1. 美国 21.乌克兰 41.刚果 61.苏里南81.波黑 。
2. 俄罗斯22.委内瑞拉42.扎伊尔 62.沙特 82.厄瓜多尔 。
3. 英国 23.比利时 43.匈牙利 63.爱尔兰 83.巴拉圭 。
4. 法国 24.伊拉克 44.丹麦 64.乍得 84.多米尼加 。
5. 中国 25.南非 45.中国台北65.缅甸 85.苏丹 。
6. 日本 26.白俄罗斯46.马来西亚66.老挝 86.文莱 。
7. 德国 27.巴基斯坦 47.越南 67.巴布亚87.加蓬 。
8. 印度 28.朝鲜 48.古巴 68.泰国 88.马里 。
9. 意大利 29.哈萨克斯坦49阿尔及里亚69.冰岛89.立陶宛 。
10. 巴西 30.印尼 50.埃塞俄比亚70.乌拉圭90.阿塞拜疆 。
11. 西班牙 31.菲律宾 51.芬兰 71.利比里亚91.冈比亚 。
12. 加拿大 32.智利 52.保加利亚72海地 92.马达加斯加 。
13. 荷兰 33.墨西哥 53.葡萄牙 73.肯尼亚 93.几内亚 。
14. 阿根廷 34.乌兹别克斯坦54.捷克 74.土耳其 94.卢旺达 。
15. 埃及 35南斯拉夫 55.塔吉克斯坦75.赞比亚95.毛里求斯 。
16. 以色列 36.波兰 56.玻利维亚 76.柬埔寨 96.孟加拉国 。
17. 韩国 37.奥地利 57.叙利亚 77.格鲁吉亚97.黎巴嫩 。
18. 瑞典 38.挪威 58.秘鲁 78.突尼斯 98.新加坡 。
19. 澳大利亚39.新西兰 59.斯洛伐克 79.瑞士 99.多哥 。
20. 伊朗 40.哥伦比亚 60.希腊 80.阿尔巴尼亚100.贝宁。
First, coffee origin Coffee-tree and coffee edible origin recognition in Africa, itsconcrete local view not one, but the most people think in EastAfrica's ancient nation Ethiopia. Time origins which about the coffeethen unable to agree. In in the coffee discovery, the origin and the use history, somemysterious story is extremely popular, I thought also conforms to thetruth. Before very long very long time, the Ethiopian north west 咖law (Keffa) the area tends sheep young Cull to enlighten (Kaldi) timeto catch up with when the sheep passes through woods, his mountainflock of sheep gnaws on the food roadside large-scale shrubbery thered fruit. (1) Cull enlightens accidentally discovered that, after thegoat ate the red fruit exceptionally to be excited, even if were theold goat also likes the small goat equally to run jumps. Tends sheepthe youth to think strangely, then also takes off some fruits totaste. Result also change extremely excitedly, the spirit, cannot helpbut dances with joy. The coffee (fruit might edible and can stimulate)on is discovered like this by the person. (2) The people are calledthe locality the geographic name this kind of fruit "咖 the law"(keffa), later passes through for a long time the transmission and theevolution has become today "the coffee" (coffee). The coffee wasdiscovered the posterity only are at first pick the wild fruit edible,(3) afterwards only then slowly started artificially to cultivate. Inthe edible way, is at first Lian Roudai the nucleus (namely coffeeseed - coffee bean) chews the food together, afterwards progressed forsoaks in water the coffee fruit or 煮水 drinks. (4) In the use,mainly uses in at first religious circles' religious activities anddoctor treats an illness and the patient restores. Area the Ethiopian- red sea Christianity, the Judaism all have, afterwards also had theIslamism. After each kind of religious priest, the member of areligious order, the believer has chewed the coffee fruit or has drunkthe coffee water, in carries on all night when religious Buddhistceremony activity then very much has the spirit not to hit sleepily.The patients have chewed it or drink it also to be able to restoresome spirits. The coffee edible, picks gradually bridged over extremely narrow redsea to spread to the Arabian Peninsula. "Chinese Big EncyclopediaAgriculture Volume Coffee Strip" and "Chinese Agriculture EncyclopediaCrops Volume Coffee Strip" said the B.C.E. 6 centuries Arabs startedto plant chew the edible coffee, but they do not have the illustrationand the literature source, is not greatly credible. Moreover,carefully examined from the social development history angle, B.C.E.in 6 centuries Arabian Peninsula Arabs (at that time if had "Arab"speech) also is in primitive society the barbarism. If at that timethey had the agriculture to plough the planter, that also onlypossibly plants 椰枣, grain, the vegetables, the multipurpose cropsand so on wheat, melon vegetable, but is impossible to cultivate kind,the hobby class for medicinal purposes, whiles away the time the kindof crops coffee. Because then productive forces level only allowedthem to plant these crops, guaranteed oneself little starved, thesurvival got down. New edition "American Encyclopedia Coffee Strip"believed that, A.D. the latter 6 centuries Arab starts to plant edible(chews) the coffee. (5) Some scholars also precisely start thecultivation using the coffee time place until the A.D. 575 years inYemen to plant. (6) I thought the A.D. latter 6 centuries startrelatively to cultivate the coffee to be credible. From this theinference, the Ethiopian discovered using the coffee works as inbefore this good long section of times, or in before this 23centuries, namely approximately A.D. 3 centuries. A.D. 9 - 10centuries Arabic medical scientists pull lucky Si (Rhazes, 865 - 932)explicitly mentioned for the first time in the literature the coffee,after namely under the record some people will do the coffee fruit togrind the water used to fry the clothing when the medicine will drink 。
不过印度西南部的咖啡林却不是荷兰人或其他西欧人传去的,而是由当地的一位叫巴巴·布丹(Baba Budan)的人于17世纪30年代传入的。作为一个虔诚的穆斯林,巴巴·布丹去过伊教的圣城麦加朝圣。返回时他把七粒能发芽的咖啡豆(种子)紧贴在肚皮上,躲过了土耳其人的检查,成功地“偷”回了他在印度西南部的家乡。从此,咖啡开始在南亚生根栽培了。⑤。
Third, coffee in world dissemination and cafe culture After the European and other national people contact the coffeedrink, some people then very quickly liked. The merchant and theproperty drool the benefit and the profit which brings to the coffee.But in the geography big discovery time (15 century's ends - 17century's ends), Europe or other any empires did not have the militarysuperiority to the Osman Turkey (notice Turkey even and in 1683 two ona large scale besieges Vienna in 1529). Also is unable to adopt themilitary violence method to gain the coffee seedling (such as todefeat 土军, seizes some place, snatches locality coffee-tree andcoffee fruit). Facing Turkey's severe control policy, both cannotlegitimately import, and incapably arms robs; Thereupon the peoplehave to try "to steal", thus deducts the coffee unauthorized biographymany interesting stories. In 1616, the Dutch hid Turkey from theYemenese 摩卡port strictly to inspect, smuggle a coffee seedling.(2) They harness the ship to walk the Portugese opening new routeafter the Arabic sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic, the English Channeldetour to return to homeland. But Europe's climate water and soil doesnot suit the tropics subtropics plant coffee-tree the growth, theDutch has to take it the experimental tree cultivation in thegreenhouse. In 1656 the Dutch invaded Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka). In 1658the Dutch on carried on the coffee seedling on the Sri Lankan islandthe big field planter and attains successfully. (3) In 1603 the Dutchestablished the first business on the Indonesian Java island to standas soon as colonizes the foothold, in 1619 the Dutch invaded Jakarta,and changed name it as 巴达维亚. In 1696 the Dutch (Malabar) thearea transported the coffee seedling and the seed from Indian northwest coast Malabar plants them in the Indonesian Java 巴达维亚plantation. The end attains successfully after twists and turns, andvery quickly obtains benefits the profit. (4) But the Indian north west coffee forest actually is not the Dutch orother westerners passes on, but is calls anxiously the bhutan (BabaBudan) by local the person spreads to the 17th century 30's. As areverent Muslim religion, anxiously the bhutan goes to holy city Meccawhich Iraq teaches to go on a pilgrimage. Returns when he the coffeebean which can germinate seven grains (seed) tightly pastes on thebelly, has hidden Turk's inspection, the successful place "stole" hasreturned to him in the Indian north west hometown. From this time on,the coffee started in the South Asia to take root to cultivate. (5) In the synthesis may know, the East Africa Ethiopia people haddiscovered the coffee, the Arabic people cultivated the coffee, theChinese people promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from the godto drink transform into the populace drink, the Turkish peoplescientifically invent the coffee most orthodox school to drink theusage, the South Asia people also participated in the disseminationcoffee. Obviously, the coffee can become world one of three big drink,non-, Asian, the European people have all made the contribution forit. But, to the coffee most cherish, (culture) develops the cafeprosperously, disseminates far the coffee is the European people. In 1615 the Venetian merchant shipped back the import coffee beanVenice to open the cafe management. [ 3 ] (P11) this probably isEurope's first cafe. But, cafe boss uses is the import Turkish coffeebut non- the coffee which plants in Italy comes out. In 1650, theEnglish Oxford appeared English the first cafe, in 1652, Londonappeared the cafe. [ 4 ] (n78-179) in 1643, Paris has opened the firstcafe, in 1650, Marseilles has also opened the cafe... ... . [ 4 ](P161) in 1684, Vienna appeared the first cafe. [ 4 ] (P52) to 17century's ends the beginning of 18th century, the cafe in Europespecially was the Western Europe each major and medium small cityalready mushroom growth appearance, rapid popularization. From this time on Europe (including afterwards North America) in thesocial life and the manners and customs were many has drunk coffeethis content, the street corner many cafes this scenery line. Thepeople in the cafe the leisure, chat, looked the simple theatricalperformance, discusses business, discussed the country is, eats thebetween-meal snack, talks love, the cafe has become one kind ofwestern-style leisure place which compares favorably with with theChinese teahouse. Some writers, the writer, the artist when soaked thecafe has formed in one's mind own work; Some politicians move in thecafe, some criminals plan the crime in the cafe, some brothel femalesalso draw in customers in the cafe... ... The cafe has become theEuropean and American people's important public relations place. 。
According to 16th century Arabic literature "Coffee Origin" records,in 13 centuries the leaf has a Muslim 阿訇 Austria Masurium you(Sheikh Omar) to convict, 摩卡(Mocha) exiles from Yemen to Ou Saba.On the way, he saw is eating on the roadside tree's red fruit to abird in merrily the calligraphy stroke, then also tried to pick some煮水 has drunk. The small fruit has one kind of marvelous flavor,after drank has been sleepy wearily, eliminates immediately. AustriaMasurium you thereupon drink the coffee fruit the usage instruction togive some big at the beginning of sickness the person. After AustriaMasurium will send into exile the expiration to return in future摩卡then and drinks the coffee fruit the usage to disseminate. (1)Austria Masurium you discovered the coffee the fable is extremelypopular in the Arabic area, I think this fable Yu Shizhuo severalpoints: First, Austria Masurium you are possibly the public figurewhich independent rediscovers the edible wild coffee. He possiblydiscovered the different wild species as soon as to plant 培种.Already verified, the coffee had the different wild species anddevelops in this foundation plants 培种, if 小果 - the Arabiccoffee (Coffea arabica), center the fruit - went against the basketgirl coffee (C. canephora), big fruit - Liberia coffee (C. 1iberica);[ 1 ] (P258-259) two, Austria Masurium you possibly are the Arabicarea most early attempt one of planter coffee public figures; Third,Austria Masurium you are promote the coffee edible and one ofcultivation public figures. We knew, when Arabic area middle ages the agriculture quite is alsodeveloped, massively plants the multipurpose crops 椰枣 and othercrops. The Arab in knows the coffee to be possible edible to drinkafter and has the marvelous effect not to carry on the manualcultivation then with difficulty to persuade by reasoning. Therefore Iextrapolated, 6 since the probably centuries have been thenfragmentary in the Yemenese area, occasionally watch, the researchcultivation coffee, you the time namely develop from Austria Masuriumfrom the l3 century for the big field cultivate. In 1454, Yemen'sMuslim dynasty officially proclaimed the command allows to drink withand plants the coffee. (2) This indicated the coffee the planteredible before this had the quite long section of times, and hasachieved the certain scale. From this time on, the coffee and drank inthe length and breadth Arabic area widely planter with 。
Ancient times the African Ethiopians had discovered the coffee, themiddle ages Arab has cultivated the coffee. The middle ages laterperiod, the Chinese promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from thegod to drink transforms into the populace leisure drink, the Turkinvents the coffee orthodox school science to drink the usage, theIndian participated in the dissemination coffee. In the geography bigdiscovery time (15 century's ends to 17 century's ends), the Europeanspread over the coffee the world; Hereafter develops the cafe cultureprosperously. Therefore non-, Asian, the European people all have madethe contribution for the coffee development for today world one ofthree big drink. The late clear coffee spreads to our country,Republic of China stands firm in Hua Yi. Since the reform and openpolicy the coffee has drunk with starts to be popular in China, andgradually is forming own coffee culture.。
Nickname(s) The Walya Antelopes。
Association Ethiopian Football Federation。
Confederation CAF (Africa)。
Head coach Abraham Teklehaymanot。
Most caps Luciano Vassalo。
Home stadium Addis Abeba Stadium。
FIFA ranking 108。
Highest FIFA ranking 86 (September 2006,。
June 2007, February 2008)。
Lowest FIFA ranking 155 (December 2001)。
Elo ranking 130。
The Ethiopia national football team, nicknamed the The Walya Antelopes, is the national team of Ethiopia and is controlled by the Ethiopian Football Federation. They were one of the only three teams (Egypt, Sudan) to participate in the inaugural African Nations Cup in 1957, and won the competition in 1962 when they hosted it. But success has been hard to find since the end of the 1960s.。
Early days
Ethiopia has a long football tradition and were among the pioneers of international competition in Africa, taking part in the innaugural African Nations Cup in 1957. They also took part in the 1962 World Cup qualifiers, against Israel. Their peak came in 1962 when they won the tournament on home soil with a team containing stars such as forwards Mengistou Worku and Italo Vassalo, and midfielder Luciano Vassalo.。
They remained a force in the African game for the remainder of the decade, although further success in the Nations Cup -let alone World Cup qualification- eluded them. The increasing number of national teams in Africa let Ethiopia as one of the lowest ranked African national football teams. They hosted the Nations Cup tournament in 1976 (but failed to progress to the final four) and last qualified for the tournament in 1982.。
Recent times
Since then, Ethiopia declined to be one of the lower-ranked nations in African football. However, recent years has seen Ethiopia show signs of a revival.。
The in the 2004 African Nations Cup qualifiers, Ethiopia missed out on qualification by 3 points, losing their final game in Guinea. In the 2008 qualifiers, they showed promising signs once more but finished bottom of their group after losing their last two games.。
Ethiopia Football Achievements。
3 Times Champion (1987, 2004, 2005)。
World Cup record。
1930 to 1954 - Did not enter。
1958 - Entry not accepted by FIFA。
1962 - Did not qualify。
1966 - Did not enter。
1970 to 1986 - Did not qualify。
1990 - Did not enter。
1994 - Did not qualify。
1998 - 28th
2002 - Did not qualify。
2006 - Did not qualify。
African Nations Cup record。
1957 - Second place。
1959 - Third place。
1962 - Champions。
1963 - Fourth place。
1965 - Round 1
1968 - Fourth place。
1970 - Round 1
1972 - Did not qualify。
1974 - Did not qualify。
1976 - Round 1
1978 - Did not qualify。
1980 - Did not qualify。
1982 - Round 1
1984 - Did not qualify。
1986 - Withdrew。
1988 - Withdrew during qualifying。
1990 - Did not qualify。
1992 - Withdrew during qualifying。
1994 to 1998 - Did not qualify。
2000 - Withdrew。
2002 to 2008 - Did not Qualify。
Current squad
The following players were called for 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification against Mauritania on June 22, 2008.。
No. Pos. Player DoB (Age) Caps Goals Club。
1 GK Samson Asefa。
2 DF Degu Debebe January 1, 1984 Saint-George SA。
3 Damte Hunegnaw。
4 DF Abebaw Butako Saint-George SA。
5 Michael Desta。
6 MF Behailu Demeke Awassa City F.C.。
7 FW Said Saladin。
8 MF Mulugeta Mihret Saint-George SA。
9 FW Andualem Nigussie June 15, 1985 Saint-George SA。
10 Daniel Deribe Awassa City F.C.。
11 Zinabu Yared。
12 FW Fikru Tefera January 24, 1986 Supersport United。
13 Solomon Kebebe。
14 Mohamed Mesud。
15 DF Adane Girma January 25, 1985 Awassa City F.C.。
16 Aneley Berhane。
17 DF Samson Mulugeta December 14, 1983 Saint-George SA。
18 Jamal Sadat July 2, 1983 Ethiopian Coffee。
Recent call-ups。
No. Pos. Player DoB (Age) Caps Goals Club。
12 Siyoum Girom March 4, 1986 (v. Maurutania on June 13)。
10 FW Tafese Tesfaye June 10, 1986 Ethiopian Coffee (v. Rwanda on June 8)。
几千年来,尼罗河每年6~10月定期泛滥。8月份河水上涨最高时,淹没了河岸堤坝两旁的大片田野,这时人们纷纷迁往高处暂住。十月以后,洪水消退,原来田野的土层上积上一层厚厚的淤泥。在这些肥沃的土壤上,人们栽培了棉花 小麦 水稻 椰枣等农作物。尼罗河哺育着沿河的居民,沙漠地区形成了一道“绿色走廊”。古埃及人在这里创造出高度的文明。
The Nile (Arabic: النيل, translit: an-nīl, Ancient Egyptian iteru, Coptic piaro or phiaro) is a major north-flowing river in Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world—though not the most voluminous—on Earth.[1] The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, the latter being the source of most of the Nile's water and fertile soil, but the former being the longer of the two. The White Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source in southern Rwanda 2°16′55.92〃S, 29°19′52.32〃E, and flows north from there through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and southern Sudan, while the Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, flowing into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum.。
The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt, a country whose civilization has depended on the river since ancient times. Most of the population of Egypt and all of its cities, with the exception of those near the coast, lie along those parts of the Nile valley north of Aswan; and nearly all the cultural and historical sites of Ancient Egypt are found along the banks of the river.。
239 圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome&Principe。
240 塞内加尔 Senegal。
241 塞舌尔 Seychelles。
242 塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone。
243 索马里 Somalia。
244 南非 S.Africa。
245 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara。
246 苏丹 Sudan
247 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania。
248 多哥 Togo
249 突尼斯 Tunisia。
250 乌干达 Uganda
251 布基纳法索 Burkina Faso。
252 民主刚果 Congo,DR。
253 赞比亚 Zambia
254 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe。
255 莱索托 Lesotho。
256 梅利利亚 Melilla。
257 斯威士兰 Swaziland。
299 非洲其他国家(地区) Oth. Afr. nes。
100 亚洲 Asia
300 欧洲 Europe
301 比利时 Belgium。
302 丹麦 Denmark
303 英国 United Kingdom。
304 德国 Germany
305 法国 France
306 爱尔兰 Ireland。
307 意大利 Italy
308 卢森堡 Luxembourg。
309 荷兰 Netherlands。
310 希腊 Greece
311 葡萄牙 Portugal。
312 西班牙 Spain
313 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania。
314 安道尔 Andorra。
315 奥地利 Austria。
316 保加利亚 Bulgari。
354 马其顿 Macedonia Rep。
318 芬兰 Finland
320 直布罗陀 Gibraltar。
321 匈牙利 Hungary。
322 冰岛 Iceland
323 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein。
324 马耳他 Malta
325 摩纳哥 Monaco
337 格鲁吉亚 Georgia。
327 波兰 Poland
326 挪威 Norway
328 罗马尼亚 Romania。
329 圣马力诺 San Marino。
330 瑞典 Sweden
331 瑞士 Switzerland。
349 南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia FR。
399 欧洲其他国家(地区) Oth. Eur. nes。
400 拉丁美洲 Latin America。
401 安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua&Barbuda。
402 阿根廷 Argentina。
403 阿鲁巴岛 Aruba
404 巴哈马 Bahamas。
405 巴巴多斯 Barbados。
406 伯利兹 Belize
408 玻利维亚 Bolivia。
409 博内尔 Bonaire。
410 巴西 Brazil
356 梵蒂冈城国 Vatican City State。
411 开曼群岛 Cayman Is。
412 智利 Chile
413 哥伦比亚 Colombia。
338 亚美尼亚 Armenia。
414 多米尼亚共和国 Dominica。
415 哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica。
416 古巴 Cuba
417 库腊索岛 Curacao。
418 多米尼加共和国 Dominican Rep.。
419 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador。
420 法属圭亚那 French Guyana。
421 格林纳达 Grenada。
422 瓜德罗普 Guadeloupe。
423 危地马拉 Guatemala。
424 圭亚那 Guyana
425 海地 Haiti
426 洪都拉斯 Honduras。
427 牙买加 Jamaica。
428 马提尼克 Martinique。
429 墨西哥 Mexico
430 蒙特塞拉特 Montserrat。
431 尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua。
432 巴拿马 Panama
433 巴拉圭 Paraguay。
434 秘鲁 Peru
435 波多黎各 Puerto Rico。
436 萨巴 Saba
437 圣卢西亚 Saint Lucia。
438 圣马丁岛 Saint Martin Is。
439 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent&Grenadines。
440 萨尔瓦多 El Salvador。
441 苏里南 Suriname。
442 特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad &Tobago。
443 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 Turks & Caicos Is。
444 乌拉圭 Uruguay。
445 委内瑞拉 Venezuela。
446 英属维尔京群岛 Br. Virgin Is。
447 圣其茨-尼维斯 St. Kitts-Nevis。
500 北美洲 North America。
499 拉丁美洲其他国家(地区) Oth. L.Amer. nes。
501 加拿大 Canada
502 美国 United States。
503 格陵兰 Greenland。
504 百慕大 Bermuda。
599 北美洲其他国家(地区) Oth. N.Amer. nes。
600 大洋洲 Oceania。
601 澳大利亚 Australia。
602 库克群岛 Cook Is。
603 斐济 Fiji
604 盖比群岛 Gambier Is。
605 马克萨斯群岛 Marquesas Is。
606 瑙鲁 Nauru
607 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia。
608 瓦努阿图 Vanuatu。
609 新西兰 New Zealand。
610 诺福克岛 Norfolk Is。
611 巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea。
612 社会群岛 Society Is。
613 所罗门群岛 Solomon Is。
614 汤加 Tonga
615 土阿莫土群岛 Tuamotu Is。
616 土布艾群岛 Tubai Is。
617 萨摩亚 Samoa
618 基里巴斯 Kiribati。
619 图瓦卢 Tuvalu
699 大洋洲其他国家(地区) Oth. Ocean. nes。
701 国(地)别不详的 Countries(reg.) unknown。
702 联合国及机构和国际组织 UN and other interational。
999 中性包装原产国别
334 爱沙尼亚 Estonia。
335 拉脱维亚 Latvia。
336 立陶宛 Lithuania。
339 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan。
340 白俄罗斯 Byelorussia。
341 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan。
342 吉尔吉斯 Kirghizia。
343 摩尔多瓦 Moldavia。
344 俄罗斯联邦 Russia。
345 塔吉克斯坦 Tadzhikistan。
346 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan。
347 乌克兰 Ukraine。
348 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekstan。
350 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia Rep。
351 克罗地亚 Croatia Rep。
352 捷克共和国 Czech Rep。
353 斯洛伐克 Slovak Rep。
355 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那共和 Bosnia&Hercegovina。
622 帕劳共和国 Palau。
258 厄立特里亚 Eritrea。
111 印度 India
121 中国澳门 Macau
101 阿富汗 Afghanistan。
102 巴林 Bahrian
103 孟加拉国 Bangladesh。
104 不丹 Bhutan
105 文莱 Brunei
106 缅甸 Myanmar
107 柬埔寨 Cambodia。
108 塞浦路斯 Cyprus。
109 朝鲜 Korea,DPR。
110 中国香港 Hong Kong。
112 印度尼西亚 Indonesia。
113 伊朗 Iran
114 伊拉克 Iraq
115 以色列 Israel
116 日本 Japan
117 约旦 Jordan
118 科威特 Kuwait
119 老挝 Laos,PDR。
120 黎巴嫩 Lebanon。
122 马来西亚 Malaysia。
123 马尔代夫 Maldives。
124 蒙古 Mongolia。
125 尼泊尔 Nepal
126 阿曼 Oman
127 巴基斯坦 Pakistan。
128 巴勒斯坦 Palestine。
129 菲律宾 Philippines。
130 卡塔尔 Qatar
131 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia。
132 新加坡 Singapore。
133 韩国 Korea Rep.。
134 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka。
135 叙利亚 Syrian
136 泰国 Thailand。
137 土耳其 Turkey
138 阿联酋 United Arab Emirates。
139 也门共和国 Republic of Yemen。
620 密克罗尼西亚联邦 Micronesia Fs。
141 越南 Vietnam
142 中国 China
621 马绍尔群岛 Marshall Is Rep。
143 台澎金马单独关税区 Taiwan prov.。
199 亚洲其他国家(地区) Oth. Asia nes。
201 阿尔及利亚 Algeria。
202 安哥拉 Angora
200 非洲 Africa
203 贝宁 Benin
204 博茨瓦那 Botswana。
205 布隆迪 Burundi。
206 喀麦隆 Cameroon。
207 加那利群岛 Canary Is。
208 佛得角 Cape Vrde。
209 中非共和国 Central African Rep.。
210 塞卜泰 Ceuta
211 乍得 Chad
212 科摩罗 Comoros。
213 刚果 Congo
214 吉布提 Djibouti。
215 埃及 Egypt
216 赤道几内亚 Eq.Guinea。
217 埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia。
218 加蓬 Gabon
219 冈比亚 Gambia
220 加纳 Ghana
221 几内亚 Guinea
222 几内亚(比绍) Guinea Bissau。
223 科特迪瓦 Cote d´lvoir。
224 肯尼亚 Kenya
225 利比里亚 Liberia。
226 利比亚 Libyan Arab Jm。
227 马达加斯加 Madagascar。
228 马拉维 Malawi
229 马里 Mali
230 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania。
231 毛里求斯 Mauritius。
232 摩洛哥 Morocco。
233 莫桑比克 Mozambique。
234 纳米比亚 Namibia。
235 尼日尔 Niger
236 尼日利亚 Nigeria。
237 留尼汪 Reunion。
238 卢旺达 Rwanda
回答者:yyy836 - 助理 三级 11-7 14:54。
回答者:0116 - 魔法学徒 一级 11-7 14:54。
中国(CHN、 People's Republic of China)
中国香港(HKG、 Hong-Kong)
中国澳门(OMA、 Oman)
中国台北(TPE、 Chinese Taipei)
阿富汗(AFG、 Afghanistan)
巴林(BRN、 Bahrain)
孟加拉国(BAN、 Bangladesh)
不丹 (BHU、 Bhutan)
文莱(BRU、 Brunei Darussalam)
柬埔寨(CAM、 Cambodia)
朝鲜(PRK、 Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
印度(IND、 India)
印度尼西亚(INA、 Indonesia)
伊拉克(IRQ 、Iraq)
伊朗(IRI、 Islamic Republic of Iran)
日本(JPN、 Japan)
约旦(JOR、 Jordan)
哈萨克斯坦(KAZ、 Kazakhstan)
韩国(KOR、 Korea)
科威特(KUW、 Kuwait)
吉尔吉斯斯坦(KGZ、 Kyrgyzstan)
老挝(LAO、 Lao People's Democratic Republic)
黎巴嫩(LIB、 Lebanon)
马来西亚(MAS、 Malaysia)
蒙古(MGL、 Mongolia)
缅甸(MYA、 Myanmar (ex Burma until 1989) )
尼泊尔(NEP、 Nepal)
巴基斯坦(PAK、 Pakistan)
巴勒斯坦(PLE、 Palestine)
菲律宾 (PHI、 Philippines)
卡塔尔(QAT、 Qatar)
沙特阿拉伯(KSA、 Saudi Arabia)
新加坡(SIN、 Singapore)
斯里兰卡( SRI、 Sri Lanka)
叙利亚(SYR、 Syrian Arab Republic)
塔吉克斯坦(TJK、 Tadjikistan)
泰国( THA、 Thailand )
东帝汶(TLS、 Timor-Leste)
土库曼斯坦(TKM、 Turkmenistan)
阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE、 United Arab Emirates)
乌兹别克斯坦(UZB、 Uzbekistan)
越南(VIE、 Viet Nam )
也门( YEM、 Yemen)
非洲奥委会协会(ANOCA) (Association des Comités Nationaux Olympiques d'Afrique):
阿尔及利亚(ALG、 Algeria)
安哥拉(ANG、 Angola)
贝宁(BEN 、Benin)
博茨瓦纳(BOT、 Botswana)
布尔基纳法索(BUR、 Burkina Faso)
布隆迪(BDI、 Burundi)
喀麦隆(CMR、 Cameroon)
佛得角(CPV、 Cape Verde)
中非(CAF 、Central African Republic)
乍得(CHA、 Chad)
科摩罗(COM、 Comoros)
刚果(CGO、 Congo)
科特迪瓦 (CIV、 Cote d'Ivoire )
刚果民主共和国(COD 、Democratic Republic of the Congo)
吉布提(DJI、 Djibouti)
埃及(EGY、 Egypt)
赤道几内亚 (GEQ、 Equatorial Guinea)
厄立特里亚 (ERI、 Eritrea)
埃塞俄比亚(ETH 、Ethiopia)
加蓬(GAB、 Gabon)
冈比亚(GAM、 Gambia)
加纳(GHA、 Ghana)
几内亚(GUI、 Guinea)
几内亚比绍(GBS 、Guinea-Bissau)
肯尼亚(KEN、 Kenya)
莱索托(LES、 Lesotho )
利比里亚 (LBR、 Liberia)
利比亚阿拉伯加马西里亚(LBA、 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)
马达加斯加(MAD 、Madagascar)
马拉维(MAW、 Malawi)
马里(MLI、 Mali)
毛里塔尼亚(MTN 、Mauritania)
毛里求斯(MRI、 Mauritius)
摩洛哥( MAR、 Morocco)
莫桑比克(MOZ、 Mozambique)
纳米比亚(NAM 、Namibia)
尼日尔 (NIG、 Niger)
尼日利亚 (NGR、 Nigeria)
卢旺达(RWA、 Rwanda)
圣多美和普林西比(STP、 Sao Tome and Principe)
塞内加尔(SEN、 Senegal)
塞舌尔(SEY 、Seychelles)
塞拉利昂 ( SLE、 Sierra Leone)
索马里( SOM 、Somalia)
南非(RSA 、South Africa)
苏丹(SUD、 Sudan)
斯威士兰(SWZ、 Swaziland)
多哥(TOG、 Togo )
突尼斯(TUN、 Tunisia)
乌干达(UGA、 Uganda )
坦桑尼亚 (TAN、 United Republic of Tanzania)
赞比亚( ZAM 、Zambia)
津巴布韦(ZIM 、Zimbabwe)
欧洲奥委会协会COE/EOC (Les Comités Olympiques Européens)。
阿尔巴尼亚 (ALB、 Albania)
安道尔(AND、 Andorra)
亚美尼亚( ARM、 Armenia)
奥地利 (AUT、 Austria)
阿塞拜疆(AZE、 Azerbaijan)
白俄罗斯(BLR、 Belarus)
比利时(BEL、 Belgium )
波黑(BIH、 Bosnia and Herzegovina)
保加利亚(BUL、 Bulgaria)
克罗地亚(CRO、 Croatia)
塞浦路斯(CYP、 Cyprus)
捷克(CZE、 Czech Republic)
丹麦(DEN、 Denmark)
爱沙尼亚(EST、 Estonia)
芬兰(FIN、 Finland)
马其顿(MKD 、Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
法国(FRA、 France)
格鲁吉亚(GEO、 Georgia)
德国(GER、 Germany)
英国(GBR、 Great Britain )
希腊(GRE、 Greece)
匈牙利(HUN、 Hungary)
冰岛(ISL、 Iceland )
爱尔兰(IRL、 Ireland )
以色列(ISR、 Israel)
意大利(ITA、 Italy )
拉脱维亚(LAT、 Latvia)
列支敦士登( LIE、 Liechtenstein )
立陶宛(LTU、 Lithuania)
卢森堡(LUX、 Luxembourg)
马耳他( MLT、 Malta)
摩纳哥(MON、 Monaco)
荷兰(NED、 Netherlands)
挪威(NOR、 Norway)
波兰(POL、 Poland)
葡萄牙(POR、 Portugal)
摩尔多瓦(MDA、 Republic of Moldova)
罗马尼亚(ROM、 Romania)
俄罗斯( RUS、 Russian Federation)
圣马力诺(SMR、 San Marino)
塞黑(SCG、 Serbia and Montenegro)
斯洛伐克(SVK、 Slovakia)
斯洛文尼亚(SLO、 Slovenia)
西班牙( ESP、 Spain)
瑞典(SWE、 Sweden )
瑞士(SUI、 Switzerland )
土耳其(TUR、 Turkey)
乌克兰(UKR、 Ukraine)
大洋洲奥委会协会 ONOC (Oceania National Olympic Committees) :。
美属萨摩亚(ASA、 American Samoa)
澳大利亚(AUS、 Australia)
库克群岛(COK、 Cook Islands)
密克罗尼西亚(FSM、 Federated States of Micronesia)
斐济(FIJ、 Fiji)
关岛(GUM 、Guam)
基里巴提(KIR、 Kiribati)
瑙鲁(NRU、 Nauru)
新西兰(NZL、New Zealand )。
帕劳( PLW、 Palau)
巴布亚新几内亚(PNG 、Papua New Guinea)
萨摩亚(SAM、 Samoa (until 1996 Western Samoa))
所罗门群岛(SOL、 Solomon Islands)
汤加(TGA、 Tonga)
瓦努阿图( VAN、 Vanuatu)
泛美体育组织 PASO/ODEPA (Organización Deportiva Panamericana) :。
安提瓜和巴布达(ANT、 Antigua and Barbuda)
阿根廷(ARG、 Argentina)
阿鲁巴(ARU、 Aruba)
巴哈马(BAH、 Bahamas)
巴巴多斯(BAR、 Barbados)
贝利塞(BIZ、 Belize)
百慕大(BER、 Bermuda)
玻利维亚(BOL、 Bolivia)
巴西( BRA、 Brazil)
英属维尔京群岛(IVB、 British Virgin Islands)
加拿大(CAN、 Canada)
开曼群岛(CAY、 Cayman Islands)
智利( CHI、 Chile)
哥伦比亚(COL、 Colombia)
哥斯达黎加(CRC、 Costa Rica)
古巴(CUB、 Cuba)
多米尼加(DMA 、Dominica)
民主多米尼加(DOM、 Dominican Republic)
厄瓜多尔(ECU、 Ecuador)
萨尔瓦多(ESA、 El Salvador)
格林纳达(GRN、 Grenada)
危地马拉(GUA、 Guatemala)
圭亚那(GUY、 Guyana)
海地(HAI、 Haiti)
洪都拉斯(HON、 Honduras)
牙买加(JAM、 Jamaica)
墨西哥(MEX、 Mexico)
荷属安的列斯(AHO、 Netherlands Antilles)
尼加拉瓜(NCA、 Nicaragua)
巴拿马(PAN、 Panama)
巴拉圭(PAR、 Paraguay)
秘鲁(PER、 Peru)
波多黎各(PUR、 Puerto Rico)
圣基特和内维斯(SKN、 Saint Kitts and Nevis)
圣卢西亚(LCA、 Saint Lucia)
圣文森特和格林哪达(VIN、 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
苏里南(SUR、 Suriname)
特立尼达和多巴哥(TRI、 Trinidad and Tobago)
美国(USA United States of America)
乌拉圭(URU、 Uruguay)
委内瑞拉( VEN、 Venezuela)
维尔京群岛(ISV 、Virgin Islands)