
问题描述:Please describe the way you connect to the Internet 这篇文章主要介绍了一个有趣的事情,具有一定借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下。希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让小编带着大家一起了解一下。

在jdk6的基础上开发webservice。运行后提示Web Services No JAX-WS context information available.


Common questions。

What does the error message "Connection .. was rejected because of license restriction" mean? 。

Why do I see a blank screen while remote PC in full screen DOS mode? 。

Why the remote screen sometimes looks so ugly? 。

How can I speed up the program's performance? 。

How safe is Remote Desktop Control to use? 。

I don't find the answer. How to contact your support team? 。

Program usage

How to update all copies of program to the new version? 。

How can I send Ctrl+Alt+Del combination to the remote PC? 。

How to hide the tray icon of the Host Module? 。

How to transfer files to or from a remote PC? 。

How to prevent a closing of Host Module? 。

How can I switch "Full-Screen" mode to "Windowed" mode? 。

How to determine which remote computer I'm controlling now? 。

How to copy the Remote Desktop Control address book from one computer to another? 。

Connection and TCP/IP。

Why can't I connect to the remote Host? 。

How to determine the IP address of my computer? 。

How to control a remote computer from the network station via internet? 。

How to control a remote PC through the firewall? 。

How to control PC with dynamically assigned IP address via internet? 。

How to control a network PC via internet? 。

How to use Remote Desktop Control for direct modem to modem connection? 。

Licensing and registration。

How many licenses I need? 。

How to purchase the program? It there a volume discount? 。

How to register program on each computer? 。

I've lost my registration code. What should I do? 。

Answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat does the error message "Connection .. was rejected because of license restriction" mean? 。

It means that the program has found the fact of infringement of the license. 。

For example, the registration code allows you to use the program only on two different computers. Earlier you were connected to these computers using the Admin Module and now you are trying to connect to another computer. In that case the program shows the message about infringement of the license. Also such message may appear when the license has not been violated, but some hardware on the remote PC was changed. In this case you must reenter the registration code in the Admin Module (Menu/Help/Enter registration code). After that you will be able to connect another remote PC. 。

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Why do I see a blank screen while remote PC in full screen DOS mode? 。

It happens because the current version of Remote Desktop Controlcannot work with full screen text modes. However you can press Alt+Enter combination to switch the remote computer to the windowed text mode. 。

Note: You can send keystrokes to the remote host, only if you are working with the remote computer in "Control Mode" 。

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Why the remote screen sometimes looks so ugly? 。

Sometimes while viewing the remote screen, it may look ugly. It happens when you are using a color depth of 8 bit per pixel. In this case we recommend you to use the color depth of 16 bits per pixel or more. You can change the color depth in the system menu of the Remote Screen Window (press Ctrl+F12). 。

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How can I speed up the program's performance?。

In case of a poor performance of Remote Desktop Controlwhile viewing of the remote screen, it is recommended (in order from most effective remedy to less effective): 。

On the Host site: 。

Use better video adapter (with many video memory) and latest video drivers. 。

Reduce color depth and screen resolution. 。

Remove wall-paper from the desktop. 。

Use "Security Level 1" option in the Host Configurator settings (note: this is not recommend when the high security of network connections is required). 。

On the Admin Module: 。

Use "auto" color depth in Remote Screen Window for LAN connections and "8 bit per pixel" for slow internet connections. Use the system menu (Ctrl+F12) to change Color Depth. 。

Also we recommend to use 100 Mb and more network adapters to improve network performance. 。

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How safe is Remote Desktop Control to use?。

Remote Desktop Controlis a secure remote control program. It has a large number of security features that can be used to defend PC from unauthorized remote access. Here are some reasons Remote Desktop Controlis completely safe: 。

Access to the remote computer is restricted by password. A challenge-response authentication of connections is provided for prevention of unauthorized access to computers with the working Remote Desktop ControlHost program (the program uses digital signature algorithm RSA with a private key of 320 bit length). 。

Remote Desktop Control works in encrypted mode. All data streams, including screenshots, keystrokes and mouse movement are encrypted by a symmetric, randomly generated key of 64 bit length that is given to the both sides during the process of authentication. 。

IP-Filtering feature allows an access to the Remote Desktop ControlHost only from specified IP addresses and subnets. 。

Master Key usage guarantees a safe storage of the Access Passwords for connection to the remote hosts on the computer with Remote Desktop ControlAdmin (it is used strong encryption with 256-bit key). 。

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I don't find the answer. How to contact your support team? 。

The technical and customer support are managed by our R&D Department in Ukraine (GMT+2 Time Zone). Please be patient if there is some time difference with your current location. 。

For any technical questions, bug reports, comments or request please contact us via web form. 。

When contacting support team please specify: 。

Remote Desktop Controlversion and Windows version on the Admin and Host PCs. 。

The problem you faced and all other information that you think is related to the problem. 。

If you have problems with connection, please describe your network environment: 。

Where host and admin PCs are located (in the LAN or Internet), which type of IP addresses they have (private or public). Describe intermediate points located between PCs, such as proxys, routers, firewalls, etc. 。

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How to update all copies of program to the new version?。

At the first, you should download the newest version of software from our web site:。

www.remote-desktop-control.com 。

After that you can install a new version of Remote Desktop Control on your computers. 。

If you want to update Remote Desktop Controlon a different computer(s) in your LAN, the computer has to have an access to the installation package (via LAN for example). In this case you will be able to update Remote Desktop Controlon each PC separately by launching the installation program. 。

You will receive notifications about updates automatically, if you are a subscriber of our mail list or a registered user. 。

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How can I send Ctrl-Alt-Del combination to the remote PC? 。

You can send Ctrl+Alt+Del combination to the remote computer in "Control Mode" only. Also the Host Module must run as a system service on that remote PC. Press Ctrl+Alt+F12 or call the system menu of the Remote Screen Window and choose menu item "Send Keystroke > Ctrl-Alt-Del". 。

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How to hide the tray icon of the Host Module? 。

Run the Host Configurator program from the Programs menu. Select "Launching" page and then select the "Hide tray icon" option. 。

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How to transfer files to or from a remote PC? 。

Current version of Remote Desktop Control does not contain this feature, but we will include this feature into the new versions of Remote Desktop Control. 。

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How to prevent a closing of Host Module?。

A tray menu of the Host Module contains the "Exit" command to close the Host Module. Actually the user of remote computer should not be able to shutdown the Host Module, because the network administrator needs to have a stable access to the remote host at any time. It is recommended to hide the tray icon on each workstation. The administrator can do this using the Host Configurator program (see Launching tab). 。

The Host Configurator program also contains the "Close Host Module now" button, which allows you to close the Host Module when the tray icon is invisible. Therefore, you should protect this ability with password; see the Security tab of Host Configurator. 。

For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003: 。

If you are using the Host Module as a simple application, the computer user will be able to shutdown it using the Task Manager. You should use the Host Module as a system service if you want to avoid this issue. Only users with administrator's privileges will be able to stop the service through the Service Manager. 。

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How can I switch "Full-Screen" mode to "Windowed" mode?。

Use F12 key for switching between "Full-Screen" and "Windowed" modes. if you want to send the F12 key to a remote PC, use 'Send Keystroke / F12' entry from the system menu of the Remote Screen Window. 。

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How to determine which remote computer I'm controlling now? 。

In the "Windowed" display mode look at the title of Remote Screen Window, you will see the remote computer's display name.。

In the "Full-Screen" display mode, you should temporary switch to the "Windowed" mode (F12), and look at the title window. 。

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How to copy the Remote Desktop Control address book from one computer to another? 。

The address book is stored in the apc-addressBook.ini file in the work folder of Remote Desktop Control. You can simply copy this file to another computer. 。

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Why can't I connect to the remote Host? 。

The reason can be different. For example: 。

You have incorrectly entered a port number or IP-address/name of the remote Host 。

The Host Module is not running on the remote PC. 。

The remote computer is switched off or its network cable is disconnected. 。

The firewall protection on the remote host is used. 。

There is no direct TCP/IP connection with target computer (computers is located in different network for example). 。

You can test a connection to the remote computer using a Ping command in the system console: ping [remote_host] 。



ping myserver.mycompany.com 。

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How to determine the IP address of my computer?。

Every computer connected to the Internet or network is assigned a unique number known as an IP address. There are many ways to know the own IP address, we recommend following: 。

Move your mouse pointer over the Host Module tray icon. The tool tip will show the list of IP addresses. 。

Type ipconfig (winipcfg for Win95) command in the system console. 。

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How to control a remote computer from the network station via internet? 。

At the first, you should know IP-address of the remote PC. Also you need to have an access to the remote PC via TCP/IP from your local network. For accessing the internet from local computers we recommend to use the server with two network interfaces: internal (local network) and external (Internet). Operation system of this server doesn't matter. There are many variants of server configuration: 。

The server works as a gateway, providing a shared Internet access to multiple PC's or other devices. In this case Remote Desktop Controlcan simply be connected to the remote host using the IP-address. 。

If your server works under Windows2000/XP/2003, you can use ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) on your server for granting internet access to computers of your local network: 。

www.microsoft.com/WindowsXP/pro/using/howto/networking/ics.asp 。

You can use NAT (Network Address Translation) on your server for granting internet access to computers in your local network. 。

NAT is a program that converts the IP address from a private address to a public one real time. This allows multiple users to share a single public IP address. It also prevents access to these users from the outside without special configurations. NAT is used in home networks and corporations to allow multiple PCs to access the internet via T-1, ADSL, SDSL or Cable Modem. 。


If your server runs under Windows 95/98/NT, we recommend you to use Kerio WinRoute as NAT software. 。

It is possible, when HTTP Proxy (for example Squid or WinRoute) is used for granting the internet access to computers located in your local network. The current version of Remote Desktop Controldoes not work through HTTP Proxy servers. This opportunity will appear only in the following versions of the program. However there is a way of connection to the remote computers through a HTTP Proxy. It is HTTP-tuneling. 。

For realization of this opportunity you can use special software, for example: HTTPort or Socks2HTTP 。

These programs allow you to bypass an HTTP proxy, which is blocking you from the Internet. With HTTPort you may use the following software from behind an HTTP proxy: Remote Desktop Control, IRC, ICQ, FTP, etc. 。

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How to control a remote PC through the firewall?。

Remote Desktop Controluses TCP port 6279 by default. You can open this port on the firewall. Another solution is to change the Remote Desktop Controlport number on both sides (for Host Module and Admin Module) to the value of a port that is already opened on your firewall. 80 or 21 for example. 。

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How to control PC with dynamically assigned IP address via internet?。

You can connect to the remote computer via Internet. The only problem might be the IP address on the Host Module side. It could be dynamically assigned; therefore you should find out it after the remote PC connection to the Internet. Someone on the remote side could tell you the remote IP address by phone or email for example. After that you connect to the remote computer using known IP address.。

If you are often compelled to be connected to the remote computer with the dynamically assigned IP-address, and nobody on the remote side can tell you a current IP, you can use some of services, such as www.no-ip.com. It will help you to know the IP address of the remote Host even if it often changes. 。

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How to control a network PC via internet?。

It is possible when computers are located in the internal network behind a NAT based router. In that case computers have no public IP addresses, i.e. addresses are private (192.168.x.x for example); and only a router has a public IP address ( for example). 。

You need to configure "Forwarding" on the router/firewall to control internal network computers from the Internet. You should configure the router to forward connections from a port on the router to a specific IP address and port of the target computer in your internal network. It is necessary to assign unique port on the router for every computer you need to control. 。

Remote Desktop Controluses TCP port 6279 by default. 。

How "port forwarding" works? Terminology: 。

Port on the network PC is a private port. Network PC is private. 。

Port on the router is a public port. Router is public. 。

Router should forward traffic from its different public ports to different private computers。

include file能否包含变量?的相关图片

include file能否包含变量?。










2005年上半年 软件设计师 上午试卷。

(考试时间 9:00~11:30 共150分钟)

● 在计算机中,最适合进行数字加减运算的数字编码是___,最适合表示浮点数阶码的数字编码是___。

(1) A.原码 B.反码 C.补码 D.移码。

(2) A.原码 B.反码 C.补码 D.移码。

● 如果主存容量为16M字节,且按字节编址,表示该主存地址至少应需要___位。

(3) A.16 B,20 C.24 D.32。

● 操作数所处的位置,可以决定指令的寻址方式。操作数包含在指令中,寻址方式为___;操作数在寄存器中,寻址方式为___;操作数的地址在寄存器中,寻址方式为___。

(4)A.立即寻址 B。直接寻址。

C.寄存器寻址 D。寄存器间接寻址。

(5)A.立即寻址 B。直接寻址。

C.寄存器寻址 D。寄存器间接寻址。

(6)A.相对寻址 B。直接寻址。

C.寄存器寻址 D。寄存器间接寻址。

● 三个可靠度R均为0.8的部件串联构成一个系统,如下图所示:

___ ___ ___ ___


(7)A、0.240 B、512 C、0.800 D、0.992。

● 在计算机系统中构成虚拟存储器___。

(8)A.只需要一定的硬件资源便可实现 B。只需要一定的软件即可实现。

C.既需要软件也需要硬件方可实现 D。既不需要软件也不需要硬件。

● 某公司使用包过滤防火墙控制进出公司局域网的数据,在不考虑使用代理服务器的情况下,下面描述错误的是“该防火墙能够___”。

(9)A.使公司员工只能访问Internet 与其有业务联系的公司的IP地址 。

B.仅允许HTTP协议通过 。

C.使员工不能直接访问FTP服务端口号为21的FTP服务 。


● 两个公司希望通过Internet进行安全通信保证从住处源到目的地之间的数据传输以密文形式出现,而且公司不希望由于在传输节点使用特殊的安全单元而增加开支,最合适的加密方式是___,使用的会话密钥算法应该是___。

(10)A.链路加密 B. 节点加密 C.端-端加密 D.混合加密。

(11)A.RSA B.RC-5 C.MD5 D.ECC。

● 我国著作权法中,___系指同一概念。

(12)A.出版权与版权 B. 著作权与版权 C.作者权与专有权 D.发行权与版权。

● 由我国信息处产业部批准发布,在信息产业部门范围内统一使用的标准,称为___。

(13)A.地方标准 B.部门标准 C. 行业标准 D.企业标准。

● 某软件设计师自行将他人使用C程序语言开发的控制程序转换为机器语言形式的控制程序,并国有化在芯片中,该软件设计师的行为___。

(14) A.不构成侵权 ,因为新的控制程序与原控制程序使用的程序转换为机器语言不同 。

B.不构成侵权,因为对原控制程序进行了转换与固化,其使用和表现形式不同 。

C.不构成侵权,将一种程序语言编写的源程序转换为另一种程序语言形式,属于一种“翻译”行为 。


● 数据存储在磁盘上的排列方式会影响I/O服务的总时间。假设每磁道划分成10个物理块,每块存放1个逻辑记录。逻辑记录R!个逻辑记录。逻辑记录R1,R2,﹍﹍ ,R10存放在同一个磁道上,记录的安排顺序如下表所示:

物理块 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10。

逻辑记录 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10。


(15)A.180ms B.200 ms C.204ms D.220ms。

(16)A.40ms B. 60ms C. 100ms D.160ms。

● 页式存储系统的逻辑地址是由页号和页内地址两部分组成。假定页面的大小为4K地址变换过程如下图所示,图中逻辑地址用十进制表示。

(17)A.33220 B.8644 C.4548 D.2500 。


● 下列叙述中,与提高软件可移植性相关的是___。

(18)A.选择时间效率高的算法 B.尽可能减少注释 C.选择空间效率高的的算法 。


● 在系统转换的过程中,旧系统和新系统并行工作一段时间,再由新系统代替旧系统的策略称为___;在新系统全部正式运行前,一部分一部分地代替旧系统的策略称为___。

(19)A.直接转换 B.位置转换 C.分段转换 D.并行转换。

(20)A.直接转换 B.位置转换 C.分段转换 D.并行转换。


(21)A。加工 B.数据流 C.数据存储 D.联系 。

(22)A.接收工资单的银行 B.工资系统源代码程序 C.工资单 D.工资数据库的维护。

● 在系统验收测试中,___是在一个模拟的环境下使用模拟数据运行系统;___是在一个实际环境中使用真实数据运行系统。

(23)A.验证测试 B.审计测试 C.确认测试 D.模块测试。

(24)A.验证测试 B.审计测试 C.确认测试 D.模块测试。

● 采用瀑布模型进行系统开发的过程中,每个阶段都会产生不同的文档。以下关于产生这些文档的描述中,正确的是___。

(25)A.外部设计评审报告在概要设计阶段产生 。

B.集成测评计划在程序设计阶段产生 。

C.系统计划和需求说明在详细设计阶段产生 。


● 在一个单CPU的计算机系统中,有两台外部设备R1、R2和三个进程P1、P2、P3。系统采用可剥夺式优先级的进程调度方案,且所有进程可以并行使用I/O设备,三个进程的优先级、使用设备的先后顺序和占用设备的间如下表所示:

进 程 优先级 使用设备的先后顺序和占用设备时间。

P1 高 R2(30ms) CPU(10ms) R1(30ms) CPU(10ms)。

P2 中 R1(20ms) CPU(30ms) R2(40ms)。

P3 低 CPU (40ms) R1(10ms)。

假设操作系统的开销忽略不计,三个进程从投入运行到全部完成,CPU的利用约为___% ;R2的利用率约为___% (设备的利用率指该设备的使用时间与进程组全部完成所占用时间的比率)。

(26)A.60 B.67 C.78 D.90。

(27)A.70 B.78 C.80 D.89。

● 某一确定性有限自动机(DFA)的状态转换图如下图所示,令d=0|1|2|…|9,则以下字符串中,不能被该DFA接受的是___,与该DFA等价的正规式是___。(其中,ε表示空字符)

① 3875 ② 1.2E+5 ③ -123 ④ .576E10。

(28)A.①、②、③ B. ①、②、④ C. ②、③、 ④ D. ①、②、③、④。


B.-(dld)dd*(.|ε)d*(ε|E(-dld)d*) 。

C.(-ld)dd*E(-ld)d*|(-dld)dd*.d*(ε|E(-|E(-ld)d*) 。


● 对于以下编号为①、②、③的正规式,正确的说法是___。

①(aa*lab)*b ②(a/b)*b ③((a/b)*laa)*b。

(30) A.正规式①、②等价 B.正规式①、③。

C.正规式②、③等价 D.正规式①、②、③。

● 在UML提供的图中,___用于描述系统与外部系统及用户之间的交互;___用于按时间顺序描述对象间的交互。

(31) A.用例图 B.类图 C.对象图 D.部署图。

(32) A.网络图 B.状态图 C.协作图 D.序列图。

● 某数据库中有供应商关系S和零件关系P,其中:供应商关系模式S(Sno,Sname,Szip,City)中的属性分别表示:供应商代码、供应商名、邮编、供应商所在城市;零件号、零件名、颜色、重量、产地。要求一个供应商可以供应多种零件,而一种零件可以零件可以由多个供应商供应。请将下面的SQL语句空缺部分补充完整。


Pno CHAR(6),。

Status CHAR(8),。

Qty NUMERIC(9),。





{t|( u|)(v)(w)(____ ^u[1]=v[1] ^v[2] =w[1] ^w[3]=‘红’^___)}。







(36)A.S(U)^S(P) ^ P(W) B. SP(U)^S(V) ^ P(W)。

C. P(U)^S(P) ^ S(W) D. S(U)^P(V) ^ SP(W)。

(37)A.t[1]=U[1] ^ T[2]=W[2] ^ T[3]=V[4] B. t[1]=V[1] ^ T[2]=U[2] ^ T[3]=U[4]。

C. t[1]=W[1] ^ T[2]=U[2] ^ T[3]=V[4] D. t[1]=U[1] ^ T[2]=V[2] ^ T[3]=V[4]。

● 循环链表的主要优点是_______。

(38) A.不再需要头指针了 B. 已知某个结点的位置后,能很容易找到它的直接前驱结点 C.在进行删除操作后,能保证链表不断开 D.从表中任一结点出发都能遍历整个链表。

● 表达式a*(b+c)-d的后缀表达形式为_________.。

(39) A.abcd*+- B.abc+*d- C.abc*+d- D.-+*abcd。

● 若二叉树的先序遍历序列为ABDECF,中序遍历序列DBEAFC,则其后序遍历序列为______________.。


● 无向图中一个顶点的度是指图中______________.。

(41) A.通过该顶点的简单路径数 B.通过该顶点的回路数 。

C.与该顶点相邻接的顶点数 D.与该顶点连通的顶点数。

● 利用逐点插入建立序列(50,72,43,,85,75,20,35,45,65,30)对应的二叉排序树以后,查找元素30要进行___________次元素间的比较。

(42) A. 4 B.5 C. 6 D.7。

● 已知3个类O、P和Q,类O中定义了一个私有方法F1和一个公有方法F2;类P中定义了一个公有方法F3,类P为类O的派生类,类Q为类P的派生类,它们的继承方式如下所示:

class P: public O {…};。

class Q: private P {…};。


(43) A.类P的对象可以访问F1,但不能访问F2 。

B.类P的对象可以访问F2,但不能访问F1 。

C.类P的对象既可以访问F1,也可以访问F2 。


(44) A.类Q的对象可以访问F1、F2、和F3 。




● 在关于类的实例化的描述中,正确的是_______.。

(45)A.同一个类的对象具有不同的静态数据成员值 。

B.不同的类的对象具有相同的静态数据成员值 。

C.同一个类的对象具有不同的对象自身引用(this)值 。

D. 同一个类的对象具有不同的对象自身引用(this)值。

● 在某系统中,存在如下的业务陈述:①一个客户提交0个或多个订单 ②一个订单由一个且仅由一个客户提交。系统中存在两个类:“客户”类和“订单”类。对应每个“订单”类的实例,存在____________“客户”类的实例;对应每个“客户”类的实例,存在________“客户”类的实例;

(46)A.0个 B.1个 C.1个或多个 D.0个或多个.。

(47)A.0个 B.1个 C.1个或多个 D.0个或多个。

● 在常用的描述二叉排序树的存储结构中,关键字值最大的结点_________.。

(48)A.左指针一定为空 B.右指针一定为空 C.左右指针均为空 D.左右指针均不为空。

● 一个具有n(n>0)个顶点的连通无向图至少有_________条边。

(49)A.n+1 B.n C.n/2 D.n-1。

● 由权值为9,2,5,7的四个叶子构造一棵哈夫曼树,该树的带权路径长度为________.。

(50)A.23 B.37 C.44 D.46。

● 在最好和最坏情况下的时间复杂度均为O(nlogn)且稳定的排序方法是__________.。

(51)A.基数排序 B.快速排序 C.堆排序 D.归并排序。

● 已知一个线性表(38,25,74,63,52,48),假定采用散列函数h(key)=key%7计算散列地址,并散列存储在散列表A[0..6]中,若采用线性探测方法解决冲突,则在该散列表上进行等概率成功查找的平均查找长度为__________.。

(52)A.1.5 B.1.7 C.2.0 D.2.3。

● 为在状态空间树中___________,可以利用LC-检索(Least Cost Search) 快速找到一个答案结点。在进行LC-检索时,为避免算法过分偏向于作纵深检查,应该_____。

(53)A.找出任一个答案结点 B.找出所有的答案结点 C.找出最优的答案结点 D.进行遍历。

(54)A.使用精确的成本函数C(.)来作LC-检索 B.使用广度优先检索 。

C.使用深度优先检索 D.进行遍历。

● 在比较为基础的排序算法在最坏情况下的计算时间下界为________。

(55)A.O(n) B.O(n2) C.O(logn) D.O(nlogn)。

● 利用动态规划方法求解每对结点之间的最短路径问题(all pairs shortest path problem)时,设有向图G=<V.E>共有n 个结点,结点编号1¬-n,设C是G的成本邻接矩阵,用Dk(I,j)表示从I到J并且不经过编号比K还大的结点的最短路径的长度(Dn (I,J)即为图G中结点I到J的最短路径长度),则求解该问题的递推关系式为____________.。

(56)A. Dk(I,j)=Dk-1(I,j)+C(I,j)。

B. Dk (I,j)=min{ Dk-1 (I,j),Dk-1(I,j)+C(I,j)}。

C. Dk (I,j)= Dk-1 (I,k)+ Dk-1 (k,j)。

D. Dk (I,j)=min{ Dk-1 (I,j), Dk-1 (I,k)+ Dk-1 (k,j) }。

● PC机处理人耳能听得到的音频信号,其频率范围是__________.。

(57)A.80-3400HZ B.300-3400HZ C.20-20KHZ D.22-44.1KHZ。

● 电视系统采用的颜色空间中,其亮度信号和色度信号是相分离的。下列颜色空间中,________颜色空间不属于电视系统的颜色空间。

(58) A.YUV B.YIQ C.YcbCr D.HSL。

● 双层双面只读DVD盘片的存储容量可以达到_________.。

(59)A. 4.7GB B. 8.5GB C.17GB D.6.6GB。

● 静态图像压缩标准JPEG2000中使用的是________算法。

(60)A.K-L B.离散正弦变换 C.离散余弦变换 D.离散小波变换。

● 一个局域网中某台主机的IP地址为176.68.160.12,使用22位作为网络地址,那么该局域网的子网掩码为________,最多可以连接的主机数为_________.。

(61)A. B. C. D.。

(62)A.254 B.512 C.1022 D.1024。

● 在以下的选项中,可以用于Internet信息服务器远程管理的是__________.。

(63) A.Telnet B.RAS C.FTP D.SMTP。

● 在TCP/IP网络中,为各种公共服务保留的端口号范围是__________.。

(64) A.1-255 B.1-1023 C.1-1024 D.1-65536。

● 在以下网络应用中,要求带宽最高的应用是__________.。

(65) A.可视电话 B.数字电视 C.拨号上网 D.收发邮件。

● DOM is a platform-and language-________API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content ,structure and style of WWW documents (currently,definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification).The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporporated back into the presented________. DOM is a _______-based API to document ,which requires the whole document to be represented in_______while processing it .A simpler alternative to Dom is the event-based SAX,which can be used to process very large _______documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.。

(66) A.specific B.neutral C.contained D.related。

(67) A.text B.image C.page D.graphic。

(68) A.table B.tree C.control D.event。

(69) A.document B.processor C.disc D.memory。

(70) A.XML B.HTML C.script D.Web。

● Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues.Imagine receiving an ______from a friend who asks you to open it .This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email _____.Upon running ,such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s addresses from the victim’s address book,previous emails,web page______.。

As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recongnition of well-known___________,virus writers use other extensions to circucumvent such protection.Executable(.exe)files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.。

Frequently,hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie,which,while displaying some cute animation,simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal you passwords and give the ____________access to your network.。

(71) A.attachment B.packet C. datagram D. message。

(72) A.virtual B.virus C.worms D.bacteria。

(73) A.memory B.caches C. ports D.regusters。

(74) A.names B.cookies C.software D.extensions。

(75) A.cracker B.user C.customer D.client。



2005年上半年 软件设计师 下午试卷。

(考试时间 14:00~16:30 共150分钟)











例题 解答栏

(1) 5

(2) 29

















注册信息= 。






1. 公司有多个部门,每个部门有一名负责人、一间办公室、一部电话、多名职员,每个职员最多数一个部门,负责人也是公司一名职员。

2. 公司职员的工资大于等于1000元且最小等于8000。

3. 数据库的部分关系模式设计如下:






职员号 职员姓名 月工资 部门号 办公室 电话。

60801 汪俊华 1000 1 A座201 6883122。

60802 杨晓军 3200 1 A座201 6883122。

60803 王晓华 4300 2 B座202 6883123。

60804 邢彦军 2800 2 B座202 6883123。

60805 吕靖原 5300 3 A座301 6883124。

60806 芦文峰 3200 3 A座301 6883124。

60807 牟雪松 2800 3 A座301 6883124。

60808 高亚南 1200 4 B座302 6883125。

60810 周 黎 3200 4 B座302 6883125。

60820 姚应磊 1200 4 B座302 6883125。

60821 程文驰 3200 5 B座303 6883126。

60836 许俊坤 0 Nu11 … …



部门号 部门名 负责人代码 任职时间。

1 财务部 60802 2001-8-5。

2 市场部 60803 2002-6-3。

3 研发部 60805 2002-6-3。

4 生产部1 60810 2003-8-1。

5 生产部2 60821 2004-6-3。







Create Table职员(职员号CHAR(5) (a) ,。

职员姓名 CHAR(8),

月工资 NUMBER(4),

部门号 CHAR(1),

办公室 CHAR(20)

电话 CHAR(8),

(b) (部门号),

CHECK(月工资>=1000 AND月工资<=8000));

(1) 针对人数大于等于2的部门创建视图D View(Dept, D 。

num,D Totals,D Avgpay),其中,Dept为部门号,D num为部门人数,D_Totals为部门人数,D_Avgpay为平均工资,请在空缺处填入正确的内容。

Create View D_View(Dept,D_num,D_Totals,D_Avgpay)As。

(Select部门号, (C)


(d) count(*)>=2 WHERE 部门号IS NOT NULL):




芦峰 800 1 A座201 6883122。

60802 李晓啸 3500 2 B座202 6883123。


高亚南 2600




阅读以下说明和流程图,从供选择的答案中选出应填入流程图 (n) 处的字名写在答题纸的对应栏内。






(a)布线区域方格陈列车 (b)水平或垂直布线。





















