, so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases. 。
Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the United States. Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures. Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking. 。
Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical well-being.保健餐因人们开始重视自身健康而倍受青睐。
Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i.e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better. 。
Fast-food restaurants can be seen all over the country. Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.全国各地到处可见快餐饮食店。速度是美国人生活中的一个非常重要的因素。
Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting. 。
Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand. 。
如果某人说“我喜欢中国菜”,这种说法似乎过于简单了。其实并不存在所谓的“中国菜”这一简单的概念。If you hear someone say “I love Chinese food”, he is taking too much for granted. As a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called “Chinese food”. 。
象中国这样幅员辽阔、历史悠久而又复杂的国家,千百年来必然会形成具有鲜明地方烹饪特色的区域性菜系或帮菜。With a territory as large and a history as long and complex as China’s, it is inevitable that distinct regional differences in cuisine have evolved over the course of centuries. 。
If you prefer sitting down but still don’t want to spend much, you can try a cafeteria. At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register, but you usually have to clear the table when you finish! 。
Coffee shops are usually less expensive and less dressy than find restaurants. So are pizza places, pancake houses, sandwich shops and family restaurants. 。
Like most fast food restaurants and cafeterias, many restaurants don’t serve alcoholic beverages. This is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children. 。
You may be asked to show some ID that proves your age before you go into a bar. In the United States, the law forbids people under the age of 21 from drinking alcoholic beverages. 。
根据建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们对财税、金融、外汇、外贸、投资、价格和流通体制进行了重大改革。In accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we carried out important reforms in fiscal taxation, finance, foreign currency, foreign trade, investment, pricing, and the circulation system 。
We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability, resolutely curb inflation and take concrete steps to strengthen agriculture. 。
我们要以国有企业为重点深化改革,继续保持国民经济快速、健康发展,加强精神文明建设和民主法制建设,促进社会全面进步。We should further facilitate our reform, focusing on state enterprise. We should also continue to maintain the rapid and sound development of the economy and make greater efforts to promote socialist cultural and ideological progress, democracy and the legal system, so as to promote overall social progress. 。
我们要继续全方位地对外开放,把重点放到提高成效上来。努力保持外贸的稳定增长,改善出口商品结构,提高出口商品的质量和档次。We should continue to open to the outside world in all directions and focus on achieving better results. We should work to maintain steady growth in foreign trade, improve the composition of export goods, raise their quality and grades. 。
China will, as always, energetically develop multilateral and bilateral trade and economic relations with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 。
No country today is more synonymous with economic growth, capital gains, and vast opportunities to make money than China. 。
Today there are more than 50 dedicated China funds managing some $3 billion for institutional and individual investors in the West.已有50多家热诚尽职的中国公债基金管理公司,为西方机构和个人投资者经营着约30亿美元的资金。
Within the past few months several big Asia infrastructure funds have been launched in New York and elsewhere, aimed at financing roads, bridges, and power plants in China as well as in other developing countries.在近几个月里,几家亚洲大型基础设施公债已在纽约和其他地方上市,这些资金将用于建设中国以及其他发展中国家的道路、桥梁和发电厂。
China is the world’s largest consumer market, with 1.2 billion people whose incomes are rising rapidly.中国是世界上最大的消费市场,其12亿人口的收入正在迅速增长。
China’s entrepreneurial provinces along the coast are racing ahead at GDP growth rates of 20% or more, fueled to a more or less extent by foreign capital.企业密集的中国沿海省份的经济,在外资或多或少的助燃下,其国内生产总值以20%或20%以上的递增速度飞速增长。
The government has tried to quell inflation, through, for example, price controls on some essential commodities.中国政府试图采取措施抑制通货膨胀,例如对一些生活必需品的价格实行控制。
对外开放、引进外资是我国的一项长期国策。China commits herself to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introducing foreign investment. 。
我们应继续保持良好的增长势头。We should continue to maintain good growth momentum. 。
我们希望开拓国际市场,发展加工生产和创汇产品。We hope to explore overseas markets, and develop processing industries and hard-cash earning exports. 。
We will accelerate the restructuring of the economic system centering on the reform of enterprise. 。
The many historical changes which have taken place in China since the initiation of reform and opening in late 1978 have attracted great attention abroad. 。
16年来,中国的国民生产总值以平均9%的年增长率递增,而且这种高增长率可望延续到本世纪末。In the past 16 years, China’s GNP increased at an average rate of 9 percent, and the rate is expected to remain high throughout the years at the turn of the century. 。
中国12亿人口的衣食问题已基本上得到解决,全国充满了生机。To date, the problem to feed and cloth its 1.2 billion people has been basically solved and the nation is full of vitality. 。
当前,中国正在进行大规模的经济建设,这为包括美国在内的世界各国提供了无数经济合作的机会。At present, China is engaged in a large-scale economic construction, which will provide countries throughout the world, including the United States, with numerous opportunities for economic cooperation. 。
Investment in China’s electronic industry over the past decade focused on consumer goods. The strategy for future development will emphasize the industries of telecommunications and computer technology, and the production of complete sets of equipment. 。
Beijing unveiled an industrial policy last week that aims to consolidate China’s 120 manufacturers into eight significant players and to make “affordable family sedans” by the year 2000. 。
“There’s no major Japanese company that doesn’t want to get into this market now,” says a Toyota official at the auto show, who asked to remain unnamed. “Yse, it’s true we haven’t been optimistic in the past. We are wrong to wait.”
美国投资项目大多规模大,技术先进,经济回报率高。American investment projects in China are large in scale and advanced in technology, and have provided excellent economic returns. 。
中国对外资的吸引力还在于其充足的自然资源,辽阔的国土,众多的人口所提供的廉价劳动力,潜在的市场,此外还拥有符合外资利益的综合性工业基础和技术力量。China’s investment attraction also lies in its abundant natural resources, massive territory, huge population which provides a cheap labor force, and potential markets, as well as its comprehensive industrial base and technological force which are compatible with foreign investment interests. 。
中国政府制定了一系列法规,为外国投资者提供更多的方便。这些做法加强了基础设施建设,有助于改善投资环境。The Chinese government has formulated a series of laws and regulations which offer foreign investors greater convenience. These efforts, which have facilitated the construction of infrastructures, help improve the investment environment. 。
中国政府一贯支持两国企业之间互惠互利的合作,鼓励更多的来自美国的投资,特别是鼓励美国对中国基础设施和基础工业的投资。Chinese government has consistently supported the mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises of the two countries, and encourages more American investment in China, especially in the construction of infrastructures and basis industries. 。
我们最近举行的一些会谈,其意义在于寻求更好的途径把美国大公司的长期资本引入中国的经济建设。The significance of our recent talks lies in their effort to seek better ways to introduce from US major companies long-term capital to China’s economic construction.。