
问题描述:经济危机原因的英语文章 这篇文章主要介绍了一个有趣的事情,具有一定借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下。希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让小编带着大家一起了解一下。



Inflation is the lesser evil in such a crisis 。

It is time for the world's major central banks to acknowledge that a sudden burst of moderate inflation would be extremely helpful in unwinding today's epic debt morass. 。

Yes, inflation is an unfair way of effectively writing down all non-indexed debts in the economy. Price inflation forces creditors to accept repayment in debased currency. 。

Yes, in principle, there should be a way to fix the ills of the financial system without resort to inflation. Unfortunately, the closer one examines the alternatives, including capital injections for banks and direct help for home mortgage holders, the clearer it becomes that inflation would be a help, not a hindrance. 。

Modern finance has succeeded in creating a default dynamic of such stupefying complexity that it defies standard approaches to debt workouts. Securitization, structured finance, and other innovations have so interwoven the financial system's various players that it is essentially impossible to restructure one financial institution at a time. System-wide solutions are needed. 。

Moderate inflation in the short run - say, 6 percent for two years - would not clear the books. But it would significantly ameliorate the problems, making other steps less costly and more effective. 。

True, once the inflation genie is let out of the bottle, it could take several years to put it back in. No one wants to relive the anti-inflation fights of the 1980s and 1990s. But right now, the global economy is teetering on the precipice of disaster. We already have a full-blown global recession. Unless governments get ahead of the problem, we risk a severe worldwide downturn unlike anything we have seen since the 1930s. 。

The necessary policy actions involve aggressive macroeconomic stimulus. Fiscal policy should ideally focus on tax cuts and infrastructure spending. Central banks are already cutting interest rates left and right. Policy interest rates around the world are likely to head toward zero; the United States and Japan are already there. The United Kingdom and the euro zone will eventually decide to go most of the way. 。

Steps must also be taken to recapitalize and re-regulate the financial system. Huge risks will remain as long as the financial system remains on government respirators, as is effectively the case in the US, UK, the euro zone, and many other countries today. 。

Most of the world's largest banks are essentially insolvent, and depend on continuing government aid and loans to keep them afloat. Many banks have already acknowledged their open-ended losses in residential mortgages. 。

As the recession deepens, however, bank balance sheets will be hammered further by a wave of defaults in commercial real estate, credit cards, private equity, and hedge funds. As governments try to avoid outright nationalization of banks, they will find themselves being forced to carry out second and third recapitalizations. 。

Even the extravagant bailout of financial giant Citigroup, in which the US government has poured in $45 billion of capital and backstopped losses on over $300 billion in bad loans, may ultimately prove inadequate. When one looks across the landscape of remaining problems, including the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market, it is clear that the hole in the financial system is too big to be filled entirely by taxpayer dollars. 。

Certainly, a key part of the solution is to allow more banks to fail, ensuring that depositors are paid off in full, but not necessarily debt holders. But this route is going to be costly and painful. 。

That brings us back to the inflation option. In addition to tempering debt problems, a short burst of moderate inflation would reduce the real (inflation-adjusted) value of residential real estate, making it easier for that market to stabilize. 。

Absent significant inflation, nominal house prices probably need to fall another 15 percent in the US, and more in Spain, the UK, and many other countries. If inflation rises, nominal house prices don't need to fall as much. 。

Of course, given the ongoing recession, it may not be so easy for central banks to achieve any inflation at all right now. Indeed, it seems like avoiding sustained deflation, or falling prices, is all they can manage. 。

Fortunately, creating inflation is not rocket science. All central banks need to do is to keep printing money to buy up government debt. The main risk is that inflation could overshoot, landing at 20 or 30 percent instead of 5-6 percent. 。

Indeed, fear of overshooting paralyzed the Bank of Japan for a decade. But this problem is easily negotiated. With good communication policy, inflation expectations can be contained, and inflation can be brought down as quickly as necessary. 。

It will take every tool in the box to fix today's once-in-a-century financial crisis. Fear of inflation, when viewed in the context of a possible global depression, is like worrying about getting the measles when one is in danger of getting the plague. 。

The author is a professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University and was formerly chief economist at the IMF。



On Sister Carrie。

Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.。

Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.。

What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.。

And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accepted. That’s what she had just done ? just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.。

That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.。

There’s one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.” However, how many people can go that further.。

And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my essay:。

“In Carrie ? as in how many of our wordings do they not? ? instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.”

" Hamlet " of Shakespear is a clASSical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: " you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result." Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.。




"Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable,spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father,in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said:" you may hear to to rape massacre,the unusual repair behavior,the dark center decision,accidental slaughter,borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result."。

Windingly elects the plot,tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany,is attends his father's funeral,enables him to accept,he not catches up with father's funeral,actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart,added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior,and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course,launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally,sent out sword the revenge to Claudius。

Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.。

一段关于hiphop服饰的英文介绍 急需~!!!的相关图片

一段关于hiphop服饰的英文介绍 急需~!!!

语法:writing-mode : lr-tb、tb-rl。

参数:lr-tb:从左向右,从上往下  tb-rl:从上往下,从右向左。

示例:div { writing-mode: tb-rl; }。

<div style="width:500px; color:#FF0000;text-decoration:underline;text-transform:capitalize; text-shadow:#000000 10px 10px 50px; line-height:19px; writing-mode:tb-rl;">。






垂直布局是 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 的一种主要的新功能。本文对垂直布局的基本概念进行了探讨,帮助您避免某些常见的错误。

注意: 本文中的示例需要 Internet Explorer 5.5 或更高的版本.。


当您浏览几乎所有的 Web 页时(如本页),段落中的文字走向都是从左向右的。文本自动换行时,新的一行位于前一行下方,从页面的左侧开始。这是非常自然的,你甚至不会注意到它。

但是对于世界上的很多地方,这却不是天经地义的。如果你曾经看到过日文或中文的书籍或杂志,那么你就知道其印刷的文字通常采取垂直布局。文字起始于每页的右上角,其走向是向下的,换行时,下一行回到页面顶部并位于前一行的左侧。例如报纸的大字标题就在每页右侧自上而下地安排;路牌、情书、以及大多数其它形式的书写文字也是按照这种方法安排的。Web 页是个例外,HTML 无法处理这种布局。但是,这并没有阻止 Web 作者进行从位图到非常窄的表单元格的各种尝试。然而到目前为止,仍然没有找到能够实现垂直布局的令人满意的方法。


Writing-mode 的属性。

在 Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 中,通过名为 writing-mode(英文)的 CSS(英文)属性(是当前为 CSS 3(英文)推荐的)启用对垂直布局的支持。下面的示例对于英文和日文内容进行了水平布局和垂直布局的比较。请浏览示例,然后我们将对细节进行深入探讨。

writing-mode 属性有两个要探讨的值:



Tb-rl 表示自上而下、从右向左,说明了应用这种样式的元素的内容走向。Lr-tb 表示从左向右、自上而下,它是所有文字的默认走向,也是英文读者所熟悉的典型的水平走向。与其它任何 CSS 属性一样,可通过外部 CSS 文件,或通过对象模型(style.writingMode(英文)),在一列上指定这些值。

请注意,虽然是东亚语言引发了对垂直布局的支持这一思路,但是任何语言文字都可以采用垂直文字走向。在这种走向中,单独字符的方向取决于它们所属的语言或文稿。为了保持垂直排版的传统,东亚文字的字符均采取竖直方向显示,而其它所有字符,包括拉丁文字符,在采用垂直布局时则顺时针旋转 90° 显示。


在 MSDN 联机 Web 工作室文档(英文)中可找到 writing-mode 所应用的元素的列表,但却无法在列表中找到 BODY 元素(英文)。这说明 BODY 元素总采取水平布局,但它所包含的元素却可以采用垂直布局。有时很难预料这种布局规则的组合结果是什么样的,这在下面的示例中会加以说明。



<DIV style="writing-mode:tb-rl; width:50cm">。

This is a sentence in a DIV element with vertical layout.。




当您在 Internet Explorer 5.5 中查看此标记时,一开始看不到文字,但却会看到水平滚动条。如果您将该页一直滚动到右端,则可以看到文字。为什么会这样呢?

BODY 元素总采用水平布局,而浏览器总是将可视区定位于起始于标记中最顶端元素的原点。在前面的示例中,原点位于页面的左上角,若要显示加载了文字的页面,必须使主体滚动到右端。其实现方法为:在全局 DIV 元素(英文)中,将主体上的方向属性设置为 RTL(从右向左),然后再将方向属性设置回 LTR(从左向右)。这样,就将原点放置在右上角了。


<BODY style="direction:rtl">。

<DIV style="direction:ltr; writing-mode:tb-rl; width:50cm">。

This is a vertical sentence.。




与其它 CSS 属性 交互

很多 CSS 属性可能拥有与方向或位置相关的值,如顶部、底部、左边和右边等。在垂直布局的环境中应如何转换这些值呢?通常,影响方向或位置的 CSS 属性是被绝对转换的。这是从实际而言的,表明这种样式的隐含的或明确的方向性并不随垂直布局而改变。例如,请考虑 border-left 属性(英文)。举例而言,在垂直布局中,border-left 表示在元素的左边界上绘制一个边框。因为这种放置是绝对的,所以在垂直布局中,border-left 并不会变为 border-top(英文)。

但是,有些 CSS 属性的转换是相对的。这是从逻辑角度而言的,表明若按照上面那样对它们进行绝对转换是没有意义的。line-height 属性(英文)就是一个示例。如果行是水平布局的,则该属性控制行的高度;如果行是垂直布局的,则该属性控制行的宽度。换句话讲,line-height 属性在与基线垂直的维度上控制行的大小。因此,对属性进行绝对转换是没有意义的。World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 提供了按照逻辑转换的 CSS 属性列表(英文)。


writing-mode 属性决定了元素内容的布局方式,而不是元素自身的位置,记住这一点十分重要。当元素 writing-mode 的值为 tb-rl 时,整个元素的内容采用垂直布局(此时,忽略对继承的限制或设置水平布局的子元素的情况)。这说明文字和子元素的走向为自上而下、从右向左。

对 writing-mode 属性的继承并不是统一的。某些元素根本不继承它。其它元素将 writing-mode 属性传递给它们的子元素,但自己却不采用这些属性。这将在 writing-mode 参考页(英文)中加以介绍。将鼠标指针移到“Applies To”列表中的任何元素上,可以查看该元素上是否应用了继承限制。关于有限制的继承的示例,请参见对 BUTTON 元素(英文)的 Web Workshop 参考。



将垂直元素与水平父元素的行为一同考虑时,元素高度将变得错综复杂(请记住,因为 BODY 元素总是水平的,所以这种情况是常见的)。水平父元素的高度是可变的,— 根据父元素的内容,这个高度有时很小,有时很大。根据父元素的高度来决定子元素的高度并不是一个好的解决方案,应当通过计算来决定最合适的高度。这种计算建立在变量数目的基础之上,包括字符大小(以第一个为基准)和文章中最长的单词。通常,垂直子元素的最小高度是 10 个字符高度。



操作系统的限制导致在某些配置中不能正确地按竖直方向显示东亚字符。Microsoft Windows® 2000 中消除了这一限制,但对于 Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 和 Windows 9x 系统,对东亚语言仍需要已经本地化的操作系统版本,以确保可以正确显示这些字符。



<style type="text/css">。


font-weight: bold;。

font-family: "华文新魏";。

color: #6666CC;。

font-size: 18px;。



<script language="javascript">。

var nbottom=0,speed=2,i=1;。

function displayMenu()。




eval_r("div"+i).style.clip="rect(0 100% "+nbottom+"% 0)";。





<body onLoad="displayMenu()">。

<div style=" position:relative ">。

<div nowrap style="display: none;position:absolute; left:50px;" id="div1">。


<div nowrap style=" display:none;position:absolute; left:100px" id="div2">。





<MARQUEE scrollAmount=2 direction=right>。

<DIV style="WRITING-MODE: tb-rl">。

<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 20pt;FILTER: shadow(color=black);COLOR: #000000;FONT-FAMILY:华文彩云" WIDTH:100%; LINE-HEIGHT:80%>。

这里加入文字内容 -如: 《诗经》 · 鹤鸣 皋。





Hip-hop fashion is a distinctive style of dress originating with African-American youth on the scene of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, The San Francisco Bay Area, Detroit, Atlanta and Miami among others. Each city contributed various elements to its overall style seen worldwide today. Hip hop fashion complements the expressions and attitudes of hip hop culture in general. Hip hop fashion has changed significantly during its history, and today it is a prominent part of popular fashion as a whole across the world and for all ethnicities。

Early 1980s to Mid-1980s。

In the early 1980s, established sportswear and fashion brands, such as Le Coq Sportif, Kangol, Adidas, Pro-Keds and attached themselves to the emerging hip hop scene.。

During the 1980s, hip-hop icons wore clothing items such as brightly colored name-brand tracksuits, sheepskin and leather bomber jackets,[1] Clarks shoes[1], Britishers AKA British Walkers and sneakers (usually Pro-Keds, Puma, and Adidas-brand shelltoes and often with "phat" or oversized shoelaces). Popular haircuts ranged from the early-1980s Jheri curl to the late-1980s hi-top fade popularized by Will Smith (The Fresh Prince) and Christopher "Kid" Reid of Kid 'n Play, among others.。

Popular accessories included large eyeglasses (Cazals[2] or Gazelles[1]), Kangol bucket hats,[1] nameplates,[1] name belts,[1] and multiple rings. Heavy gold jewelry was also popular in the 1980s; heavy jewelry in general would become an enduring element of hip hop fashion.[3] In general, men's jewelry focused on heavy gold chains and women's jewelry on large gold earrings.[3] Performers such as Kurtis Blow and Big Daddy Kane helped popularize gold necklaces and other such jewelry, and female rappers such as Roxanne Shanté and the group Salt-N-Pepa helped popularize oversized gold door-knocker earrings. The heavy jewelry was suggestive of prestige and wealth, and some have connected the style to Africanism.[4]。

1980s hip hop fashion is remembered as one of the most important elements of old school hip hop, and it is often celebrated in nostalgic hip hop songs such as Ahmad's 1994 single "Back in the Day", and Missy Elliott's 2002 single "Back in the Day".。

[edit] Late 1980s to early 1990s fashion。

Black nationalism was increasingly influential in rap during the late 1980s, and fashions and hairstyles reflected traditional African influences.[3] Blousy pants were popular among dance-oriented rappers like MC Hammer.[3] Fezzes,[3] kufis decorated with the Kemetic ankh,[3] Kente cloth hats,[3] Africa chains, dreadlocks, and red, black, and green clothing became popular as well, promoted by artists such as Queen Latifah, KRS-One, Public Enemy, and X-Clan). In the early 1990s, pop rappers such as The Fresh Prince, Kid 'n Play, and Left Eye of TLC popularized baseball caps and bright, often neon-colored, clothing. Kris Kross also established the fad of wearing clothes backwards.[3] Kwamé sparked the brief trend of polka-dot clothing as well, while others continued wearing their mid-80's attire.。

Hip hop influences are seen in Chanel's Fall 1991 collection.The Nike capture of soon to be superstar basketball protege Michael Jordan from rivals Adidas in 1984 proved to be a huge turning point, as Nike dominated the urban streetwear sneaker market in the late 80's and early 90's. Other clothing brands such as Reebok, Champion, Carhartt and Timberland were very closely associated with the scene, particularly on the East coast with hip hop acts such as Wu-Tang Clan and Gangstarr sporting the look.。

Gangsta rap pioneers N.W.A. popularized an early form of Cholo Gangsta style in the late 1980s from the Chicano Gangs who were there, consisting of Dickies pants, plaid shirts and jackets, Chuck Taylors sneakers, and black Raiders baseball caps and Raiders Starter jackets. Starter jackets, in addition, were also a popular trend in their own right during the late 1980s and early 90s. They became something of a status-symbol, with incidents of robberies of the jackets reported in the media.。

Hip hop fashion in this period also influenced high fashion designs. In the late 1980s, Isaac Mizrahi, inspired by his elevator operator who wore a heavy gold chain, showed a collection deeply influenced by hip hop fashion.[5] Models wore black catsuits, "gold chains, big gold nameplate-inspired belts, and black bomber jackets with fur-trimmed hoods."[5] Womenswear Daily called the look "homeboy chic."[5] In the early 1990s, Chanel showed hip-hop-inspired fashion in several shows. In one, models wore black leather jackets and piles of gold chains.[5] In another, they wore long black dresses, accessorized with heavy, padlocked silver chains.[5] (These silver chains were remarkably similar to the metal chain-link and padlock worn by Treach of Naughty by Nature, who said he did so in solidarity with "all the brothers who are locked down."[5]) The hip hop trend, however, did not last; designers quickly moved on to new influences.[5]。

[edit] Mid-1990s to late 1990s fashion。

[edit] Fashion among "hip-hop" elites。

On the East Coast, members of the hip hop community looked back to the gangsters of the 1930s and 1940s for inspiration.[6] Mafioso influences, especially and primarily inspired by the 1983 remake version of Scarface, became popular in hip hop. Many rappers set aside gang-inspired clothing in favor of classic gangster fashions such as bowler hats,[6] double-breasted suits,[6] silk shirts,[6] and alligator-skin shoes ("gators"). In some areas of the mid-west, including Detroit, this style has been a staple in hip-hop fashion, regardless of current trends.[citation needed] On the East Coast, "ghetto fabulous" fashion (a term coined by Sean Combs) was on the rise.[6]。

[edit] Sportswear。

Rapper Slim Thug wearing a Du Rag.Tommy Hilfiger was one of the most prominent brand in 1990s sportswear, though Polo Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Nautica, and DKNY were also popular.[7] When Snoop Doggy Dogg wore a Hilfiger sweatshirt during an appearance on Saturday Night Live, it sold out of New York City stores the next day.[7] Hilfiger's popularity was due to its perceived waspiness, which made it seem exclusive and aspirational.[7] Moreover, Hilfiger courted the new hip hop market: black models featured prominently in the company's advertising campaigns, and rappers like Puffy and Coolio walked during its runways shows.[7]。

Other brands, such as Nike FUBU, Reebok Pro-Keds, Adidas, Ecko Unlimited, Karl Kani, Mecca USA, Lugz, Rocawear, harputs by Gus Harput, Boss Jeans by IG Design, and Enyce, arose to capitalize on the market for urban streetwear.[7] They followed in Hilfiger's footsteps by manufacturing all-American styles emblazoned with huge logos.[7]。

[edit] Throwback jerseys。

One sportswear trend that emerged was the rise in popularity of throwback jerseys, such as those produced by Mitchell & Ness. Sports jerseys have always been popular in hip-hop fashion, as evidenced by Will Smith's early 90's video "Summertime", and Spike Lee wearing a throwback Brooklyn Dodgers jersey in the film "Do the Right Thing". But in the late 90's saw the rise in popularity of very expensive throwbacks, often costing hundreds of dollars. Hip-hop artists donning the pricey jerseys in music videos led to increased demand, and led to the rise of counterfeiters flooding the market with fake jerseys to capitalize on the craze. The mid-to-late 2000s saw a decrease in popularity of throwbacks, with some hip-hop artists even shunning the raiments, such as Jay-Z, who rapped "And I don't wear jerseys, I'm 30-plus, Give me a crisp pair of jeans, Button up." In 1990 it was very big part for fashion because of all the hip hop artists that wore the various throwback jerseys.。

[edit] The rise of hip-pop。

The rise of hip-pop in the late-1990s, primarily the work of Sean "Diddy" Combs, known locally around New York at that time as the "Shiny Suit Man" brought elements such as loud, flashy PVC aviator inspired suits and platinum jewelry to the forefront of hip hop in an effort to add a new vivid dimension of color and flash to the videos produced as a marketing tool. Combs, who started his own Sean John clothing line, and clothing manufacturers such as Karl Kani and FUBU brought hip hop fashion to the mainstream, resulting in a multi-million dollar hip hop fashion industry. There was a resurgence of traditional African-American hairstyles such as cornrows and Afros, as well as the Caesar low-cut. Caesars and cornrows are maintained by wearing a du-rag over the head during periods of sleeping and home activity to prevent the hair from being displaced or tossled. Du-rags soon became popular hip hop fashion items in their own right.。

The "hip-pop" era also saw the split between male and female hip hop fashion, which had previously been more or less similar. Women in hip hop had emulated the male tough-guy fashions such as baggy pants, "Loc" sunglasses, tough looks and heavy workboots; many, such as Da Brat, accomplished this with little more than some lip gloss and a bit of make-up to make the industrial work pants and work boots feminine. The female performers who completely turned the tide such as Lil Kim and Foxy Brown popularized glamourous, high-fashion feminine hip hop styles, such as Kimora Lee Simmons fashion line of Baby Phat. While Lauryn Hill and Eve popularized more conservative styles that still maintained both a distinctly feminine and distinctly hip hop feel.。

Bling-bling jewelry[edit] Jewelry culture。

Main article: Bling Bling。

In the mid- to late 1990s, platinum replaced gold as the metal of choice in hip hop fashion.[3] Artists and fans alike wore platinum (or silver) jewelry, often embedded with diamonds. Jay-Z, Juvenile, and The Hot Boys were largely responsible for this trend.[3] Platinum fronts also became popular; Cash Money Records executive/rapper Brian "Baby" Williams infamously has an entire mouthful of permanent platinum teeth. Others have fashioned grills, removable metal jewelled teeth coverings. With the advent of the Jewellery culture, the turn of the century established luxury brands made inroads into the hip hop market, with brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton making appearances in hip hop videos and films.。

Link title==Modern Hip Hop Fashion (2000's Hip Hop fashion)==。

Kanye West performing in 2006 wearing a fitted sportcoatIn the 1990s and beyond, many hip hop artists and executives started their own fashion labels and clothing lines.[8] Notable examples include Wu-Tang Clan (Wu-Wear), Russell Simmons (Phat Farm), Kimora Lee Simmons (Baby Phat), Diddy (Sean John),TI (AKOO), Apple Bottom Jeans (Nelly), Damon Dash and Jay-Z (Rocawear), 50 Cent (G-Unit Clothing), Eminem (Shady Limited), 2Pac (Makaveli) and OutKast (OutKast Clothing). Other prominent hip hop fashion companies have included Karl Kani and FUBU, Eckō, Girbaud, Enyce, Famous Stars and Straps, Bape,Billionaire Boys Club, Beans, Ciara and Erykah Badu (Starter Clothing Line), LRG, Timberland Boots, and Akademiks and Southpole.。

Today, Hip hop clothing is produced by popular and successful designers, who charge significant amounts for their products. Hip hop fashion is worn by a significant percentage of young people around the world, with a significant number of retailers that are dedicated to the sale of hip hop inspired fashions. Several web sites are dedicated to hard to find hip hop sneakers and apparel.。

Websites like show some of these new trends and fashion styles.。

[edit] Recent trends。

Common wearing shorter length t-shirt and tight jeansDue to the recent trend in hip hop fashion to revert back to the "old school" gaining popularity, the clothing is becoming similar to early 80's form of dressing. It has geared toward a more old-school Punk/Hipster-inspired style of dressing with a nod towards irony, and may include items such as slim-fit denim jeans, tighter-fitting "vintage style" t-shirts with shorter arm sleeves, polo shirts, sportcoats, woven button shirts, large ornamental belt buckles, cufflinks, skull and skeleton decorations, Ed Hardy and Sailor Jerry tattoo inspired motifs, elaborately decorated zip-up hoodies, trucker hats, lumberjack button-ups or plaid designed shirts, keffiyehs, and snow inspired fashions. Shorter length t-shirts have become involved in recent trends, in order to expose decorated belts and belt buckles and biker chains. Although the "baggy" style of dress remains relevant, some hip hoppers forego that particular style, opting for colorful fitted and hipster-inspired clothing as exemplified by the growing influence of rappers such as Kanye West, Common,New Boyz and,as well as the tighter-fitting skater influenced styles in the case of Pharrell and Lupe Fiasco. Other re-emergent 80s trends include Members Only jackets, huge oversized chains, and large eyeglasses. Leather jackets also have seen a rise in popularity. Brands like Polo Ralph Lauren, American Eagle, Nautica, Hollister, Aeropostale, Lacoste, True Religion, Rock & Republic, and higher end brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Ralph Lauren Purple Label are very popular in Hip Hop fashion today.。

Criticism of hip hop fashion。

A DJ wearing a zip-up hoodie and checkerboard frame sunglasses.Commentators from both inside and outside of the hip-hop community have criticized the cost of many of the accouterments of hip hop fashion. Chuck D of Public Enemy summarized the mentality of Hip hop fashion and some low-income youths as "Man, I work at McDonald's, but in order for me to feel good about myself I got to get a gold chain or I got to get a fly car in order to impress a sister or whatever."[9] In his 1992 song "Us", Ice Cube rapped that "Us [African-Americans] will always sing the blues / 'cause all we care about is hairstyles and tennis shoes."[10] Some fans have expressed disappointment with the increased amount of advertising for expensive hip-hop brands in hip-hop magazines.[11] In one letter to the editor in Source magazine, a reader wrote that the magazine should "try showing some less expensive brands so heads will know they don't have to hustle, steal, or rob and blast shots for flyness."[12] In fact, there were many highly-publicized robberies of hip-hop artists by the late 1990s.Guru of Gang Starr was robbed at gunpoint of his Rolex watch, Queen Latifah's car was car-jacked, and Prodigy was robbed at gunpoint of $300,000 in jewelry.。

A few hip hop insiders, such as the members of Public Enemy,Immortal Technique, Paris and Common(amongst others) have made the deliberate choice not to don expensive jewelry as a statement against materialism.。

Many urban consumers are secretly proud that hip-hop fashion and apparel has become a multi-billion dollar industry sprawling across most continents. The trendy designs, which have morphed from the awkwardness of Coogi in the early 1990’s to the chic urban couture of Sean John and Akademiks, have become accepted as “business attire” nowadays within certain offices and professions.。

But while many hip-hop clothing label execs like Mark Echo and Sean “P. Diddy” Combs rake in millions of dollars each month from their apparel ventures, millions of garment workers across the world continue to be exploited, raped, and physically abused inside hideous sweatshops, making substandard wages, to produce the hot urban fashion North American consumers are flocking to buy on a daily basis.。

While it is true that sweatshop labour is a problem in the garment industry as a whole, and is by no means exclusive to hip-hop apparel, some ensconced within urban culture are beginning to ask if hip-hop clothing labels have an ethical responsibility to ensure their clothes are not being manufactured in a world of virtual slavery.。

Latin reggaeton superstar Tego Calderón recently turned down an offer from P. Diddy to model Sean John’s Spring Collection in light of the company’s alleged use of sweatshop labour in Central America. Under the conditions, Calderón was to be paid a modest fee to appear in numerous advertisements across North America including a large billboard in New York’s Times Square. After hearing about deplorable conditions in sweatshop factories in Honduras used to manufacture Sean John and Rocawear apparel, Calderón turned down the opportunity on principle. “Me faltó el respeto (he disrespected me),” Calderón told reporters at the time.。

It was a huge slap in the face to Diddy’s camp, and an even larger victory for anti-sweatshop activist around the world who’d been longing for a big name entertainer like Calderón to publicly take a stand.。

According to Charles Kernaghan, Director of the National Labour Committee (NLC), a New York-based non-profit that brought forth the sweatshop allegations against a factory in Honduras producing Sean John and Rocawear apparel in 2003, most urban consumers would be appalled if they knew of the horrendous conditions garment workers were forced to endure inside sweatshops to make hip-hop apparel.。

The Sean John allegations, which made international headlines in late 2003, involved workers from the Southeast Textiles (Setisa) factory in Chaloma, Honduras who complained of mandatory pregnancy tests, locked bathrooms, forced non-paid overtime, and drinking water containing fecal matter inside the factory. 20 workers who attempted to form a union at the Setisa factory said they were immediately fired, and subsequently smuggled Rocawear and Sean John labels out of the sweatshop as evidence of the clothes manufactured inside the factory. A year and a half later, however, Rocawear still refuses to comment on the story while Sean John claims no responsibility for the working conditions inside of factories which they merely subcontract with, and do not actually own.。

Other clothing companies that focus on hip-hop apparel such as Timberland, Karl Kani, and Perry Ellis have been at the centre of anti-sweatshop campaigns in the past as well. As recently as December of 2004, China Labour Watch, a private NGO that monitors factory conditions within China, uncovered a sweatshop owned by Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Ltd, where the bulk of Timberland’s overseas production takes place. According to documents, investigators noted numerous child labourers in the factory, and a work schedule that requires employees to spend 91 hours or more per week at their machines to meet production quotas. And while Timberland boots and shoes often retail for upwards of $85 a pair, workers in the Kingmaker factory are paid a mere 55 cents for each pair of Timberlands they make.。

Despite American sanctions imposed in 1997 against all US investment in the South Asian nation of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, which is officially classified as a military dictatorship, companies such as Perry Ellis and Karl Kani still produce a significant amount of their apparel within the countries’ borders. According to the International Labour Organization, a tripartite agency of the United Nations, wages for garment workers in Myanmar is a mere 4 cents per hour.。

Repeated calls to the offices of Perry Ellis and Karl Kani for comment went ignored. Timberland representatives however, were willing to admit in a phone interview to having prior knowledge of all sweatshop conditions, including the use of child labour inside the Kingmaker factory, but choose not to pull its production orders in an effort to save some 4,700 jobs in that particular textile factory which Timberland helps support.。

Not all hip-hop clothing labels are participating in a race for the cheapest labour.。




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