
问题描述:大熊猫的相关资料 大家好,小编为大家解答一个有趣的事情的问题。很多人还不知道一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!



1、大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca;英文名称:Giant Panda),属于食肉目、熊科、大熊猫亚科和大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。



3、截止2011年10月,全国圈养大熊猫数量为333只。野外大熊猫的寿命为18~20岁,圈养状态下可以超过30岁。 大熊猫是中国特有种,现存的主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。





参考资料来源:百度百科-大熊猫 (哺乳动物)



羊驼 英文名:Alpaca。

学 名:Lama pacos


界: 动物界 Animalia。

门: 脊索动物门 Chordata。

纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia。

目: 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla。

科: 骆驼科 Camelidae。

属: 小羊驼属 Vicugna。

种: 羊驼 V. pacos 可爱的羊驼 [编辑本段]保护状况 驯养 。

偶蹄目骆驼科无峰驼(羊驼)属的1种。 别名美洲驼、无峰驼。体型颇似高大的绵羊;颈长而粗;头较小,耳直立;体背平直,尾部翘起,四肢细长;被毛长达60~80厘米,呈纯白,浅灰、棕黄、黑褐,纯黑等22不同色型;雄性略大于雌性。产于南美的秘鲁和智利的高原山区。

当今羊驼大国秘鲁已立法禁止羊驼的出口,因此智利、玻利维亚进而成为南美洲羊驼出口的主要国家。但是由于南美洲的羊驼几乎完全处入原始放养,自然繁育,并由于国际市场对羊驼制品的 一只没有被剪过毛的羊驼在吃草高需求量,南美洲原产地的羊驼品种的总体质量已明显下降。

南美洲以外的羊驼产业是以品种提纯繁育为主要目的和经营手段。现在南美洲以外的羊驼主要分布在美国、澳洲和新西兰。经过这些国家近二十年科学繁育,系统优化,这些国家的羊驼品质已明显优于南美洲自然繁育的羊驼。 [编辑本段]起源羊驼是原驼和小羊驼的杂交的后代,被人工驯养超过6000年。其历史可以追溯到印加帝国早期,羊驼和他们的表亲大羊驼是在欧洲人发现美洲大陆之前在南美洲仅有的被驯化的家畜。他们是安地斯文明的整体的一部分和也是其文明的生活方式的体现,羊驼被用于提供食物、燃料、衣物和运输畜力。在西班牙占领印加后,许多羊驼、大羊驼和印第安人一样死亡了。但在不合适人类居住条件的阿尔蒂普拉诺高原(Altiplano),这个物种幸存了下来 刚被剪过毛的羊驼。

如今这些动物数量超过了三百万,但在南美洲境外,这个数量是非常小的(约4万)。 羊驼非常聪明,是高度群居的动物,容易饲养和照看。羊驼的外表看起来是很有趣的。他们主要通过身体摆姿势和一个柔和的哼唱声音进行交流。大羊驼的重量典型范围在大小从大约100-200kg,但是羊驼是大约70-90kg。 [编辑本段]经济价值羊驼毛以其质量与色泽独一无二的特点而闻名于世.其韧性为绵羊毛的两倍,无毛脂,杂质少,净绒率达90%.用羊驼毛制成的时装,轻盈柔软,穿着舒适,垂感好,不起皱,不变型,深受欧美、日本消费者的青睐。

羊驼的皮毛可作为羊毛的更高档替代品。在20-21世纪之交,羊驼毛纺织品在国际市场上走俏。 [ 驼羊驼羊属驼羊属(Lama)

属于哺乳纲(Mammalia; mammals) 偶蹄目(Artiodactyla) 骆驼科(Camelidae)

有3种--原驼(L.guanicoe)、 驼羊(L.glama)、 羊驼(L.pacos),都分布在南美洲的西部和南部,栖息在从地平面直到海拔5000米高的半沙漠地区。

驼羊是一种种类 羊驼是一种动物。

蓝鲸的资料 英文版的相关图片

蓝鲸的资料 英文版


Dolphin (aquatic mammal)。


Dolphin (aquatic mammal), fast-swimming animal related to whales and porpoises. Sleek and powerful swimmers found in all seas, dolphins are distinguished from porpoises by well-defined, beaklike snouts and conical teeth. The porpoise has a blunt snout, chisel-shaped teeth, and a stouter body.。

There are at least 32 species of dolphins. Typical examples are the bottle-nosed dolphin, a popular performer in seaquariums, and the common dolphin, which inspired many Mediterranean folk legends. Both often appear in open waters, making their characteristic arched bounds, frequently before the bow waves of ships. Several freshwater species inhabit river estuaries in Asia and South America. The small, graceful tucuxi dolphin has been sighted more than 2000 km (more than 1250 mi) up the Amazon River. The tucuxi, the smallest dolphin, is less than 1.2 m (less than 4 ft) long; the largest, the bottle-nosed dolphin, reaches a length of 3 m (10 ft). The killer whale is considered a dolphin despite its much greater length of 9 m (30 ft). The pilot whale is also considered a type of dolphin.。

Dolphins once were hunted commercially, especially for the small quantity of valuable oil extracted from parts of the head and used to lubricate delicate watch mechanisms. Cheaper oils have now been found from other sources, and dolphins are no longer hunted for this reason. Many dolphins, however, become accidentally trapped and drowned in tuna nets; between 1959 and 1972 an estimated 4.8 million dolphins died in this way. Under pressure from animal rights activists and United States consumers, both domestic and international tuna canners have refused to accept shipments from fishing fleets that do not protect dolphins. Concern has also been expressed about the treatment of dolphins on display in public aquariums and in “swim with the dolphins” programs. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, amended in 1988 and 1992, was passed to prevent exploitation of dolphins and related aquatic animals. The National Marine Fisheries Service is the principal regulatory agency.。


In one day dolphins eat an amount of food, mostly fish and squid, equal to nearly one-third of their weight. Dolphins are swift enough to easily outdistance their prey. They seize their catches with jaws that have from 200 to 250 sharp teeth. Dolphins follow schools of fish in groups of varying size. Some species, such as the Pacific white-sided dolphin, make up aggregations estimated at tens of thousands of members. Less gregarious species, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, join in groups that often contain only a few members.。

Dolphins, like whales, breathe through a blowhole at the top of the head. As they travel they break surface about every two minutes to make a short, explosive exhalation, followed by a longer inhalation before submerging again. The tail, like that of other aquatic mammals, strokes in an up-and-down motion, with the double flukes driving the animal forward; the flippers are used for stabilization. Dolphins are superbly streamlined and can sustain speeds of up to 30 km/h (up to 19 mph), with bursts of more than 40 km/h (more than 25 mph). Their lungs, which are adapted to resist the physical problems created for many animals by rapid changes in pressure, enable them to dive to depths of more than 300 m (more than 1000 ft).。

Adults of the bottle-nosed dolphin—the best-studied species—come to sexual maturity after 5 to 12 years in females and 9 to 13 years in males. They mate in the spring; after a gestation period of 11 or 12 months, a single calf is born, tail first. Calves swim and breathe minutes after birth; they nurse for up to 18 months. They are able to keep up with the mother by remaining close and taking advantage of the aerodynamic effects of the mother’s swimming.。


Dolphins almost constantly emit either clicking sounds or whistles. The clicks are short pulses of about 300 sounds per second, emitted from a mechanism located just below the blowhole. These clicks are used for the echolocation of objects and are resonated forward by the so-called oily melon, which is located above the forehead and acts as an acoustic lens. Echoes received at the area of the rear of the lower jaw are transmitted by a fat organ in the lower jaw to the middle ear. This echolocation system, similar to that of a bat, enables the dolphin to navigate among its companions and larger objects and to detect fish, squid, and even small shrimp. The whistles are single-toned squeals that come from deeper in the larynx. They are used to communicate alarm, sexual excitement, and perhaps other emotional states.。

Because of the ability of dolphins to learn and perform complex tasks in captivity, their continuous communications with one another, and their ability, through training, to approximate the sounds of a few human words, some investigators have suggested that the animals might be capable of learning a true language and communicating with humans. Most authorities, however, agree that although the dolphin’s problem-solving abilities put the animal on an intelligence level close to that of primates, no evidence exists that dolphin communications approach the complexity of a true language.。

The name dolphin is also applied to food fish of a different genus that have long, continuous dorsal fins. The fish, found worldwide in tropical marine waters, can reach a length of 1.5 m (5 ft).。

Scientific classification: Dolphins belong to the suborder Odontoceti of the order Cetacea. The bottle-nosed dolphin is classified as Tursiops truncatus, the common dolphin as Delphinus delphis, and the tucuxi dolphin as Sotalia fluviatilis. The killer whale is classified as Orcinus orca. Pilot whales make up the genus Globicephala. The white-sided dolphin is classified as Lagenorhynchus obliquidens.。

Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.。











在所有动物中, 蓝鲸发出的声音最大,.蓝鲸在与伙伴联络时使用一种低频率,震耳欲聋的声音。这种声音有时能超过180分贝,比你站在跑道上所听到的喷气式飞机起飞时发出的声音还要大,灵敏的仪器曾在80千米经外探测到蓝鲸的声音。


The largest blue whale is not only whales, but once on the Earth than the biggest dinosaur life long shock (shock lung, and its length there is 39-52 meters! Height can reach 18 meters. Weight reached 130 tons.。

Every year, within the eardrum has a lot of wax accumulation, according to the thickness of wax, you can determine its age. Department in its upper jaw have a piece of the corpus callosum and white, are the growth of hair once the place, then, are the degradation of the hair on the left of a verrucous vegetation has become a breeding ground for parasites. This because of the corpus callosum in each individual and not on the same, just different shapes are wearing the "hat", which therefore can distinguish between different individuals.。

) But also large, is known since ancient times has been the largest of all animals, and in general for the 2400-3400 cm body length, weight of 1000 grams 150,000-200,1000, that is, its weight is equivalent to 25 more than the African elephant, or the weight of 2000-3000 the sum of the individual. Fortunately, because of the role of marine buoyancy, it does not need as easily as land animals to support their own weight, and also a huge help to maintain a constant body temperature.。

Special short dorsal fin, its length less than 1.5% of body length, flipper is very short, about 4 meters, with 4 toes, later fate of the missing have not carved wavy, wide, flat tail flat. Streamline the entire body was, seems like a razor, so it was called the "razorback."。

Blue Whale呈淡general body surface are blue or gray rat, back there is fine pale stripe, white chest spot, 20-fold more than in the ditch, also covered with abdominal fold, as long umbilical, with ocher color macular.雌兽there is cleavage at both sides of the gonopore, which has long nipples. Head relatively small and flat, has two fumaroles, located on top of the head, kissed wide mouth, and mouth without any teeth, maxillary width, convex curved upward, the Health and have to have a black board, many on each side pieces of 300-400, 90-110 cm long, 50-60 cm wide.。

Blue whale habitat of the Gulf most of the rivers from the land into an extremely rich in organic matter, so that water quality is very fertile, and promoted a large number of breeding plankton. The plankton-intensive, it has given rise to a body radiates with blue light of the large number of drilling krill. Inconceivable that such a large blue whale is the animal has such a small scale shrimp as the main food of animals.。

Blue Whale's body is so great, so there is a tongue 2000 kilograms, there is 3000 kilograms skull, liver there is 1000 kilograms, 500 kilograms heart, blood circulation amounted to 8000 kilograms, there is also雄兽testicles 45 kilograms. If the intestines straighten it enough to have 200-300 Rice, vascular rough enough to a child under the fitted, dirty wall thickness of more than 60 centimeters,雄兽penis as long as three meters. Its staggering force, issued by the horsepower of the power of about 1500-1700, most of the animal world are worthy of Hercules.。

Distribution of blue whales from the Antarctic to the Arctic in the north and south between the two hemispheres of the major oceans, particularly near the ocean near the Antarctic more quantity, but relatively rare in tropical waters. In our country in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, the South China Sea, including southern and south-western Taiwan waters. Despite the huge size, the slow pace of normal, usually stationary, it can easily sink in the water, the flexibility to swing the tail, both power forward and also plays the role of the rudder, the course of up to 28 kilometers per hour.。

Although blue whales live in the sea, but also with other mammals, like to breathe with lungs, lung weight of more than 1000 kg, can accommodate more than 1000 liters of air. Such a large lung capacity, it significantly reduced the frequency of breathing, about every 10-15 minutes to a surface to breathe. Breathing carbon dioxide, such as the lungs first exhaust expelled from the nostrils in vitro, and then inhaling fresh oxygen.。

Its stomach is divided into four, the first part of the stomach to the esophagus become swollen, and so a great appetite, one can devour two million krill per day to eat 4000-8000 kg, if less than the food ventral 2000 kilograms, it will have the feeling of hunger. Krill are the largest number of animals all over the world, is widely distributed in north and south polar area is so rich because of the food, and live in the water did not support the weight restrictions, so development of a blue whale can be so great.。

1 meter. Before diving whales in general are not at the tail raised, but before the blue whale diving always at the tail above the surface, and sometimes even leap high water, and then quickly into the 30-40 meter go looking for food in water.。

Blue Whale Study on the classification under the MAMMALIA, cetaceans, fin whales Branch, fin whales are. Because over the years in the major countries in the world compete to catch the ocean, and now at 25 meters in length or more rarely blue whale has been met with. In addition, the scale of a large number of shrimp fishing, but also blue whale feeding activity has been greatly affected. According to statistics, half a century ago, the blue whale around all over the world have as many as 300,000 to 25,000 there in 1974, and now there is only around a 2000.。

With three blue whales, are for the most part and a baby whale雌兽close together, followed雄兽Since then, around 3 meters apart. Blue whales in the winter breeding, the general雌兽once every 2 years fertility, pregnancy period of 10-12 months, each producing only one child, Aberdeen. Newborn baby on the body length of 6-8 meters and weighing about 6000 kilograms, in order to prevent death, baby care雌兽to the first surface to breathe air, since it will be able to own a breathing.。

The age of sexual maturity is about 10 1 8 years old, life expectancy at 50 years of age are generally more than can live to 90-100 years old. In all animals, the voice of blue whale the largest. Blue whale contact with partners in the use of a low frequency, the sound deafening. Sometimes the sound can be more than 180 db, than you hear standing on the runway for take-off of the jet but also the sound, and sensitive equipment in the 80 km outside the detection by the voice of the blue whale.。

It also likes to use normal tail water, which is a multi-purpose and have a variety of recreational purposes, are possible to do at the game, or it may be in order to arouse the attention of his companions, perhaps in order to shake off the parasites on the skin of harassment . Although some people have seen groups of 50-60 only to blue whales, but rarely form a group in general, most are solitary, or only with activity 2-3 only. Double of the blue whale habitat is in harmony with each other, with swimming, diving, feeding and breathing, like a mandarin duck, inseparable, usually leaving behind a broad watercourse.。

Since 1932 even though the international community has been on the annual number of blue whale hunting restrictions, but the world's largest animal on the prospects are still very dangerous!。

It every day, most of the time with open mouth around in a pair of dense plankton, on the mouth of the two rows have to like a sieve plate, the stomach's also a lot of accordion bellows, as the same fold, but also to expand reduced, so that it can be swallowed together water and krill, and then closed one mouth so that water discharged from the have to, under the filter shrimp fish, swallow and eat. Blue whales have other shrimp food, fish, jellyfish, diatoms, and a variety of plankton, etc. In contrast, living in the northern waters of the blue whale, larger than life in Antarctic waters near the small, it is generally thought this with the type and quantity of food is closely related to.。



(New Mexico Museum of Natural History,1801 Mountain Road N.W.,Albuquerque,New Mexico 87104,USA)

摘要 研究哺乳动物的古生物学家长期以来一直试图把老第三系各统间的界线与全北极区哺乳动物大的世代交替事件联系起来。然而,我们目前对全北极区内老第三纪哺乳动物的生物地层及演化方面的了解表明,老第三系各统间的界线与哺乳动物大的交替难以对应。

关键词 老第三系 哺乳动物化石 欧洲 北美 亚洲 统。

1 引言



表1 北美、欧洲和亚洲老第三系LMA的对比。


2 上白垩统/古新统界线



图1 蒙大拿州东北部穿越上白垩统/古新统界线的哺乳动物属的地层分布范围。




3 古新统/始新统界线

在西欧、北美和亚洲的非海相地层中,哺乳动物在生物地层上提供了穿越古新统/始新统界线的可靠的对比[22]。这些对比(图2)与磁性地层、放射性同位素测年以及化学地层是相一致的。古新统/始新统界线(也就是伊普里斯阶的底界)在欧洲的Neustrian阶(即Sparna-cian阶)LMA之内,在北美处在Wasatchian LMA的Graybullian阶时间段内,在亚洲则处在Nongshanian LMA的较年轻的段内(图2)。在欧洲和北美,在Neustrian阶底界和Wasatchian阶LMA记录了哺乳动物演化过程中的一次大的演变事件,它的时间在古新统/始新统界线之前。在亚洲,相似的交替事件却处在古新统/始新统界线之后,但这可能是由于亚洲的记录不完整所致。

图2 穿越古新统/始新统界线的全北极区LMA和SLMA的对比。

Wasatchian LMA的底界代表了哺乳动物演化过程中的一次大的动物群世代交替事件[15]。在Wasatchian底部首次出现的重要种属包括:奇蹄目、偶蹄目、euprimates、hyaen-odontid、creodonts、didymocods、didelphinine marsupisls、食肉目中的几个属、小古猫类Miacid和啮齿类Microparamys。这次交替使许多研究哺乳动物的古生物学家认识到,古新统/始新统界线的确是在Wasatchian阶底界之上的。

在西欧剖面中最显著的动物群交替事件发生在RL MP6与RL MP7之间以及RLMP8/9与RL MP10之间(RL指参考层位)。这两次动物群交替事件足以确定Neusteian的LMA。在RL MA6和RL MA7的界线处,出现了perissodactyls、artiodactyls、chiropterans、啮齿和冠齿兽类pantodonts,multituberculates、condylarths和plexiadapiforms的分异度降低了。然而需要注意的是,这个“界线”是Cernay(RL MP6)动物群(在Thanetian时期是一个单个的点)和RL MP7组合之间的一个间断面;这个间断面与北美记录相比,在表观上肯定过于夸大了演化交替事件。在RL MP8/9与RL MP10的界线处,pantodonts和multitu-berculates消失了,在化石组合上以大量的lophiodonts动物为主。在亚洲,Bumbanian LMA的底界相当于出现奇蹄目、omimyid灵长目、啮齿类及Hyopsodus属的化石[9,37]。


4 始新统/渐新统界线



以前,始新统/渐新统界线被置于Chadromian LMA的下部(图3),此位置的年龄是用K-Ar法测定怀俄明州的Flagstaff凝灰岩得来的,并且与磁性年代明显一致[27]。现在,来自同一凝灰岩新的Ar-Ar年龄以及怀俄明州其他地方、内布拉斯加州和得克萨斯州西部的凝灰岩的新的Ar-Ar年龄值,和重新标定过的磁性年代,表明Chadronian结束的年龄大约为34Ma。这与始新统/渐新统界线相一致[28]。这意味着在过去的一些年里,北美西部的始新统/渐新统界线的位置被移动了超过2Ma和两个磁性年代单位(图3)。

图3 北美和亚洲穿越始新统/渐新统界线的新(1992年以后)、老(1992年以前)方案的LMA对比。



然而,Chadronian期哺乳动物现在被认为是始新世晚期的产物,在亚洲可与之对比的哺乳动物,像Ergilin-Dzo组的哺乳动物组合,也是如此。亚洲最古老的渐新世哺乳动物组合以Hsanda Gol组底部的组合为最好的代表,此哺乳动物组合在时间上紧随蒙古的Ergilin-Dzo哺乳动物组合。始新统/渐新统界线的重新定位还没有被中国、蒙古和俄罗斯的古脊椎动物学家所承认[11,32,41],但在西方却已被广泛接受[4,12,13],本文也同意这一定位。

在北美和亚洲,始新统/渐新统界线对应于相当LMA界线的哺乳动物的演化交替事件。然而,这一演变交替事件是从始新世晚期持续到渐新世中期的一次哺乳动物种群长期变动的一部分[4,11,12,40]。同样,长期的变动也发生在穿越始新统/渐新统界线的欧洲哺乳动物群中[17]。事实上,Stehlin[33]所谓的“Ia Grande Coupure”(大间断)——一次设想的引人注目的穿越始新统/渐新统界线的欧洲陆生哺乳动物的大变动——实际上是由于分散滞后而造成的一个假象[44]。

5 渐新统/中新统界线

表2 穿越渐新统/中新统界线的全北极区LMA的对比。

据我所知,人们并没有力图把渐新统/中新统界线与一次哺乳动物的交替事件等同起来。中新世的底界也就是阿启坦阶的底界。在欧洲,一个连续的标有MN1到MN17[6,24]的“中新世”哺乳动物参考层位(RL)实际上横穿了渐新统/中新统界线——RL MN1,并且至少RL MN2的底部处于渐新世晚期(表2)。可与阿启坦阶层型直接对比的最古老的哺乳动物位于RL MN2中[34]。这意味着渐新统/中新统界线处于Aegenian LMA内(表2),并不与欧洲哺乳动物群的一次显著的演化交替相一致。

在北美,哺乳动物组合与渐新统/中新统界线的对比有磁性地层和放射性同位素定年来实现。此界线对应为Arikareean的LMA内部,接近于White River动物群的终止这一交替事件,并属于小的迁移事件类[35,36]。因此,没有大的哺乳动物演化交替事件与渐新统/中新统界线相关。

在亚洲,渐新统/中新统界线的位置与塔本布拉克阶和谢家阶的LMA界线相一致[20,29,38],然而,这是建立在RL MN1的底界与阿启坦阶的底界相当这一错误概念基础上的错误对比。如果谢家阶下部的LMA与RL MN1的对比正确的话[20,23],那么渐新统/中新统界线将与谢家阶LMA之内的一个层型点相对比,而不与亚洲哺乳动物群的一次大的演化交替相一致。

致谢 1992年以来,国家地理协会一直资助我对亚洲老第三纪哺乳动物的研究。本文的许多观点受到M.P.Aubry、W.A.Berggren、 Bruijin和R.J.Emry等学者的启发和影响,在此一并表示感谢。



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